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Success For Life
Friday, November 11 2016
Warning:  This is NOT for Everyone!
Can You Imagine Seeing YOUR Product on Store Shelves Nationwide?
Over the summer I had completed an 8-week online Distribution Profit Mentorship Group that was pretty intense.  It was the first, only, and last training of its kind.  I decided that because of the intensity of this type of training and the small percentage of students interested in this form of Aggressive Income on Steroids, I'd no longer be doing these trainings anymore.
When I first started to build my multi-million-dollar supplement business working the Distribution Profit Business Model, I had NO information or training or books or seminars to attend.  This information and training simply doesn't exist out there.
Unfortunately, I made a lot of mistakes and fell into many pitfalls because I bumbled my way through it.  Even with all of the adversity and errors I made, I still built a very successful distribution business from scratch knowing nothing compared to what I know now.
And I'm extending this training and knowledge onto you...or only for those of you who believe you're cut out for this type of business.
Yes, the financial upside is HUGE.  You can create a multi-million-dollar nationwide (and even worldwide) distribution business within a year or two...starting from nothing or scratch.  But it does take work.  It does take vision.  And it's definitely NOT for everyone.
Over an 8-week period, I did an intense mentorship group where each week we did a webinar training.  Each lasted between 60 and 90 minutes long. Each was recorded and was accompanied by an Action Sheet, directing each student in what to do and accomplish before the next webinar was to be attended and watched.
You'll be able to go through this entire 8-week group in half the time...or twice the time.  It's completely at your own pace because you'll have ALL of the modules at your fingertips, ready to go whenever you want to complete each one.
The only thing I ask is this: You MUST watch the video FIRST (in chronological order) BEFORE attempting to accomplish anything on the Action Sheet for that week.
So, yes, I do have the Distribution Profit Mentorship Modules available for all 8 weeks plus a couple of bonus items in there that you can check out by CLICKING HERE.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 09 2016

I think some of us are shocked with the results of our election.  But, what  And I'm glad it's over, either way.  I couldn't handle another commercial or mail piece to vote for this or that without wanting to dry-heave.

I've had A LOT of emails come in overnight asking about what this means for you so...let's focus on YOU and what all this means for you and your life, particularly when it comes to economics.  Because, after all, that is really the crux of everyone's fears, hopes, anger, and all the other emotions that are flying around.  Right?  What does this mean for you and your family?

So, let's discuss...shall we?

First of all, I called it and I stand behind my prediction of the immediate disruption of the global markets that will immediately happen post-election.  (I'll explain why in a minute.)  You'll see it unfold as the days, weeks, and months roll on.  Please note, as I already said before, we were already headed for a recession regardless of who clinched this election.  It's just a matter of how the economy rolls (up and down) and it was time to take on what some would call a "correction" while others predict a "second Great Recession."  Personally I don't think it will be that bad.  I predict that this will be a "softer" recession than we'd gone through in 2008 and beyond.

Now, I'm kind of a logic-based gal.  And I'm going to show you right now how to weed through the clutter of anger, fear, and emotions to find what we can expect the REALITY to be so that you can best prepare for these tumultuous years to come, which, again, were destined to happen regardless of the outcome of this election.  You need to get to the core of reality to better situate yourself for what's to come.  Okay?

So...let's take a DEEP BREATH and do this, okay?  Trust me.  It won't be as painful as you may have thought.

Facts.  Remember facts?  Let's get back to that.  Something that A LOT of people turned their backs on for quite some time.  Now...let's get back to those pesky little FACTS.

Many of us who are in business are concerned about the business stuff such as:

1)  Taxes, especially corporate taxes: with a Clinton Administration, I was VERY WORRIED about the corporate tax situation.  So...good news there, folks.  We don't have to worry about that anymore, do we?


2)  Getting rid of NAFTA: as a small business, making certain things in America is simply not affordable.  Now, I could make 100% of everything in America but that means nothing can be sold at Walmart prices anymore which, unfortunately, is something everyone's been accustomed to.  So, one of the following scenarios can play out which would be (a) taxing imports, driving up prices on all common goods bought in places like Walmart, further separating the classes, or (b) leaving it alone altogether, sweeping that notion of repealing NAFTA under the rug as if it was never mentioned at all because...really, does Donald Trump want to start making his own products in the USA now?  Does he want Ivanka to make her products in the USA too?  Driving up costs?  Diminishing profitability?  I don't know.  As a business person, I don't see another business person wanting to screw himself like this.  It doesn't make any sense to do this.  Also, I'm assuming that if they were aiming for American-made products, they would have made the move a few years back in preparation for this by bringing their own production to the USA.  Yes, it could happen.  Will it?  I don't know.  I kind of doubt it.  It could happen though so if it does, just note that a lot of stuff that was affordable suddenly won't be for most people.  You'll be paying 2 and 3 times more (on the low side) for your common products.  Without an increase in minimum wage, we'll see a deeper chasm between the classes, possibly permanently poking out the middle class altogether.

As a side note: IF we were to bring more manufacturing jobs back to America, a lot of it would be automated with machinery, robots, and the like with the bare minimum of human labor used as possible just to be able to make this proposition affordable.  Yes, I would LOVE to see manufacturing brought back to the USA.  But is it feasible?  Maybe, with the right machinery and robotic technology it would be.  But, if you're listening to what I'm saying, that doesn't mean "jobs for humans" but rather "manufacturing in the USA with jobs for robots."  So, either way, there are no manufacturing jobs for humans being brought back here.  Let's be real and base all this on FACTS.  And the fact is, American companies cannot keep product prices down while paying a union employee $50 an hour to make broomsticks here all day.  That's just reality.  So, if the broomstick manufacturing company must do business here in the USA because of tariffs or legal requirements, it'll be Robot Bob making the broomsticks and not Joe Blow human being.

Which brings me to...

3)  Increasing wages:  I was worried about this being forced on me as a business owner with Clinton in office.  Now...I don't have to worry about it anymore.  There won't be an increase in wages.  So, if you work for somebody, you're screwed.  If you're a business owner...say "Hooray!" right now.  Because you're off the hook for at least another 4 years on wage increases. a business owner, you should be okay if you stay progressive with your hustle.  Learn new marketing strategies.  Keep up with the changes in selling online.  With a business owner in office, he's probably the only president we've ever had that fully understands business inside and out. So...that is NOT a bad thing for you, a business owner.  (If you're NOT a business very afraid right now because the middle class is about to become extinct.)

And one final thing...

4)  War: what does this have to do with business?  Well, it puts people to work.  We have to make machinery and technology and bombs and all the other stuff that goes along with blowing people up.  So, yes, it is directly tied into business.  And we'll be going to war which will be good for those in industries that provide these tools.  (When I told my daughter who won the election this morning, the first thing she said was, "Does this mean we'll have World War III?"  From the mouth's of babes.  And I said, "Probably.")  Reality is, ISIS will be taken care of during this administration which means an out-and-out war.

What this all means for American society as a whole:

Since the globe (international trade) is worried about the "closing of the borders" and the heavy taxation of goods coming into the USA, there will be global fear and volatility for awhile.  This will do what I call "break the market" a little faster than anticipated.  That's not necessarily bad.  We already knew the recession was coming, right?  I've had students left and right asking me where the "bottom" is.  How the hell should I know?  I'm not running Dionne Warwick's Psychic Friends Network here.  The "bottom" means different things in different areas of the country so, again, how the hell could I know?  But, "breaking" the market faster means a closer, quicker bottom.  Wait...before you get scared, listen up!  The "bottom" is where you make money.  Buy low, sell high.  Ringing any bells yet?  Yes, we want a quicker bottom.  A quicker bottom means a faster recovery (although I have a feeling that this recession probably will last longer than I originally anticipated).

As another side note, I got VERY RICH between 2008 and 2010.  Think back to what was going on then.  Yes, the market cracked, bottomed, and all hell broke loose.  And I was making more money than I ever imagined.  THAT is what happens when you position yourself correctly so...stop panicking and allow me to HELP YOU position yourself correctly for this upcoming economic calamity.

So, here are the industries that will start to go soft first:

1)  Car sales/leases.
2)  Home sales.
3)  Anything to do with "entertainment" (including places like Vegas).
4)  Vacations/pleasure trips.
5)  Home upgrades/remodeling.  This also includes new home building.

There are many more but the above markets are the biggies.

Again, let's full circle this all back to YOU.  After all, at the end of the day, you still have to feed, cloth, and shelter yourself and your family, right?  I'll tell you how, but first, a brief warning...

Those who suffer the most in these times are those who work for other companies.  If you work for somebody, you should start quivering in your boots right now.  You will be affected the most.  So, let's change that.  Let's create a different future for you.  You DO have more power than you give yourself credit for.  Let's start using that power.  Let's use your fear of the future and turn it into a productive fire under your ass for some meaningful long-term economic change for yourself.

Let's start making the changes NOW.

There are 3 parts to this:

1)  Personal & Business Credit:  You need to use OPM (Other People's Money) to get rich.  If your personal credit (mid-FICO) is NOT above 720, fix it.  Rebuild it.  Do it now.  You can increase your FICO dramatically in only a few months with some elbow grease.  Once you get that FICO up over 720, start an S corporation in your home state, get an EIN for your business and start applying for business credit cards and BLOCs (business lines of credit).

2)  Get yourself some Aggressive Income Strategies going.  Since working for somebody else is NOT a wise option in our upcoming months and years to come, get some type of Aggressive Income going on for yourself.  This can be a simple Money Funnel Business that you can operate from home, making anywhere from $20,000 or more per month if you play your cards right.  And it can be as BIG as starting a Distribution Profit business, creating a multi-million-dollar business where you see your products on store shelves nationwide.  (I just released my Distribution Profit Modules and you can get them for a kick-ass deal by CLICKING HERE.)

3)  Get your Passive Income Investing Business going.  We're in "watch-and-wait" mode...but just for the holidays.  So don't get lazy for too long.  Start staking out a farming area in the country in which you'll be building your Passive Income Empire.  Start learning everything you can about acquiring property, especially using no-cash-no-credit strategies.  Then once the first quarter of next year rolls around and you start to notice prices dropping, inventory hitting the market like a mad dog (because people are panicking, thinking the sky is falling down), and REOs come back into the picture at pennies on the can swing right in and start picking things up left and right.  But you MUST have a specific strategy that matches what's going on in today's economic climate and I'll be showing everyone what that is in my VERY RARE one-time-only 3-day Real Estate Underground Secret Event in Detroit in February 2017.  CLICK HERE for details about how you can still get in at our early-bird special pricing (which ends soon).  Platinum VIP is nearly sold out and we're still accepting $100 hold deposits for those who want to lock in a seat and lock in the price before it goes up.

And that's how I see the months and years unfolding.

Listen, the MOST IMPORTANT thing in all this is to STOP falling in with the fear, anxiety, anger, and whirlwind of other emotions that are circulating right now.  Because this is how you can get in trouble.  People who are thinking with emotions don't think rationally.  And if you're not thinking rationally then you stand to lose just by making simple errors and misjudgments that could have been easily avoided if you kept your eye on the ball in the first place.  Focus.  Create a plan.  Stick to the plan.  Stop worrying about everything else.  It's that simple.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 08 2016
This One's for YOU!
To Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, Ida B. Wells, andAll the Ladies Who Fought for Women's Right to Vote Almost 100 Years Ago...My Vote's for You!
I didn't want to vote today...but I did.  And it came down to this: remembering the ladies from almost 100 years ago who fought like hell to put forth a law in which women could vote.  And knowing my personality type -- full of spit-and-vinegar like the rest of them -- I would have been front row and center with them on this fight if I was alive back then.
Hey, maybe I a last lifetime.
But in THIS lifetime, I at least owe them the respect and honor, especially on THIS election day, to vote because I know all of them would have voted today if given the chance.
I think what irritated me the most about this election, above everything else, was that short spurt of time recently when some of the pro-Trumpers were sending around a hashtag prompting interest in repealing the 19th Amendment since they realized that if only men were going to vote, Trump would win.
And somehow that disgusted me.  I don't know why.  Maybe it was that group of Deplorables who actually had the audacity to believe that they COULD repeal the 19th Amendment...or the mere fact that they thought women (and then minorities thereafter) SHOULD lose their right to vote.
It had me really thinking...WTF?!  What have we become as a a nation?
Even worse...yesterday Rose was describing to me that some of her female friends allowed their husbands to cast their mail-in votes FOR them instead of them exercising their right to vote themselves, for what they thought or believed in.  When I heard that, I knew right then and there that I would be going out today to cast my ballot because, unlike some women who refuse to make their own decisions, I CAN make my own decisions because I actually OWN my own life!
People, what freaking CENTURY are we in anyway??  Some women quite possibly still think it's 1916 when their husband would make the decisions for both of them.  Fast forward, ladies.  We're in 2016 now.  So...for those of you who don't want to think for yourselves yet, shame on you.  Time to get your heads out of your asses.  Vote.  Buy your own house.  Pick out and purchase your own car.  Start your own business.  You know, live your own life on your own terms and think for yourself if you're not quite doing that yet.  You have POWER.  Use it, my ladies!  And use it well!
(Do I really need to go into detail about why I believe women need to be able to stand on their own two feet these days?  Please don't make me go on that tirade.)
So, for those of you sitting on the fence wondering what to do...just think of the pioneers who fought at every turn to give us what we have now.  Think of what they went through and the sacrifices they made, some with their lives.
Of course, I'll never know the depth of those sacrifices and the closest to my understanding about the women's-right-to-vote movement was a movie I saw on HBO years ago.  But I think all of us can imagine what it could be like to fight for something we believe in, tooth-and-nail until the death if needed.
Unfortunately, many of us have gotten "soft" and lazy and perhaps a tad entitled-feeling about our rights and about what we have here in the United States.  Stop feeling entitled.  Stop being so lazy.  Stop being disconnected from your fellow human beings.  
And, in the very least, be grateful for where we've come from, what we have now, and what we could potentially and permanently lose for going in the wrong direction.
Or what we could lose casting the wrong vote.  
Or for casting no vote at all.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 31 2016
Happy Halloween!!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 25 2016
You Are Being RAILROADED!!

You're Being Railroaded...So, What Are You Going to Do About It??  You Can Go An Entire Lifetime and Not Even Realize Just How Bad You've Been Off Course!

The cards are stacked against you.  They always have been since the very beginning.
But here's the part nobody else will tell you.  While you've been forcibly "sold" on the idea that you have to be a worker bee in greater fabric of society, you can actually do the things you want to do and become who you want to become.  Unfortunately, many of us have permanently subscribed to the doldrums of what Stuart Wilde would call "tick-tock" society and the daily hum of this nearly-brainless automatic activity eventually drowns out our dreams.  Forever.
But that's not the real problem here, believe it or not.  It really has little to do with "the man" or the larger powers that be that is holding you back.  No, it's a different kind of cancer and one that is eating away at you right now as I type this.
There is a dream life waiting in the wings for you.  Waiting for you to puff out your chest and go for it.  Waiting for you to grab it by the horns and take possession of it.
But, here's the problem: somebody or something along the way convinced you that you can't or shouldn't have these things.  It almost doesn't matter who or what sold this idea to you.  It's time for you to leave behind this idea and move toward something new and revolutionary for yourself.
And there's never been a better time than right now!
So, what is a "somebody" or "something" that can be affecting the success and realizing your dream?  Well the "somebody" part is kind of obvious.  This would be SOMEBODY who is toxic in your life.  This is generally what destroys most people and their dreams along with it. The SOMETHING could be a job (in many cases) or perhaps a physical ailment that has limiting factors.
As I said, though, the toxicity is most destructive when it's a person and many of you have one (or more) of these poisonous people in your life.
How I Recently Rid Myself of a Toxic Poison That Railroaded Me for a Full 6 Years!
Like you, I didn't realize that the poison was eating me alive until I was able to take a step back and look at things from an "outsider-looking-in" prospective.  In my daughter's art class, the instructor is always grilling the students, "Step back.  Look at it after you take a step back because it always looks different than what it looks like close up."
And so it happened.  I stepped back.  And I couldn't believe what I saw.
Well, I've been "seeing" for awhile now (and living in denial about it) but I think we all bargain with ourselves or make unnecessary compromises that, many times, hurts us much more than if we rip the Band-Aid off, deal with the pain, and move forward.  This kind of toxic poison burns away at our being as if we're sitting in an acid bath that, for some reason, we're paralyzed to get ourselves out of...even though we're fully CAPABLE of exiting the damaging scene.
Many of you recall that earlier this year (in May) I "dropped the mic" after my Vegas seminar and didn't want to do any more speaking engagements.  But I was never really forthcoming on why I didn't want to speak again.  I think I was being more vague with myself than anyone else and I was shocked when I allowed myself to see through and into the truth.
Reality is, I've been in a very toxic relationship that has really clouded me for the past solid 6 years.  I knew it was getting to the point where I had to call it quits but I didn't have the internal power with a certain necessary finality to say IT'S OVER until this past week.
Once I disconnected from this toxic situation, I immediately felt a sense of getting myself back.  My goals, dreams, and focus all came rushing back as if I'd been in a coma for the past 6 years and I finally woke up. What a powerful feeling THAT was!!  Kind of makes me wonder why the hell it took me 6 years to figure it all out.
(And if YOU are in a toxic relationship or have poisonous people around you, maybe it's time you became brutally honest about it otherwise you'll find yourself swirling around in a disgusting cesspool, confused, and wondering why you're never able to find your dreams let alone act upon them.  Or why you always feel "stuck" or motion-less.  It's because you have to take out the trash first!)
So, back to the seminar stuff, this individual of the toxic relationship I'm referring to helps me with all of my larger venue events.  And I felt that since I knew we were disconnecting completely, I didn't know if I could pull off doing events anymore.  THIS is the main reason why I wanted to "drop the mic."  It wasn't really because of burn-out (even though I was getting a little frazzled).  It wasn't for any other reason except for losing the person who planned and orchestrated the venues to begin with.
To be clear, this person I'm referring to (and many of you know who this is) is actually a pretty decent guy.  But the situation between us became more and more toxic as it has become harder and harder to cope with.  I was getting more and more wrapped up in the crudest and unmanageable psychological labyrinth without any way for me to cope except to find myself sliding deeper into a clinical depression with no foreseeable way out.
Except to call it "quits" the REAL way.  This was my only option left.  This meant no more phone calls.  No more seeing each other.  No more business relationship.  No more nothin'.  
Until people are willing to "come up" to where you are, they're more likely pulling you "down" to the toxic-waste pool that they're swirling around in, ultimately destroying your spirit and your dreams.  If they don't "come up," time to kick them to the curb!
Before I fully realized what was going on with the toxic situation, this "thing" came to my attention.  You know, the "thing" about the economy going down the tubes after the election and through all of 2017 and 2018?!  This is such imperative and sensitive information that I knew I had to bring this information to the surface in a larger venue event to share this powerful life-altering information with as many students as possible so I pulled the trigger and booked the venue.
And I don't regret it.  Because this CAN and WILL be life altering if you follow my never-before-revealed 9-Point Plan for real estate investing.
Yes, it'll be cold in February in Detroit for this Underground Secret Event but this will keep the tire-kickers away and only make room for my "wealth warriors" who are truly serious in making a success out of becoming a real estate investor.
Back to you and what I was talking about with those TOXIC elements that are probably in your life as we speak that need to be purged out immediately... 
Once you make a decision to cut out the "cancer" in your life, you'll be shocked and amazed when you are suddenly able to see everything with crystal-clear clarity.  You will get your passion for life back almost instantly.  You will remember your dreams and will immediately have a plan to act on them if you so want them to be a part of your life still.  Or you'll have new ideas for new dreams and goals that are exciting to you.
This is what happened to me.  Once the toxic poisonous cancer was cut out, I was instantly able to get "back on track" where I was back in 2010 (before I was derailed).  I know exactly what I'll be doing for the next couple of years with such great clarity that it's surreal.  (I feel like the guy in the movie Limitless.)
Because I'll have to stop doing larger-venue events (until I find the appropriate assistant to schedule these for me like I had before), I will be doing some very succinct, direct, and specific 3-day training sessions that will be near my office here in Valencia, California starting in the spring of 2017.  (I may be "nice" and move these small trainings down to Burbank where people can fly in to Bob Hope Airport and attend with ease.)
These trainings are intense (and expensive).  But it's with these intense trainings that give my students the best possible crack at being successful.  This is what I'll be doing for live events in 2017.
I'm also going to be writing a book on entrepreneurship as we move into an ever-shifting Pseudo-Economy/Globe and how we can keep our heads focused with passion to make money while everyone else collapses with the slightest shift.
What are YOUR plans for 2017 aside from getting rid of the TOXIC energy/people around you as your first order of business?
Back to you and what I was talking about with those TOXIC elements that are probably in your life as we speak that need to be purged out immediately... 
Once you make a decision to cut out the "cancer" in your life, you'll be shocked and amazed when you are suddenly able to see everything with crystal-clear clarity.  You will get your passion for life back almost instantly.  You will remember your dreams and will immediately have a plan to act on them if you so want them to be a part of your life still.  Or you'll have new ideas for new dreams and goals that are exciting to you.
This is what happened to me.  Once the toxic poisonous cancer was cut out, I was instantly able to get "back on track" where I was back in 2010 (before I was derailed).  I know exactly what I'll be doing for the next couple of years with such great clarity that it's surreal.  (I feel like the guy in the movie Limitless.)
Because I'll have to stop doing larger-venue events (until I find the appropriate assistant to schedule these for me like I had before), I will be doing some very succinct, direct, and specific 3-day MASTERMIND training sessions that will be near my office here in Valencia, California starting in the spring of 2017.  (I may be "nice" and move these small trainings down to Burbank where people can fly in to Bob Hope Airport and attend with ease.)
These trainings are intense (and expensive).  But it's with these intense trainings that give my students the best possible crack at being successful.  This is what I'll be doing for live events in 2017.
I'm also going to be writing a book on entrepreneurship as we move into an ever-shifting Pseudo-Economy/Globe and how we can keep our heads focused with passion to make money while everyone else collapses with the slightest shift.
What are YOUR plans for 2017 aside from getting rid of the TOXIC energy/people around you as your first order of business?
For some of you, coming to this event will be the "much more affordable" option since my trainings in-house will be more expensive and for much smaller groups.  PLUS, time is of the essence!  This cutting-edge information MUST be used quickly if you are going to take advantage of this 2017/2018 recession! 
So, as it stands now, it looks like I only have this one Detroit seminar slated for 2017 and the rest will be these small L.A.-based trainings UNLESS I find myself a killer, kick-ass assistant in the next 6 months or so.  (Finding good help these days is a joke.)  This means you MUST come to this event...or forget about real estate investing altogether.  Your choice!
Right now I not only have the seminar tickets at a deep discounted early-bird price but I'm doing a BOGO (buy-one-get-one-free) deal between now and Halloween.  This means that you can to bring a guest for FREE if you register between now and 5pm Pacific time on Monday, October 31st by 5pm Pacific Time.
CLICK HERE NOW to put down a $100 deposit to save your 2 seats right now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 23 2016
And Low & Behold, Look at This Week's Bloomberg

According to Bloomberg, 2017 Will Be "Mediocre At Best"

I just got my copy of next week's Bloomberg today.  And I was kind of saying "I told you so" to myself when I glanced at the cover of the magazine.
Not that ANYONE has a magic future-telling crystal ball.  But so many indicators can tell us things...things about how the future is most likely to play out.
Global Markets STUMBLE Into a High-Debt, Low-Investment 2017...According to Bloomberg
This is in reference to the global markets, to be clear.  China in particular is up to their eyeballs in debt.  So are many other countries.  And so is the great U.S.A.  Debt is not a good thing, especially when it becomes destructive. This comes into play when too much is borrowed and not enough is coming back in to support the debt.
But you knew that part already.
It's just very easy to get in underwater when borrowing excessive amounts of OPM.  And this is what gets everybody in trouble.  This is what slows down global markets.  And this is what makes our collective economies so fragile. Excessive debt is never a good thing.
The market has been on a bit of a sideways "channel," as we call it in the trading world.  Others may compare this to a flat-line or very little progress in the markets.
But what does this all mean for you as we plunge into 2017?
CLICK HERE NOW for my very in-depth forecast on what's going to be happening for 2017 and how you can wildly profit while everyone else is biting their fingernails.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 20 2016
When the Facts Change...What Do YOU Do??
Why am I coming out of speaking retirement?
When the FACTS CHANGE...I change my mind.  It's that simple.
And I didn't see this one coming!  Or maybe I did...and I chose to live in denial for a little bit, kind of in "watch-and-wait" mode until the summer ended and I was SURE that something was up.
Now that the fall is here, I've seen and studied the charts, and I can now SEE what's happening, I think it's about time that I share it with you.
It's the Recession of 2017/2018.
And for some of us, it's already reared its ugly head.
It started when the real estate market in southern California started drastically cooling down.  I noticed it this past spring.  But...I figured (or hoped) that it was just a trend.  But now I know different, because it didn't stop cooling down.
Then I saw this chart showing one of the leading cities in real estate market changes:  San Francisco, California.
The blueish line leading the chart is the San Francisco housing market.  As you can see from the chart above, it's been the market leader for the duration of the chart, going back to the first quarter of 1980 and extending out through the close of the 2nd quarter 2016.  It's one of the most expensive and tumultuous housing markets in the United States.  But, most notably, it tends to be the market leader or "predictor" in a lot of ways.
Look closely at the chart.  (If it's too small, grab your reading glasses.) You'll see before our last market crash (of 2008) the market "slipped" right before the other major market leaders which are Los Angeles and New York. Then they all came crashing down together, some more "smoothly" than others but they pretty much all took a heavy beating. 
But the most notable indicator is that San Francisco is almost touching the same line that it did before it came crashing down back in 2008.  And by next year we'll be at that same line IF IT EVEN MAKES IT because it's already slipping.
This is what we call a "market correction."  It happens all the time and it's nothing to panic about. In fact, if anything, this is the answer to your prayers on getting your little butt into the real estate market if you haven't made your way in yet.
Why is this upcoming recession going to be different than the crash of 2008?
Banks haven't had a chance to forget about the sub-sub-prime loans they were handing out like candy only a handful of years ago.  Yes, they're less strict on lending than they were in, say 2010 but they're not quite as irrational (yet) as they were back then either on their lending practices.
And if you recall, it was the sub-prime lending market that got us into the bulk of the mess we had to dig ourselves out of from back then.  So, we're "kind of" safe there.  Kind of.
But here's where we're in trouble: Consumer spending has slowed (starting the first quarter of this year, preceding the housing slow-down that I first noticed in the second quarter) for the first time in two years.  And while many employers still feel that our economy is somewhat strong by employing people, their "hopes" and disconnection from the GDP, reality isn't going to help forge their way through the upcoming inevitable slow-down.  Once they realize what's going on, lay-offs will be imminent in the near future.  The only employment market sector that will survive this upcoming recession (as far as jobs are concerned) would be those in the service industry.
So, what does all this have to do with...anything?
Here's the deal in Layman's terms: people aren't making any more money, as a whole, than they were years ago.  The housing market can only go so far up before most are locked out of the market and they either decide to keep renting or they move out of the high-priced area for lower-priced digs elsewhere.  This is what's happening with overpriced areas like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Denver, Seattle, etc.
Plus, there really aren't more jobs to be had at this point.  If anything, once these companies realize that the slow-up is coming, first-round lay-offs will begin.  This will definitely begin the downward spiral.  Like I said, all of this is coming and will become evident after the upcoming election in some areas and sometime after the first of the year for everybody else.
Listen, the reality is this:  There's only so far you can go up before you have to come back down again.  And we're reached that point.  With many major players around the globe dealing with major economic changes, this also affects us.  If our GDP is slowing down, consumer spending is slowing down, exports are slowing down, housing is slowing down...I think it's kind of obvious what we're going to see next.
So, what do you do?  How do you prepare for what's to come? 
I'm coming out of speaking retirement to show you exactly what you need to do using what I call my 9-Point Strategy on acquiring property.  And this strategy is NOT anything I've showed ANY of my students before.
I'm showing all of the most relevant, current, and cutting-edge strategies in a RARE one-time-only boot-camp event in Detroit, Michigan on February 24th and 25th.
And for those of you who attend as Platinum or Gold VIP, you get to come to my never-before-done GET MONEY FOR DEALS Workshop (on February 23rd) where I show you EXACTLY how to get money of ALL KINDS for your deals INCLUDING my investor partners and brand new unsecured money resources!
By the way, you DO NOT have to be a Viper Wealth Member to join the upcoming seminar as a Gold or Platinum VIP.
And one other thing:  Platinum VIP is almost full.  This is when you get to have dinner with me for 3 nights, sit in the front row, get seminar videos of the event post-event when they're all edited and duplicated out, and you can have a private 30-minute consultation with me about your deal(s) post-event.  It's well worth every penny to get in as Platinum VIP.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,

Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 18 2016

I think I need to start this off with something really personal that I've NEVER shared with my students before so you can get to a core understanding of the venom that I'm about to unleash upon some of you.

I grew up in a lower-middle class neighborhood in the south side of Chicago.  I didn't go to good schools.  I was bullied.  I didn't get new clothes.  We were pretty poor, come to think of it.  But overall I think that my childhood was "decent" in comparison to what I know other kids have gone through (and go through to this day) so I'm NOT going to sit here whining about how "hard" I had it.  I made it through and here I am.

But what I want to tell you is THIS.  (Again, this is going to get extremely personal.)

I am a molestation survivor.  A rape survivor.  And a survivor of domestic abuse.  My first husband raped me, beat me, then cheated on me, leaving me with an STD that was, thank God, fully treatable.  The molestation happened when I was 5 or 6 by some neighbor boys.  I never told my parents.  I never told anyone actually.  (And when a woman doesn't admit to something until DECADES after it happens, let's just say that I fully understand why: it's shameful to us, we feel responsible, and many times we will take these secrets to the grave because of the embarrassment. So, for those of you who think women are lying because things don't come out until much later, it's because of what I just described: the probable ridicule and embarrassment.  Until you walk a mile in an abuse-survivor's shoes, don't judge or assume they're lying because that's really uncool since you seriously don't know what they went through.  And be grateful that you don't intimately know that level of abuse like some of us do because you were lucky enough to not have been subjected to it yourself.)  But all of these things have made it difficult for me to have relationships of any kind in my life.  So, for those of who you wonder why I've been married and divorced 3 times, I think those situations I described about my earlier years made me who I am today which is a strong-ass bitch who doesn't take shit from anyone but, unfortunately, unable to withstand relationships.  Even still, I'm grateful for all of  these experiences, believe it or not, because it makes me who I am today.

Whew!  That was rough to openly share.  But there it is.  Now you know.  And this won't ever be repeated again.

So...what am I getting at with all of this?

Two things stemming from 2 emails I've received recently that really pissed me off.

I had one coming from a woman who wanted to send me an email playing the victim role, introducing herself as a domestic abuse survivor.  And then later tells ME that I'd "never understand" what she's going through.

Bitch...please.  The difference between a woman who immediately identifies herself as a "survivor" of ANY kind without so much as sputtering out her first name when initially meeting someone is simply using the abuse as a "victim label" that she wants everybody to see.  And I don't roll like that, folks.  I just told you what I went through and many of you who have known me for 10 years now (yes, I have students that are 10+ years "old" with me) have NEVER known these things I've gone through because, unlike some women, I do NOT label myself as a victim of any kind.  Period.  Otherwise I know that I'm creating unnecessary obstacles in life for myself.  And why do that?  Past is past.  Freaking get over it and MOVE FORWARD already!  Because you cannot move forward until you let go of the past.  No "ands," "ifs," or "buts" about it!

But the NEXT email I'm about to share with you is the one that REALLY pissed me off.

If you recall, last week I sent out an email basically saying that I'm not a fan of either presidential candidate.  And that's all I said.  Nothing more.  Just that.  I'm not a fan of who we get to choose as president this election go-around.  And I'm pretty sure many of you feel the same way.

So this total idiot fool is going to send me an email this morning including -- I don't know -- maybe a dozen or so YouTube video links about Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton.  And tells me that I "should watch these."  I guess this is somehow supposed to help "sell" me on, I'm guessing, his political choice of electing Donald Trump.

DELETE.  The email wasn't entertained or read even further.  It didn't even warrant a response.  I don't have the time to watch Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton YouTube videos all day, not that I quite understand what THIS has to do with the current election.  I was cheated on too so, if anything, this makes Hillary is a "victim" even though she doesn't seem to label herself in that way, much like I don't either.  (By the way, let me remind everyone who seem to have a time-machine in their living room: it's NOT the 1990s anymore.  Bill and Monica went "out" with the 90s after he was impeached and around the same time my 90s arm-band tattoo went out of style.  So what?  We move forward and LIVE IN 2016!  Anyone else want to join me here in 2016??)

So, here's my response to ANY idiot who wants to dare waste my time with such nonsense in the future:  Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will ANYONE make me "understand" or SELL me on the notion that sexual abuse, rape, and disrespect against women by anyone is OKAY.  Period.  End of f****** story.  So don't even try it.  You can attempt me to send videos about SUPER OLD NEWS about an affair of a former president had with his intern (that he, again, got impeached for and, again, I'm not entirely sure how this applies to 2016 and no, I don't agree with what Bill did EITHER) in an effort to bolster support for your p****-grabbing sexual-assault-bragging candidate but, again, as a molestation, rape, and domestic abuse survivor, I'm NOT having it as would NO molestation or rape survivor would (in their right mind, of course).  You're not "selling" me on anything except that you're an idiot who hates women.  So stop it!  Please!  Before you embarrass yourself.  (Actually, too late for that.  You already have, email loser guy!)

To be further clear, there's a 99% chance I won't vote at all.  Because here's the deal that MOST "commoners" don't quite understand yet and probably will never quite grasp: No politician will EVER make your life better.  NONE!  They don't give a damn about YOU.  (And if you ever thought they did, you're a fool.  Plain and simple.)  YOU are responsible for YOU and your family.  Period.  Nobody else is.  And if you're sitting around, holding your breath, waiting for President So-and-So to come in and wave that magic wand to make your life perfect, you're going to die very old, very gray, and very disappointed when you realize on your death bed that this NEVER happened in the duration of your lifetime.  You'll be lying on your deathbed in 30-something years saying something to the effect of, "Yeah that Monica Main chick was right on.  None of these politicians elected into office did anything for me or my family.  And to think that I wasted MY WHOLE LIFE waiting around for President Fairy to come in with her magic wand to make my life better.  And it NEVER happened!!  What a total waste of time when I could have been doing other much more productive things than waiting around for nothing like I did!"

Furthermore, in reference to the email idiot I was just referring to, anyone who has the time to send me all these links to these old YouTube videos probably doesn't have a job, a business or a life.  He's probably living off the government with no plans on bettering his own life.  And if that's the case, maybe voting for Trump isn't in his best interests because Trump will be stripping away all the welfare in this country, as he (just like many rich people, myself included) thinks that welfare is supposed to be a temporary bridge to help someone out who is down on his or her luck but is NOT a "career" paycheck and if they think it is, they probably should get a job and stop sucking off the system.  So, if Trump's your guy, get off that welfare and get a job because THAT government service won't be in place much longer if he wins this election.  (Oh, you didn't know that he's anti-welfare?  Yep, he is.)

Instead of wasting time on YouTube video links, guess what I was doing this weekend?  I was formulating MY PLAN for this upcoming recession we're going to be having that will become pretty apparent sometime shortly after the election coming up.  I was going through properties and writing up offers.  I was going through a contract on a deal I'm negotiating on right now for a 21-unit building.  And I was also re-doing some of my packaging designs for my skincare business as well as doing website funnel building work.

You know...all the PRODUCTIVE money-making stuff that REAL millionaires focus on.  Not watching YouTube videos about stuff that happened 20+ years ago.  Not trying to fruitlessly convince people about why sexual predatory behavior is acceptable.  Not sitting around holding my breath for the next president to magically change my life.  

But working.  Securing my future with the power of my own two hands.  And making money.

Taking the bull by the horns, being responsible for MY OWN financial future by making things happen in my business and in my investing activities.  That's what productive people do.  That's what rich people do.

If I've never believed in the dumbing down of America, I certainly do now.  Now more than ever, I suppose.  People just listed to the news thinking they're being fed all the real information about what's going on.  Wasting time on this election and all the nonsense surrounding it.  Not realizing that this election has ALREADY BEEN DECIDED by the top 1% elite regardless of what happens on November 8th at the polls.  And regardless of your single vote.  Not realizing that we're about to hit some tumultuous times in the economy come the first couple of quarters of 2017.  Not realizing that they actually can have a personal hand in how things turn out for themselves and for their own lives if they just peel their attention away from the media for a second and start focusing on their own business at hand.  (You have more control over your own life and building wealth for yourself than you think you do!)

If you haven't seen my charts yet on what's happening with the economy starting after the election and through 2017, you need to CLICK HERE and check it out right now.  You don't have anymore time to waste.  You have to start structuring a plan using what I call my 9-Point Strategy which I'll be introducing to everyone in February 2017.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 15 2016

After my somewhat shocking and traumatizing (to some) email about our upcoming recession in 2017, I got this email from a student of mine in Chicago:

I am one that took your advise and bought multiple properties from 2010-2013 and have to thank you tremendously for your prediction then...Was more than accurate in saying there would be a feeding frenzy from other investors from 2014 on

My question now is it time to dump and wait to purchase again?? Or hang on the cash cows thru the next storm?
My hunch is to hold since they are great passive income producing trophies. Some commercial and some 2units 
Would appreciate your spin 
Happy student
Joe G.


Remember, you're in this business to BUY AND HOLD your cash flowing assets, ideally FOREVER.  So, especially during economic turbulent times, DO NOT become one of those fools who think the sky is falling down while making decisions you'll regret later by creating a "fire sale" on your assets before you go off running for the hills.  Because I can guarantee you that you'll come back out from those hills in a couple of years, realizing that the "turbulence" from the economy wasn't so bad, and that you SHOULD have held onto those'll be kicking yourself in the ass in a major way!  Don't be one of those people, please!!  (During the "worst" times in our economy is when you have to keep your head straight.  Keep your cool while everybody else is panicking.  This is how you get and stay rich, by not falling into the "panic trap.")

Listen, folks.  When you go through the motions of acquiring cash flowing real estate, as long as the asset is performing, it shouldn't matter WHAT is happening in the economy.  People still need a place to live.  And no, NOT EVERYBODY is going to lose their jobs.  Our current unemployment rate is hovering around 5%.  At the end of our last recession (The Great Recession: which "they" claim ended in June 2009...even though the rest of us felt the "aftermath" for years after that), our national unemployment was just under 10%.  As much as politicians like to spin that as being a negative, sometimes we have to look at the glass half full.  Or in this case, the glass at 90% full!  Because if the unemployment rate at the end of our Great Recession was at 9.5%, that means 90.5% WERE EMPLOYED!  (During our Great Depression in the 1930s, our highest unemployment rate was 25%.  Now THAT was bad, folks.  Even if it ever gets that bad, HANG ONTO YOUR PROPERTIES!)

The bottom line: When times tough, HANG ON!  Don't sell anything!  (If you ever want to sell for whatever reason, the smart move is to sell at a market peak, NOT during a recession.)

For those of you who don't have property yet (or don't have enough property to give you the cash flow to retire), then you have a HUGE OPPORTUNITY coming up here.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain exactly how you can profit in big proportions from our upcoming recession.  And yes, I'm coming out of "speaking retirement" JUST FOR THIS ONE REASON:  The Recession of 2017/2018.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 14 2016
Are You Ready for the Recession in 2017?
We're running smack dab into a recession.
And I was living in denial about it...all up until about 2 weeks ago when I started digging through charts on the housing market.
Now, I did know that our real estate market here in California started its "cool down" this past spring.  But I thought (or hoped, rather) that it was just a "bump" in the road that we'd get past.
Then the summer came.  The cool down continued.  It went from a lukewarm "cool" to just damn cool.  No change.  Just getting colder and colder as the months rolled on.
Then fall rolled around.  And I got THE report.
Yes.  The report.
This would be the report on the San Francisco real estate market.
Now, let's back up for a brief second here.  California is the 6th largest economy in the world.  We are a trend leader on the economy for most areas of the country.  So, I consider myself lucky to be here in this state because it allows me to see the trends long before everyone else in the country gets to see them.
Back in late 2006, I felt the "winds of change" in the real estate market that didn't become "concrete" until the beginning of 2007.  This would be many months (and almost a solid 2 years) before everyone knew we were in sh** deep in a recession.
Yes, I got the whiff of the recession BEFORE it happened.
Fast forward to August/September 2016 with the "report" I saw on the San Francisco housing market AFTER I've already been feeling this real estate "cool down" in southern California for about 6 months now.
The report isn't good.  It's substantiating everything I suspected.
We're going into a recession, folks.
Now, the good news is that it won't be a replay of 2008 UNLESS something really catastrophic happens (either a war, major terrorist attack, or something else to rattle consumer stability).  We're already a fragile economy.  We never really came back super solid since 2008 for a variety of reasons which I won't get into now because it's not so important as the knowledge of knowing what's about to happen.
I look at this recession as a "mild" one (unless something "happens" as explained above).  It'll last 10 months to a year.  Front-to-back, across the nation, it will probably "appear" to last much longer, upwards of 24 to 30 months.  The reason for this is that "drag," especially for people like me who DO BUSINESS in California (the trend leading state) and DO INVESTING on the other side of the map (where recessions are felt and played out last).  So, recessions for me generally last MUCH LONGER than most anyone else do to doing business in so many different metropolitan areas that are each hit differently and at different times when a recession comes in.
Right now we're in a "hold pattern."  So, the majority of the country won't see the apparent recession until after November 8th (election day).  Everyone is sitting on pins and needles right now until that date so there isn't much focus anywhere else.  Once we pass the election (and we no longer have to hear the daily mud-slinging about either candidate), we'll come out of the fog and realize that we're going down...
So, what do you do?
First of all, don't panic.  Panicking is for the common man who wants to stay broke.  (There are people with money with the "broke" mentality also INCLUDING current property owners.)
Now is the time to STEP BACK, re-evaluate the plan, CREATE a new plan, and go in like gang-busters once the economy starts to become unglued at the seams.
I love recessions.  This means DEALS ON REAL ESTATE.  I haven't been able to get good deals on stuff for at least 3 years now and it's been frustrating the hell out of me.  So now, coming right around the corner, I'll be the FIRST ONE IN LINE to start getting DISCOUNTS on properties left and right.
I STRONGLY suggest that you join me in this because this will be your last real shot until we recess again which won't be until about 2023/2024-ish.  And that's a LONG TIME to wait to even start building your real estate empire. Don't you think?
At the top of the page I showed you our current housing market chart and my prediction that the market MUST to down...or "correct" itself.  That's just basic economics, folks.  This is NORMAL market movement.
So, instead of panicking and worrying about what's coming up, prepare yourself to start building your wealth empire INSTEAD.
CLICK HERE to see my charts and what I'm doing to help you profit wildly from this upcoming 2017/2018 recession!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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