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Success For Life
Monday, December 14 2015

My investor partner told me to wait until after Christmas to give an answer about whether I want to do the infomercial project. But I just sent him an email a few minutes ago which basically said this:

"While I really am appreciative and honored that you would have thought of me to do this infomercial project with, I regretfully have to turn it down for the following reasons:

1) I love the idea of being able to help people on a larger scale.  However, when getting "larger" by name and brand -- until they have a cloning machine that can duplicate me -- I won't realistically be able to stay in touch with my students on the level that I am now by becoming that visible to many more people.  Becoming "bigger" as in a household name means shrinking in my capability in offering one-on-one consulting while spreading myself too thin. And I simply don't like the idea of having to be disconnected which is the single reason I stay in the business of training and teaching: to be connected and to help people directly and personally; as you know, this is simply impossible to do when scaling one individual among hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

2) The possible legal implications of doing any type of long-form (28.5 minute) medium in the financial/investing world may weigh heavily on the possible (profit) upside and I don't think either one of us has properly thought all of this out.  While my view would be doing it the "legally responsible" way by showing real testimonials from real students who have bought properties, somehow when dealing with "bigger money people" I've found in my long-term experience that some of these black/white lines tend to get blurred into the legal gray areas for the benefit of profits.  Sometimes this means making outrageous promises and guarantees that are not sustainable or realistic for the purposes of ensuring that the project is profitable (instead of a dismal failure).  And I'm not saying that you'd be the type to do this but I've never worked on any other project other than real estate with you so I don't know how this would go.  You suggested having an infomercial consultant come in and by the listing of projects you stated he's done in the financial world, having seen these infomercial myself, I find myself less than impressed with his abilities to keep things legally above board.

3) The image of some of these infomercial "gurus" has never been appealing to me.  The last thing I want to become is someone viewed as a "snake oil salesman" selling a product that so few (in any) succeed in doing because you suggested selling a "stripped down" version of the Apartment Building Cash Flow System and this CANNOT be "stripped down" without losing it's effectiveness.  So, essentially, I visualized that we'd be selling a series of thin stapled "books" with a couple of audios and a video, much like what Don Lapre offered many years ago (as you described).  And if you know anything about Don Lapre, he ended up killing himself over some legal disputes/problems he was having over INFOMERCIALS.  So...maybe that was a red flag (for me) by your bringing up the course looking like something he offered in the 1990s but...I could only think of the guy killing himself.  Not over the guy making millions selling some "stripped down" scam-like "course" that really didn't do anything for anybody.

4) The "forced continuity" sales model you suggested has too many holes in it.  We're supposed to auto-bill people $29.95 per month for...what exactly?  I don't like "forced continuity" where people can't buy the product without becoming automatically part of some deal where their credit card is billed monthly.  You weren't really clear on exactly WHAT they would be getting for $29.95 per month.  I know you suggested some type of wholesale list but that just doesn't seem sustainable or worth $29.95 per month to me.  I'm not in the business of offering people things that don't have a huge upside value to them so whatever I do offer for $29.95 would, in my mind, have to be worth over $100 a month in reality for ME to be happy with the continuity product.  Further, I wouldn't want to force the continuity on them but rather it would be something they could ELECT to get/have based on whether they see the same type of value in it (for a discount, of course) that I do which...we're just talking loose semantics because we really don't have a clue at the moment as to EXACTLY what that continuity would be.

5)  You indicated to me that you just wanted to inject the money into the project and let me "run with it."  However, I have no interest in product fulfillment, monitoring the call center, processing credit cards and refunds, and doing all the "admin" for the business, as I was hoping this is something you would have set up.  I offered you nearly ALL of the profits from this project with only one requirement: I get all the back-end leads and sales to keep without sharing or giving them up.  You would get the proceeds/profits on the front.  I get all the leads/customers/sales on the back.  Very simple.  Then...I started to think about it.  This would lead into too many possible malfunctions of the business model by essentially "lending" you my name and therefore (and not to your intention) possibly destroying it in the interim because of the many product fulfillment and refund "issues" that many infomercial companies have faced and gotten in trouble for.  Of course, this all falls back on my shoulders being the face/name on the product where customers wouldn't understand that it's "another company" selling THIS product and "Monica Main's company" selling THAT product, as it all becomes one and the same in the eyes of the customer.  And this scares me.  A lot.  As you know, reputation means a lot to me having been in the position of taking "reputation hits" online in years past so I do what I can to avoid those tragedies as much as I can.  I know you can't have complete reputation-damage avoidance, as there is always someone malicious who wants to spread rumors, hate, and misinformation but I do believe I can control it as much as possible.  When you muddy the waters in the way I described above, it's impossible to control this element of the equation.

While I see the value in doing short-form (1-minute) commercials/infomercials on financial networks for the purposes of lead-generation, I don't feel the need of having an investor partner for this simple easy-to-implement expansion to my current marketing strategies.

Again, I do appreciate this amazing and incredible opportunity that you've offered but, at this time, I have to decline based on the comprehensive listing of reasons as stated above.  But, as always, I'm always open and willing to do new projects as they relate to real estate including acquisitions, rehabbing, and new construction as we've been doing for too many years to count.

Yours truly, Monica Main."

This is probably one of the only times you'll ever get to see an "inside memo" that I've written to my investor partner on any project or opportunity.  I hate telling an investor partner no but sometimes it's necessary, as clearly in this case.

I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions about whether I should do the infomercial or not.  I don't think ONE of you sent me an email saying, "Yeah, do it!  Great idea!"  Instead I was barraged with hundreds of "DON'T DO IT" emails so...I'm not doing it.  Again, thank you SOOOOO MUCH for all of your input because I could have very easily fell into...THE DARK SIDE.  [Insert evil laugh here.]  ;-)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The Holiday Blitz Deal is about to end.  VERY SOON.  If you haven't checked it out yet, CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 12 2015

Many of you know that I'm in a creative writing (screenwriting) MFA program which -- truth be told -- I've been quite miserable doing since I started in the fall 2014.  I've always felt that I should be in something more "business-ey" like an MBA program but, for some odd reason, I signed up for this instead.  However, since I'm in the last turn on the racetrack, it's too late to give up now.  I have to finish what I started, even though it is robbing me of every thought of possibility that I had that I could actually do well in this business of screenwriting.  However, all it's been doing is dream-stealing every moment I've been in this program.

I remember last year around this time having a "discussion" with a professor about outlining a script and asking about structure -- THEN bringing in my thoughts on Joe Eszterhas who wrote Basic Instinct in 13 days among several other kick-ass blockbuster hits and how he just...writes (without a strict outline) -- my professor stated: "Joe Eszterhas wouldn't be in a creative writing master's degree program."  In which I thought (but didn't verbally express): Yes, because he's too f****** talented to be in one and if he WAS in one, he wouldn't have written so many hits.  Instead his dreams would have been squashed like a water balloon before he got started.

Then yesterday I had a meeting with my professor (different than the one above).  It's basically just a loose topic-free "sit down" where you can talk about anything you want.  Or nothing at all.  Completely up to you...or me in this case.  I didn't even talk about myself through most of it.  I have a young lady who is from the Midwest and she wants to try tackling the big bad world of Hollywood as -- strangely enough as the twist of fate goes -- a screenwriter.  I asked how I can best support her dreams (since I'm quite jaded and cynical about the movie biz) while keeping her grounded in the "reality" of the business.  All while, ideally, detouring her from ending up on a casting couch in the office of the latest Hollywood "producer."  Yes, that stuff still happens!!

He gave me some decent advice.  Nothing I couldn't have figured out on my own.  Nothing I haven't told her already.  All adult "logic" if you're over 40 and have been functioning on this planet without being holed up in a basement for long.

But this part is the kicker.

I asked him to write me a letter of recommendation.

"For what?"  And before I answered...he went on to say..."Because your writing isn't --"

I cut him off there.  I don't want to know how the (my) writing IS or ISN'T because another thing being over 40 has talk me is that when somebody starts a sentence with "because" it means they are trying to defend a polar OPPOSITE position than what you're asking about.  And the sentence didn't sound like it was going down a path I wanted to venture down.

"A writing contest...or maybe for the Warner Brothers writing workshop.  Forget about the writing then.  Write the letter on my personality," I said.

"In that case, I can say that you're fierce, strong..." and on and on he went.  All the while I'm thinking...what ISN'T right with "the writing" or, rather, MY writing?  But I didn't want to know.  I really didn't.  This is where DREAM STEALING comes in.  And it happens at every corner and juncture of the road.  You must ALWAYS be on the lookout because it happens everywhere.  Dream stealers are huddling in every crevice of your life.  They exist at every turn.  By people you know, people you look up to, family and friends...and, perhaps the worst kind, even yourself!

So, this is the time when a little adult perspective has to come into play.  You see, before I asked him for the letter of recommendation, I asked him about why he's not a show-runner for a television show anymore.  As far as I know, he used to be.  But he's not anymore...and hasn't been for (gulp) decades?  He's a teacher at 2 universities.  And that's about it.  As far as I can tell, a lot has changed in television writing since Love Boat or Gilligan's Island or whatever old-ass irrelevant show he used to write for.  (I could easily check out his lengthy list of credits on but don't really have the interest in doing so.)  When asking why he didn't climb back up the TV ladder to do it again he basically said that he was too tired, it was too much work, and it wasn't really worth it at this stage in his life at his age.

Hence, he created his own roadblock because he could easily run a show, making millions a year.  Instead, he's resigned to "I'm too old" and "it's just too hard."  Thus, he toggles between 2 jobs at 2 universities to scrape together his rent in his new New York apartment.  Pittance because he has every credential and bit of experience to be a shoo-in for that type of job even though he's resigned to believing that he's simply "too old."  So, why try?  He basically admitted that he just gave up.

At what "age" are we supposed to just give up?  And is this the age where we start holding people down to our level because we consciously decided that our dreams are over?  And why isn't that considered criminal behavior when we tear apart the fragile and hopeful dreams of another because we've simply given up on ourselves?

And here's another thought for you?  Define "talent" and good writing.  You don't have to be an Eminem fan here but go with me on this one.  If you ever sat and listened to one of his rap songs -- even going so far as to write down the lyrics -- they're pretty lame but they're heavily personal which make them work.  They also work with the beat, the music, the delivery, and the whole package.  But what's most notable about Eminem is that he fought his way to the top and fought his way to stay there.  It's all about the fight.  Fighting for what you want with intense burning desire.  And never giving up when some schlep-rock tells you that you have no talent.  Or that you can't do it.  Or that you're no good.  And you keep going with confidence, knowing that you ARE good.  That you ARE great.  And that makes all the difference!


I remember reading something years ago about how this young talented ballerina had met with a well-respected, well-known ballet choreographer in a hallway.  She asked him if she had talent and began to dance.  He basically told her to not bother because she had no talent.  So she quit!  Two decades later she ran into the same guy with spit and venom, asking if he remembered her (which he didn't), then blaming him for destroying her dream twenty years before.  He said something to the effect of, "If you'd let anyone tell you that you couldn't be successful and you gave up on that account then you weren't cut out to be successful in this business to begin with.  Because great artists don't give up on the count of what somebody tells them, no matter who they are, no matter what they say.  They keep going no matter what.  And that's what makes them great.  And that's what makes them successful.  They never give up!"  And he walked away, leaving her stunned, and thinking about the senseless decision she made as a very young woman so many years before.  A decision she can never take back, as it's much too late now.

Dream stealing happens in many forms, really.  It can be as obvious as "that's the stupidest business idea I've ever heard" to not as obvious like a sideways glance of slight disapproval as your spouse says, "yeah, that' sounds...great, honey..." with no emotion or enthusiasm whatsoever.

But let's be real.  You're your own biggest dream stealer.  Yes you.  YOURSELF.  Because you are the direct (and only) filter between you and the exterior dream-stealers.  You get to allow the negative comments sink in and control your destiny.  Or not.  Ideally, you'll STOP getting these people's opinions UNLESS they're much more successful than you.

Because here's a secret...

Most (and when I say "most" I mean about 99%) of successful people will offer HUGE WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT on whatever idea, plan, or dream you matter the idea, plan or dream you tell them about. You could tell any of them that you want to be the "River Rafting King of the World" and they would quickly and almost instantly grin while saying, "Yeah, that sounds freaking fantastic.  You can do it.  Go out there and conquer the world!"  And that alone could push you over that "edge" you need to be pushed over to finally start taking some action to do it.  And ACTION, my friends, is the single most important recipe for success.

On the flip-side, my "minor" in my graduate program is non-fiction writing.  And it's run by a New York Times Bestselling author who stays relevant in the game of writing, constantly turning out new books.  She is one of the most positive people I've met despite some of the major trials and tribulations she's face including losing a child to a rare disease.  I could write the biggest pile of crap and turn it in and she'll give me A LOT of words of encouragement.  Anytime I leave a meeting after seeing her, I feel like I'm a WRITING GOD and that I truly CAN conquer the world of printing, press, and publishing.

She is not a dream stealer.  She is a VERY RARE dream promoter.

You need a dream promoter like that, too.  You need to feel like you're not alone, that you can do this, that you're on track, and that you're making progress.  Otherwise, you're just "out there" swimming around randomly with the "hopes" that you'll be successful one day.  All the while, fending off the daily dream-stealers with a club until (and unfortunately) one day you cave into their verbal dream bashing and say, "You're right.  I'm never going to amount to anything."

And that will be the saddest moment in your life because that will be the day you die, even if it takes many years thereafter to physically pass away.  When your dreams die, you die along with it at that very moment.  Even if you remain a walking zombie until your real funeral takes place.  What difference does it make then if you live another year or 20 years if you feel that you have nothing more to live for anymore?

I have a mastermind group where you can watch your dreams of entrepreneurship and investing massively flourish, not because you're finally getting the positive support that you've been internally craving all these years but because you'll be given actionable step-by-step blueprints of the newest and most cutting-edge strategies on both Aggressive and Passive Income Strategies.  And this will be happening EVERY MONTH to keep you committed, engaged, and accountable until you become successful and beyond.

Here's the link to check out a video I put together for you:

On the second page, there's another video which outlines the program and how it works.

Why this?  Why now?

I feel that it's time to start bringing my students together once and for all and to cut the wheat from the chaff with my students.  I've had students that have been with me for...forever, some of them.  And then know everything I've taught yet then need MORE.  More as in more access, more trainings, more workshops, more partnership opportunities, more cutting-edge strategies...MORE.  And I finally have MORE for you.

And if for a second you DON'T think you need this, think about this: Are you happy with where you are now?  Has anything significant happened to you in the past year on the financial side?  If you've said NO to either question then it means that there is a DISCONNECT between you actually getting the information but not APPLYING the information.  And that needs to change.  Like NOW, today!  Right at this moment.

Check out this link now:

Don't keep being your own dream-stealer.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 11 2015

Yesterday was just one of those days...maybe it's the new moon.  I don't know.

I had to work through a variety of issues at the office that I wasn't particularly happy with.  Plus I'm tired as hell because of a series of business trips so I feel like I'm about to drop dead.  But that's just in the course of being an entrepreneur, I guess.

But I think what really set me off was getting home to realize that a customer (or prospect) called my home phone number and left 2 messages.  He apparently had gotten a postcard on the Apartment Building Cash Flow System and wanted to know how much the course was and how to buy it.


Except that my home phone number isn't on the postcard he was calling about and I'm unlisted.  Or at least I thought it was unlisted.

All that's on the postcard is a website.  On the website is information about my office address and a phone number for my office.  Not my house.

And the website that all my prospects end up going to clearly has the price of the course and how to purchase it.  And why any moron would think it's okay to call my house...or why they think they'd get a welcoming response from me if I actually picked up the phone is beyond me! I am thinking that the stupid phone company doesn't have me as unlisted as I thought I was all this time.  As you can imagine, my blood pressure was at peak levels and I was bumbling to locate the customer service phone number for AT&T so that I could call them and start yelling at them.

After dialing the number and waiting on hold for...oh, 20+ minutes with the cheesiest music ever, making elevator music a welcome alternative, FINALLY I end up talking to someone...

In freaking India, of course.

I could barely understanding this woman.  At first, she insisted I had no account with AT&T.  So, when I told her to bust out her checkbook to pay back all the monthly bills I had been paying on for the past several years, all of a sudden she finds my account.  Then she told me that I did not have an unlisted number and that I'd have to pay $10 a month to add that to my account.

Snap, crackle and pop!!  This is when I exploded, quickly realizing that I hadn't been this freaking upset in a very long time.  I thought the massively protruding vein in my head was going to explode once and for all.

I demanded to speak with someone in the United States so she told me to call the same freaking number I had JUST called to...magically get someone in America this time?  I asked her to tell me how the hell I was supposed to get someone in the United States the second time I sat on hold for another 20 minutes when, I had a feeling, that the ONLY call center their number was pointed to was an offshore call center.

(This is when that commercial -- "This is Peggy" -- was replaying in my head over and over again.)

She had no answer.  I hung up, pissed off.  Called back, demanding to speak to the cancellation department.  (If you want to speak with an American in ANY company, just call and tell them that you want to cancel your service.)

Interesting because when I talked to an American, they not only found my account immediately but told me that I was, in fact, unlisted and had been since the beginning of my service with them.  So I asked..."How does one get someone's unlisted phone number?"

Apparently 411 is available to medical service personnel and law enforcement.

Basically, this customer (or prospect) will go through all of this work to get my home phone number, call it to leave several messages, but is too dim-witted to easily and effortlessly scroll to the bottom of the screen on the website he was sent to for my office phone number for further assistance.

Even worse, and perhaps MORE dim-witted is that he was sent to another part of the site where the cost for the course and instructions on how to get it were clearly provided.

This is, perhaps, one of the most frustrating things I have to routinely deal with.  No matter how step-by-step my strategies can be that I provide, there is always a moron who can't or won't follow the easy provided instructions.

Speaking of instructions, have you followed the 4 steps I've laid out yet?  If not, go to this link now:

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 07 2015

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in," Michael Corleone from the Godfather III in 1990.  (One of my favorite movie trilogies of all time.)

Okay, so I was never really "out."  Not officially, anyway.  But I was getting out.  Of the real estate training side, that is.  With the exception of a couple of hands-on workshops I'm doing for the first half of 2016, I seriously had no plans on doing any larger real estate training venues for all of next year...or even the year after that.  Or ever again, actually.  (Surprised?)

But then there's always that odd twist of fate that happens when you least expect it and, in some cases, when you don't want it at all.

You see, in the midst of going back and forth with my investor partners on these deals that came in from the last event in Detroit that are exclusively bird-dog deals (only), I got an email over this past weekend that said, in not so many words, "I can bankroll an infomercial for you.  What do you think about going nationwide with this?"


Then, flippantly, I told him that we're talking well over a million dollars just to get it up and out on the air before we'll see a single cent and...maybe we won't see a single cent.  In fact, we probably won't make any money; we'll probably lose money, as the chances of doing well with an infomercial is...very small.  You'd have a better chance at making it in the restaurant biz with your 50/50 success/failure ratio than in the infomercial biz.  I was actually hoping that he'd tell me to forget about it then.  Except he didn't.  And that kind of sucked.  I hate not being able to predict or control what's happening based on pulling my psychological puppet strings with people.

But he said, "Fine.  How about $1.85 million?  But it's for real estate."

"I'll think about it," was my final email back to him.

Real estate?  WTF??  So...I'll be another Carleton Sheets, Ron LeGrand, Tommy Vu, Dave del remember all those guys, right?  Furthermore, I don't think a woman has ever ventured into the works of real estate course gurus/hucksters before.  Loral Langemeier got close but that's about it.

And I thought about it, even decidedly would take 0% of the proceeds of it if he would pay for everything, provide full order fulfillment, a telemarketing center, and deal with all the admin crap including refunds.  I'd just get 100% of all the back-end proceeds.  To me, that would be a really sweet deal.

Then I stopped myself.  Wait a minute!  Is this what I really want to do?  (Answer:  NO!)  Remember, I'm working on Aggressive Income stuff for 2016 so there's no room for tacking more "stuff" on my schedule with real estate investing.  Aggressive Income is where it's at for 2016 and the next handful of years.  Yes, you should always take your proceeds/profits from your Aggressive Income and funnel it directly into Passive Income real estate already know that.  The mechanics of this ever-changing Aggressive Income Business stuff -- especially in relation online marketing -- changes drastically almost every 6 to 8 months.  So, what you thought you knew last year is already obsolete right now.

Then there's that other pesky problem: the more people I funnel into my system outside of my small inner circle that I have right now will know all my secrets.  Most of you know that I'm a real entrepreneur and not some course and seminar peddler so what I really do in business is what I teach.  And everybody knowing my exact blueprints...well, that's a problem, folks!  That creates competition for you (my loyal followers) and it creates competition for me, too!  So, other than more money for me...there's really no benefit outside of that.

But here's the real reason I'm not really interested in "all that glory" being a real estate infomercial "guru."

Many of you remember when I sent out a pic of me and Ron LeGrand taken only last month at a marketing expo in Denver.  I saw a portion of Ron's speech and realized...he's still using the same slick used car salesman pitch to sell his outdated course that you can get on eBay on CD-ROM for less than $50...and his price was far from $50, as you can imagine.  But, here I'm thinking, is that going to be me in 20 years from now?  Standing in a hotel looking old, white and pasty-looking peddling the same old products to people?  Is that where I see my future?

HELL NO!!  I don't want that for myself.

But, truth be told, I have other plans for 2016 that I only partially revealed at my last event in Detroit.  I'm working on a surf wear/beach wear company.  I plan on submitting for the highly coveted television writing workshops through Warner Bros., NBC, ABC/Disney, and CBS.  Those submissions are due in the spring of 2016.  And right now?  All I'm about is my Money Funnel stuff because it's not going to last forever.  It's best to rake in as much as possible before the online marketing environment drastically shifts again.

I like moving with the tides.  And that's the only way you'll stay a profitable and relevant entrepreneur.  Changing with the tides.  Doing new sh** all the time.  Reinventing yourself annually, sometimes more often than that!

But what do YOU think about the informercial thing?  Do you have an opinion either way?  I'd be interested to hear about what you think.  Here's my direct email:

Back to the changes and why I do so well in our current economic environment: I keep changing, doing new things, and I'm flexible.  That's what YOU will have to be if you plan on staying in the game now and in the future. You have to understand that entrepreneurship isn't about doing one thing or having one type of business or doing one type of investing.  In many cases, if you're smart, you'll have -- in the VERY LEAST -- something that looks like a 3-legged stool.  Each leg represents a solid stream of income.  You can't have a 2-legged or 1-legged stool.  Never works.  It's unstable and almost crashes to the ground after a relatively short period of time.

Since I'm so active in so many types of businesses and I have endless energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for what I do, I'm all about sharing this treasure-trove of information for those of you who also want to stay relevant and profitable in the game.  How powerful would it be to know exactly what I'm thinking, doing, planning, plotting, and profiting from at all times?  As it stands now, you don't know even a quarter of what I do.  Realistically I don't and can't create courses, seminars, materials, and other training tools for everything I do.  I just can't.  I have time to do the stuff.  I don't have to teach people some of this stuff.

I have something new that will keep you in the loop, if you so wish to be there.  And if you hesitate then I question whether you're truly cut out to be a profitable entrepreneur and investor to begin with.  Nobody else out there is ever going to give you every type of map, blueprint, and piece of knowledge on what they're doing in business, marketing, online opportunities, real estate investing, and other things that come up as money truckloads.  Nobody. Why?  Because the Big Boys are too busy doing it and the blow hards who claim they're doing it aren't really doing it.  And you can't learn anything usable from a hack who isn't doing what he's teaching you.

So...what am I talking about here?  What's the point?

Time for you to enter the World of Monica: CLICK HERE!

Watch the video, then click on the button under the video for another video.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you still haven't followed those 4 instructions including watching The Money Funnel, you're a damn fool.  But it's not too late.  CLICK HERE, get ON your ass, watch the video.  Stop making excuses.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 05 2015

Yesterday I drove out to Palm Springs where, en route, I have to drive on the  I-10 freeway through the Loma Linda/Redlands area where the shooting took place only a handful of days before.  I had missed my time when I should have left the L.A. area by about 30 minutes which made a normally 2.5-hour trip into a 4.5-hour trip.  So, by the time I passed through the area, it was dark.  And I noticed a lone man waving a large American flag from an overpass that was near the shooting, standing in the cold to honor wearing a coat and gloves to honor those who had fallen to senseless violence only a short time ago.

What a sad state our nation and our entire world is going through right now.  It makes me wonder: "What the f*** is going on?  Where have we lost our innocence??"

When I listen to Trump speak about blowing people up and ending this madness, I can't help but to be on his side for a change.  Usually counteracting violence with more violence isn't part of my overall psyche but, unfortunately, with these ISIS characters we're dealing with, as my dad used to say when we were kids, "Some people need to be dealt with using the pain method."  Sometimes there's no other way.  As in this case, clearly.

I used to watch the Andy Griffith Show, believe it or not.  I was fascinated with these black and white shows including the Twilight Zone, I Love Lucy and others.  One Andy Griffith episode was about Barney Fife getting all riled up about something or another and saying, "You fight fire with fire, right Andy?"  And Andy would say, "No, you fight fire with a hose."

Sorry, Andy.  With this, you fight fire with bigger fire ultimately to put it all out...maybe like you would if you had a super large hose.

I don't know.  I wish I had the answers to everything but I don't.  I just have a feeling that this all means it's about to get worse.  Changing who we have in office may or may not make things better.  Blowing people up in faraway lands may help.  I don't know what will work.  Maybe the answer is in the book The Art of War...except I never read it.  Never had the need to.  Maybe I do now.

I had this really heavy emotional episode the night of the shooting in San Bernardino.  It wasn't a normal "depressive episode" or PMS or anything I had ever felt before.  It was like this heavy global the whole world is uneasy, insecure, fearful and sad in this mass conscious feeling.  I tend to be sensitive to these types of feelings and I was out of control with emotion for a couple of hours.

I remember watching a Bill Maher (Real Time on HBO) episode where he was joking about how ridiculous Americans were getting about this ISIS terror thing..."As if they'll be standing in line to buy the next iPhone and ISIS will take their heads off with a knife."  Or something to that effect.  Haha.  Not so funny anymore, is it?  Seems like the joke is becoming a reality.  Even worse, we're actually getting used this new reality which started with our shock and grief over 9/11 when our country officially lost its innocence to terrorism and terrorist attacks.

So...what does all this mean for YOU, my dear friend?

It means to be aware, just like you'd look over your shoulder as you walk to your parked car in a dark parking garage at aware.  After all, to you and your well-being, it doesn't matter much who is targeting you -- whether it's the weirdo creep-oid, the guy who wants to rip off your wallet and take all your money at knife-point, or if it's now the new threat of the psychopath with a bomb strapped to his torso -- the end result for you could all be the same.  There's just a new safety threat is all.  A new type of psycho to add to the long list that we have to be aware of.

Does this mean that you should live in a perpetual state of panic?  Should you be expecting the worst?  Should you assume that the next time you walk into your grocery store for your weekly shopping trip that some gun-happy/trigger-happy Middle Eastern religious fanatic will come in with an AK-47 to blow your head off?  I'd hope not, as the chances are pretty low.  I'd say dying in a car crash, mathematically, would probably be higher odds, and that's even if you only travel once every other day by car.

Don't live in fear.  Just be aware.  Exercise risk/reward ratios at all times.  Staying home for the holidays instead of flying to Turkey?  Probably a better idea.  Deciding to become a "sandwich artist" at Subway instead of becoming an overseas war photojournalist as a career change?  Probably better if you want to live longer, even though the pay sucks.  And also take this into consideration: when you're time's up, it's up.  And you'll be taken off this earth anyway when it's your time regardless of the "delivery" of your type of "extermination" here on earth.  Because living in fear,  Immensely.  And there's no real reason for it aside from the replay on the news over and over again to give you reasons as to why you need to stay afraid.  

Staying in fear means that "they" have control over you now.  It gives those who have the power over us more leverage.  Guns for everyone...and I mean absolutely everyone?  Sure, we'd say!  Closer scrutiny of phone calls, emails, wire transfers, and even tracking where you go -- and I mean everywhere you go -- through your cell phone?  Absolutely, we'd agree!  Computer chip "scanning devices" for your eyeballs to make sure you're not "one of them"?  Absolutely, where do I sign up?!  After all, it's all in the best safety for "us," right?  (Yeah...right.)

As a marketer and entrepreneur, the best copywriting teachers will tell you that the most powerful motivating factor in advertising is using FEAR.  It's not greed or vanity or exclusivity (which are the other motivators, in that particular order).  It's fear.  Fear is what makes us buy things or buy into things.  Fear is what controls us.  Just be aware of what's happening as an outsider looking in so you have better control over your life and the decisions that you make for yourself and your loved ones.

As terrible and bad as things seem to be getting, grieving right after something traumatic just happens is always the worst period of time.  With time, healing can occur.  The problem these days is that we are exposed to more evil that's happening more often due to the media and global access to information that we didn't have 100 years ago.  Then more exposure gives people who aren't mentally all there or who want to create harm for others (or both) ideas in what they can do to cause more damage by the media information they are given.

With's only going to get worse.  Much worse.

What does this means for you?  Watch less television.  Become less connected to news outlets.  Focus more on yourself, your family, and how you can do better as a person, especially when it comes to the society that you are in contact with.  Be nice to people, hold doors open, say kind things.  Do what you can do, even on a small scale.  Believe it or not, it all makes a difference because if everybody who isn't a crack-pot psychopath acts with kindness, it can change the world since there are a whole hell of a lot more of US than there is of THEM.

One more thing; even if you aren't big into prayer or aren't a religious person, just send out a silent prayer to everyone who is part of the "struggle" in today's world (which is many of us; and no, the "struggle" doesn't have to be about economics or being in a war-torn country but it can just simply be having a very heavy heart with no hope).  Send out blessings, peace, and harmony.  The universe does respond to these bits of energy and even more so when more people do it.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Click here to watch that Money Funnel video if you haven't already.  This is definitely on your "things to do" list for this weekend.  Why?  Especially in all this mess of misery, pain, and grief?  Because it proves to you that you have more control over your future than you think, even if you think you don't right now.  This video will prove it to you.  Besides, life is too short to be sad for too long, even when you think it's justified.  ;-)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 28 2015

I hate to rain on your weekend parade but...I just feel like it.  I'm sure this past week has been nothing but a flurry of busyness, overeating, overspending, and being swept up in a myriad of stress and whatever everybody else seems to be doing including...sleeping in a freaking tent to get to a sale in the wee hours of the morning.  What is that about?  Who the hell sleeps in a tent to buy anything?  The only time I'd sleep in a tent to get something is if I was forced to live in a concentration camp and I had to wait for food the next day or something.  Even then, I may just elect to starve to death rather than sleeping in the tent for the prospect of getting the food.  If you're that type of person to sleep in a tent to buy a game, phone, TV or any damn thing for that matter, please have your brain checked out, okay?  Because there's something seriously wrong up there.

I've been a little out of sorts since my friend Ruth died of cancer the day before Veteran's Day.  (I had a student send me a card in the mail.  Thank you so much!  Most of you are amazing people and, for that, I'm truly thankful!) This is probably why I've been relatively silent since then.  When people start dying that are your age (or thereabouts), it makes you really start thinking about a lot of things.  At least that's what it did for me.  It made me realize that maybe I need to start touching even more people's lives, crank up more trainings, do more things to get people financially on track because...time is ticking, fast.  Life is way too short...definitely too short to be spinning your wheels financially and being worried all the time that there's not enough money or that you can't things that you really want to do.  Because that's not a life.  That's more like being in a prison.

Then, to make matters worse, during the grief I had to deal with Thanksgiving.  Ah, yes.  Thanksgiving.  Let me tell you about that "wonderful" day...

First off, earlier in the week I felt that my staff took a jab at me on Tuesday to rub it in as they were chatting and swooning about how they couldn't wait for Thanksgiving because of all the food and spending time with their families...knowing damn well that I had nobody to spend the holiday with.  (My daughter was with her deadbeat dad since this is my "off" Thanksgiving, in other words, my holiday without her.)  I didn't bother coming into the office at all on Wednesday.  I wasn't going to listen to that crap anymore.  Word to the wise, when you build your businesses, you'll need staff.   Don't be friends with any of them.  Keep them all at an arm-length away from you because none of them would give you the time of day if you stopped signing their paychecks.  They don't care about you.  Don't ever be fooled to think otherwise.

Then on the doomsday itself, I spent all day on Thanksgiving alone with my new dog and 3 cats, all fighting because the new puppy  And the cats are mean and territorial.  And honestly, I cried on and off that day.  It was the hardest day of the year for me and I knew it would be, as I started to feel that gut-wrenching sadness before the summer was over in anticipation for a single day that I knew was coming at me at the speed of lightning.  I even thought of Ruth's kids and what they were going through, dealing with life without their mother...forever.  And this would be their first holiday to start coping with the loss.  At ages 5 and 7.  Sometimes life is cruel and unfair.  Poor babies.

I went to the office on Thanksgiving just to take my mind off sitting at home and I posted on Facebook that I was at the office with my puppy (and posted a pic of both of us); immediately my dad called me saying, "What are you doing at the office?  Get out of there."  And do what exactly?  Go home so I nothing by myself?  You'd think he'd invite me somewhere.  No.  Didn't do that.  Basically just told me to go home so that I could fully concentrate on how empty my house was, I guess, maybe so I could cry even more.  I have the strangest "family."  It's laughable and ridiculous, actually.  Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a black-and-white Twilight Zone episode, hoping that the credits will start rolling so that I know it's over so the next episode would start.  Maybe then I'd get a new set-up including a real family and real friends, even if they were aliens, devils, or pig people in outer space.

But now it's over.  Sucky Suckfest Holiday #1 is over.  Now there's #2 (Christmas) and #3 (New Year's) to get through.  Good news, they progressively get better, as Thanksgiving was the worst and now that's over.  Christmas may actually pan out to be pretty decent since I have my (former) step-son moving out here from Michigan and he'll be spending his first California Christmas with me, my daughter and my crazy household zoo of pets.  And New Year's...I just sleep through it.  Who cares?  Why watch a boring ball drop when I need to rest up so I can hit the ground running after wasting a month-and-a-half on time-vampire holidays?

And that's what I wanted to talk to you about.  You see, while all you folks are "enjoying" the holidays (and I'm using quotes because we all know that the holidays is nothing but stress, overeating, overspending, and wanting to kill people), I'm building yet another business.  Many of you know that I decided to shut down my supplement business recently due to some "moral" disparities I was battling with for a few years about it.  I realized that I really don't need to be selling products that I don't feel good about, even if they're making millions of dollars selling the stuff.  So...just as I was shutting it all down, I got an epiphany that has motivated me to reboot the supplement business with a completely new line of products.  Very profitable products, I may add.  If you haven't checked out the video that I put together for you, watch it right now by CLICKING HERE or going to  This explains this latest profitable Aggressive Income Business.  This video can change your life, as I explain everything in how it all works and anyone can make a killing doing this stuff!

And something else: while I was at the office on Thanksgiving, I counted my Motherload 2016 Million-Dollar Resource Directories and decided to do such a super deal on them (including a boatload of bonuses) for my Friday-through-Monday Deal...and that promo is going on now, to end very soon!  CLICK HERE or go to this link to check that out:

Yes, the holidays are freaking fantastic.  But don't take your eye off the ball, okay?  That's what "average" people do who end up getting "average" results in their pitiful "average" lives.  And we don't want that.  I don't want that for you.  I want better for you, just like you want better for yourself.  And while "average" is actually becoming what "below average" used to be only a few short years ago (because our population is quickly dumbing down), no student (a.k.a. "warrior") of mine under my wing is going to be one of those dopes.  No.  You are going to excel, succeed, and exceed your own expectations.  Why wait until these pesky inconvenient holidays are over with before you start doing something about your New Life in 2016?  You have to start now while nobody else is looking and while everyone else is too busy looking at the glitter in the sky.  This is what separates successful people from failures...what you do now, how you conduct yourself, and what you invest your time in when everybody else is doing what the rest of the herd does.  Stop being like everybody else, doing what everybody else is doing when you can use this time for a much greater purpose than what rest of the sheep are dilly-dallying their time away on.

This brings me to something that I've been sitting on the fence with for about 6 months and finally decided to pull the trigger on, partly because this is my 20-year anniversary of being both an entrepreneur and a real estate investor.  Yes, I started in 1995.  I can't believe it's been 20 years.  I realized that I've never had a reliable networking group or a handful of people I could rely on to be accountable to for my success...mostly to keep me on the path.  And what a difference having that would have made!  So, if you're inclined, you can check out this game-changer at  I have special pricing on those who become part of this "inner circle" during this holiday season then the price will go up for new students coming in starting next year.  There are a couple of videos on the page that you may want to see.  The good news about Viper Wealth is that it's now covering both Aggressive and Passive Income Strategies in a powerful membership that is like nothing else out there.  Check it out by CLICKING HERE or going to

Now it's time for me to work on another Money Funnel.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 26 2015
Meet the New GSS Mascot

Happy Thanksgiving!

While you're about to enjoy your turkey dinner and spending time with friends and family, I'm working. Right now I'm at the office spending time with the new GSS mascot, Sally Joe!  My daughter finally twisted my arm hard enough so now we have a little terrier mutt of some sort.  And she's sooooo precious.
I'm not a dog person by nature.  I like cats because -- like me -- cats tend to be very independent and also (like me) they're very finicky, picky, and bitchy.  Of course, I love ALL animals but the last dog broke my heart.  His name was Butch and I had to put him down due to a bleeding tumor in his nose.  And I haven't had a dog since...but now I have Sally Joe!
So, you're probably wondering why I'm at the office right now.  Or maybe you just don't give a damn, in which case just delete this email and continue stuffing your pie hole.
Massive Changes for 2016
I have A LOT going on coming up for 2016 and I have to adequately prepare.  The economy will be cranking at full speed by the time the first week of January rolls around and those of us who are prepared, ready, and able to go will be hitting the ground running like we're Flo Jo on steroids.  I'd rather not be wasting a second dilly-dallying around which is why I continue to perform financially at such stellar levels while most people...well, don't.
Right now I'm at the office doing credit files, doing the Viper Wealth Newsletter for December, and putting the finishing touches on the new Apartment Riches 2016 course.
So, what does all this mean for you?  It depends on where you see yourself a year from now.  You can either be where you've been for the past several years...just several years OLDER in a few years from now.  Or you can be on the threshold of some MAJOR financial changes in the year to come.
One of the most exciting things that I'll be focusing on for the first half of 2016 is showing students The Money Funnel.  In fact, yesterday I just finished a mind-blowing comprehensive video on exactly how The Money Funnel works and how anyone who uses it can make $20,000 a day.  I even tell you exactly how to use the funnel and how to start making money with it.
This, of course, is my Aggressive Business Strategy of 2016.  By making upwards of $20,000 a day, damn right when I say that you will be putting the majority of that cash flow into Passive Income Real Estate.  You'll easily be able to retire in a year by doing this.
Check out this video right now if you're already sick of the holidays like I am:
Of course, it doesn't help that I'm mostly alone for each holiday.  Maybe if I had the awesome friends and family that you have then I probably wouldn't be sitting here banging my fingers against the keyboard while you're plugging away on pumpkin pie.
See you at the top!
And Happy Thanksgiving!
Your mentor,​
Monica Main
P.S.  Things in 2016 are going to be moving pretty fast on an economic level.  It will be very hard NOT to make money. You'd have to be sitting on your ass watching television and doing nothing else to miss out on all this.  I recommend that you spend at least PART OF this holiday season now wasting away and gaining 25 lbs. while you could be setting up for that major Roaring 20s-like wave that I've been talking that I predicted would be coming.  Well, folks.  It's 2016.  Be ready or...not.  I know what's going to be coming into my bank account. I hope you know what will be coming into yours, too! 
Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 25 2015
Each time I question what I'm doing and why, I get a spectacular email from a student.  And today, this is what I got from my student Paul S. who lives in Vermont.  In fact, for those of you who attended the Vegas event earlier this year, you would have actually met Paul.  He spoke of his success stories at the event.
Here's what he emailed me today:
"Hi Monica
Monday we closed on the mobile home park. It's profitable as it sits but there is plenty of room for value add - we have 75 total pads, 16 of which are empty. We also are looking at a park wide cable and internet access deal that will be cheaper for the residents and lucrative for us.
Thanks for ALL you have done to help us get to this point.
I'm so proud of Paul, as I always considered him one of my "Smarties."  These are the students who are super smart but yet never do anything with the information they are given because they over-analyze and second-guess everything.  Paul finally got over all that and is on fire with his real estate investing, picking up several properties to date and still going strong.
This is why I keep going, keep training, keep providing information to my students...with the hopes that all of you will TAKE ACTION and get out there and do something that will secure a lifetime of financial freedom for yourselves.
As the eve of Thanksgiving is upon us, now is the time for all of us to think about what we're thankful for INCLUDING and especially how we're part of a great country who can afford us these extraordinary opportunities that others only dream of.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  I almost forgot.  I did this amazing video for everyone today that talks about The Money Funnel and exactly how it works. For those of you who want to take the time out to see how you're about to start making $20,000 a day online in 2016, you may want to check out the video now.  Here's the link:
Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 11 2015
My Friend Ruth Died Yesterday

I'm really sad.  My friend Ruth passed away yesterday afternoon.  While I planned on doing a piece on Veteran's Day, I find myself thinking about this spectacular woman who was probably one of the nicest people I've met in recent years.  And I can't bring myself to think of anything else at the moment except this beautiful soul who physically is no longer among us anymore. She didn't make it to 45 and, probably the worst part, left behind a boy of only 7 (and my daughter's classmate) and a young girl of only 5.

What's All This About Anyway?
I think it's in these moments where we question what all of this is really about, realize our own mortality, and feel a deep sense of insecurity in our own ability to sustain our well-being despite our best attempts at it.
I think it's during times like these when we come to know that it can end for us at any time with or without notice and to grasp onto life itself is just as futile as trying to grab a handful of water.  Impossible to pull off. Ridiculous to try.
I know she's in a better place.  It's weird to "know" something without much proof or substantiating evidence.  But she couldn't breathe anymore.  She was drowning in her own lungs.  Living like that had to be utterly miserable.  At least now she's not in pain anymore.
My Experience with Heaven
I first started getting messages from the other side sometime in 2000, I think.  My grandmother had passed away and I started seeing her in dreams.  But that's all I thought it was: dreams.  Nothing more.
When my mom passed in 2005, I had much of the same experience with her...seeing her in dreams.
It started with this one particular dream.  You see, I couldn't make her funeral because the plane I was to fly out on broke down.  Flight was canceled.  And I found myself smiling instead of being upset.
Mom hated to fly.  I believe she made that happen.
But I felt guilty for missing her funeral that afternoon and she knew how I felt.  That night I dreamt I was giving my mom a eulogy at a podium in some outside venue with only a handful of people.  She was holding a white candle in the dream, standing in the back, smiling at me.  She looked like when she was in her 40s when she was slim with very blonde hair.  She said nothing to me as I gave her my own private eulogy.
Again, I passed it off as a dream...until she started telling me things about how things are "over there."  She explained to me about how spirits can make electricity pulsate, usually through lamps or other electrical things. She said that this is called "employing a device."
She explained to me about how we incarnate with the same small group of people from lifetime to the next.  These people, instead of being called family, are actually called your "pod."
And on and on it went.
So either I have a very active dreaming imagination or...things are very interesting on the other side.
Of course, that's exactly what I thought it was: my imagination.  Then other messages started coming through where she'd give me private details about certain people's lives of friends and family she knew.  I'd go to these individuals and they'd not only corroborate what my mom told me but they'd usually follow it up by saying, "Nobody else knew that.  How did you know?"
I guess this was her way of "proving" the reality of the fact that I wasn't merely dreaming but I was really seeing her.
What Heaven is Like
I've since been to the "other side" many times to the point where my experiences have been limited due to having too many episodes of severe depression upon returning.
It's...amazing there.  I'd go into details but time is short for now.  But the quick explanation is that it's much like it is here except that it's more pure. If you can imagine how things were only a couple hundred years ago before paved roads, airplanes, and massive pollution when much of the land was still majorly underdeveloped...that's what it looks like there.  Like open countrysides everywhere and no human interference with nature.
Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
But what I absolutely love about it is how every soul is happy, compassionate, glad to see you, wants to include's like showing up to a happy party where everyone knows your name. 
This is why my experiences of going there has been limited...because I come back to my lonely world here and have much more difficult in coping than before.  Because I can't understand why people are the way they  And they become the highest possible form of their selves...but ONLY when they go back. 
Why do we all have to wait?  Why can't we be that "highest self" part of our souls RIGHT NOW??  Compassionate, empathetic, kind, inclusive, loving...all of it.  Why are we waiting?  What are we afraid of?
Where Ruth is Now
She's transitioning now but her party is about to begin.  And for that, I'm happy for her.  She knows everything will be okay.  She knows now that the trials and tribulations her children and husband are going through -- and will continue to go through for the next several years (and decades) -- is all part of the plan...and in divine order.  
She's not worried, fretting, or upset about how unfair her early departure is.  She knows it is all in perfect order and will all work out as it's supposed to.
She's blissfully happy now.
So, perhaps the problem is deep sense of sadness.  Because she's certainly not unhappy.  She's blissfully happy.
The grieving, sadness, and heartbreak is all mine based on, perhaps, me being glad that she could move on but, at the same time, knowing I'm still stuck here to fight the good fight.  As her good fight is over...and now she's free.
And the rest of us are left behind to keep fighting.  We all know how old that gets, how tired it all becomes.  I believe that's why we grieve.  We have one less person who is here standing in our corner and the burden of living without them just becomes a bit heavier to bear than before.  So, we're mostly sad for ourselves and I think that makes it all the worse.
Please send out a little prayer for the passing of my friend Ruth, if you'd like.  That would be phenomenal.
Then say a little prayer in gratitude for yourself...because we're all still here to fight the good fight for yet another day.  But make no mistake...your time is ticking, too.  Maybe now would be a good time to think about whether you're living life to the fullest and doing the things you really want to do.  I know that's what I'm thinking about.  After all, every minute counts.  Every last one of them!
See you at the top!
Your Mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  Sorry, Veteran's, for my inability to honor you today on this most important day.  Many of you know that, not only do I always thank military when I see them but I also encourage my daughter to do the same.  The look on their faces when I send my little girl up to them to say, "Thank you for your service," always brightens their day more than words can describe and many are so humble that they try to downplay the importance of their role.  From me, to all the veterans, thank you for your invaluable service and dedication to our country. And for any of you who don't support our troops, remember...If you don't want to stand behind them, maybe you'd prefer standing in front of them instead.  (Food for thought.)
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 09 2015

I'm on this custiner/student detox diet right now.  I'm finding that each time I do an email blast these days, I'm getting some people who want to unsubscribe.

And that's freaking awesome!!


Because I'm actually getting RID of those who are just weighing down my system so that I can only keep an open line of communication with those who really want to do something extraordinary as we roll around into the New Year.

And I definitely DON'T have room for deadbeats, losers, bottom-feeders, or slugs who are never going to do anything, never plan on doing anything and would rather watch People's Court or Dancing with the Starts than do anything productive or profitable with their lives.

Many of you already know that I plan on doing some small workshop groups and one-on-one events in 2016.  In fact, most of you don't know that I have a VERY RARE event that I am putting on the last weekend of January that I don't plan on advertising because it's already full.

Yes, you read that correctly.  It's ALREADY FULL!

I sold out on the event when I presented it in Detroit last month.

What is it exactly?

It's a 2 1/2 day workshop in my office for 8 people where I will be setting up a complete business from them including setting up what I call a "complicated funnel" and we'll be setting up their entire businesses from scratch.

And yes, this is an Internet business.

And yes, this is the FIRST event like this of its kind where I'll be taking my small group by the hand (and even doing some of the work FOR them) by completely setting them up in their new Internet funnel business that, once set up, will automatically generate income for them.  All they have to do is keep the traffic coming into the funnel with very easy-to-do low- and medium-cost traffic magnet strategies (which will also be covered in this small workshop group).

If you didn't attend the Detroit event, you'll never know (or be invited) to this RARE event but...

I have ANOTHER couple of opportunities coming up for the same types (but slightly different) in-office training events in the first half of 2016.

So, keep your eyes peeled.

These events will be life-changing and part of my completely ALTERED teaching strategy that will become more and more common for me in my presented events where we'll keep in small in size to accomplish more DURING the event so that you actually have something completed by the time you actually go home!

As we are getting close to ENDING 2015, I have one final opportunity in Passive Income where you can learn the "last-standing" creative real estate strategy BEFORE everybody and their mom learns it, implements it, and creates REAL competition to the point where it'll become unusable; that'll take place in 12 to 18 months.  Guaranteed.

And this is ONE of those small-group workshops I'll be doing in the first half of 2016 where I'll be showing small handfuls of people this strategy one on one in my office.


None of those groups are starting until February.  Why wait that long? We both know that the time is already ticking.  By waiting until February (and since I'm ONLY taking 8 people for the group), reality'll probably NOT make the 2 1/2 day workshop in California.

And that simply means that these opportunities aren't for you...but for others who are motivated to take action and to ultimately become super successful in the years to come.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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