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Success For Life
Friday, December 22 2017

If you haven't been paying attention, the Republican party is about to pass a new tax bill that is SOOOOO Republican in nature.  Let the rich get richer...and let the poor and middle class hump the load with a bigger tax bill to pay for everything.

And if you think for a second that this bill will benefit you, the Worker Bee, just read up on Reagan's "trickle down economics" from the 1980s and see how that played out.  (Spoiler alert: Companies DID NOT "pass down" what their tax savings to their employees in bigger paychecks, more workers, bonuses, etc.  Real estate investors and those purchasing real estate were hit with the highest interest rates for mortgages IN HISTORY.  And, oh, I can't forget...our stock market CRASHED in 1987 and threw us into a pretty heavy recession thereafter.  THAT is what happened.  How soon we forget.)

This is what WILL do in the middle class, for good.  This is that "inciting incident" (or the incident that triggers a downfall of some kind) of the destruction of the middle class.

We're going into a recession.  RIGHT NOW, in fact.  I've been telling you this for the past year.  Listen to me.

But, you may be thinking, "What can I do about it?"

First of all, if you know the rich are getting richer while the poor will keep getting poorer, you only have ONE solution to that problem:  YOU MUST BECOME RICH!  Period.  No exceptions!  Become RICH so YOU can benefit from all these wealthy tax breaks.

"But how can I do that?" you whine.  Maybe you don't have a clue.  Maybe you think you don't have resources.


That is true, to some extent.

There's a powerful audio seminar I'd like you to listen to.  CLICK HERE.  This will really bring it home for you, make you fully understand exactly how you can "come up" in the world of wealth building (even if you have nothing right now), and how there ARE resources for you to get just for the asking.  You just have to know what to do.

CLICK HERE to listen to this powerful audio seminar NOW!

There are so many changes that took place during our last economic downfall in 2008 and thereafter.  Things are about to shift in a major way AGAIN.  Just when everybody barely got a breath, things are shifting beneath your feet.  If you're not ready, you're not going to survive.

Life is nothing but a series of choices.  You CAN make a simple choice before these upcoming changes occur.  Either stay broke and get poorer because you'd rather be a helpless "victim" in all this.

Or you can choose to get rich.

Your choice.  Very simple!

CLICK HERE to listen to this powerful audio seminar now.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Claim your MONICA BUCKS before they're gone.  CLICK HERE NOW!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 20 2017

I'm a Gen Xer, sandwiched nicely between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials.  We're the under-rated generation, born between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s.  A lot of us got our work ethic from our Baby Boomer parents while being able to easily adapt to the introduction and constant tweaking of technology.  We're also able to adapt to the swift changes in the economy, implementing "old school" and "new school" together to make something "awesome-school."  (I know, that's pretty lame sounding.)

So, what's the point of all this?

Many Baby Boomers are retiring or already retired.  They hold the vast majority of the wealth in this country and have the most disposable income.

But soon they'll be dying off.  In fact, the older portion of this generation already are.  It will be within the next decade or two before the vast majority are gone from this earth.

Then we have Generation X which is my generation.  There aren't nearly as many of us as there are the Baby Boomer generation.  Yes, we will inherit a lot of the Baby Boomer's wealth as they pass away and we generate our own impressive incomes in many cases.  So, we'll be replacing the Baby Boomers BUT NOT IN SUCH LARGE NUMBERS.  Imagine cutting the Baby Boomer population down to 25% (or less) and that's what you have with the amount of populous falling in the Generation X generation.

Not an impressive number AT ALL.

So, yes, per person the spending power will still be there just like with the Baby Boomers except that there aren't nearly as many of us to sell stuff to.


Drop down to the "lost in space" Millennial generation who have eyeballs glued to their iPhones and iPads all day, making actually "working" in any job environment a full blown joke, demanding things like "Peace Pods" so that they can zip themselves away from their work space to take frequent breaks from the stresses of answering the telephone and emails (even if they need a break every 20 minutes), and requiring "specialty" workforce "trainers" to help the normal folk (like us) figure out how the hell to deal with these people (the Millennials) INCLUDING having to hire "pep" consultants to keep these little shits motivated and happy all day.

I'll tell you how things are going to play out because it's already leaning HEAVILY in this direction:

1)  Any company that manufactures ANYTHING will end up going overseas because (a) they won't have a large enough work force who actually wants to work or produce, (b) it's just TOO EXPENSIVE to make anything in the USA with increased wages, insurance requirements, regulations, etc., and (c) it's much cheaper and business-friendly in many countries outside of the USA.

2)  Once the Baby Boomers all retire, our competent workforce will diminish down to us Gen Xers which, as I just explained, do NOT have the population size to replace that of the Baby Boomer generation, slicing the competent workforce down to about 25% or less.  Yes, yes...I KNOW.  Almost everyone knows that "one guy" or that "one chick" who is a Millennial who is a hard worker.  So what?  ONE or TWO isn't going to account for the necessity of needing MILLIONS of these people to get off their lazy asses and get things done without Peace Pods, pep talks by a "motivator" daily at their desks, or having to [GASP] stop looking at their iPhones for more than 10 minutes while trying to -- I don't know -- get some work done, perhaps?  And you'd be hard pressed to name 5 Millennials off the top of your head that ARE hard-workers.  (Even five aren't enough to make the world go around.)

3)  Millennials aren't going to be able to qualify for the types of incomes needed to live in areas like Los Angeles, New York, or other high-priced areas.  Many will move to smaller towns in places like Northern California, Oregon, etc.  OR...they'll be living with their enabling Gen Xer parents forever because living out on their own will simply not be affordable anytime in their near future.

Tech jobs will always need Millennials.  Yes.  Millennials find these types of jobs easy, which is good.  BUT...not all jobs are as easy as lounging around in a Peace Pod between making a few clicks of the computer mouse all day.

There STILL is a requirement for LABOR jobs, SALES jobs, and SERVICE jobs...many of which are completely UNDESIRABLE to the Millennials.

I remember reading an article about a company called Caterpillar based in Illinois who manufacturers construction machinery.  Their biggest problem?  Getting new sales reps.  They stated that the average sales rep does somewhere in the low six-figures each year but they CANNOT get the Millennials to take these jobs.

Same problem with skilled workers like many of the construction trades.  Can't get Millennials to want to pick up a hammer or turn a bolt.

Same problem with the car repair industry.

And on and on and on we go with this.

Those Millennials who ARE skilled in labor trades will make A LOT of money, especially those who have skills in both a labor trade AND technology (especially software).  After all, somebody is going to have to service all of those robots flipping burgers at all the fast food chains when all the fast food owners decide that they're not paying people $15 an hour plus insurance plus sick days plus this and that for FLIPPING BURGERS. 

So, if you DO have a Millennial in your midst, have him or her TAKE ON A SKILLED TRADE, ideally with knowledge of BOTH skilled labor and technology combined.  Because, if you think about it, we'll always need people to build houses, fix airplanes, maintain computers, build and service windmills and other green power and, of course, treat people in the area of medicine (nurses, doctors, pharmacy techs, etc.).  A skilled trade -- ideally with technology or software knowledge -- OR a career in medicine somewhere is the FUTURE for Millennials who want to get paid BIG BUCKS in a career.  So the Millennial generation is all about LABOR and TECHNOLOGY.

If your Millennial isn't doing any of the above, just expect to support him or her to live in your basement sponging money off of you until you are given the gift of an escape (death) because that's just the way it'll be (if it's not that way for you already).

Then there's Generation Z (those born 2005 and after).  This is my daughter's generation.  I'm REALLY hoping that these kids pull it together because the Millennials are so freaking lost that it isn't funny.  With my daughter, she already wants to be a teacher.  Even though it doesn't pay a lot, I'm pretty confident that teachers will still be around in the next several decades.  I do tell her to tell her friends to get involved in medicine and science, mainly to help us save our planet.  Because curing cancer (and other diseases), bio technology (yes, blending BIOLOGY with TECHNOLOGY) and saving the planet is where the money will be in HER generation.  So her generation will be about SCIENCE as well as LABOR (of course...when is it not about labor?)

If you're concerned about yourself and how you'll survive our upcoming recession (hitting most areas of the country in 2018) AND trying to get your Millennial on track with a much more solid future that CAN give him/her/them a cash flow for decades to come WITHOUT having to worry about a job, technology...or even being lazy:  CLICK HERE!  I have a solution for you, your kids and your grandkids to get you the income you want without having to figure anything else out.

CLICK HERE for a powerful audio seminar!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  There's still room for Platinum VIP at the Detroit Real Estate Boot Camp Seminar on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  CLICK HERE to secure your spot for only $100!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:41 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 18 2017

Last week I did my last webinar for my Viper Wealth group and I talked about the trends and forecasts for 2018.  Not only did I do that...but I also talked about the next 10 to 20 years and how you MUST set yourself up correctly NOW when investing in real estate (and starting any other type of business, for that matter) because you'll have these same properties (or business that you started) 10 to 20 years from now.  If you do it wrong now, you'll screw yourself over the next couple of decades.  (If you want to see this 2018 forecast webinar, it's a long one.  CLICK HERE and in this video I'll reveal to you some really interesting forecasts that I can guarantee you -- no other economic forecaster has figured out yet!)

What I find really interesting about the next 10 to 20 years is how much more business activity we will be losing overseas.  More manufacturing here in the USA?  Ha!  What a joke!  (I noticed that the president doesn't bring it up anymore because even he knows all about its impossibility.)

What we'll have left for businesses will be your service businesses including food service.  Restaurants and fast food will always be around, much of it will be automated.  (So those of you who think waiting around for that $15 an hour flipping burgers at McDonald's because you think that's a career, you'll be sorely disappointed when your job is replaced by a robot.)  Hair salons and nail salons will still be around.  A lot of smaller mom-and-pop service stores will be around along with our grocery stores (see food service above).  You can include contracting and construction in the service category as well.

Everything else?

Gone with the wind, baby.

And there's kind of a shocking reason as to why this will be.

I go over all this in the video that you'll watch.  It's about an hour and a half long; it's very thorough in both real estate as well as other business trends for both 2018 AND the next 2 decades.

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

For those of you who are interested in pursuing real estate investing but cash and credit has always been your obstacle, you need to listen to this powerful audio seminar.  CLICK HERE.  This is your opportunity to get long-term buy-and-hold real estate with what I call the TRUE no-cash-no-credit deal.  CLICK HERE to check it out!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't locked in your seat at the Detroit Real Estate Boot Camp Seminar on March 8th, 9th, and 10th, CLICK HERE.  You can hold your seat for only $100!

P.P.S.  Monica Bucks are going on between now and the first week of January.  Make sure you get your Monica Bucks now by CLICKING HERE.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 11 2017

It just FLOORS me when some people call my office and INSIST on acting like an asshole on the phone.  Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone but it does apply to A LOT of you...which is pretty unfortunate, and here's why:

Case in point, just last week I had a jerk-off call my office demanding to know where his Real Estate Cash Flow System was.  On that flash sale we had between Black Friday and Cyber Monday...we actually SOLD OUT of Real Estate Cash Flow Systems within the first HOUR of the sale.  So, of course, we had to order more from my printer who ALWAYS takes a solid 7 days to get us more courses.  (Imagine Sean Penn's character from the movie Fast Times as Ridgemont High and that's the general demeanor of my printer.  He's NEVER in a hurry...let's just put it that way.)

Most people are willing to wait because it only takes a week to get them back into our warehouse.

But then there's that one dickhead who DOESN'T want to wait, calls my office DEMANDING the course, and then scolds my staff because we sold out and "should have had more on make sure you tell Monica that."

First of all, I have no control over how many units of a product we sell.  PERIOD.  There is absolutely NO WAY to measure it.  So, my advice for people like him (who decide to wait within MINUTES of the end of a sale to place an order) is to order EARLIER so you can get the first batch of product we have on hand.  We have a STRICT policy: FIRST IN, FIRST OUT.  Those who place orders first get their product shipped first.  It's really that freaking simple, people.

Of course, there's the alternative.  Go somewhere else!

Oh, wait!  My bad!!  You CAN'T go somewhere else to get the Real Estate Cash Flow System WITH my special all-cash investor because I have the ONLY ACCESS to this particular money guy who is giving up CASH FUNDS for flip and rehab deals.  So, it's either wait a week for something that's SO VALUABLE that I should be charging at least 4 times the price...or don't get the resource at all.  Very simple choice.  No need to be a jerk about it.  Just make a choice.  Very easy peezy!

I just don't understand people who want to give others -- especially those of us in the business of trying to help you -- a hard time.  It doesn't pay off.  Having an attitude like that doesn't get you anywhere.

Of course, this does NOT apply to all of you.  In fact, it doesn't apply to MOST of you, as many of you are very nice to me and my staff.  (And I greatly appreciate it!)  Especially those who have been sending blessings and prayers of safety due to our ongoing fire problem here in Southern California of which we're still in the middle of as I write this.  Thank you!

But the reason I'm mentioning all of this about attitude and people calling my office being rude is that Rose, my main right-hand lady, just lost her brother to a massive heart attack this past Friday and the last thing she needs or wants is a jerk-off on the phone bitching about something that she has no control over.  So, please don't do that.  Instead, how about getting into the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT and being nice to least until the first of the year.  Then you can go back to being surly and rude again if you choose.

My recommendation, be happy!  Life's too short to be sad or miserable.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Inventory Blow Out is ENDING this week.  We ran out of a lot of stuff but we still have some basement-bottom prices on some kick-ass products so we can make way for our 2018 inventory.  CLICK HERE to jump on these deals before they're all gone!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 01 2017

Today we kick off our Inventory Blow Out.  CLICK HERE to get deep deals and discounts on our inventory so we can make room for 2018 stuff!

This deal ends soon but the thing about it is that we typically run out of stuff within a few days of starting the sale so I strongly suggest that you DON'T wait until the last minute.  They'll be a 99% chance that your item that you want won't be available anymore by the end of the sale.

Second thing...Monica Bucks starts today and we haven't offered it in 2 years!  If you're not sure how Monica Bucks works, CLICK HERE and claim yours now!  This doesn't apply to any discounted, on-sale, or previously purchased items.  This is a really huge way to get a ton of money in savings on our most popular and best-selling products! more thing:  Detroit Platinum VIP is almost sold out.  CLICK HERE if you want to claim your spot.  You can still claim it with a $100 deposit even though the BOGO deal is officially over with (effective yesterday).

If you have any questions, give us a call at 661-295-5050 after 9am PST.  We're available until 5pm PST.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 30 2017
Look What You're Missing...
Did you register for the upcoming Detroit event in March 2018?  If not, there's still time to take advantage of the BOGO deal and early-bird pricing...which ENDS TODAY at 5pm PST.  CLICK HERE to register for only $100 to save your spot if you haven't already.
They say that people don't want to attend events anymore because they'd rather sit at home with their thumb up their ass...watching it on DVD or "live streaming" from their computer.
Meanwhile, the people who DO come out get to network, have fun, AND set up their future with power players who end up doing REAL DEALS in the REAL WORLD together because, after all, this is what naturally happens when people network together.  You find business and investing partners, have fun, and create bonds for life that could ultimately name you very wealthy.
It's getting down to this in our NEWEST Economy (as our economic conditions shift once again).  You have to have an edge.  And here's how you do it:
1)  Knowledge and education.  You can't just jump into something without knowing what you're doing.  And even if you read a book about a subject or went through a course, chances are that if some time has gone by, the game has changed again.  You have to keep up on the latest and greatest strategies if you're going to win in this Newest Economy!
2)  Connections and resources.  You've heard it before, right?  "It's not what you know, it's who you know."  Not anymore.  It's what you know AND who you know to get that winning success edge in the Newest Economy.  And without getting off your ass to show up, every time imaginable you'll MISS OUT on meeting the right people and making the right connections that you'll need if you want to be successful, especially as a real estate investor.
3)  Opportunity.  I offer some of my very best investor opportunities at these events and I do this for a reason: to get my most SERIOUS investing students involved in these.  Those who aren't able or willing to get off the couch to come don't deserve to be able to take advantage of the opportunity.  And in this case, it's not any different.  In this event, all attendees will be able to take advantage of a BRAND NEW bird-dog / property scout opportunity with a new investor out of the Phoenix area.  He is actively looking for bird-dogs to find apartment buildings anywhere in the U.S.A. of 100 units or more at a seasoned 90% occupancy level with a CAP rate of 8.5% or higher.  He'll pay up to 3% of the total purchase price for deals that close.  And he wants deals NOW.  Only those who show up will get "clued in" on exactly what he's looking for, a super simple way to find these days, and how to submit them for your best chance at getting accepted.  Those who don't show up won't get the opportunity.
Let me make a quick note about these opportunities: I first started offering these rare exclusive opportunities at my events a handful of years ago.  My very first opportunity was one where I had a couple of investors from India who had $25 million to invest in commercial assets here in the United States.  They ended up doing over $35 million in deals with my students.  About a dozen students who showed up and followed through with the instructions provided made a ton of money.  Three of those students ended up becoming multi-millionaires because of it.
All because they decided to SHOW UP and to IMPLEMENT what was given.
I've already gotten emails from students who have asked me about participating without showing up.  The answer is NO.  Again, you show our interest by attending the event and learning everything you need to know to make your deals work.  If you're not interested in doing that then you're wasting my time and my investors' time.
Today is the last day to get (a) the early-bird pricing deal, and (b) the BOGO (bring a guest FR*EE) deal.  After today, you'll be paying for a guest and you'll be paying a higher price.
CLICK HERE to register now.  It's only $100 to hold your spot, hold your pricing deal, and get your guest in FR*EE.
Remember, nothing in your life changes until YOU MAKE THE CHANGES.  And to make changes, sometimes it just starts with simply SHOWING UP!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 29 2017
​I can't believe it's almost Christmas again.  (Humph!)  Those of you who know me know that I especially LOATHE this holiday.  And maybe it's my imagination but...doesn't it seem "different" somehow this year?  I can't put my finger on it but I'm getting this sense that, perhaps, a lot of people have much less hope for now and the future than they ever had before.  I think that's my read on it.
The Credit "Bubble" is About to Go...BOOM!
We have some "problems" that are proving to be much greater than I previously thought.  I think I mentioned before that we have a "credit bubble" that's about to pop.  This is mostly sub-prime and includes credit card debt and car loans/leases.  It ALSO includes student loan debt too.
But this is much more far reaching than I previously thought because I thought it was only going to affect the "sub-prime" market.  Turns out that it's chiseling into the middle class (the same class that is rapidly vanishing by the day) and even some of the upper-middle class too.
The winds of change are already happening and have been since last year in some of the major metro areas of the country like Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York to name a few.  These are what we call "market leaders" and they usually forecast what's about to happen next.
Are You Going to Be Celebrating Your Newfound Wealth This Time Next Year?  Or...Not!
I hate to be the one to tell you but this time next year -- by the time you're putting up your Christmas tree AGAIN for 2018 -- you'll already be neck-deep in these forecasts and predictions that I've been telling you about for at least the past year, if not longer.
If things aren't going well for you on the economic side of things, you may not be putting up a tree at all.  You may not even have a pot to piss in.
Now, I don't mean to scare you...
Actually, damn it!  Yes, I DO want to scare you.  Because sometimes scaring people is the only way in getting them to TAKE ACTION!  And everything I am telling you is with full merit, facts backing up the fiscal data showing our upcoming downfall.
But there's a silver lining in everything, isn't there?
But Here's the Good News:  You Stand to Make A LOT of Money...IF You Know What to Do!  Here's What I Mean...
When you position yourself correctly, you stand to make A LOT of money here.  Especially since I have a VERY SPECIFIC plan for you to take advantage of.  And here it is in a nutshell:
1)  You'll earn money by doing some bird-dog deals for a specific investor that I have who is based in Phoenix.  He's looking for apartment buildings of 100 units or more with a seasoned occupancy of 90% or higher and with a CAP rate of 8.5% or more.  There is NO LIMIT to the yes, you can pick out a $25 million deal if you want.  And you can get paid up to 3% for your bird-dog fee.  This is up to 3% on the total purchase price.
Do the math.  If you happen to do a $25 million deal, you stand to make $750,000.  Not bad for a few days worth of work.
Imagine if you submitted and had 3 or 4 of these size deals accepted!  Now we're talking!
2)  The money you earn in bird-dog fees, you'll be putting into your own buy-and-hold long-term passive income property deal.  You need 20% down plus another 10% (or as low as 7%) in other fees such as due diligence and closing costs.  So, you'll be buying your own cash flowing apartment building deals with the bird-dog fees you get.
3)  Need a credit and/or additional money partners?  You come to the event in Detroit on March 8th, 9th, and 10th and get involved with making these valuable connections.
In fact, everything I'm describing above, you'll be getting by attending the March 2018 Detroit Event!
But you can't get ANY of it without showing up.  (Yes, sadly I've had more than a few people email me begging to get in on the bird-dog opportunity that I'll be presenting yet they don't want to get off their lazy ass to show up or to learn exactly how the deal has to be presented to get accepted.  So, my answer is NO to those of you who want in on this but you don't want to show up.)
Listen, I'm going to be very blunt and honest here.  Every time I've done an event where I've had an investor opportunity, I've had AT LEAST 3 students (usually more) cash in BIG just by (1) showing up, and (2) following a simple set of instructions.
So...needless to say, if you don't want to do 1 or both of the 2 required steps outlined above then well, as they say in the streets... "You're just asked out."  (That means you ain't getting shit!)
Am I a little crass? 
Sure.  And that's just how it is in the crude world of commercial real estate investing.  (Hey, imagine what it's like to be a woman in these shark-infested waters and then you'll see why I turned out to be the hard-ass that I am today!) 
Lucky you, you'll be able to skip out on those "hard-knock" lessons by skipping over all the B.S. and discovering EXACTLY what you need to do to become a successful real estate investor at my first 100% "hard-core" Apartment Building Cash Flow Boot Camp since March 2012.  (And probably my last for another long while.)
CLICK HERE to reserve your seat for only $100 to lock in your early-bird special price AND take advantage of this rare BOGO (buy-one-get-one-fr*ee) offer that all goes away tomorrow.  
This could be your very last chance to claim the wealth that you and I both know that you've wanted for a long time...and that you deserve more than anyone I know.
CLICK HERE to reserve your spot now!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 25 2017

Last week my investors from Texas called me on my cell and let me know that they didn't meet their lending quota that they envisioned for 2017 and they want more deals.

But not just ANY deal.  They ONLY want to do flip deals.  This means that you buy a property (with 100% cash that they lend to you which includes closing costs and other acquisition fees), rehab it (with cash that they give to you), and sell it within 90 days.  They make 10% on the money they lend to you.  You get the rest of the flip profits to (hopefully and ideally) put into buy-and-hold passive income real estate like apartment buildings.

This is the fastest way that I know of for you to (a) get money for flip deals, and (b) earn money to sink into cash flowing apartment building deals.  In fact, there's nothing BETTER than this opportunity right now!

What kind of deals can you do?

Houses, condos, townhouses, duplexes, triplexes, "quads" (4-plexes) and even apartment buildings (up to 12 units ONLY).  CLICK HERE for more information on how this works.

You need to acquire, rehab, and flip the deal in 90 days to keep your feel at only 10%.  If you go up to 120 days, the fee increases to 12%.  If you go up to 6 months, the fee goes up to 15%.  Over 6 months and they take the property from you so you definitely want to flip out of the deal by then.

This is NOT for down payment money on buy-and-hold long-term investment assets so don't ask.  It's not even an option for this program.

And in case you're shaky on your math skills, by flipping your property in 90 days, you'll be paying $10,000 on every $100,000 borrowed, plus paying back the principle borrowed (of course).  That's 10%.  (Yes, it's a FLAT 10%.)  By flipping in 120 days, you're paying $12,000 on every $100,000 borrowed plus paying back the principle borrowed.  If flipping within 6 months, you're paying back $15,000 on every $100,000 borrowed plus paying back the principle borrowed.  Pretty cut and dried, isn't it?  They make money, you make money.  It's a win-win for everybody.

To get in on this LAST EVER opportunity to work with these investors on this specific loan program (which will NOT be offered again), CLICK HERE NOW!  This deal ends VERY SOON!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't locked in your BOGO and early-bird pricing deal for the upcoming March 2018 Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar, you can lock in your pricing and BOGO deal with only $100 by CLICKING HERE.  We're already filling up on Platinum VIP so I strongly suggest that you lock in your spot now before you're kicking yourself when it's too late!  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 23 2017
Something Beautiful on This Thanksgiving Day!
Just 2 weeks ago I was in Chicago on a business trip.  I've been traveling A LOT this year and I have 2 more trips to go before we hit the New Year.  Surprisingly I'm not as "travel exhausted" as I should be.  I kind of like the change of scenery in different parts of the world.  I even enjoyed Chicago for the first time in...forever, actually.  (Most of you know that I was born in Chicago but always had a disdain for the place, mostly due to my childhood...but now I don't feel that way anymore.)
While in Chicago I visited this place that my parents frequented a lot when I was growing up called The Temple of Kriya Yoga.  This is the religion I was brought up with which is kind of Buddhist, kind of Hinduism-ish...along those lines.  The last time I visited this temple was when my parents brought me back to Chicago for a family friend's wedding, back when I was 15 or 16.
When I showed up at the Temple, I couldn't hold the tears back because the last time I was there I was with my mom.  (She passed away more than 12 years ago.)  And when I sat down in the "front room" area, I immediately noticed several stained glass pieces which I knew my mom had done for the Temple...I guess it's now been 35 years since she made these pieces.  And I remember her making the pieces in our cold detached garage of our humble 2-bedroom house in the suburbs, using a pot-belly stove for heat as she would cut stained glass, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning.  (She was a night owl.)
I remember as a young kid "helping" my mom put copper tape around each sharp edge of each piece of glass then trying to push each piece into the lead which was very difficult to do with small weak fingers.  Each piece had to be put together in kind of a mosaic puzzle before it could be soldered together.  And in some far-buried crevice of my subconscious mind, I remember "helping" with the stained glass piece that I have pictured above.  I can't believe this piece and the others survived all these years, leaving what I believe may be her very last and only legacy that I got to see for the first time in decades.
What a treat that was.  If she only knew that this lovely art form that she dabbled in on the side just for fun would be such an amazing lasting legacy for her and her life.
This is the reason why Thanksgiving will never be the same for me.  And why this is just another holiday that I bite the bullet and just make it through.  In fact, right now I'm watching movies with my dog Sally while my daughter is off to visit her dad's family for the holiday.  I no longer have family of my own.  My mom was my family and, in many respects, my only family.  She was the one who held all of us together; without her, there is no family, no nothing for me.
But...let's talk about YOU, my dear friend and student.
Today is your day to relax, be truly grateful for the wonderful people who surround you today, and to realize that you actually have more of an amazing life than you think you do.  I know it's redundant when everybody says to be grateful so I'll just say this: feel and express love to all of those around you because you just never know how much time they (or you) have left on this planet.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And See You At The Top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 23 2017

I was a little too quick to the punch on revealing the special surprise I had planned for my Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal. it is in a nutshell:

1)  I have an investor partnership agreement with an organization in Texas.  They've done, insofar, over 350 deals with my students since August 2016 including cash loans for flips, business loans, and down payment cash for apartment buildings and MHP deals.

2)  They are based out of Houston with a secondary location in Dallas.  When Hurricane Harvey hit, they had to relocate their office and decided to up and leave the Houston area; they are now based out of Dallas permanently, or at least for now.  This move took about a month to complete.

3)  After they relocated and got situated, they started back at going through the last batch of deals they got from my students which, as you can imagine, piled up since they were out of commission for awhile.  To date, they are completely caught up with that backlog of deals because of one key disappointing reason: the deals they received from my students from about August through up to last week were incomplete submissions.  All incomplete submissions are immediately discarded without a response.  Out of 190 submitted deals -- including loan requests -- only 2 were accepted and it's because those were the ONLY 2 that included the additional required and requested paperwork!  So, if you think about it, there was a 100% acceptance rate because the only 2 deals that included a completed form and accompanying paperwork were accepted and funded.

4)  Because of this "bad batch" of students that I evidently sent through, they asked me if I'd get some more students who are need cash for flip deals.  They make about 10% to 12% on these transactions so it's quite possibly the most lucrative type of investing that they do with my students which is why they want more.  So, they want to do flip deals with you and they're willing to cough up the cash for the deal (for a 100% all-cash acquisition) PLUS they will give up cash for rehab.  You will have up to 90 days from the date of acquisition (close of escrow) to rehab and resell the property.  They make 10% so if they give you $100,000 to do the deal, you're giving them $110,000 when you flip the property.  ($100,000 is giving back their original loan and the additional $10,000 is their 10% fee on top.)  If it goes over 90 days, this is when the additional interest kicks in and up to 120 days, it becomes 12%.  Up to 6 months, it becomes 15%.  After 6 months, they take the property from you.  (This has NEVER happened, by the way.)

5)  Because most of my students don't understand how MY way of flipping works or how to get the best "below market" property opportunities, I have a highly successful system called the Real Estate Cash Flow System.  It's recently been updated (only a few months ago, to be exact).  And you NEED this system if you want to make money on the last windfall of flip properties before the opportunity will go into "hiatus" (for about 3 years thereafter).  I recommend you take advantage of this last cash cow opportunity...before it's over.  You can make anywhere from a few thousand bucks to a few hundred thousand dollars before this opportunity is over with.

Okay, so here's the deal:

For this Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal, I'm offering you the Real Estate Cash Flow System with a VERY RARE ONE-TIME-ONLY BONUS of gaining direct access to my Texas investors who want to give you CASH for your flip deals AND give you cash to rehab the deal.  They'll work with single-family residences (SFRs), multi-family properties (2 - 4 units), and small apartment buildings (up to 12 units).  This is for FLIP DEALS ONLY.  This is NOT for buy-and-hold assets.  And this investor offer is NOT for down payments for long-term assets so please don't send me a million emails asking if you can do it that way can't.  No exceptions.  Flip deals ONLY!

CLICK HERE to get the deal.  This deal ends VERY SOON so I strongly recommend that you get it now.

And by the way, if you were one of the early responders (when I goofed up and sent out this offer last week in a link), you'll be getting this bonus investor partner resource so don't sweat it.  Okay?

CLICK HERE NOW to get the Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't locked in your spot at the Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar on March 8th, 9th, and 10th, you need to do that NOW by CLICKING HERE.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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