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Success For Life
Saturday, November 10 2018

Many of you know that I've been working on other projects, namely writing a (future) bestselling book.  It's a big project and it's something I need to focus 100% on between now and at least the first half of 2019.

This means that I'm not able to be as active as a middle-man between my students (including you) and my investors.  So, I'm going to have to leave it TO YOU to contact these investors DIRECTLY.

So, yes, I want to give you my DIRECT CONTACT LIST of investors who are looking for deals to do partnerships with.

And they have their pens ready to write checks for sizable down payments on some of the real estate deals and projects you are looking at right now.


CLICK HERE to find out how all this works.

This is LIMITED to only 24 students.


So, take the investor list...or leave it.

CLICK HERE to get this NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 05 2018

These opportunities -- the ones to work DIRECTLY with a specific investor partner of mine -- DO NOT come along very often.

In fact, I can count on ONE HAND how many times I've allowed DIRECT ACCESS to any given investor partner of mine.

This is one of those RARE opportunities...where you can have DIRECT access to an investor partner who can:

1)  Fund the down payment of the deal.
2)  Offer credit (to get a mortgage and rehab money, if needed).
3)  Offer a management resume and investment portfolio (since most lenders require this in today's day and age).
4)  Offer a VOD (Verification of Deposit) that will go with your offer.
5)  And be willing to SPLIT the deal an EVEN 50/50 of the gained equity and monthly cash flow.

Quite honestly, this is the VERY BEST partnership opportunity I've EVER offered my students before.

And, sadly, it's ending tomorrow.  Once this ends, you WILL NOT be able to access this investor EVER AGAIN.

No exceptions.

CLICK HERE to find out how to work with this amazing guy who I've known for many years now...and who's made several of my students millionaires.

Remember, this opportunity ENDS TOMORROW and will NEVER be offered again.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I am now taking Apprenticeship 2019 applications.  CLICK HERE to download yours RIGHT NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 04 2018

I have an investor that wants to work with you ASAP.

But...he's looking for SPECIFIC types of properties.

CLICK HERE and I'll tell you all about what he's looking for.

This investor is unique because he is willing to split 50/50 on the vast majority of these deals that he'll be working with you on.

Why is this unique?

Because almost all of my investors will take AT LEAST 67% of the gained equity AND the cash flow of the deals that they will fund the down payments for.

Some investors even take 75% of the gained equity and cash flow.

THIS investor usually (but not always) will take HALF while giving YOU the other half of the gained equity and cash flow of each deal that you partner in on with him.

CLICK HERE for more details on this.

To be crystal clear, he wants to work with a handful of new students AND THAT'S IT!

CLICK HERE to find out how this whole investor partner process works with this specific investor partner.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 02 2018

When I was 14 years old, I aspired to become a bodybuilder.  I remember idolizing the likes of bodybuilders of the time, like Cory Everson, Bev Francis and Rachel McLish.

Then I got a shoulder injury at some point when I was in high school.  It was my right rotary cuff (thanks to not warming up enough one morning); still to this day it bothers me, especially when it's cold outside.

Fast forward 30 years later and I decided to get back into weight training.  No, I'm not going out to place in the Arnold Classic but I really like having a toned body.  And realistically, there's only so far that yoga can take me.

I began building a home gym out of a spare bedroom that I used to use as a home office.  As I was setting everything up, I realized that it was 30 years ago -- almost to the DAY -- that I would have only DREAMED of having such a set up to work out in. 

And now I have it.

I have that...and so much more!

In fact, I can have anything and everything I want because I'm 100% financially free.  And it's due to ONE thing:  REAL ESTATE.

But not just ANY kind of real estate.  Buy-and-hold assets is where the money is at.

Right now, there's only ONE type of real estate investing you should be least between now and through the first quarter of 2019.  CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

Listen, you can either get out there and start moving in the real world of investing.  Or you can just start listing off some New Year's Resolutions for January 1st which, as we BOTH know, is just a list that gets thrown in a drawer, never to manifest into anything real.

I decided that I wanted to get my gym up and running.  And when I'm done with 2 upcoming business/pleasure trips through the next few weeks, I'm going to start on a solid 5-week workout regimen so that I can have gained a strong foothold into my fitness goals BEFORE January 1st. 

After all, why wait??

And I strongly recommend you do the same.

What is the benefit of kicking your goals and dreams into next year, just to find yourself in this very point next year -- post-Halloween, pre-Thanksgiving...thinking about starting again on January 1st -- and never gaining any traction toward your financial goals.

STOP IT!  Stop the insanity NOW!

CLICK HERE because I have something quite extraordinary for you.  And this will separate the doers from the tire-kickers.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 01 2018

Have you noticed things changing lately?

I know I have.  The economy has cooled off in the major metropolitan areas of the country.

I've been noticing this shift for a couple of years now but, over the last couple of months, it seems to have gotten ICE COLD as far as I can tell.

It reminds me of being on a roller coaster when there's that pause when you reach the top, right before the coaster goes careening down at a super fast speed.  This is the point when your heart is beating out of your chest in anticipation.  And that's the precise moment we're at RIGHT that "pause" at the top, before we come crashing down.

So, what do you do now?  Do you just watch and wait?  What's the right answer in dealing with our upcoming recession?

There IS a little-known real estate profit opportunity that you may not have considered to this point.  In fact, I talk about it at great length in a brief audio seminar that I have prepared just for you.

CLICK HERE to access that audio seminar now!  I think the opportunity in real estate will surprise you a little!

If you want to PROFIT from this upcoming recession, you MUST change up the game a little.  This requires moving into a completely new type of real estate investing, at least for a short while.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm now beginning to accept 2019 Apprenticeship applications.  CLICK HERE to download a packet if you're interest in becoming part of this highly exclusive group.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 31 2018
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 28 2018

I've been a wealth trainer for more than 15 years and I've found that there is a COMMON THREAD among every student of mine who never becomes successful.

What is that COMMON THREAD?

Not enough attention to the details and NO FOLLOW-THROUGH.

Many of the students I work with believe that they will read one of my books and suddenly they are "schooled" enough in being able to buy a multi-million-dollar real estate asset.  They're not even willing to attend a seminar, mentorship group, or study my course materials yet they believe they're rippin' ready to jump into buying that first property. the 11th hour, they back out.  Some will get just inches from the finish line and they drop out of the game, detoured by fear (mostly because they didn't go deep enough in the learning process to understand what to do next), and then they recess into the mediocre life of what's always been.  Never to become successful with anything.

I hope that does NOT include you.  It probably doesn't because most of my students understand the value of learning everything they can before jumping into the big, bad world of real estate investing.

With that said, I have something VERY IMPORTANT to tell you about the rapid changes in our real estate market.  You absolutely MUST listen to a short audio seminar that I have prepared for you.  CLICK HERE to listen to it now.  In fact, I highly recommend that you STOP all investing activity including looking for properties until you listen to this somewhat shocking new direction that I'd like to see you pursue for maximum cash flow potential.

CLICK HERE to find out what this is all about RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 23 2018
How Stanley Made $213,000 Last Year As a Bird Dog!

I have a few students making anywhere from $180,000 to over $350,000 per year as bird dogs as I mentioned to you before.

Stanley K. has been a student of mine since around late 2015 when he first got started.  And he initially wanted to invest in multi-family property deals.


Realized that he didn't want to go the 0% down route because the area he was farming in wouldn't allow for any cash flow on the deals he was looking at unless he put at least 20% down.

This is when he decided in 2016 to become a bird-dog.  It was a rocky start at first, mostly because he didn't have the confidence in himself to do this.

"I think I was just telling myself that it wasn't possible," he later told me.  "So after I got your course and went through your mentorship group on bird-dogging, I kind of threw it on the back burner.  And that was a mistake."

This is the very same "replay" conversation I have with many of my successful students who will start the process by getting the education from me, then they'll throw it on the back-burner because they lack the confidence in doing this or life gets in the way somehow.  Then my smart students will go back to it, go through the materials again, and will begin to implement it, throwing their fears aside in kind of a "what-the-hell-let's-do-this-and-see-what-happens" moment.

And for those students, many times they'll hit the jackpot in a big way!

In 2016, Stanley made a little over $36,000 since he started late that year.  But in 2017 he made a staggering $213,000.

So, I had to ask him...Why the big jump from $36,000 to $213,000.

Stanley had this to say about it:  "I didn't actually do my first deal until right after summer ended in 2016 because it took me that long to convince myself that I could do this.  Then in 2017, all I did was work on deals.  I kept my full-time job until I hit the $100,000 mark then I quit.  And that happened in May of last year."

I further asked him EXACTLY how he works with investors and he said, "I just did everything you said to do about finding investors in the course and mentorship group that you did.  It's was all there.  I just had to finally get off sitting on my hands to start doing it."

Well said!

And my final question to him was what he was on track for THIS year.  He said he's ALREADY SURPASSED the $213,000 he made last year BUT...he's going to take the last 3 months off this year (October 1st through December 31st) so he's guessing that he'll "only" clear just over $325,000 for 2018.

Still...not bad!
CLICK HERE to read a quick report on exactly how Stanley and many other have been able to take advantage of this opportunity.

And, oh...

Here's the best part.

I have investors looking for deals right now and I want to connect you DIRECTLY to those investors ASAP.  Including working directly with my star student, Andrew Shaw.

CLICK HERE right now to find out how to become a part of this.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: AT 10:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 19 2018

I've had some of you sending me emails about how profitable bird-dogging works.  Even some of you sending me deals without having the correct credentials to do so.

So, here is a little bit of a break-down on how this whole bird-dog or property scout thing works:

By definition, a bird-dog is someone who goes out to locate properties (mostly unlisted "pocket" listings) to hand over to an investors.  And the bird-dog gets paid 1 of 2 ways:

Way #1:  Getting a "referral fee" from the end-buyer, typically up to 3% of the final purchase price; this is generally paid at the close of escrow, sometimes before.

Way #2:  Flipping the property -- through "paper reassignment" OR by buying then reselling the property to an investor -- at a higher price.  For paper reassignment, this flip is done within 30 days usually.  But for flipping, especially when using our sources for "extended transactional funding" PLUS our other money guy who can get you CASH FOR DEALS, you can flip your property in anywhere from a few days to upwards of a year.  This means taking possession of the property, doing minor cosmetic upgrades (to get top dollar), filling vacancies, and THEN reselling the deal as a "turnkey investment" to hot investors.

Way #2 is the preferred and more profitable way in doing this business.  This is how you will be able to make upwards of $150,000 to even much more than that each and every year doing this with only one or two deals per year.

So, now that you know the 2 ways (which are thoroughly covered in my BRAND NEW 2018 Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System WITH the Opportunity Card) of making money as a bird-dog or property scout, let me address some of the questions/concerns I've been getting about this powerful and highly profitable system.

Question/Concern #1:  "I live in Southern California (or a place where properties are over-priced with low CAP rates and no fill in the blanks on any other place that matches this).  If I have to live near the property deals, I can't do deals as a bird-dog, right?"

Answer:  WRONG!  If you do Way #1 as outlined above, you can live anywhere and find deals far, far away from where you live.  It doesn't matter where the deals are because you're getting a referral fee for finding the deal.  Now, if you plan on flipping properties WITH doing rehab of ANY kind then it's helpful to be near the property to help orchestrate such deals. it necessary to live in the same area still?  Nope.  Even when doing minor rehab you don't have to live in the same area of the property deal unless you plan on doing the rehab yourself which isn't recommended anyway.

Question/Concern #2:  "Can't I just send you a deal and get paid a bird-dog fee without being part of your Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System with the Opportunity Card?  If so, I'd like to send you this link from Loopnet on a deal I just found for you and you can send me a referral fee for it!"

Answer:  No, NO...and F*** NO!!  You cannot just simply send me a deal -- ESPECIALLY a freaking Loopnet or other online MLS listing -- and expect me to pay you for it.  It's like you knowing that I'm in the market for a new car so you send me a link to my local dealership that you found online.  And expect to get paid for it.  That's just not how things happen in the real world, Bubba.  This is the main reason that I REQUIRE my students to get the Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System.  It's so you UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO THE BUSINESS without wasting either my or my investors' time.  So you can actually get deals through our system and accepted so you DO get paid.  And this is why only my Apprenticeship, Viper Wealth and Bird-Dog Bonanza students are ONLY allowed to submit deals; all of these groups of students understand how the process works, understand the deals we are looking for, and understand how to submit the deals.  Without this basic understanding, you won't get anything accepted.

And as a SECOND note to the stupidity surrounding that question/comment, why would I pay you to send me a Loopnet lead when either myself OR my investors can find such a deal ON THEIR OWN without your keyboard and mouse-clicking wizardry to "help out" in the process of finding deals.  There is nothing unique or special about being able to use your computer and internet connection to go to or to find deals.  Sorry.  But nobody deserves to be paid anything for sending an email with a lead in it.  And anyone who does needs their head examined for severe damage.

Listen, in MOST areas of the country real estate inventory on the commercial level is VERY LOW.  So investors working their tight-niche areas already know EVERY PROPERTY listed on the MLS in their immediate property farming area.  And in many instances -- myself included -- us investors know each property by heart including property address, amount of units, unit mix, and occupancy level for each property listed on the MLS in our farming areas.  So...needless to say, you're not going to be bringing anything mind-blowing to the table if you tell me or my investors, "Hey, look at what I found on"  Guess what?  We already beat you to it the second that property hit the MLS so you're not doing us any favors by doing the "heavy lifting" with your fingers on the keyboard.

You must bring something else to the table.  Something better.

And here's how you're going to do that:

I have some incredible ways of finding deals that ARE NOT on the online MLS.  And since the market is so tight -- meaning that inventory in most areas of the country is very hard to come by -- this will make you in VERY HIGH DEMAND as a prolific and successful bird-dog because YOU will know EXACTLY HOW to find deals while everybody else -- investors especially -- are scrounging around looking for deals day in and day out.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain how the rest of this process works and how you can become a bird-dog for my investors ASAP!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica MainI've had some of you sending me emails about how profitable bird-dogging works.  Even some of you sending me deals without having the correct credentials to do so.

So, here is a little bit of a break-down on how this whole bird-dog or property scout thing works:

By definition, a bird-dog is someone who goes out to locate properties (mostly unlisted "pocket" listings) to hand over to an investors.  And the bird-dog gets paid 1 of 2 ways:

Way #1:  Getting a "referral fee" from the end-buyer, typically up to 3% of the final purchase price; this is generally paid at the close of escrow, sometimes before.

Way #2:  Flipping the property -- through "paper reassignment" OR by buying then reselling the property to an investor -- at a higher price.  For paper reassignment, this flip is done within 30 days usually.  But for flipping, especially when using our sources for "extended transactional funding" PLUS our other money guy who can get you CASH FOR DEALS, you can flip your property in anywhere from a few days to upwards of a year.  This means taking possession of the property, doing minor cosmetic upgrades (to get top dollar), filling vacancies, and THEN reselling the deal as a "turnkey investment" to hot investors.

Way #2 is the preferred and more profitable way in doing this business.  This is how you will be able to make upwards of $150,000 to even much more than that each and every year doing this with only one or two deals per year.

So, now that you know the 2 ways (which are thoroughly covered in my BRAND NEW 2018 Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System WITH the Opportunity Card) of making money as a bird-dog or property scout, let me address some of the questions/concerns I've been getting about this powerful and highly profitable system.

Question/Concern #1:  "I live in Southern California (or a place where properties are over-priced with low CAP rates and no fill in the blanks on any other place that matches this).  If I have to live near the property deals, I can't do deals as a bird-dog, right?"

Answer:  WRONG!  If you do Way #1 as outlined above, you can live anywhere and find deals far, far away from where you live.  It doesn't matter where the deals are because you're getting a referral fee for finding the deal.  Now, if you plan on flipping properties WITH doing rehab of ANY kind then it's helpful to be near the property to help orchestrate such deals. it necessary to live in the same area still?  Nope.  Even when doing minor rehab you don't have to live in the same area of the property deal unless you plan on doing the rehab yourself which isn't recommended anyway.

Question/Concern #2:  "Can't I just send you a deal and get paid a bird-dog fee without being part of your Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System with the Opportunity Card?  If so, I'd like to send you this link from Loopnet on a deal I just found for you and you can send me a referral fee for it!"

Answer:  No, NO...and F*** NO!!  You cannot just simply send me a deal -- ESPECIALLY a freaking Loopnet or other online MLS listing -- and expect me to pay you for it.  It's like you knowing that I'm in the market for a new car so you send me a link to my local dealership that you found online.  And expect to get paid for it.  That's just not how things happen in the real world, Bubba.  This is the main reason that I REQUIRE my students to get the Bird-Dog Bonanza & Opportunity System.  It's so you UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO THE BUSINESS without wasting either my or my investors' time.  So you can actually get deals through our system and accepted so you DO get paid.  And this is why only my Apprenticeship, Viper Wealth and Bird-Dog Bonanza students are ONLY allowed to submit deals; all of these groups of students understand how the process works, understand the deals we are looking for, and understand how to submit the deals.  Without this basic understanding, you won't get anything accepted.

And as a SECOND note to the stupidity surrounding that question/comment, why would I pay you to send me a Loopnet lead when either myself OR my investors can find such a deal ON THEIR OWN without your keyboard and mouse-clicking wizardry to "help out" in the process of finding deals.  There is nothing unique or special about being able to use your computer and internet connection to go to or to find deals.  Sorry.  But nobody deserves to be paid anything for sending an email with a lead in it.  And anyone who does needs their head examined for severe damage.

Listen, in MOST areas of the country real estate inventory on the commercial level is VERY LOW.  So investors working their tight-niche areas already know EVERY PROPERTY listed on the MLS in their immediate property farming area.  And in many instances -- myself included -- us investors know each property by heart including property address, amount of units, unit mix, and occupancy level for each property listed on the MLS in our farming areas.  So...needless to say, you're not going to be bringing anything mind-blowing to the table if you tell me or my investors, "Hey, look at what I found on"  Guess what?  We already beat you to it the second that property hit the MLS so you're not doing us any favors by doing the "heavy lifting" with your fingers on the keyboard.

You must bring something else to the table.  Something better.

And here's how you're going to do that:

I have some incredible ways of finding deals that ARE NOT on the online MLS.  And since the market is so tight -- meaning that inventory in most areas of the country is very hard to come by -- this will make you in VERY HIGH DEMAND as a prolific and successful bird-dog because YOU will know EXACTLY HOW to find deals while everybody else -- investors especially -- are scrounging around looking for deals day in and day out.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain how the rest of this process works and how you can become a bird-dog for my investors ASAP!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:27 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 15 2018

I have over a dozen investors that I've consistently worked with over a decade...a couple I've worked with for over 15 years.  This doesn't include the more than 100-something investors who I consider to be serious players (since they all have a net worth in the tens of millions and above) that I have total in my network of investors looking for deals from my property scouts.  Or what I like to call my bird-dogs.

Each investor I work with has a different set of criteria but they all have only ONE thing in common: they ALL want to get a huge profit on whatever deal is brought to them.

Of course, that doesn't help you unless you're part of my network of bird dogs who have been specifically trained to scout out properties for my "heavy hitter" investors.

How do you become a part of my bird-dog network?

CLICK HERE and I explain all about it.

Some of my bird-dogs make a consistent $250,000+ per year in fees.  And that could very well be you if you simply understand what these investors are looking for and how to find these deals that they want.

CLICK HERE to become one of our bird-dogs NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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