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Success For Life
Sunday, February 12 2017

Okay, we made it through.  Do you feel that there has been a sudden "lightening up" for you?

I know I've felt a little lighter.  I've been pulled down into a mucky cesspool for almost 2 weeks now with one miserable situation after another.  I feel much lighter.  Maybe it's because it FINALLY stopped raining here in Southern California!

I sent you an email a couple of days ago letting you know about something new and powerful that I have for you.  It's called Success Sync.  And it can change absolutely everything for you in only a few days...IF you let it.

But this is NOT for everyone.  I gave you an example of one of my students who is so negative about everything -- even trying to bring down other people when they tell her about a new business they have, a new relationship they're in, or anything new and awesome happening in their lives -- she'll be the first one front row and center immediately giving them all the reasons why they'll fail, or why the relationship won't work, or why they should just give up and die instead of bothering anymore.  Because this is exactly what's happening for HER in HER OWN she tries to bring everyone else down around her.  If this describes you and how you are...give up now.  It's too late for you.  And unless you're willing to do some major back-tracking to undo a lot of the internal spiritual damage that has happened (probably over the past several decades) then you're screwed.  It's too late.  Just lay down and give it up, living a life of misery and mediocrity until your time on this planet is over.

However, I can almost guarantee that you're NOT like her.  That you WANT something new, exciting, "sparkling" and awesome to happen for you but you just don't know HOW to get it and HOW to manifest these things in your life.  And I'm here to tell you that I have something so mind-blowing, ground-breaking and out-of-this-world CRAZY AWESOME that is sooooooo different than ANYTHING you've ever experienced before.'s how Success Sync works in broader terms: it works in basically TWO MAIN PARTS:

Part I:  RAISE YOUR FREAKING ENERGY -- when you vibrate low, you get all the low sh** that gets sucked into your personal realm.  What is the "low sh**," you ask?  Everything you DON'T want.  The mean/weirdo/crazy people that come into your life.  The "bad" things that happen including accidents, arguments, and mishaps.  Losing money.  Being broke.  Missing opportunities.  THIS is what you'll KEEP GETTING until you RAISE YOUR ENERGY BAR to that higher level that ONLY sucks in the "good" stuff that you want.  Until you learn how to raise your energy on a dime, you'll keep attracting all that low-life crap that I know damn well that you're sick of getting in your life.

Part II:  MANIFESTING PRECISELY WHAT YOU WANT, ONE THING AT A TIME -- there IS a key difference between the LOA (Laws of Attraction) and Manifesting.  They are NOT the same things.  Think of it THIS way so you can fully understand the difference:  LOA is thinking of wanting something sweet so somebody brings you a cake to your doorstep.  It's's just something sweet.  It's probably not "exactly" what you had in mind but it's a cake, it's sweet, that's kind of what you wanted, and here it is at your doorstep.  This is NOT my idea of getting exactly what I want in life.  On the flip side, you have Manifestation which means you realize you want something sweet, you get VERY CLEAR about PRECISELY what you want to create to satisfy your sweet tooth such as a 2 lb. box of dark chocolate candies by See's and...that's what shows up at your doorstep: the 2 lb. box of dark chocolate See's Candy.

Nice, isn't it?

I actually DO NOT like LOA because it gives you much less control over what you get.  I love manifesting because you have PRECISE CONTROL over EXACTLY what you get.

So, you better damn well know what you want because, guess what, kiddo?  THAT is what you'll be getting, exactly what you want.

And within a matter of mere days instead of months or years, THAT is how powerful this Success Sync stuff is.

If you haven't had a chance to take a look at my powerful report AND my audio seminar yet, CLICK HERE.  This will make you soooo excited that you won't sleep a wink because of the excitement about all the new possibilities you're about to experience in your new life!

Remember, nothing changes until YOU do.  The good news is that the changes are SO EASY to implement, it only takes a mere 15 to 20 minutes a day!

CLICK HERE to start getting the life you've always wanted...and the life you deserve.  Finally!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 10 2017

Today is the lunar eclipse.  Powerful things can happen during periods like these.  I love eclipses because when things feel "stuck," they finally feel like they "break" and move forward.

This is what I'm expecting for today.  A breakthrough for both me and you as well.

If you've been feeling kind of depressed and "stuck" lately, you're not alone.  A LOT of people are feeling this.  But an eclipse moves things forward whether they're ready to move or not.

And that's a GOOD thing for all of us.

I have quite a few students of mine who feel like they're unsure of what direction to take next, they're not happy with where they are and what's happening in their lives right now, and yet they don't exactly know what to do about it right now.  They think, "Well, maybe this is just a phase and it'll pass by."

Eventually it will pass by.  You're right.  But then what happens?  Nothing, that's what.  You just continue on the same path just like you did before, not furthering yourself in any way, and just continuing on the never-ending treadmill.

And how depressing is that thought?  Knowing that nothing will ever change for you unless you start taking part in a "New You" transformation?

Now, I know you've run the gamut with all that "new agey" self-help stuff out there.  And most of it simply DOESN'T work.

Here's why:

It really helps you tap into what's NOT working in your life, making you even more depressed, helpless, and hopeless than ever.

And that REALLY sucks, doesn't it?

Here's what I recently discovered that turned a soul-crushing absolutely MISERABLE and energetically draining experience around by 180 degrees:  I stumbled on this very simple "system" that, when done in a precise order, within 15 to 20 minutes I can completely change my energy field.  In other words, I go from a low vibration that, unfortunately, brings in all the "bad" stuff to "flying high" at a very high vibration that, fortunately, brings in all the "good" stuff.

That's right.  TWENTY MINUTES and you do something called "flipping the switch" because, remember, if you're vibrating high, you get the HIGH GROUND vibration magnetic pull which pulls in everything vibrating high.  However, if you stay low, you get all the LOW vibrational stuff pulled into you.  This means getting into accidents, having vicious people treat you like dog sh**, feeling crappy all day, and definitely NOT getting the things that you want in life.

Now, let me share something very important with you that I only recently discovered:

Most of us think that we're just bumbling about life by pure happenstance with little or no control over what we get.  We look at other people (especially those in the media) and think:  "Why do they get all the fame, fortune, the love of their life, an awesome family, etc. and I get nothing but bullsh** for my life?"

I know what you're thinking.  I've been there, too.  But I figured out WHY some get all the good stuff while others get the scraps at the bottom.

When one is vibrating at a HIGH LEVEL for even ONE facet of their life -- say they're in love with the significant other of their dreams -- then EVERYTHING ELSE starts to work on their behalf as well.  Why does this happen this way?  Because that person is vibrating at a SUPER HIGH LEVEL on the energy scale.  When they vibrate THAT HIGH, they AUTOMATICALLY start pulling in everything else that's vibrating that high which is only the things on that same vibrational level.  This means happiness, joyous people, wealth, things "going their way," happy surprises, etc.  All the "good" stuff.

On the opposite side, when you're vibrating LOW then you start SUCKING IN all the low-life energy stuff like the "bad" things, negative people, things not working out, going broke, not feeling good (maybe with health problems), etc.  YOU are probably sucking in all the LOW LIFE stuff as you are reading this...and you don't even know it.  But the reality is, if you feel discontent and you're NOT where you want to be in life, you are sucking in all this negative energy that is weighing you down RIGHT NOW.  And if you have ANY hope of changing anything, you MUST raise that energy...and FAST...otherwise you can't even begin to start pulling in the things that you really want in your life.

Then there's Part Two to all this...and that is after raising your energy levels, start pulling in SPECIFICS of what you want.  No, you don't do it with affirmations and visualization.  That DOES NOT work!  (You probably already knew that.)  There's ANOTHER WAY to draw in what you want and it's a secret that I have for you.  CLICK HERE to listen to my powerful audio seminar on exactly how this all works.

I've realized some ground-breaking facts that have weaved themselves through my own life in a time during some very recent personal despondency...but with all "bad" things comes powerful realizations that can be used to make some huge positive changes.  It's time for you to take advantage of these strategies NOW...before it's too late.  CLICK HERE!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 08 2017

I have a student of mine who has been in the World of Monica Main for...I don't know, maybe 6 or 7 years at least?  I'm not sure.  And I find myself being very patient with her, even encouraging, because I know she's got a lot of "past sh**" to work through that is holding her back, stemming from childhood and through much of her earlier adulthood.  She's smart, self-reliant, and super witty but she wants to keep living in this cesspool of non-possibilities that her spirit is dying a slow death, a little bit each day.  I'm not even sure if she understands the definition of "joy" anymore...if she ever did in the first place.

Now, I'm not going to tell you who she is because that wouldn't be fair to her but I think the worst thing about all this is that she'll be reading this email and not even know that I'm talking about her in particular.  That's how disconnected she is from her own private negative hell that she's putting herself through as you read this.  But she's been in this hell for so long that it's become "comforting" to her in some sick and demonic way.

Maybe this describes you.

But what I'm about to tell you will be kind of harsh because for some of you...well, it's just too late.  Much too late to bother doing anything now.  You've succumbed to the negativity and you're now permanently cocooned in it.  If that describes you, it's probably way too late for you UNLESS you are willing to go overboard in a complete opposite direction, NOW!

If you're about 45-ish or younger, you have a great opportunity to completely turn things around for yourself...almost instantly.  But it's going to take a little work, starting with losing the resistance and then working overtime using some very specific and fine-tuned strategies to not only elevate the joy and happiness in your life but, going one step further, finally getting what you truly want in life!

I have an audio seminar for you to listen to.  CLICK HERE for it.  This will blow your mind.  But remember, it's NOT for all of you.  For some of's too late.  It really is.  You've already decided that your life is going to be the mediocre crap-fest that it's always been and there's no room for the truly exceptional life that you see other people enjoying.

But if you WANT to see a complete turn-around -- even if it's just feeling happy and joyous -- then you need to CLICK HERE to listen to this now.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 22 2017

This is going to seem weird to you -- or maybe a tad unconventional -- but hear me out for a minute.

Here in California we're getting hit pretty hard with rain.  It's something we've needed for many years now, as we've been in a drought for more years than I can count.  I find myself fixated on just watching the rain while letting my thoughts just go.  This is a form of meditation but it's powerful because you're not forcing yourself to sit in one place and forget about everything you're thinking about.  Instead when watching the rain, you get sucked into the beauty of nature while just automatically letting your thoughts go.

I've been doing this now for a few days and some of the powerful thoughts that have been coming back to me without any prompting or forcing have been nothing short of amazing.  If you've been on a bad life track for awhile, doing MORE is NOT what you should be doing.  Instead you may want to consider doing less, at least for a few days, just to ponder on where you're going and where you'd like to be.  Even thinking about nothing can be incredibly powerful for your soul.

Rain represents a cleansing and purity.  Just listening to it is calming and almost magical in quality.  And if you let it, it can offer you "whispers" on what you need to do for the next phase in your life.  You don't have to force answers.  You don't even have to ask any questions.  But you can ponder on what's going on in your life and see what "whispers" come as a result of those thoughts and feelings you're putting out there.

I've been training students for many, many years on different investment and entrepreneurial subjects.  The hardest part of my training comes in when people enter my world in a state of confusion with a lack of focus to boot.  They beg me to tell them what they should be doing or which money-making strategy they should taking on for themselves.  And I can't answer that question.  Sometimes (if I feel like it) I'll go through a series of questions with them just to find that "needle in the haystack" in their brain on which direction they should be going into based on what I establish their truly interested in.

Of course, I cannot do this with thousands upon thousands of students that I have so I can tell you how you can do that for yourself.  You can ask questions and "listen" for answers from the higher forces.  And watching the rain or the snow while quieting the mind is an excellent way to get the answers you are seeking about any area of your life.

This is where we start.  We're in a new year now.  New things are happening.  Old things are falling away.  Not only is it time to ponder a deeper meaning to your life but also to start getting answers on how to get to where you want to go.  Try staring at the rain in quietude and see how nature responds to you.  You may be surprised at the level of profound thoughts and answers about your next steps in life that you'll receive back, especially about things that have been troubling you lately.

Part of what I do as a teacher and trainer is provide as many different entrepreneurial cash flow outlets as possible based on my direct experiences in the business world to then pass these secret strategies onto you.  But please be warned: NOT EVERY business strategy is for you...nor should you be trying to do everything I throw your way.  You should see which things make you feel that "pull" toward it vs. things that you naturally feel repelled against.  It's time to start paying attention to these things otherwise you'll find that you're quickly derailed into some other direction then trying to get back on track years from now.  What a waste of time and good years putting yourself through that.

So, I have something else for you to consider but you have to CLICK HERE to listen to a short audio seminar.  Again, this is NOT for everybody.  You know on a deeper level if this is for you...or not.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 20 2017

I sent out a blast about Trump a couple of weeks ago and was kind of irritated with the idiot folks who decided to email me back a 10-page tirade about either hating or loving Trump.

And I don't care -- either way -- what you think or don't think about it.

MY job is, and ALWAYS will be, to help you line up with the BEST POSSIBLE opportunities based on what we can expect to happen with the economy.

But back to some of the rude and disrespectful emails that I received for a minute, I have to say that it takes a very BORED and UNPRODUCTIVE individual to send paragraph upon paragraph of useless opinions about the life and times of current American politics to ANYONE...ESPECIALLY ME.  Consider all that wasted time and anger that goes into something like that. Again, what a waste of time and energy!

Finally, I'd like to say for all of the pro-Trumper/pro-Hillary don't have a crystal ball.  None of you know how bad/good it's going to be.  And if you DO have that crystal ball, spend some time drumming up tonight's Mega Millions numbers instead of pretending like you know what the next 4 years will or won't look like.  And while you're at it, stop sending me emails telling me what you think will happen in the next half decade because you don't know.  You have no freaking clue.  We may have a complete and total nuclear holocaust...taking us all out in the next 7 months.  Who really knows?  Nobody, that's who.

For those of you who are educated and have a strong common sense and logic base for business and investing, you already know where to get your "future predictor" numbers for how our current and future economy will look like.  You, like me, already know that we're sitting on top of a recession.  You already have seen the signs of the economy going into that downward spiral, already starting that slow swirl like water going down a drain.  And, again, this has NOTHING to do with the political situation but more so about TRENDS. After all, our last recession on the books started in 2008.  Here 9 years later we're starting another one.  Consider yourselves damn lucky that it took this long to get here since many recessions jump on us every 6 to 8 years on the LONG side...many times within shorter time frames.

So...again, SMART people focus on the trends, facts, and information to solely concentrate on how to best situate themselves economically and financially.  Everybody else loses focus as they get sucked into the emotional trauma of chaos at hand and this is how you get in financial trouble...and fast.  DON'T be like that.  DO NOT be like your average Joe Blow commoner who allows emotions to dictate how he feels and what he then does as a result of his emotional whirlwind that he ultimately becomes a victim of.

Now, here's the part that you may not be ready for...that you MUST get prepared for.  You see, I made the bulk of my money in real estate in the past 10 years between years 2008 and 2011.  Yes, you read that correctly.  During the WORST economic period in our recent history is when I made the most money.  And why did it happen this way?  Because I was prepared.  I knew what to do.  I knew what to look for.  I knew HOW to acquire boatloads of properties for the lowest possible prices that we'll ever see in our lifetime because I was ready.  And I had my financial resources lined up ready to go as well.

Most people (and I'm referring to those "commoners" again) will wait until we're in the thick of things before deciding to get off their ass to get involved in something that they're seeing is profitable for everyone else.  Except it's almost always too late by the time they get involved in anything.  And even if they happen to get in at the tail-end of the opportunity, they usually have no clue as to what they're doing and they're certainly way under-funded to even try to get involved in any deals.  This is what happens when they remain unprepared.  They end up losing out each and every time.

I want to make sure that YOU don't lose out, especially on the windfall of real estate opportunity that is COMING...and coming up FAST!  CLICK HERE or go to where I show you EXACTLY how you're going to make a killing in this upcoming market!

Remember, YOU decide what happens to YOU in the next 4 years...unless you decide that somebody else should have that power.  It's your choice either way.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We still have room for Gold VIP at the Detroit Underground Secret Event for Real Estate Investing on February 23rd - 25th.  CLICK HERE to get in NOW!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 18 2017
Money Doesn't Buy Happiness...But It Fucking Helps!
I bought a 2017 BMW 750i (M7) to myself because I broke some major ground in my life recently between ditching all the scumbags to finishing graduate school to finally feeling like I screwed my head on straight.  This all, of course, allows me to deserve a car worth well over $100,000 because I realized that I MUST treat myself special.  If I don't, nobody else will.
Some people might criticize me.  Those would be the jealous folks who are stuck on a miserable endless treadmill of life who have fed themselves the belief that they'll never have the good things in life.  While I agree that money can't buy happiness, it really does help.  And I'd rather be rich and miserable than broke and miserable any day, any time.
And not for the reasons you think.  It's not about drowning myself in endless shopping expeditions when I'm feeling unhappy or blue.  It's mostly about reminding myself that I deserve the best AND what helps give me the best is my reliance on pretty much the only thing I can depend on in my life that will never let me down: business & investing.
That's right.  As long as I keep putting in the effort by keeping my very basic business and investing systems going, they ALWAYS produce for me clockwork.  Unlike people, relationships, and other drastically varying unstable variables, business and investing will ALWAYS produce consistently and profitably IF you understand the methodologies behind this success; of course IMPLEMENTATION is, by far, the most important key in all of this.
I learned something very important that I'll be divulging at my Detroit Underground Secret Event for Real Estate Cash Flow (February 23-25) which, if you haven't signed up for, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do because it will be my ONLY real estate event this year.  (CLICK HERE for more details.)  I'll also have my investor partner there to meet some of you after hours during cocktail hour.  (This is literally a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME opportunity that will NEVER be repeated!)
But...since I'm not going to reveal it here, I'll just briefly tell you the context of it: discovering new things through education is ESSENTIAL to become successful in anything.  You CANNOT and SHOULD NOT bumble your way into something WITHOUT the proper knowledge and education otherwise you'll fail and fail and fail...and FAIL until you finally give up for good.
Why is this?
Because psychologically you're screwing yourself if you start going about a new venture or project wrong.  And by wrong, I mean just going for it WITHOUT the adequate preparation, understanding of the methods to use, and executable PLAN.
So, what happens when you do this is that you go for it, like doing a base jump off a building without a parachute?  And we all know how that ends.  SPLAT!
We have a huge upcoming opportunity in the real estate market. And for the first time ever I "sliced" my Apartment Riches 2017 course to show my students what opportunities are good for hot markets AND what opportunities are good in "downer" markets (like the one coming up soon).
Here's what's going on right now:
We have commercial real estate prices that are approximately 20% HIGHER than they were in 2007...right before the 2008 market crash.  So...guess what, folks?  We're coming up on the next crash.  We're sitting right on top of it now.  And we're in this strange "in between" period where it's the calm before the storm.
I don't care how optimistic some of you are, especially when we have a new president sworn in on Friday.  Only a complete idiot thinks that the real estate and economy keeps going up and up and up without ever hesitating, dropping, or spiraling down at some point.  (This would be the same type of idiot that has never read a history book or studied economic cycles.)
So...what's happening now?
You have to be READY for what's coming up.  No, you're not going to jump right in and start investing tomorrow.  That would make you a complete and total fool.  
But what you WILL be doing -- especially for those who NEED and WANT to become equipped and fully educated in WHAT to do to profit in cash flowing investment real estate -- is COMPLETELY PREPPING for what's coming up.
This includes...
Learning exactly WHAT to do including choosing the RIGHT MARKET to start laying your groundwork in.  This also includes understanding the business in its entirety from front to back, back to front...especially when it comes to management and your exit strategies.
Connecting with lenders, brokers, money sources, and private money...lining them all up in a row so that when you're ready to pull the trigger, you have PLENTY OF MONEY to start swooping up on everything that starts hitting the market.
And then when the market comes crashing down -- and it's COMING, folks! -- then you get to come in with all of your knowledge and resources to pick up deal after deal after deal for a FRACTION of what people think they can sell their properties for now.  And a lot of what you'll be able to get will be another huge windfall of foreclosures, mainly from all the dummies buying property now at the market peak who will be under water in the next handful of short months.
With that said, I upgraded the Apartment Riches System for 2017 which INCLUDES a BONUS set of extremely valuable money resources that is ONLY available to those of you who get this course upgrade right now.  These resources will NOT be available to anyone who gets Apartment Riches 2017 later on.
CLICK HERE to listen to a quick audio seminar that talks about Apartment Riches 2017 and why this upgrade is REQUIRED if you plan on investing in cash flowing apartment real estate between now and through next year.
If you want to do really well in 2017 and 2018...guess what?  You have to ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES and freaking DO IT already! Nobody is going to do it for you.  No one!
I was reading something the other day about so many people (usually "wannabe" entrepreneurs) who are paralyzed with fear about every business and investment strategy being a "scam" out there so they just never invest in themselves or their financial education.  And if you're one of those people, you have ALREADY BEEN SCAMMED by the system that made you believe that you have to get ripped off by going to college for 4 years, start your adult life off in severe debt, work your ass off by climbing the corporate ladder, and then get that gold watch after 25 years while living in poverty as a senior citizen.  If you bought into THAT lie but think starting your own real estate investment cash flow business is a "scam" then maybe you should have your IQ checked because it's probably kind of low.
CLICK HERE to find out what real estate opportunities are going to hit for 2017.
Once last thing:  Most of you know that I'm the QUEEN of real estate investing, particularly when it comes to apartment building investing.  Yet THIS system and the Detroit Underground Event will be mostly ALL I'll be doing for this entire year for real estate investing.  Yes, I plan on doing an REO system upgrade and mentorship group LATER this year...but that is about it.
Why is this?
Because I believe I can BETTER PREPARE my students by offering other intense training including Raising Capital, Building Business Credit, Getting Crowd Funding...and starting an Aggressive Business to ALL get the CASH you need to start taking advantage of these opportunities this year coming up. CASH will be king.  My job is to help you get that cash for the remainder of this year.  
So, I'm lining you up with the right real estate investing education and strategies at the BEGINNING of this year so that you can get working on that while training with me on all the other stuff.  Trust me, this is a PERFECTLY PLANNED method of strategies that I'm orchestrating for you.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 16 2017
The Struggle IS Real!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Sometimes I get mad at people in general, especially the Millennials who mostly don't have a clue about anything.  Why? Because I don't think many of us know or truly appreciate the struggle of a revolution...or even know what it means to force your way into the world with the intent on invoking change.  Big change.  And change for many, many others having little to do with ourselves.
Of course, I've had my fair share of life struggles but nothing remotely close to what people like Dr. King had gone through for the purposes of civil rights for others.  And what bothers me most is that, perhaps, not much has changed since the 1960s as far as racial progress as far as I can tell.  Yes, there have been "upgrades" here and there, less segregation, more legal rights, etc. but...has the attitude of people really changed that much?
I don't know.  I can only tell you what I've noticed over the years and, of course, not speaking from a comparison of the 1960s because...well, I wasn't alive during that time.
I grew up in the 1970s in a lower-middle-class area of the south side of Chicago.  I went to an evenly blended white/black school where I was bullied a lot, mostly by my own race, coincidentally.  But most noted in my childhood was my parents (mostly my dad's) racism, unkind words toward people of color that I didn't yet understand, and the seemingly thick tension between the races that I also didn't quite get either.  So much history was laid down long before my entrance into this world in 1974.  So much I had to learn about.  So much I still don't fully understand.
And it took me many years to unlearn and reverse the negativity that I was brainwashed about since birth.
Since having to look at the world differently while trying to understand how change can finally happen, I had to ask:
How does one overcome such pain and hurt that's been prevalent in our American history for so long?
And there's only one answer:
It comes down to one day at a time, one person at a time, one kind word at a time...over time.  Sometimes over a very long time.  This is something that doesn't happen in leaps and bounds but rather slowly over every second in time.  And knowing this, it simply means that we ALL can be participants in the same revolution that Dr. King started so many decades ago.
With one kind word.
One person at a time.
One day at a time.
Over time.
And that's how change happens.  There's no other way that I can see around it.
Of course, this encompasses EVERYONE participating in the plan. And this is the tricky part because everybody from all races, sexes, ages, and backgrounds MUST participate.
But will they?
Most importantly...will you?
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 11 2017

Last year I started teaching my Aggressive Income Affiliate Strategies in 2 different seminars: March and May 2016.  Since then I've had a small handful of students take my teachings to extraordinary income levels, one student consistently hitting the $25,000 per month mark.  And we're talking net PROFITS and NOT gross proceeds.

For those of you wondering exactly what this student does, I'll tell you.  Now, as a confidentiality disclaimer, I cannot tell you which sites are his OR which products he promotes.  But I can tell you his system and the types of products he promotes and, if you're smart, you'll quickly figure out exactly what he's doing so that you can emulate his success for yourself.

Everything he promotes is from a website called Clickbank.  He sticks solely with stocks, bonds, Forex, and options trading information products.  And he has 8 websites as of right now.

Here's how he does it:

1)  He sets up a VERY SIMPLE one-page website with (to capture leads).

2)  He creates SIMPLE Facebook ads promising a video on a killer kick-ass new trading strategy that he guarantees his prospect has never heard of...all they have to do is input their name and email address to immediately access the video.

3)  Once his prospect ends up on his site, they input their name and email address and are immediately sent over to the affiliate's sales page which has the promised video on it.

4)  The affiliate's website copy, video, testimonial and "proof" elements are so good that it has a high conversion rate with the traffic that ends up on the site.

5)  My student will send follow-up email "drips" and "blasts" to his database of other stock-trading-related information products which are affiliate programs.

6)  He's in the process of creating his own stock trading program that he plans on selling for $497 (plus shipping/handling) that he can upsell to his database so that he can make even more money beyond his "paltry" $22,000 to $25,000 net per month that he's making now.

There are a few "secrets" in between that MUST be implemented to do this well.  

One such secret is how to "circumvent" the "affiliate link filter" that most email blast systems have.  (There are 2 very effective ways in doing this which I'll be discussing in my Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Group...starting on Monday, January 16th.)  You see, this affiliate link filter gives any email with a "hoplink" link in an email a very high SPAM rating, making most of your emails undeliverable.  But there ARE 2 ways around this that will blow your mind; these are strategies you'd never guess in a million years.

The other secret has to do with WHICH affiliate programs to choose and why.  It's not just about the affiliate site being kick-ass and a high converter.  There are other elements that you MUST look out for otherwise you may be wasting a lot of money on advertising and NOT getting the proceeds that you deserve to be making.  I'll show you exactly what you must look for to get involved with the very best affiliate programs out there.

And a lot more will be revealed in this 8-week online mentorship group which, again, starts on Monday, January 16th.

As with ALL of my mentorship groups starting in 2016, I do weekly webinar trainings that last between an hour and 90 minutes.  You do NOT have to make the sessions.  Each is recorded and then uploaded for your viewing later on.  After each training session, you'll have access to that week's Action Sheet which is based on the training for that week (so you must view the training first before tackling the items on the Action Sheet).

And finally, the most important part is the technical aspect.  At least 3 of the 8 weeks will be covering setting up your 3 to 5 simple one-page websites.  IF you are having issues or problems setting up your sites, if you are part of this group then I can help you with the technical aspect by going into your system and fixing your problems/issues.  This is NOT something I offer to my students at any other time so if you decide not to participate in this mentorship but to get the modules later, you will NOT be able to use me to personally help you get your websites up and running.  Only those who participate in this ONE-TIME-ONLY group will get that benefit so...if you have the technical aptitude of a tadpole the I strongly suggest registering for this mentorship group so that I can personally assist you in getting your websites up and running.

CLICK HERE to listed to a quick audio seminar about the Affiliate Marketing Bonanza Mentorship Group.  The special pricing deal ENDS SOON!

If you have any questions, call my office now at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 09 2017

I was texting my star MHP student and friend Aran Dunlop over the weekend and based on my last email rant he kind of implied that I'm sounding more and more like Donald Trump by the day.

I don't know if that's good or bad.  I'm thinking by his tone that he probably didn't mean it as a compliment.

I'm not sure if you knew this or not but Donald Trump and I share the same birthday:  June 14th.  This means we're both Geminis which are known to have dual personalities, be a little "unfocused" at times, and definitely quick on the temper front.  This is both good and bad in business.  We tend to be personable but when things don't go our way, we can turn a room cold just with one laser-beam stare.  And, of course, the temper never helps either.

So, I'll admit, I explode once in awhile.  But, as strange as this may seem, I turn out my best work when I'm on edge and pissed off about something.  I certainly wish I could function at this higher level in a peaceful zen-like state but, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work out this way for me.

I may disagree about a lot of what Donald Trump states he believes in but one thing I do "get" about him is that he's a doer.  He makes his own "luck" by getting off his ass and making things happen.  Hence why he was able to take on and win an presidential election. He decided one day that he was going to run and he...well, just did it.  And won despite the odds stacked against him, despite the negative (and potentially crippling) press, and having an opponent that, by all accounts, ran spades around him by having much more experience in politics.  None of that matters when you zero in on a target and just go for it without doubt, floundering around, or second-guessing anything.

And for that I admire him.

There is only ONE thing that is separating you from the things that you want in life:  UNRELENTING UNWAVERING FOCUS.

If you don't have this component, it doesn't matter what else you have going for you.  Resources, knowledge, a desire...whatever.  None of that matters unless you get out there and start working your plan, moving forward in one direction no matter what is thrown your way.

I've had a few students email me over the weekend about my upcoming Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship Group.  Some of these students have been with me for 5+ years, getting involved in as many teachings as I've done from seminars to mentorships to workshops and everything in between.  They're certainly NOT lacking in knowledge or resources but...they don't ever do anything.  Even worse, they're frustrated with themselves because they know that they've become their worst enemy by not implementing anything and yet they have no idea how to ZONE IN and FOCUS like a mad dog!

So, here's a suggestion for you if you're one of those people:  CLEAR YOUR SLATE.  Yes, you read that right.  Instead of flailing about with all these options, possibilities, and opportunities -- finding yourself confused and misdirected -- start FOCUSING ON ONE THING and go from there.

For example, if you have a full-time job, you know exactly what to do when you get there, right?  Great.  Then you create a "second career" schedule for yourself which can be devoting even 15 minutes a day to your new enterprise.  (The awesome thing about the Affiliate Bonanza Mentorship is that it requires almost NO TIME AT ALL to make wildly successful for yourself.)  And this "second career" needs to be ONE THING ONLY.  No more having multiple things on your plate that you're trying to do at once.  THIS will be the ONLY thing you'll be doing for the next 2 months...and nothing else on the entrepreneur side of your life EXCEPT for this.

You have to reel in your focus otherwise you'll find yourself on this psychotic treadmill where you're running and running yet accomplishing nothing.  And then you keep beating yourself up because you're older but still nowhere.  STOP THE INSANITY!  You have the power RIGHT NOW to stop it.  Instead, FOCUS!  FOCUS!  FOCUS!!

If you make THIS the ONLY thing you're going to commit to then you WILL succeed in doing this.  Guaranteed.

If you haven't listened to my 10-minute audio seminar on how this whole thing works, CLICK HERE.  This WILL be life-changing for you!

See you at the top!

You mentor,

​​​​​​​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 07 2017

The other day I sent an email out about getting rid of toxic relationships so that you can catapult your life into a different more positive, happy, and prosperous stratosphere by getting rid of people who are draining I've been doing.  And the outpouring of emails from all of you have been fabulous, encouraging, and have really made me realize just how awesome most of my students are.  I've even had dozens of amazing men send some incredible emails to me in support of the changes I'm making -- getting rid of the deadbeat men out of my own personal life -- and with full understanding on what I'm going through.  You're all so awesome.  Thanks so much for your support!

But, as you know, there's always that ONE piece of sh** that bubbles up from the bottom of the loser cesspool.  Kenneth is the name of this particular POS.  Here's his highly intelligent and well-written email (I'm being sarcastic) that he sent to me in response to the one I sent a couple of days ago:

"WTF is all this bullshit you are sending us????This is a sales letter????  you kidding us  right???  sounds like and written like all the transparent Nigrians cams   Pls  Get  real and get alife   !!!!!"

What's interesting about this email is that years ago it would have pissed me off.  Today...this is something that makes me laugh my ass off about.  The reason it's so funny is that I think of the loser behind his laptop, probably some sloth-like over-the-hill greasy stinky 300-lb-overweight Coke-bottle-bottom-glasses-wearing pervert-looking idiot who spends his days jacking off to internet porn between dodging his bitchy mother who yells at him every day to get out of her basement and finally find a freaking job.  And a life.  This is Kenneth.  Total gross pervert loser who will never amount to anything.

Even worse for people like him, he's miserable in his own skin because he already knows just what a POS he really is.  He's unsuccessful.  Knows deep down that he'll never be successful.  Is clearly threatened by a woman like myself who is extremely successful.  And tries making himself feel better about himself by trolling the internet and writing sh** like the email above in a desperate attempt to make himself feel...manly?  Important?  Smart?  Who knows what this loser thinks.  What I do know is that sh** heads like Kenneth don't have the ability to ever become successful doing anything.  Not now.  Not ever!

And here's why:

He's become his own worst enemy.  He decided at some point (probably fairly early on) that he's content with being glued to somebody else's rat-infested couch, sucking down White Castle sliders all day while watching People's Court, and mooching off his family because it means he never has to face the real world.  Never has to win.  Never has to lose (even though he already has...just hasn't realized it yet).  And finds "power" in insulting others because, for a fraction of a second, it makes him feel good about himself.

What a crappy way to live!

Why am I telling you all this?  Because you DON'T want to be like Kenneth or anything remotely like the guy.  You want to be amazing, productive, successful, and so ecstatically happy that you don't feel like having a sense of power means trying to bring others down.  You want to live an extraordinary life in every way possible.  Because that's what you deserve.  You just have to go out there and get it.

Now back to Kenneth and others like him, take a very close look at the email he wrote above.  In order to succeed in ANYTHING in this day and age, you MUST have good communication skills.  I don't care if you're sending an email to a listing agent about a property that you're interested in investing in or if you're setting up a basic website for a small business you're doing.  You CANNOT type rhetoric and nonsense like what Kenneth displayed above and expect to have anyone with any inkling of professionalism respond to you in a positive way.  Most will just delete then block you if you want to spew this type of crap to anyone.  Being professional at all times will allow you to have the success in life that you want.  And yes, sometimes you'll be dealing with frustrating pompous people but you just have to bite your tongue (something I'm still learning) and power through it with the best character you can muster.

And by the way, what Kenneth was referring to is my latest Money Funnel Online Marketing Strategy called the Affiliate Marketing Bonanza Mentorship Group.  This is when I'll be training you over the course of 8 weeks with 8 60- to 90-minute webinars showing you exactly what you need to do to create 3 to 5 basic websites.  The awesome thing about this mentorship is, unlike my Money Funnel Group that I did earlier last year, I will be focusing about 70% of the group on the marketing aspect.  This will be the part about placing Facebook ads and doing other types of highly effective marketing.  This, of course, is the most critical part in all this and this is the part we'll be concentrating the most on.

But imagine if Kenneth were to start putting together a website with his highly intelligent, incredibly articulate means of written communication.  Imagine if he wrote his Facebook ad like the way he writes his email.  Do you think somebody like that has a chance in hell in making any money in this or anything else?  The answer:  HELL NO!

So, as a cautionary disclaimer...if you write or express yourself or think the way Kenneth communicates is acceptable within the English language parameters, DO NOT register for this (or any other) group that I'm doing.  Because if you honestly think that communicating this way will make you money, think again.  My advice to you is to either learn how to write and speak English or find somebody who does who can help you.  Existing this way in the world of business will become fruitless for you if you cannot communicate at all.

For Kenneth and those like him, I suggest Hooked on Phonics.  Shock therapy.  Or a brain lobotomy.  Whatever you think may work,  The world of business waits for no one and has absolutely no mercy for idiots.

CLICK HERE for more info on this mind-blowing upcoming 8-week Affiliate Marketing Bonanza Mentorship Group.

In the meantime, have a great weekend!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The Detroit event is ALMOST FULL!  CLICK HERE to reserve your seat for only $100 if you want to come, meet my investor partner, and discover everything you need to know to make a killing in real estate during this upcoming recession and beyond!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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