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Success For Life
Tuesday, April 19 2016

The other day I got a phone call from Ron, our money broker.  He was warning me about a student of mine -- Jacob K. -- who screwed him over on his fees.  Ron had gotten him a pre-approval for the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program for a multi-family purchase.  Since Jacob changed his mind and didn't want to go through with the deal, he reversed the charges on his credit card payment to Ron and essentially screwed over the ONLY money guy who can get a 100% LTV Bond Fund on a $1,000,000 America!

Even worse for this Jacob K. clown, when things like this happen, word gets around fast.  Since Ron has a direct connect with the fund who does this 100% LTV Bond Funding Program (for $1 million or more), he basically put out an alert on this Jacob K.  In the event that this guy floats through the system some other way trying to get the same (or any other) type of loan, lending, bond, or whatever...he's be to declined for any funding services whatsoever.

This is NOT the position to be in, especially when being blacklisted for such a powerful program as what the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program is.  Yes, you can get 100% LTV for a commercial property of $1,000,000 or more in purchase price.  And nobody else has this program for properties this low.  Most other brokers and funders require the property be a MINIMUM of $5,000,000 or $10,000,000.  So, my money guy is the ONLY guy who can actually pull this off at such a low dollar amount.

Anyone who can get you funds for deals...don't screw them over.  Okay?  That should go without saying but since it doesn't, DON'T SCREW YOUR MONEY GUY!  Not only will he NEVER get you approved for anything else but it'll be like the fools who bounce checks at their local convenience stores who have a "mug shot" looking photo of them behind the cash register saying something like:  DON'T SELL THIS GUY.  Basically, DON'T TRUST THIS GUY!  And that's what happens as everyone who is relevant in the private commercial financing world as they are warned about your bad behavior.  Never lend to this person...EVER!

This means that your investing business is done, dead in the water.  And you may as well just give it up.  Take that McDonald's job and let your dreams become someone else's reality.

But if you want to know your last handful of opportunities left in how you can acquire passive income cash flowing properties in today's economy -- and without any cash or credit -- CLICK HERE.  I'm offering something that will blow your mind.

What is it?

About 8 weeks ago I did this extremely rare first-time-ever in-office training on real estate.  I only had 5 people that were pre-selected to attended this rare group which is probably why you never knew about it.  (I have quite a few long-time students who are very serious students of real estate investing so I wanted to offer them the opportunity to attend this group first.  Since I had only a small space to work with, that has only recently expanded, I could only take very few students for this event.  Maybe you can catch the next one I do which will be sometime in the fall.)  This event was a powerful life-changing workshop that showed my students exactly how to work the steps, HANDS ON, in getting their real estate deals lined up.  To do things hands on is life changing.  You go from merely an audience member taking notes to "someday" do something with them (and we all know about "someday," don't we?) then we continue on with our lives the very next day.  Then 5 years flies by, we stumble on those notes, and shake our heads wondering why we never took action.

I know why you didn't take action.  You didn't feel like you had enough information to sink your teeth into.  That's what happened.  So, how powerful is it to sit in on a workshop where all of those steps are pounded into your head over and over again until you are FORCED to understand EXACTLY what to do?

Yep, you guessed it.  It's just as life-changing as you'd imagine.

And now you can "sit in" on this workshop as if you were there because my video guy -- Jesse J. -- was there taping every word, every presentation, every hands-on demonstration until the group got it.  This type of workshop is so rare because, in all due honestly, I cannot pull off this type of training in a seminar room full of 100+ people.  It's just not doable.  But I can with a small handful of people, in this case 5 people.  And you can fit in as "one of the group" by popping in the videos and, even better for you, going at your OWN PACE to get through the entire 2 1/2 days on video!  As if you were actually there!

CLICK HERE to find out more about these power-packed life-changing videos on doing no-cash-no-credit passive-income real estate deals!

Right now, for the Tax Season Blow Out, I'm offering a killer deal on these.  It's actually an UNHEARD of deal so I'd jump on it if I were you.

One last thing: If you're a Platinum Viper Wealth, DO NOT PURCHASE THESE VIDEOS.  You'll be getting them next week with your Advanced Course/Workbook, 2016 Apartment Strategies Audio Seminar, and Course Materials CD-ROM.   And yes, if you become Platinum Viper Wealth (at, you can also get these videos with all the stuff I just outlined above without paying anything more than your first month's enrollment fee.  Pretty sweet deal, huh?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  There's still room for my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event in Las Vegas on May 13th & 14th (and the 15th also for Platinum Viper Wealth ONLY).  Yes, this is my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event which is different than my Beverly Hills Event from March of this year. In this Money Funnel Event, I'll be covering BOTH the Simple & Complicated Money Funnels (which I didn't cover in Beverly Hills) PLUS I'll be covering the Distribution Money Funnel, which I've NEVER covered before in any form whatsoever.  Why is this my last Money Funnel Event, you ask?  Because I'm actually DOING the money funnel stuff myself, both for consumer-direct products and distribution/wholesale products.  It's way too time-consuming, stressful, and takes an incredible portion of my energy to provide this type of intense information to my students.  I figure that if you're meant to be there, you'll be at this last event.  If not, so be it.  You weren't meant to be there.  CLICK HERE for details.  Since I'm focusing so much on my own money funnel business activities, Global Success will return to its former glory, offering apartment real estate strategies ONLY (including information on business credit, raising capital, getting government grants for real estate, and anything else to help your real estate business).  Unlike Money Funnel Strategies that seem to change every 6 months to a year, real estate strategies are going back to changing only minutely (as they did over a dozen years ago and back) which takes much less brain power for me to continue on that stream of education for my students.  By doing this, it'll allow me the energy I need to continue building my multi-million-dollar money funnel enterprises with max force between now and the next several years.  So, join me and come to Vegas for this Money Funnel Finale.  CLICK HERE NOW!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 18 2016

For years I've been warning my students of the inevitable.  Time was running out on real estate deals.  The window of opportunity is closing, and fast!

And I started this soapbox tirade back in 2011, laboring in a more fierce tone by late 2012, and told everyone that this was basically it by the summer of 2013.

Some listened, most didn't.  But I did deliver the news, gave the warnings, and trained my students in the best opportunities available with the best cutting-edge strategies in which to acquire these cash flowing properties before the music stopped, before it was too late.

So, where are we now?  Is it too late now?

Largely...yes.  For many of the opportunities I was leading my students to do, many of those strategies are long gone, namely because the inventory for the type of real estate I teach my students to do is gone.

Now, any one of you can look in the online MLS (by using and clearly see that there IS inventory left.  So...what the hell am I talking about?  Why am I telling you that the majority of the inventory is gone and that there are no deals to be had?

Let me be clear: there will ALWAYS be opportunity in EVERY market.  Good times, opportunity.  Bad times, opportunity.  Always opportunity.  But during the bad times, you get MORE opportunity because this is when you get to pick up properties for pennies on the dollar.  Those days are gone, folks.  I mentioned several times over and over again dating back to 2009 even that we were in the midst of the best time in our lifetimes to pick up properties left and right for next to nothing.  And that we would NEVER AGAIN see an economy like this.  In fact, our children and grandchildren won't even see this devastating of a recession in their lifetimes either.

Now, hold up a second.  You're probably thinking, "That's all well and good, Monica.  But reality is, banks weren't lending like they are now.  And unless you had immediate access to lots of cash, it really wasn't doable for the Average Joe to pick up these properties."

You're completely right.  This wasn't a doable plan for most people.  Only the "players" got to play in the game of getting properties for pennies on the dollar for all cash because, during that time, it was very difficult to get bank loans to purchase these properties.

The good thing about a healthy economy is that loans and money is much easier to get from banks and lenders.  Getting private lenders and investor partners are a piece of cake.  Everybody wants in on a good cash flowing deal. Getting money becomes extremely easily, as it is right now!  And THAT, my friend, is YOUR edge in today's economy, inventory or not.

Reality is, there are only 4 methods left for acquiring passive income properties in 2016 and for the next solid 6 to 8 years.  Here they are:

1)  100% LTV lease-option deals.
2)  100% LTV bond funding.
3)  Getting private funding or investor partner cash.
4)  Using business credit for cash to acquire and rehab second-hand foreclosures.

And that's it.  That's all she wrote.

So, what about that ever-elusive inventory that I was talking about?  There is ONE POWERFUL SECRET to not only circumvent that huge problem but to find all the deals you could ever handle (and more) by using this one secret.

I did a very rare, first-time-only real estate training with 5 very lucky students who were of only a small percentage of my student base were were even given the opportunity to come to this training.  I completed this training in mid-February and now, 2 months later, I'm finally releasing the DVDs to this unique and rare event in which I talk about ALL OF THE ABOVE in this 2 1/2-day training.  And yes, I do cover that powerful inventory secret on where you can find endless deals despite any inventory problems in any area of the country!  Guaranteed!!

And you can FINALLY get the videos.  But...the deal for this set ends 5pm PDT to be exact.  Yes, the deal ends today and you can get 1/2 off what I'm charging.  If you want to wait tomorrow, you'll be paying double.  And you WILL want these videos.  They reveal the ONLY investing secrets left for passive income real estate in today's economic environment.

By the way, if you're Platinum Viper Wealth, DO NOT order these videos.  You'll be getting these videos PLUS a 200-page Course/Workbook combination that is ONLY given to Platinum Viper Wealth members.  (And yes, if you want to be Platinum Viper Wealth to get all of this, you can register as Platinum FIRST by going to then calling my office at 661-250-5050 to make sure you can get this powerful Advanced Course).

For the rest of you, to get this amazing deal, again, this is your last chance.  CLICK HERE or go to now!

Questions?  Call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We're filling up fast for the Vegas event on May 13th & 14th (and a special bonus workshop on May 15th for Platinum Viper Wealth ONLY).  CLICK HERE or go to now before the price goes up!  I'm so proud of my video guy - Jesse - for FINALLY doing something with the powerful money-making strategies he's been getting from me all of these years.  Many of you don't know that Jesse is a successful musician, specializing in music scores for television shows and commercials.  He's now teaching others how to be successful musicians themselves by getting passive income royalty checks using his money-making music strategies.  If anything, check out his money funnel website and your jaw will drop to the floor.  It's THAT good.  CLICK HERE to check out Jesse's site!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 15 2016

Happy Tax Day...Sike!  Actually, I think the REAL tax day is on Monday but, who cares?  'Tis the tax season and it it's an all-around suck-fest for MOST of us!

So, let me tell you about ANOTHER thorn in my side in an attempt to make you realize that maybe your life isn't sucking as much as you think it is right now.

I have 2 college kids living with me.  One is my former step-son.  The other is a young lady who is the daughter of one Ron's Detroit partners on his highly successful distribution product or BeanBoy.  Those of you who have attended the past couple of seminars would know the BeanBoy product.  So, I wanted to help out, allow this young lady to study in Hollywood to finish up her B.A. degree in Creative Writing, I believe.  She's taking something called a "Semester in L.A." for television writing.

And, of course, this is the part where I get to tell you that my kindness has been taken for weakness...starting on DAY ONE when she "moved" into my house.  (The word moved in quotes signifies that this IS a temporary situation.)  I was under the very clear understanding that she was coming out for 6 to 8 weeks and then she'd return back to Chicago where's she's going to school.  And then off she'd go after that.  So, needless to say, it was a total shock to me to find out that days after she "moved" in, that she had planned on staying until, oh...say the FALL of this year?  Or possibly LATER?!

This was laid on me a day before my event in Beverly Hills was to begin and I knew I had to retain my energy for the event, and NOT screaming at anybody for the bait-and-switch in the live-in plans for this girl.  I would reserve the screaming for later, AFTER the event concluded.

Once I returned from the event, I asked her point-blank what her plans were.  She told me that she wanted to move back to Chicago in the fall.  Okay, well..."I agreed to a 6 week deal, MAX 8 weeks.  So...are you living elsewhere?"

I'm still waiting for a REAL answer, as I haven't received one yet.  Needless to say, I had to put Ron on task to square things up with her pops in Detroit because, yet again, it was crystal clear to me and everyone involved that she was staying a MAX of 2 months.

But that's not the worst part of all this.  Yes, it gets worse.  MUCH worse.

She asked if she could take a part-time job in my office to make a little extra money.  "Sure," I said.  "I could use the extra help."

Except her and I have different ideas of what the word "help" means.  Because she apparently thinks that "helping" is doing 5 minutes worth of work, texting friends for 15 minutes, then going back to work for another 5 minutes...and back and forth it went.

To add insult to injury, she turned to Rose one day and said, "When I'm your age, I'm not going to be working in an office like this."

In which case if I was there, I WOULD have told her, "No, honey.  You won't be.  You'll be standing in the welfare line instead."

Because NOBODY will hire someone to sit and text their friends all day, especially when she's Rose's age and minimum wage is, say, $30 an hour by then.  F*** that!

But here's the WORST part in all of this.  I went to Hawaii over spring break and I usually have a guy take in my dog for $25 a day.  I prefer that she's in a home environment instead of being boarded, especially since she's still a puppy.  So, I figured, instead of paying the dude $25 a day (totaling $250), I'd pay the college chick $200 to take care of my dog AND my cats for the time I was gone.

When I got home (at midnight, no less) to see that the litter box hadn't been scooped AT ALL, that my dog had NO FOOD and NO WATER, and the cats BARELY had food at all, I f****** LOST it!

Let's back up for a FRACTION of a second here.  Before I left, I created an itemized very comprehensive LIST complete with empty check-boxes (because that's how anal I am) for EACH DAY I'd be gone.  A severely mentally handicapped person could follow the list EASILY and check each box when each item was completed for the day.  But not her.  She's lazy, I've come to find out.  Extremely lazy.  In fact, I could have probably gotten more from a Vietnam vet in a wheelchair with 2 missing legs and a missing arm than what I got from her.

At that moment, I let Ron know that he had to let his buddy in Detroit know that his lazy daughter had to be out by the time I got on my summer hiatus.  If not, I'll be packing her shit myself and throwing it in the street the day before I leave.

Yes, she DID get an earful from me the morning after I returned from my trip.  Yes, I did yell at her.  She just looked at me, blankly, and probably impatiently waiting for me to end my rant.  I know for a fact that absolutely nothing sank in.  And it made me realize something that I sort of suspected all along.  This generation coming up, the "Millennials" as they call them, are a freaking joke for the most part.  They're lazy, self-entitled, and have this "Walter Mitty" alternative universe that they live in within their brain that doesn't reflect the reality of the real world.

And it's SCARY.  Really freaking scary, folks.

Now my former step-son Tyler who lives with me.  He's not at bad.  He's half-bad but I think he may be "resurrected" in some way because he is willing to work and I'm pretty strict on him.  He does everything he's told because he doesn't want me to send him back to Detroit.  So, therein lies a heavy dose of motivation.  Maybe that's what these kids need.  MOTIVATION.  Otherwise they're just floundering about through life, not having a clue about anything and thinking, "Well, at least I can live with Mom and Dad and have them pay my way through life if things don't work out."

I didn't have Mom and Dad to help me with anything.  That wasn't an option.  So, survival was my motivation.  In a lot of ways, it still is.  So I keep moving forward.  I keep going.  And never once did I ever expect one single person to do a damn thing for me.

I'm training my daughter to be A LOT different.  I figure that the percentage of lazy-ass, self-entitled, hand-out-expectant percentage in the Baby Boomer generation is probably below 5%.  I think it may be slightly higher in my generation with the Gen Xers.  Maybe it tops out at 15%.  Maybe higher.  But with the Millennials?  I'm think that this attitude is somewhere in the 60% to 75% range in the United States.

And these are the kids that will be running our country in only a handful of decades from now.  Can you believe THAT?  Scary.  Now you know why I'm concerned!  I should be.  So should you!!

The good news is that competition in the future will be NON-EXISTENT.  If you're a Millennial like my daughter, doing any type of business or investing will be a piece of cake because...well, who will you compete against?  The rest of her generation will still be playing video games while living in their elderly, barely-coherent Gen X parent's house in the 'burbs.  Probably waiting for their demise so they can sell the house and live off the equity until something else comes along.  Like winning the lottery, for instance.

This is why I labor into my students who have kids that are young...even teenagers.  Teach them business.  Teach them investing.  Teach them how to sell.  Teach them about marketing.  If you don't know, read a book or go to an event then pass the information onto them however you can.

One of the hings I resent about my meager Midwestern upbringing that I realize is still commonplace in those parts of the country is that some people in those areas who have kids think their ONLY job as a parent is to just get their kids "across the line," I call it.  Just keep food on the table, keep them clothed and a roof over their heads.  And that's it.  Nothing else.  Then at 18, tell them to start making plans to get the hell on.

But that is NOT the only job of a parent, especially in today's day and age.  It's irresponsible to think that parenting is all about feeding, clothing and housing your kid.  And that's IT.  If you do think that's all it's about then you'll be paying the price down the road when they're 40 years old still living with you because they've never been taught any useful life skills (other than receiving food, clothing, and shelter FROM YOU) that they can utilize to support themselves.

So, maybe bring them to an event.  I have my Vegas Money Funnel Event coming up on May 13th & 14th (and the 15th for Platinum Viper Wealth).  If you want to bring your kid (age 18 or under) to teach these Money Funnel Methods to, I'll (a) clean up my language and lose all the swear words, and (b) I'll make you an offer you can't refuse (but you'll have to call my office to enroll them) where it'll only cost them $97 to bring them along.  CLICK HERE to check out my upcoming Vegas event!

Or, you can check out my videos.  Watch them WITH your child.  It's all about the most cutting-edge and really the ONLY methods left in Passive Income Real Estate Investing for 2016 and beyond...until we see another dip in the economy, which I'm not expecting until about 2022.  I have a Tax Blow Out Deal on those which you can check out by CLICKING HERE.

You can learn anything you want.  Learning and education is REQUIRED if you're going to pull yourself out of your current circumstances to create a new life for yourself.  I'm here, dedicated in helping you create the financial life you want for yourself.  But it takes two to tango.  You have to be willing to do the work which is LEARNING then APPLYING what you've learned.  

Then you can be like me.  Paying a lot of taxes...with a smile on your face.  Yes, a smile.  Because what you pay is a small fraction of what you earn.  And the more you pay, the more you made.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 14 2016

It's extremely rare when I get a rude and disrespectful message from someone but, yes, one came through my main website system recently...through this website on my Contact page to be exact.  This particular email was hateful by a person who went on and on about how she was a "professional" and basically how intelligent she (falsely) believes she is as she went on in a half-baked attempt to, in her mind, try to make me feel bad because...well, it's clear that she really doesn't have a high self esteem.  If I were her, I probably wouldn't either but UNLIKE her, I'd be using my time to become a better person rather than choosing to hurt other people.  But that's why I'm me and she is, well...HER!

What I found most interesting about this is that this "professional" in this "profession" of hers is that she is supposed to know something about today's digital and technological age, based on what her profession REQUIRES.  Yet apparently she still doesn't know what an IP address is...and how every email and message sent through the Internet (even when putting in a BOGUS email address in the email section) has an IP address attached that allows us to know exactly where the message came from, right down to the EXACT ADDRESS of where this person is located...which is how/why I know it's a SHE who sent the message.  And, of course, I know exactly who this person is.  And so do the appropriate legal authorities now.

It makes me wonder how someone who claims to be as intelligent as she is, first off doesn't know the interworkings of the Internet and, even worse, how she reads blog posts online written by uneducated losers who can't type their way out of a paper bag and actually thinks those things are true.  It reminds me of people who read the National Examiner and think that Elvis is still alive while Tupac is living it up in Cuba to this day.  Some twits who believe EVERYTHING they read and hear can't possibly be that "educated" now, can they?

If she only knew the REAL facts about things.  Most of the mess online about me stemmed back from when I was locking legal horns with a competitor of mine (and you can verify this by seeing the DATES of these supposed "postings").  CLICK HERE for more details about when it all started and WHO it was with.  During that chunk of time, he had his office staff write some pretty crude (and very untrue) things about me under the guise of "average Joes" (all with fake names) in an attempt to make me look bad, probably thinking he'd be able to encourage people to come over to his camp.  He ended up having his case against me thrown out but some of the damage he perpetuated online is still lingering, like burnt toast.

BOTTOM LINE:  Only true idiots and the mentally challenged believe everything they read online, especially since we all KNOW that literally ANYONE with a computer and Internet connection can write anything they want about ANYONE.  And especially when they're blog "postings" written by people who don't look like they got past the 3rd grade.  Who actually BELIEVES stuff like that?!  Only complete idiots, THAT'S WHO!  

You know what the worst part of all this is?  This is how EASY it is to completely destroy someone's reputation online: If I really wanted to write about this person I'm referring to, using her full name in several blogs online, writing ANYTHING I WANTED about her under different fake names around the Internet, it would be a very short matter of time when the search engine bot/web crawlers would pick it all up. Then when people type in her name into Google, there would be ALL KINDS of crap about her which would be inconvenient at the time when she is forced into switching careers.  And since I am a TRUE professional in what I do (being an expert in web design and SEO), I can actually make it look like she's a sex offender (mug shot and all) with a rap sheet as long as the Great Wall of China when people type in her name, which would conveniently end up at the top of the first page in Google!  (That may not come in handy for her when she finally gets replaced by college kids for 1/3 of her salary who actually KNOW what an IP address is, finding herself back on the job market and unable to secure a position anywhere as the felon and career criminal that she is!)

But, truth be told, I'm not that cruel.  I don't play childish games like that (unless pushed to my maximum tolerance capacity, of course).  I'm actually a much better person than she is.  I actually have other productive things to do than, say, typing "annoymous" messages, calling and hanging up on a blocked number, spreading lies around and talking behind her back, etc. My plate is WAY TOO FULL to be wasting time on anything but my path right now, especially since I just opened another business earlier this year that's already well on its way to $2.3 million in sales by December 31st!  So...maybe I'm the one who actually LET IT REST and she clearly has not due to her own uncontrollable internal insecurities that she can't quite get over.

For any of you who want to know my REAL body of work and how I help people,  I have hundreds of testimonials from students who are thrilled with the life I can provide for them.  Here are SOME of them:  CLICK HERE!  I haven't had a chance to get ALL of them up there yet but they're all video testimonials about my work, which I take very seriously and I absolutely LIVE for!  Yes, I am helping people.  Yes, I am changing people's lives and I'm proud of it.  And THAT is what I am about!

I was looking at this person I'm talking about just yesterday.  She probably didn't realize that I was staring at her.  She looks so unhappy and miserable to the core of her being.  It's sad unhappy and hate-filled some people are, and how destructive they're being to themselves and their families simply by choosing to spread their repulsiveness around to others in the most juvenile way in a meager attempt at making themselves feel better, more powerful in some sick way.  Except they're only racking up the karma and eventually that karma comes crashing down on them in the worst possible ways, usually when it's LEAST expected...when they don't see it coming.

I find the psychological nature of some people to be odd and strange human behavior but it's more prevalent you think; believe it or not, it happens those who are supposed to be older and "wiser."  I just feel sorry for people like this.  They're so insecure with themselves, they hate what they see in the mirror, so they really find it to be necessary to lash out and hurt others in a way to somehow elevate themselves on some sick and twisted level.  This is what a shrink would call psychotic behavior.

Then I thought about it.  

I realize why people act this way.  It's because they're insanely jealous.  They're jealous because they're struggling, working ridiculous hours, driving endlessly DAILY in traffic back and forth to work with not a freaking thing to show for it.  They'll be jealous if you look better, do better, and ARE better in any way than they are.  So, the logical choice for them is to be cruel, spread their hatred around, and act like junior high school kids rather than growing up, taking adult responsibility, and being better people in the process.  That, of course, is the harder choice.  Being mature...what a concept!  Why choose to be an adult when acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum is easier?

If this notion of people hating you out of jealousy because of your success bothers you, don't bother becoming successful then. Otherwise you too will have haters like I do.  You may be better as a member of the herd of sheep out there instead, never rocking the boat and never doing anything relevant to stand out.  And your existence never being noticed by anyone either.

But...I know you better than that.  And I know that's NOT what you want to be.  But I do want you to know something in all due seriousness.  There WILL be haters when you're successful.  It'll be your neighbors, family, friends, former co-workers, associates, old school mates...they come in all shapes and sizes.  And it'll hurt in the beginning until you understand and realize WHY they're hating on you so bad.  They hate you because they really hate themselves, and you're reminding them of WHY they hate themselves...because of what you have or who you are...and what they're not and what they'll NEVER be. 

Remember, you'll have to quickly kick these losers to the curb otherwise they'll bring you down like the Titanic.  Just as heavy and fast.  You cannot afford to let that happen to you.  You cannot let this happen to you otherwise you'll have to resign to being a failure and be content with a "normal" life.  Just think of it as a blessing when you have a falling out with certain people. Chances are, they were not meant to be in your life.  If anything, by their staying around, they would have ended up being more destructive than you could ever imagine.  So, tolerate and ignore the haters at the same time.

And then you need to say, "Screw it.  I don't care how many people hate me.  Bring on the money!  Bring on the success!!"

And that's what I plan on continuing to do.  Hopefully you DECIDE to join me soon!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I have room in my LAST EVER Money Funnel Seminar Event in Las Vegas on May 13th & 14th.  CLICK HERE for more information!  I have to tell you something awesome.  My video guy -- Jesse -- who has been doing my event videos for the past 6 years finally started actually taking my advice and actually put together his money funnel since my Beverly Hills event just last month.  And he's ALREADY MAKING MONEY with it.  Yes, you read that correctly!  You can see for yourself by checking out his Money Funnel Website by CLICKING HERE.  It's rather impressive!  And you could make a ton of money with my Money Funnel System too.  You just have to do it!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 31 2016

I can't help but to notice that the government form I-9 expires today.  This is the form that allows (and requires) employers to ask for identification and verification to be able to work in the United States.  Except that I was reading som-ewhere a few months back that the reason they are "retiring" this form is because it's considered "discriminatory" to enforce certain types of ID.


So...I can't ask someone to verify their residency status here in the United States because I'm "discriminating" but yet if I hire an "illegal alien" then I get fined $10,000 by the government?


This is, yet again, another reason why you should want to own a traditional business with employees, lots of forms to fill out, endless rules and regulations, and the chronic headache you'll be getting from ALL of it...all while it sucks your profit margins dry for the "honor" of dealing with it all.

If I could start all over again (and secretly...I actually am, with a brand new money funnel business I just launched), I would do it without employees and run the operation out of my spare den downstairs. Then I wouldn't have to worry about these new government regulations and other issues that put me in a "damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don't" situation.

Like what my new Money Funnel Mentorship can do for you.

This group starts on Tuesday, April 5th.  And as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection, you can AND SHOULD participate in this group.  Over 8 weeks I will show you everything you'll need to do to start a highly profitable online business from scratch...and have it fully up and running in 8 weeks provided that you give me your full participation (which is mandatory) in the group.

I have a deal on this group...for a short time only.  In fact, it's coming to an end soon.  I suggest you check it out by going to or CLICKING HERE.

Questions?  Call my office at 66-295-5050.

This is a life-changing group that I probably won't have time to run again for this year...and if I do, it won't be until August or September.  Why wait that long to start generating a solid Aggressive Income Cash Flow when you don't have to?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

​​​​​​​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 27 2016
Happy Easter!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 25 2016

Last year I did a very rare seminar where I talked about 20 years of my marketing experience and painfully squeezed into 2 days.  One of my seminar attendees -- let's just call him Billy since many of you know who he is and I don't want to "out" him in any way -- came up to me after the event.  He had started with me back in the summer of 2012 when he got a hold of the videos I had done over 2 very in-depth in-office trainings I did for something called New Wealth online business building strategy for those who were interested in starting their own highly profitable home-based business using exclusive online marketing strategies.

Anyway, long story short...he started a small online business but was actually COMPLAINING because he couldn't scale it up in profitability from the $3,200 a month he was profiting.  Yes, PROFITING.  I asked him what the problem was.  After all, it shouldn't take but a little more elbow grease and time into the business to double or triple his business activities.  So...herein lied the problem:  I instantly uncovered his unwillingness to put in more than the 5 to 6 hours a week he was willing (or rather able) to sink into the business.  You see, he had a pretty intense job in what we used to refer to as "middle management" back in the 80s and the first part of the 90s before it basically disappeared. 

I dug a little bit more into Billy's life to see where he could find more time to triple his business so that when things fell apart at the office, he would be financially okay.  Because -- spoiler alert -- the end was coming for Billy.  This is when I discovered that he was wasting his time -- yeah, I'll say it, WASTING his time AND money -- going back to school online to get an MBA degree. Because "they" told him that all he needed to do was get a master's degree and they could move him up the ladder.  So, this is what Billy was wasting his time on...on this stupid degree so he could further secure his position at this too-big-for-their-britches multi-billion-dollar company that could care less about Billy's future.

I already revealed the ending if you were paying attention.  Billy got his MBA degree.  They gave him his pink slip shortly thereafter.  And they didn't tell him that it was because he was too old and not technologically sharp enough to compete with the "kids" of the Millennial generation but that's what it was.  They could hire 3 college graduates who could create code in circles around him for the same amount of money it cost them to watch him slowly sip coffee for the first couple hours of the day until he could get to the water cooler by noon.  In other words..."Nothing personal, Billy, but here's your severance package, Old Geezer of luck to you.  Oh, and that gold watch?  We don't offer that for 'retirement' anymore because, in all due reality, we're actually sh** canning your ass.  We're not retiring you out."

And that's how it is in our New Economy.  In fact, that's how it's been for the past solid decade or so, at least!

So, what happened to Billy?  Sad news.  After all the complaining with his back-and-forth email exchanges, I felt like had to try to disconnect Billy from his psychological attachment to feeling like he needed to get another job (with his MBA) for that elusive sense of "security" and work on building up his Internet business.  He was, after all, able to replace the income he had from his job but...sometimes you can't teach an "old dog new tricks," if you will.  He was so adamant about that empty and unpredictable "job security" thing that was pounded into his head (probably since birth), that after about 6 months he ran out to get another job.  Thinking that he had an MBA (making him feel like he was special or something), he assumed that he could just get any job that would pay him a lot more than what he had in his last job position.  Apparently he doesn't realize that anyone can get a degree from some online school. They dish these diplomas out like they do at an automatic candy-dispenser machine...only it costs A LOT and gets people into A LOT of debt for something that turns out to be next to worthless when everything is said and done.

He got a job doing something with film archiving...which pays about 1/3 of what he got in his "secure middle-management" position.  Since then he's let go of his Internet business, not willing to keep up with the changes in technology here and there. (No wonder the middle-management job in technology disappeared for him.  He got to old to change with the tied and they didn't see the value in paying him anymore!)  Poor Billy.  What he DOESN'T realize is that the technology keeps changing to make things EASIER for us...not harder!

This is what I revealed to my students at my last event in Beverly Hills is that there is a brand new platform to build what I call your "money funnels" on.  This platform is outstanding, easy to use, and is so freaking AMAZING that you have to see it to believe it.  And no, it's not my platform.  Come on, people.  I'm just like you.  I'm an entrepreneur...not a "techie" person by any stretch of the imagination.  So, I use the full benefit of other platforms that give me the elements I need for success.  Why re-invent the wheel?  Makes no sense to do that and it's a complete waste of time.

Unfortunately for Billy, he decided to let his entrepreneurial spirit die while recessing into a deep depression over working in a soul-sucking cubicle and probably wondering what went wrong in his life (even though HE was what "went wrong" with everything).  His wife had to go out and get a job just to fill in the lack of income that they were used to seeing coming in.  Strangely enough, the reason I know everything that's been happening with Billy is because it was HIS WIFE who reached out to me via email giving me the scoop on what's been happening with him...and wondering if I can help HER get started with her own online business because she saw how much money Billy was making when he was serious about it.  So, yes, I'm helping the wife now.  (Interestingly enough, she mentioned that she doesn't want me to tell Billy about what she's doing.  I'm thinking that maybe things aren't going so well with them and perhaps divorce court is in their near future?  Just a prediction.)

So...she already took a slot in my upcoming Money Funnel Mentorship Group (which starts on April 5th).  These are 8 weeks of weekly live mentorship trainings followed by an Action Sheet of every step that you MUST complete before the following week's training.  Yes, these are VERY different than the mentorship groups that I ran between 2009 and up through then end of last year.  I promised myself and my students that I'd do a major technological upgrade with my mentorship trainings from 2016 and beyond.  This means I'll be doing weekly live trainings and presentations where you'll be able to understand every step you're supposed to be doing with every element to build your business.  And the first mentorship of its kind is the Money Funnel Mentorship Group.

Yes, you'll understand from beginning to end how to create your entire money funnel from scratch, even having your first completed money funnel (with a marketing plan) after this 8-week session.  But I'm only allowing for a certain number of students to sign up and, unfortunately for you, a lot of those slots were taken by the students who came to my Beverly Hills Event.  They had the first crack at signing up for this.

CLICK HERE or go to for a mini-audio seminar on why this is so life-changing and powerful!

Who should do this?  Those of you who need to be taken by the hand and shown every step in how to do this PLUS who need my direct attention and assistance in getting this done.  THAT is who should register for this!

One more thing...

After the beginning part of this year comes to a close, I'll be swinging hard back into Passive Income Strategies after I emerge from my partial summer hiatus.  So...I may run only one more of these Money Funnel Mentorships...MAYBE.  I don't know yet. Time is limited if you want to learn and, more importantly, wildly profit from these strategies.  Because, after all, you don't want to be a you?  (I didn't think so.)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  What to expect from me in the lateral part of 2016...everything having to do with Passive Income Strategies including multifamily and residential-commercial real estate investing, business credit strategies, and raising capital among other things. Aggressive Income teaching are rapidly coming to a close for a couple of reasons.  (1)  I'm creating too much competition with my own highly successful Aggressive Income Businesses by teaching exactly what I do to my students (and competition sucks), and (2) I have some tested-and-proven Passive Income Strategies that I FINALLY ironed out that can be used in our New Economy, even though the majority of our opportunities are gone.  These strategies are...freaking awesome.  More to come...later.  ;-)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 23 2016

This month we've been hit with 2 major and powerful eclipses The first was a solar eclipse on March 8th.  The second is a lunar eclipse...TODAY!

So, what happens during an eclipse? 

I'm sure this is different for everyone but with me, I've found that the "bad" will be brought to light and then immediately discarded (usually on its own) while the good new things are also brought to light with opportunities on bringing them to fruition.  Again, this can differ for everyone.  The key is to pay attention to what is happening in your life this month because it'll usually be tied to some other part of the year (later on). What may be immediately perceived as being "bad" is, in all actually, good in some way.  (You can't clean out your house unless you see the dirt.  Get it?)

What usually happens for me is that I'll discover an employee not performing up to par and I have to fire her...or they automatically walk off the job without notice and I don't have to do anything at all.  Or I'm warned one way or another about some person or threat to whereas I can counteract or ignore it.  Usually these things have a funny way of taking care of themselves through the karmic balances of the universe.  For you, just look for signs, pay attention to what's happening around you, and listen to the "whispers" of new opportunity that you can take advantage of right now.

Yes, unfortunately negativity does come to surface because otherwise you can't clean it out if you can't see it.  People around you who are already negative individuals will rare up with their ugly head, like a dormant serpent that suddenly decided that it wanted to be pissed off because his tail got singed by a flame or something.  This allows you to clearly identify the issues that need to be addressed and ultimately cleaned out of your closet, if you will.

You can't take ANY of this personally even though many times it will seem personal.  When people choose to lash out at you, it's because they have a low self-esteem or personal hatred within themselves.  They might look in the mirror and see someone who is ugly, unattractive, old, grossly overweight or maybe feeling that their time of usefulness on this earth plane is long gone.  

So, instead of finding a positive new outlet for themselves to be productive and powerful members of society, many times they'll decide to hurt others, mostly out of anger and fear within themselves, especially when they know that their future is so damned uncertain AND particularly when they're jealous of you or your success.  (Yes, being successful in and of itself will turn people against you, believe it or not.  You'll see!  But, guess what?  These are the losers that you don't want around you anyway.)  

This coming-to-the-surface happens a lot during eclipses like these and usually with the weakest and most pitiful individuals out there who believe their power is in hurting others.  This is much like why a rapist rapes...for the power to hurt others and not for any personal sexual gratification.  Remember, you can't control others but you CAN (and should) control how you feel about what's happening to you and in your life.

What's even stranger about this time is that the very same people who seemed "normal" before will start acting "out of character" during this time...but, in actuality, they were just wearing a mask before and the eclipse made them take it off.  These people remind of me of robots who start electrically shorting out.  One second they are acting like good people then something...weird...starts to happen with their behavior, almost seemingly uncharacteristic but it's really not.  It's who they really were all along.  Their true colors start coming out and they can't hide their demonic behavior anymore, at least not during an eclipse.  Again, this is something to be thankful for because right after it's over, they put that mask back on to hide from the world who they really are.

Use this as a time of strength and awareness for you.  Instead of getting sucked into the nonsense, use these moments of "flare-ups" with these people as, again, warnings of the bad people with bad intentions out there who you need to avoid while paying attention to those who reach out to you in a positive way as your true allies and friends.  There's nothing better than those who truly suck as having bright red blinking warning lights on them while those who are awesome glow with a steady white light, ready to reach out and help you in any way they can.  This ONLY happens during eclipse season and it takes a powerful person to rise above the negative swirling cesspool of devil-like creatures to fly high above and see this experience for the awesomeness that it really is.  After all, you can't play with the lower-level energies otherwise you will rack up double your negative karmic points (by doing things in retribution that you probably wouldn't otherwise do when thinking more clearly) that you'll ultimately have to pay back...and karma is always a bitch. Think about it: seeing everyone for who they really are...can you see how freaking awesome and powerful that is??  THAT is what happens during eclipse season, my friend. You get to see everything/everyone for what/who it is!

Here's the positive flip-side to these eclipses: if you listen to those "whispers" I eluded to, you'll be given some tremendous business ideas and profit opportunities like no other time of the year.  Many of you know about this mind-blowing opportunity that came about this past September which, coincidentally was, in the middle of three very powerful eclipses that took place in the lateral third of last year.  (I talked about this in my October Detroit Event last year.) But over the holiday season, I decided to put it on the back-burner for a short time.  I knew that the plan wasn't 100% right and I wasn't going to force it until it became clearer in what I was supposed to do.  So, during this very strong eclipse season, I got the new "reboot" of ideas that I had been waiting for to move this business project forward in the precise direction I had originally wanted.  (I'll be talking about what this is in my Vegas Event on May 13th & 14th so I hope you're coming!  CLICK HERE for a 10-minute audio seminar on Vegas!)

So, today on this special lunar eclipse day, I have an opportunity to help YOU with!  It took me awhile to get all my "ducks in a row" on this one but I finally have it all together now.  Just in time for the success in your life to take off in full force!

What is it that I have for you?

I'm starting my first Money Funnel Mentorship Group on Tuesday, April 5th.  As I stated here and there before, all of my new groups for 2016 and beyond will be webinar-based.  For this group, you'll get 8 weeks of webinar trainings.  I'm going to be doing LIVE trainings at the same time each week.  (If you miss them, no big deal.  They'll all be recorded so you'll be able to view them later on.)  After each webinar segment, you'll receive an "Action Sheet" of things you MUST complete before the next week's training session.  All easy stuff.  Just a lot of steps.  You'll also receive email "tips" during your week to give deeper clarification on the items in your Action Sheet.

I'll admit that my mentorship groups have the HIGHEST success rate over any of the other educational platforms I have including my courses and seminars.  Don't get me wrong.  My courses are great because they give you a thorough understanding in how to do something.  Seminars area also fantastic because it allows you to get the most cutting-edge information on building up your biggest and most successful business and investing model possible.

But my mentorship groups...they're in a class in and of themselves.  They literally TAKE YOU BY THE HAND and force you to do the tasks over an extended time.  You get help, you get attention, you are told exactly what to do, and there's no second-guessing anything.

What's most exciting about the NEW mentorship groups is that they are all Webinar Training and Action Sheet based.  This is a completely NEW model that I've never done before.  This will allow you to have an even DEEPER understanding of how every "part" of doing something works.  In this case, the group is all about creating a Money Funnel.  In 8 weeks, you'll be able to set up your complete business AND your first money funnel.  By the end, not only will you have a fully functioning money funnel, you'll also have an exact marketing plan in which to take off with so you can start making money with that funnel.

CLICK HERE to get into this group!

Now, here's the deal.  I'm doing an Easter Blow Out on this where I'm offering a discounted rate.  BUT...I can only accept another 18 students.  The group is getting kind of full because the students who attended my Beverly Hills Event filled a lot of slots.  So...once this group fills up, you'll have to wait until I run another one which probably won't be until late August or sometime in September.  (Sorry!)  So, even though there's a date deadline on this opportunity, unfortunately I'll sell out way before that date and you'll be left with only one of two options:  (1) get the Money Funnel System and figure it all out by yourself, or (2) come to the Money Funnel Event in Las Vegas on May 13th & 14 (which you probably want to do anyway).

CLICK HERE to register now.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm offering some pre-made money funnel templates that I've never offered to ANY of my students.  For those who sign up, when it's time to start putting together your funnels (about mid-way through), you'll be getting these funnels from me.  And these are some AWESOME funnels!  CLICK HERE to register now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 19 2016

I was talking to the guy who sold me on yet another camera system at my house.  Yes, more cameras were installed.  That brings it up to 18 cameras now.  I know...I'm a little twisted on this camera thing but let's just say this is the type of thing that happens when you're a neighbor scorned, if you will.  After all, I trust absolutely no one anymore, and rightfully so.

So, back to the security guy, he was asking me small-talk questions about if I had plans for spring break and other nonsense that nobody really cares how you answer.  In fact, most people aren't even listening when they ask you stuff.  I know...what a shocker, right?  And I hate talking about myself anyway so I was asking him about himself.  Come to find out that the guy owns a couple of small dealerships and he's working with the security service as a higher-level sales rep just a little longer until he can move on when he's able to add another couple of dealerships.

He went on to tell me that he has 3 sons, all of whom are working at the dealerships now and that in 9 months "max," he'd be joining them and working within his own businesses rather than for someone else. I was so impressed with his precise plan that I had to tell him this:

"I've been teaching students for years through seminars and mentorship groups; most don't make it because they don't have a PRECISE PLAN.  They're floundering about through life, not having any idea where they want to go, who they want to be, and what they want to do.  Some of them actually ask ME to choose their future for them.  And how preposterous is that??"

But I kept thinking about it long after he left.  People are so distracted, busy, tired, and not enthused about life anymore that they just never do anything significant.  They lose their greatness by losing themselves somewhere along the way, perhaps early on in life.  Perhaps much later.  Who knows?  Who cares?  It almost doesn't matter really.  They just lose themselves in the mix somewhere and many just never get themselves back.

There have been different times in my life where I felt lost, maybe even found myself adrift and confused among trying different things but failing to launch anything.  Some projects I'd launch but they'd never fully get off the ground.  Others were highly successful yet I pulled the plug because I realized, after all, that it wasn't my true calling.  But how do you know really if something's for you or not unless you try it?  Life is a smorgasbord or a buffet table.  You always have to dive right in, try as many things as possible, and only then will you really know what is for you and what totally sucks.

Unfortunately for you, my friend, is that you've been too wrapped up in doing things for everybody else that you forgot about yourself.  Do you even remember the last time you were able to do something for yourself?  When was the last time you engrossed yourself in a good fiction novel?  When was the last time you had a massage?  When was the last time you went on a trip to a place where YOU really wanted to somewhere on your Bucket List?  I'll bet it's been a long time.  For some of you, it's been never.  That's when.

You can't blame anyone else for stealing your freedom but yourself.  And the reason you can blame yourself is because you have options.  You're just not DOING the options.  And when you don't DO the options, you get exactly nowhere!

And for students of mine like this, I can't help you.  You can't even help yourself.  And I'm not sure anyone can help you either until you DECIDE to get off your ass and actually start WORKING some type of realistic plan that can get you the life of financial freedom that you've been seeking all of these years...or decades.

I'm doing my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 13th & 14th (and the 15th is a bonus workshop day for Platinum VIP only).  The deal for this event is ending on Monday.  Then you'll get to pay a higher price PLUS lose out on the $497 Beverly Hills Event Videos that I'll be sending to you for F*R*E*E for those who register for Vegas by the close of business on Monday.  CLICK HERE or visit to get the deal before it's too late.

What's so weird to me is that I have a cross-section of students who whine and complain about how they really want to start making some significant dollar amounts but yet they're not willing to learn how.  They're just waiting for that Publisher's Clearing House van to come whipping around the corner to bring them their $7,000-a-Week-for-Life check.  Outside of waiting around, they're willing to do nothing.  And when you're willing to do nothing, you'll get exactly that.  Nothing!

Why is this my last Money Funnel Event?  Because these events are very difficult for me to pull off.  They require a lot of energy on my part.  But here's the REAL reason:  I create too much competition by sharing too many of my exact business plans and blueprints because some of my students actually get out there and start doing the stuff I teach.  Then I make less money and have to find another cutting-edge money-making opportunity.  And I'm kind of tired of doing that.

What's cool about the Money Funnels I've created for myself is that they're working.  And very well at that!  So, my own strategies that I teach are working so well to the point where I can really slow down on some of the parts of my business that is draining my energy including trainings and some of the investments I've been working on that I really don't care for too much.  This Money Funnel Business stuff gives me options where I can work less, think less, and scale up to make MUCH MORE MONEY.  So...why do anything else, right?

CLICK HERE to register.  Stop making excuses already and see me in Vegas in May.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  By registering for this last-ever Money Funnel event in Vegas, you'll be getting the Beverly Hills Event Videos for F*R*E*E.  This is a $497 value which could be worth millions to you just in the strategies that were taught during that event from Total Success Transformation Strategies to a very unique online money-making strategy that I've NEVER talked about before...that will BLOW YOUR MIND!  Don't miss out on this.  The deadline for this offer is on Monday, March 21st at 5pm Pacific Time.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 16 2016

When my mom passed away (it'll be 11 years in July), I was beyond irritated that she decided I wasn't worthy to leave half of her life insurance policy to.  She left most of the money to my brother.  Of course, he pissed it away in less than 8 months.  Then he was back exactly where he started...penniless and living off government welfare where he was up until my mom's death and since the money burned a hole in his pocket...10 years later.  In fact, his last text to me about 2 months ago was asking me to buy him a house because...well, you know how it is with deadbeat family members.  I somehow "owe" him since I'm successful and he's not.  I'm sure he thinks it's purely by "luck" and having nothing to do with aggressively getting off my ass each and every day to propel myself forward into success but rather that money must float down into my backyard in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping or something.  It's amazing how idiots actually think.

My mom used to call me "the goose that lays the golden egg."  Since her death and the disbursement of her assets (namely a couple of life insurance policies), I've speculated as to why she didn't leave me more and I always came back to the same thought: she always knew I could take care of myself.  And on the flip side, she knew that my brother couldn't (or rather wouldn't) take care of himself.

Truth be told, I'd rather be the goose that lays the golden egg than reliant on a check from anyone, whether that would be freebies from the government system or being a Paycheck Charlie in some life-robbing, soul-sucking job somewhere.

I have a way you can be that goose...and not the kind that gets cooked either.  We're talking about creating a "scale-able" operation from super small (as in the corner of your basement or spare room on a card table with a laptop) to a huge multi-million-dollar company with multiple loading docs doing worldwide product distribution.  The cool thing is that YOU get to choose how small or large you want your business to be.  Small, as in $20,000 a month in profits? Or large $2,000,000 a month in profits?  Or somewhere in between.  Your choice.

So, how does this work?  How do you learn how to do all of this?

I have a set of videos to show you.  I also want you to attend my last Money Funnel Event in Las Vegas on May 13th & 14th (with a half-day bonus workshop on May 15th for Platinum VIP).  And there's a reason this is my last money funnel event...and my last large-venue event for awhile.  You see, I'm doing the money funnel "stuff" and it's a pretty brainless activity for the amount of money that's made.  So...why continue over-straining my brain cells doing larger events when I don't have to and don't want to anymore?  (Exactly.)  I'd rather focus on highly profitable money funnel stuff selling products than writing courses, speaking at events, doing trainings, and all of the other laborious elements that go along with running a success training empire.

This means that in the future I'm going to concentrate on very small events with only a max of couple dozen people and less (in many cases) who want more one-on-one training.  This would be on more of a "mastermind" level and only for the truly serious who have well moved beyond the tire-kicker category.  These are my students who are actively purchasing real estate (and have at least one building under their belt) and who have active Aggressive Income Businesses (even if it's a small basement money funnel enterprise).  It's easier for me to direct and focus those who are already doing aggressive and passive income businesses rather than trying to get a newbie on track from scratch. It's equivalent to the difference between teaching someone how to change the DNS of their domain versus trying to teach someone how to turn on their laptop and connect to wireless Internet service.  You can probably guess which I'd rather NOT be working with.

In preparation of all of this, I'm acquiring more office/warehouse space so I can work with larger training groups in my office.  I was so impressed with the high quality and sharpness of the students that I was working with in my in-office events that I quickly became addicted to wanting to do more of these smaller workshop-type trainings.  I'm hoping you'll be a part of these soon.

So, what does this mean for you?  This means that since I'm doing my last money funnel event in Vegas in May, you absolutely need to be part of this rare cutting-edge training.  This will get you into a very profitable and highly successful money funnel business within just a couple of weeks after you fully understand what to do.

CLICK HERE or got to to register right now.  I still have the offer on the table where you can get my Beverly Hills Event videos for F*R*E*E when you register for the Vegas event.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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