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Success For Life
Monday, July 18 2016

I have some of the most awesome and supportive students (even though I complain about the "bad apples" a lot).  When I sent out my last couple of emails, I got a lot of supportive emails from students telling me that they love my teaching style, that they've been implementing the things I've been teaching, and sharing some of their rather mind-blowing success stories with me.  These are the emails I live for.  These are the ones that keep me going.

Many of you know that I'm doing a very rare one-time 4-week mentorship group on my Success Breakthrough & Transformation Strategies.  This is specifically designed for those who are struggling and banging their heads up against the wall because they claim (or maybe they really are) trying everything in their immediate power to become successful in business or investing (or both) but it's just not working no matter what they do.

So, what I wanted to do here is share some of my secrets on how success works and why it seemingly eludes you.


Success Secret #1:  Stop Chasing and Start Attracting

Success and wealth absolutely HATE desperation.  Just like you would hate talking to or having to do with anyone who is desperately hanging onto you at, say, a cocktail party.  Wealth and success are both the same way.  The more you try chasing it down, the more it escapes you.  It's like running after a chicken at full speed in a backyard the size of an acre.  Catching that little sucker probably won't happen. And if it does, it was at the great expense of wasting a lot of time while tiring your ass completely out in the process, making you think out loud, "Was this really worth the effort?"

Desperation reminds me of an oil drop in a cup of water.  You'll notice that the drop repels the water around it, pushing it away.  Yes, they "sort of" co-exist in the cup but not really.  The water is under the oil, wishing it wasn't there since the oil itself is a burden upon it.  You can't be that burden to success.  You can't try fitting in somewhere that you don't belong.  You have to BECOME wealth and success in order for it to want to infiltrate your life with its gifts.

So...what do you do?  How do you stop chasing?  I think the answer is within the question.  STOP CHASING.  It's that simple.  Sit down, take a breather, re-evaluate your life and what's important, and create a money-making strategy that you're passionate about where the strong desire overcomes the desperation for the money.  You then focus on the passion, the project, and the business.  The money will come because you've stopped chasing it.  It's that simple. Remember, you can't do things just for the money because that's chasing it down.  Chasing equals success eventually coming to you because you've stopped chasing and started focusing on the passion of the project.  See how that works?

The basis of this is letting go.  When I start getting stressed out about my businesses or something I really can't control, the secret is saying, "F*** it!" and just letting it go.  When you've done all you can do, sometimes you have to let those invisible hands help you with things you can't do on your own.


Success Secret #2:  Being Grateful for What You Have Now...AND a New "Twist" to Gratitude

I'm always sitting on the fence when it comes to trying to decide whether I want to write a metaphysical book...or not.  One moment I think it would be unique because it'll talk a lot about my experiences with Heaven and how things are over there (or rather here but most people don't see through that thin veil)...or if I should just keep those experiences to myself.  One moment I think it would help people but on the other hand, we're such a screwed up world that I think most people are beyond help.  Then I internalize and keep everything to myself.  I'm not sure if that's beneficial or not but for now it works for me.  As messed up and violent our world has become, sometimes internalizing is the best thing to regroup.

One of the bases of success is being grateful for what you have now.  I really am grateful...for absolutely everything.  I'm grateful for my beautiful daughter and every moment I get to spend with her.  I'm grateful for my dog (Sally) and my 3 cats:  Pineapple, Scooby and Bobo.  I'm grateful for my business, my students, my Rose, everything.

But it's not good enough to throw around the phrase "I'm grateful..." then adding a bunch of things to the end as if you're reciting what you're going to say at the Thanksgiving table this upcoming November.  You have to believe it, know it, and feel that sense of gratitude in the pit of your stomach for it to count.  When you're grateful for what you have, even if it's only a little, the universe wants to give you more or give you ideas (those "Eureka!" moments) on how to get more.  You have to respect God and the universe for what's been provided to you already (even if it's not that much) and you have to PROVE that you have that respect otherwise nothing more will be provided to you.

It floors me at how many students I communicate with who complain endlessly in an email to me.  Never once do they give kudos to what they have or how they got it nor do they give thanks for the things that will be provided to them in the weeks, months, and years to come.  Yes, that's right.  There's a TWIST to this.  You can (and should) be grateful for what you have now and the experiences you've had that has benefited you to this point.  You can (and should) also express gratitude for what the universe is about to provide to you from resources to ideas to money to...all of it!  Then that throws the expectation ball into the universe's court and it works every time in attracting what you've been grateful for if you do it from a state of conviction, honesty, and integrity.  So, do it.  Each night come up with 5 things that happened that you were grateful for that day.  The next day, list 5 things that you're expecting will happen to/for you that you're already grateful for.  Do this for a solid 7 days and see how magically your life changes.


Success Secret #3:  Freaking Go for It Already!

Tire kickers are at the very bottom of my list of people I'd have a conversation with, usually involuntarily at that.  Lazy people suck and I have no patience or use for people like this.  I can't make someone be motivated.  I can't teach someone common sense or how to be smart.  There are a lot of limitations I have as a teacher and trainer without a working magic wand.  But the basis of all success comes down to one single thing:  ACTION.  And you can't take action without deciding to go for it and just f****** do it already!

I love the notion of deciding on something.  To me, it's quite possibly the single-most powerful action you can take without actually lifting a finger.  And it's the prelude to where the magic happens.  But to decide without doing, that's certain death right there.  You can't say you're going to do something then waffle away into flakey-dom while binge-watching the latest season of The Game of Thrones while taking no action for your new idea.  That is disrespectful to yourself and it's certainly disrespectful to the universe who, presumably gave you the idea to move forward with whatever it is you decided on to begin with.  And when the universe passes out ideas that you get all psyched up about then end up doing nothing with, the ideas stop coming to you and are given to the DOERS in the world who will take action.

Fear is the biggest motivator for people to buy things.  It's also the biggest action inhibitor ever known to man.  Fear can physically paralyze someone into a complete stone-like state.  This is why they call it being a deer in the headlights.  Standing still will get you nowhere.

Let me share a little tiny secret to the universe that can make you all the difference in your life right now.  The universe LOVES movement, even if you start on a path that turns out to be the wrong one, it'll quickly put you on the right path by throwing out new ideas, having different people come along with new resources, or whatever is needed to put you in the right direction.  Here's what the universe hates: non-movement, stagnation.  If you're going to stand still, the universe will help someone else who is in motion and in need of the assistance.  It'll come back to you when you get off your ass and start moving in a specific direction.

This is why I don't worry about making mistakes.  If I'm not sure of the direction I want to take but I have an "inkling" of what I want to do, I start the movement and then I'm further guided into what I really should be doing.  It happens every time.  You just have to TRUST the process and KNOW that this universal system will work for you...because it works every time.

If you want to go through the next 30 days with me, starting on Thursday (yes, this coming Thursday), where we will change your mind-set completely, re-wire your brain for success and wealth attraction, AND we'll create a fool-proof blueprint plan for you to follow to set up and become massively successful with a business that is directly in alignment with your passions then you cannot miss this one-time rare and never-before-done 4 week online mentorship group for Success Breakthrough & Transformation.  CLICK HERE or go to now to register while you still can.  This is a rare group.  It starts on Thursday but I'm only taking enrollees until Wednesday afternoon or until all the slots are filled up.  I highly recommend this group.  You never have to leave home and you'll be given all of the tools you need to completely revamp and drastically alter your life in 30 days.  Guaranteed!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 15 2016
Something Really Strange Happened to Me!
You're not going to believe this.  Hell, I hardly believe it myself after going over it in my mind 1,000 times.  This will FLOOR you in the power of those "things" that are between what we see everyday as "reality" and that world that we can tap into that's sort of "magical" in quality that defies all logic and science.
It happened on the Fourth of July, to be exact.  But let me rewind a little bit more.  The week before, I had finally had it with where my admin office for Global Success was located.  It was an office building that seemed to be breaking apart by the day.  We had constant phone problems.  (Two of our phone lines stopped working altogether rather mysteriously with no explanation.)  Our Internet service worked about 70% of the time.  When it did work, it was slower than AOL dial-up service back in the 1990s.  I would have to upload any audio or video file using my service at home otherwise the system at the office would completely crash every single time.  AT&T couldn't fix it and it just got worse and worst as time went on.
There were a variety of other issues with the building that I won't bore you to death about but I'll tell you this:  If you were paying attention at all to what I've been saying over the past couple of months about letting go of the things that are draining you dry (whether it be mentally, emotionally, financially...or whatever), you need to get rid of it.  And fast.  BEFORE it completely sinks you.
I had also been telling you about a long list of people, things, and situations I've been ridding myself of for the past several months from business activities to family and friends right down to my conniving hairdresser.  Little did I know that there was more work to do.  I had to get rid of an office space that seemed to be draining my energy.
Now this is the part where it kind of gets weird and strange so bear with me here.  I have this "gift" (more like a curse, as far as I can tell) where restless spirits will "notice" that I notice them and they try to connect with me.  Being a ghost probably sucks in its own right because they're there, floating around in this lost stage of purgatory almost, and nobody knows there there.  It's like being a human being walking around and nobody can see or hear you.  As you can imagine, you'd get frustrated pretty damn quick.  And that's what I believe it's like for a ghost or trapped spirit.
So, this spirit...I kind of noticed right after I moved in but I felt him mostly upstairs (where my office wasn't located).  When I noticed him, he wanted me to notice more of his activities.  I didn't really care.  As long as he stayed out of MY office, I was fine with the dude being there.  But then he decided to start frequenting my office at night.  He'd close my office door while I was gone.  He'd throw stuff on the floor.  He'd misplace things on my desk.  He'd freak out my fish, killing 2 of them within 2 weeks.  (This is the point where I had to draw the line.)
I started telling him that I was unhappy with his presence and that he needed to go.  That pretty much did nothing.  So, I finally told him that if it didn't stop, I was going to move my office altogether.  (Not really because of him but because of all the other MANY issues with the building but...he probably already knew all that.  He's a ghost, after all.  He heard my many conversations with staff about my issues with the building for months and months.)
Believe it or not, he started being "good" for a little while with the threat of my moving.  But I pissed him off fierce when I brought in a pile of boxes and started packing.  This was when I moved PART of my office out into an office/warehouse space around the corner since I needed the extra space. Since he thought I was moving everything out, he started getting overbearing with his presence.
I thought it was just me but the entire office building was getting "heavy" for me in a very depressed way.  I felt sad going into the building each day. Weird people and employees started coming into my life.  A long-time employee of mine decided to quit suddenly.  (Maybe she was part of my people purging track but I didn't realize it at the time).  Rose told me that she would start feeling so depressed sitting at her desk that many days she just wanted to sit there and cry.  (I thought it was just me until she told me that.)
While I was out of the country last month, I made the executive decision to pack up all the stuff and to move the office when I got back.  I had made all the arrangements and let Rose (my only employee left after all of this) know that we would be moving the following week when I returned.  She was surprised but relieved, I'm sure.
As a birthday gift, Ron gave me this spray called "Spray the Shit Out" or something to that effect.  It was from a New Age bookstore in Michigan and was equivalent to liquid sage and some other stuff for getting rid of bad energies, I guess.  My daughter got a hold of it and couldn't stop spraying it (typical for many kids with the opportunity to spray something).  She sprayed half the bottle in the office I was packing up to permanently leave.
After we moved everything out, I couldn't help to notice that the heavy energy was gone.  Hmmmm...this was odd.  I had moved my entire office and the energy (ghost, spirit, or whatever it was) had left too?  The place had a great energy when I was gone.  It was light and bright and inviting.  (If it had stayed that way, I wouldn't have moved in the first place!)
I had this dreaded fleeting thought.  He had attached himself to me and followed me out of the office.  (Later I'd realize that I was correct in this theory.)
Fast forward to the Fourth of July again.  I was playing music on my rock speakers outside when suddenly I noticed that the same song started playing over and over again.  I had the speakers hooked up to my iPad in my room upstairs so I went up to see what was going on.  When I went into the closed room (keeping the pets out of my bedroom), this 15 lb. vase had "fallen" on the iPad and a pile of books and papers were all over the floor (with the iPad and other items).  There's no way that this vase could have just "fallen over," unless we had a major earthquake (which didn't happen).  This is when I realized where the spirit had landed.  He was in my bedroom.
Moments later, my daughter was complaining that she had misplaced a bottle of fluid to keep her newly pierced ears clean.  She had looked everywhere.  It was gone.  I was on my laptop on my bed.  I told her that I had to shut off the rock speakers and that I would help her find the solution.  I got up off the bed, shut the rock speakers off, and the moment I got back inside the solution with a cleansing pad was sitting neatly in the very spot my ass was sitting when I was on my laptop.  It just had appeared there from nowhere.
I refuse to put up with this type of activity so I busted out my driest sage stick and got to work smudging my entire house, verbally expressing that no negative energies or spirits were welcome in my house and they had to leave. Pronto!
The exact second I finished my sage work and noticed that my cat Pineapple was attacking something on the floor.  I looked and here's the huge ass larger-than-life -- check out the picture I uploaded here!  It was the size of the largest butterfly you could ever imagine but bigger.  It's a scary ass moth/bug thing and I've never seen anything like it before!
My step-son wanted to kill it.  I told him no.  Because I had a very strong feeling that the spirit WAS the moth.  (I told you that this would get weird.)  I told him to get it out of my house and he did with an oversized cup that I gave him.
It's been said that spirits can become moths.  These things also mean death. Whichever way you look at it, don't you think it's weird that it showed up right when I was done saging a spirit out?  I really doubt it's a coincidence.  I don't believe in that sort of thing anyway.  But this sort of thing with a spirit turning into a moth has never happened to me before.
Long story short (too late for that), I haven't felt the spirit in my house nor has anything happened since the moth was carried out of my house and into the darkness only moments before the fireworks display started right down the street from my house.
To me, this is just a reminder that there is a really fine line between what we perceive as "reality" and the magic that lies beneath, in between, and above us at all moments of our lives.
You can tap into that magic...or you can keep buying into the reality that you've created for yourself.  You can start creating a dream-like life...or you can settle for the misery that you've sold yourself on for the past several decades.
Reality is...if you don't decide to use the magic by understanding HOW it works, you'll never have what you dreamed for yourself.  But you can learn the magic and discover how it can change everything for only 30 days.
CLICK HERE and you'll be blown away at how your entire life is about to change!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 14 2016

I'm not sure if you noticed yet or not but I've been taking a bit of a breather these days.  I've kind of hung back in the wings while just observing and planning my next move after doing my last seminar event in Las Vegas this past May.

So...what am I observing?  What am I contemplating at this moment in my life?

I'm trying to decide if it's worthwhile for me to continue teaching people...or not.  It seems that very few listen to me.  Many attend my events, workshops and mentorship groups but few follow through.  Yes, those who follow through become massively successful because what I teach is real, relatively easy to understand and implement, and is life-changing for those who let it.  Some of my students are making millions a year now.  But what bothers me are those who are still sitting on their asses doing nothing.  Why is that?  Why are they sitting there...doing nothing??  I don't get it and I've started to take some of this personally.  Actually, I'm now taking it as a direct personal insult, truth be told.


Did you hear that?  That's the part where I dropped the microphone at the end of my Vegas Event.  (I actually didn't drop the mic.  That's a metaphor for...I'm done.  But you get the point.)

And the reason, again, is that I need to work more directly with Wealth Warriors and less with the tire-kicker dopes out there whose entire long-term financial plan revolves around winning money off a scratch-off lottery ticket. The good news, however, is that I've done a pretty good job getting rid of most of these slackers. They've since jumped on the latest shiny penny that's come along. But I still have some more work to do if I am to stick around and service those who truly are serious in doing extremely well in business and investing.

But I only know of a small handful of students who are this serious.  The rest are either hiding in the trenches or are non-existent altogether.  I'm still trying to decide if it's worth my time to vet out these Wealth Warriors for a Last Main Stand series of Wealth Warrior trainings for both business and investing...or not.  I'll let you know when I make that final decision.

I've had a couple of ridiculous altercations with some students of mine recently which doesn't make me want to stick around and keep teaching people my success and wealth-building strategies.  One of such altercations was with a lazy bitter woman who started off with my corporate credit building course and didn't understand why I strongly suggest that she get her personal FICO above that 720 mark.  "It's hard to improve my credit, I've tried."  Really? Because I underwent a bankruptcy that knocked the wind out of my credit score for many years and when I finally unlocked the secrets of pulling up my credit score, I was able to increase my FICO by hundreds -- yes, you read that correctly -- HUNDREDS of points in just over a year.  Within a year after that, I had just over $260,000 in unsecured business credit to my name.

But that's the difference between me and a loser tire-kicker.  I get off my ass and work the steps.  I do the work.  I do the stuff.  I take action.  I get it done.  I make it happen.

Most will just sit there and cry, complain and make every excuse in the book as to why something can't work before they even try any REAL workable techniques to do something.  Excuse-makers are useless to me.  Those are the people I've been campaigning to get to drop from my email list.  (If you're one of them, please get off my email list right now.  The link is at the bottom of this email.  I refuse to work with people who won't take action to make changes in their lives.)

But this doesn't include ALL of you.  I realize this.  I know this in my heart.  I get your emails.  I talk to you on the phone.  I know some of you are still out there, working to make your business take off day in and day out.  For you, I'm still here.  For everyone else, forget I exist.

However, here's the key to all of this -- and perhaps this is something you've been waiting for for some time now -- and that is this...CLICK HERE and I'll tell you all about it.  This is something that could change it all for you...and in only 30 days starting next week.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 06 2016

I don't know about you but this entire year has been chalked off as a total waste of time so far.  I feel like I've been walking in mud, not accomplishing a lot and everything taking 100x more the effort than usual to complete...and this is on days where I actually have clarity and focus (which is far and few between these days).

Have you been feeling the same way?

Chances are that you have been feeling this way and you don't know why.

Now humor me for a minute if you don't believe in this stuff.  And if you do, this will make some sense as to why this year (so far) hasn't been working out at all for most of us.

If you study the earliest societies, you'll notice that many of them believed in what the stars and planets could tell them when it came to predicting the future.  Most civilizations who built pyramids had done so in alignment of certain important celestial bodies.  They did this for a reason.  They believed that these bodies could help tell them about the present and the future of what's to come.  And many knew, unfortunately, exactly when their demise would transpire because of this.  I'm not sure what's worse.  Knowing the future...or not.  Especially if you're "told" that the end is near.  Then what do you do?

My mom was an amateur astrologer, although she did get pretty good at it by her life's end.  She knew secrets about the planets and how it would affect people when they did (or didn't) do certain things.  I took much of what she said with a grain of salt.  As a kid, well...who freaking cares about the planets and which houses they are in your life, right?

But as I got older, like many of us, I wanted to know what I could control and figure out to better enhance my life experience here.  I think all of us (who have any brain to speak of, that is) would take advantage of ANY tool that could give us an upper hand in helping us along in the positive in life.  Only a fool would take the philosophy of "taking it as it comes without warning" if there are tools in place to help circumvent some of these problems and issues.

However, what I've learned in astrology so far is that there really isn't much you can do.  Issues and problems will come when they're supposed to.  Life changes will happen when they're meant to happen.  And when the freight train comes barreling through with no brakes, much of the time there's really nothing you can do about it except cope and deal. magical solution here.  Not with astrology anyway.  It just makes us understand the "whys" behind how we're feeling and what is transpiring on a national and global level sometimes.

But back to you and me, because that's all that's important for this short moment here.

Last year (in the last weekend of September) I mentioned something about the second of three very powerful eclipses that took place in a rare trio-eclipse happening that takes place once in a long while.  Lunar eclipses are good for "cleaning out the house" or getting rid of things that no longer service you in your life anymore.  It could be that sucky job or lover or something else that's just getting in the way of you being the best you can be.  On top of that, it was a blood mood.  I was boarding a flight at JFK in New York and I saw the blood moon eclipsing.  It was at 50% right before I took off.  Between that and being with the Pope in New York City that weekend, I felt...different.  I can't explain it.  But I felt like some major (good) changes were about to sweep through my life.

Back up to a month prior when the first of this trio of eclipses hit.  Lea, my long-time right-hand gal, suddenly left my employ to take a much better position elsewhere.  While I was overjoyed that she found a position that was much better for her (in commercial banking) that gave her all of the benefits she's wanted, I felt a little "lost" for awhile.  Days later I got a killer kick-ass business idea that I began to implement in the first days of September.

During this time in my life, I made this rather sudden decision to close down a multi-million-dollar business because I didn't believe in it.  In fact, right after I got back from New York, I started closing it all down.  But to end a business of that size doesn't happen overnight.  In fact, I just sewed up some loose ends of it just this past week and there's one thing left I have to do: close the merchant and bank accounts.  And that's pretty much it.

Eclipses will remove what's not working while giving you something new to work with.  At least that's the theory.

But let's get to the part as to why we've been feeling like we're in a cloud, walking through mud, and feeling a little disconnected for this entire year so far...

We've had a very unusual mix of once-in-a-lifetime planetary mix that has been a big part in feeling the way we have.  But forget about the specifics since I'm pretty sure you don't care.  The big one for me was when a little planet called Mars went retrograde and this is the planet I rely heavily on for my energy, aggression, passion, and enthusiasm.  So, essentially, all of that was gone...until Mars just "woke up" on June 29th and is now getting back on track (rather quickly, I might add) in giving me back all of those things that I need to!

What's the point in all of this?

From now through the rest of this year, all of our projects will work out well as long as they are in alignment with what we're supposed to be doing.  (And for those of you who have been starting new businesses and enterprises but haven't made much progress, you'll either see the progress OR you'll realize that you'll have to shift to another type of business/project that's more in alignment with what you're supposed to be doing.)

Here's the key though:  you can't sit on your ass and expect checks to come floating down from the clouds and into your mailbox.  You have to start something and work on it.  And this "thing" that you start, it MUST be something you REALLY want to do.  It can't be something just for the money otherwise you'll find yourself banging your head up against the wall because it's not working.  Or, as in my case, taking 9 months to close down a million-dollar-annual enterprise because the thought of continuing makes you want to barf on yourself.  As it did with me.

Now here's the tricky part:  TRUST.  To let go of what's not working means that you have to trust that something new and awesome and profitable is right around the corner.  You just have to trust that it'll show up.  And it'll be there.

Here's what I have to offer to you:  a means of finding that profitable enterprise that will change everything that your life is now and turn it into a dream in the years to come.  But that's only if you do the work.  I'll show you HOW to do it.  But YOU have to actually DO it.  And no, it's not hard.  Especially if you're working with a product that you really love.  It's not work at all.  In fact, you won't work another day in your life!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 04 2016
Happy 4th!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 16 2016

Last month my one-time-only Money Funnel Mentorship Group ended and I got an email yesterday from one of my students in the group who has just cleared $7,000 in the past 2 weeks, putting him on track to make $14,000 for his first month with his newly completed money funnel business.  So when I say this stuff works...and fast, I'm not kidding!!

But...sadly, I decided that I will ONLY be doing ONE of these Money Funnel Mentorship Groups.  And it ended last month.  They're too intensive and time-consuming for me so if you missed my only group, I'm sorry.  But...

There is good news, however, and that is: I have the "modules" of the group ready to go for you.  This means that I have all 8 training videos with all 8 PowerPoint presentations (in PDF format) and all 8 Action Sheets with ALL of the needed materials for the group.  And this also means that you don't have to wait an entire 8 weeks to go through the group with everyone else.  You can now take these modules and go through all of them in half the time...or less, launching your successful money funnel business in record time! (Now THAT is a good use of a summer vacation.  Instead of lounging around all day, why not build a multi-million-dollar business instead?)

I've had so many emails and phone calls from students over the past few weeks asking about these Money Funnel Modules and when they're going to be released/ready.  They're actually a week overdue.  They were supposed to be ready last week but I feel like I got hit with a bus with this flu that seemingly will never go away so...that threw a week delay in things.  So, the Money Funnel Modules are being released today and I'm offering a killer kick-ass deal on them for Father's Day.

Here's what you'll get:


  • 8 Weeks of Webinar Training Videos (Each 60 to 90 Minutes Long...a Couple are EVEN LONGER Than That) Giving You the MOST THOROUGH Training You'll EVER Get in Building a Successful Money Funnel!
  • 8 Weeks of the Webinar PowerPoints in PDF Files So That You Can Go Through Them, Make Notes, and Follow Along
  • 8 Weeks of Action Sheets Which You MUST COMPLETE After Each Video to Ensure That You Build Your Business IN ORDER Using the Precise Blueprint Steps Provided
  • Sales Letter Headline Templates and Affiliate Secrets Revealed Presentations...Both Bonuses Are Worth MORE Than Gold So...Don't Miss THIS BONUS (Included)
  • BONUS FOR FATHERS:  You'll Get EXTRA Money Funnel Clones INCLUDING My Affiliate Clone. This is a $497 Bonus Alone!!

I'm offering ALL of this at a kick-ass price.  CLICK HERE for more details.  

One more thing:  Viper Wealth Members, you get an even BETTER pricing deal on this offer.

CLICK HERE to get your Money Funnel Modules NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,


Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 14 2016
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeee!

Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, June 13 2016

I thought about it over the last couple of days and realized that there are really only 3 ways to get money for real estate deals, especially when you're first starting out as a real estate investor.

Here they are:

1)  Find an investor-partner who can fund your deal including the down payment as well as any rehab (if necessary or required).

2)  Flip property for cash using "wet funds" to get the 100% cash needed to initially pay for (before reselling) the property.

3)  Being a highly-paid bird-dog to earn a "referral fee" between 1% and 5% of the final purchase price of the deal after closing.

What's really awesome is that in my latest Bird-Dog Bonanza System for 2016, I cover ALL 3 of these methods in getting money which you can use as income or use to fund your own passive income real estate deals.

For those of you who started with my bird-dog teachings years ago, I can tell you that A LOT has changed in recent years.  Since inventory is hard to find and you have to scour a little deeper to find deals, you have to understand what has changed and how to make a fortune in TODAY'S day and age with bird-dogging, otherwise you won't make a dime.

I have some students who are super successful bird dogs.  In fact, they wouldn't do anything else including investing in real estate themselves (which is a mistake).  Instead they just profit from deal after deal and have a solid income ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 and sometimes more per year in pure profits.  (One of my students made roughly $800,000 in 2015 as a bird-dog! That's more than what many of my students are making as passive income real estate investors!!

Yes, if you want to enter the world of real estate investing but you need to start slow, you need to gain access to the funds for your own deals, you want the experience and confidence of investor without being one yet, and you want to learn the ropes of the business without any risk then bird-dogging is where you need to start.

CLICK HERE to get started with this RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, June 12 2016

My most recent deal was one that was sent over to my investor partners that just closed escrow late last month.  It was for an apartment building in Texas with a final purchase price of $4,300,000.  My student who was bird-dogging the deal got a 2.5% bird-dogging fee for it.  And he told me later that it took him less than 5 days to put the entire deal together.  Total payout for this student was $107,500 for his bird-dog referral fee.

I have so many students asking me where to get started in business, especially with investing.  Yes, it's getting tough to compete in our current real estate market.  Inventory is tight.  You're competing with the biggest and most financially secure investors who can plop down 25% cash (or more) on a deal to make sure they get it.  They can pay top dollar.  They can over-bid.  These are all things you can't (and shouldn't) do as a new investor.

But there is an opportunity that you should be aware of.  It's called being a bird-dog or a property scout.  And there are a couple of ways that this works that can give you huge profits in the process:

Option #1:  Getting a "referral fee" between 1% and 5% for finding a deal that they wouldn't have otherwise found on their own.  To legally do this without a brokerage license (which you don't need) is that you are given a 1099 having provided a "consultant service" to your investor for finding this property deal.  Yes, this is 100% legal.  And yes, this is done ALL THE TIME!

Option #2:  Flipping the property to an investor after purchasing it with "wet" funds.  You can get money for a deal.  Yes, 100% cash.  And you don't need good (or any) credit and you don't need any money to use what we call "wet funding" in this business. These funds are for flipping. But this type of deal is done differently.  You preliminary "sell" the deal to an investor first before buying the property.  You'll buy the property for a price and flip it to your investor for a higher dollar amount in what we call an A-to-B-to-C deal.

And then there's MY favorite option in all of this: finding investors to fund MY deals that I want to either flip or buy and hold (for up to 5 years). I love finding new investors to want to do deals with me.  This gives me the option of getting a much higher percentage of a flip or buy-and-hold deal (as low as 25% and as high as 75%).

I've just released my 2016 version of the Bird-Dog Bonanza System that outlines all of the massive changes that have occurred with bird-dogging.  You'll discover how to do all 3 things listed above in today's real estate market and beyond!

What I love about recommending bird-dogging for new students is that it allows you to get involved in real estate investing without the risk, without cash, and without credit.  It allows you to get your "feet wet" in the business of real estate without actually investing.  And it allows you to learn the ropes of the business by giving you confidence so that when it's time to do your own profitable real estate deals, not only will you have the money to do these deals but you'll also have the know-how and confidence.

For those of you who have been on the fence about real estate investing and have been wanting to get involved but didn't feel that you were "adequate" enough to enter into this business, you can enter in as a bird-dog and make a huge amount of money doing this!

CLICK HERE to get this brand new 2016 Bird-Dog Bonanza System right now!  Get it while you can since we're only taking so many new bird dogs.

Oh, and one more thing.  You can choose between finding your own investors (which is very easy to do and is clearly outlined in the course materials) OR use our investors to bird dog deals to.  It's your choice.  This way you don't have to worry about finding investors because we already have the investors!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:18 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 09 2016

Finding good help these days is becoming the impossible Holy Grail feat.

Not but 30 minutes ago I fired someone for -- get this level of stupidity -- for filing for Unemployment Benefits WHILE she was working here.  Yes, you read that correctly.  She filed for unemployment with EDD after she got the job here, trying to double-dip the system or something.

Of course, she didn't know that all employers are INSTANTLY NOTIFIED of such filings since, after all, it has to come out of my banked unemployment funds that I've paid into over the years.  So, as soon as I received the notice, I couldn't believe the freaking audacity of this bitch to do something so brazen.  And yes, it does fall into the category of embezzlement.  She's taking a paycheck from me and, at the same time, taking an unemployment paycheck that ultimately comes from me as well is considered THEFT as far as I'm concerned.

As many associates of mine have asked over the years..."Where do you find these people?"  

My short answer:  Who the f*** knows?!

So, long story short, she's gone now.  This is when I realized something quite interesting that you MUST take note of if you're going to be successful doing anything in life: one small shift in energy, even that of another person entering your life, will start to screw up everything for you. Yes, that's right.  Other people who don't contribute positively to your vision while dragging others in your posse down do to their negative attitudes will start to sink your entire ship.  And it happens pretty fast too.  You have to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to these types of energy, time and money vampires in your life otherwise, before you know it, you wake up and you find yourself in bankruptcy court.

Of course, it didn't get to that point with me because I saw what I was happening and quickly nipped the problem in the bud.  But this is why fairly successful people quickly find themselves in an off-balance situation or circumstances.  We call this a "reversal of fortune" for some.  A "bad apple" comes along -- whether it's in their personal or business life -- and, like an aggressive cancer, destroys all the good around it.

Here's my advice:  DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!

Now, here's the hard part, folks.  The hard part sometimes is identifying this destructive individual.  Sometimes you just don't know who it is or how it's creating this havoc in your life on other levels.  The other difficult part is sometimes you have to let go of someone who seemingly is "stuck" as a permanent part of your life.  Now, if it's family, you can always distance yourself from the cancer.  Same with everyone else.  However, the difficulty comes in when you feel like you need these people (or they need you...or both) and how to untie yourself from them.  That's the ridiculously hard part to conquer.

Let me give you some examples of people I've had to disconnect from because they were throwing the balance of my personal and business life:

1)  My dad:  Every single time I've let him into my company as an employee, he's taken full advantage and began embezzling from me.  With that side, his energy levels are so "needy" that he also starts to affect the overall business with his negative belief systems.  So, each time when letting him go, I was able to "lighten" the energy and all business procedures and profits would resume back to normal, almost instantly.

2)  My brother:  Need I say more?  He's a walking disaster and I'm really glad there's a lot of physical space between us.  The good news is that he's actually realizing that he's been a deadbeat this whole time and he finally got a job.  This would be the first job for... who the hell knows how long it's been?!  It's just say that it's been longer than a decade since I last remember him working somewhere.  He starts this new job on Monday.  (I'm proud of him.  This is where HIS energy will start to change and his life will only get better from here on out.)

3)  My (former) step-son:  This 20-year-old kid moved in with me last December.  Come to think of it, within days of his arrival, everything started going to hell in a hand-basket.   is yet another dependent man (who keeps calling himself a "man" but isn't yet) and part of my lesson in this is to stop being a doormat and to stop "raising" grown men.  His lesson will be that he'll have to learn how to survive as an adult because he's getting kicked out in August of this year.

4)  The college girl from earlier this year:  I had this college chick stay with me (from Michigan) for what was supposed to be 6 weeks.  Right when she moved in (on February 29th), she told me she changed the plans and was going to stay through the summer and into the fall.  For anyone who knows me, you DON'T change MY plans...EVER!!  So, we instantly got off on the wrong foot and I (patiently) waited for her to finish her "Semester in L.A." program (for her B.A. degree) then told her to pack her sh** and get the f*** out.  Her leaving alleviated a lot of the "downer" energy that seemed to swirl around her rather uniquely demonic and weirdo personality.  (She reminded me of a witch in disguise.)

5)  And a SLEW of people who got fired in the past 12 months:  Just like this last firing, there have been many others.  People sometimes show great charm while lying through their teeth about their job qualifications.  Then they turn into a completely different person the second they start.  I simply don't have the energy to deal with it anymore.

And I won't put up with it.

You shouldn't either.

Life is getting more and more challenging.  You don't need any single individual "rocking the boat" of your life.  They can do great damage and rather quickly if you don't throw them overboard as soon as you notice that they're not good for you and that they're causing stress/strain in your life.  Out they go.  Otherwise YOU will sink with the ship you you don't give them the boot.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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