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Success For Life
Monday, April 10 2017

What most people don't know about me is that I've started several different multi-million-dollar direct marketing businesses from scratch and ballooned them into multi-million-dollar profit machines in FAR LESS than a year EACH AND EVERY TIME.  This is because I've gotten them down to a hard science on how to plan, implement, and EXPLODE these businesses into the stratosphere with almost nothing (for money) to start these and quickly ramp them up to making millions of LESS than a year.

This may seem far-fetched to you.  Hell, it was far-fetched to me when I first started out too.  Then I did it once.  Then again.  Then again.  THEN AGAIN!

Now, some things HAVE changed since I started my first multi-million-dollar business back in the mid-90s.  But having been IN the business for more than 2 decades, I've successfully been able to morph and become flexible with the ever-changing direct marketing environment.

And this will become VERY helpful to you IF this is something you want to do.

Now, as a disclaimer, this is NOT for the lazy fools out there who want to send out chain letters for money nothing while somebody deposits money into their bank accounts.  Anything worthwhile in life WILL require some kind of elbow grease.  The good news is that I'll show you how to put this entire business on AUTO PILOT so you'll be doing minimal work while watching your bank account expand like you've never seen before.

If you haven't checked this out yet, I highly recommend you CLICK HERE and at least listen to my very powerful 10-minute audio seminar explaining all of this and how it works.

This is the FIRST and probably the ONLY time I'll be doing a training like this.  And, as promised, I told all of my students that 2017 would be the year I teach you all of my most coveted and highly guarded secrets on the Aggressive Income front.  I started off with the Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship (then offered the modules thereafter).  I'm now leveling it up for those who aren't afraid of a challenge who REALLY want to see themselves get up into the multi-million-dollar profit mark by the end of this year.  While the Affiliate Modules are worth anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000 (average) per month in profits for those who choose to work the business as I show you how to set it up, this much more AGGRESSIVE Direct Marketing Training can be worth $20,000 to $200,000 PER MONTH in profits to you IF you learn it all from front to back INCLUDING the "New Age" way of doing things (which requires implementing some online strategies along with it).

Parts of my offered trainings are already full or getting full.  (I have a mentorship group and I also have a 3-day in-office training coming up next month.)  If you want in, you MUST get in now otherwise it'll be too late.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out if this is for you.

And if you have any questions, call my office after 9am Pacific Time at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 08 2017

If You're Swimming UPSTREAM, You're Fighting the Current!

A little while ago I started telling you about this powerful book I started reading.  And I just finished it while on my vacation.  What an amazing book!  It's by Esther Hicks called The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide.
As time goes on, I'm taking more notice to how I feel about things, ideas, what people say to me, different concepts, or how I'm "vibrating" as a whole.  When I'm feeling great, I'm vibrating at a high level and therefore can draw in some amazing other high-level vibrating things, people, and happenings into my life.  When I'm vibrating low...well, you can probably guess what I attract into my life.  (Not good stuff, I'll tell you that!)
I've been going a step further and "tapping in" to how I am vibrating when considering a business idea, piece of investment property, or when lining up doing business with someone.  I take note on how I'm feeling inside. Excited?  Uncertain?  Happy?  Sad?  These feelings are usually determining on EXACTLY what you can expect overall with this deal, person,  business idea/plan. etc.  I suggest you tap into how you're feeling about something and see where your energy is flowing.  High or low? Happy or sad?  You get the picture.  (Or the "feeling," rather.)
What's interesting that I learned through the book I started telling you about is that most of us waste our entire lives doing what Esther Hicks calls going "upstream" which is NOT what you want to do.  This is when something feels "forced" or like "work" or when it makes you miserable, sad, upset, or feeling like you're going against the grain.
However, on the flip side, when you are feeling elated like everything is falling into place and you are vibrating at a high "pitch," this means you are going "downstream" which is basically taking the EASY route to your dreams and desires.  In other words, when you let go and stop forcing, overworking, stressing, or trying to pound a plan (relationship or whatever) together, not only does it almost NEVER work out but you lower your vibrational levels and you end up miserable, out of sorts, and not getting what you want anyway.
Everything you want is DOWNSTREAM.  Everything you DON'T want (or shouldn't have...because it's not good for you) is upstream.  Taking the easy route to all of your desires is taking the downstream route.  Struggling and pounding puzzle pieces together while being unhappy...upstream.
And this goes for EVERYTHING in life including your business, investing, relationships, raising your children, healing your body, and even losing weight.  EVERYTHING!
I've provided a picture of what the cover looks like in case you want to pick up a copy of it, maybe on Amazon or at your local bookstore.

I think of it like trying to swim up Niagara Falls vs. taking a barrel down the falls and just floating down the river.  It's actually impossible to swim up the falls.  Not only is it frustrating but it makes many of us feel like failures by trying to constantly keep swimming upstream when, in many cases, it's completely futile.

What areas of life are YOU trying to constantly swim upstream in?

In my personal relationships in life, I pretty much walked away (except only retaining that relationship with my daughter, of course).  Strangely, because I walked away, everything is so freaking EASY now.  All the parts that I tried pounding into place for many years are, all of a sudden, gracefully falling into place WITHOUT me doing ANYTHING.

I had an issue with trying to figure out a final piece to my newest business. I threw my hands up, said I'd figure it out somehow after my vacation, and let it go (going downstream with it).  Then suddenly the piece just dropped into place without ANY effort on my part.  Mind you, this is a piece I had been struggling with going UPSTREAM for more than a year now.

So, how do you know if you're upstream or downstream?  If it feels like a struggle or like miserable work or that something is "off" then it's upstream. If you feel excited, happy, ecstatic and "in flow" vibrationally with it then it's downstream.

Everything you want is downstream.

You want to have MAXIMUM leverage with minimal effort and time.

I also have something else I want you to check out for a business strategy that can also help SOME of you feel that sense of going "downstream" with maximum profits through minimum efforts.  CLICK HERE for more information about it!

Of course, this is NOT for everyone.  But it just may be what YOU have been looking for!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 06 2017
You Gotta Be Ballsy to Get What You Want in Life!
Greetings from Honolulu, Hawaii
Happy Spring Break! catch you up on what's going on, I'm in Honolulu right now.  Just spent $90K on a time share.  And then wondered what possessed me to want to buy a Louis Vuitton bag that exceeded $2,000.  Sometimes you have to just break down and ask yourself...WTF is going on in my life??
As you can tell, though, we're having a blast here.  I tend to come to Hawaii once a least try to.  As my daughter gets older, I make it a point to travel more even though I really don't like it.  I hate down time.  I hate taking time off.  I hate NOT working.  But...sometimes you just have to give yourself a breather.  Even if it's for a short time.
And this DOES pay off for "work" much of time time.  Here's how:
For instance:  I just discovered a "missing piece" that I needed to complete a portion of my skincare empire.  And I did it by spending more than $1,000 on skincare products that I know I'll never use, told the store clerk I'd end up throwing all of it away, and even told her that I'd be ripping off parts of her product line which is why I was buying the products (and for no other reason).
I realized this one thing while being here this time around: sometimes when "letting go" and NOT thinking (or doing) work all the time, sometimes pieces of the puzzle just fall together.  Mostly when you're NOT trying to pound the pieces together or force it all to work out.
And other times you get what you want when you grow some balls and just go get it.  Just get out there and GET what you want!
Check out the picture!  
This is my friend Martha who I brought with us to Hawaii.  We were having pizza on the beach and this duck came from nowhere, basically sat in her lap, and demanded that we all feed him (or her) pizza.  And we did.  What else do you do with a 7-pound duck sitting in your lap, quacking away, and basically demanding food?  You give him the freaking food or risk losing your fingers and limbs if you don't!
Of course, at this moment, I was about 6 drinks in and would have probably given the duck anything, even the keys to my $112,000 BMW but...he probably wouldn't have wanted that.  After all, it's not that digestible.
This month I've had some incredible clarity on A LOT of things in my life that were formerly "fuzzy" at best.  I feel like I'm finally pulling out of a long-time fog.  I know many of you are feeling that way too so maybe it was a universal thing that a lot of us felt on a mass level.
What I also feel is that many of us will be able to take advantage of some quite profitable times ahead IF we know how to position ourselves.  Many of you know that I am now part of this high-level Mastermind Group and one of the things we talked at great length about was this ONE MISSING KEY COMPONENT that I was almost refusing to implement for the last several years.  Now this component is pretty much REQUIRED to implement for those of us who want to not just survive but THRIVE in business (and investing) in the years ahead.
(My Viper Wealth Newsletter students will know EXACTLY what one of these major key secrets are when they read the April 2017 issue of their newsletter, due in their mail boxes any second now.  If you're not a Viper Wealth Member, I STRONGLY suggest you become a part of is ASAP by CLICKING HERE!)
So, what is this "secret" to massive wealth and prosperity, especially as we start to downward spiral into another recession as the months drone on?
This is one of the KEY THINGS I will be talking about in this next phase of my Aggressive Income Business Strategies.  CLICK HERE or on the button below now to get an idea of just how incredibly profitable this can be for you!
In the meantime, if you haven't had any fun this year yet for Spring Break, maybe take the weekend off.  You just may have your next multi-BILLION-dollar idea simply by letting it all go.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:32 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 04 2017
Where I'm At and What I'm Drinking Right Now!
They Say It's Past Noon Somewhere...Or Whatever They Say!
As I sit here sipping on my Blue Hawaiian drink in Honolulu, I'm thinking back on my rather tumultuous 2017 so far, knowing damn well that I deserve this drink and MANY MANY MORE.
Yes, it's been a rough year...mostly on the emotional front.  But all that pain is gone now, folks.  Long gone, in fact.  And all I have to look forward to is NOW and the future.
And that's what you have, too.  Now and the future.  That's it.  Nothing else.  So how you navigate your own ship will determine your journey and destination.  After all, we can go where ever our little hearts desire.
I'm reading this book now.  I'll tell you more about it later on after I'm done with it.  It makes so much sense to me.  So many times we let our logic minds talk ourselves out of the things we really want to do in life because we have to be "responsible" and "stay on course with what our parents wanted" or some other reason to keep doing the things we know are going against our "internal grain."
I had such a situation recently when I attended a high-level Mastermind Group.  I actually had to include my own DISCLAIMER before I started speaking before the group:  "I know you're going to want me to keep doing that real estate training stuff but I don't want to do that anymore, no matter what you tell me otherwise."  Or something to that effect.
I had an investor partner contact me recently.  He wanted to do some type of somewhat complicated deal and wanted my help in executing it.  I didn't return his phone call.  I'm just not interested.
The "guru" who was conducting the Mastermind Group told me... "Well if you'd only focus on higher echelon clients such as dentists like our other group member here."  I won't mention who that other person is.  Besides, he sucks anyway.
I had to remind him again...NOT INTERESTED.
Then I started questioning myself.  Am I REALLY making the right decision here?  After all, I'm so freaking good at what I do.  I mean...REALLY good at it.  So, is it RIGHT to let it go knowing how good at it I am and how profitable it is for me?
Here's a good indicator for you (and me as well).  If you think about it and it makes you either marginally ill to full-on puking in the bushes because you can no longer stomach it (now matter what "it" is: your career, your job, your relationship, whatever), it's time to let it go and leave it behind for SOMETHING ELSE.  Let it go for something better...even if you don't yet know what that "something better" is. 
I think I mentioned to many of you post-seminar that I felt a little "lost," as if I was a CEO at a company who was just given her pink slip, packed up her bank box full of stuff including a small plant and some picture frames, then headed home to walk around my house aimlessly.
And what do you know?  It was the first time I looked out my back balcony window and noticed my swimming pool.  I mean really NOTICED it.  And I asked myself... "When was the last time I actually went swimming?"
I DIDN'T know, it had been so long.  Sad, really.  I have an awesome life to enjoy but a mind and lifestyle that's not letting me enjoy it.
Time to stop being so busy.  Time to stop doing the things I DO NOT want to do anymore.
And maybe you're in the same boat too.
One of the biggest things I'm focusing on now is my skincare stuff, namely using a specific type of marketing to rake in millions of dollars in profits. CLICK HERE if you want to get a gander of how this works and how you can use this priceless tested-and-proven strategy too.
In the meantime, it's time for me to order another round.  We'll catch up again soon.
Be well, my friend.
See you at the top...or at the beach.  Or somewhere.
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:17 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 02 2017

I get a little tired of some of my students only reading HALF the story, doing HALF the work while waiting TWICE the time to actually kick their businesses into gear...usually getting started at the WRONG times using OUTDATED information and strategies.

If you want to continue to be a student of mine, you MUST commit to whatever it is you want to do.  And you must commit 110%...not a half-assed, half-baked "commitment" on your part otherwise you won't be successful in doing anything at all.

I had a student of mine email me a few days ago about how he's "confused" because one minute he claims I state that the Internet makes fortunes and the next minute it's "dying."  To be clear, it depends on WHAT course materials he's reading from.  Things dated 2015 and back are going to read very differently than what the strategies are TODAY, especially online.  So, without being clear as to what "course materials" he's referring to, it's kind of hard to throw a dart and guess on my part.

But what he's failing to understand is that, yes, Internet marketing IS dying when taking into account that in 2010 you were able to advertise most anything on Google AdWords and NOW YOU CAN'T.  And taking into account that in recent years you could, again, advertise most anything on Yahoo! and now they're pulling advertisers off left and right.  And then there's Facebook...the "last man standing," if you will which, in and of itself, is EXTREMELY PROFITABLE.  I have students making well over $50,000 a month IN PROFITS using JUST FACEBOOK.  So, if "dying" means that you're "only" clearing $50,000 in profits per month, you really need to re-evaluate what kind of dough you need coming in per month if that's not quite enough for you.  (And if you're barely "squeezing by" with $50,000 per month in profits, let me suggest that you quit your cocaine habit while laying off going to the strip bars so much.)

With that said, yes.  Internet marketing IS dying but isn't dead.  It just gets harder and harder to make it work which is why I keep telling my students to add what I call "offline" marketing strategies back into their business models.  My favorite, of course, is using direct mail marketing because you can literally control how much or little you make based on how much you want to mail.  And it's so freaking consistent that it beats the pants off of the unreliability that Internet marketing has now become.

For those of you who are getting started in Affiliate Marketing, this is the fastest and easiest vehicle to making from a few thousand to $20,000+ per month in profits with no corporate to set up, no product to create, no marketing to design (except for your simple, basic one-page website), no product liability, no product delivery, no employees, and no customer service issues to deal with.  So, it's essentially the PERFECT business model.  And yes, I just released the Affiliate Bonanza Marketing Modules last week.  If you didn't get them and you want them, CLICK HERE.

But for those of you who DON'T want to rely solely on the Internet and Internet marketing, would like to actually FAR EXCEED that few thousand or more per month in profits and want a serious "evergreen" business (one that doesn't change every 3 months due to competition and algorithm/policy changes with online marketing venues) that stays relatively the same for many years then you need to CLICK HERE NOW and listen to a 10-minute audio segment on how you can notch it up!  I have something really special here that will blow your freaking mind.

The bottom line is this, folks:  NONE of these businesses work themselves.  You have to put some effort and elbow grease into any of these business models that I present to you.  I DO NOT pack a little workhorse elf into the packages that I send out with the courses and modules that you purchase from me.  So, there's nobody but YOU to implement these strategies which means that you must quickly open your package, study the hell out of the stuff that I send you as quickly as possible, then -- most importantly -- start DOING the stuff that you learned because, yes, much of this stuff DOES change every 6 months to a year (not by my design, of course).  And by choosing to do little or nothing with the stuff I send to you, it's nobody else's fault but your own when nothing happens for you.


So, start DOING IT.  Stop DOUBTING.  Stop MAKING EXCUSES.  And start freaking DOING IT already!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 31 2017

I know many of you think I'm always on a man-bashing campaign but the opposite is actually true.  I honor men who are really,  Real men, that is.  Those who aren't get the wrath of me because there's simply NO EXCUSE for this type of what I'm about to describe in the next second or so.

I was driving to Kohl's to get a beach bag for my upcoming spring break trip when this loser dude starts smiling and waving at me.  Now, that in and of itself isn't deemed "loser-ism" but the rest of what I'll be describing definitely does.  He was holding a sign, one I chose not to read because I can pretty much figure out what it said without wasting my time reading it.  Something about needing money because of this or that loser reason.  (I didn't get to the real "loser" part yet so bear with me.)  He had his wife sitting cross-legged on the grass next to a tree holding their infant baby. Yes, THAT is where the loser-ism part of the story comes in.  What kind of LOSER MAN drags his wife (or girlfriend or whoever she is) and infant child out to sit posted as "props" for the "feel-sorry-for-me" effect to get money from people because this hapless idiot apparently REFUSES to get a job or get work somewhere?

Now, I'm BIG on giving money to people who are down and out, sometimes to a fault!  But this set-up with Loser Guy with wife/girlfriend and infant in tow...completely sickening to the core of my stomach.  I couldn't even look at the guy and, for the first time ever, actually considered calling the local police department to have this idiot moved along...but I didn't call.  I probably should have though to stop him from harassing everyone else with his poorly-executed scheme.

I keep thinking about the wife/girlfriend and if she realizes what a total deadbeat she's with.  And I'm feeling sorry for her because, for some reason, she doesn't feel that she deserves MUCH better that what this guy can offer to her (which is clearly nothing).  (I could tell she was embarrassed about being out there, as she looked at the ground most of the time as cars passed by.  At what point is she ever going to tell herself, "I definitely deserve BETTER than being a pawn in my husband's low-life panhandling money-grab scheme."

And as my daughter pointed out (because she can smell a scam from a mile away), the baby's clothes and stroller were "too nice" for them to be destitute and homeless.  She's right.  I was, however, too busy being mad at the douche bag guy to look at the baby's clothing and stroller.

To me -- and this is just ME talking, after all -- making money doing just about ANYTHING ELSE than panhandling is MUCH EASIER than panhandling.  Many of our days out here in Valencia, California are in the 80s, 90s, and 100s.  Too hot to be begging for change under a tree in a parking lot somewhere, sucking in all the car fumes (risking the baby's health) and wondering when/where the hell my life went wrong so fast.

In fact, I'm leveling up both the skill-set AND money-making potential for my next powerful Aggressive Income Strategy.  If you haven't yet taken a look at it, I strongly suggest that you CLICK HERE.  This is one of those entrepreneurial endeavors that, if you do it, you can guarantee that you'll NEVER been like the loser guy in the parking lot as described above.  You'll, instead, be picking out the plans for the dream house you'll be building for yourself and your family.

CLICK HERE NOW to be completely blown away.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 22 2017

Like I mentioned a couple of days ago, some of my male students are freaking awesome.  Here's the email I got from a student of mine -- Lyle D. -- who was part of my initial Money Funnel and Affiliate Trainings starting 2 years ago and by watching the training of one of my seminar events earlier last year:

"Hey, Monica. This is Lyle [LAST NAME WITHHELD] and I'm one of your students who got your money funnel stuff in 2015 plus I got the videos from I think it was your Beverly Hills event last year. I'm one of the students who uses your stuff and I want to tell you what I've been doing with my online business.  I have several money funnels as you laid out in your money funnel course and I also sell a lot of affiliate stuff like you talked about in the Beverly Hills seminar that I have on DVD.  Right now I'm up to making $48,000 to $52,000 a month, it varies.  This is gross but my profits are over $35,000 a month, sometimes more, and I advertise mostly on Facebook but sometimes I do postcards. I'm proof that this works because I'm making a lot of money from what you teach. I'm not like that Jeff guy you were talking about in your email who expects to get the results by not doing the work and wanting everything for nothing.  I'm here to tell your students that if you do the work you'll get the results but you have to do the work. If they do the work, they'll make the money you're talking about. Thanks for everything you do. I went from a guy who worked at a ritzy restaurant valeting cars making peanuts to making a lot of money online and I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't open my eyes to this opportunity so keep doing what you're doing and fuck guys like Jeff. They're losers who are not worth your time so don't let them get you down. Have a great day.  -Lyle"

Thanks, Lyle.  Another stand-up guy who is part of the World of Monica Main who gets results by USING THE STUFF I TEACH!

If you want to start cashing in like Lyle and you're NOT lazy (and you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of work) then CLICK HERE NOW!  You CANNOT let this opportunity pass you by if you're financial freedom is important to you.  Period!

You get to choose what happens to you in your future.  I think the reason many of my students give up is that they stop believing that making this kind of money is not only possible but HIGHLY PROBABLE once they understand the basic mechanics of how it all works and how to do it from scratch.  The cool thing about my Affiliate Bonanza Marketing Modules is that it takes you from Point A to Point Z in the most comprehensive way possible, including EVERY detail of the "nuts and bolts" needed to make this work.  Even if you think you have no technical skill, think again.  I had a guy in my group who was OVER 70 years old who was able to whip together a pretty kick-ass website when, in the very beginning of the group, he swore up and down that he would not be able to do this.  Yet his website KILLED it...and, I'll admit, turned out MUCH BETTER than those in the group who were much younger than he was.  So, don't let age or your false thinking that you "can't" do this stop you.  You CAN do this if you really want to see the financial figures that Lyle talks about in his email.

CLICK HERE NOW for a quick 8-minute audio seminar talking about how this, quite possibly, is the MOST POWERFUL Aggressive Income Business that I've EVER done training on.

By the way, the deal on these modules ends in 2 days...then the price goes WAY up.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 21 2017

I was just telling one of my staff members (Rose) the other day that I noticed a huge shift in the past decade with women wanting to be more proactive with their money-making endeavors.  Years and years ago when we did direct mail marketing campaigns for our courses, we actually paid extra to delete women out of the mailing list for two (2) reasons:  (1) for the most part many didn't want to be proactive with their own financial futures so they wouldn't respond to our offers, or (2) they would complain that it was "too hard," or would whine about something else as an excuse to not be proactive with their finances.  So...out of the database the ladies went. We didn't want the hassle that many of them brought in.

Then I noticed about a decade ago -- actually less, maybe about 6 or 7 years ago -- that there was this major shift.  Women suddenly WANTED to be very proactive with their financial futures by wanting to invest or start a business on their own.  And now?  It's more obvious than ever that women really want to make their own money, be their own bosses, and really control their destiny on their own...probably realizing that they can be just as powerful (if not more powerful) than their male counterparts.

But now, over the past few years, I'm starting to notice another trend that's REALLY disturbing to me.  Now, as a FULL DISCLAIMER for what I'm about to say. I have some AMAZING men that are part of the World of Monica Main who are students of mine.  So, what I'm going to say now does NOT reflect on all men that are part of my student base.  Some of my male students are so in-tuned, understanding, and really awesome all the way around.  So, again, what I'm about to say does NOT include you (if you're one of the amazing guys I'm talking about).

But...on the flip side: I'm also noticing more and more men who are becoming (as Bill Maher of Real Time on HBO would describe these guys as) whiny little bitches.  Seems that some of them had their balls lopped off at some point in their pitiful lives...if they ever grew a pair to begin with (and I'm banking on the latter).

So this one particular loser who we'll call Jeff K. decides to send me an email threatening me with an "or else" if I don't send him my latest Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Modules without him having to pay for it.  This Jeff loser contacted me a couple months ago wanting me to let him into the Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Group without paying for it.  This was, of course, after the group was already full and had began.  So, I told him no.  He continued whining about how he bought the Money Funnel System back 2 years ago and the stuff was "outdated," as he put it.  Of course it's outdated today, here in 2017, because the Internet marketing stuff pretty much needs to be updated every 6 months.  So, OF COURSE something that's 2 years old about the Internet is GOING to be outdated. (This is what happens when my students buy something, never break it out of the shrink-wrap or use it, then wonder why the stuff is outdated 2 years later.  How about opening the f****** course, USE IT and make money with it IMMEDIATELY after receiving it??  What a concept!)

So, this Jeff K. idiot disappeared then re-emerged last week once he found out that I now have the Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Modules available for those who want to profit between $5,000 and $20,000 with a SUPER SIMPLE online business requiring no employees, no products, no customer service, and no headaches.  Again, Jeff K. demanded to get these Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Modules without paying for them because, after all, he bought the Money Funnel System back in 2015, never did anything with it, and now the material is outdated because...well, in case you haven't noticed, it's now 2017 and ANYTHING written about online marketing 2 years ago is now outdated.

I told him to basically screw off (but not as kindly) and so I got the "give this to me for nothing...or else" email from him after that.  This email was then forwarded to my attorney and it looks like Jeff K. will probably end up going to jail for making physical threats to me because this idiot doesn't realize that I have his contact information...INCLUDING his home address on file.  Loser.  Why he'd think he could "strong arm" something out of me just blows my mind.

What's strange about these whiny little bitches (which, coincidentally, are usually men and almost never include any women) is that even if I did give up these powerful Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Modules for nothing, nothing would be done with this powerful material.  This Jeff K. would come back around in ANOTHER 2 years, complaining that the materials are, yet again, outdated and would demand something else for nothing because he was too lazy, inept, or stupid to do anything about these powerful strategies to begin with as they remained in shrink-wrap on his bookshelf like the other stuff did.

In the meantime, I tried to explain to this loser that -- while he was doing completely nothing with the materials he purchased back in 2015 -- I have DOZENS of students making well over $50,000 a month using the materials he claims doesn't work because they're outdated. These were my students who proactively got the system, worked the system, and are now STILL making boatloads of money with the materials.  Of course, they have evolved with the changes that happened with the Internet PLUS they also invested the time and effort to do the 2 seminar trainings earlier last year to stay up on what's changed in Internet marketing.  Yes, these people are PROACTIVE in making sure they know everything they need to know to continue making big bucks with their Internet marketing.  And no, they're not expecting the shrink-wrapped course to jump off their bookshelf and do the work FOR them.  One more thing, we're talking about BOTH men and women who are making this kind of money.

On top of that, this idiot proceeds to demand that I give up all the contact info to my students who are making all this money.  I can't do that.  I'd be in legal hot water so fast that my head would spin by breaching implied confidentiality with my students.  Plus they'd be pretty pissed at me for revealing their information to someone who -- seemingly so -- is an apathetic psychopath.

So, here's the deal, folks; and this applies to ALL of you!  Laziness will get you nowhere.  Whining will get you nowhere.  Trying to strong-arm your way through life will only get you in trouble, either by getting your ass beat or landing your ass in jail, one of the two, and will obviously get nowhere.  If you're one of those types of people, you have a pretty obvious choice: choose to say "enough is enough" and state "I'm ready to take control of my life by taking full responsibility, starting NOW."  OR...just keep being a lazy pitiful POS.  Those are your ONLY two choices.  There are no other options.

Many of you know that my fuse for tolerating sap-suckers has completely burned out...years ago, in fact.  I started from nothing, became a millionaire several times over after having lost a fortune a few times, and I work for what I get without excuses, crying or whining about it.  I don't expect ANYONE to give me ANYTHING.  I take the bull by the horns, make my own way, make my own fortune using the same strategies that I teach my students, and I'm only willing to take those of you who really want to do this along with me on the ride.  For the rest of you whiny cry babies out there, kick rocks.  Okay?  Because until you change your mind-set and understand that only YOU take responsibility for your destiny, you'll end up exactly nowhere.  And any money-making endeavor won't do anything for you until you're ready to take responsibility for your destiny.

The good news is that MOST of you are already of that mind-set.  You're willing to do anything and everything for yourself and your financial future including discovering the latest, most cutting-edge strategies for making money AND you're willing to implement these strategies QUICKLY. (Let me warn you that my Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Modules are good for about a year before the training will have to be done again or updated because of how quickly the Internet changes.)

Let me tell you about the Affiliate Bonanza Marketing stuff: this is the easiest, lowest cost, highest and quickest profit money-making machine that you could ever hope for if you want to start out making profits of $5,000 to $20,000 a month online.  This means you can start a very simple home-based business that will NEVER require employees or product to develop (or stock or ship) or admin headaches like customer service phone calls or processing credit cards.  All of this is done for you.  All you do is set up a simple one-page website and send traffic to your simple website using a VERY SIMPLE yet highly effective online marketing strategy.  This is for those of you who have been blowing up my email inbox and calling my office for the past several months wondering what the easiest, lowest cost, yet quickest way to profit with a simple Aggressive Income Business...THIS is the business!  THIS is it!

CLICK HERE for a short 8-minute audio seminar that explains how powerful this is.

Remember, YOU are in charge of your own destiny.  YOU and YOU ONLY.  Stop blaming everybody else for why your life isn't going the way you want and start navigating your own life into better financial waters.  STARTING NOW.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 19 2017

I don't know if you remember but I mentioned something about the eclipses a short time ago.  Now, I don't give a damn if you believe in astrology or not; that's besides the point here.  What many of you may not know is that there is hard science behind planetary and universe "pulls" here on earth whether it changes the way we are thinking or actually changes things like the tides with the oceans.  There IS a "pull" that happens and the faster you understand, the faster you can comprehend how you can best manage the changes that smack you in the face when it finally happens.

Over the past couple of months, I've been getting the crap beat out of me in areas of the heart, namely on the relationship front.  And if you're in the same boat -- feeling this series of sweeping and seemingly devastating emotional changes -- that's good!  I know it doesn't SEEM good right now but a series of eclipses are there to help sweep away nonsense in your life that doesn't belong there so that you can receive something new and better to help support your life in a much more positive and productive way.  So, if you've been in anguish over the past couple of's lightening up and good things are coming for you.  I guarantee it.  (For those of you who don't remember when these eclipses happened, there was the lunar eclipse on February 10th and the solar eclipse on February 26th.  "Stuff" happens within a month before and after these eclipses to sweep out the crap and sweep in the new good stuff.  If it hasn't happened for you, it's coming RIGHT NOW.  Keep reading!)

But it's not enough to just sit around waiting for the "good stuff" to come.  Sometimes you have to kick that stuff into gear, especially if you haven't adequately "cleared" yourself of the things that are still dragging you down.  This includes stuff, people, a job that isn't working, and a variety of other things that tend to become heavy weights in our lives.

There's always a SECOND PART to what happens after things and people are swept out of your life, as I'm sure you've experienced between January and through March.  Part II to all of this is BRINGING IN NEW STUFF to help further your life.  It's not enough or even remotely acceptable to sit around waiting for your ship to come in or sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone to discover you and your talents.  You MUST be very proactive if you're going to get what you want in life.  Period.  There's no other way around it.  And yes, you hear stories here and there about how so-and-so got some kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by "accidentally" being discovered or hit with some "random" stroke of luck.


That's not how it happens for 99.999999% of the rest of us who live here in the real world.

For the rest of us, we have to create our own opportunities, our own "luck" and our own way in the world, ideally matching the vision we see for our own lives.

Last year I did a survey with my students and found that 88.6% of you want mostly the same thing that looks something like this:  Simple home-based business that's easy to start, low-cost to launch, and requires no employees.  It has to be something that doesn't require 40 hours a week...maybe 4 hours a day maximum or 15 to 20 hours a week at its full scale.  It has to be something you can do on the weekends until you can quit your day job.  And it has to require a very low technical skill set.

So last year I started teaching a strategy at 2 seminar events earlier last year.  But, because I only had 2 1/2 days to talk about it (and only talked on this one particular opportunity for about an hour or two at the event), I was missing many of the needed "nuts and bolts" elements required to launch this and make it hugely successful.  FINALLY I was able to do a solid training that encompasses about 13 to 14 total hours PLUS other materials to show you step by step EXACTLY how to make $5,000 to $20,000 in NET PROFITS each month by doing this.  CLICK HERE if you want this now!

If you want a new life with an exploding bank account, you need to CREATE IT.  And there's NO OTHER BUSINESS MODEL that can get you to $5,000 to $20,000 in PROFITS each month with such a low cost, fast set up, and very little skill than this one.  CLICK HERE to listen to a quick 8-minute audio seminar that explains everything to you.  This will get your heart's THAT exciting.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 17 2017

The only thing really notable about St. Paddy's Day (to me) is that this when they dye the Chicago River green.  (Chicago is where I was born.)  So...basically it's the only time in the entire year when it looks...well, kind of normal and not a sludge hodge-podge of dark brown, dark gray, or just plain black.  Otherwise since I'm not into green beer (or any beer, for that matter) and I don't have a single cell of being Irish, this is one of those holidays that kind of comes and goes, reminding me that the year is just whizzing by like I'm standing still.

One thing I do like about the Irish is the mythical leprechaun.  And the fantasy of finding that oversize pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.  A leprechaun defined is a "small person with magical powers."  I'm guessing this falls in line with other "small magical creatures" like fairies and pixies. This is the kind of stuff that makes me think about the larger picture of things, mainly the larger picture of my life.  And I'm sure these are the same types of things you think about too.

For instance, say you had a leprechaun for 12 hours.  And you could ask this little dude to do anything for you.  Anything at all.  What would you tell him to magically get or do for you?

You know what's surprising about this?  Most people actually don't have a clue as to what they really want in life.  And it's at this point -- having a fantasy of being able to make any wish or wishes they want -- that they realize... "What a minute!  What the hell do I really want?"

Because, remember, you have to be clear.  Crystal clear.  You can't just say, "I want to be rich."  Because what the hell does that even mean?  Rich in Beverly Hills is way different than rich in Mexico City.  It means something completely different.  So CLARITY is the key, obviously.  Very specific and precise clarity.

I'm thinking that, as you're reading this, you probably already know what you want.  It's what most of us want these days.  A simple easy-to-start, easy-to-operate, easy-to-profit "micro" home-based business with no employees, no hassles, no legal liabilities, no shipping, no customer service requirements, no product development, and basically no sweat.

So...maybe now I'm your "small person with magical powers" much like a leprechaun because I can actually give that to you...and it can PROFIT you $5,000 to $20,000 a month if you follow my very simple, very easy to implement blueprint.  CLICK HERE so you can see what I'm talking about.  This will blow your mind.

There are those who can help you make all of your dreams come true.  And then there's you.  You have that power too.  You just have to decide...maybe NOW is the time.  Maybe RIGHT NOW is the time.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:44 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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