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Success For Life
Thursday, November 23 2017
Something Beautiful on This Thanksgiving Day!
Just 2 weeks ago I was in Chicago on a business trip.  I've been traveling A LOT this year and I have 2 more trips to go before we hit the New Year.  Surprisingly I'm not as "travel exhausted" as I should be.  I kind of like the change of scenery in different parts of the world.  I even enjoyed Chicago for the first time in...forever, actually.  (Most of you know that I was born in Chicago but always had a disdain for the place, mostly due to my childhood...but now I don't feel that way anymore.)
While in Chicago I visited this place that my parents frequented a lot when I was growing up called The Temple of Kriya Yoga.  This is the religion I was brought up with which is kind of Buddhist, kind of Hinduism-ish...along those lines.  The last time I visited this temple was when my parents brought me back to Chicago for a family friend's wedding, back when I was 15 or 16.
When I showed up at the Temple, I couldn't hold the tears back because the last time I was there I was with my mom.  (She passed away more than 12 years ago.)  And when I sat down in the "front room" area, I immediately noticed several stained glass pieces which I knew my mom had done for the Temple...I guess it's now been 35 years since she made these pieces.  And I remember her making the pieces in our cold detached garage of our humble 2-bedroom house in the suburbs, using a pot-belly stove for heat as she would cut stained glass, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning.  (She was a night owl.)
I remember as a young kid "helping" my mom put copper tape around each sharp edge of each piece of glass then trying to push each piece into the lead which was very difficult to do with small weak fingers.  Each piece had to be put together in kind of a mosaic puzzle before it could be soldered together.  And in some far-buried crevice of my subconscious mind, I remember "helping" with the stained glass piece that I have pictured above.  I can't believe this piece and the others survived all these years, leaving what I believe may be her very last and only legacy that I got to see for the first time in decades.
What a treat that was.  If she only knew that this lovely art form that she dabbled in on the side just for fun would be such an amazing lasting legacy for her and her life.
This is the reason why Thanksgiving will never be the same for me.  And why this is just another holiday that I bite the bullet and just make it through.  In fact, right now I'm watching movies with my dog Sally while my daughter is off to visit her dad's family for the holiday.  I no longer have family of my own.  My mom was my family and, in many respects, my only family.  She was the one who held all of us together; without her, there is no family, no nothing for me.
But...let's talk about YOU, my dear friend and student.
Today is your day to relax, be truly grateful for the wonderful people who surround you today, and to realize that you actually have more of an amazing life than you think you do.  I know it's redundant when everybody says to be grateful so I'll just say this: feel and express love to all of those around you because you just never know how much time they (or you) have left on this planet.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And See You At The Top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 23 2017

I was a little too quick to the punch on revealing the special surprise I had planned for my Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal. it is in a nutshell:

1)  I have an investor partnership agreement with an organization in Texas.  They've done, insofar, over 350 deals with my students since August 2016 including cash loans for flips, business loans, and down payment cash for apartment buildings and MHP deals.

2)  They are based out of Houston with a secondary location in Dallas.  When Hurricane Harvey hit, they had to relocate their office and decided to up and leave the Houston area; they are now based out of Dallas permanently, or at least for now.  This move took about a month to complete.

3)  After they relocated and got situated, they started back at going through the last batch of deals they got from my students which, as you can imagine, piled up since they were out of commission for awhile.  To date, they are completely caught up with that backlog of deals because of one key disappointing reason: the deals they received from my students from about August through up to last week were incomplete submissions.  All incomplete submissions are immediately discarded without a response.  Out of 190 submitted deals -- including loan requests -- only 2 were accepted and it's because those were the ONLY 2 that included the additional required and requested paperwork!  So, if you think about it, there was a 100% acceptance rate because the only 2 deals that included a completed form and accompanying paperwork were accepted and funded.

4)  Because of this "bad batch" of students that I evidently sent through, they asked me if I'd get some more students who are need cash for flip deals.  They make about 10% to 12% on these transactions so it's quite possibly the most lucrative type of investing that they do with my students which is why they want more.  So, they want to do flip deals with you and they're willing to cough up the cash for the deal (for a 100% all-cash acquisition) PLUS they will give up cash for rehab.  You will have up to 90 days from the date of acquisition (close of escrow) to rehab and resell the property.  They make 10% so if they give you $100,000 to do the deal, you're giving them $110,000 when you flip the property.  ($100,000 is giving back their original loan and the additional $10,000 is their 10% fee on top.)  If it goes over 90 days, this is when the additional interest kicks in and up to 120 days, it becomes 12%.  Up to 6 months, it becomes 15%.  After 6 months, they take the property from you.  (This has NEVER happened, by the way.)

5)  Because most of my students don't understand how MY way of flipping works or how to get the best "below market" property opportunities, I have a highly successful system called the Real Estate Cash Flow System.  It's recently been updated (only a few months ago, to be exact).  And you NEED this system if you want to make money on the last windfall of flip properties before the opportunity will go into "hiatus" (for about 3 years thereafter).  I recommend you take advantage of this last cash cow opportunity...before it's over.  You can make anywhere from a few thousand bucks to a few hundred thousand dollars before this opportunity is over with.

Okay, so here's the deal:

For this Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal, I'm offering you the Real Estate Cash Flow System with a VERY RARE ONE-TIME-ONLY BONUS of gaining direct access to my Texas investors who want to give you CASH for your flip deals AND give you cash to rehab the deal.  They'll work with single-family residences (SFRs), multi-family properties (2 - 4 units), and small apartment buildings (up to 12 units).  This is for FLIP DEALS ONLY.  This is NOT for buy-and-hold assets.  And this investor offer is NOT for down payments for long-term assets so please don't send me a million emails asking if you can do it that way can't.  No exceptions.  Flip deals ONLY!

CLICK HERE to get the deal.  This deal ends VERY SOON so I strongly recommend that you get it now.

And by the way, if you were one of the early responders (when I goofed up and sent out this offer last week in a link), you'll be getting this bonus investor partner resource so don't sweat it.  Okay?

CLICK HERE NOW to get the Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't locked in your spot at the Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar on March 8th, 9th, and 10th, you need to do that NOW by CLICKING HERE.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 20 2017

My newest investor is looking for apartment buildings (anywhere in the United States) that is 100 units or more, has a seasoned 90% or higher occupancy, and a CAP rate of at least 8.5% (9%+ is preferred, of course).

To be clear, there is NO CAP on the purchasing price, NO LIMIT in the amount of deals they are looking for, and NO LIMIT on their available capital.

Got it?

The reason I'm laying this out again is that I keep getting questions about this over and over again so I'm just giving you the basics.

Oh, one more thing: these are NOT partnership deals.  They are bird-dog deals where you'll get a finder's fee of up to 3% of the total purchase price just after the close of escrow.  On a $10,000,000 the math.  That's a nice chunk of change, don't you think?

So, you're probably wondering how you can participate in this opportunity.  Right now there is only ONE way to do this: to join me at my Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Event on March 8th and 9th (and the 10th if you are a Platinum VIP).  Everyone who attends will be able to participate in this opportunity.

Why am I REQUIRING attendance for this opportunity?  Because I need to take the time to EXPLAIN IT so that you'll know exactly what to do and how to do it.  Again, it doesn't matter if you attend as a Gold VIP or Platinum VIP, you will be able to participate in this RARE never-before-offered opportunity either way just by attending.  (Please note that you MUST attend; those who register but who decide not to show up will NOT be able to participate.  NO EXCEPTIONS!)

By the way, I wanted to mention one more thing: each time I've offered an extraordinary opportunity like this for those who attend my events, there have been AT LEAST a few people who have walked away doing multi-million-dollar deals where they've PROFITED HANDSOMELY!  The reason it's only a few?  Because not everyone turns out a deal to submit after they leave my event which is unfortunate; if everyone turned in a deal after the event, my success numbers would be around 80% in acceptance!

So, the lesson is simple: show up, turn in a deal, get it accepted!  Don't just show up and do nothing otherwise you're taking up a valuable seat for someone else who would otherwise be able to attend but probably won't because our seating is LIMITED since our seminar room is kind of small and snug.

Right now you can lock in your seat for only $100.  CLICK HERE or call (661) 295-5050.

See you at the top

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 17 2017

I have a brand new investor who is actively looking for apartment buildings of 100 units and over ANYWHERE in the country.  These assets MUST be 90% or higher in occupancy levels and he's aiming for a CAP rate of 8.5% or higher.  To be clear, though, this is NOT for partnerships.  He will pay a healthy bird-dog commission of UP TO 3% on the deal to you upon the close of escrow.  

Right now he's reaching out to different areas all over the country to make money on deals nationwide.  And the ONLY way he can do this is by reaching out through other people...people like you...who can take the time to find these deals anywhere (even if they're not anywhere near where you live) because these are bird-dog deals (and not partnerships).

This new investor -- Cory P. -- is based out of Arizona and owns a very large real estate syndication company.  Their problem: they can't get enough deals that fit within their criteria.  I think you may be able to help with that AND make some really good bird-dog finder's fees for doing so.

For more details about how you can participate this new opportunity: CLICK HERE NOW.

By the way, I think I forgot to mention it but he has NO MAXIMUM.  You can find deals as expensive as you want and as many deals as you want.  He has ENDLESS amounts of capital to pull from to fund these deals.  This is, by far, the very first guy of this caliber I've worked with so far so hopefully you don't pass up this opportunity.  CLICK HERE NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:25 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 15 2017

The other day (yes, on the weekend), our office received a phone call from a guy who I'm pretty sure isn't a real student of mine but probably got a fr*ee report at some point or another and now gets emails and blog posts from me.  So, in other words, he's a classic do-nothing never-will-do-anything tire-kicker who finds great value in criticizing everything and everyone around him.

Including me.

If you recall, I posted what I thought was a rather heartfelt blog this past Saturday to honor our veterans on Veteran's Day.  If you recall, that email was about why I personally would never take a knee at a sporting event.  So...this windbag decides to call my office to leave a message stating that he has an "issue" about my comment about the flag.

Except I'm guessing that this guy can't read at all because I didn't make ONE MENTION about the flag at all.  Nope, not throughout the entire piece.  (Read it if you don't believe me.)  Yet here's this guy who decides to call on a weekend to complain about an email I email to HONOR veterans.  WTF??  Who does that?

I'll tell you who does that: someone with 0% confidence in himself or his abilities to ever be someone significant in the fabric of our society and, unfortunately, he will always feel insignificant probably until the day he dies.  So...calling somebody's office on a weekend (probably hoping to just leave a message instead of talking to somebody...especially to me!) to "file" a complaint about an email honoring veterans is his pitiful attempt to make a stab at being "significant" in some way.  What a bad ass, hoping we'd all say here in the office.  Ballsy guy, calling to complain about an email...honoring veterans.  He told us, he did!

Give me a break.

If anything the guy has NO balls, NO class, and NO respect for anybody (including himself).  Freaking idiot.  And these are EXACTLY the type of people I will be getting rid of out of my database because my only interest right now in this phase of my life is to focus ONLY on those who truly want to better their lives in some incredible and significant way.

Here's the deal, folks.  At this stage in your life, you're either going to pull the trigger on something you REALLY want to do (to set yourself financially free)...or you're not.  And if you're not, you're just going to be a deadbeat hanger-on-er who I no longer want to associate with because you're DEAD WEIGHT.

But if you're somebody who IS ready to finally do something, I want to see you...really soon, in fact.  And if you really are somebody who should be part of the World of Monica Main, you need to get off your ass and become successful.  And quick.  (And I have a way for you to do that if you pay close attention.)

CLICK HERE and you'll see what I have in store for you in your very near future.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 11 2017

Since today is Veteran's Day, I couldn't help but to remember the first time I was with my daughter when I saw a servicewoman in uniform.  We were in a breakfast restaurant and this young woman was from the army.  My daughter was about 5 at the time and I urged my daughter to approach the young woman and tell her, “Thank you for your service.” 

My daughter was hesitant in doing this but recognized in the urgency in my voice that it was important so she didn’t scoff, complain, or try to get out of doing it.  She will fully complied and although the words didn’t come out exactly right, I could tell that the young army woman was fully honored as she humbly diminished the importance of her role in the military by saying, “Thank you but I’m just a medic.”

A medic.  I’d say that would be pretty damn important as are all the jobs in the military.  But I was impressed by how humbled this young woman – and everyone in service I’ve met so far – tends to be with their roles in the military.

When I’m at a sporting event, I always stand for the anthem.  And I always stand whenever there are announcements to honor the servicemen and servicewomen in attendance.  Additionally, anyone I’m with…I make them stand too.

Of course, this is MY freedom to do this…to honor those who have done and are doing the extremely tough jobs – fighting wars, not knowing if they’ll ever come back again, not knowing if they’ll ever be the same If they DO come back at all – and to make sure they know that they have my full support at all times.

While you and everyone else has the right to take a knee – and I do understand the meaning behind that, also honoring THAT right as well – I stand and will ALWAYS stand until there is a day when I cannot physically stand anymore.  Because when I stand, it’s to both honor those who have fought (and continue to fight) but to also take a moment for gratitude in everything we have here in the United States of America.  And while we do have many challenges in this country right now, the ONLY thing that gets us through and makes a difference is when we ALL STAND TOGETHER AS ONE.

To honor ourselves.

To honor each other.

And to show undying support for those who are standing up for us and our rights to have the freedoms that are afforded to us each and every day in America.

Thank you to ALL of those who have dedicated your lives to service in the military.  You will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart and you will ALWAYS have my full support.

And I will ALWAYS stand for YOU.

God Bless.

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm officially kicking off my SPECIAL DEAL for my upcoming Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar in March 2018.  Yes, I'm doing a VERY SPECIAL EVENT to talk about the drastic changes in our real estate market and the cutting-edge new strategies on how to profit in this New Market.  CLICK HERE to see the special short-time deal that I have now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 31 2017
I can't believe how fast this freaking year is just flying by.  Can you?  It's already Halloween!  Next it'll be Christmas then...we start ALL OVER again on January 1st.  Kind of makes you wonder... "What the point of all this?"  Doesn't it?
Today I'll be passing out candy out of my oversize black plastic witch cauldron. It's also filled with seasonal pencils and rubber duckies dressed as different Halloween characters...for the little baby kids that come by.
I used to like Halloween...a lot, actually.  But this year feels different.  It doesn't feel the same.  Maybe I'll feel better about it later, after the sun sets and the kiddies start coming out for the candy.  But this year I doubt it.  I think it's because I've had so many back-to-back business trips over the past couple of months and I'm leaving out again next week that I feel like I'm always rushed and can't breathe let alone taking some time to enjoy a holiday, for crying out loud.  Seriously, I think I need to SLOW DOWN.  (Maybe you do too.)
How are you feeling today?  Are you ready for Halloween?  Or do you feel much the same as I do -- wondering where the hell the year went and wondering what you can do to make next year better?
Starting tomorrow I'm doing a little office "moving."  Actually, we're expanding into the unit next door so we're doubling our office/warehouse space, officially effective tomorrow.  Things have been really busy lately; I'm looking forward to the holiday slow-down that we generally get, starting the week of Thanksgiving through the first week of January.
I've been getting some emails from you guys and gals with questions about what to expect from me in 2018.  It'll be a mixed bag for me.  For you, I'll actually appear to be more focused than ever due to severe limitations to my schedule, disallowing me to do trainings and mentorship groups on specific topics.  In fact, for those of you who have been asking about real estate stuff, you're in for it!  For the vast majority of 2018, that's what I'll be covering.  (Behind the scenes, I'll be focusing on my skincare businesses.)
For right now, your LAST OPPORTUNITY to get in on my Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group Modules with a "Mini" Affiliate Licensing Opportunity is RIGHT NOW.  Once this deal is over, gone will be the days of covering Money Funnel stuff anymore.  (Sorry but as profitable as it is for the students who actually implement this stuff, it's time to move on from it.)  CLICK HERE NOW to listen to a powerful audio seminar about it.
In the meantime, HAPPY HALLOWEEN.  Stay out of trouble...and don't do anything I wouldn't do.  (Whatever that means.  LOL!)
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 29 2017
Sometimes I Wonder What the HELL is Wrong With People!
​I just got back from another business trip in Cleveland.  You can see from the picture above that I just can't withstand the 55-degree weather...AT ALL.  My blood is too thin now from having lived in 30 years this month!
But that's not what I'm writing you about.
The reason I've been to Cleveland 5 times this year and will be back again for at least another 4 times next year is because I'm trying to learn as much as I can about marketing, copywriting, and direct-response sales from -- who I personally believe -- is one of the "last men standing" for the "old school" strategies that I've been studying religiously for the past 20+ years.
What does this mean, exactly?
Several things:
1)  I don't profess to know everything about everything.  Anyone one who does is a fool.  Anyone who doesn't keep up on tightening their skills while letting more new information in can never expand their mind, business, and ultimately their bank account.
2)  I can continue teaching you at my top "A-Game" by being able to divulge information and money-making strategies as they become tested and proven after I've been able to refine them for myself.
3)  This isn't just about marketing, copywriting and sales.  All of this "stuff" falls into every business and investing category in one way or another.  Once you understand the basic principles, you can apply them most anywhere and everywhere pertaining to business.  And the better I get at it, the better you will too.
Smart people keep studying, seeking, and experimenting even far past the point of what many others would deem as "success."  Success is defined in many ways.  For me, it isn't about the end-game at all.  It's about STAYING in the game.  It's about hitting on that next big "thing" that I can make work from scratch.  It's about the journey, for me, and has almost nothing to do with the destination since and "end" (for me) is nothing more than a silent death.  The "end" always prompts that question (for all of us, believe it or not) which is: "What's next?" or "Now what?" 
And quite honestly, I never look forward to those questions at all.
But what I found fascinating (and not in a good way) was how few people attended this last event that I went to.  Prior years yielded 600+ people, sometimes much higher (like closer to 1,000).  This year...there was barely 250 or so people in attendance.
As far as in my high-level mastermind group, there was only me and one other guy (because he had a trade show booth there at this event) who attended this powerful information-packed seminar.
Why?  Why is this?  Are people getting to the point where they're becoming lazy, inept, and disinterested in furthering their money-making skills and abilities along?  I just don't understand this AT ALL!
Now to be clear, I don't attend these events with the idea or desire of getting truckloads of information out of them otherwise I'll quickly find myself in the "information paralysis" mode where I end up implementing NOTHING at all.  (See, I'm not so different than most other people.) 
What I look for is that ONE or those TWO "gold nuggets" that I missed before.  It's in those gold nuggets that can instantly pivot anyone one of us into a multi-million...or billion-dollar business empire.  THAT is what makes all the difference each and every time!
Did I get those "gold nuggets" that I was seeking?  Absolutely, I did.  Looking back, I got an entire ore-cart full of gold nuggets this time around, far more than I was originally seeking or expected.  (I certainly expected nothing based on how the event was going by lunch the first day...not very well, I should mention.  It was almost like a train wreck to that point.)  And it made me feel so incredibly lucky to have such an opportunity with who I call the business "greats" who...quite honestly, will not be on this planet much longer because of health issues and, of course, age itself.  (We all die sometime, don't we?)
Even better, I was able to become a HUGE gold nugget for someone else who -- like me -- came to the event seeking...that one bit of something (we're never quite sure what it is) and then BAM!  Here comes that multi-million-dollar "zinger" of an idea from an unexpected source (in this case it came from me) to a man who told me later on that he was becoming frustrated with the event because he claimed he was getting "nothing" out of anyone there who was presenting ideas.  (Thinking back, maybe that was the ONLY reason I was to be help this guy.  Who knows?  Who can really tell when it comes to universal synchronicity?!)  And here I gave him a multi-million-dollar idea which, I can guarantee you, is exactly what he went there for!
So, what am I getting at with all this gibber-gabber?
The way I see it, our future is fairly simple in how things are about to completely play out:
There will be only a handful (by percentage...a SINGLE-DIGIT percentage, by the way) who will make it financially.  Not only will they "make it" but they'll be making it BIG TIME.
And then everyone else will be struggling to scrape by.  Everyone else will include at least 80%+ of the population, perhaps even 90%+ (which is my prediction) due to inflation and other reasons.  But, to be absolutely conservative, let's just stick with the low 80% number.
That's A LOT of people.  A LOT.  By today's numbers, that's over 258 million people out of the current 323 million people who make up the United States population who will be struggling their asses off to keep food on the table and the lights on in their humble apartments.  All because people have become intellectually and educationally LAZY today!
Will that include you?  Which side of this very lopsided fence will YOU find yourself on?
With that said, I have a few things to mention here:
1)  I have my LAST offering on the table for the Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group MODULES.  Once this deal is over, I'll be laying these powerful money-making strategies to rest for a very, very long time (or forever).  CLICK HERE if you didn't get your Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group MODULES (including my Money Funnel Clones and my NEW resource for getting an unsecured loan of up to $15,000 for those with bad credit to help you START your successful money funnel business.)
2)  My next upcoming Mentorship Group (to start in January 2018) will be called my first ever Getting Money Mentorship Group (details to be revealed later).  This will be a group exclusively for those who want to raise money for business, investing, or whatever you want as I reveal EVERY SINGLE STRATEGY on how to get money for your business and investing projects.  By the very end of the group, we'll be working with REAL INVESTORS (brand new ones that I have) and sending our business plans to them for review and approval to get funding!
3)  After much thought, provocation, many requests, and some people outright begging me...I have a March event coming into the pipeline that will blow your socks off!  More to come on this in the weeks to follow so don't call my staff and ask about it because their stock answer is, "We don't know anything about it right now.  Sorry."  So, just keep your pants on and wait!  (But it's REALLY REALLY incredible!  You know how I am.  I always have to keep topping myself and this one REALLY takes the cake this time!!) 
In the meantime, don't be like the nay-sayers, success-talkers-but-don't-doers, slackers and nit-wits out there.  IF (and ONLY if) you're interested in profiting from my Money Funnel Modules, CLICK HERE NOW.  This business is NOT for everyone but it could be what YOU are looking for.  You won't know until you check it out!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:41 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 25 2017

You have more control over your finances than you think.  And if you're one of those people that makes excuses as to why you can do this or go there or afford that...I'm going to tell you the cold, hard truth and that is this: you're holding yourself back and you have been for years.  Some people find comfort in excuses while some LIKE blaming other people and outside circumstances for their financial woes.
Don't like hearing that?  After all, I'm sure you think you have a pretty damn good excuse as to why things aren't working out for yourself financially.
You have a choice though: keep wallowing in pitiful excuses or get off your ass and start doing something about it.  In fact, those are your ONLY two choices!
What's really awesome is that I'm in the process of finishing up my 9-week Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship which officially ends on Halloween.  And decidedly, this will be the LAST EVER mentorship group like this.
Why "last ever" on this highly profitable money-making strategy?
Because it's too energy-consuming for me to train students to do this.  I'd rather just make money DOING the stuff rather than DOING AND TEACHING the stuff, if that makes sense...especially since I make much more money DOING than teaching it.  And reality is, I'm just creating too much competition with my successful students that, after this, these secrets will go into my "vault" of money-making secrets where it will remain forever.
One thing, though, that is making this last ever Money Funnel Mentorship Group so freaking unique is that I lay out the EXACT mechanics in how to completely set up your money funnel from scratch (including all the technical elements).  And I gave the entire EXACT tested-and-proven marketing template (including ALL of the "plug in" clone website materials) to this business that has already made me millions in profits.  This was kind of a "what the hell...why not" type of reasoning since I am, after all, NOT doing this type of training anymore.
So, why not go out with a bang, right?  AND, for those who get the videos of the entire 3-day WILL get this exact tested-and-proven "plug-in" business for you to use as you like.  (CLICK HERE to listen to a brief audio seminar.)
I just caution you on a few things:
1)  You WILL have to watch ALL 9 WEEKS of the videos to get ALL of the elements and EXACT instructions on how to download the successful money funnel clones and what to do with the downloaded clones.  (Links are revealed WITHIN the mentorship on where to get the downloads from me.)
2)  There is work involved.  Yes, you can make millions IN PROFITS every single year doing this but this isn't a 4-hour work-week type of deal at all.  If you're looking for a way to drop-ship your way to millions while watching television all day, keep looking because this is NOT the opportunity for you.  However, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work for the type of money I'm talking about (and on the "low" side we're looking at around a quarter of a million dollars PER MONTH) then this is definitely right up your alley!
So, yes, I DO give you a FULLY FLESHED OUT Money Funnel AND it's been tested and proven to have been HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, having made millions of dollars in profits.  Now you can have it to make this same type of money if you're willing to do the work.  CLICK HERE to get it now!
Now, I'm ONLY offering this to those who get these Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Modules videos.  And this is a ONE TIME DEAL.  This means that once this deal deadline hits, it's over and you won't be able to get this hugely profitable business anymore.
Also, for those of you who jump on this offer, I have a very special resource to get you up to $15,000 in unsecured credit (even if you have poor personal credit; no bankruptcies over the past 2 years though)
CLICK HERE to check out all the details about what we did in this rare and LAST EVER Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group.

This is, quite honestly, the VERY FIRST TIME I'm actually giving an entire tested-and-proven money funnel business model to my students...just for getting a set of seminar or workshop videos.  And, guaranteed, this will be the VERY LAST TIME.
Because I'm not doing these trainings anymore.  And because I can't give out the business model to but a handful of students.
CLICK HERE to get ALL of it right now...before it's all gone!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:09 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 22 2017
What My Yard Looks Like...

What do you think of my front yard?  Well, right after this, we got a huge wind storm blowing through and I got tired of picking up all the headstones from across the street.  So I took everything down.  The only thing that's left is Pete the Pirate (to the right).  In a few days, when the wind dies down, I'll put it all back up again along with Grim (who goes on the other side of the yard).
What does your yard look like?  Or do you bother with any decorations at all?  Hey, decorating isn't for everyone and most of the time it's nothing more than a big pain in the ass anyway.
October is probably one of my favorite months.  This is the first full month of fall and in a perfect October month (here in Southern California) the month starts off super hot and ends off cold, sometimes drizzling with rain (on Halloween night).  But I'm not sure this is going to be the case this year.  It seems to be hotter than normal and for part of this week we're hitting the triple-digits again...about 103 to be exact.  And that's just not normal for this time of year where I'm at.
One thing I decided in the month of October was to make this the last month that I'm talking about Money Funnel 2.0 stuff.  I even had a student ask me about it.  He said all he wants is real estate stuff (which is great) and I said...well, just give it another couple of weeks because that's the track I'm going back on as soon as we clear this month.
But I have one more thing to offer for Money Funnel 2.0.  It's the video modules for the mentorship group that will officially end on Halloween.  (This means that for those of you who get the Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Modules, they will NOT be shipped out until Wednesday, November 1st.  Okay?)
So, what are the Modules?  CLICK HERE for a brief audio seminar explaining what these are and you can decide if it's something you want to get for an Aggressive Income Business.
After all, this WILL be the last time I'll be doing training on Money Funnel 2.0 stuff because of how intense the trainings are and how time-consuming preparation is for these events and mentorship groups.  So, this is it.  And this is the last opportunity for those of you who really want a profitable home-based business that can make you $10,000 or more per month in your pocket (in profits).
Of course, this isn't for everything...just for those of you who want to get rid of your job or want to raise more money for Passive Income Real Estate Strategies so you can retire a lot quicker.
CLICK HERE for the details about these modules.
In the meantime, happy yard decorating...or candy buying...or whatever it is that you do around this time of year.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,

What do you think of my front yard?  Well, right after this, we got a huge wind storm blowing through and I got tired of picking up all the headstones from across the street.  So I took everything down.  The only thing that's left is Pete the Pirate (to the right).  In a few days, when the wind dies down, I'll put it all back up again along with Grim (who goes on the other side of the yard).
What does your yard look like?  Or do you bother with any decorations at all?  Hey, decorating isn't for everyone and most of the time it's nothing more than a big pain in the ass anyway.
October is probably one of my favorite months.  This is the first full month of fall and in a perfect October month (here in Southern California) the month starts off super hot and ends off cold, sometimes drizzling with rain (on Halloween night).  But I'm not sure this is going to be the case this year.  It seems to be hotter than normal and for part of this week we're hitting the triple-digits again...about 103 to be exact.  And that's just not normal for this time of year where I'm at.
One thing I decided in the month of October was to make this the last month that I'm talking about Money Funnel 2.0 stuff.  I even had a student ask me about it.  He said all he wants is real estate stuff (which is great) and I said...well, just give it another couple of weeks because that's the track I'm going back on as soon as we clear this month.
But I have one more thing to offer for Money Funnel 2.0.  It's the video modules for the mentorship group that will officially end on Halloween.  (This means that for those of you who get the Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Modules, they will NOT be shipped out until Wednesday, November 1st.  Okay?)
So, what are the Modules?  CLICK HERE for a brief audio seminar explaining what these are and you can decide if it's something you want to get for an Aggressive Income Business.
After all, this WILL be the last time I'll be doing training on Money Funnel 2.0 stuff because of how intense the trainings are and how time-consuming preparation is for these events and mentorship groups.  So, this is it.  And this is the last opportunity for those of you who really want a profitable home-based business that can make you $10,000 or more per month in your pocket (in profits).
Of course, this isn't for everything...just for those of you who want to get rid of your job or want to raise more money for Passive Income Real Estate Strategies so you can retire a lot quicker.
CLICK HERE for the details about these modules.
In the meantime, happy yard decorating...or candy buying...or whatever it is that you do around this time of year.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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