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Success For Life
Wednesday, October 11 2017
Some Creep Tried Luring Me Off Into the Bushes the Other Day!
I swear...the world is becoming more and more unhinged by the second it seems. You can't even frequent relatively safe areas anymore without worrying if somebody is going to cause you harm or death.
Over this past weekend, I took my daughter on a long-awaited beach weekend retreat in Dana Point where she wanted to swim in the water and make sand castles.  Since I had been working for a solid 4 weekends straight (including speaking at my Money Funnel 2.0 Workshop), I promised to NOT work 1 weekend and to take her on this little beach get-away.
But the hotel sucked.  (She liked it, though, so I kept my mouth shut.)  But you'd think that if you're paying $400 a night, you'd be able to get room service or, in the very least, have a restaurant on site.  Not the case at the DoubleTree dump we stayed at.  (I was trying to get at my "usual" Surf & Sand hotel but they were booked up!) 
However, since this was for Brie, I decided to pretend like the hotel was the best place ever since, in actuality, none of that really matters anyway.  Does it?  It's who you spend time with and not where you are that makes all the difference in the world.
However, what bothered me was that in order to get to the beach we had to cross the street and walk through what looked like a degenerating trailer park mixed with transients and low-end RVers.  I found it unbelievable that this prime stretch of beach real estate was being misused in such a horrific way but it's a state park so...what can you really expect?!
The Psychopath Who Tried Luring Us Into the Bushes...
To Do Who Knows What!
The place all seemed "okay" when I saw the amount of kids around.  Kids generally signify that there aren't any (or many) rapists and serial killers lurking about the place, at least not among the patrons that are there.
This is what I thought until the last morning we were at the beach and decided to head back to beat traffic home.  It was about 10am and there was this strange guy with 2 dogs who suddenly decided to stare at something off into the bushes next to a chain link fence the moment he saw us walking toward him.  He started talking to his dogs about this imaginary "thing" we was supposedly looking at. 
As we walked by, he said: "Did you see the bee hive in this bush?"
"Nope."  I quickened my pace, telling Brie to hurry up.  She was carrying Sally (our dog) because she doesn't do well around other dogs.
"You should look at this bee hive," he insisted.  "It's huge."  Yet this was such a "huge" bee hive that I didn't see a single bee flying about or swarming around which is simply impossible if there is a "huge" beehive anywhere.  (I actually have a "huge" beehive in my front yard inside a green county easement vent which I don't mess with because we're in such great need of bees on our planet.  And I constantly see the bees coming and going at all hours of the day by the hundreds.  This and having grown up with beehives in my backyard -- thanks to my parents -- I happen to know a lot about beehives.)
"I don't like bees," I said to the psychopath crack-pot.  I was about to tell him that I was allergic but decided that additional conversation was just a waste of valuable escape time.  At this point I was on the verge of beginning a brisk jog as I told Brie to hurry up yet again.
As we distanced ourselves from this freakoid, Brie told me, "I didn't see any bees."
And I told her, "Because there weren't any, that's why.  He's a liar because he's a total whack-job and he was probably trying get us near the bushes so he could hit us over the head or something.  That's how it always happens, you know.  They lure you into some area with a lie and then they hurt you.  That's why you can't trust anybody."
It bothered me that this is the type of stuff I have to tell her, almost routinely these days.  But I need her to know that it's (a) okay to be rude -- even to and especially to an adult -- when you don't want to look at something (like imaginary bees, for instance) or do something they're asking you to do (which may include putting yourself in danger), and (b) many times when people are trying to cause harm, they do it with a lie or "bait."  And you cannot fall for it otherwise it may very well be the last thing you do (or the last thing you wished you did).
The World...Coming Unglued Each and Every Day
I'm starting to think that as the world becomes more and more off balance, more and more of these off-kilter people rear their ugly heads everywhere.  We're seeing this with more frequent shootings and terrorist attacks, now anywhere and everywhere in the world.  Nothing is off limits anymore.
It kind of reminds me of Michael Jackson's Thriller where the zombies suddenly rise out of the ground to attack the living.  Why were they underground yesterday?  Why today are they coming up after being dormant for so long?  When was the trigger point of the madness we're seeing today?
And will it end?  Or will it just keep getting worse and worse as time goes on?  (I think we both know the answer to that one!)

So, what do you do?  How do you survive?

I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I really do.  But it requires living a much more BALANCED lifestyle.  And by BALANCE, I mean including the following essential components:

1)  Doing what you want to do (career or professionally), ideally selecting something that doesn't steal more than 40 hours per week of your time.  The perfect scenario will be to do something that requires 30 hours per week or less that can give you more than a full-time income so you can do other things, which brings me to...

2)  Taking A LOT more down-time.  This includes traveling or sitting at home to read (or organize your pictures or your closet...or whatever you want to do that doesn't require a rigid schedule).

3)  Living in an area of the country (or the world) that's harmonious to you, ideally with fewer people than a major metropolitan area.  Living among fewer people (rather than a place like NYC where everybody is stacked on top of one another) allows for a much more harmonious "flow" of peace and prosperity into your life.

But to do ANY or ALL 3 of the above, you need money.  You need an opportunity to allow you the lifestyle that you want.

Good news: I have that for you.  CLICK HERE and I'll share more about what I'm talking about.

In the meantime, stay away from weirdos.  It's getting crazy out there.  Now is the time to really start trusting your instincts because it's about all we have left as our last line of personal defense.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 09 2017

If you haven't checked this out, you need to.  Like right now.


I have a short audio seminar for you to listen to.

What I'm offering is nothing short of extraordinary.  For those of you who have been looking for an EXACT tested-and-proven Money Funnel (including ALL of the needed components) AND you're willing to roll up your sleeves to put a little work in it (mainly in following instructions), then this is an ABSOLUTE MUST for you!  In fact, I can guarantee that you'll be kicking yourself if you don't check this out right now.  (CLICK HERE NOW!)

By the way, I'll never be offering this again after this deal ends.  Absolutely never...never again.  That IS a guarantee.

So, what exactly IS this million-dollar "business gift" that you'll be getting?

I just finished my 3-day Money Funnel 2.0 INTENSIVE Workshop in Valencia, California where, within the 3 days, I revealed an EXACT tested-and-proven business (that I personally made millions with).  But I didn't stop there.  I actually gave my workshop students the EXACT marketing pieces to make this funnel work (and I've NEVER done this before).  So, when you watch all 3 days of the workshop, you will ALSO be able to gain access to the download links that have these EXACT tested-and-proven million-dollar business templates.

But this will ONLY be for those who not only get these videos during this very short promotional deal and once this is over, your ability to access this business will disappear forever.

PLUS...for the first 12 who get these videos, you'll be send a GOLD WRAPPED package that contains $1,700 in bonuses that will knock your socks off!  But I only have 12 sitting in my office.  Once they're gone, that's it.  That's ANOTHER thing that will disappear forever.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out about this Million-Dollar Money Funnel that you can get and you can then decide if this is something you want to jump on...or not!

Remember, the only excuse as to why you can't or don't have money is WITHIN YOU.  Yes, it's easy to blame everyone and everything for why your circumstances are the way they are.  But since I'm giving you the opportunity to completely pull out of being broke to literally being able to write your own checks for however much you want to with this RARE business that no one will EVER have access to again, this leaves you with NO EXCUSES WHATSOEVER!  Of course, some people LIKE making excuses, find much comfort in being miserable and broke (even though they say otherwise) because depression has become their internal "friend" in some demented kind of way.  But if you TRULY want to break free of that because you're thoroughly SICK of living like that then CLICK HERE.  Stop making excuses and start doing something about it!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  This is a VERY LIMITED OFFER!  It ends VERY SOON.  Plus...remember, we ONLY have 12 of the GOLD-WRAPPED $1,700 bonuses in our office.  Once they're gone, that's it.  They're gone!

P.P.S.  Questions?  Call us at (661) 295-5050 if you have ANY questions.  We're available after 9am Pacific Time and up to 5pm Pacific Time.  Chat with you soon!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 07 2017

A few months ago my daughter and I were about to take a flight when I discovered that they changed my seat to where we were both going to be separated.  I think this was because the plane changed at the last minute and the system automatically assigned new seats to everyone.  And I will NOT be separated from my 9-year-old.

So, I called to complain to Delta stating that this was completely unacceptable.  And they told me that there were only 2 seats together left on the the VERY LAST ROW.  So, we went from being in the front to the back...or I had to choose another flight on another day which just wasn't doable. the back we went.

Now just to give you a little background, I fly A LOT.  I don't get sick in planes (although boats and helicopters are a different story).  Not ever.

But this flight was different.

You see, right in front of us was a male gay couple.  And during the ENTIRE FLIGHT they decided that it was completely okay to act out their lust for each other in some of the most repulsive (and definitely INAPPROPRIATE ways) during the entire flight.  I told my daughter to look elsewhere (for 4 1/2 hours, mind you) while I mentioned TWICE to the flight attendants that this behavior in public was NOT acceptable.  But none of these Delta employees would dare approach these guys because they were afraid of the "gay backlash" of saying something that could be misconstrued as violating their rights.  (What about MY rights?  What about PUBLIC DECENCY?)

So, I sat there, completely disgusted, upset, and full of anxiety during the entire flight, especially since I knew they were doing this on purpose, probably with the hopes that somebody would "out" them so they could complain to the news about how people were being prejudice.  And I KNEW they knew what they were doing was wrong because the moment a very young child would walk by, they STOPPED this ridiculous and idiotic behavior...afraid that the young child would say something VERY LOUD like, "Mommy, Daddy, why are there two guys kissing?"  Man, I was REALLY hoping that this one young blonde-haired little girl would be my hero because certainly NOBODY ELSE was going to be.

I'm all for gay rights but...COME ON!

Then I began to tell my daughter a lesson about human respect, decency and the unfortunate realities of our current world in that you can't just act like an asshole in public just because you think you can...because you never know who is sitting behind you.  What if I were part of, say, a biker gang and was so disgusted by the behavior that I decided to follow them home and kill them because they go against my personal beliefs as, say, a righteous right-winged religious nut job?  (Again, you NEVER KNOW who is sitting behind you.) 

Of course, they were lucky...this time.  Because I would never do such a thing.  But I actually explained to my daughter that next time, they may not be very lucky, and there are more people than you think who SEEK OUT people like that to commit harmful acts against them because they believe their lifestyle is wrong.  And then the gay couple's "we're-loud-we're-proud-get-used-to-it" attitude will quickly be adjusted when they're looking down the barrel of a .45 caliber held by a madman who thinks their behavior is despicable.

Again, you just never know.  Human respect and decency -- especially in THIS day and age -- is no longer a luxury.  It's a necessity...for survival.

I don't know what bothered my daughter more.  The blatant display of "yuckiness" by these two guys for 4 1/2 hours or that people would actually KILL these guys for being that way.  (I'm thinking for her it was the latter; for me it was the former.)

As we landed, I was SO SICK to my stomach that -- for the first time ever -- I actually GRABBED FOR the puke bag in the back seat of the seat in front of me.  I held it in my fingers, trying to choke back the inevitable throw-up storm to come.  And I kept swallowing it back, actually (miraculously) containing the embarrassment for myself.  At that moment I VOWED to NEVER sit among what I now refer to as the "unwashed masses" (or people who simply don't care about how they conduct themselves in public). Yes, I know that sounds REALLY BAD but think about my situation and ask yourself how YOU would have felt or responded.  Yes, exactly.  Probably the same exact way as I did.

For me, flying first class these days is a must and something I do all the time (except for this unfortunate flight).  And no, I don't consider myself "lucky" to do this.  I consider myself deserving of being able to fly this way based on my hard work and dedication to my businesses.  And I really pride myself in being able to unlock any kind of cash flow I want AT WILL due to having figured some things out over the years.

And imagine if I can GIVE YOU an EXACT tested-and-proven "plug-in" business that you can HAVE...once that has made me millions over the years that you can just "take over" as your own and make just as much, if not more, so YOU TOO can live your life on your own terms (including having the option to avoid the "unwashed masses")?

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.  Yes, you DO have the opportunity to make whatever amount you want and enjoy incredible freedoms that money can buy for you.  But only if you want to do this!

Yes, this IS a very powerful and profitable business.  But it's definitely NOT for everyone.

CLICK HERE for more details.

And by the way, if I offended anyone, so be it.  I don't give a damn.  (You should know me better by now.)  I have nothing against anyone of race, creed, sexual preference, religion or otherwise so if you misconstrued it that way, I'm not sure what to tell you.  Nobody likes to be put in an awkward or embarrassing situation, me included.  And I doubt you do too.

Have a great weekend!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 04 2017

I think we're all clued in on what's been happening these days (especially the recent shooting in Las Vegas)'s pretty bad.  Isn't it?  And there's nothing left to say really in situations like this where the violence is just getting worse with each passing year.  It kind of makes one pause and take a step back to figure out where all this is coming from.

First of all, my condolences to those who have sustained losses in ANY of the recent violence that's been happening lately.  I actually know a couple in Las Vegas.  They had family members who attended the concert and were there when all the bullets went flying.  Thankfully they escaped physically unscathed.  (Psychologically...well, that's a whole other thing altogether.)  Others, however, didn't fare well and some are still fighting for their lives as you read this.  It's all so sad, really, on two sides: the side in which there are so many lives lost in such an unimaginable way but the other side in which a single individual feels that this is somehow necessary to carry out.

I get what it's about being depressed.  I understand isolation, loneliness, and a feeling of disconnection from fellow human beings.  I get all that.

What I DON'T get is carrying out harm towards others when feeling this way.  Typically people feeling depressed and disconnected tend to harm only themselves and not TONS of others...unless he's pissed off in some way.

And I say he...because it seems like it's ALWAYS a man (or men) carrying out these unspeakable crimes, isn't it?  (Why is that anyway?)

As time goes on I'm noticing that people are feeling more frustrated, more disconnected, more angry, more helpless...and more out of control.  I believe this is why people are doing these things.  I may be wrong, but that's just my general assessment.  The more off-balance we are becoming as a world, the more these things will not only continue to happen but will happen with greater frequency while more and more people's lives are taken in each incident as these crack-pots get more "creative" in how they can take even more people in one fell swoop.

Pretty soon, people won't leave the house anymore.  And the terrorists will have won.  (Yes, that man in Vegas WAS a terrorist...I don't care who he was or what his background was.  Anyone who inflicts pain, death, and fear upon people is a terrorist.)

So, what's the solution to all of this?  Is there even a solution?

I don't know.  I mentioned that when I was in Europe, I saw a boatload of Syrian refugees in the middle of the ocean, drove down the very street in Nice, France where the "refrigerator truck terrorist" killed all those people and, a week after departing from Barcelona, saw that there was a terrorist attack the exact same area where we were in Barcelona.  (I recognized the art that was painted on the walkway there.)  One may think:  "Well, that was in Europe."

Now one can and should think:  Now it's here, in the United States at any given time and at any given place.  (Think Vegas, think Pulse in Orlando, think Sandy Hook...think waaaayyyyy back to 9-11 in case you forgot so, yes, it's HERE too!)

So...what do you do then?  Sit around living in fear?  Get depressed?  Feel even more hopeless as a nation and as a globe than you did maybe only last week?

Nah.  That's definitely not the answer.  It can't be.  And neither can living safely behind closed doors be the answer either (because who even knows how safe that is anymore).

The answer, I believe, is to keep YOU and YOUR LIFE as balanced as possible.  Stay focused and aware of your surroundings.  Trust your intuition or your "gut."  But don't live in a closet because of fear.  Definitely DON'T do that!  (Because once you stop living your life out of fear then you die in that moment anyway.) 

The question THEN becomes, "How do you stay focused while completely balanced and [gasp] even HAPPY in the midst of all this?"  I suppose the true answer differs greatly from one person to the next.  For me, I've found that I have to have a deep sense of purpose in what I'm doing, mainly in doing FOR OTHERS and not really for myself.  I suggest the same for you.  Find some purpose, even if it's just being there for your family and friends.  It doesn't have to be this huge sense of purpose to be relevant.  Seriously, you don't.

When I was doing my last workshop (which ended over this past weekend), I noticed that there was a common theme among many of my students which, before, I would condemn.  (I don't anymore.)  And that is this:  "I just want to make money doing anything so long as I can spend more time with my family while being able to afford to travel and do the things I want to do."  While before I thought this was kind of shallow, I later realized that this is exactly what everybody is after.  And, perhaps, if EVERYBODY was able to work less (having much less stress) working for themselves (having a sense of CONTROL over their lives) and be able to spend more time with their friends and families traveling and doing what they want (having a better sense of CONNECTION), perhaps everybody would be more BALANCED and more "zen."  And zen people don't go out shooting people.  They just don't.

If you want to check out something that maybe YOU can use to gain control over your life, CLICK HERE!  After all, everybody is looking for more control and balance.  And you're probably not getting that now.  But you can.

In the meantime, stay happy and healthy, my friend.  Life is too short to be sad all the time.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 26 2017

Everybody always wants to know the "secret to success," don't they?

Well, there are always multiple ways, multiple strategies, multiple disciplines, and multiple "secrets" to anyone's success who came up from nothing like I have.

But there is ONE SECRET that takes precedence front row and center over many of the others.  And it's the ability to borrow money for projects, real estate acquisitions, buying an existing business, starting a new business from scratch, etc.  Without the ability to do this, success is VERY hard to come by.

Where this portion of your success starts is with your personal credit rating.  And if it sucks, you need to fix it...LIKE NOW!  It happens in 2 parts:  (1) Removing credit delinquencies, and (2) Rebuilding with NEW credit.  This must happen at almost the same time.  Once you get your personal credit on track then you can start tapping into business credit (pretty much overnight once your personal mid-FICO is at or above 720).  But it ALL starts with your personal credit FIRST.

I have a very rare opportunity for you to join me in my personal credit building service.  We only offer this twice per year.  The next time we offer this will be late spring or early summer 2018.  Do you really want to wait that long if your personal mid-FICO is under 700 or...worse...even lower than that??

Remember, ALL wealth-building STARTS with good solid personal credit.  If you don't have it, the good news is that it can be dramatically improved in the next handful of months by having US do it for you.  Then, after your FICO increases then you won't need the program anymore.  (This is why we are about to open up the program a couple of times a year.  Once our case load decreases to between 2 and 3 people then we are able to open it up again to new students who need the service.  Then we go up to about a dozen new students to give you the best possible service.  Depending on how bad the credit is will determine if the service needs to last 3 months, 6 months or a full year.)

CLICK HERE if you want to take advantage of this LAST FOR 2017 opportunity to become part of our credit building service.

Remember, with everything that happened with Experian and the credit breach, you can now get things removed off even faster and more efficiently IF you know what to do.  The good news is that this time around I'm offering my newly released Personal Credit Building System for a huge discount AND I'm including a new resource that can get you up to $35,000 in unsecured credit, even if you have shabby personal credit.

This deal ends REALLY in a couple of days!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 21 2017

I haven't been on FIRE in a this should be an entertaining read considering that I'm really angry right now!

First of all, a couple of day ago, some guy comes to my office because he's interested in my Build Business Credit FAST! System...except that not only does he NOT want to pay for the course but he thinks I'm going to clear off my schedule (right then and there) to personally "coach" him (without paying for it, of course) on how to both rebuild his personal credit as well as build his business credit.

Some people, I swear.  They have no morals, no consideration for other's time and space.  No nothing.  Because, after all, all I do is sit in my office twiddling my thumbs...just WAITING for somebody to come so that I can get to work on training them for nothing.  If that was the business I decided to be in, I would close my office and join a missionary in South America instead, helping sick children and old people.  At least maybe then I'd start to think I'm making a difference somehow.

Then this morning I'm walking my daughter to school and this doctor comes rolling up in his ugly shit-brown/maroon-color Maserati and BLOCKS the cross walk for the kids.  Then he just sits there in his ugly-looking expensive car.  And I tell him to move his piece of shit as loud as I could because he's illegally blocking a cross walk (and I know he heard me through his black tinted windows).  He knew damn well what he was doing because when he got out of the car with his two snot-nosed little brats, he refused to look at me. If he did, it would have been on and crackin' at that point because I would have made him feel 1-inch tall inside of 15 seconds.  (I'm good at slicing people down to size...especially men.  And I'm pretty quick and concise.)  Because he refused to engage, I decided to make a scene by talking really loud to the crossing guard about how she needs to tell these losers that parking in a cross walk is illegal and that it's her job to "check" people like that idiot.  And that maybe it's time she gets the CHP out there to start writing these morons tickets.  (Yes, he heard me.  The loser.  I don't care that he's a doctor.  He's still a loser.)

Let's just say I'm VERY grateful that the back pockets of my pants are too small to fit something as large as a crow bar otherwise I probably would be in jail for a homicide by now.  Too many stupid, ignorant and inconsiderate people roaming about, crossing my path, at every minute of every day.  And yes, this includes DOCTORS too.

And if this run-in with this first jerk-off (who was a doctor, as I mentioned) wasn't enough, I had my SECOND run-in with ANOTHER doctor just a few minutes later as I was driving to the office.  He was trying to race me in his fire-engine-red overpriced Mustang ideal for the guy who is exiting his mid-life-crises years and entering into the winter years of his life.  How did I know he was a doctor?  I don't know.  His arrogant vanity license plate kind of gave it away:  QWCK DOC.  Should be SHT DOC...or ASS DICK...would have been more fitting.  So, he tries cutting me off in the left lane, because evidently he wanted me to know what a hot ride he had, but he's trying to do all this while all traffic is going a whole 5 miles an hour.  Then he cuts over to the right and makes a right turn.  I'm like...Really??!!  Do you TRY being this much of a loser or does it just come naturally to you??

Here we are dealing with all this crap in the world including ANOTHER hurricane ripping apart parts of the United States (yes, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are territories of the U.S.) and Mexico having been hit with another devastating earthquake.  This is the type of stuff that I'M thinking about while these 2 dick doctors think that the entire world revolves solely and exclusively around them, as with how MOST people in the city I live in actually think.  And it makes me wonder...when did people become so selfish and so inconsiderate?  When did people begin to think that it's OKAY to act like uncivilized, rude, selfish, and prick-ish all the time?  I just don't get it!

I think a lot of this anger started off over the weekend when I started reading this 100% useless "self-help" book called Father Therapy by Doreen Virtue.  (If you really want to find yourself borderline suicidal, read this book.)  I read a lot and I have to say out of everything I've read over the past few years, this is, by far, the most depressing and worthless book I've ever read.  (Don't read it; save yourself the grief.  Oh, and she's working on her next book called Mother Therapy.  I'm pretty sure that will be a "winner" too.  If she didn't get you to kill yourself with her book Father Therapy then she'll definitely do you in with Mother Therapy.)

I'm starting to believe that the world at large is becoming unhinged and I'm finding myself on a constant plight to "reel myself back in," starting with NOT watching the news for awhile until I can get myself re-balanced.  (Yes, it's really OKAY to focus on yourself and your family for awhile as you disconnect from the bigger picture for a little bit.  This is NECESSARY if you're ever going to accomplish something relevant and meaningful in your life.)

What is it that YOU aren't accomplishing in your life because you're too busy being bombarded by everybody else's nonsense all day long?

One of the "base" things that most of you absolutely MUST get to work on if you want to move yourself up the success ladder is THIS...CLICK HERE!

In the meantime, stay out of trouble.  (I know...easier said than done, isn't it?)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I still have ONE SLOT LEFT in my upcoming Money Funnel 2.0 Workshop in Valencia, California on September 28th, 29th, and 30th.  CLICK HERE for more details now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 06 2017
Time to Open the CASH VAULT!

Time to OPEN the CASH VAULT!

For those of you who have been looking for your "foot in the door" in either real estate investing, starting a business, or BOTH but you've been lacking funds to do it...

You need to CLICK HERE NOW!

And listen to my short audio seminar.

Yes, this can be life changing for you.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 04 2017
But let's be honest:
You love Labor Day because many of you get a day off of WORK.  Yes, WORK.  As in WORKING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE.  As in MAKING SOMEBODY ELSE RICH!
Tired of doing that yet?
Because I can tell you how I spend my Federal holidays.
I work because I LIKE working.  Like today...I'm looking at cash flowing real estate deals and drawing up offers that will start going out tomorrow on these properties.  This is WORK (by definition) but I like doing it that I can't think of another way to spend MY Labor Day.
BBQ-ing in the 120-degree weather here in Southern California?  Nah.  Not my thing.  Getting drunk because it's my only day of "freedom" from working in a small cubicle at somebody else's office?  Nope.  Doesn't apply to me.  Spending time with a bunch of people who waste the whole day talking about badly their boss sucks or how crappy their job is?  Definitely NOT me...because I work for myself.
Now you can too so you can stop working for somebody you hate, making him or her rich while you struggle to get by.  Now you can start doing those real estate deals when, before, maybe not having the down payment was the reason you couldn't make the deal(s) work.  
Maybe NOW you can FINALLY start that business or investing in real estate like you've been thinking about because only yesterday when you know you've been thinking about it again...and maybe again today, but you just don't have the money to start it.  So you keep throwing that dream on the back burner.
But now you do have access to OPM.  Now you can access these unsecured loans and lines of credit to do all of the things that you couldn't do before.
CLICK HERE to check out what I'm talking about and how YOU can finally start accessing the types of OPM that I've been able to access over the years that have allowed me to get rich!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 02 2017

For those of you who have the Motherload Resource Directory for 2018, you'd notice that when you received it, you have instant access to my investor partner to submit loan requests or property deals effective yesterday, September 1st.  Please note that one of the two investors that are part of this team that I'm working with is based in Houston, Texas.  They had lost power and Internet services.  And his office was a little flooded.  Not too bad but bad enough that it's going to take a bit of work to get it back into functioning order.

Keep submitting your deals anyway.  They'll get to your loan requests and partnership deals but they told me to tell you guys and gals that they'll be a delay in 2 to 3 weeks.  Because of this, they'll be extending loan requests and partnership deal submissions a full month on top of what you'll see on the sheet (the one that includes the Member's Only user name and password to submit deals)...extending it from the end of March to the end of April 2018.

Pretty good deal, isn't it?  I think it is, especially since these guys have done over 300 deals and loans with my students in just a little over 1 year.  And that's quite significant considering that my other investor partners will do anywhere from 6 to 12 deals with my students in a full year!

This means that you can keep submitting deals and loan requests and you now have until the end of April to submit your final requests.

Now, for those of you who have been submitting deals, let me give you a break-down as to how this process works in case there is ANY confusion.

1)  You'll submit your loan request or partnership deal through an online form AFTER you enter your user name and password to your Member's Only site.  Some people who decided that they didn't want to get the Motherload Directory of 2018 have been trying to "break in" to the site.  The problem is...I give a list of new students to my investors EVERY FRIDAY.  The list contain's the student's full name, email address, and phone number as well as their city/state location in the country.  (I do this in case they are seeking out deals in a specific area of the country; this allows them to CALL YOU DIRECTLY if they want to work with you on doing partnerships, deal groundwork, etc. because you are in a city they are doing deals in.)  So, for those of you trying to "break in," you can't.  You have to be on the list otherwise they won't accept your deal or loan request at all.

2)  After you submit the initial 1-page online application, you are then given an IMMEDIATE set of instructions on what you MUST provide to my investors within 7 days.  Yes, it MUST be emailed to them within 7 days or they automatically delete your loan request or partnership deal OUT of the system on the 8th day.  This would be before they even build a file.  They don't print out your application or move forward with anything until they get that second requested component within 7 days.  Once they receive it, they print out your application AND the components you were required to email to them within 7 days and they create your file.  Now it becomes a physical file (instead of just online).  Then, an assistant (by the name of Abel J.) goes through your file of your submitted deal or loan request and matches up the criteria as defined by the two partners running the investor-partnership firm.  For property deals, they make sure the CURRENT CAP rates are at 9% or higher (and NOT based on proforma numbers UNLESS it's an REO deal).  They make sure the expense ratio matches reality.  (For example, if you're telling them that the expense ratio on a 100-unit apartment building in Chicago is only 25% against the GOI then they'll throw out the deal knowing that this simply isn't possible and defies all logic.)  They make sure the numbers seem real.  (For example, if every listed expense is an exact number such as $500, $5,000, $10,000, etc. then they will assume that they aren't real numbers because NO property or business has EXACT numbers like these on every single expense unless you're making it up.)  If they're not, the deal gets thrown out.  And they WILL NOT notify you UNLESS they want to move forward with the deal.  They don't have time to notify people, especially since many will just try to argue about why the deal is so great instead of just looking for a new deal.

3)  If they like your deal, they WILL contact you with further instructions.  DO NOT put the deal under contract before submission otherwise it won't be accepted due to their desire in negotiating LOWER on the price than what you may have already negotiated.  For real estate deals, the further instructions are asking for 3 years or income and expenses while submitting an LOI and confidentiality agreement to get these numbers.  They will also ask you to fill out a more in-depth application to get more of a background on you, especially if you are going in as a partner on the LLC.  They will want to know if you have bad credit that will infringe upon getting a good mortgage at attractive rates.  If you do have poor credit, BE HONEST.  They'll just leave you off the LLC and have something called a "private agreement" in writing with you so that you can get your piece of the action without actually being in the LLC until AFTER the close of escrow.  If this is a loan, they will want some background to make sure that you didn't just get out of prison for armed robbery or that the money really isn't for setting up a meth lab in the desert.

4)  Once everything checks out with both yourself and with the deal, a number of things go on simultaneously.  The property will go under contract.  They will request a loan (on a larger partnership) from their go-to lender OR they'll just cash it out (on smaller deals, usually REOs).  Escrow will close and you'll get to work as per the partnership and operating agreement that you would have signed during the LLC set-up phase.  (And yes, they will become part of the LLC if you are getting money for business too; they will want to be PART OWNERS of the business as well to ensure that they get their cut and/or their money back.  Once you pay back the loan, many times they will release the LLC back to you solely or they will stay a smaller-share partner, depending on what you negotiated with them in the beginning.)

And that's how it all works.

So, for those of you who haven't been following instructions within that 7-day period and have been wondering why they're not accepting your deal, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS otherwise they won't do a deal with you.  Period.  It's their money so they have the right to lay down the rules; you don't get that option.  And if it was YOUR money on the line, you'd probably want to get some type of numbers, business plan, or SOMETHING to show where the money is going, right?  Right.  Listen, if you're not willing to give them the stuff they want then you're not going to get what YOU want out of this.  They are certainly not obligated to give you the money for anything or do a partnership, ESPECIALLY for those of you who don't want to complete the process.

Listen, there are A LOT of students who have taken these guys up on their offer to do partnerships and small loans.  They followed the rules.  They got what they wanted.  That can be YOU TOO if you JUST FOLLOW THE RULES.  No, it's not hard.  No, it doesn't take a long time to do or a rocket scientist to figure it out.  But it does require effort.

For those of you who didn't get the Motherload Resource Directory for 2018 that includes this set of investors as well as OVER 100 other sources for unsecured credit and loans as well as low LTV mortgages for property deals, CLICK HERE NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  In light of Hurricane Harvey and the disaster in my investor-partner's stomping grounds, I will be donating a portion of the money from all Motherload Resource Directory for 2018 purchases to the Red Cross to help the efforts in Texas.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 01 2017

​I hate to be the one to tell you this but it's 100% true: your success (or failure) in real estate investing hinges SOLELY on your ability to be able to access OPM or Other People's Money.  If you cannot gain this type of access, trying to invest in real estate becomes very difficult and, in many cases, just plain impossible to do!

But...what if I told you that I have the ULTIMATE solution for you because I can GIVE you access to all the money you'd ever want for real estate deals, buying or starting a business, or taking advantage or other investment opportunities out there?

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about!

Stop making excuses as to why you can't be a successful real estate investor or business owner (or both!).  Take the bull by the horns, take my contacts and resources, and USE THEM to get rich beyond your wildest dreams!

But...I'm not offering this for long.  CLICK HERE NOW to get this before it's too late!

If you have any questions at all, call my office at 661-295-5050.  We're here to help you, answer any questions you may have, and help you understand the pure power behind using OPM to make yourself unbelievably wealthy!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:07 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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