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Success For Life
Saturday, April 04 2020

Many of you know that I don't see my brother very often nor do I talk to him all that much.

But last week, out of the blue, I decided to call him to see how he and his kids are doing in light of the whole world coming to a screeching halt.

And I found out something shocking.

He told me that he had all of the symptoms of the Coronavirus starting in late December and moving through January.  This was long before COVID-19 was a "thing."  Long before it was anything other than a flu or some other "bug."  And even if he did go to the doctor (which he didn't), they would have told him nothing and to go home to rest.  Just like for any other kind of flu.

He said it was the shittiest flu he ever had.  He said it lingered and it took him almost 4 weeks to kick it with plenty of rest and self care.  Both his adult children got it an they barely exuded any symptoms at all.  I guess kids can be more durable than adults at times.

The important thing is that he survived.  And that's a blessing.

Now, I get how serious the Coronavirus is.  I get it.

But I want to snap you back into reality for just one moment.  So, shut off the news and listen to me.  Just for a minute, okay?

  • In the 2018/2019 flu season (which was the one before this one), the CDC estimated that the burden of illness during the last flu season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths.
  • In the 2017/2018 flu season, surprisingly, was estimated to have 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths, much higher than the 2018/2019 season.
  • In the 2016/2017 flu season, there was an estimated 29 million influenza illnesses, 14 million influenza-associated medical visits, 500,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 38,000 influenza-associated deaths.

Is anybody seeing where I'm going with all this?

With the Coronavirus, there are over 300,000 confirmed U.S. cases (and many more, like my brother, that went "unconfirmed") and, so far, around 8,500 deaths.  Of course, this isn't something to sneeze at, as each life is significant and valuable. I missing something here?  By the way, I should mention, that the flu season officially ends next month to start the 2020/2021 flu season thereafter.

I asked a panicked student a couple of weeks ago why he was becoming unglued about this whole Coronavirus thing and he said this:

"Because there isn't a cure!"

I see.  No cure!

Of course!  That's the reason for panic!  Right?


Well, wait just a dog-gone minute!  There's no freaking cure for the regular flu either.

You see, a few years back I was sicker than a dog and had an important speaking event coming up.  I knew I had the flu and I needed to kick it fast.  So, I went to the doctor who told me I had the flu.  And guess what he told me next?  "There's nothing I can give you so go home, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest."  And that's it.  I dragged myself to the doctor's office, wasting the physical energy that I didn't have, for nothing...

Just to find out...


So, we stop the entire country.  We're all sitting at home as if we're on house arrest.  And if you live in California, you'd definitely feel like you're on house arrest because we, in Los Angeles County, have been threatened on a daily basis that if we go to work, we may get arrested if it's not a mandatory operation.  And yes, people have already gotten arrested for keeping their businesses open.  Yep, you read that right.  And while I get that safety is a priority, why make people criminals for trying to make a living, for crying out loud?

I've never seen our entire country stop over a flu.  Yes, it is serious.  I'm not denying its seriousness.  But let's not let the real perspective of reality blindside you.  Or any of us for that matter.  After all, the average amount of deaths every year for the past 3 flu seasons was over 44,000.  While that's a lot of people, the flu is just a thing that we all got used to.  We all know about flu season.  We brace for it every year.  And if we're smart, we try to boost our immune systems in preparation for it...or not.  Or we just bulldoze through it because we don't have a choice in the matter.  It's all part of

So, the reason I'm telling you this is to put things into perspective because maybe your mind has run a bit rampant with all the bad press and media swirling around COVID-19.  And while it is serious, so is every other flu, bug, and virus that hits us in any given flu season.  And so is every loss of life.  But it doesn't mean we all just...stop living and hide under the covers at home.  That won't stop the viruses in the world.  It just stops us from enjoying life which is what life is for.  To enjoy it.  Not to limit it.

I just think that if I were one who was prone to an illness or a flu because of pre-existing conditions or age...or whatever, I wouldn't want nor expect the entire world to just stop so I wouldn't get sick.  I'd realize that if it's my time to go...if it's time for God to take it'll be.  In fact, it's the contract we signed when we were born.  None of us get to live forever.

One of The Lost Chapters of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich was Chapter 16 when he talked about being VERY CAREFUL in what you let into your mind.  This means fiercely protecting the information you let in to your head, whether it's delivered to you by friends, family, nay-sayers and haters, the media, etc.  And when you let tainted information into your brain, it's much like taking a crystal clear lake and dumping a fire hose into it...then turning on the hose that has nothing but raw sewage coming out of it.  Pretty soon, the lake will go from clean and clear to a toxic cesspool...too toxic to be any good to anyone.

If this is an analogy of your brain and what happens when that sewage fire hose is hooked up to, say, your ear and somebody turns it onto full blast, what enters your head makes what's between your ears so toxic...that's it becomes no good to anyone, including (and especially) to yourself.

So, maybe you should shut off the news and start digging deep within yourself.  Take walks, get some fresh air, meditate, stay in the present instead of worrying about the future, and let the Universe tell you what your next move will be.  You'll be inspired before you know it.

Remember, this too shall pass.  And before you know it, life will move forward again at a hectic break-neck pace like before.  And you'll only wish you took some extra time for yourself during this rare period of time.

CLICK HERE NOW.  I have a special video I'd like you to watch.  It may give you the inspiration you're looking for.

Stay safe, my friend.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 18 2020

The market is collapsing!  This is the beginning of the recession that I've been WARNING you about for the past two (2) years!

Now it's here!

And I WARNED you all last September (2019) during my events I held in Las Vegas.  I told you about a conversation with a top astrologer in the world by the name of Ray Grasse who told me that there was something of "9/11" proportions that was going to hit us on or right after January 12, 2020.

I have it on tape.  I warned you all.  I said it was coming.  I said it was going to hit the first quarter of 2020.

And it's here.

Now do you believe me??'re probably asking: NOW WHAT??

Glad you asked.

Times are shifting FAST and you have to take the bull by the horns and FOCUS on the opportunities abound.  Yes, while Larry Lunchpail goes running around like a chicken with his head cut off, buying up all the eggs, milk, toilet paper, and water in the store, YOU can keep your wits about you and YOU can profit in these uncertain times.

Let me tell you a little bit about WHAT TO EXPECT  in the weeks to come:

1)  People will continue to panic.  Many will not go to work or school.  Lots of jobs will be lost as huge industries (like travel, entertainment, and car sales) will slow or shut down.
2)  Instead of overspending, people will go on the OPPOSITE TRACK and they will STOP spending.  Yes, they'll FINALLY realize that piling up on toilet paper and paper towels doesn't make any sense and, with the threat of losing their job, they probably shouldn't keep stocking up anyway.  So, they'll STOP SPENDING in most areas.
3)  With the threat of the loss of their job (or the complete loss of their job or business), they'll frantically start looking for an opportunity to MAKE MONEY QUICK!

It happens EVERY TIME as I've outlined above.

And here's how you can GET AHEAD of the curve:

1)  STOP PANICKING!  Sheep are led to slaughter.  Leaders will profit based on knowing what to look for.  Focus, relax, and learn how to lock onto the opportunities ahead.  There are ALWAYS opportunities and much more so when the market starts to break down.
2)  Realize that REAL ESTATE will come back as a huge profit opportunity.  Foreclosures have already started coming back in the past few months.  Now it'll be a free-for-all with an abundant supply of foreclosure and short-sale opportunities as the weeks and months progress forward.  However, banks and lenders will begin tightening up the purse strings.  CLICK HERE for a way around that.
3)  People will begin flocking to any kind of opportunity where they can make money on the side or to replace the job they became accustom to receiving a regular paycheck from.  I'm going to pull out ALL THE STOPS on how I'm able to make millions from the opportunity market at my upcoming seminar event in Detroit which starts on Friday at 9am (Eastern Time).  Because some of my students are not able to travel to the event, I'm allowing those who are enrolled to watch the live streaming of this event.  CLICK HERE to register for this event and you can stay home and watch it.  If you register as Gold VIP, you'll be able to watch Days 1 and 2 (Friday and Saturday).  If you are a Platinum VIP, you'll be able to watch all 3 days plus you'll get the videos after the event.  Plus you'll get a flash drive worth $5,000 that all Day 3 workshop attendees will receive at the event!

Times are changing.  They ALWAYS flux and change throughout history.  Don't panic.  Don't lose your head.  Relax!  And keep your eyes peeled.  There are LOTS of money-making opportunities ahead!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  My friend Dr. Peter Barrington just told me that he profited over $3 million in the markets when they dropped in the past couple of weeks and he wanted me to remind all of my students that there is A LOT of opportunity when the markets fall.  You don't just make money when the markets go up.  You stand to make money even faster when the markets drop by "shorting" the market.  If you want to find out how to make money from the market dropping, CLICK HERE.  Get on this opportunity while you can.  These drops won't last forever and then you'll be kicking yourself for not getting in on this NOW.  CLICK HERE to find out how you can profit from this TREMENDOUS opportunity to trade the markets now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 15 2020

The Coronavirus is a fraud.  Doctors have said it.  Survivors of the virus have said it.  And now I've said it.

Why do I believe this?

Let me take you back to December 2019 when all of this started going down in China.

The Chinese have labs dedicated to making viruses and other substances for warfare.  To test the potency of various whipped-together human-lethal concoctions, they'd test on animals like pigs.  A dude working at the lab thought he could make some side money by stealing the animals after they'd been tested on.  These animals would then be sold on the open market and consumed by the Chinese people who purchased them.  The guy was jailed once this was discovered.  Unfortunately the discovery was made too late.

And yes, the Chinese were (and still are) creating these viruses, gasses, etc. for war and other malicious intent.

January 2020...the virus begins rapidly spreading through one of the tainted and consumed animals throughout China.  Then from China via international travel.  Still, not much press about this fast-spreading virus.

February 2020...Virus is now on the media radar but, again, not really a "big deal" at this point.  People are still thinking (wisely) that it's just another flu or illness.

March 4, 2020...Super Tuesday when the largest states vote on the Democratic side.  Biden takes a strong foothold on the Democratic side.  Bernie is hanging on by a thread.  Everybody else drops out of the race.

March 5, 2020...and days thereafter...shit suddenly hits the fan about the Coronavirus and how the sky is falling down because of it.  Everybody is thrown into an instant panic.

Why wasn't this a "pandemic" before Super Tuesday?  Anybody seeing something weird going on here?

Rewind to the "Trump Impeachment Period" when Nancy Pelosi fails to get Trump fully impeached.  Democrats threw in the towel, realizing that there is no way they're going to get Trump out of office...and if they didn't do some kind of "Hail Mary" between now and November, Trump would get re-elected.

All of a sudden...the Coronavirus becomes a tool to whip everybody up into a wild panic frenzy via the media, easily manipulated with anything remotely sensational that they can sink their teeth into.  So, this virus is now blown way out of proportion, all of the grocery store shelves are wiped out in a way that was only seen in third-world countries, the entire travel and entertainment industry has been 95% decimated...all within a week.

And everyone is sent off to "self-quarantine" for two weeks while schools and businesses close nationwide.

Your average idiot Joe Blow is thinking... "Great, I can eat my snacks I stockpiled on while watching Netflix for two weeks!  How freaking fantastic is this?!"

Not realizing that his job (or the lack thereof) is hanging in the balance, likely to cease to exist in the weeks or months to come.

What most employees (i.e. "Paycheck Charlies") don't realize is that most business owners will NOT be able to survive a shut-down for weeks or a month or longer.  Yet, this is what's already happening with all cruise lines, entertainment venues, and even the airlines.  They think, "Ah, a 2-week Netflix-binge vacay!"  While their employers are already bracing for the damage which will play out in massive lay-offs in the weeks and months to come...and many will have to declare bankruptcy too!  An employer, especially small businesses, cannot keep meeting their fixed costs like their leases, utilities, etc. while everyone is watching Netflix at home no matter how many business loans are thrown their way.  Without business and sales coming in the door at all times, every business fails eventually.  Some much sooner (within mere months) than later.

Oh, but the government just laid out a stimulus package already!  We're all saved, right?

WRONG.  Like THAT is going to do anything.  Rewind to the last two (2) stimulus packages, the last one being the extra $350 (or whatever it was) that we got back on taxes back in the Obama years.  And I don't know about you but...that $350 won't get you jack shit in today's day and age.  It certainly won't "save" the economy in any way.   For many, that isn't enough to cover one car payment.

So, let me tell you how this will all play out:

1)  People will start squeaking back to work in the next few weeks after we get some kind of "clear" from...whomever in government.


2)  Some industries are ALREADY too broken to just get "back to work" such as the cruise industry and entertainment.  Restaurants and bars will be hanging on a thread.  Many will close.

3)  The first industries to go at the beginning of ANY recession is ALWAYS entertainment and travel, both knocked out inside of ONE WEEK (which is alarming in and of itself)

4)  Car sales will continue to drop.  (This is another industry that is an "early sufferer" of any economic downturn.)

5)  Cash/loans/credit will get harder and harder to come by.

6)  Home sales will completely halt; they drastically slowed in areas like L.A., San Francisco, New York and other areas for at least a year now, indicating the recession ahead.

7)  We'll dive squarely into a recession over the summer, if not sooner.  There will be political strife throughout the fall, electing a Democrat as president.  (Get used to saying President Biden.)

And that's my take on it.

So, what are YOUR options in all of this?

1)  Stop running around like a man man (or woman) buying up water and toilet paper.  You can only stockpile so much before your garage gets full or you run out of money...or both.  Remember, likely your job won't be around much longer.  And a shed full of toilet paper won't keep you from being homeless.


2)  Keep your sense about you by looking ahead at the behaviors of human psychology.  Forecast what's about to go down and figure out ways you can potentially profit from the wild off-the-cuff behaviors of your crazy fellow human beings.  One of those behaviors will be that they will erratically be looking for opportunities to make money since their hours will be reduced or they'll be losing their jobs altogether. 

3)  Stay ahead of the curve while NOT running for the hills or following the rest of the sheep off a cliff.  Never react, especially like everybody else.  Observe while everyone else is running around.  Opportunities will present themselves to those who watch and wait.  Pay close attention to what really rich people do and emulate what they're doing.  Likely they're shorting stocks and waiting to pounce on foreclosures.

Many of you know that I have my Detroit event coming up on Friday, March 20th.  Many of you have asked if I will be there.  YES, I will be in Detroit UNLESS Delta Airlines tells me that they're not flying anymore.  So, I WILL be in Detroit on Friday starting at 9 am.

Most of you who are enrolled are coming.  And I'll be excited to see you there.  One or two of you have to sit it out due to pre-existing health conditions.  And I totally understand that.  I would never ask anyone to take an unnecessary health risk by traveling when they're not supposed to.  So, I am making arrangements to do live streaming for those who cannot attend but have enrolled to come to this seminar event.

Then I thought of something.  Maybe I should offer the seminar as a live streaming event to more of you who want to "attend" while sitting at home.  After all, it'll beat the hell out of watching Netflix because this event will allow you to discover a business that can make you very wealthy...ESPECIALLY when everybody starts looking for opportunities to make money on the side (and they will as the months roll on).  In fact, during this event, I'll PUT YOU IN THE BUSINESS of selling opportunities so you can profit while everybody starts looking for an opportunity to make money!

If you'd like to "attend" the Detroit event (which starts on Friday), you can enroll to watch it as a live streaming event.  CLICK HERE and you can enroll as a regular attendee but you'll have access to the live streaming option.  Gold VIP will get you live streaming for Friday and Saturday.  Platinum VIP will get you live streaming for all 3 days plus you'll get the videos after the event concludes.  You'll also be able to get all of the workshop materials including a flash drive that will be giving all attendees that has over $5,000 of bonuses on there INCLUDING some sales letters that have made me millions.  It'll be like you're at the event're at home the whole time!

CLICK HERE to enroll in this upcoming event and find out how you can stay ahead of the curve by setting yourself up in a powerful and highly profitable business to make sure you can make tons of money in the uncertain economic times ahead.

Remember, you can run around in a panic like everybody else...and likely end up losing your livelihood in the end anyway without a pot to piss in.  OR you can take the bull by the horns and line yourself up in a HIGHLY PROFITABLE business within the next week!  CLICK HERE to hop on board now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  In the months that come, there will be a HUGE WINDFALL of real estate deals that will come in ABUNDANT SUPPLY.  Foreclosure inventory will be everywhere.  Time to start thinking about jumping on some real estate deals in a BIG WAY.  But...banks and traditional lenders will TIGHTEN UP on money for these deals.  I have a solution for you.  CLICK HERE to find out how you can work directly with my investors in a special Mastery Group that is starting on Wednesday, March 18th.  This is a LIMITED Mastery Group that will likely not be repeated.  CLICK HERE to check it out now!



Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 13 2020

For those of you who are registered for the upcoming Internet Cash Flow Money Funnel 4.0 Bootcamp Seminar (March 20th - 22nd)...

We are still on!  And I'll be there, even if you're not.

And if you didn't register yet, there's still time.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Listen, I know this Coronavirus is freaking everybody out.  And if I don't stop and logically think things through, sometimes I tend to get sucked into the enormity of what's going on worldwide.

But then, I stop to think...

Hmmm...the regular run-of-the-mill flu each year kills many more people than what this Coronavirus so far...and likely ever will.

And, the demographics of the people who die from the Coronavirus are, well...the same kinds of people who are adversely affected by the flu.  Older with pre-existing health conditions.


How is this different than any other ole flu?

Well, there seems to be a mad panic about this one in particular.  Maybe it's because there isn't any ready-made "cure" for people.

Yet, interestingly enough, if you do research, you'll find that:

Yes, people have been recovering from the Coronavirus.

Yes, many of those people have taken antibiotics or just sat tight with lots of rest, liquids, and vitamins.

Yes, many have successfully recovered from this flu...just like any other.

So, if you're one of those people who quickly and easily succumbs to mass panic, you'll probably never do well as an internet marketer anyway because you're too easily thrown off course, whether it be by the news, the next shiny penny that comes along, or if a butterfly happens to fly by.

And you'd be better off fighting for toilet paper and bottled water at Costco than attending this event...which is ONLY for those who are truly serious about making money with the Money Funnel 4.0 Strategies.

So...that's my take on it.

I'll be in Detroit.  At least that's the plan.  And the only thing that will prevent me from going is if Delta tells me they're not flying from LAX to DTW on March 19th (the day before the event).

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I have an incredible mentorship group starting next week for those of you who are my hard-core real estate investor students and who need cash for deals.  Since the economy will now fluctuate (which is what all of us real estate investors have been waiting for) and we'll be able to get deals (and more inventory) in the months to come, money from banks will be harder to get.  This is why I recommend THIS strategy to get funds for your deals.  CLICK HERE to find out about joining my Get Money for Deals Mastery Group.  I'll only be doing ONE of these groups and it begins on March 18th.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 05 2020

This is going to seem weird to you -- or maybe a tad unconventional -- but hear me out for a minute.

I've been doing this now for a few years now and I've been hitting on some of the most powerful profit streams that, even by my standards, is pretty incredible.  If you've been in this weird tail-spin in life where you just don't know which direction you want to go in -- especially when it comes to business or investing -- but you just want something that's simple to make money with, then THIS is definitely something you'll want to do.

I've been training students for many, many years on different investment and entrepreneurial subjects.  The hardest part of my training comes in when people enter my world in a state of confusion with a lack on what they want to do.  They beg me to tell them what they should be doing or which money-making strategy they should taking on for themselves.  And I can't answer that question.  Sometimes (if I feel like it) I'll go through a series of questions with them just to find that "needle in the haystack" in their brain on which direction they should be going into based on what I establish their truly interested in.

So, this may be one of those things that is NOT for you.  But it may be your PERFECT PROFIT BUSINESS.

The only way you'll know is to CLICK HERE.

CLICK HERE to get it now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 03 2020
So, we're hot and heavy into 2020, aren't we?  The glimmer of the New Year's Eve dust is long behind us now and it suddenly seems like we're about to hit a rough patch in the rough rivers ahead, doesn't it?
There's a flu virus killing people.  Globally.  And no cure.

The stock market is dropping like a rock.  The economy is coming apart at the seams.  And it'll only get worse from here.

Things seem to be changing so fast, like quicksand beneath our feet.

How do you find some sense of security -- especially financially -- in these uncertain times?

Instead of worrying about losing everything, wouldn't it be amazing to know that there is a secret weapon you can use to PROFIT IN A HUGE WAY the more (and faster) the market drops?
I have a powerful video I'd like you to watch.  It's not that long and it's definitely something you MUST at least check out.


See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 01 2020

What most people don't know is that there is an opportunity RIGHT NOW as the markets are wildly whipping up and down to make a quick fortune IF you play your cards right.

But it's NOT an opportunity for everybody.

This may seem far-fetched to you.  Hell, it was far-fetched to me too.  Then I used this secret once.   Then twice.  Then MULTIPLE TIMES.  Then again.  Then again.  THEN AGAIN!

And it it's so highly effective, it has the potential of blowing up your bank account within a super short time.

If you haven't checked this out yet, I highly recommend you CLICK HERE and at least listen to my very powerful video explaining what this is.

But I'll warn you:  This is NOT for everyone.  In fact, this won't be for MOST of you.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out if this is for you.

And if you have any questions, call my office after 9am Pacific Time at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 28 2020

I'm pretty sure I started warning everyone that this was coming...back in late summer of 2016.  Then the "reports" came out after the close of the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2016 substantiating everything I said: that the "sub-prime" credit bubble was set to burst.  Again.

And now the numbers are worse than ever before, even to the point where Warren Buffet decided to sell off his stake in Wells Fargo, a noted sub-prime lender of all kinds of sub-prime debt including car loans, signature loans, home mortgages, etc.

Apparently nobody learned ANYTHING from pre-2008.  And if they did learn any lessons, they've certainly forgotten them already.

As of the close of the 4th quarter 2017, approximately 6 million people (all with credit scores below 620) were 3 or more months late on their car payments.  Even worse, car loans are STILL being made to people with FICO scores of around 520.  These people shouldn't be given a loan for ANYTHING let alone a new (or used) car.  This is when the beginning of the new "credit bubble" became apparent.

And yes, banks have already restricted lending on -- you guessed it -- REAL ESTATE because they have to start hedging their bets against the astronomical losses on all kinds of loans that they're already taking.

Fast forward to today...the real estate market has been really soft in market leading areas like Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York...for AT LEAST a year or longer.  The stock market has been sucking wind for awhile.

And we've all been holding our breath, waiting for that "one little thing" which would be the "tipping point."  All of us in the financial world knew it would be something but never would we have guessed it to be a rapid-spreading deadly flu out of China.

This is the tipping point.


Well, your largest manufacturing country in the world has shut down production where it counts and you'll start to notice this as things on the shelves of Walmart vanish, making it look like a store in Russia after a natural disaster...with nothing left to be had on the shelves.  Prices will go up.  After all, it's the basic rule of "supply and demand."  And this will begin rattling the economy at it's core, namely the bottom-dwellers or those living paycheck to paycheck as is.

Don't believe me?  Just wait another few weeks, if that.  If you haven't noticed already, you will.  Products that you took for granted that would always be cheap and available on store shelves will no longer be available.  Or it will be 3 times what you're used to paying.  Multiply that by thousands of your favorite widely-used products that you depend on and...well, that's a recipe for personal bankruptcy.

But, did you know that instead of suffering with the rest of the commoners or the "lower 85%" of the pyramid, you could actually MAKE MONEY quickly as the market drops?  Yes, in fact, there's never been a time to make faster money than when the market drops like a lead balloon.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

And no, this is definitely NOT for everybody.  But, this COULD BE FOR YOU!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We still have some VIP seats left for the upcoming Internet Cash Flow Bootcamp Seminar on March 20th - 22nd in Detroit, Michigan.  CLICK HERE to register now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 26 2020

Many people who don't have stocks, bonds, options or anything else having to do with the stock market think, "Oh, at least I won't be affected by the recent biggest drop in stock market history."

But think again.

This is EXACTLY what people back in the Great Depression thought during the stock market crash on Black Friday in 1929.

"I don't have any stocks so therefore I'm immune..."

Immune from losing your job?  From not being able to sell things because nobody is buying anymore?  Immune from WHAT exactly?

In fact, back then, if you actually talked to anyone in the soup lines back during the Great Depression of the early 1930s, you'd quickly realize that MOST didn't even own one stock.  (Quite a few who DID own stock ended up jumping off a building and killing themselves after the crash of 1929, saving themselves the humiliation of standing in a soup line at all.)

Now, the way I see it (and as a short disclaimer, I'm not part of the Psychic Friends Network and I don't have a crystal ball) but usually when we're hit very hard with a recession (as we did after the crash of 2008) then the next one is usually -- USUALLY but not always -- an "easier" recession.  However, you usually don't get a full on "crash" to kick of the next few years as being "mild," if you know what I mean.  So this could go either way.

And yes, I've been warning you about this for about 3 years now.  And yes, I told you so.

So, how does this tie in to YOU exactly?  Ah!  This is when all the opportunities will start flurrying around.   For real estate, foreclosures come back into the picture.  (They have been already for a little while now.)  More inventory comes on the market.  Prices drop because of the overabundance of inventory on the market.

But...let's talk about ANOTHER that maybe you haven't considered yet.

And THIS opportunity could make you money a lot faster.  In fact, when the market drops, you can potentially make money super fast.

What am I talking about?  CLICK HERE and find out.

This is NOT for everybody, that's for sure.  It's only for a handful of you who really like this kind of investing opportunity.


In the meantime, instead of being depressed about the recession coming up, be happy.  Recessions are when I make the most money and it can be when you make the most money too!  And with this opportunity, you could become very wealthy very quickly IF you know how to play your cards right!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't signed up for the Detroit Internet Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar yet then you still can.  CLICK HERE to reserve your seat.  After this weekend, I'm raising prices again so claim your seat now while you still can.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 10 2020

Sometimes there's good and bad in everything.

As in the case with all my Aggressive Income Business Strategies, namely my Money Funnel Secrets...

I've found out that not only am I the ONLY one out there actually teaching this stuff -- using the REAL methods in making money online -- BUT...that I'm also the only one actually BUILDING your Money Funnel Business FOR YOU!

So...what does one do in a situation like this?

Well, there IS a way through this and out the other side.  It's something I've done in the past when I've created too much of my own competition.

And that is to RESTRICT the amount of people that can get into new trainings AND to stop doing the trainings for awhile...usually for several years.

This is the case with my newest Money Funnel Strategies.  Time to pull in the reigns a little...or A LOT in this case.  How do I plan on doing this?

I just finished my 100K Mastery Group and decided that I'll be doing ONE MORE (starting tomorrow) and this will be it.  I won't be doing any more of these!


First of all, there are so many moving parts that it takes so much energy out of me to get everybody's business fully up and running by the second segment of this group, which is EXACTLY what we'll be doing in this next (and last) 100K Mastery Mentorship Group.

But the MAIN reason I cannot do anymore of these groups:  I actually build out your entire business FOR you.  This is a VERY RARE opportunity for me to build out ALL of your money funnels FOR YOU which is something I've never done before the 100K Mastery Group...and something I'll never do again (because I just don't have the time).

To find out all about this group, you can CLICK HERE for the 100K Secret Training.  And when you're ready to enroll in this LAST EVER group, CLICK HERE before it's too late!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm doing a training TONIGHT which will talk all about this group coming up tomorrow.  To join this training, CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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