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Success For Life
Tuesday, June 27 2017

I just got off the phone with my investor partner -- the one that's done OVER 100 DEALS with my students since this past August -- and he wants more deals.  Why?  Because truth be told, INVENTORY IS TIGHT.  And where he's at now, he can't get anymore deals that are local to him.  (He's actually has 2 areas that he invests heavily in: Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth.)

So...he's reaching out to different areas all over the country to make money on deals nationwide.  And the ONLY way he can do this is by reaching out through other people...people like you...who can access these deals from where you're at.

If you want to find out how you can get both down payments and rehab money for deals that can be either flip properties or buy-and-hold assets, CLICK HERE NOW.  This may be the most important thing you get involved in because it could change everything for you.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 23 2017

Most of you have been chomping at the bit for REAL ESTATE INVESTING STUFF.  And trust me, I've been working on something AMAZING for all of you.

CLICK HERE to listen to what I've been able to pull off for you.  It's absolutely SPECTACULAR!

And yes, it involves getting CASH from my investor partner for your deals...something that is REALLY RARE these days!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Thank you for all of you who participated in the Deliberate Manifestation deal where I'll be sending all the proceeds to a grassroots animal rescue organization.  Your book purchase really is helping a lot of animals in need of being medically treated as well as finding new loving homes. Thank you again for caring about these innocent little creatures.  ;-)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 21 2017
What You're Helping Me to Do...TODAY!
With ALL of the proceeds of my newly released book -- Deliberate Manifestation -- I'm donating to the Helen Woodward Animal Center.  
If you recall, last month I talked about a dog named Duane "The Rock" that was in horrible condition when they found him in Tijuana, Mexico.  They took "The Rock" to the Helen Woodward Animal Center and I was really touched by the story.  And while I committed to putting all book proceeds of the sale of 100K in 100 Days to (for entrepreneurs in mainly 3rd-world countries looking for funding for their struggling small businesses), all book orders that came in AFTER the promotion was over were given to the medical treatment of that dog I showcased last month through the center shown above.
THIS time, I decided out of the gates to donate ALL proceeds from my newest book -- Deliberate Manifestation -- to this animal center because of all the good work they do with animals.  So, please help me out.
And this is how you can help me, as it's fairly simple:
I've had a promotional deal on my book including a bunch of bonuses and goodies which is ending TODAY at 5pm Pacific Time, to be exact. This RARE promotion deal includes my new book Deliberate Manifestation, the Law of Attraction Map (that includes THE SECRET to manifesting EVERYTHING YOU WANT...even THE SECRET that The Secret book and movie LEFT OUT is IN THE MAP), and 4 newly recorded videos of my entire wealth attraction regimen that I can guarantee you've never heard about all in one place anywhere else.
All these goodies for only $19.95 plus shipping/ essentially show you EXACTLY how to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT using an attraction strategy that has never been revealed!
But this deal is ending TODAY and we're running out of books.  If you wait any longer, you'll be put on a printing waiting list making you wait up to 3 weeks to get your book when we run out!   So, CLICK HERE NOW to get your book and help me support this wonderful animal center with the proceeds of your book sale!
This is life changing stuff, folks.  I have the key to how you can get everything you want in life.
So...what are you waiting for?
CLICK HERE NOW before it's too late.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, June 19 2017
Get What You Want EVERY TIME -- GUARANTEED -- With This ONE Secret!
I'll bet that you're frustrated about not getting what you want in life, not knowing HOW to get what you want, feeling like you're in a tail-spin ALL the time, and possibly "settling" because you figure, "Hell, I guess this is the way it is so...I'll just accept it!"
DON'T accept it.  Because it's NOT the time to give up on your dreams since I have the SECRET that you've been looking for!
I just released a BRAND NEW BOOK called Deliberate Manifestation.  It shows you THE SECRET that even the book and movie The Secret actually LEFT OUT!! 
What's awesome about this book is that I'm doing a promotion right now where I'm giving you some EXTRA BONUS GOODIES worth OVER $300 that ends pretty soon!  This includes a Law of Attraction MAP that shows you exactly how to use a specific set of techniques to attract ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE at will, at COMMAND!
CLICK HERE NOW to get this book with all the promo goodies since this deal is ending VERY SOON!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 17 2017
The REAL SECRET That Even The Secret Purposely Withheld From You...
I have to be honest where honesty is due...
This will be the LAST deal I'll be doing this year that will include me offering ANYTHING at such a low discount...especially with THESE bonuses:
* Brand NEW Released Book
* Map Including the SECRET (More on THAT in a Minute)
* 4 Hours of Video That I JUST RECORDED
Bonuses and goodies worth WELL OVER $300 and you'll be getting ALL of it for a super low mind-blowing price of $19.95 plus shipping/handling...
I'll be donating ALL the proceeds to the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Santa Fe, California.'re probably wondering.
"Why do I want this new book called Deliberate Manifestation?"
"Why would Monica be offering such a kick-ass book with all these goodies for only $19.95 plus shipping/handling?"
Here's why...
The REAL SECRET to Attracting Everything You've Ever Wanted Has Been PURPOSELY WITHHELD From the Book and Movie Called "The Secret"
Nobody wants to believe that something as "well-known" as the book and movie The Secret would have purposely withheld the ACTUAL SECRET to creating what you want in life.  But the reality is, THEY DID!  Pure and simple!
I don't know if they had a "Part II" of the movie and book in mind that would reveal the REAL secret?  Or...if they didn't actually KNOW the REAL SECRET?  OR...if they believed that people weren't, perhaps, READY for the REAL SECRET.
Regardless of the reasoning as to why they didn't reveal the REAL SECRET...bottom line, they didn't tell you what it was.  And that's too bad that a movie of this momentum was created and so widely watched yet they completely MISSED THE MARK on the truth in how to create everything that you want in life!
But I have that REAL SECRET for you.  In fact, I'm giving you the REAL SECRET in my book called Deliberate Manifestation.
But...even better: I'm not even going to make you wade through a bunch of pages to find it.  I'm giving you a Law of Attraction tri-fold MAP where INSIDE THE MAP I INCLUDE the REAL SECRET!
I'll show you EXACTLY where it is INSIDE the map.  You'll be unfolding the map and looking inside to find my cartoon caricature dead center in the middle.  My cartoon caricature is SAYING SOMETHING in 2 "bubbles."  This is where I reveal the most SIMPLISTIC version of the SECRET that The Secret purposely withheld from everyone.  
Take a look at the pic I posted and this is what you'll be looking for inside the map you'll be receiving with your Deliberate Manifestation book.  The SECRET is INSIDE my 2 speaking bubbles.
Now, I DO have to explain how to use these REAL SECRETS which are covered in the 4 videos you'll be getting and in the Deliberate Manifestation book, especially the part toward the very end of it. 
So, back to why I'm doing this:  Think what you want to think of me but my students are VERY IMPORTANT to me.  Your success is important to me.  And I see so many people buying every type of book, course, system, seminar, workshop, video set, and mentorship that I have yet SOME of them constantly see success evading them because they REFUSE to do the "inner stuff" first.
This is that INNER STUFF that you're missing if success is evading you!
And by YOU doing this Success Stuff that I'm sharing you in this Deliberate Manifestation kit that you'll be getting, you'll quickly and easily see success come pouring into your life which (a) makes MY teaching job MUCH EASIER when you're wanting my strategies on both Aggressive and Passive Income, and (b) because of your success that you'll have in the NEAR FUTURE by using these Deliberate Manifestation Strategies, I'll become your HERO!!  Yes!!  (I love changing people's lives!)
CLICK HERE NOW to get this Deliberate Manifestation with the BONUSES and GOODIES before I run out and before the promotion is over (which will be soon). Right now I have these in stock but I'm already getting low on these.  Once I run out, you'll have to wait 2-3 weeks until I get more and that is just throwing your ability to get what you want in life on the back-burner.  And you DON'T want that, do you?  (Haven't you been struggling in life LONG ENOUGH??)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Deliberate Manifestation book with ALL the bonuses!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 14 2017
"Happy meeeeeeeeeeee!  (And Donald Trump, tooooooooooooo!)"
So, here it is.  Another year rolls around.  And now I'm 43!
But what's most extraordinary about TODAY is that I have something KICK-ASS for YOU!
Today I'm releasing my NEW BOOK called Deliberate Manifestation.  This is the book that will tell you EXACTLY how the Laws of Attraction work in ways that nobody else has shown you.
But, perhaps MOST extraordinary, are all the BONUSES I'll be giving to you with this Birthday-through-Father's Day Promotion:
* Deliberate Manifestation Book (JUST RELEASED)
* The Secret Law of Attraction MAP (That Reveals, in ONE SINGLE LINE Inside the Map the PRECISE SECRET to Getting Everything You Want in Life)
* 4 Just-Recorded Wealth Attraction Videos Totaling OVER 4 Hours of My Most Coveted Wealth Attraction Secrets that NOBODY Has Ever Revealed

If you're a guy, I'm offering ONE EXTRA BONUS of my double-sided 4-color laminated chart that guides you through a very simple set of instructions on the METHOD of triggering the Laws of Attraction to work for you.
Now, of course, I can't tell if you're a man who has a kid or not so every guy who orders will have this automatically added to his order since this is only fair (because I had an extra bonus for the ladies on Mother's Day).
CLICK HERE to find out all about this most awesome new book: Deliberate Manifestation including getting all the bonuses before the promo ends.
Also, one more thing:  ALL the book proceeds will go to the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Santa Fe, California.  This is a small animal rescue group who helped that dog Duane "The Rock" from Tijuana fully recover and become adopted out by a new caring family.  They do great work and your book money will go to this special cause!
CLICK HERE to get the book NOW before we run out!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 10 2017
My $48,000
Well ​I finally got my MFA degree in the mail after waiting for it for almost 6 months.  And the reason they didn't send it to me MUCH earlier?  Because apparently, after spending $48,000 on the MFA program I was in, I guess they had to squeeze an extra $7.75 from me so that they could send me the actual degree in the mail.  After all, I guess after spending $48K, they couldn't be bothered with springing for the paper and mailing cost of this POS piece of paper without charging me for it.
So, as you can see in the picture, it hangs on a wall in my home office to the right of my other degree -- a BS in Business Administration...another worthless POS degree that I spent a fortune on just so I can be a "role model" for my daughter. (I'm now convinced that BS stands for bullshit.)
What I love about school: the discipline in staying on a schedule to get things done even when you think you're business/personal schedule is already over-burdened with too much stuff already...and actually pulling off finishing quarter after quarter when you think it's simply not possible.
What I hate about school: the cost to get a degree when everything you learn teaches you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING useful to go out into the world to make money with.  And when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING!  Anyone with a laptop and the ability to fill out an online student loan application can get a degree so the value of a degree is worthless in the job world...
Not that you or I care about getting a job, right?
Which is why -- other than being a role model for my daughter -- I wonder what the REAL reason was that I wasted so much time and money to get these 2 pieces of useless paper that now hang on my office wall as the only remaining pieces of evidences that I succeeded in getting these 2 degrees since I remember NOTHING about what I "learned" in these programs.
Getting this piece of paper made me think about where my REAL education came from and, even MORE POWERFUL, how I shared everything I know PLUS the newest stuff I'm doing with my students over a powerful 3-day workshop that nobody had to pay $48,000 for.
In fact, not even CLOSE to $48,000.
And, to top it off, many of you know that I'm part of a Mastermind Group where I pay $33,000 a year and I taught MORE to my students over that 3 days than what I've ever gotten in the group that I'm in.
THAT is how powerful this stuff is.
But, clearly, this is NOT for everybody.  I'll go so far as to say that it's probably not for most of you.
For the few of you that SHOULD and WILL use this powerful information to build a multi-million-dollar business from scratch -- even using my EXACT 7 sales letters that I'm offering for a SHORT TIME, sales letters that have PERSONALLY made me millions of dollars -- you will be BOWLED OVER at how incredible and life-changing this stuff is.
Again, this isn't for everyone.  But, you should at least listen to a short audio seminar anyway to see if maybe this is for you.  CLICK HERE NOW!
One more thing...the deal ends soon, including getting those 7 powerful tested-and-proven successful sales letters that you can use to build your own business so you need to CLICK HERE NOW to get on this before it's too late.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 08 2017

The other day I was telling you about Vincent James' $77 Million Manual, how it was riddled with endless amounts of mistakes, English misspellings, grammatical errors, and was very difficult to read because he wrote it within days of being hauled off to prison to do a sentence concerning the mishaps with his company.  What was awesome about this book (if you can still find it anywhere) is that it gives you his EXACT blueprint to create a multi-million-dollar direct mail marketing empire INCLUDING what NOT to do to get into legal trouble like he did.

My point was that, to me, it doesn't matter how many errors there are in a text provided that it's giving me a MAP to become SUPER SUCCESSFUL in whatever I'm reading about.

As the $77 Million Manual did for me.

You see, the part I left out and didn't include is that I DID follow Vincent's advice (with some tweaks and minor changes) and started a company called Brie Labs based on his business model.  And within mere months the company turned into a CASH COW, bringing in millions of dollars based on his basic business structure as he outlined in his manual.

And to think...if I would have discounted his manual because of the misspelled words, grammatical issues, I would have been running around like the rest of the unsuccessful "perfectionists" who won't dare follow through with ANY book, course, manual or other text that has a single misspelled word or one single grammatical error because, after all, that IS the ONLY reason you're reading a book about business or investing, right?  Because you're trying to play self-appointed editor-and-chief?

This was during my recent rant about how a student sent me an email about how my 100K in 100 Days book was really good but...he noticed some grammatical errors that he wanted to correct for me.  Instead of focusing on the multi-million-dollar MAP that was provided, he decided to complain about a misspelled word and an incorrectly executed sentence.  Unbelievable.  And then it's people like him who wonder why success evades them constantly.  It's because they can't get out of their own way.

What's awesome about what I'm doing now is that I'm teaching my students how to follow MY EXACT blueprint business plan that I've been using for the past several years (since 2011 to be exact) that YOU can now use to build your OWN multi-million-dollar empire using direct mail marketing as the main strategy to bring in droves of orders (and money)!

Recently I finished a 3-day Direct Mail Millionaire Workshop where for 3 solid days I included my most POWERFUL strategies for quickly and effectively building a multi-million-dollar EVERGREEN (meaning it'll last for years without any changes) business.  AND I'm even including 7 of my ACTUAL multi-million-dollar sales letters in Microsoft Word Documents so you can borrow them for your own multi-million-dollar direct mail campaigns.  (I've NEVER given these sales letters to ANYONE and, after this promotion ends, you won't ever be able to get them again!)

CLICK HERE to listen to a 9-minute audio seminar and to see my mind-blowing testimonials from this last event!

Oh...and one more thing:  for those who get the 3-Day Direct Mail Millionaire Workshop Videos, I'm ADDING another bonus where I'll register you in for the 8-week 100% online Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group, starting September 5th.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:41 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 06 2017

Just when I think things are "calming down" when it comes to me having to deal with the dumb shits of the world, there are always more dumb shits being ushered in.  I guess I can't relax too much.  After all, with the dumbing down of America at such an ALARMING rate, I can only expect more dumb-shit-ness.  And so can you.

The latest rash of dumb-shitters started last week, both by 2 idiot men who have the SAME NAME of Steve or Steven.  Can't remember which, nor do I care at the moment.  That's besides the point.

So, Steve #1 decides that he is going to try bullying me and my staff for a multi-million-dollar sales letter template that I actually DO HAVE for his own mail order business because in my Direct Mail Millionaire Manual, I said this -- on page 8: "But we'll get into greater detail about what to sell, who to sell it to, and how to make money in this phenomenal business."  So, somehow in Steve's world, this means that I'm supposed to give him my multi-million-dollar stock trading sales letter...except that maybe Steve and I must be reading 2 different sentences here because I'm not reading ANYTHING about how this one sentence entitles Steve to my tested-and-proven successful sales letter.  Except, instead of getting it with my 3-Day Direct Mail Millionaire Workshop Videos (because this ACTUAL tested-and-proven multi-million-dollar trading letter is in the CD-ROM that goes with this video set), he thinks I'm going to give it to him for nothing.  I tell him NO, he can call my staff and get it WITH the purchase of the 3-Day Direct Mail Millionaire Workshop Videos.  So, he calls the office, yelling at my staff about how he thinks he should get it for nothing, then ends up hanging up on them when this immature man-child cry baby didn't get his way.

As a side note, I should mention that the actual sales letter in question is (1) included on the CD-ROM called "Workshop Materials" and is among 7 powerful sales letter templates in Microsoft Word files (which means you can "borrow" them for your own multi-million-dollar mailing campaign...and I've NEVER offered these to anyone before EXCEPT for those who showed up to my workshop)...and these ARE ACTUAL sales letters that have made me MILLIONS in the direct mail business, and (2) can actually be used to make YOU millions in the direct mail business so, to me, there should be NO PRICE that someone wouldn't be willing to pay for something like this, let alone demanding that I email it to him for nothing.  (If someone were giving you this Friday's lottery numbers to guarantee that you'll win millions, wouldn't you expect to pay for these lottery numbers?  And, most importantly, wouldn't you be willing to pay ANY PRICE just to get them?  I know I would!!)

Then there's Steve #2 who offers to correct all the spelling and "grammatical errors" in my best-selling 100K in 100 Days book.  I politely declined, stating that typically when people are so focused on spelling and grammar in a book, they're really not cut out for being successful because they're missing THE POINT OF THE BOOK which is to make you money by offering you a path to financial freedom, not to offer you a "what's-wrong-with-this-spelling-and-grammar" quiz.

Case in point: I remember reading Vincent James' book that he wrote DAYS BEFORE he was hauled off to jail.  He wrote his entire book in a harried state of mind, messing up every bit of grammar, punctuation, and spelling that you can think of.  It was hard to read since there were words all over the place due to his inability to line up his paragraphs correctly.  BUT I DIDN'T CARE when I was reading it.  Why?  Because what he DID DO was spell out EXACTLY WHAT HE DID in the most tightly-knitted manner I've ever seen to tell ANYONE how to make $77 million in only a few years.  AND he even included WHY he got into legal trouble so that nobody else would fall into that legal alligator pit by telling everyone what the mistake was.  So, he essentially gave everyone his entire multi-million-dollar EXACT BLUEPRINT that was chock full of the most powerful business and money-making information I've EVER gotten from any book AND he told everyone how to stay out of legal trouble -- not just with direct mail marketing but with ANY kind of business.  Yet everything was "wrong" with it from an English and grammar perspective not to mention the aesthetics.  But I DIDN'T CARE because that's NOT why I was reading the book.

It's kind of like someone giving you a treasure map to a treasure chest full of gold that is buried somewhere in the mountains close by.  But instead of looking at WHERE the gold is by following WHERE the map is taking you, you're criticizing that some of the words that the person who drew out the map aren't spelled correctly.  Maybe even criticizing the drawing itself.  "This stick man that represents me on the map isn't quite right.  I have straight hair and the stick man has curly hair.  This isn't right!"  So, instead of following the map, you complain about the drawing of the map including the spelling and grammar.  Then you throw the map away, go to Starbucks, and whine about why your life sucks so bad and why you never get any opportunities because "luck" keeps evading you.

If this sounds like you then you're getting in your own way.  Until you get OUT of your own way, you don't have a chance in hell of ever succeeding at ANYTHING at all.  So give up now, while you're ahead.  And recess into that chasm in life that I refer to as Suck-Hole-Land because that's where you're doomed to stay until you die.

But...(your glimmer of hope is here)...

If you really WANT a path and a MAP that can really take you to your financial dreams and beyond -- regardless of the spelling, the grammar, the drawings and graphs, etc. -- then you probably have what it takes to get to where you want to go. You just need the right vehicle to get there.  And...I have just that for you!

CLICK HERE to see what I'm talking about!

And one more thing: I'm getting REALLY SICK of getting these emails from people asking about the "quickest and easiest" way to make "a lot of money" starting with absolutely nothing for financial resources.  First of all, nothing worthwhile is "quick and easy" otherwise EVERYBODY would be doing it and then there would no longer be an opportunity for it anymore, which is why Internet marketing is dying at a rapid rate.  Because EVERYBODY (including Fortune 500 companies) are doing it!  If you want an opportunity that will make you A LOT of money (but will take some work on your part) then CLICK HERE.  This is that precise blueprint MAP that I was telling you about that is about to change absolutely EVERYTHING for you!

And if you're either one of the "Steve" guys that I'm talking about above, you're not allowed to look at this or participate at don't even ask.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, June 04 2017

The other day I had to have Time Warner (now Spectrum) service my phones because one of my incoming lines wasn't ringing in.  So, he came in and -- like the LAST time he was in our office -- decided to use our bathroom for a solid 30 minutes while talking on the phone and blowing it out of his ass.  By the time he quickly left, my staff was stuck dealing with a gross mess (not to mention the smell) in our bathroom for, as I mentioned, the second time this same tech serviced the phone lines in our office unit.

I, fortunately, wasn't in the office when this guy showed up because it would have been a show-down at the OK Corral if I was present during this bathroom debacle.  But when I did finally arrive (later in the day), I got endless complaints from my staff about this situation having happened yet a second time with this same exact Time Warner tech who had violated our bathroom on now 2 different occasions.

So...I filed a complaint with Time Warner about this indicating EXACTLY what happened and how I needed it noted in my account that they were to NEVER send the same tech again to my place of business.  It is not my job to offer bathroom facilities to their techs, especially since this particular guy seems to have some kind of bowel disorder.  (Perhaps an Andy Gump potty on this tech's truck would be a more suitable fit for his ass**** issues.)

After filing the complaint, I couldn't stop laughing.  And it wasn't because of the person I had to file the complaint with that made it so funny (although that's pretty funny, too) in what he was probably thinking as I was complaining about this tech.  But it was the supervisor or his field manager that has to give him that "little talk" that will reduce the guy to pure liquid embarrassment that made me laugh so hard.  "Uh...Bill, can I speak to you in my office for a few minutes?  It seems that one of the businesses on your route filed a complaint against you because on two different occasions you..."

I still crack up about it.

It made me stop for a minute and feel a great sense of relief that I DON'T work for corporate America and that I'd NEVER be put in any similar circumstances.  Not ever!

And it really must suck being the one who HAS to deal with issues LIKE this on behalf of working for corporate America, no matter how large or small the company is.  Maybe you're one of those people who has to do things like this. And I can guaranteed you that you probably DON'T want to address issues like this anymore or do even a small percentage of the things you currently do for your boss or employer.

So...why not make the change already?  What's the freaking hold up??

I know, I know.  You have "reasons."  Or rather "excuses" as to why you haven't made that change including...

Don't have the time, don't have the money, don't have the energy...blah, blah, blah.

Then you really DON'T have the interest level needed to be a successful entrepreneur or investor.  It does come down to that reality, as harsh as it is.  And it means it's just not that important to you.  That's fine.  Just stop dreaming about or wishing for something better then if you're not willing to go out and get it.


What if you really ARE one of those people who dreams big and is willing to do what it takes to get there...?  But you just don't have the direct Point A to Point Z path to take to get there yet??

Then I have something incredible for you!  CLICK HERE to listen to a short audio seminar that can completely change EVERYTHING for you!

Remember, nothing changes uyntil you do.  And that's a fact that you can engrave in stone...or tattoo on your arm.  Whatever you need to do to constantly remind yourself that YOU are in charge of your own destiny!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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