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Success For Life
Saturday, July 04 2020

Have you ever ridden the Alice in Wonderland ride at Disneyland where at the very end they celebrate the "un-birthday"?  Do you remember?

Of course not. 

That would have been back in the know, when Disneyland was still open seemingly 100 years ago and when our world was still normal.  (If you missed that ride well...too bad, I guess.  Who knows when Disneyland will ever open again for you to see what I'm talking about.)

But, for some reason, the "un-birthday" of Alice and Wonderland reminded me of today.

Like many Americans (who are trying to be good and stay at home), I'm by myself in my house doing the whole "social distancing" bit and bored out of my gourd.  And while I usually don't do much for Independence Day anyway -- aside from a small BBQ with friends and watching the fireworks -- somehow this year really sucks without even those two meager little things I used to do.

You know...back in the day when our country was normal?!

So, even though today is supposed to be America's birthday, it will forever go down in my memory as America's "un-birthday."  We get to celebrate in our fantasies while being ostracized by mayors and governors for even thinking about going outside.

I was reading some article online when somebody said something about how this weekend we'd have to "choose between having a strawberry daiquiri today or having our kids go to school in the fall."  What?!  How does that make any sense?

I'm so sick of the fear-mongering, media manipulation, and bullsh** I see in the news, online, and everywhere else.  I can't figure out what got old fastest.  The fear.  Or Covid-19.  Probably the fear.  Definitely the fear.  As it's used for one thing only: mass population control.

Last weekend I went out of town.  Yes, [gasp] I went to LAX, and yes, [gasp] I flew in an airplane.  Never have I seen an airport or airplane more scrubbed down in my entire life.  Nor have I ever seen both so deserted.  In fact, there was nobody around at LAX, traditionally one of the busiest airports in the entire world.  Yet it had an eerie apocalyptic feel to it.  As we walked into the airport, I explained to my daughter (gesturing to the lack of people anywhere in sight), "This is what fear does to people."

So, we got through TSA in 3 minutes, boarded a sparkling clean plane with few people on it, and had an amazing short trip to...[gasp] Arizona, the Covid-19 hot spot of the country.

Why I was there, I can't tell you because it's Top Secret.  But, it's a trip I had to take and...[gasp] I'm still alive, Covid-19 free!!

In fact, I felt safer in the airport and on the plane than I do on any given day going to the grocery store...or, in today's case, dealing with the guy at my house right now putting in a new security system who was freaking sneezing all over the place without a mask on.  Yes, that's a true story.

What's my point in all this?

1)  The "new normal" sucks.  Happy un-birthday, America!
2)  Being fearful of every damn thing will disallow you to really live your life at ANY level.
3)  Big change is coming.  If you think turning the economy switch off and on and off again doesn't have short-term and long-term consequences, think again.  Big time pain is a-comin'.

What can you do to prepare?

Instead of squandering your summer in "watch-and-wait" mode, you need to begin to strategize on what to do next.

I have a couple of thoughts for you in a video I shot yesterday in my office.  CLICK HERE to check it out now.

Enjoy your daiquiri...or beer...or whatever.  Either school will happen...or not this fall.  And I doubt it'll have anything to do with you having a drink today.

Happy Un-Birthday!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Speaking of birthdays, have you joined my Birthday Club yet?  CLICK HERE if you haven't joined yet.


Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, June 15 2020

What a lot of people don't realize (because they are short-sighted employees) is that the economy is like an airliner jet that just lost its jet engines.

It's coasting...

And it's about to crash.

Think about it:  How long do you honestly think the US Government and each individual state will be able to shell out cash to people on unemployment?  Forever?  If you're thinking like that, think again!

The state and federal governments do not have cash to give you forever in the form of unemployment, stimulus checks or other funds.  In fact, you'll be lucky to still have money coming in by the end of the summer at this rate because the system that we have in place for all of these funds is not sustainable!

If you're one of these people -- coasting along on government funds -- the gravy train will crash!  I'm here to warn you of the reality of how things work in the real world of money and finance.

Even worse, that job that you had before has at least a 50/50 chance of not being there when it's time for you to go back to work.

You see, here's the part that most employees don't consider or think of: What businesses are going through.  Us business owners...we're not getting money from the government.  Most of us aren't getting PPP or economic injury loans.  Almost none of us are getting any stimulus money or financial aid from the government.

So...putting 2 and 2 together, Sherlock, how do you think most of us businesses will survive with no money and no aid?


You're 100% correct.  Most businesses will not survive this pandemic...or scam-demic.  Because most businesses are getting no financial support, loans, or stimulus!  That means, nada!  Nothing!

As the bearer of bad news, I'm here to tell you that the likelihood that your company will still be around or to be able to offer you the position you had is slim.  Yes, that's right.  It's slim.  (Sorry to be so negative!)

But the good news is this...

Right now you have a choice.  You can either live in La-La Land -- thinking your government aid will come in forever until you die -- or you can realize that we have something called the "real world" and do something about your future...before it's too late!

I have something pretty amazing for you...something I've never done before!

Here goes...

1)  I have the brand new 100K in 100 Days for 2020 in my warehouse.  

2)  I just got the brand spanking new 100K in 100 Days Workbook (that didn't exist before now) and it shows you how to set up a profitable online business step by step in a way I've never shown my students before including accompanying training videos.

3)  I'm also including a training on how my student -- Greg -- makes $90,000 per month online...without his own website!

All this is at my website that you can access by CLICKING HERE.

Now, you must get the upgrade on the order page to get all of the above.  Otherwise you'll just end up with the book without the workbook and other important training and accompanying materials.  So, be sure to upgrade to get all of it!

Listen, these are trying times.  Maybe now is the best time -- this summer, while things seem to be "okay" (before the sh** hits the fan) -- to start building that business you've been talking about for too many years.  So, when fall hits, you won't be someone without a pot to piss in because you'll already have started and began profiting from your highly profitable online business.

Then...if your boss does (by some miracle) ask you to come back to work, you can tell him to shove that job where the sun doesn't shine.

CLICK HERE NOW to get the package.  It's really cheap.  In fact, it's so'll wonder if I've completely lost my mind!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 27 2020

Have you ever thought to yourself:  what is the BEST way to get funding for a new start-up business or to get a down payment on a nice cash flowing real estate investment?

Did you ever think... "Hey, maybe I should go to a bank?"

If you've ever thought that, STOP thinking that right now.  Banks are NOT where you get money, quite contrary to popular belief.

Most successful business owners and real estate investors KNOW that banks and mainstream lenders is NOT where you get money for your deals. 

Especially now. 

Why especially now? 

Because in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, banks are now tightening up on lending because they're bracing themselves for a replay of 2008.  Now, I don't think it'll be as bad as 2008 but we're definitely going into a recession as we have yet ANOTHER sub-prime credit bubble burst coming our way.  (Yes, ANOTHER one, believe it or not.  You'd think we would have learned our lesson the first time but evidently we didn't.  Greed makes people forget a lot of things relatively quickly!  Ask any of the CEOs who walked away with millions while people lost their life savings back in 2008.  They'll say, "What happened in 2008?  I don't remember anything happening in 2008.  What did I miss?")

But not to worry.  I have a secret list of 6 Bonus Lenders that I want to send to you.

How do you get these lenders?

You MUST follow these instructions.

1)  CLICK HERE to get the Credit Secrets Revealed book now.

2)  Choose ONE upgrade after getting the book.  (It doesn't matter which one you choose so long as it's at least ONE upgrade after getting the book.)

3)  I'll ship you the package including your golden envelope which will have your 6 Bonus Lenders that can get you up to $100,000, even if you have shaky personal credit.


This deal ends at midnight tonight!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 13 2020

The biggest frustration I hear over and over again when it comes to starting a business or investing in real estate is this:

"I don't have MONEY to get started!"

Nowadays, a lot of people are struggling just to stay afloat...let alone taking advantage of starting a business or picking up some foreclosure properties for an investment.

But what if I told you that I SOLVED your problem for good?

That's right!  I did!!  (And you can thank me later by sending me a fruit basket or something.)

I have a brand new set of 5 unsecured cash resources who can get you $5,000 to $100,000 OVERNIGHT, even if you have shoddy credit.  And this money can be used for ANYTHING including a business start-up and investing in real estate (to use as your down payment).  Or for personal bills.

But here's the deal:  You have to get my new book Credit Secrets Revealed PLUS take any ONE upgrade to get my 5 brand new unsecured cash resources.  If you just get the book by itself, you won't qualify to get the resources.  You must upgrade your order to AT LEAST taking the $97 videos to get these brand new resources.

CLICK HERE to get it now!

Let 2020 -- despite the current economic problems we're having -- be the year where you finally STOP making those lame excuses...and start thriving!

After all, I'm taking away the LAST EXCUSE you can possibly have about getting started in something.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:33 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 11 2020

I'm a little irritated at this missed opportunity.

We're all sitting at home on "shelter-in-place" lock-down, helpless.  Some are wasting lots of hours playing video games and watching shows on TV.  Others are reading.  Some are taking daily walks with their dogs.

But the elephant in the room is this: there are a lot of people going broke while hopelessly sitting at home because their livelihood has completely evaporated into thin air.

I don't watch a lot of news because it depresses me.  But when I do, I see a huge missed opportunity.

You see, I would be hard-pressed to find one American sitting at home who isn't worried and/or depressed about what's going on.  Some of us are a little angry at this Coronavirus, especially since most of us know the orgin of this souped-up lab-created virus.  And we're not so happy with this country as a whole...are we?

And in case you don't follow who I'm talking's China. They're the ones who started all this crap.  And now we're left holding the bag on this.

This reminds me of the time when 9/11 happened.  President Bush decided to go after who he fingered as being responsible.  War broke out immediately.  And most red-blooded Americans didn't bat an eyelash because, eye for an eye, right?

Now, I'm not saying anything at all about dropping bombs or killing people.  No...

I'm talking about economic homicide.  Perhaps that's even worse than dropping bombs and killing people.  in fact, I know it's worse!

You see, President Trump could use these critical moments to funnel the anger of the American public into doing something that he promised back in 2016.

Bring manufacturing back to the USA.

Like NOW!

That's right!

Instead of manufacturing anything in China, we bring all manufacturing back here to the United States.

How would this be possible?

Because all the money the SBA is dumping into trying to keep businesses afloat, they can equally dump money into expanding current operations and infrastructures to bring manufacturing back to the USA.

Make cars?  Expand your operations to make all the parts too.  And get a tax break and additional grants from the US Government for doing so.

Make computers?  Expand your operations to make all the motherboards and everything else that goes into a computer,including accessories.  And get a tax break and additional grants from the US Government for doing so.

Make clothes?  Expand your operations to make the fabric and other components too.  And get a tax break and additional grants from the US Government for doing so.

This is not to say that we can't have start-ups take advantage of manufacturing but we must start with the companies that already do manufacturing to make this plan work quickly and effectively...and expand them out to manufacture more components immediately.  This will provide more jobs.  Instantly.

And more importantly, we'll block out the very people who are trying to destroy us:  China.  Why keep giving them money and supporting their economy while they have a dagger to our backs at the same time?  It makes absolutely no sense!  Time to take our country back.  Like yesterday!

So, instead of being in the rose garden talking about the Coronavirus...why not start talking about permanently blocking out those who are destroying us while bringing our country back to life??  By bringing jobs back?!  Manufacturing back?!  Opportunity back?!  This is his ONE OPPORTUNITY!  Is he going to take it??  I sure hope so.  Because this slim window of opportunity that he's already starting to close.

Imagine how strong he would be in November if he was able to rally the country together to say, "No, we're not going to take it anymore!  We're no longer going to reward our enemies with economic progress and through our American dollars while the American people struggle and starve...while they drum up viruses to kill us all in a lab somewhere as a kind of chemical or viral warfare...ON PURPOSE!  We can no longer reward them for this bad behavior.  Let's go back to the way things were.  We'll help fund the expansion of current manufacturing here in the United States and give tax breaks, grants, and low-interest loans to those who manufacture 100% of their goods here in the USA."

If he did that, and actually started bringing these jobs back right away, and he'd win in November.  In a landslide.  Hands down!

Unfortunately, he's letting this only opportunity slip through his fingertips.  So, what he's left with is the highest unemployment since the Great Depression in the 1930s and the lowest stock market in many years.  Not a great sales pitch to win a re-election.

But he could have had one.  He could have used this opportunity.  And he still can.  Let's just see if he gets sick of this whole situation yet...and what he does next.

We'll see.

In the meantime, let's focus on you.  And let's pretend that there isn't a single politician who has your best interests at heart (because you'd be hard-pressed to find one anyway these days).

What do YOU do for yourself and your family to survive this big economic tsunami that is about to completely devastate people in ways that we've never seen before?  What can you do to not only scrape by but to thrive and become wealthy?

There IS a way.  It's the way that the super-rich use.  It's through using OPM or Other People's Money.

Now is the time that you must PROTECT your credit rating no matter what you do.  And if you're already finding yourself slipping behind in car payments, bills, etc., time to get that sh** squared away before it's too late.

I have something for you.  It's my new Credit Secrets Revealed book.  Which you don't even have to pay for.  You just have to cover $9.97 in shipping/handling costs.  That's it.

And I want you to have it now!  Your financial future depends on it.

But, even better, if you upgrade your order in any way (particularly by getting the $97 video set or any of the other optional upgrades), I'll throw in 5 BRAND NEW unsecured cash resources that can get you a fast (like overnight) $5,000 to $35,000 (and one source can get you $100,000) even if you have bad credit.


The awesome thing about the 2020 Depression (vs. the Great Depression of the 1930s or the Great Recession of post-2008) is that banks are being FORCED to lend money to people via the US Government to AVOID us going into a major economic collapse.  So, unlike the last two devastating economic collapses, the banks are STILL LENDING MONEY.  You just have to know HOW to get the most money, WHO to get it from, and WHAT to use it for to actually start building wealth during these uncertain economic times.

CLICK HERE to get this book now.  Remember, when you upgrade your order for at least ONE upgrade option, you'll automatically get the 5 BRAND NEW unsecured money sources that you can use to get up to $100,000 in unsecured cash despite your credit rating.

This deal is LIMITED.  And so are the books I have on hand. 

CLICK HERE to get your copy now, before they're all gone!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main



Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, May 09 2020

First of all, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

And if you're not a mom, Happy Mother's Day anyway.  Happy Sunday.  Happy...Whatever You'd Like Day for you.

I know all of us are still sitting on pins and needles due to the shut down of our entire country.

I don't know about you but I'm 100% fed up with all this sitting-at-home crap.  

I live in LA county and we have the strictest Shelter-in-Place orders in the entire state of California.  But, I shouldn't complain.  Folks in New York definitely have it better than I do.

Even worse, they're saying that the stay-at-home orders aren't helping for diddly-squat.  There are even more infections...

...And deaths.

Oh, yes. The deaths.

Let's talk about that for a short second, shall we?

I personally know 5 people who have passed away in the past 2 months and only 1 of them actually had the Coronavirus.  The other 4 died of other things...yet they put a big fat check in the "Death by Covid-19" box upon their deaths.

I'm guessing this is happening all over the country.

Die of a car accident?  Nope.  We'll check the "Death by Covid-19" box.

Die of a heart attack?  Nope.  We'll check the "Death by Covid-19" box.

Die of old age?  Nope.  We'll just check that freaking "Death by Covid-19" box.

Because, after all, that's how these hospitals and health care providers get big fat checks from Uncle Sam.  By LYING about everybody dying of the Coronavirus.

Yep, I said it.  And yes, I think there's something stinky in Denmark here, folks.  Something very corrupt and sinister is taking place.

At YOUR expense.  Yes, you the Average American is going to get the short end of the stick, if you haven't already.

Time to AMPLIFY your artillery.

And I'm going to help you do that...before everything goes to hell in a hand-basket and before you're SOL without a pot to piss in.

So, for Mother's Day, I'm not just going to offer a deal to the mothers only (like I usually do).  No, this is SERIOUS and EVERYBODY must get this deal because this is Mission Critical in whether you SURVIVE in the months and years to come.

Because what's happening now will make the crash of 2008 look like a quick and easy dress rehearsal.

So, how do we stay afloat?  How do we survive?  How do we even THRIVE in the months and years to come by this big economic (and maliciously well-orchestrated) blow that is being dealt to us right now?


You understand how the RICH get you don't have to be sucked down with the poor (lower 85% "destitute class") as the global economic system sinks like the Titanic.

I'm doing something AMAZING.  Right now I'm offering my new book Credit Secrets Revealed for a very low cost...less than a couple of cups of coffee at Starbucks.


This is the IMPORTANT part.

If you upgrade your order in ANY way (getting the $97 videos or anything else other than just the book), I'll give you 5 BRAND NEW powerful money sources that can get you anywhere between $5,000 and $35,000 (and one source is upwards of $100,000) in UNSECURED CASH despite your current credit rating.

Credit is going to be KING as we enter into our next Great Depression.  You'll either get the cash and ideally use it to start building wealth for yourself or picking up foreclosures this fall for pennies on the dollar...or you'll end up getting sucked down with the sinking of the Titanic.  There is NO in between!

Now is the time to get your credit on track and to start tapping into these cash resources so you can take advantage of the abundance of opportunity that will be thrown your way...if you have the chutzpah to take advantage of foreclosures, failing businesses, and other opportunities while everybody else fearfully runs for the hills when they realize the sky is falling down. 

By the way, the richest men and women throughout history all have one thing in common: they made huge sums of money during the worst economic times.  This is because -- instead of hiding under a rock -- they decided to take the economic turbulence head on and took risks when everybody else was too afraid to move.  This could be your one shot.  Your one opportunity.  Why squander it because you don't have the credit or the money lined up?

Now is the time to line up that money...before the whole economy folds in.

CLICK HERE to get the book.  Remember, you MUST upgrade at least one time (for something) to get the additional BRAND NEW 5 unsecured cash resources that you can use to access $5,000 to $35,000 in cash (and up to $100,000 with one source) no matter what your credit looks like right now.

CLICK HERE NOW to get this offer ASAP!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 24 2020

Many of you know that I'm a feng shui believer.  And for those of you who have NO CLUE about feng shui, I'll give you the one-second explanation: it's an Asian technique to "refocus" energy in your house and work space to make significant changes in your life.

I know...sounds a little "hokey pokey."  At least that's what I thought before I became a huge believer by seeing the things feng shui have done for my life.

I've told the story in a couple of my seminar events in years past.  About 15 years ago I had a lawsuit that tore my entire personal and professional life apart...down to losing absolutely everything I had.

Me and my 2nd husband (at the time) ended up moving into a rental house that was (and still is) owned by his mother.  She allowed us to move in without paying her any rent until we got our sh** together.

While we were living in that house, I came across a book called Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter.

And it literally did change my life.

Now I'll admit.  All I focused on was my prosperity corner.  I didn't care about anything else at that time.  I followed the suggestions by first cleaning up the space.  That corner happened to be the master bedroom closet which was a disorganized disaster.  I thoroughly cleaned out and organized the space then added purple (construction paper) in that corner. (Purple is a very powerful prosperity color next to red and gold.)

I went to Michael's and bought a wooden treasure chest that I painted purple then glued a ton of jewels inside; the book suggests putting things in the prosperity corner that represent wealth and a treasure chest came to mind.  (I still have that same treasure chest in my prosperity corner as we speak.  It's now 18 years old...cute little thing.)

Next, I bought something called Abundance Oil by Young Living.  (Available at  I put this on a small Buddha that I put in my corner.

And that was it.

I didn't even put in a desk fountain (which I should have done to magnify the results much quicker) at this point.

During that time, my future was pretty bleak and hopeless.

Fast forward one year from that date...I had a successful multi-million-dollar company and was building a custom home with a pool from the ground up.

It happened so fast but yet "naturally gradual," if that makes sense.  It wasn't like I bought a lotto ticket and was an overnight millionaire but the opportunities came and came and came some more!  Before I knew it, I was back on top!

Now, here's what feng shui WON'T do for you.  It won't make the money for you.  It won't take any action for you.  But it WILL allow opportunities to come through.  It will give you ideas that you never had before.  It'll send magic your way.  It's up to you on how you follow through.  It's up to you to put some type of action plan into place because it'll do nothing for you if you won't unglue your ass from the couch.

So...a couple of weeks ago I was starting to feel stuck with a couple of career/business decisions.  Plus business seemed a little too slow for my liking.  So, I amped up my prosperity corners.

At the office, I have a fountain that runs 24/7 in my prosperity corner.  I put loads of the Abundance Oil in the fountain over the course of a couple days.

At home, I have my master bathroom in my prosperity corner (upstairs).  And this sucks. The worst thing you could ever have in your property corner is a toilet.  I don't exactly have a toilet but I have a bathtub.  When I moved into my house, I painted the tub plug red and I keep it plugged all the time when the tub is not in use.  This has helped keep the energy from being sucked down the tubes.  Literally.

But I have 2 sinks that are next to the tub and I keep those open.  This apparently was presenting a problem in my prosperity.  Not only was business slow but my expenses were increasing for some reason.

So...I bought these rocks.  That's right.  Medium-sized pebble rocks of 2 colors:  white/clear and purple.  I put these rocks in each sink, sitting on the stopper in each one. And I added a feng shui mirror to sit on the side of the bathtub to push the energy to the ceiling instead of letting it fall to the bottom of the tub.

That's all I did.

Within 2 weeks my business has quadrupled with NO additional effort on my part.

And yes, this happened while we're all at a complete standstill with this Coronavirus shut-down.

So, when I tell you this stuff means THIS STUFF WORKS even if it sounds "hokey pokey" or weird.

Trust me.  When I first started with this, I felt weird.  I felt stupid putting purple construction paper in my cleaned-out closet.  I felt lame painting a treasure chest purple and gluing jewels all over it.  But I gave it a chance.  And it worked.

I recommend that you at least put a small fountain in your prosperity corner in your home and in your office.  That corner is located to the far back left of where your front door is. So when standing at your front door, imagine where the far back left corner of your house is.  That's your prosperity corner.  And if you have 2 stories, you have 2 prosperity corners to contend with.

When I've recommended that students use this technique, they've been shocked at how magical that it works.

But there's another part to this.  You can't just sit on your ass and do nothing.  You have to implement some type of plan or strategy so that the magic can happen for you.

And I have something REALLY amazing for you.  CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:08 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 21 2020

I had a conversation last week with one of my students who is a nurse.  We were both talking about how flabberghasted we are over our entire world shutting down...for a flu.

Especially since she told me something that I kind of suspected all along.

She said, "Covid has been around for years."  She didn't say when she thought Covid came into the picture.  I should have asked.

Many medical professionals who have been around the block have said the same thing.  And it's what I've suspected all along.  Covid (Coronavirus) is nothing new.

Then I started thinking about it today.

I thought of a time back in June 2016 when I had gotten sicker than I had ever been in my entire life.

I was at the tail-end of my MFA program in Palm Springs.  It would be my last full semester before my "thesis" semester (in the fall) then onto graduation (in December).  Having been in the program long enough, I knew that Thursdays were "dark" so I could leave Palm Springs on Wednesday after my last workshop (ending at 4pm) and drive back to LA since my daughter had a play that I did NOT want to miss.  So, I went back home for her play knowing that I had to be back by 1:30pm on Friday for my next mandatory workshop.

So, the play was cute.  It was outside, hot as hell, and I had to stand the entire time...feeling like I was going to pass out at any given second.  I found myself leaning against the building to stabilize my body.  All of a sudden, I noticed this Asian guy getting really close to me.  And he came out of nowhere!  Please note that I was standing toward the back near the completely empty basketball courts so I had no idea where this dude manifested from.  There was no need for his sudden imposition of my personal space, as there was plenty of space behind and to the left of me.  But he was uncomfortably in my space bubble so...I turned around to mad dog him when -- I kid you not -- he sneezed ON my face.  Yes, sneezed right in my f****** face!

After more than a few curse words (yes, during the elementary school play, no less...thankfully the music was pretty loud and nobody heard), I stomped off to the otherside of the courtyard to escape the lewd and rude Asian guy.

(Think I'm being racist?  I don't give a sh**.  This is a REAL story of something that REALLY happened to me and, yes, it just so happened to be an Asian guy who sneezed in my freaking face during my daughter's grade school play.  And yes, I do feel like he did it on purpose because of how close he chose to get to me.  And, for the record, NO, I do NOT believe that all Asian people are like this...quite the contrary.  The vast majority have been very nice and respectful to me so, please DO NOT take this the wrong way.)

So, I had one more overnight I could pull off before I had to start driving back to school the next day.  I left late Friday morning for my 2-hour drive back to Palm Springs.

Dead in the middle of my trip, I could feel my body quickly going from "just okay" to "deathly ill."  I vaguely remember stopping at a 7-11 near my final stop in Palm Springs, grabbing any and every type of over-the-counter medicine because I knew I was going down for the count.

I barely made it to my hotel which was right down the street.

The next several days were miserable.  I couldn't get out of bed.  I couldn't breathe.  My temperature was sky high.  Because I was so sick, I was actually asked to NOT participate in the workshops because everybody else was afraid of getting sick.  This would be the sickest I was in my entire adult life.

Now, I'm not saying I had Covid-19.  Maybe I had another version.  (Perhaps Covid-16?)  Maybe it was a different strand or the "beginner" strand compared to what's ravaging the world right now.  Maybe it was the version on a kid bike with training wheels compared to what we have now which would be the version on a souped up Harley-Davidson.  I don't know.

But what bothers me is how malicious the intent was behind the Asian guy who PURPOSELY got up on me and sneezed in my face.  Even the two women standing near me were completely repulsed by his actions to the point where they dispersed like cockroaches the moment he sneezed on me.

Was this the beginning of this?  Was this a milder version of what we now know as Covid-19?  I don't know.  But the facts do bother me:  (1) this guy intentionally invaded my space ON PURPOSE, (2) sneezed on my face ON PURPOSE, and (3) I was on death's door within 48 hours, quicker than any other illness in my life and sicker than any other time before (and since).  I literally thought I was going to die.

Even worse, it took me a solid 3 weeks just to feel "normal" again.  (And this was mostly because of a liquid supplement called Cold & Flu Shot by

While I don't know what's really going on in the world these days, I do know that there are some pretty crappy people out there.  At best, this guy is just a space invader who doesn't know the customary "space bubble" us Americans like to have.  At worst (and I do believe this to be the case), this guy is a terrorist trying to hurt an elementary school (sneezing all over children and parents), at your local pizza parlor (sneezing all over the salad bar), at your local grocery store (sneezing all over the vegetables and fruits), and doing these things ON PURPOSE because he's a terrorist with the intent on hurting Americans.

And that really sucks.  Doesn't it?  Absolutely!

I'm not one who looks to hate groups of people or anybody for that matter.  But I am very observant and I do know the difference between an "oops, so sorry" incident versus something that is malicious in intent.  And this guy...he was malicious.  Who knows how many people he infected at that school?  Who even knows if he had a child who attended that school?!  Or if he was just there -- as a terrorist -- to infect people.  After all, he did seem odd.  He had nobody else with him.  And after the play was over, he didn't seem to have a child go up to him.  He just...disappeared.

Maybe he really was a terrorist.  And I didn't think anything of it...

Until now. 

Until realizing that I was a victim of terrorism and I was possibly part of one of the early Covid illnesses...before Covid got ridiculously deadly.  I was part of the "experimental" batch of infected people.

What is the whole intent on people doing this?  Or countries like China wanting to bring us down like this?  I don't know...especially since they heavily depend on us to economically survive.  Why they want to demolish us makes no sense to me.

Now, some may argue that the Chinese don't like Trump.  Fine. does that explain the Asian guy sneezing on me in June of 2016...and purposely infecting me before Trump was elected later that year?

Perhaps I'm making too much of this.  Who knows?!  Maybe it really was just happenstance that this guy drifted into my space bubble within inches from my neck and sneezed on me.  Maybe it really was an accident.  I don't know.  But I do know that I had never been so deathly ill in my life.

I know things are getting scary out there.  And things didn't even start getting heavy duty yet when it comes to the politics within all this.  (That's going to happen this fall.)

What do we focus on during these uncertain times?

I'll tell you what to focus on:  YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

And that's it.  That's all you can and should do!

Your best bet is to stop watching the news, stop getting sucked in to what's going on in the world, and just focus on YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

So...what are you going to do?  The sands of change are quickly shifting beneath our feet...again.  And if you thought we all had to make a lot of adjustments after the crash of 2008, that was just a dress rehearsal for what I believe is about to come in the months and years ahead of us.

You will likely have to re-invent yourself.  You may have to change jobs, professions, or careers.  The job or business you have now (or had in the recent past) may not be sustainable in the months to come.

Have you thought about what you plan on doing?  Have you thought about a new career yet?

I have something you may want to check out.  Now, as a fair warning...this is NOT for everybody.  In fact, this won't be for MOST of you.

During the volatility of the past month regarding the stock market, we've had a handful of students that made over $200,000 during this time.  Of course, this money isn't guaranteed to be made.  But there is a methodology behind how to make this kind of money.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

Again, this is NOT for everybody and it may not be for you either.  You'll know if it's of interest to you the moment you CLICK HERE.  This is one of those things that will either be a "hell yes" or a "hell no" and nothing in between.  And if you happen to be's probably a "hell no" for you.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 04 2020

Many of you know that I don't see my brother very often nor do I talk to him all that much.

But last week, out of the blue, I decided to call him to see how he and his kids are doing in light of the whole world coming to a screeching halt.

And I found out something shocking.

He told me that he had all of the symptoms of the Coronavirus starting in late December and moving through January.  This was long before COVID-19 was a "thing."  Long before it was anything other than a flu or some other "bug."  And even if he did go to the doctor (which he didn't), they would have told him nothing and to go home to rest.  Just like for any other kind of flu.

He said it was the shittiest flu he ever had.  He said it lingered and it took him almost 4 weeks to kick it with plenty of rest and self care.  Both his adult children got it an they barely exuded any symptoms at all.  I guess kids can be more durable than adults at times.

The important thing is that he survived.  And that's a blessing.

Now, I get how serious the Coronavirus is.  I get it.

But I want to snap you back into reality for just one moment.  So, shut off the news and listen to me.  Just for a minute, okay?

  • In the 2018/2019 flu season (which was the one before this one), the CDC estimated that the burden of illness during the last flu season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths.
  • In the 2017/2018 flu season, surprisingly, was estimated to have 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths, much higher than the 2018/2019 season.
  • In the 2016/2017 flu season, there was an estimated 29 million influenza illnesses, 14 million influenza-associated medical visits, 500,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 38,000 influenza-associated deaths.

Is anybody seeing where I'm going with all this?

With the Coronavirus, there are over 300,000 confirmed U.S. cases (and many more, like my brother, that went "unconfirmed") and, so far, around 8,500 deaths.  Of course, this isn't something to sneeze at, as each life is significant and valuable. I missing something here?  By the way, I should mention, that the flu season officially ends next month to start the 2020/2021 flu season thereafter.

I asked a panicked student a couple of weeks ago why he was becoming unglued about this whole Coronavirus thing and he said this:

"Because there isn't a cure!"

I see.  No cure!

Of course!  That's the reason for panic!  Right?


Well, wait just a dog-gone minute!  There's no freaking cure for the regular flu either.

You see, a few years back I was sicker than a dog and had an important speaking event coming up.  I knew I had the flu and I needed to kick it fast.  So, I went to the doctor who told me I had the flu.  And guess what he told me next?  "There's nothing I can give you so go home, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest."  And that's it.  I dragged myself to the doctor's office, wasting the physical energy that I didn't have, for nothing...

Just to find out...


So, we stop the entire country.  We're all sitting at home as if we're on house arrest.  And if you live in California, you'd definitely feel like you're on house arrest because we, in Los Angeles County, have been threatened on a daily basis that if we go to work, we may get arrested if it's not a mandatory operation.  And yes, people have already gotten arrested for keeping their businesses open.  Yep, you read that right.  And while I get that safety is a priority, why make people criminals for trying to make a living, for crying out loud?

I've never seen our entire country stop over a flu.  Yes, it is serious.  I'm not denying its seriousness.  But let's not let the real perspective of reality blindside you.  Or any of us for that matter.  After all, the average amount of deaths every year for the past 3 flu seasons was over 44,000.  While that's a lot of people, the flu is just a thing that we all got used to.  We all know about flu season.  We brace for it every year.  And if we're smart, we try to boost our immune systems in preparation for it...or not.  Or we just bulldoze through it because we don't have a choice in the matter.  It's all part of

So, the reason I'm telling you this is to put things into perspective because maybe your mind has run a bit rampant with all the bad press and media swirling around COVID-19.  And while it is serious, so is every other flu, bug, and virus that hits us in any given flu season.  And so is every loss of life.  But it doesn't mean we all just...stop living and hide under the covers at home.  That won't stop the viruses in the world.  It just stops us from enjoying life which is what life is for.  To enjoy it.  Not to limit it.

I just think that if I were one who was prone to an illness or a flu because of pre-existing conditions or age...or whatever, I wouldn't want nor expect the entire world to just stop so I wouldn't get sick.  I'd realize that if it's my time to go...if it's time for God to take it'll be.  In fact, it's the contract we signed when we were born.  None of us get to live forever.

One of The Lost Chapters of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich was Chapter 16 when he talked about being VERY CAREFUL in what you let into your mind.  This means fiercely protecting the information you let in to your head, whether it's delivered to you by friends, family, nay-sayers and haters, the media, etc.  And when you let tainted information into your brain, it's much like taking a crystal clear lake and dumping a fire hose into it...then turning on the hose that has nothing but raw sewage coming out of it.  Pretty soon, the lake will go from clean and clear to a toxic cesspool...too toxic to be any good to anyone.

If this is an analogy of your brain and what happens when that sewage fire hose is hooked up to, say, your ear and somebody turns it onto full blast, what enters your head makes what's between your ears so toxic...that's it becomes no good to anyone, including (and especially) to yourself.

So, maybe you should shut off the news and start digging deep within yourself.  Take walks, get some fresh air, meditate, stay in the present instead of worrying about the future, and let the Universe tell you what your next move will be.  You'll be inspired before you know it.

Remember, this too shall pass.  And before you know it, life will move forward again at a hectic break-neck pace like before.  And you'll only wish you took some extra time for yourself during this rare period of time.

CLICK HERE NOW.  I have a special video I'd like you to watch.  It may give you the inspiration you're looking for.

Stay safe, my friend.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 18 2020

The market is collapsing!  This is the beginning of the recession that I've been WARNING you about for the past two (2) years!

Now it's here!

And I WARNED you all last September (2019) during my events I held in Las Vegas.  I told you about a conversation with a top astrologer in the world by the name of Ray Grasse who told me that there was something of "9/11" proportions that was going to hit us on or right after January 12, 2020.

I have it on tape.  I warned you all.  I said it was coming.  I said it was going to hit the first quarter of 2020.

And it's here.

Now do you believe me??'re probably asking: NOW WHAT??

Glad you asked.

Times are shifting FAST and you have to take the bull by the horns and FOCUS on the opportunities abound.  Yes, while Larry Lunchpail goes running around like a chicken with his head cut off, buying up all the eggs, milk, toilet paper, and water in the store, YOU can keep your wits about you and YOU can profit in these uncertain times.

Let me tell you a little bit about WHAT TO EXPECT  in the weeks to come:

1)  People will continue to panic.  Many will not go to work or school.  Lots of jobs will be lost as huge industries (like travel, entertainment, and car sales) will slow or shut down.
2)  Instead of overspending, people will go on the OPPOSITE TRACK and they will STOP spending.  Yes, they'll FINALLY realize that piling up on toilet paper and paper towels doesn't make any sense and, with the threat of losing their job, they probably shouldn't keep stocking up anyway.  So, they'll STOP SPENDING in most areas.
3)  With the threat of the loss of their job (or the complete loss of their job or business), they'll frantically start looking for an opportunity to MAKE MONEY QUICK!

It happens EVERY TIME as I've outlined above.

And here's how you can GET AHEAD of the curve:

1)  STOP PANICKING!  Sheep are led to slaughter.  Leaders will profit based on knowing what to look for.  Focus, relax, and learn how to lock onto the opportunities ahead.  There are ALWAYS opportunities and much more so when the market starts to break down.
2)  Realize that REAL ESTATE will come back as a huge profit opportunity.  Foreclosures have already started coming back in the past few months.  Now it'll be a free-for-all with an abundant supply of foreclosure and short-sale opportunities as the weeks and months progress forward.  However, banks and lenders will begin tightening up the purse strings.  CLICK HERE for a way around that.
3)  People will begin flocking to any kind of opportunity where they can make money on the side or to replace the job they became accustom to receiving a regular paycheck from.  I'm going to pull out ALL THE STOPS on how I'm able to make millions from the opportunity market at my upcoming seminar event in Detroit which starts on Friday at 9am (Eastern Time).  Because some of my students are not able to travel to the event, I'm allowing those who are enrolled to watch the live streaming of this event.  CLICK HERE to register for this event and you can stay home and watch it.  If you register as Gold VIP, you'll be able to watch Days 1 and 2 (Friday and Saturday).  If you are a Platinum VIP, you'll be able to watch all 3 days plus you'll get the videos after the event.  Plus you'll get a flash drive worth $5,000 that all Day 3 workshop attendees will receive at the event!

Times are changing.  They ALWAYS flux and change throughout history.  Don't panic.  Don't lose your head.  Relax!  And keep your eyes peeled.  There are LOTS of money-making opportunities ahead!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  My friend Dr. Peter Barrington just told me that he profited over $3 million in the markets when they dropped in the past couple of weeks and he wanted me to remind all of my students that there is A LOT of opportunity when the markets fall.  You don't just make money when the markets go up.  You stand to make money even faster when the markets drop by "shorting" the market.  If you want to find out how to make money from the market dropping, CLICK HERE.  Get on this opportunity while you can.  These drops won't last forever and then you'll be kicking yourself for not getting in on this NOW.  CLICK HERE to find out how you can profit from this TREMENDOUS opportunity to trade the markets now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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