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Success For Life
Saturday, November 07 2015
Out With the Old...In With the New (Changes for 2016)
I'm amazed at how fast things are changing in the economy.  It seems that the "old ways" of doing things are quickly becoming obsolete while the "New & Globalized Economy" is now on a fast-forward trending path into the future.
Case in point: I am at an event with a marketing group that I've been a part of for many years now.  I constantly am honing my skills to become better and more efficient at what I do which, in turn, always benefits my students.
Many of you know who Ron LeGrand is...old real estate guru back in his "hey-day" in the 1980s and 1990s.  I see him every so often every few years in these marketing "inner circles" I'm a part of.  He doesn't do much speaking anymore but he made a very rare speaking appearance yesterday.
I found it odd that they stuffed him into the smallest hotel conference rooms possible (when Ron is a marketing ICON in this industry) -- forcing an overflow of people (myself included) to go elsewhere and ultimately missing his entire presentation -- while sticking some used-car-salesman-type in the biggest ballroom available for his power-selling "speaking" gig.  (Ron wasn't happy about this, by the way, and it's doubtful that he'll be speaking for this organization ever again!)
I did catch the very beginning of Ron's presentation which hadn't changed AT ALL since he'd been pitching his wares in the mid-1990s starting with, "I buy things at these events" followed by, "you take notes and they end up in a drawer with the other notes from the past seminar you attended..."  You get the gist.  The "pre" sales pitch is basically what it is.
These old-timers are from the "hard-sell" mentality which no longer applies anymore.  And while Ron was fairly pissed off that he lost most of his seminar (and buying) crowd due to being forced to speak in such a small room, what most of the dummies in the crowd didn't realize is that Ron is still pitching his old wares from the 1990s that you can buy on eBay for less than $50.  (And in some areas of the Internet, you can download it without paying anything for it.)
Even though Ron didn't get a large room for his presentation, it reminded me off how things are...fading out the old (or in this case, the REALLY old) to make room for the "new" way of doing things.
Me and Dan Kennedy, marketing guru
Dan Kennedy, on the other hand, has managed to stay relevant yet "old school" all at the same time.  He still sells the idea of using offline methods combined with online marketing to grow your business.  Most importantly, everything he says works which is why I have hung with this guy for the past 20 years of my life as, what he calls, a "lifer."
But there are some bumps coming in the road for Dan -- or more accurately -- the company he represents which is GKIC.  Years ago, Dan (and his former counterpart, Bill Glazer) sold GKIC to a corporate entity that is pretty much going against what his core beliefs have been all of these years as a marketer and entrepreneur.  I sensed that Dan would be abandoning the GKIC ship for a couple of months now and I've gotten confirmation of that during this event, as I've discovered that he has a contract of less than a year with GKIC.  Nobody is sure if he'll renew his contract or not.  I'm guessing that if he does, he'll start disconnecting from GKIC with his own "side" company (as he has been) while maybe letting them "borrow" his name as the figurehead of least for awhile until he's thoroughly sick of the corporate politics at play here.
If you haven't studied Dan Kennedy's stuff on marketing and business, you should.  In the very least, learn from the man about his entrepreneurial beliefs and systems.  My favorite Dan books are The Ultimate Sales Letter,The Ultimate Marketing Plan, and No B.S. Wealth Attraction in the New Economy (which is my favorite).
While Dan Kennedy wrestles with his challenges with corporate America and the company that took over his brand, I've been more keen to focus on the new breed of profitable entrepreneurship in today's market place. I've studied Russell Brunsun for a little while now and was absolutely BLOWN AWAY when I read his recent book called DotCom Secrets.  (If you didn't read this book, it's freaking amazing!)
Russell Brunsun and Me at the GKIC Info-Summit in Denver, Colorado
When comparing the "old school" with the "new school" (and being in the "middle school" myself), I can see how the old ways of doing business are no longer applicable in today's economic market.  You constantly have to be flexible while willing to work fast (quickly jumping on new opportunities) while remaining steadfastly focused on exactly what you want to happen for yourself.  You definitely have to roll with the punches, and fast!!
Needless to say, it made me sad to see one of the big marketing icons o all time -- Ron LeGrand -- still using the same old hard-sell pitch selling the same old crap using the same old lines (and jokes) without changing anything at all.  He's too old to change.  Too old to want to change. Certainly too tired to care about doing something different.
He won't change.  Ever.
Yet EVERYTHING had changed around him.  Absolutely everything!  Our economy, what makes people respond, what people want to hear...everything is different now.
On the other hand, you have another marketing icon -- Dan Kennedy -- who still has the goods but lost control of his brand, his identity, and everything he believes in to corporate and now has to decide if he has the energy to get it all back (by buying the company back or branching off on his own...again) or just quitting the business altogether.
Hard choices.
Choices you won't have to make one day when you're old and gray, I hope.  This is because you're going to line yourself up correctly with the right businesses, the right investments, the right strategies.
For TODAY'S economy using TODAY'S strategies.  Not using old tired techniques that died back in 1999.
Why am I telling you all of this?
Big Changes for Me AND You in 2016
As we wind down our 2015 and start going into that annual mental coma state approaching Thanksgiving (and through the 1st of the year), I will be working my ass off to get everything ready for January for my New Wave of New Wealth Strategies.
Letting the cat a little out of the bag, I'll be primarily focusing on TWO main things in 2016:
1)  Total Transformation and Breakthrough Strategies:  I've found over the years as I teach workshop, seminar, and mentorship that there is a significant percentage of people who end up understanding the stuff but doing nothing with it. There's no point in learning something powerful if you're not going to use it, right?  I realized that people need some "brain re-wiring" in order to automatically push themselves to the next level so I'll be teaching some of these secrets and strategies in the beginning of this coming year.  Without making these personal breakthroughs for yourself, chances are, you'll still keep learning, reading, and attending workshops but you'll never be successful in DOING the stuff so...what's the point?  Only you fully understand how important it is for you to finally get over that barrier obstacle you have somewhere in your head so that you can start realizing the success you have always wanted in your life!
2)  Aggressive Income Strategies with Online/Offline Businesses:  What's most awesome about this is that I'll be introducing BRAND NEW STRATEGIES for home-based high-income businesses to get that Aggressive Income kicking for you.  I mentioned in my last seminar event that you should ALWAYS funnel your excess cash into passive income real estate as the ultimate wealth building and retaining strategy. However, with the changes (and ramping up) of our New Economy, you're now competing with other investors and paying top of the market for your apartment building (and other commercial) real estate.  This means you're now shelling out 20% cash down to get into these deals (with ONE exception that I'll be talking about in a short minute).  My Aggressive Income Strategies (since I started doing trainings in 2012) have been one of my most successful business methods taught to students because it's been super easy to set up, do, and ultimately profit from.
And it's just gotten EVEN EASIER.  (More to come...VERY SOON!)
On the real estate side, there will be only ONE main investing strategy that I'll be focusing on between now and for the next several years.  Here it is:
The No-Cash-No-Credit Real Estate Investing Secret
This is the ONLY relevant strategy you'll be able to use as we enter 2016 and beyond.
Why is this?
As I mentioned before, you're main strategy for acquiring Passive Income such as apartment building real estate, you'll be putting 20% cash down into the deal to (1) get the best type of loan (conventional) at the best terms (and interest rates), (2) to be able to compete with investors on larger property deals, and (3) get a healthy cash flow on a deal walking in!
That leaves ONLY ONE "creative financing strategy" left that is relevant and usable between NOW and the next handful of years to come.
What is this strategy?
The No-Cash-No-Credit Strategy which encompasses a couple types of "creative financing" techniques including short-term lease-options (using land trusts or land contracts) and creative financing methods getting a 60% LTV while creatively financing the rest using the 60-40 method.
That's it, folks!  Those are literally the ONLY creative NCNC strategies you can use!
Now, I recommend that ALL of my students have something on the Aggressive Income AND the Passive Income side going on.  This is the fastest and most reliant way to build wealth in today's New Economy. This means that you're getting a cash flow from an easy-to-do business while investing in Passive Income Assets for your immediate AND long-term cash flows.
I'm doing something really cool for the rest of this year ONLY.  I'm doing ONE LAST Mentorship Group for my 100% No-Cash-No-Credit Strategy.
Because I'm offering this LAST EVER 6-week online mentorship, I'm also going to get you the physical course for these No-Cash-No-Credit Strategies too.
You'll get BOTH TOGETHER for a ridiculously low price.
After that, the 100% LTV Course will NO LONGER BE SOLD at the price it's at.  In fact, it'll become part of a much larger course that I'm doing'll cost upwards of just under $700 if you want to do this later.  And that will be JUST for this component of the course, not including a mentorship (which, as I just pointed out, is ending after this next session starting on November 11th).
I'm doing a killer kick-ass deal for Veteran's Day which includes this 100% LTV No-Cash-No-Credit Course AND my last-ever mentorship group for the course materials.
There's no better way to go out with a bang in 2015 than to set yourself up to hit the ground running in 2016 (while everyone else is wasting their time pigging out on food and sleeping for the next 6 to 8 weeks).
Like I mentioned, this is the LAST real estate investing frontier for those of you interested in doing No-Cash-No-Credit Deals now and beyond.
CLICK HERE for this limited-time deal:
If you want to be relevant and -- most importantly -- PROFITABLE in the years to come, you're going to have to step up and be a multi-faceted entrepreneur implementing BOTH Aggressive and Passive Income at the same time.
Start taking advantage NOW while you still can, especially since these real estate No-Cash-No-Credit Strategies actually have a shelf-life of about a year to eighteen months before even THESE will stop working.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  I can't wait until 2016, as I have LOTS of profitable workshops, trainings, seminars, and "stuff" for you guys and gals who are finally ready to ramp up to full speed on the profit chart.  The only thing YOU have to do is DECIDE to do it.  :-)
Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 02 2015
My First Corner Office...That YOU May Get to Personally See Pretty Soon!
Okay, guys and gals.  I finally got my corner office.  Well, it's not like I always wanted one. Quite honestly, I don't care where I work as long as I have some light, a couple of plants, and -- most importantly -- a DOOR with a LOCK so that I can work alone without any staff distractions.
Here's the picture of what the office looked like before I started piling in the boxes, desks, chairs, etc.  But it's a nice space.  Very "zen." I love it!
Now that I have a new office, it means new things.  A new "Monica Main Reboot" if you will.
So, what does this mean for 2016?
It means a lot of new things...
My biggest frustration with my students is that I seem to give so much invaluable information on business-building and real estate investing that is either only partially implemented or completely thrown on the back-burner.  I don't blame my students.  I understand how life goes.  People get busy, commit to doing it all "later," then later never comes.
My Kick-Ass Plans for My Students in 2016
This upcoming year will kick off a slew of small-group hands-on workshops, some of which will be conducted in my office to ensure that the majority of the success components required for my wealth-building strategies are actually done and completed before my students leave. These sessions/workshops will be 2 or 3 days, depending on the workshop subject matter.
So many of you will actually see my new corner office and will probably sit in it with me as we do some of these elements of the small-group trainings.
Exciting stuff!
Now most of you know that I just came back from doing my 2-day event in Detroit on Aggressive Income Strategies for both business and real estate which are the most cutting-edge and relevant multi-million-dollar strategies for today's economic environment.
And yes, I finally got the majority of the testimonial videos up.  I'll finish getting the rest of them up by tonight.  CLICK HERE to see them!
Most People Will NEVER Be Successful...
Here's Why:
One thing I noticed having taught students since the early 2000s: most people never make it to second base.
There's a reason for this.  They psyche themselves out before they get anywhere.  They can't quite seem to wrap their minds around success so then end up talking themselves out of it before they really begin.
During my Detroit event, for the first time I reveal my mind-blowing, powerful Total Transformation Strategy that is guaranteed to get you over ANY obstacle, barrier or block you have for success, wealth, or anything else within mere minutes of working the technique!
It starts with removing barriers and obstacles that only your mind is holding onto.  These barriers don't actually exist anywhere else except your mind.  And without overcoming these barriers, you'll never quite make it through the initial success steps because your mind will promptly talk you out of it.
In fact, we actually did this technique DURING the seminar event. Afterwards many of my students actually felt and knew that there was an INSTANT and IMMEDIATE effect after we did the technique.
How This Secret Barrier-Removing Strategy Works
Your brain has patterns in them and they play over and over again like a broken record.  Even if you have the best intentions for success, your brain will give you a different result if you don't change the patterns or brain pathways.
This is why traditional "attraction" techniques never work; they focus on affirmations and positive thinking without using any HARD SCIENCE to make the changes your brain needs to make to start following a different pattern.  No matter how many affirmations and positive thinking meditations you do, your brain will always buck these strategies.
Except there's ONE technique your brain won't block.

And this is the BREAKTHROUGH method that I talk about in the event that is truly life-changing on every level.  This, of course, has to come first before you attempt any business, investing, or money-making endeavor!
CLICK HERE for more details.
Multi-Million-Dollar Business and Real Estate Strategies Revealed!
But I didn't stop at helping my students make their Total Transformation. I revealed the latest, most cutting-edge money-making strategies for NOW and beyond based on today's economic advantages.
A lot has changed in the economy and now things are ramping up to full speed.  There are only a handful of business and investing opportunities that you can realistically implement for big money IF you know what they are and IF you know how to implement them.
And this is what I teach in my event; you'll discover exactly what these opportunities are and how to make massive cash flows from them.
Detroit Seminar Videos...Just Released!
The seminar videos of this event have just been released.  Get the full scoop on everything that was revealed at this POWERFUL event which, as you know, will be my last real estate investing seminar for at least a year...if not longer.
CLICK HERE to find out how you can get these at a steep discount which ends tomorrow!

See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  Nothing ever changes unless you actually take ACTION.  Now is the time.  No more waiting.  It's seriously now or never, baby! 
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 31 2015
There Was a Devil in the Corner of My Bedroom!
How to Get Rid of a Devil in Your House...Or the One in Your Life!
A couple of years ago, I noticed this very dark energy that decided to permeate the lower level of my house.  I swear, my brother brought this demon into my home with his low energy and left it to linger in my house for several months, ever growing each day into a larger and larger size.  This is when my daughter started feeling scared in our home and I never mentioned my awareness of this dark entity.  I think I may have been in denial about it.  Or maybe I was hoping it was just my imagination.
What bothered me is that this being started getting larger in size slowly but surely.  It looked like a black cloud and had a very cold and evil feel to it.  Then it started "hovering" in the corner of my master bedroom upstairs, just staring at me all night. My cat Pineapple noticed him; he would stare at this dark figure all night long, even creating a protective "dog-like" barrier between me and this dark being in the corner.  And my cat would sit there all night, making sure it didn't move.  It must've been a tiring task for the little dude but he did it without flinching and without walking away from his self-appointed job.
Your Lowered Energy Fields Can Bring in Beings From Lower Levels of Existence
I started to feel severely depressed on much lower levels than normal. This made this demonic being grow larger and more frightening, as they tend to feed off of depression.  Out of desperation, I asked a religious friend of mine if he knew anyone who could exercise this demon out of my house.  And fast!  Like TODAY fast!
My friend obliged and had a pastor come over to get the demon out of my home.  And it worked. The demon didn't completely leave my home right away but it was weakened enough to where it drastically diminished in size almost instantly and then, by raising my own energy levels to "high positive," I was able to see this demonic creature completely disappear over the months to follow.
This is when I realized that lower levels of existence (some call it "hell") does exist.  When those of us on this place of existence (called "earth") have lower energy levels either by depression, despondency, drug dependency, etc., we can actually INVITE these demonic beings to "hang out" with us.
And that really sucks because none of them are up to any good.  In fact, many of them are desperately stuck on these lower energy levels and thrive on sucking away your energy to make themselves stronger. And they only target the weak, the depressed, and those of us who feel so despondent that we can barely see past one night to daybreak.
I know...seems very far-fetched, doesn't it?  And I wouldn't believe in any of this if I hadn't seen these lower energy beings myself, first-hand.
Did you know that perpetual and chronic depression could actually be certain lower energy fields or beings actually feeding off of your energy?  And what if that's really the case, as freakish and ridiculous as that may seem?  Then what?
The Best Way to Overcome ANY Demonic Spirit, Depressive State of Mind, Negative People & Happenings, or Barriers to Getting What You Want In Life Is...
Raise your energy levels!  Raise them high.  This can be very challenging if all you want to do is cry in a corner or if you're in a rut where life is spit-balling challenge after challenge in your life without giving you a breather for even a half-second.
I'm not going to lie.  I've been there, many times.  And it's frustrating as all hell trying to get a one-up on your life by being happy, energetic, and enthusiastic when it seems that there's just another mud pie to splat square on into your face when you turn every corner.
Lower energies (including those of the living) absolutely hate happiness, enthusiasm, motivation, and the light.  They like darkness, depression, misery, and the dark.  If you are none of those things then they will move onto the next person who can give them what they're looking for.
And I did mention that this applies to the living as well.  There are soul-sucking, negative, dark-thriving people who are not much different than non-physical beings.
"But Monica, It's HARD to Be Happy, Enthusiastic, and Full of Life When There Are So Many Obstacles, Barriers, and 'Bad Things' Going on In My Life and In the World As a Whole!"
Yes, I know.  So many "bad things" going on.  In the world.  In your life.
But I found a secret strategy for what I call HTP or Hypothetical Thought Process.  It's allowed me to make some phenomenal personal breakthroughs that have been nothing short of miracles in my life.
And this can help you, too.
Any change or transformation you want to make, this will work.  It works for success, wealth, relationships, weight loss, pain relief, permanent attitude changes, happiness, ANYTHING!  It works.
But I think the best part of all this is that it works NEARLY INSTANTLY! No having faith that it'll work while struggling to stick with some nonsensical regimen that only makes you doubt it'll work every time you do it.
You FEEL and KNOW the breakthrough and transformation has happened in less than 3 minutes!  GUARANTEED!
Nothing I've seen anywhere at any time can completely transform a human being as fast as this can.
For the first time ever, I talked about it in great detail during the first half of the first day of my event in Detroit last weekend.  And how my students at the event received this mind-blowing strategies was overwhelming.  Students approached me the next day telling me that they felt different, they knew a shift had happened, and they felt freaking amazing like they've never felt in their life before!
And I warned them that this would happen.
Having Been on the "Self-Help" Metaphysical New Age Path for Most o My Life, I'll Be the First to Admit That MOST Stuff Out There DOESN'T WORK Except for a Very Small Handful of Secrets...And THIS is One of Those Secrets!!
Yes, this is a jolting revelation, isn't it?  After all, many of us want to believe but, unfortunately, I've found for myself that unless there's something to it or something behind a strategy that you can link to hard science, I haven't had much luck with it as a tool for personal change and transformation.
And THIS is why these secrets are so freaking powerful.  There is HARD SCIENCE behind how and why this works so well.
I talk a little bit about this in my audio seminar.  CLICK HERE for more power-packed details on it.
The cool thing about this is that not only will it change every aspect of your life and yourself that you want to change -- and fast -- but you'll also get rid of the demons in your own life...whether they're real people...or not.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  Be safe out there!  And just know that this may be your last Halloween where you can wear that mask that's been hiding your true self.  Once you start implementing these secret powerful transformation strategies, your mask will finally come off and your highest and best self will finally be revealed!  CLICK HERE!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 29 2015
As I mentioned, we've been moving this week.  And it's still not done.
Well, most of it's done anyway.  All of our stuff is now in the new
office but there are boxes everywhere.  Today is "organization" day.
So, for those of you who have been calling the office, you may have
noticed that you've been leaving messages with our answering service.
Our phone service STILL isn't working, thanks to the highly effective
and efficient AT&T.  So (fingers crossed) I'm hoping that the phones
will be on today sometime, no later than tomorrow morning.
And yes, we did get your message.  But no, we have no means of calling
you back right now so if you called, hang tight.  We'll get to you soon!
I feel like I've been going NON-STOP since BEFORE the Detroit event.
My goal is to slip into a semi-coma after Halloween, not to awaken until
maybe Thanksgiving or the first full week of the New Year!
As you can imagine, I've been under A LOT of stress so, again, please be
patient with both me and my staff right now.  Since I'm moving into a 
"zen-like" office environment, your patience will pay off in a good way
since I'll be in a much better mood as the weeks drone on.
For those of you who didn't attend the Detroit event, you missed out.
I mentioned that we're in the process of duplicating out the videos for
that event and for that I'm offering a steep discount for my Halloween
Blow Out.  For more details, click on this link:
My goal is to get the testimonial videos up...soon.  Once I find my
computer in the sea of boxes and can actually accomplish something without
tripping over cords, files, printers, etc.  (Moving sucks!!)
I think I already mentioned that you missed a lot if you didn't come to
the event.  I had the most awesome time but, most importantly, I divulged
some business and real estate investing secrets that I've never revealed
Also, many of you already know that I'm taking a speaking hiatus on any
large-group real estate related events for a minimum of a year, if not
longer.  This is because all of the information and opportunities I just
presented are basically your last chances in making huge profits and
cash flows in today's inventory-depleted market.
If you want to get involved in real estate investing and you want to know
what these "last chance" opportunities are, you must get these videos.  I
should also mention that these opportunities I presented are good for about
6 months...maybe a year if we're all super lucky.  So, you'll either jump in
with both feet or you'll keep doing what you're doing: nothing.  And, of
course, getting no results either.
Maybe now is the time for you to sit yourself down and ask if you're going
to be satisfied with living the life you are living now in another 5 years
or 10 years.  Because if you don't start doing something now to change that,
getting the same result you have been is all you can realistically expect
from here on out, especially now since many of these opportunities are all
but gone and remaining a Paycheck Charlie may very well be something you will
have to find a way to be "happy" with.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  Try not to call my office until Monday.  My staff is running around with
their heads cut off trying to get a phone line working, trying to organize, and
trying to stay sane so...unless it's an emergency, please just send an email.
And if it is an emergency and you're trying to call my office, please hang up
and dial 9-1-1 instead.  ;-)
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 27 2015

I just keep going, and going, and going...

That's what I'm feeling like right now.
I just got back from the Detroit event.  Now I'm moving my office.  Yes, moving it as we speak.
(Please note: my phones are going to my answering service.  Due to some wiring problems with
AT&T, my phone system won't be up until either late tomorrow or Thursday.  They suck!  So,
don't call my office until Thursday afternoon or Friday if you need to.  And if you've called
already, don't expect a call-back until late this week.  Sorry.)
But the even was freaking amazing!!  It was definitely one of my top events, for sure.  Of course,
I always say that.  Right?
What was amazing about this event is that I started it off with my latest and greatest strategy
on Total Transformation and your personal breakthrough.  Over the years having trained and taught
thousands of students, I've found that only a small percentage actually follow through.  I finally
found a secret strategy (only a few weeks ago) that I not only discovered to help me overcome some
of my psychological shortcomings (which I thoroughly explained at the event) but I realized how it
actually can drastically alter any student of mine and their entire future with regards to wealth
and success.  In fact, it's the only technique out there like it and if you don't learn what this
is, you may find yourself running on an endless treadmill, not seeing or realizing the success you
have always wanted in your life.
I then went into my Aggressive Strategies for business.  All of it...CUTTING EDGE.  These are secrets
that have NEVER been revealed before and, if you implement what I've showed you, can be worth millions
to you within a very short period of time.
Moving onto Day Two of the event...

This is when I talked about Aggressive Real Estate Strategies but only after giving a thorough crash
course on passive income investing as being the Bigger Picture of why we're doing all of this.
Please note that the strategies presented on Aggressive Income for real estate are SHORT-LIVED and are
only going to be good for the next 6 months -- the next 12 months TOPS (if we're lucky) -- and you need
to (a) know what these techniques are, and (b) be willing to swiftly move on them otherwise they'll
evaporate before your eyes!
At the close of the seminar, we had a champagne party because, to me, this was symbolic of the closing
of one chapter (for myself and many of the students at the event) while celebrating our next chapter
as we edge into 2016.
This year coming up will be amazing for all of us who take these strategies and kick ass with them in
the real world but, unfortunately, is only for those of us who actually USE these techniques.
Maybe that will mean you'll have to become a pink bunny too.  But at least you'll be a very rich one.
The videos for this 2-day event are now being released and you can see everything that was revealed at
this event as if you were there!  And I'm giving you a deal for my Halloween Blow Out!
How awesome is that?
Click on this link to get the deal:
And if you have any questions?  Don't call my office.  At least not until the end of the week.  Phones
aren't working and we're working on having them fixed as soon as possible during our move to our new
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  I forgot to mention that I'll be including a very special list on the CD-ROM that will come with
your video set of the seminar.  This list is a brand new wholesale property list of super good deals on
properties that you can either buy and hold for cash flow profits or you can quickly rehab them and lease
them up to flip to out-of-state investors.  You'll get this powerful and hard-to-get list with your videos!
And that's how awesome I am!  ;-)
Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 03 2015

Many people have experienced some significant changes in their lives starting
with about the last week of August and moving through, well...right now.

There's a reason for this.

We're in the middle of a cycle of 3 significant eclipses.  The first was the last
weekend of August.  The second was last weekend.  The third will be around

In the midst of all this, we've had a rare super moon (last weekend) and we're
still in the lateral part of a Mercury Retrograde (which ends on Friday, October

So, if you're not all into astrology, that's all well and good.  I'm not that proficient
in the art of predicting the future via the stars and planets but I know enough to
impress a few people at a cocktail party who know nothing about the subject.

Chances are though, you've been feeling it, too.  If you haven't you're hiding under
a rock...or maybe you're in a coma.  Either way, you won't be reading this right now.

So...what's going on?  Is it the End of Days as we speak?

Certainly feels like it, doesn't it?

But let me give you a crash course on eclipses and how things are "speeding up"
as we careen into a much faster energetically vibrating future.

Eclipses force crap out of your life that doesn't belong there.  This includes bad
relationships, a shitty job you hate, people who suck, and other stuff that just
needs to go in order to make room for better new stuff (and people).

Many times as human beings we tend to hang onto things that we consciously
know don't service us because we're simply fearful of letting go.  We're afraid of
the alternative.  So, even if we're simmering in misery and pain, that's somewhat
"comforting" than being exposed to something new, unpredictable, and uncertain.

If you're "on the wave" with the rest of us who are finding our lives unfolding
(and seemingly falling apart) as the days roll on here, you're not alone!  And for
the record, things are NOT falling apart.  They are falling together.  You'll soon
see what this is all about by the end of the year, possibly very early next year.

Looking back now, I realize that much of what's going on now is somehow tied
to spring (May) 2012 when there was a gentle "kick-off" of all this violently brewing
change that's happening right now.  I'm not going to get into exactly what happened
during that spring but it was pretty intense and really spun me into wanting to go
into a different direction.  All these years have gone by and I kept settling into
the old, fearing something new.  Now that the old is falling apart like a crumb
cake in a hot shower, I am feeling this sense of renewal that is soon to become
part of my future.

You will have a new future, too.  Don't fight the change.  Just go with it!  Because
the more you fight it, the more upheaval you'll feel and see in your life.  Either way
the change is coming whether you like it or not.  So, sit back...relax.  Let it happen.

What should you be doing right now?  Start thinking -- or rather FEELING -- what
you want to do with your life.  What pulls you?  What repels you?  Your heart knows
these things.  Don't distrust what you're feeling in your gut.  Just go with it.

I've been finding this to be a recent trend where I'd think about something and I'd
take the time to feel in my heart and gut whether it's conducive to what I should be
doing...or not!

Here are a few examples:

1)  When I got back from New York and was inadvertently blessed by the Pope (and
I'm not sure if it's related or not) but I realized that I need to be focused on helping
people no matter what the benefit I may derive from such activities.  So, immediately
when I came back to the office, I decided to completely 100% cut loose my health
supplement business because I hate the product line.  Out with the old, in with the new.

2)  I decided to suddenly give notice on my warehouse and move into a really awesome
new office.  I'm getting rid of my warehouse altogether and will only have an office
space.  All of this "stuff" I've been moving from one location to another...I'm realizing
that much of it is not being used and I need to shed myself of all this crap that I'm
pointlessly moving around.

3)  I had a colleague of mine who has been asking me for the past several years if I
would market his product that he created.  This guy is awesome.  He's a millionaire
stock trader and is really good at what he does but has no interest in being in the
publishing or marketing business.  He had a bout with cancer and couldn't really do
seminars or even talk on an audio seminar but, again, he's a really good trader and
has a lot to offer people when it comes to "the real" of trading.  However, after kicking
it around since 2012...I decided that this doesn't coincide with the direction I wanted
to go and gave him the final answer that I wasn't going to support his product line or
market it for him.  Again, it comes down to going with your gut.

In the interim I have a laser focus for what's about to happen in the upcoming year
and beyond.  For those of you who stick with me, you'll be able to see some amazing
personal transformations in your life that you have probably been hoping and praying
for as long as you can remember.

And for those of you who don't stick with me, you're not meant to move forward.
That's okay, of course.  But good-bye and good riddance.

My point in all this?  Start using this time to reflect on what's not working in your life
and start thinking about what you want to happen for yourself.  What have you been
wanting to see in your life?  What do you want your life to look like?

Time to make that life happen for yourself.  It's now or never, baby!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 01 2015

I was in New York City this past weekend for a phenomenal and amazing miracle breakthrough that I'll tell you about in a minute.

But as I was getting out of the taxi, there was a personal implosion in my office that I had to deal with (via phone), some of which was about a former employee who, quite shockingly, I learned was a back-stabbing bitch and found myself extremely lucky that she decidedto move onto different pastures.  This was heartbreaking to me but it seems that this is pretty much what I expect from people these days.

No matter how extensive my kindness is, it seems that nobody returns the favor.

Hey, you know what they say, right?  That karma...boy, she's a real hormone-raging bitch.  So I have faith that the universe will correct her at some point in the near future.

At the same time, I have this other bitch sending me notes via Facebook about how I'm a bad person because she can't download one of my courses 1,000 times for the next 100 years of her life.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  She apparently bought ONE download and now she believes that she's entitled to numerous free copies for...forever, I guess.

I basically called her a thief because that's basically what she is.  It's like walking into a bookstore, buying ONE copy of a book, turning around and taking another 12 copies, and leaving the store without paying for those 12 copies.  And then coming back a year later for the newly released version, taking ANOTHER 12 copies of that version, and not paying for those either.  Then coming back another 5 years  later and doing the same thing, not paying for those either.  And on and on and on.  For the record:  Yes, that's thievery.  And yes, that's 100% illegal.  People get thrown in jail for less these days.

But I'm the "bad guy" because I told her that this is NOT okay.  [Sigh!  Why do I keep trying to help people??]

At the same time as all this shit hitting the fan, I still seem to be getting emails (which I refuse to answer) from that OTHER hag who said, in so many words (plus much more), about how 9/11 in our country was not a big deal and who f***** cares?  (Those were HER words, NOT mine!)  This was after I sent out my email about 9/11 and honoring those who had passed.  She's another useless piece of shit on our planet who I refuse to waste anymore time on because she's a foreigner, lives here in the United States, fully benefits by having a life here, yet does nothing but talk crap about our great country.  Yes, she's about as useless as they come.

And remember, this was all during the time with the Asian Cockroach debacle at my office and those damn raccoons digging up my yard (and they STILL are, damn that worthless crystallized coyote urine that DIDN'T work AT ALL).

All this left me feeling a little...depressed.  Actually, let's be honest.  It all came to a head and I cried before I was able to get to the nearest NY Italian restaurant where I loaded myself up on LOTS of Grey Goose then I felt a ton better shortly thereafter.

But you know what they say:  Tomorrow will be a better day.

And it was.  It REALLY was!

Saturday was the first day of some unusual seminar event that I attended by a publisher called Hay House.  This is a California-based company that was started by a lady named Louise B. Hay.  It's basically a non-fiction publisher of New Age metaphysical self-help type of books.  In fact, Wayne Dyer started publishing with them later on.

I thought it was odd that I booked and attended this event.  Even sitting there on that first day, I started asking myself..."Why the hell did I sign up for this event?"  In a nutshell, it was all about how to publish New Age self-help books.

The Pope was in town.  New York was crazy busy.  There was a rare eclipse with a Blood/Super Moon that happens VERY RARELY.  The "vibe" was so...strange.  All of it.  Even the nippy-ness of the crisp air as fall started coming in on the east coast.  It seemed very surreal to me.

On Sunday, I met a lady who was there when the first tower collapsed on 9/11.  She said she wasn't even a football field in distance away when that first building gave out.  She was thrown into a metal fence, mangled within the metal and a bunch of bushes.  She went deaf in her right ear, couldn't walk after the incident, and went through a myriad of personal, physical and psychological struggles for the past 14 years since the attack.  (Yes, feeling-less hag/bag.  There are REAL stories with REAL people who struggled through 9/11 and still do to this day. So when you say "who f****** cares" about 9/11, I care.  All Americans care.  And yes, that day WAS a big f****** deal.  And, as I always keep saying, you know where the exit door is if you hate our country so damn bad!)

On that second event day, I started feeling...a little different.  No, I didn't see the Pope but he was about 3 blocks away from me during his closest proximity.  No, I'm not Catholic but I do believe in blessings.  I believe I was blessed that weekend.  But I still didn't know why I made the trip to New York.

But I did start looking around and noticing that there were other people in the world.  I sometimes get so used to dealing with rude, sucky, selfish people that I get used to people stabbing me in the back, saying mean things, or just being ass***** all the time that I actually forgot there are different people, awesome people that exist in the world.  I looked around the room at the seminar event and even though the people  in attendance were mostly seed-eating, tree-hugging, beatnik-banjo-playing hippy types...they were nice people.  They were honest.  And they were actually pretty freaking awesome, truth be told.

Not until Monday morning when I finally got back home did I figure out why I was "prompted" to attend that event and end up in NYC.  It was about 1 a.m. my time.  A little while later, not being able to sleep, I looked at what was now a full and bright white moon.

Then it hit me.  I realized at that moment what I'm supposed to do.  And I've never been more certain in my entire life about anything.  Not ever!  The mantra of what I learned that weekend -- "What can you do to be of service to others?  What can you do to help people?" -- that all hit me like a ton of bricks!

Now many of you know that I've been planning on some major changes as we end 2015 and enter 2016.  And yes, those major changes have already been going into effect without any of you really knowing what I'm doing.

Most of you know that I've been working on a book for the past year.  And I happened to have finished the book (with the exception of a few changes here and there).  It was due to the publisher on September 30th.  That was yesterday.

And I didn't send them the book.

I decided that I'm going into a different direction altogether and that the book that's due to come out in 2017 isn't going to be conducive to what I'll be doing at that time in my life.  A friend of mine gave me a really good idea as to what to do with that book.  You'll know more next week.

But it'll be a really powerful and nice way to end this chapter in my life, once and for all.  (Again, more on this next week.)

In the meantime, hold tight as I reveal more and more about what's coming up for ALL of us as the weeks tick on.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 30 2015

I'll have to admit, my moronic students lacking common sense seem to be far and few between these days.
(Yaaahhhhh!  I must be doing something right to separate the winners out while flushing the losers!)  But
just when I think that, guess what?  I get a dope who crawls out of the woodwork who I have to just be
honest and say, "Dude, you're just not cut out to do this...or anything requiring brain cells for that matter!
Give it up while you're ahead, buddy!"

What did this guy say?

He sent me an email in all lower caps with no punctuation, basically telling me that he plans on getting
business credit of upwards of $250,000 for the sole purposes of screwing over the banks by never
paying the money back.

And how he thinks this is an ingenious idea that only he thought of on this entire planet, as if he
discovered fire or something.

As I was complaining out loud about his email, Rose stopped and said, "You know, I have a lot of
people who have been calling the office lately saying the same thing...about how they plan on getting
business credit to get the money then never paying it back."

Wow!  Weird.

One thing I should mention about how and why this plan would never work is simple.  All banks and
lenders now require a personal guarantee so if this is what you plan on doing, you'll also be screwing
up your personal credit too.  And that's not a brilliant idea just for getting $100,000.  After all, this isn't
a lot of money.  Not by a long shot.

Of course, people used to living in a trailer park probably think $100,000 is a huge amount of cash but
in the business world, it ain't nothin'!  And to screw up your entire business future by messing up your
personal credit for 7 to 10 years just isn't worth it.

It seems that some of these people who have such a narrow-minded vision of what the purpose of
business credit is (which apparently is to screw the banks and lenders over) don't really "get" how rich
they can get by using the power of OPM or Other People's Money.

Because if you DON'T screw over the banks and you use that initial $100,000 for, say, a highly
profitable cash flowing property and then you pay that money off, banks will give you EVEN MORE
CASH for your business.  Then you get, say, $200,000 and you do the same thing, injecting it into a
cash flowing property or profitable business endeavor.  You pay the money back.  Before you know it,
not only are you getting a solid cash flow from the property and/or business but the bank is now
throwing EVEN MORE MONEY in your lap

And this mad money cycle keeps going on and on until you are a millionaire, have millions of dollars in
assets, and (most importantly) you're enjoying a monthly cash flow from your passive income properties
and/or your cash flowing business (or, ideally, BOTH)!

All from using somebody else's cash to do all this. can do it the tard-o way and that is, take your $100,000, burn through it within a short time,
never pay it back, and be exactly where you are now except bankrupt with no chance of borrowing any
more money ever again (or at least for 7 to 10 years).

And one other thing I'd like to mention while I'm on a rant: some banks (especially mainstream lending
institutions) will pull something called a "historic credit report" which means they will look at ALL
of your credit history from the time you got your first credit card, even if that was 30 years ago.

And yes, they get to see the bankruptcy, the screwing over of the banks, and the whole enchilada!
Even though your bankruptcy may be gone off your credit, there is a really good chance (like about
90%) that they'll reject your new loan or line of credit based on old credit that is long gone off your
credit bureau profile.

So essentially you're screwing yourself over for MORE than a decade.  Maybe even TWO decades
depending on the bank and how awesome you've been able to work your ass off to rebuild that
blemished credit for a decade after screwing it up.

Do you REALLY want to go through all this just for a $100,000 pay out...or less when you could be
using this cash to GET RICH FOREVER instead??  Makes NO SENSE, does it?  Yet that's exactly
how some people (morons) actually think!!

I don't deal with people like this.  As I've said over and over again, you either use this credit for
constructive wealth-building investments and businesses or DON'T DO IT AT ALL!!  I'm not
in the business of teaching people to screw over banks and lenders.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 25 2015
Something Horribly Disgusting!

Imagine something like this on your lap that's 3 1/2 inches long...

and this is EXACTLY what was on my lap the other day!!

As the days roll on here, I'm starting to feel less and less in touch with reality, as my personal life unravels into something that in across between a dream, a nightmare, and multiple episodes of theTwilight Zone that are compactly morphed into one nonsensical movie.

It was Wednesday (just the other day) and I was quietly typing at my computer, responding to emails...when something black caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.  I look down at my very light-colored blue jeans to see the shocking contrast of...a black Oriental Cockroach on my lap that was just under 4 inches long.  (No, it didn't look exactly like the one in the picture above but pretty close, as the one that had glued it's little legs to my pants was all black.

I jumped up, screamed at the top of my lungs and kept yelling "Help me!" as if I was being stabbed to death.  Rose came running in as this little sh** ran down my leg and had to be swatted off with my desk calculator.
And off it went, running for cover from my piercing screams to instantly disappear under my desk where I couldn't find him anymore (not that I was actively looking for him).
I was shaking so badly that I thought, for an instant, that I was going to break down and burst into tears while falling to the ground into a fetal position.  Then I thought about it.  There's probably more where he came from on the floor and I don't think I could have exited my building fast enough after that.
You're probably wondering where it came from and, I soon (quickly) found out from Rose that apparently we've not only been having a problem with these little critters for a few weeks now (without anyone telling me, strangely) but they're all coming from the Asian guy's warehouse that's next to mine.  He imports thousands of things every month from China, getting box after box, pallet after pallet and these...THINGS are apparently part of the cargo.
Rose gave me some Raid.  And I'm standing there holding the can thinking..."Hmmm, they can sit in a hot shipping container on a ship for a week or longer at 200+ degree temperatures with no food and water so...what the f*** is THIS supposed to do?"
I can't express how grossed out and disgusted I was because I kept thinking about how long he was on my lap before he was discovered.  Ten minutes? An hour?  LONGER??  Did he just climb up my leg, unnoticed?  Did he fly on my lap?  What if he climbed UP my pant leg?
All the potential answers just left me wanting to gag, running for the bushes for a stomach-heaving throw-up fest.
The moral of the story?  Be careful what you wish for.
Yes, that's right.
You see, I've already started negotiations on my new space only hours before this...incident.  I was thinking about ways I can leave my current space earlier without breaking my lease, which ends on December 31st.  I thought about sub-leasing and other ways, subconsciously (probably) asking the universe for other solutions.
And one dropped in my lap.  LITERALLY.
How?  Because I can break my lease due to a neglected bug infestation brought on by neighbor and, as I mentioned, it's really doubtful that this is something that Orkin Pest Control will be able to re-mediate.
Do I hear a lease breaking in my near future?  I don't know about you but I certainly do!
I blew up at the management company about it today and told my property manager that if she didn't believe me about the problem then I'd be MORE than happy to mail the next dead one I have Rose acquire for me in a bubble envelope right to her office.  Or maybe I'll just trap a live one and mail it to her. After all, if it can survive being shipped in a metal can across the ocean in extreme heat conditions, it can survive an overnight trip to the Valley in a bubble envelope.
Moral of the story:  If you ask, you shall receive so...BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR!!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 23 2015

I had an email altercation with probably one of my oldest students in my student clan.
And not old by being around the longest but old as in...well, old.

Not that I have an issue with people of ANY age trying to re-direct their financial
path into something that is better than what they have now but old is MORE than
a state of physical well-being.  Old is a mental thing too.

As with this student who...pissed me off beyond belief.

I wrote a little thing in memory of the tragedy that happened on 9-11 just to offer
some console in remembrance of that horrible day that we all remember like it
happened yesterday.

So...what do you know when I have ONE student -- and let me be clear -- this was
only ONE student who actually had a problem with what I wrote that day.  Please
note that when I send email blasts out, they go out to over 60,000 people.  But
there's always that ONE that wants to create havoc with any given thing I write.

Normally it doesn't phase me when people chime in with their nonsensical
comments and opinions about things.  I've found that it's much easier for people
to blast back to me from the safe secure location of their keyboard behind their
computer screen, saying things that they wouldn't dare say to someone else's face.

Which is a little ball-less, if you ask me.

But anyway, this one particular student had said some things that I find to be
repulsive at best.

You see, when I sent out that email blast, it suggested that we are the greatest. in Americans.

Because no matter how many trials and tribulations we have as a country including
all the little things that we like to bitch about (politicians, the economy, etc.), we
don't have a bad deal being lucky enough to live here if you really think about it.

And let me remind you...NOWHERE is perfect, to be perfectly clear.  There are 
some places better than others and I would classify living in the United States as
one of those "better-than-most" areas to live in the world.  For many of us, the USA
is "better-than-all" places to live but...of course, that's just a matter of personal

But here's what pisses me off.

When you have someone living here in the United States and actually stating that
the USA ain't so great.  Yeah?  Then get the f*** and don't let the door hit you when
you leave.

As was exactly what I told this student of mine who had the audacity to state that
we suck as a country.  That's great.  But then get the hell out.  Like right now!

What did she say exactly?  A lot of things that I'd rather not repeat here otherwise
you'd get just as mad as I did, maybe even worse...possibly forming a lynch mob
fully equipped with lit stumps of wood to seek her out to hang her.

And who is this woman?  Well, she lives in California and speaks with that slight
Madonna-esque accent as if she's from somewhere else except, in this woman's case,
she actually IS from somewhere else.  (Madonna, on the other hand, is from the
Midwest but just pretends she's British.)

After I told this woman to get the hell out of my country if she wanted to sit there
and criticize everything about it, she sends me some other such nonsense of some
history lesson dating back to the 1300s about...some irrelevant bullsh** in which
case my response to her and every other time-waster is...

This is what I told her:

If you only spent more time on growing your business including (and especially)
real estate'd be a freaking multi-millionaire already!!

I think this relates to all of us now in that how much time are we wasting?  With
thinking about, acting on, researching things that aren't designed to get us anywhere
in life?  We're all guilty of these time-sucking activities whether it's Facebook,
playing Candy Crush on your iPhone...or worse offenses like signing up for
and prowling on Ashley Madison.

People aren't lazy.  Well, some people are.  But most people are just easily distracted.
There's a reason for this, as far as I can tell.  It's easy to lack focus when you don't
really know what you're supposed to be focused on.

You see, recently I decided that I'm ready for a major 180-degree overhaul for
what I've been doing lately with Global Success.  I've been putting it off, shoving
it to the back-burner annually for years now...and now realize that it's time to start
re-directing myself.

In a nutshell:  It's time to focus on those who want to do something and get rid of
everyone else.  And when I say everyone else, I mean everyone else!  Tire kickers.
Gone.  Time wasters.  Gone.  Bad apples who want to insult me for no other reason
than because they hate themselves and want to exude hatred toward everyone.
Double gone.

For those of you who know you want to do something but don't know what that
may be, seriously...FIGURE IT OUT ALREADY!

As we roll into a highly profitable booming economy as the upcoming years unfold,
making money will become easier and easier even for those who have the most
mundane and mediocre product and sales pitch to go along with it.  But the bottom
line is that you actually have to have something to sell people, units to rent to
tenants, and a workable way to make money otherwise you're not going to profit
like the rest of us.

The cool thing about right now as I start lining up to enter 2016 with a new set
of products to offer only my most serious students, I'm starting to let go of a lot
of my inventory for 2 reasons:

1)  I'm moving my office...again.  I downsized from a ridiculously huge building
of more than 4,000 square feet more than a year ago.  But I took the downsizing
way too far and now I'm super cramped in this small office.  Time to up-size again.
Therefore, before I have my staff start boxing stuff up, I want to get rid of it out
of my warehouse.

2)  I'm starting to create the 2016 versions of my best-selling courses, namely the
Apartment Building Cash Flow System and my Build Business Credit FAST!
which will both have different names come next year.  I realized as I'm upgrading
these courses that I want to do a major overhaul on all of my courses and products
which means that the ones I have now must go.

Enter your "last chance" opportunity to get any of my products this low...

I'm offering an Inventory Blow Out which will allow you to get the last handful of
products that I have left in my warehouse for a basement-bottom discount.  Here's
the link:


Please note that even though this promotion doesn't end until next week, we've
ALREADY sold out of a couple of our courses.  So, check out the link above and
get your hands on what I have left at a steep discount before it's all gone!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you want to profit from our upcoming booming economy, you need to get
your action plan moving forward right now.  I have the tools you need to make this
happen.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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