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Success For Life
Monday, September 17 2018

People who act idiotic toward me or around me are starting to disappear.

And I'm really grateful for it.

I think it's because most people know I don't put up with it.

But the few who think they can dish it out...they sure quickly realize what it means to have to TAKE it.

Recently I had this loser send me an email about how he claimed to be a long-time student then suggested that I ripped off a guy named Russell Brunson with my Internet Cash Flow Strategies.

First of all, what a lot of people don't know about me is that:

1)  I actually know Russell Brunson personally.  Great guy, by the way!

2)  I started marketing on the Internet back in the late 1990s before it was a "thing"...long before Russell Brunson even surfaced to teach anybody anything about online marketing.

3)  I use a lot of offline marketing strategies (like direct mail marketing), something that Russell almost NEVER does and something he doesn't teach anybody to do either.

4)  All of the systems I teach are MY OWN that I figured out by myself based on trials and tribulations of being in the business world and by FAILING A LOT...but finally piecing it all together little by little.

5)  And I never teach my students ANYTHING that I haven't personally used myself to become successful.  Period.

So, this chap who claims he's been a "long-time student" probably doesn't know how to read.  If he did, he'd CLEARLY SEE that none of my stuff is a rip off of Russell Brunson's...or anybody else's for that matter.

And I really resent anyone making those types of baseless accusations.

Listen, there's only one reason I stay in the game of teaching and training my students, including you.  And that's because there are quite a few of you who have made major life transformations that would have NEVER happened if they had never met me.  This is what keeps me teaching.

Then, when I get the few a-holes here and there who want to shoot darts my way (usually it's a guy) because they're useless sacks of sh** and they feel intimidated by a woman (me) who constantly remind them of what failures they are.  And it just sucks for me to have to deal with such bullsh** because I seriously don't have to keep teaching and training anymore.  I'm only doing it because YOUR alternative is falling into the likes of scammers and shammers.  But then again, for those who find the need to criticize me based on their own psychological issues and shortcomings, that's probably what they deserve anyway.

My point?

If you're not somebody who will get off your ass to help yourself, I'm not here to help you.  I don't sell magic pills or miracle boxes that, when you open them up, a little elf jumps out to put together your business for you while you plop your ass on the couch to watch TV for 6 hours a day.  That's not how the real world works, folks.  And if you haven't figured that part out yet're probably kind of screwed.  And I'm not here to help people who are lazy.  That's not what I'm here for.  I'm only here to help those who REALLY WANT to make some major financial changes.

CLICK HERE to find out about something that is really a game-changer.  But let me warn you: if you're lazy (and I know who you are), don't bother.  Go back to watching TV.  This really isn't for you anyway.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  It's hard to believe but next week is the Inner Success Retreat!  CLICK HERE to find out how you can register if you still want a spot!  I have ONE SPOT LEFT!  CLICK HERE NOW!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 13 2018

Just recently I announced that Bev -- one of my most successful students for online affiliate marketing who profits (yes, PROFITS) over $40,000 per month -- gave me the green light that she'd like to speak on the 3rd day of my upcoming Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop.

Platinum Viper Wealth student Paul S. emailed me and said that he was shocked that the workshop isn't full yet.  I am too, actually.

But there are a few reasons for that:

1)  I give ALL of my Viper Wealth and Apprenticeship Group Members FIRST CRACK at taking the spots at all of my seminars and workshops.  And I'm just releasing seats now to everything one.  (CLICK HERE for more details on how to register.)

2)  For the record, I am HALF FULL on this upcoming workshop since I keep my groups VERY SMALL to ensure that EVERYBODY leaves with a fully fleshed out business ready to go and to start making money.  (In this upcoming workshop -- for the FIRST TIME EVER -- we're actually going to be PLACING ONLINE ADS on the 3rd day so it's VERY likely that you'll start getting your first orders before we even conclude this workshop event!)

3)  Some people simply don't want to invest in themselves or a business, but yet they complain that there are "no opportunities" simply because they're too lazy to get off of their dead ass to put the time and effort into the business.  They ask me, "Monica, can't you just do it all for me?"  And my answer is, "Yes, I already am doing it all for you...but the money is going into MY bank account for those efforts!"  See how that works?  You have to put in the work before you can get anything out of the seeds you sow.  No sowing seeds = no fruits.  Period.  No exceptions.

I know, I know...there's always SOME type of "legitimate" excuse, isn't there?

"I don't have the money."


"I can't make the dates to come out."


"I'm a single parent."

And on and on the excuses go.

And that's all fine.  Live a life of excuses and get nowhere.  That's just how the ball bounces.  Because after all, ALL of my events and workshops (especially THIS one) is ONLY designed for the DOERS...NOT for the tire-kicker complainers.

I think the "single parent" excuse is the one that bothers me the most, especially coming from women.  I'm a single parent myself.  I get absolutely NO SUPPORT from my daughter's father.  In fact, the guy has yet to contribute a single dime to my 10-year-old little girl's well-being.  At one point I was paying HIM both spousal AND child support for MANY YEARS for a child he NEVER SAW.  (And those monthly payments were NOT cheap either since it was based on my income, obviously.)

So, if anybody has the right to make excuses, be angry, and to lay out all the reasons as to why the cards are stacked against me..that would be me.  Yet I DO NOT make these excuses and I prosper because of it.

Maybe it's time you make that choice too!

Now, there are a couple of options here:

Option A:  You can get just the Money Funnel 3.0 System (without attending the workshop) and you can get a pretty good "crash course" education on EXACTLY how to set up profitable online money funnels.  I even go into detail about the 2 marketing strategies Bev uses to make her $40,000+ per month in profits.  I also give you CLONES that you can simply download into your own system and use to make money!  CLICK HERE for more information on getting this option.

By the way, you can also upgrade to the California Glow Affiliate Kit (highly recommended if you don't have it yet) when getting your Money Funnel 3.0 System.


Option B:  Getting the Money Funnel 3.0 System WITH the 3-Day Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop on October 19th, 20th, and 21st.  This is where the RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD because you'll actually have a completed business (as long as you follow the step-by-step instructions) by the time you leave the event on the 21st.  In fact, I plan on having us place online ads while we're still working through the final day and there's a strong chance you'll find yourself with your first few orders before leaving the event!

And I've NEVER offered that in ANY workshop before.

CLICK HERE to take that option!

Listen, everybody has excuses.  But excuses will get you nowhere.  You can either sit in a corner, cry, and say "Whoa is me."  Or you can get off your ass and do something about it.  Either way, the world doesn't care what you do at the end of the day.  But hopefully you care enough about your life and your future to finally do something about it!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 12 2018
The $40,000 Per Month Blueprint...FINALLY REVEALED!
Many of you know (or know of) Beverly-Anne Thiessen...or Bev as we call her around the office.
She's in her 70s and yet she's managed to be able to build an incredible online business using 100% of my Money Funnel and Affiliate Marketing Strategies to the tune of making $40,000 per month...IN PROFITS!
And she's just agreed to come out to my Money Funnel Workshop to show my students EXACTLY what she does to make the kinds of money she's making!
Yes, you're going to meet her if you register for my Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop which is on October 19th, 20th, and 21st!
CLICK HERE to listen to a 10-minute audio seminar talking all about this amazing upcoming event!
What I LOVE about Bev is that she's not one of these older folks who makes excuses about how they can't do this or that because they're, well...old.  She does the work, figures out things that she needs to figure out, and gets it all done WITHOUT ANY EXCUSES.
And that's why she's pumping in $40,000 per month in profits with her little online home-based business.
Why aren't you making this kind of money yet?
Is it because you're full of excuses?  Is it because you can't make the time to devote to building up your funnels without distractions?  Is it because you've never made this a priority?
Now is your time to get away for 3 full days and to MAKE this a priority.
In this LAST EVER Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop, you'll:
  • Have a completed business set up and ready to go by the time you leave!
  • You'll have my most POWERFUL and PROFITABLE Money Funnels in your system to instantly be able to make money with!
  • You'll even have your first online ads placed, possibly seeing your first sales come in before you walk out the door on the last day after the event is over!
Why WOULDN'T you want to come to this?
The only people who won't make the time or effort to come to this simply don't want this kind of financial freedom.  Or maybe there's a sense of "comfort" in being miserable and making excuses.  I don't know.
But this is the LAST event I'm doing of its kind and the ONLY event Bev will ever come out to as she reveals her EXACT blueprint on EXACTLY what she does (step by step) to make $40,000 in profits per month.
Why would you ever want to miss that?
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 11 2018
​Did you feel the weight of the day today?
I know I did.
I felt depressed, tired, and a little overwhelmed.  And I think I was just picking up on all the feelings swirling about and among all of us in remembrance of the most significant day of our modern times: 9-11-2001.
We ALL remember that day including EXACTLY where we were, what we were doing, and how we were all agape in horror, confusion, and deep sadness in what began as a bad day that only ended up much worse than any of us had ever anticipated.  And it scarred all of us forever.
Many of you don't know but I have a student who has since become a close friend of mine.  She's also part of my Apprenticeship Group and her name is Nichele.  She was actually IN 9-11 as it happened.  And she almost didn't make it as a result.
While I've always said that this is HER story to tell, I can't help but to take a moment to honor the travesty and unthinkable moments that happened in her life on that fateful day and how it permanently altered her body, mind, and spirit as a result.
You see, Nichele was in one of the buildings next to the collapsing World Trade Towers.  And she was in the building as the towers were collapsing.  Many didn't make it out alive.  But she did. 
But not without permanent consequence.
Her sense of smell and taste is permanently altered.  I believe she carries a sense of depression or a "black cloud" over her, probably in the form of PTSD.  It's like that day stole something inside of her that, I'm hoping, I can help assit her in getting back.  Maybe it stole that sense of wonder in life or the belief in promise of a new day.  I don't know.  But something deep was taken from her that day that she has yet to get back.
Something was taken away from ALL of us on day.
Nichele texted me this morning and told me what a sad day it was.  I knew.  I sensed her feeling of doom and gloom before she even reached out to me this morning.  And my heart just goes out to her and everyone else who was directly (and indirectly) touched and altered by that unspeakable day.
In the past I always took issue to "not forgetting" something.  I always thought it was an unnecessary way in dredging up things that probably should be part of our distant past when it seems that people just want to keep rolling out ceremonies and other ways to "remember" what should be in the rear view mirror of our recent history.
But this is kind of different, isn't it?
It touched ALL of us in such a significant and permanent way that we ALL -- in one way or another -- have some kind of scar that stemmed from 9-11.  It could be a depression of feeling that the world is screwed and it just keeps getting worse, starting from that day.  It could be physical scars, mental scars, emotional scars...or all of the above.  It could be a loss of a loved one from that time.  Whatever it is or however small or large that scar, we were all damaged in one way or another on 9-11 and that's not something you can just forget about and move forward from.  At least not that quickly.
They say: "Time heals all wounds."  Is that really true?
Let me know when you've healed.  I know I haven't. 
Not yet anyway.

~Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 03 2018
Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 02 2018

For those of you who have called into my office with the past 4 years, you likely would have talked to Rose.  She was my first-line-of-defense gatekeeper.

And now she's gone!

No, she didn't pass away. 

But she had to abruptly leave our company due to the chronic and persisting health problems of her husband, Dave.  You see, Dave was diagnosed with cancer this year and he almost lost his life twice just in the past few months.  The last close call was only 2 weeks ago.

Rose decided that it was much more important to be with him, to give him the round-the-clock care that he so desperately needs, until he either returns back to full health or his life in this incarnation comes to a close.

By far, Rose has been one of my most dedicated and loyal employees over the past several years and her presence will be missed.

Farewell, Rose!

For those of you who call my office for various things, please note that I now have TWO right-hand ladies handling all my line-of-defense gate-keeping and customer care needs. 

Actually, I should say that I have a right-hand and a left-hand lady:  Tori, my right-hand lady whom many of you have talked to already and met at various seminars and workshops I've done over the years (if you attended any), and Holly, my left-hand lady whom I call her my left-hand because she's, well...left-handed. 

So, even though Rose has moved on, you have two incredibly amazing and highly ambitious ladies to handle all of your customer care needs for Global Success.  And they are fast gearing up for all the new changes taking place for Global Success in 2019 which include:

1)  A company name change.  With new times a-coming, we'll be adopting our corporate name instead of using our DBA (which is Global Success Strategies).  New times require a new name.  More on that later.

2)  A complete overhaul on the Viper Wealth Newsletter.  I'm going to be expanding it to include Andrew Shaw (with a dedicated section for him each and every month) and a newcomer:  Peter Barrington.  This guy is a money-making genius like you wouldn't believe.  But I cannot tell you quite yet what his specialty in money-making is'll blow your mind.

3)  I have 2 events coming up for 2018:  The Inner Success Retreat in Santa Barbara (the last 3 days of this month, CLICK HERE if you haven't registered yet) and my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event (called my Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop on October 19th - 21st, CLICK HERE to register). 

But for 2019? 

Well...I already had a few people calling the office and asking, "What is Monica doing for March?"  And the answer is: 3 DAYS IN VEGAS, BABY!  (Mark your calendars for mid-March...more to come on that very soon because it'll be a VERY UNIQUE Underground Secret Event!)

I have A LOT more planned for you guys and gals in the coming year with everything that comes a-new, the old must go.  As many of you know, I got rid of my old office and just finished putting the final touches on the move-in of my NEW office, got rid of ALL of my old employees (which was a fluke really since I fired no one), eliminated ALL old relationships (business and personal), and literally cleaned out every nook and cranny of my house and office of things that I no longer need or want anymore.

I even got rid of my PRIZED LA Auto Show 2010 Navigator.  Some of you guys and gals remember it because during certain events in California, I'd drive some of you to dinner with me.  I loved that Navigator.  Because it had been part of the LA Auto Show, Galpin Sports in the San Fernando Valley really tricked it out.  I kept it in showroom condition and the miles (over 8 years) were only 37,000 when I gave it up.

Then after my 44th birthday, on a whim I called my brother and told him he could have it if he could get his ass on a plane to come out to LA to get it.  (He's deathly afraid of flying.)  I bought him a plane ticket and flew him and his daughter Jasmine out for my daughter Brie's birthday party.  I hadn't seen him in many years.

I signed over the title to him and off he went with his new ride, extremely grateful for the opportunity to get something that nice without paying a penny for it.

When you get rid of the old, it creates a VOID that needs to be filled with something new.  Something BETTER than what you had before.

And that's what's been happening with me.  New and better things have been happening so fast that I can hardly keep up.

Like my property deals with Andrew Shaw.

And another business deal with a guy named Peter Barrington.  (More on him later.)

And the gifts just keep coming.

What kinds of things are YOU doing to propel yourself into a new positive life?  Are you getting rid of the old?  Are you pulling the trigger on something new?

If not, time to clean house.  And that could mean LITERALLY for you.  (You have to start changing the energy around you somehow and cleaning/donating is the best way to begin.)

Then you need to line yourself up with a new way of making loads of cash.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 20 2018
I have a few students making anywhere from $180,000 to over $350,000 per year as bird dogs as I mentioned to you before.
Stanley K. has been a student of mine since around late 2015 when he first got started.  And he initially wanted to invest in multi-family property deals.
Realized that he didn't want to go the 0% down route because the area he was farming in wouldn't allow for any cash flow on the deals he was looking at unless he put at least 20% down.

This is when he decided in 2016 to become a bird-dog.  It was a rocky start at first, mostly because he didn't have the confidence in himself to do this.
"I think I was just telling myself that it wasn't possible," he later told me.  "So after I got your course and went through your mentorship group on bird-dogging, I kind of threw it on the back burner.  And that was a mistake."
This is the very same "replay" conversation I have with many of my successful students who will start the process by getting the education from me, then they'll throw it on the back-burner because they lack the confidence in doing this or life gets in the way somehow.  Then my smart students will go back to it, go through the materials again, and will begin to implement it, throwing their fears aside in kind of a "what-the-hell-let's-do-this-and-see-what-happens" moment.
And for those students, many times they'll hit the jackpot in a big way!
In 2016, Stanley made a little over $36,000 since he started late that year.  But in 2017 he made a staggering $213,000.
So, I had to ask him...Why the big jump from $36,000 to $213,000.
Stanley had this to say about it:  "I didn't actually do my first deal until right after summer ended in 2016 because it took me that long to convince myself that I could do this.  Then in 2017, all I did was work on deals.  I kept my full-time job until I hit the $100,000 mark then I quit.  And that happened in May of last year."
I further asked him EXACTLY how he works with investors and he said, "I just did everything you said to do about finding investors in the course and mentorship group that you did.  It's was all there.  I just had to finally get off sitting on my hands to start doing it."
Well said!
And my final question to him was what he was on track for THIS year.  He said he's ALREADY SURPASSED the $213,000 he made last year BUT...he's going to take the last 3 months off this year (October 1st through December 31st) so he's guessing that he'll "only" clear just over $325,000 for 2018.
Still...not bad!

CLICK HERE to read a quick report on exactly how Stanley and many other have been able to take advantage of this opportunity.

And, oh...

Here's the best part.

I have investors looking for deals right now and I want to connect you DIRECTLY to those investors ASAP.  Including working directly with my star student, Andrew Shaw.

CLICK HERE right now to find out how to become a part of this.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main
Posted by: AT 02:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, August 14 2018
The Most Expensive Dress in the World!

This is a pic of me and my daughter Brie, just taken yesterday at Ripley's in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Do you recognize the dress in the background?

Ripley's paid around $5 million for this dress and they claim it's the most EXPENSIVE dress in the world.

It was THE dress that Marilyn Monroe wore during her famous "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" song to JFK on May 19th, 1962.

Can you imagine paying that kind of money for a DRESS?

And if you thought your spouse had a clothing spending problem, think again.  I can't wrap my mind around spending that kind of money on any type of clothing of any kind, collectible or not.

And I'm a huge Marilyn Monroe fan on top of that! 

It's not the MONEY really...but what it was spent on that is the issue with me.

Can you imagine how much cash flow you could get with an apartment building you pay $5 million for?

I know...mind-boggling, isn't it? 

Now that we're talking money, let's talk about a couple of opportunities that I have in mind for you:

OPPORTUNITY #1:  Online Money-Making Strategies

This is a BLEND of the MODULES of my newly completed 8-week 100% online GSS Affiliate Mentorship Group, my highly successful Affiliate Kit, AND (if you choose) coming to my upcoming 3-day LAST EVER Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop on October 19th, 20th and 21st.

Now, I know I covered A LOT in the above little paragraph there.  So, let's break it down.  Shall we?

Stuff online CHANGES DRASTICALLY every 3 to 6 months.  This is why I have to keep upgrading and creating new trainings for the online marketing stuff.

Because of this...this is my last "hooray" for online marketing strategies.  Sorry.  It's just too difficult for me to teach and for me to keep updating/upgrading every few months for everybody.

But this is what I do have for the time being:

1)  The Modules for the GSS Affiliate Mentorship Group where you'll discover how you can sell our most profitable products with BOTH GSS and our supplement company.  I've never offered the opportunity for my students to sell our GSS products.  And, once this opportunity ends, you won't ever be able to participate again.  Guaranteed.

2)  The Affiliate Kit for California Glow.  This is what my highly successful student - Bev - is doing to clear $40,000 per month in net profits.  And you'll become a FULL affiliate for a basement-bottom price (included with the GSS Affiliate Modules Deal).

3)  As an can join me for the LAST EVER Money Funnel 3.0 3-day Hands-On Workshop in October in Valencia, California.  (You can just get #1 and #2 above without coming to this workshop if you'd like but I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you highly consider coming.).  This will be my LAST EVER Money Funnel Workshop.  In fact, after all of this, I don't think I'll be doing ANY Money Funnel or Affiliate Groups, Mentorships, Seminars, or Workshops after October.  This is it!!

CLICK HERE to get 1 and 2 (or 1, 2, and 3) above for the stuff I described above IF you have a passion to make money online, want to make money in a few weeks or less, and you don't want to sell your own products because THAT is what's been holding you back in finally launching something online.

Listen, creating your own product to sell it (whether you'll sell online or offline...or both) is the part that holds everybody up.  There is product research, naming your product, doing legal research (like trademark research, for example), and then having it manufactured...all before we attempt to sell one unit.  Then, after all of that, maybe nobody will want it.

Talk about a HUGE RISK!

Why not just sell somebody else's TESTED AND PROVEN successful hot sellers while getting about the same profit margins that WE get when we sell the products ourselves?

Makes sense, doesn't it?

We already have the products, the marketing, and everything you need (including the website clones) to get started right away.  All you have to do is follow the instructions (provided in the GSS Affiliate Mentorship Modules), and you'll be quickly and easily profiting online...

WITHOUT administrative issues, customer service, shipping, employee problems, management stress, legal liability, insurances, or ANY of the stuff you need when you start a "normal" company on your own.

So, you get the best of both worlds.  You get to profit like you're a business owner WITHOUT being a business owner.

CLICK HERE if this seems to be of interest to you.  Now, remember, I cannot decide FOR YOU if you like this type of business or not.  But, based on what I described above, YOU can decide if this is what you're looking for...or not.

One more thing I should mention: In this last Mentorship Group, I had A LOT of Baby Boomers in the group.  And MOST of them finished and launched their affiliate websites because I made the instructions SO CRYSTAL CLEAR that ANYBODY could follow them IF they decided to go through all the lengthy video trainings.  (Each training is about 90 minutes long and there are 8 of them.)  So, if you plan on using the whole "I'm-too-old" or "I-don't-know-tech-stuff-that-well" excuse, those are JUST EXCUSES and nothing more because the students who have been the most successful with my affiliate stuff are those in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Why the sudden switch?

My theory is that my Gen Xers and Millenials didn't have the patience to go through my lengthy thorough trainings I did (which were much more thorough than ANY other workshop or mentorship I have ever done on this topic before).  They tried skipping steps and figuring it all out on their own (almost like putting together a piece of furniture while refusing to look at the instructions).  And being that this was the case, they missed many CRITICAL steps in the process; hence why my Boomers are doing much better in this particular group than anyone else.  They understood the importance of EACH AND EVERY TINY STEP and they were willing to do all the training required to get it right!

CLICK HERE if this is something you want to do.  I have a brief audio seminar you can listen to so you can make your final decision about whether this is right for you!

OPPORTUNITY #2:  Bird-Dogging for My Investors

I have a RARE Bird-Dog Mentorship Group (with a Partnership BONUS) starting on August 27th.  (This group was originally to start on August 20th but I decided to push it back a week to prepare for the additional components needed on doing partnership deals.)

Now, this is a DIFFERENT Mentorship Group than what I've ever done previously for Bird-Dogging.


Because I'm including PARTNERSHIP training AND an opportunity to do partnership deals.


I'm including 2 of the 8 weeks on training for Andrew Shaw's stuff which includes BOTH partnerships AND bird-dog deals!

Andrew has NEVER helped me facilitate a mentorship group before.  And likely, he never will again.  This is how RARE this group is.

So, in case you don't know how my mentorship groups work, they are usually 8 weeks long (as is this one).  It will start on Monday, August 27th and will end on Monday, October 15th.  They are LIVE webinar trainings but you DO NOT have to be present for the live training since each one is recorded for later viewing.

You are then given an Action Sheet based on the things discussed in the training.  You MUST (1) watch the training (if you weren't present live), (2) complete the Action Sheet BEFORE the next week's training, and (3) DON'T get behind during ANY of the group if you want to be able to participate in the stuff at the very end which is...


That's right.  You'll understand EXACTLY how to find deals, what partners and investors are looking for, how to create a deal for them, how to present the deal to them, and by the end you'll be connecting with our investors to present the deals that you find during the group!

This is TRULY a unique and RARE Bird-Dog Mentorship Group.

And the cool thing is, you don't have to go anywhere.  It's 100% online and you simply watch the training week to week, do the simple assignments, and present deals!

CLICK HERE for more information and an brief audio seminar about this RARE group.


If BOTH of the above intrigues you, CLICK HERE and listen to a power-packed audio seminar that talks about the great benefits in doing BOTH the opportunities I've talked about above.

Questions?  Call my office at 661-295-5050.  We're available from Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Pacific Time!

I'm really excited to be working with you soon!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We're filling up for our Inner Success Retreat at the very end of September in Santa Barbara, California.  CLICK HERE to find out details about that as well.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, August 11 2018
Would you believe it if I told you that I had just figured out the SECRET to getting anything and everything you want EVERY SINGLE TIME?
Right now I'm on vacation in South Carolina with my daughter Brie and my friend and right-hand lady, Tori.  (Many of you have talked to Tori on the phone several times.  She's really great, isn't she?)
So, it's amazing what WISDOM can come your way when you finally allow for a body/mind/spirit REBOOT in the form of a long-needed trip away from everything, don't you think?
While I'm in the moment of having discovered this Universal Secret, I'd like to share it with you before I return back to the Asphalt Jungle in a few days.
Recently I FINALLY cut loose something that has been plaguing and disrupting me for way too many years.  There was that "final straw that broke the camel's back" as they say where now...there's no going back.
Each moment that I awake, I feel this INTENSE and IMMENSE sense of gratitude, peace, and awesomeness because of the new life I'm now beginning as I start to write the next new chapter in my life.  The other chapter -- or door -- is now firmly closed and sealed shut behind me, never to be reopened again.
What an amazing time of magic I feel in my life right now.
And this is what happens when you LET GO of the things that are no longer servicing you, the things that are MAKING YOU MISERABLE, and the things that are NOT SERVICING YOU in any way in your life.  Be BRAVE ENOUGH to let it go once and for all, and you'll be able to start your next new chapter of awesomeness too.
But that's not really the Secret I wanted to share with you.  That's part of it, of course.  A HUGE part of it.  Because if you can't or won't get rid of the old then you can't possibly have room for anything new, right?
However, it helps A LOT by first cleaning the slate which will put you in a HIGH VIBRATIONAL STATE to start to attract ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT in your life.
And it'll start to happen AUTOMATICALLY.
You see, the old and wise of centuries past knew this Secret.  In fact, this is the REAL Secret that even the movie (and book) The Secret ACTUALLY LEFT OUT because they didn't want their audience to get too "weirded out" by this Universal Truth and Secret.
So, they COMPLETELY LEFT OUT THE REAL SECRET to getting what you want...
And that really sucks.
In case you missed it, the REAL SECRET is RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONAL ENERGY to where you feel like you can conquer the world.  Even Napoleon Hill talks a lot about this in Think and Grow Rich; interestingly enough this was the part that was CUT OUT of subsequent revisions of the book.
Why is everybody CUTTING OUT the REAL SECRET in all of these "get-what-you-want" type of self-help books?
Who knows?  Withholding it from the public for a "later reveal" maybe?  People think it's too weird?  People think it's too hard to to or to figure out how to do?
I don't know.
So, I'm revealing to you the REAL SECRET and how to use it to GET WHAT YOU WANT in life.
Cut out what isn't working anymore.  That's right.  DITCH IT.  And DITCH IT NOW before it consumes your soul.
Next, within that element of GRATITUDE of finally getting your life back, you'll feel your ENERGY RAISED much higher than you've probably felt in a very long time.  This is much like the feeling of winning the lottery, for example.  You feel like your energy is way up there, like it's a kite flying in the sky.
Except naturally...without the assistance of drugs or alcohol.  (Those things actually LOWER the energy fields...A LOT!)
Once you are in that "high-flying" energy field, you can THEN begin to DRAW IN anything you want.  So, beforehand, it's highly recommended that you FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT with pristine and crystal clear detail so that you can immediately go to this vision once you are at this high energy level.
Then feel that sense of gratitude that this dream or goal that you want WILL come to pass when the time is right.  Trust the Universe that it'll happen WHEN IT'S SUPPOSED TO and let it go...and LET GOD handle it for you!
It'll come to pass when the time is right.
Oh, and one more thing (because this will DESTROY your dream if you do this one thing) and that is HAVE NO DOUBT!  NO DOUBT.  In fact, just FORGET ABOUT IT and let the Universe figure out the best ways for which you can have your dream/goal.
You'll "hear" and "see" visions of inspiration.  This will happen in the form of ideas popping into your head...things you've never thought of before.  And these are inspirations you MUST act on because it's the Universe "talking" to you and "telling" you what you must do to move your dream/goal forward.  (You do have a part to play in this too, you know.)
Remember, NO DOUBT.  The seeds of doubt and frustration will KILL your dream or goal lickety-split!  Doubt is like the weeds in a beautiful garden.  Imagine having a wonderful beautiful garden where all of your dreams are growing ON TIME and ON PURPOSE and then you have a doubt...and all of a sudden thousands of weeds come quickly and from nowhere to overrun the garden...all in an INSTANT.
This is what doubt does.  So, park the doubt and just hold that KNOWING within you that you'll have anything and everything you want WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT.  Just know.  And it'll come to you.
For those of you who feel BLOCKED or want to understand how to get into this HIGH VIBRATIONAL STATE at the drop of a coin then you MUST come out to my Inner Success Retreat in Santa Barbara on September 28th, 29th, 30th.  Not only will we help you figure out your blocks (and the stuff you need to rid of your life) but we'll help you blast past them AND show you how to raise your energy to heights you've never you CAN and WILL attract everything you want in life.
CLICK HERE for more details about this RARE event that I'm doing next month.
For those of you who are MEANT to make this'll be there.  For those of you who aren't meant to be there, you won't be there.

This is ONLY meant for you who understand the value in knowing that obstacles to success and wealth are a VERY REAL THING.  And for those of you who are sick of beating your head up against the "invisible barrier" that you can't quite figure out how to work past.
This event is FOR YOU.
CLICK HERE for a brief audio seminar all about it right now and you can decide if you are one of those people who will be there.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, August 10 2018

Last week I told you about the unraveling saga of a guy who I call BONEHEAD.

And there's a reason I call him Bonehead.

You see, he was given an opportunity to work with us doing bird-dog deals except that he:

1)  Refused to go through the package to learn how to do the deals, and

2)  Refused to look at the very simple and comprehensive LIST of deals we are looking for, and

3)  Then blamed ME because he refused to do #1 and #2.


On top of all of that, when I told him that he could just return everything for a refund because it's clear that he's not cut out for this type of thing...

He threatens me.

(By the way, let me mention, all of his threats have been forwarded to my attorney.  We will be filing our libel lawsuit against him once we start seeing his fraudulent complaints come through.  Let me mention one last thing...the LAST time we had to file such a defamation lawsuit, I ended up TAKING somebody's house because of it.  Yes, it was a 3-year lawsuit but I won, ended up filing a judgment on his house for the majority of his equity, and filed for what we call a "forced foreclosure" to have his house taken away.  No, I didn't like doing it.  But yes, it becomes necessary when people was to spew a bunch of slanderous bullshit online and offline about you.  Yes, slander/libel lawsuits are a REAL thing and I'll end up taking Bonehead and his wife to the cleaners because he's a piece of sh**.  And I can't wait!)'s a lesson for both me and know, the SMART ones in this equation.  (Yes, that's you!)

First of all, when you are given an opportunity -- especially a RARE opportunity -- to work with a REAL investor on a deal (whether it's a partnership OR a bird-dog deal), take that SERIOUSLY.  Very seriously.  Act professional.  Be respectful.  Follow the freaking INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED.  (Trust me, folks, it's not that hard.)  And that's all there is to it.  No need to "rock the boat" or create a pissing contest because you'll end up losing.  These wealthy investors will simply turn their back on you to work with somebody who is EASY and a PLEASURE to work with.  It's really that simple!

Listen, a few years ago I ended up striking up a really amazing relationship with an investor who still, to this day, invests in a lot of the deals I do.  And this was a guy I met on a boat (it was more like a yacht) at some party I was dragged (almost unwillingly) to.  I was standing outside looking at the beautiful skyline and this dude (who I didn't even know) came out to smoke a cigar.  We started talking about astronomy, dogs, and that order.  He's a Midwestern guy so between his sarcasm and my dry sense of humor, we instantly hit it off.  When he finally asked what I do -- invest in commercial real estate -- he asked me if I had any deals because all the stuff in LA "never makes any money," he said.  I told him all about how I always invest in passive income assets OUTSIDE of California and he immediately told me that he wanted in on my next project.

We've had a VERY SUCCESSFUL investor partner relationship ever since.

But...what if I was a total sour-puss on the boat, told the guy he was an asshole for smoking a cigar near me, and threatened to type up a bunch of bullshit things about him all around the Internet because I didn't like the ugly Hawaiian shirt he was wearing and that I thought he looked like a fat troll?

The guy probably (and rightfully so) would have thrown me off the boat.

You get REALLY FAR when you rub elbows with people with money and you're -- [GASP, GULP] -- NICE to them.  (Holy moly, what a concept!!)

If you end up being successful and staying in the game of cash flowing real estate, it's necessary to always be professional, courteous, and respectful to the investors your working with because not only will they want to work with you, they'll want to do MORE AND MORE deals with you and it'll be a never-ending gravy train.  However, if you bite the hand that feeds you...well, we all know how that always turns out.

Well, everybody but somebody like Bonehead would know how it turns out.

Recently I had Andrew Shaw send everyone who is on my "inner circle" list an open letter.  He wants to work with you.  Andrew has some pretty sizable assets and the few dozen students he's done DIRECT PARTNERSHIPS WITH in only the past few months have given me NOTHING BUT PRAISES about how life-changing it's been for them!  In fact, Andrew really likes working with my students so he will be participating with facilitating the criteria of what he's looking for in BOTH bird-dog and partnership deals in my upcoming RARE Bird-Dog Mentorship (now starting on Monday, August 27th).  Yes, he's joining us for this RARE Bird-Dog Group where for 2 of the 8 weeks we will be meticulously going over exactly what deals he is looking for, exactly how to put the deals together (including finding the proforma cash flow in a special way that only Andrew does it), and how to present these deals DIRECTLY TO HIM.  Yes, you'll be working DIRECTLY WITH ANDREW most successful student who is now making $170,000 a month in cash flow doing his very specialized type of passive income property deals with commercial real estate.

Can you imagine if somebody like Bonehead were to talk to Andrew like the way Bonehead threatened me?  (First of all, I doubt Bonehead would have threatened a man in that way.  I think losers like Bonehead only pick on women, children and small animals but he'd never pick on a man his own size.  Only abusive men choose to pick on those they deem as "weaker" but will never get out of line with another man.)  Knowing Andrew the way I do, he'd probably send people over to Bonehead's house to have a little chat with him.  And let's just say that these guys he'd send over there for a chat would be -- I don't know -- all over 300 lbs. and would have names like Fingers, Uncle Guido, and Dick the Bruiser.

But that's Andrew.  Not me.

I just have to flick people like Bonehead off like the fleas that they are and move forward with the people who really want to work with me, Andrew and my other investors.  The only thing I have to deal with now is the multi-year lawsuit against Bonehead for the slander/libel case so I'll keep you all posted on that as it happens in real time.  (And I'll let you know when I get to take his house and other assets after I win!)

In the meantime, if you want to work with me, Andrew, and my other investors on getting us deals (for bird-dogging AND partnerships), I strongly suggest that you register now for the Bird-Dog Mentorship Group (starting August 27th).  CLICK HERE for more information.  The group is already getting full and I can only take so many students.  And that's it.  I have to cap it off if I'm going to give everybody my personal attention throughout the 8-week group.

In the meantime, stay awesome!  Even though I end up getting a bad apple here and there in the mix, I still always remind myself that there are loyal students like you who really do appreciate everything that I do.  And that's who I'll keep fighting the good fight for.  Those of you who really appreciate and value the ways I can financially change your life, as I already have for many of you!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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