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Success For Life
Friday, December 16 2016
How Are YOU Going to Get Wealthy in 2017?
A lot of people have this false sense that I'm set for life.  Except for a handful of billionaires that come to mind, reality is...NOBODY is really "set for life."  No matter who we are or how successful we become, we always keep hustling and taking advantage of new opportunities.
I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to 2017.  As I mentioned before, we're slipping into a recession and it's during times like these that I tend to do much better with BOTH Aggressive and Passive Income Opportunities.
But you kind of have to know how to profit from these times ahead if you plan on profiting from these times ahead.  I know it seems obvious but most people actually expect to get a different result simply by doing the same ole same ole they've BEEN doing for the past several years.

And that ain't how it works, folks!
You actually have to do something DIFFERENT than what you've been doing if you honestly expect different results!  No exceptions.  Period.
So...what do you differently to get different results?
You have to change how you think, starting with breaking out of your limiting beliefs about what you can't do and start doing what you've always been meant to do.
To make money in this world, you have to start MOVING into some direction of where the cash is, ideally with a sound business plan that has been proven to work for others.  Without a plan, it's literally impossible to make a business work.  Trust me, I've tried.  Going out there and flailing about won't get anyone to write checks to you that you can deposit into your bank account.
So, the short answer to -- can YOU become extremely wealthy in 2017? -- is ABSOLUTELY, HELL YES!
But, you MUST know HOW to do it after selecting which path you'd prefer to take.  Trying to get rich doing things you don't like doesn't work.  So, instead, choose something you DO like to do and go from there.
Maybe now is a really good time to figure out what you like and what you don't like so you can hit the ground running once 2017 rolls around.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 14 2016

On my way back from Palm Springs I saw a man almost die on the 10 freeway.  The whole thing happened in slow motion.  There was a guy driving an older burgundy Ford Explorer and somebody cut him off.  The guy in the Explorer jerked the wheel to the right then tried to over-correct by jerking the wheel to the left.  He spun around in a donut several times starting from the slow lane then bouncing like a ping-pong ball across the freeway into the center guard rail, face instantly thrust into his exploded air bag.  His vehicle was facing traffic and my vehicle was right in front of his...nearly missing being swept up into the potentially fatal accident.

I pulled over after passing his vehicle, wanting to make sure the guy was okay.  I noticed a few vehicles laying on their horns due to the "inconvenience" of having to slow down because of this accident. WTF?  I wanted to make sure the guy wasn't bleeding to death.  Two others stopped as well.  One of the guys who stopped unbuckled the stunned guy's seat belt, getting him out of the Explorer since there was fuel and oil leaking everywhere.  More ass****s were honking their horns...again, because they were "inconvenienced" for having to slow down.

I called 9-1-1 and told them to come out because the guy needed medical attention quickly.  Apparently I was the only one who called for help for this guy.  After the 9-1-1 call, I saw the police coming up so I exited the scene.  They later called me on my cell phone for their police report.  I was their only witness on record of the accident.

On my way home, I was haunted by the accident.  My daughter was quiet too.  She had never seen anything like it in her young life.  It's hard to process on so many levels.

It's hard to realize how fragile life is and how quickly it can end at the worst stroke of fate.

It's hard to think that if we were even 2 seconds faster in our driving, that the Explorer would have spun into the passenger side of my vehicle, possibly killing my daughter who was sitting on that side of my Navigator.

And it's hard to process how shitty people can be when there's someone who needs medical attention and they, in their own selfish little worlds, are honking their horns because they are being slowed down due to this "inconvenience" in their schedule.  (This makes me hope like hell that if any of those horn-honking screwballs are ever bleeding to death on the side of the road, I hope they all bleed out without a single person stopping or calling for help on their behalf because that's exactly what they deserve.  Nothing.  Freaking jerk offs!)

So many emotions were running across the board for me in the remaining hour I had driving back from Palm Springs this past Sunday.

But leaving out the part about getting angry at the losers honking their horns while others (like me) were trying to render assistance to this poor guy who desperately needed help, when things like this happen, it makes us realize that the end can literally come at any time without any warning.

It made me I living the life I want NOW?  If not...WHY NOT?  Life can end at any time.  And it's a waste of time to keep putting things off for "someday" or "when this happens I will [FILL IN THE BLANK]" or "when this is over with I will [FILL IN THE BLANK]."

And this is EXACTLY what I had been doing during my graduate schooling...putting too many things on hold until I finished it.  It was an interesting irony for me to come upon this accident only hours after my graduate ceremony.  Maybe it was a reminder that I should never put anything on hold and to live life to its fullest doing everything I want to do...NOW.  Not later, not next year...but RIGHT NOW.

This applies to you too.  You see, it's easy to see your life roll in from one year to the next, still talking about what you "will do someday" as the years keep moving forward.  Then you wake up 30 years older, look around, and wonder where the hell the time went.

Or you end up in that split-second accident that ends your life.  And not only did you never get to do any of the stuff you dreamed about, but now it becomes impossible to ever do any of it because you're now dead.

Pretty depressing, isn't it?

In the movie The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, there was an interesting line in the movie that kind of says everything:

Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) says, "Forty-five years goes by pretty fast."

And Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) says, "Like smoke through a keyhole." smoke through a keyhole.  That's how fast life goes.

Knowing how fast it's going, as you're reading this, what are YOU doing with your life that is bringing you to where you always dreamed you'd be by now?  And if you don't have a damn good answer then you're not doing good enough for yourself.

Of course, it helps to have some kind of vision of what your perfect life masterpiece looks like.  When you get that vision, you can THEN move toward that idea of your masterpiece.

And it may be as simple as sipping lemonade from your beach cottage porch and looking at the ocean as the sun sets every afternoon.  Or spending more time with your kids or grand kids.  Or traveling 1/3 of each year, seeing every wonder of the world possible and more.

Only you know what that vision is.

I used to think a vision needed to have something to do with making money.  Then I eventually realized that the money making part is what's supposed to service your dreams for yourself.  The dream isn't making the money (even though that helps to get to that dream).  The vision IS the dream.  The end-goal.  The sunset-watching, lemonade-sipping, kid-playing part of the vision.  THAT is the vision.  Not how you get there.  That's not the vision.

But here comes the clincher.  You have to DO something else in between you (now) and the vision (future end-goal/dream) that BRINGS you to the dream that you have for yourself.  Otherwise sitting around dreaming away and doing nothing about it will get you exactly nowhere except more of what you have now which may not be that great.

And the only way to get to where you dream is to push the envelope on yourself.  You have to do things that are uncomfortable, beyond your "safety" zone, and that may scare the crap out of you in the beginning.  If you're not willing to take these risks then learn to be happy with where you are now in your life because you'll never have or be anything more than where you're at right now.

Remember, you can have everything you want in life.  But you do have to find the right path to get there and just go for it.  Nobody is going to do it for you.  Only YOU can do it for you.  Only YOU can live your dreams...for YOU.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

​​​​​​​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 12 2016
I Finally Did It!  I'm a MASTER Now!

I had to give up doing so much for this ending trimester of 2016 because of this damn degree thing which is why I've been relatively M.I.A. to many of my students for the past month or so, even missing my typical end-of-the-year seminar event for this.  Many of you know that I've been in a graduate program to earn an MFA in Screenwriting since October 2014.

And I'm not going to lie.  The process was hard, time-consuming and I was miserable through most of it.
But now it's over.  
I finally graduated this past weekend.  I have a Master's Degree.  I can finally exit graduate school.
What was awesome about graduation night were the speeches.  They reduced me to tears like nothing else.  It was really a magical night for sure. One for my personal history book.  And I'm really glad I got to share this moment with my daughter who I strive so hard to be a role model for.  (She's the only reason I finished this degree program even though I wanted to drop out -- oh, I don't know -- probably every week I was in the program.)
But now we get to close this chapter and move forward to the next one.
Interestingly enough, the day before my graduation I already started writing my next chapter in my professional life and decided to do something that I've only been talking about for the past 5 years.  I decided to study directly under a marketing guru who has taught me most of what I know to this point over the past 20-something years.  This is going to be one of his final years of doing his very expensive and very exclusive Mastermind Group and I decided to be a part of it once and for all.
This will mean several things for you in 2017:
1)  My prices for everything will go up quite a bit.  I'll be pretty much strong-armed by this guru to drastically increase my prices.  (This is one of his "base" rules in business...RAISE YOUR PRICES, like A LOT.  Now, I don't envision myself raising prices "a lot" like he'd prefer but the prices WILL be raised more than what you're probably used to getting my stuff for.  Long gone will be the days of getting my $97 downloads or even paying really low "blow out" prices for courses, seminars and such.  (So, take advantage between now and when "D" day happens, sometime in March 2017 when I attend my first Mastermind Group meeting.)
2)  I'll be conducting more workshop and private training groups instead of doing bigger seminar events.  This will allow me to do more one-on-one training, catapulting your success to new levels.  (This is good for you.)  But, again, this will come at a higher price once my February Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Event is over with.  (CLICK HERE if you haven't registered yet.  I have holiday pricing for those of you who haven't registered.  However, Platinum VIP is SOLD OUT!)  I'm excited about the groups we'll be doing this upcoming year because much of it (except for the Detroit Event) will be exclusively on Aggressive Income Strategies.  This is going to be an awesome money-making year in 2017!
3)  I'll have a slew of new marketing strategies to bring to you for your own personal money-making benefit.  Unlike me who will be paying $33,000 for this specialized training, you'll be able to get the DIRECT BENEFIT of this by me sharing with you what I'll be discovering between March and October of 2017.  I'll be passing along this newly earned knowledge and you won't be paying $33,000 to learn it all.  I'll first be using these strategies myself to get an idea of the inter-workings of them and then, upon my own success, relay these strategies to you in a very organized and precise step-by-step action plan that you can use for your own massive success.  These will be in, of course, the capacity of non-real-estate Aggressive Income Strategies which I actually prefer because it allows us to make faster money in amounts that we basically choose.
And there you have it.  Laid out plans for 2017 and probably beyond guaging from the new pace I'll be setting for Global Success in this upcoming year.
Hopefully YOU TOO will be guaging a new pace and life for yourself in this upcoming year.  Nobody else is going to do it for you.  Only you.
See you at the top!

Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 29 2016

I think I've safely clocked in more than my fair share of hearing from idiots, screwballs, and outright wack-jobs in my career so far.  And to say that this "entertains" me in some Eminem would say, "That's just whacked."  (If you don't know what it means, just pretend that you do.  Roll with it, baby.)

So this latest ball of nonsense came from a non-student.  Yes, I actually interact with the outside world every once in awhile.  (Surprising, isn't it?)

I was in a restaurant talking to someone in my party at my table when, apparently, the person at the table next to us decided to chime in...because after all, he felt "invited" in some way. What was I talking about?  My take on what we can expect for our upcoming economic changes, of course.  (What else do I talk about?)  I was going into detail about the things that bothered me and realizing that, unlike what I previously predicted a few weeks back about a "soft" recession, I'm probably dead wrong about that and it's going to hit harder than I expected.

Much like the Titanic hitting the iceberg...remember that part in the movie?  The ship hit the iceberg.  There was shaking.  Then dead silence...before the ship started sinking.

We're in that "dead silence" part right now.

One particular thing has really caught my attention about our new president-elect.  Forget about all the stuff that has everybody up in arms from immigration to abortion rights.  I'm not even zeroed in on that stuff.  I pay very close attention to other things...the things that really affect the playing field for business.  And there's one particular thing that has indicated, to me, that we're probably looking at a replay of 2008...or something pretty damn close to it.

Here's what it is:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will be stripped out of the picture as if it never existed.

What does that mean?

It means that we can go back to the days where predatory mortgage lending existed, as there will soon no longer be an agency to protect consumers.  This also means that the predatory lenders, knowing that there is no longer a watch-dog regulatory agency to monitor what they do at all times, will fall quickly back into predatory lending practices.

Welcome back to the no-doc loans, adjustable ARMs, and all the other bullshit that put us into the foreclosure calamity to begin with.

For somebody like me, an investor who knows what the f*** time it is, this is freaking AWESOME!  I'll get loans just by filling out paperwork without showing a lick of anything.  But, unlike most of the sheep and the dopes out there, I know HOW to work these loans for profit.  Most of the idiots out there never read contracts, don't read the paperwork, and get into properties they know damn well they cannot afford because they're greedy or they are sold the idea by some greedy broker.  And sheep ALWAYS get sheered, don't they?

Get ready for the sheering to begin.  And get ready for the foreclosures.

For me?  This is FREAKING AWESOME because of the loans I can get and because of the windfall of foreclosures in the years to come.  For idiots?  It will be a replay of 2006, 2008, 2008, 2009, and 2010 for them.  They'll get suckered into the EXACT same scenario they just got out of because, for many of them, they've had 10 years between now and their last foreclosure (or they're pretty close) so...get into another stupid loan, why don't they?!

As I'm going on and on about all of this, the f*** head sitting at the table next to me leans over and tells me I have no idea what I'm talking about.  Then goes on and on with his own mis-matched no-sense-making tirade about Donald Trump and the economy.  I looked at him like he lost his mind then asked... "What do you do for a living?"  He hesitated, then said...

"I deliver pizzas."

I burst into laughter, probably much more exaggerated than anticipated just to make a point.  In other words, What the hell do you know about the opportunities in any economy when you deliver pizzas for somebody else's company?

Nothing.  Somebody like that knows not a freaking thing.

Then I ignored him as if he wasn't if he never existed which, perhaps, was quite possibly the icing on the cake as he got redder and madder by me continuing my conversation with MY party at MY table ABOUT him and his stupidity.

None of us know everything.  Believe me, there is A LOT I want to learn about so many more things in my lifetime.  But guess what?  When I'm in "learning mode" because of areas in which I'm inferior, I shut the hell up and I LISTEN to those who know shit.  Period.  I don't step in (especially uninvited) and start spewing the life and times about why I'm so smart or why I know it all.  I LISTEN.  I PAY ATTENTION.  I LEARN STUFF.  Otherwise you can never improve.

Now, does that mean I'm right about the upcoming trials and tribulations of the economy, especially with the housing market?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I've already told you about the upcoming recession that we were destined to hit because of the economic cycles and historic charts pointing us in that direction.  And now there are other things I'm uncovering to indicate that things just may be worse than anticipated.

Regardless, the recession is coming "hard" or "soft," there is MONEY TO BE MADE if you know how to do it, and you MUST be prepared for it.  As I learned throughout this year, living in denial about something doesn't make it go away.  So, instead, EMBRACE it and learn how to make money with it.  Fighting with people over politics or acting like a know-it-all in a restaurant -- especially if your "career" is that of something like a pizza delivery dude -- is NOT a great way to prepare when you can be learning from those who have done, are doing, and will continue to do things that will make us MASSIVE amounts of money.

Trust me...if I were sitting at a table next to Warren Buffett, under NO circumstances would I begin to argue with the guy about anything even if I disagreed with every word that came out of his mouth.  Instead I would be LISTENING and quite possibly hitting the RECORD button on my phone to make sure I don't miss anything, especially when making future predictions about the economy.  And ESPECIALLY if he was talking about HOW to make money in the economy.  I'd so much as bite my tongue off before I'd let myself utter a single word before I heard him out.

But that's me.  And that's the difference between those who are successful and those who want to walk about as a know-it-all whose life is a living pity-party.  Apparently arguing gives these people a sense of importance because their lifestyle and career choices certainly don't.  Don't choose to be one of THOSE people, okay?  Open your ears.  Listen.  Learn.  Implement.

And get very rich in the process!

If you need a way to get wealthy with Passive Income Strategies, namely apartment building investing, I have something BRAND NEW for you:

CLICK HERE if you haven't gotten my Apartment Riches Modules yet INCLUDING my last-ever opportunity to partner DIRECTLY with this one particular investor who has already done 32 deals with my students since August of this year.  This is the LAST CHANCE to get involved in this DIRECT investor-partnership opportunity.  After this opportunity is over, this direct investor-partner opportunity goes off the table FOREVER.  No exceptions!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Tomorrow is the last day to get the early-bird pricing for the Detroit Real Estate Underground Secret Event on February 23rd, 24th, and 25th which...if you must NOT an event I'll ever be repeating.  I decided that, after February 2017, I'll be focusing on Aggressive Income Strategies ONLY for the remainder of the year.  So...NO MORE Passive Income Strategies will be presented AFTER this event.  At least not for a LONG while.  It's been 5 years since I've done an event even remotely close to this and will quite possibly be the last time I do it for another several years.  Tomorrow is the last day to "lock in" your early-bird pricing including being able to put only $100 down for your deposit.  CLICK HERE or call my office at 661-295-5050 to register now...before it's too late.  (I'll have an investor partner attending this event for those of you who are wondering if you should watch the videos instead.  By watching the videos, you'll MISS OUT on meeting the investor in person.  Do you really want to miss out on this once in a lifetime meeting that can change your life?)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 26 2016

I've made some changes from what I originally thought I'd be doing to what it looks like I'll actually be doing in 2017.

These changes are, of course, thanks to our recession (and other reasons, explained in a minute).  As with all smart business people, I have to be flexible with the times.  I suggest you do the same.

After my Real Estate Cash Flow Underground Secret Event in February 2017 (CLICK HERE to register if you haven't already to still get the early-bird pricing and $100 hold-deposit option), I'll be focusing solely and exclusively on AGGRESSIVE Income Strategies for the remainder of the year.

And that's pretty weird considering that your upcoming opportunities are going to be in Passive Income Strategies.  Don't you think?

Well, there's a distinct reason for this.  First of all, everything you'll need to know for investing in Passive Income Strategies WILL be covered in great detail during the Real Estate Cash Flow Underground Secret Event.  They are also covered in my newly released Apartment Riches Modules (which you can STILL get for a pre-order discount INCLUDING my last chance DIRECT investor-partner access; CLICK HERE to get them now!).  So, between the seminar and the modules, you won't need anything else for Passive Income Strategies...probably until 2019.  Yep, you'll be covered.  Completely and thoroughly.

That brings us BACK to Aggressive Income Strategies.  This is two-fold and DOES include real estate, believe it or not.  (I'll bet you thought it was only about online money-making stuff.  But it's not.) Starting the beginning of March 2017 and throughout the entire year of 2017, we'll be covering ONLY Aggressive Income Strategies including BOTH real estate AND non-real estate.

And I can't wait!  This is the stuff I THRIVE off of because this is the stuff that can make the most money when you play your cards right.

And yes, this means we'll be doing more Money Funnel Strategies.  I have a brand new mentorship planned for the spring for the Money Funnel that will include taking already-done clones and will focus almost exclusively on marketing those funnels on Facebook, Adwords, Yahoo! and even offline.  Remember, the key to making money with a Money Funnel is the marketing.  And THAT is the component we'll be covering in my cutting-edge Money Funnel Mentorship coming up in the spring.

I'd also like to do a 3-day one-on-one in-house training sometime in the spring as well for Money Funnel Strategies just because some (and in some respects, many) of these business-building aspects have CHANGED.

One of these huge changes came down to my mailing list broker -- Macromark Inc. -- who I've used since the 1990s.  They are one of the largest mailing list brokerages houses in the country...and they were just raided by the feds a couple of months ago.  My broker told me all about it: how 25 federal agents came swooping in and demanding all of these files, making everyone stay into the wee hours of the morning as each person from the lowest secretary to the CEO were individually questioned at great length.

And I knew something was wrong even before that.  Call it my "Spidey" senses...but they lost their merchant account in August or September.  They quite suddenly sent everyone an email saying that they don't accept credit cards anymore for payment on rented lists.  Only checks and wire transfers were to be accepted from that point on.  No future date.  No notice.  Just "effective immediately."  This started the alarm bells for me.

I stopped mailing in the late spring.  I had issues with Macromark getting watered down lists and old names.  So, I just stopped mailing altogether while preparing to get names from other much larger "compiling" bureaus like NextMark or Exact Data for my new mailing projects for my skin care business.  Because something smelled rotten in the Macromark camp.

Then the raid came.  I still didn't know about it.  But the next day I had someone (other than my regular broker) email me to demand my current mailing piece.  I told them to pound sand because I didn't have a CURRENT piece due to my stopping my mailings earlier in the year.  Come to find out that they were just collecting people's mailing pieces...for the feds.

Macromark is on the verge of bankruptcy now.  My broker quit the same week of the fed raid.  Others walked out as well.  But the worst part is that none of their clients want to do business with them anymore.  They're making it harder to get approval on mailing lists and probably sending everybody's pieces (which many are already borderline legal) to the FBI.  Mailing list orders are taking forever to get approved and sent out...if they're approved at all.  For mailers, it's just much easier to use somebody else and not deal with the hassle and federal government exposure by using Macromark anymore.

This is kind of a game-changer, folks.  How so?  Well, I already knew (since the summer) that mailing on business opportunity types of lists wasn't a good idea anymore.  If you want to make money in "mail order" then the money is in what they call the "health" lists where companies are selling all kinds of supplements, health products, and even health-related newsletters, courses, and books.  This is where you make money in "mail order" these days, especially if you want to negate legal risk.  Yes, you can make money with business opportunity lists, especially with those that are about stock trading it worth the legal risk?  Is it worth being singled out by the FBI?  Because after all, if they want to find one teeny-weeny little thing that they don't like about your company, they will.  And they do.  It's best not to bother with taking those types of risks when there's a lot of money to be made elsewhere in other types of product lines.

This is what I want the focal point of 2017 to be: focusing on Aggressive Income Strategies with online and offline business strategies.


Because it's fairly easy to invest in real estate once you have the money to do it.  And getting the money using Aggressive Income Strategies is really the way to go.  It's easy to do if you can follow instructions.  It's extremely gratifying to start making thousands of dollars a week.  Then more.  Then even more.  Until you go from dead broke to building your first house...just in a matter of months.

This has happened for me, many times over.  This has happened for many of my students as well.  And I love seeing that type of financial transformation.  As a teacher, nothing excites me more than seeing people achieve success in ways that before weren't possible because they didn't have the right success blueprint.

So, let's just say that 2017 is gearing up to be a great year, especially for those of you interested in my most successful, profitable, and mind-blowing Aggressive Income Strategies.

For now, though, you have one last chance to be a part of my Passive Income Strategies.  This is with my newly released Apartment Riches Modules (CLICK HERE) and my Detroit Real Estate Underground Secret Event (CLICK HERE).  This is ALL I'll be doing for Passive Income Real Estate Strategies for a good long take advantage while you can.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Right now I have the Green Friday to Cyber Monday Deal going on for my Success Breakthrough & Transformation Video Series.  CLICK HERE to get them now at a basement-bottom price!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 24 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is the time of year when I find myself the saddest.  I miss my mom more than the rest of the year.  Thanksgiving was her favorite holiday and I feel her around more than other times.
It's been 11 years since her untimely death and it doesn't seem to get easier as the years roll on.  Maybe the pain gets duller.  I don't know.  Does it matter?  When you miss a loved one that is gone from this earth, I don't think any kind of justification or reasoning can make one feel better.
I know a few of my students lost people who were near and dear to them.  And this makes the holidays even harder.  It makes Thanksgiving in particular a time when some of us may feel that there's nothing to be thankful for.  And maybe it's okay to not be thankful this year...or even the next.  Sometimes you have to let yourself feel sad in order for the healing to begin.
For the rest of us, we have a lot to be thankful for even if it's for the people that we'll be sitting next to at the dinner table.  The people that are still here, with us.  Remember, for some, certain very close and important people are gone.  If you have those loved ones still with you, even if they are a globe-distance away from you, be grateful that they're still here.  With us.
I know, I know...It's easy to choose to complain about what we don't have or where we should be while making an inventory sheet of every place we've failed in life.  But why do that anymore?  It's zapping away all of your energy and self worth. What a waste!
Today is a reminder that we have so much to be grateful for.  I know, it's become a cliche.  Hasn't it?  But I am prompting you to at least take a REAL moment to think about how awesome things are for you even if, by comparison, you still think your life sucks compared to others.  Stop comparing your life to others.  When you do that, your life suddenly can become awesome.  Just like that, in one fraction of a second.
Remember, life is nothing more than perspective.  That's it.  Nothing more.  As hard as it may be sometimes, maybe we just need to change that perspective.  Even if it's for one day.  Or for a couple of hours anyway.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 22 2016
Everything You Want...Is on the Other Side of Fear

How to Overcome Fear to Experience Great Power...All in Under One Minute!

The other day I found myself a tad jet-lagged from flying into the Midwest for the holidays (since I didn't want to be alone this particular Thanksgiving).  My daughter Brie wanted to go to some type of "jumpy house" so we ended up an indoor trampoline park where she could jump to her little heart's content.
Within about an hour she wanted a drink so I handed her a $20 bill and gestured her toward a concession window that was about 20 feet away.  I didn't want to move.  My head hurt from the blasting music of the joint and I didn't feel like getting up.
At first she was hesitant.  She didn't want to order anything by herself.  But then I told her to get anything she wanted...anything $20 could buy, that is. Otherwise, she would get nothing because I refused to get up.
Hesitantly, she went up to the window but seamlessly ordered an Icee, threw the change on the table and after a couple of guzzles went off to go jumping again.  She quickly overcame her fear of doing something so "adult" on her own like that.  My motto is that the earlier these kids get to do these mundane things -- ordering, buying stuff, paying bills, taking care of business, etc. -- the better off they'll be.  Ideally she'll become a little more self-reliant than the rest of her Millennial counterparts running around on the planet.
She came back to the table about 30 minutes later, stated that she was hungry, and then asked if she could go get something at the concession window again.  By herself.  I said, "Sure."  And gave her some money again.
This time, instead of bringing back one single thing, she brought back several things (most of which I wouldn't have approved of such as cookies and the like) because she had just realized something: power.  She had the power of independence, even for that short moment.  And instead of being fearful of it as she started off, she now embraced the full power of it.  
And ended up buying everything she wanted.
Now she'll never be afraid again to take some cash to go buy something on her own.  For an 8-year-old, this is a pretty empowering and liberating moment that does, in fact, define a huge sense of independence.  Perhaps for her for the first time in her short life so far.
I think of the things that we, as adults, are fearful of.  Small things that still seem so large and insurmountable that, in some cases, are no more difficult than overcoming the fear in a way that I described above.
How long have many of us sat around, talking ourselves OUT of the things we've always wanted to do, for a variety of reasons that are really invalid if we further analyzed these reasons?  Probably many of us much of the time. Only you and I have the power to decide that we're simply not going to choose to allow these minimal fears to control what we don't do from this point further.
Because look at the facts here.  We have another year barreling down upon us and, if you're like me, you're wondering where the hell most of this year went.  I feel like I vaguely remember the spring, some stuff I did in the summer, and now it's Thanksgiving and I'm wondering... "What the hell happened to the rest of this year?"
Yes, my friend, it's gone.  Another year on the books.  Another year down. And I can bet that this is another year that you didn't accomplish what you intended or wanted.  You feel like you've wasted a lot of time.  But now we have 2017 to be another year that, perhaps, we can make as OUR year to finally do it.  To finally get that fire under our asses and to become the successes we've been talking about, right?
But how many years have gone by where you've been making this SAME EXACT promise?  Yet nothing has ever changed year after year!
Time to put a stop to the fear, the madness, the procrastination and the excuses.  You either have to man (or woman) up and just admit that you don't want X dream anymore...whatever your dream or dreams may be.  And just resolve to be happy in the life you are in now...until you die.  (If this is good for you then maybe letting go of your dreams is the best thing.)
Or the alternative...
Finally say, "Enough is enough.  Let's stop making excuses and let's do this f****** thing already!"
The choice, as always, is YOURS to make.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 20 2016

We all fall for it.  The well-meaning unsolicited "advice" we get to pretend we're listening to.  Until it gets too ridiculous to entertain, that is.

As it was in my case.

I mentioned recently that my dad kind of moved into my house.  He sort of showed up at my doorstep with a suitcase and I couldn't very well tell him to beat it (even though I wanted to). He's going through some very unique challenges with his wife (who I refuse to call my step-mother).  She's very ill and in recent months, because of the drastic changes in her medications, has become violent.  So he had to leave or risk having an ice pick plummeted into his skull in the middle of the night.  Hence, on my doorstep he ended up.

My dad and I never really had a decent relationship.  He was non-existent through most of my adult life.  I always got the sense (probably starting with my mother telling me from childhood that my dad never wanted kids) that I was more of an inconvenience being around so I made myself scarce.  This is why we barely ever saw one another until recently when he, of course, had no other choice but to find a safe haven from the cataclysmic destruction of his marriage. of the things I have to deal with now is his self-loathing "I don't know what to do" (which sucks) and different pieces of "advice" he wants to throw out there (which also sucks).  And I can't even choose which sucks more.

Especially after he gave me a bit of advice that caused me to completely come unhinged.  It was the first (of several) episodes where I found myself actually yelling at him.

And this piece of well-meaning "advice" he gave me that was the cause of my becoming unhinged?

He told me to never express how I felt about religion or politics in the business world to anyone, especially my customers and clients.  And that if anyone ever said anything about religion or politics, I should just go along in agreement with everything they had to say about it.  Really?

Even worse (yes, it keeps going), he told me that it was his dad who gave him this bit of advice, stemming from when my dad was about 5 years old and a local restaurant owner was telling a patron that he goes to the same church his customer goes to, knowing damn well that it was a lie.  His dad explained that it was "good business" to just go along with everything your customers tell you, even lying about important things like religion, because it's all about just getting their money and nothing else.  Just agree and take their money was the motto of the day.


First of all, neither does my dad have a business (anymore) nor did his dad have a business (ever).  And yet here we have 2 people (one of which is dead) dispensing business advice that (a) is completely negligent of any honesty and ethics, (b) isn't part of today's business world here in 2016, and (c) from people who have never had a massively successful business...or any business at all.

I'm NOT here to "say anything" just to "take people's money," as was apparently my grandfather's business advice.  For someone to stand for everything and say anything and do anything just to get on a customer's good to stand for nothing at all.  To agree with everything means you represent nothing.  You must stand for something, especially in this day and age, otherwise people will lose respect for you.  And you'll also lose respect for yourself as well.

But where did all of this stem from?

It was my emails about certain political subjects around the time of the election that set my dad off.  Apparently I was supposed to "agree" with everyone.  Trump?  Fantastic choice for president.  Clinton?  Fantastic choice as well.  No matter what anyone was to say, I apparently was supposed to go along with it.  Same with religion, I suppose.  Am I Catholic?  Sure. Christian? Yep, that too.  Buddhist?  Of course!

Come on!

One of my mentors had some pretty heavy things to say about his political choice during this recent election.  And guess what?  I didn't agree with him AT ALL.  In fact, I don't think it's possible for us to be further divided on this topic.  But...being the smart common-sense kind of gal that I am, I realize that his political beliefs have nothing to do with the things I'm learning from him in the capacity of marketing and business success.  Nothing at all.  He can believe with 1000% conviction that the moon is made of cheese.  So freaking what if he does? And if I happen to disagree with this "fact" especially having nothing to do with what I'm learning?  Maybe I do.  Again, that's NOT why I'm learning from him.  And only a flim-flam spineless loser would disconnect from someone they're learning a lot from that has a lot to offer their future because they disagree with where they go to church on Sunday or who they voted for on November 8th.

I had to painstakingly explain this to my dad, further explaining that I have a lot of followers who love my no-holds-barred style because I'm honest and about no bullshit.  And they know I'm not going to lie to them.  For the spineless losers who need to be "agreed with" on their political stances and religious preferences at all times, they can go across the aisle to the waiting snake oil salesman who will agree with everything they have to say provided that they whip out their credit cards so they can be sold every load of unusable crap there is on the market which will make them poorer instead of richer.  For people who want to be coddled, agreed with, and pandered to at all times...they've already lost because they'll be hard-up to ever find the "right" person to agree with everything they believe in unless it's someone willing to lie about their beliefs just to take their money.  For anyone who actually believes everyone should agree with everything they believe in...find another planet to live on because you're in the wrong place.

Part of the beauty in all of us is that we're all different.  We all have different perspectives and opinions.  We all have gone through different things which result in different likes and dislikes.  And that should be excellent because it allows us to have diversity within our societies.  How boring would it be if we were all exactly alike thinking all of the exact same things and formulating all of the exact opinions and beliefs?  It's certainly NOT a place I'd want to live or be part of.

Here's something else I'm not going to bullshit you about.

Real estate investing.  Our 2017 recession coming up.  And how there are several things of economic uncertainty that we are about to face but...if you know how to play your cards right, you'll make out like a bandit.

Truth be told, I made the vast majority of my money in recent real estate years between 2008 and 2010.  Then it began to taper down after about the middle of 2011.  It's been slowing down steadily since to the point of near-nonexistence in the past 2 years.  You see, opportunities in a good economy aren't that great when it comes to getting deals on real estate.  Foreclosures cease to exist.  Negotiating a lower price becomes impossible.  And everybody (sellers) want top dollar for their properties.

This sucks when you want to make money as a real estate investor.

But right now we're about to enter into a period where you can get some of those 2008 through 2010 deals again and you need to be prepared for it.  No, you're not going to start investing yet.  But what you WILL be doing is understanding how to do it front to back, step by step, from A to Z so that you can hit the ground running in a few months when the market starts to fall apart.

This is what I have for you from my first and only Apartment Riches Mentorship Group modules.  I just completed an 8-week online mentorship group where we did 8 trainings (on video) that run between 60 and 90 minutes.  After each training, there is something called an Action Sheet where you'll be working through each of the items that were discussed in the training that are on your Action Sheet list.  Before you are allowed to watch the next video in the series, you MUST complete the Action Sheet for that video.

And this goes on for 8 solid weeks.  Of course, you can work the entire process in half the time...or double the time.  Take your time.  Learn the materials well.  Watch the training videos over and over again until you get it.  You have about 3 months to really learn and understand this stuff.  And if you do, it'll be well worth it to help you succeed as a profitable cash flowing investor for multi-family and residential-commercial apartment building properties.

But even more powerful: you'll be trained on how to create a very simple business plan that my investors can approve and do a partnership with you on.  (Many of my students don't understand how to create these business plans yet you will be trained on exactly what to do.)

Plus, you'll have the LAST ACCESS to my investor partner who, so far, has done partnerships on 32 deals with students since this past August.  Yes, 32...and counting!  But I was told that I'm no longer allowed to have anymore students join this special partnership arrangement after November 30th.  So...this is it!  This is the LAST TIME to join this exclusive direct partnership opportunity because it cannot be and will not be offered ever again.  And you'll get it when you get the Apartment Riches Modules.

CLICK HERE to check it out now.  Get all of the Apartment Riches Mentorship Modules PLUS the Direct Partnership.  This is the last opportunity for this.  Seriously.  If you haven't been able to participate in the partnership opportunity by now, this is it for good!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

​​​​​​​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 15 2016

Over the summer I did quite a powerful 8-week mentorship group on my Distribution Profit Aggressive Income Business Model. This is, by far, the most AGGRESSIVE form of income I teach.

But as stated before...this is NOT for everybody.  In fact, it's probably not for most of you.

So, what IS the Distribution Profit Business Model exactly?

It's for those of you who want to start a product line -- which can be anything from clothing to health supplements to food products and/or snacks -- and to get that product line out to retailers and wholesalers nationwide.  Ultimately you'll see your product on store shelves nationwide and, quite possibly in a few years, worldwide.

This is where the BIG money comes in.  This is when you can get that huge mansion overlooking the ocean.  This is when you can get obscenely filthy rich.

Now, the reason this opportunity is NOT for everyone is for 2 reasons:

1)  It takes work.  This isn't a business plan for someone who is lazy and wants to put in minimal hours while expecting a business to grow by itself to multi-million-dollar proportions.  You have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and get your business off the ground and ultimately soaring high into the million-dollar plus income range.

2)  You have to get the RIGHT product from the beginning.  Of course, in the Distribution Profit Mentorship Modules, I show you in GREAT DETAIL how to find the best, most marketable, and profitable products but you MUST get this right if you plan on getting into that multi-million-dollar profit threshold.

This is BEYOND my profitable home-based money funnel stuff.  Sure, you can (and should) start your business really small but it will grow into a huge business within a short time, especially following my well laid out plan including choosing the right product from the start.  You'll learn from the pitfalls that I had gone through to get you from A to Z with the least resistance possible.

As I mentioned in the beginning, I did an 8-week mentorship group for the Distribution Profit Business and now these modules are available to you.  The cool thing about this is that you can do the mentorship group in half the time if you wish.  Or you can take your time with it and spread it out slowly through a 12- to 18-week time frame.  It's up to you how fast or slow you want to work through these modules.

I will warn you, though.  Each video training (which was recorded from a live webinar) is about 60 to 90 minutes long EACH ONE.  So, I don't really recommend that you binge watch all 8 training videos in one day.  This is because after watching each training video in chronological order, you will need to work through the items on the accompanying Action Sheet BEFORE advancing to the next video otherwise you won't get the tasks done that are needed to build your business.

CLICK HERE to see this deal including listening to a power-packed audio seminar explaining exactly who this opportunity is tailored for.

Remember, the deal ends TODAY's now or never on this one.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 11 2016
Warning:  This is NOT for Everyone!
Can You Imagine Seeing YOUR Product on Store Shelves Nationwide?
Over the summer I had completed an 8-week online Distribution Profit Mentorship Group that was pretty intense.  It was the first, only, and last training of its kind.  I decided that because of the intensity of this type of training and the small percentage of students interested in this form of Aggressive Income on Steroids, I'd no longer be doing these trainings anymore.
When I first started to build my multi-million-dollar supplement business working the Distribution Profit Business Model, I had NO information or training or books or seminars to attend.  This information and training simply doesn't exist out there.
Unfortunately, I made a lot of mistakes and fell into many pitfalls because I bumbled my way through it.  Even with all of the adversity and errors I made, I still built a very successful distribution business from scratch knowing nothing compared to what I know now.
And I'm extending this training and knowledge onto you...or only for those of you who believe you're cut out for this type of business.
Yes, the financial upside is HUGE.  You can create a multi-million-dollar nationwide (and even worldwide) distribution business within a year or two...starting from nothing or scratch.  But it does take work.  It does take vision.  And it's definitely NOT for everyone.
Over an 8-week period, I did an intense mentorship group where each week we did a webinar training.  Each lasted between 60 and 90 minutes long. Each was recorded and was accompanied by an Action Sheet, directing each student in what to do and accomplish before the next webinar was to be attended and watched.
You'll be able to go through this entire 8-week group in half the time...or twice the time.  It's completely at your own pace because you'll have ALL of the modules at your fingertips, ready to go whenever you want to complete each one.
The only thing I ask is this: You MUST watch the video FIRST (in chronological order) BEFORE attempting to accomplish anything on the Action Sheet for that week.
So, yes, I do have the Distribution Profit Mentorship Modules available for all 8 weeks plus a couple of bonus items in there that you can check out by CLICKING HERE.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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