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Success For Life
Wednesday, August 30 2017

Did you listen to my audio seminar yet?  If not, CLICK HERE NOW to listen to it!

Listen, the biggest reason people FAIL as real estate investors is because they don't have access to money for down payments, due diligence, and other costs involved in investing.

But what if I can change all that for you within the next couple of days?  That would be life-changing for you, wouldn't it?

Well, good news!  I can and HAVE changed all that for you so now you can gain the same type of access that I and other profitable investors have which is access to unsecured CASH for deals and for buying into other business ventures.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

Stop using the lack of money and resources as an excuse for not getting the monthly passive income that you know you want!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 28 2017

Real estate investing is ALL about OPM or Other People's Money.  This is the ONLY way to make it big as a real estate investing and to ultimately enjoy thousands of dollars a month in pure passive income.

But what do you do when you have no resources, no credit, and no plausible way of getting the money needed for down payments, due diligence, and other costs involved in investing in real estate?

This is when knowledge becomes power.  Having connections and people to call for money for deals becomes invaluable...

And I can give you all that, right now.  You just have to CLICK HERE.

Many of you know the story of how I got involved in using OPM.  I was kind of forced into it due to a bankruptcy that I filed a very long time ago.  This, coupled with a devastating civil lawsuit that I lost, I found myself in a situation where I didn't have credit, couldn't get credit, and had to get creative in creating connections, finding investors, and doing things much differently to get cash for my deals and other business ventures.  This taught me an invaluable lesson in that I can get money for any type of business endeavor -- yes, even if I wanted to make a movie (which I've thought about over the years) -- from private investors and private money sources.

So, not only will I share some of my most valuable resources with you BUT I will also show you the most cutting edge strategies (in a brand new video series) on getting private money from investors using a little-known secret that I'll bet you the farm that you've never heard of before.  (And you'll be shocked at just how easy yet effective this is.)  This way you'll ALWAYS know how to find private investors for ANYTHING you'll ever want to do.

And I'm including this invaluable video series as a BONUS for everyone that gets my brand new just released Motherload Resource Directory for 2018.

This directory is POWERFUL and isn't just for a tire-kicker who has only a half-baked interest in becoming a successful real estate investor (or one looking for funds to start or buy a business).  Because the resources in this directory are so powerful that I don't want someone who just wants to dial somebody up to get an unsecured loan for something a luxury car or big screen TV.  No, this is for SERIOUS INVESTORS and SERIOUS BUSINESS PEOPLE who want to USE MONEY TO MAKE MONEY (and not use the money for stupid personal purchases) because you fully understand that you can use the power of OPM to get VERY WEALTHY!

So, if you're one of those people who "gets it" and understands what to do with the money once you get it, then CLICK HERE NOW.  You don't want to pass up the opportunity to get this incredible directory that has EVERY source you'll ever need for getting a private investor, getting unsecured loans, getting money for down payments, and getting money for a new (or to purchase a) business.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, August 25 2017

Recently I released my brand new Motherload Resource Directory for 2018 and I'm giving a SPECIAL DEAL to those who own ANY prior version of this Resource Directory, making it CLEAR on my website that directories found in my courses such as the Apartment Building Cash Flow System and others DO NOT COUNT.  These are NOT the Motherload Resource Directories.

So, I had way too many people calling the office and arguing with my staff about having this directory so they can qualify for the deeply discounted upgrade cost instead of paying the full introductory price!

Therefore, I came up with a SOLUTION to this for those of you who keep insisting that you have this directory (even though when we look in our database, there is NO record of a prior purchase of it).  For those of you who insist that you have a prior version, you can take a picture of it with your phone (or scan in the cover) and email it to and then make sure you put your full name in your email so that when your discounted order comes through, we don't reject it because you've shown proof of your prior Motherload Resource Directory purchase.

CLICK HERE to get the introductory or upgrade rate on this incredible directory which includes submitting deals to my investor partner, getting down payment cash for your deals, getting business loans (even for start-ups and even if you have bad personal credit), and hundreds of other sources that are 100% updated where you can get the MONEY you need for any and every type of venture or deal you want to do.

Because, let's face it, without money, it's VERY difficult to make money in real estate, in business, or trying to do anything else for wealth building, isn't it?

So, I'm offering you a solution to this problem that many of you have.

CLICK HERE to get this directory NOW!

And, again, for those of you trying to get one over on the pricing deal, we check EVERY upgrade order in our system and if you're not there, we cancel your order.  So, if you KNOW for a FACT that you have ANY prior version of the Motherload Resource Directory, PLEASE email us a picture of it including your name and THEN you can place your order by CLICKING HERE for the discounted upgrade version.  This ensures that your order won't get canceled out of the system.  I'm not trying to be difficult but I'm tired of students calling my office to argue with my staff about this so this is the ONLY solution I can come up with at the moment.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, August 22 2017

Well...I'm BACK!!!  I came back from my summer hiatus and I'm now back in action full time. And what a trip I came back from!  I was in Europe for 12 days after showing my daughter Brie NYC for her first time before we headed to Spain.  So, I was gone for more than 2 weeks which is way beyond my comfort zone for taking trips.  But it was AWESOME...and in ways that you wouldn't think.

So...the European trip:  We started in Barcelona and went through France, Italy, and back to Spain over a 10-day Mediterranean cruise.  And it was HOT.  Sweltering HOT. But well worth every second.  

I have hundreds of pictures from the trip but none depicted what I gained on the inside from my experiences in Europe.  The most amazing experience for us was that our cruise ship ended up rescuing Syrian refugees.  We waited for 3 hours waiting for the Italian Coast Guard to come out before we left.

Yes, it's just like what you see on the news.  Yes, this sh** is for real.  This REAL stuff is happening out there in the real world.  

And yes, we are freaking lucky as hell for living in a land of such great opportunity because so many people out there don't have anything but the clothes they have on their backs...stuffed in a little tiny boat hoping they get SOMEWHERE so they can start a new life.  Anywhere but where they were.

And this would be after having visited France, driving down that same road in Nice where only a year before (July 2016) there was a terror attack right where we were.  And there we were in July 2017, a year later after it happened.  It just doesn't hit you -- the REALITIES of the world outside of the shallow plastic lives we live in -- just how REAL it is until you are there.

Then to come home and, only a week later, an attack on Barcelona EXACTLY where we were before we set off on our Disney cruise.
Yes, this sh** is real out there.  It's all real.  And we're all lucky to be relatively safe here (for the most part) and to have the access to the opportunities and freedom that this great country affords us. 
It kind of makes you realize that there are NO EXCUSES for not making it.  None whatsoever. (Seriously, there are NO excuses.)
After having come back, I had to dive into hundreds of emails from students with predominantly the same concern/question: "I don't have the [financial] resources to invest in real estate [or start a business] so what do I do?"
These things, they come in waves it seems where a lot of people (by mass consciousness, I suppose) all have the same questions.
So, I have a "mass" answer for everyone who has been wanting to get involved in either flipping or buy-and-hold real estate OR needing money to start (or buy) a business.
CLICK HERE for my solution for you!
In the meantime, I'm glad to be back and to be of service to my students who have been patiently waiting for my globe trotting to end so that I can get back to work!
By the way, for those of you who want to know how things are going to be between now and the end of 2017 and then for all of 2018, here's what to expect:
1)  I'll be doing my LAST EVER training on non-real estate Aggressive Income Strategies.  I'm doing a Money Funnel 2.0 hands-on workshop training on September 28th - 30th in Valencia, California and I have ONE spot left.  If you're interested, you need to call the office at 661-295-5050 to secure that slot before it's taken!  Or CLICK HERE now!
2)  I'm also doing my LAST EVER Money Funnel Mentorship Group called Money Funnel 2.0 which starts on September 5th.  This is 100% online so you don't have to show up anywhere.  Everything is recorded so if you miss the live trainings, you can view them later at your convenience.  This is for those of you interested in making a ton of cash with a home-based highly profitable online business.  CLICK HERE to get in on this LAST EVER mentorship group!
3)  Once these 2 outlined Money Funnel trainings are over with, I'll be focusing exclusively on real estate investing for the rest of 2017 and through all of 2018.  This is in preparation of (and to take advantage of) the upcoming recession that's already hitting us in certain areas of the real estate market already but won't fully hit until we see our subprime credit collapse...some predicting it'll be WORSE than 2008.  We'll see. Either way, IT'S COMING, folks!  It's best to be prepared, line up resources and PROFIT rather than running for the hills while going broke like everyone else will be doing.  And I'll be showing you just how to do that for the remainder of 2017 and all of 2018 so buckle your seatbelts!  You can start lining up your resources now by CLICKING HERE for a very rare money opportunity!
Remember, nothing happens for you until you MAKE it happen for you.  That's just the way life works.
Glad to be back, everyone!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 09 2017

A few months ago I started telling you about a student of mine -- Stephen -- who started making a couple thousand dollars a week using my Affiliate Marketing Strategies.  Since then, he's ADDED to his strategies using BOTH my Direct Marketing Millionaire Strategies and my Money Funnel Strategies from last year.

And his business has EXPLODED.  He's now raking in OVER $27,000 a month.

The thing about Stephen is that he self-describes himself as being somebody who is "stupid" when it comes to technology.  He's an older guy...66 to be exact.  And even he is still blown away that he's able to pull any of this off. He said this to me:  "I never told myself that I couldn't do it.  I tinkered around with everything you said until it just started working like you said it would.  Then I began adding more and more to it.  And now I'm pulling in some impressive financial figures."

Yes, he is!  I'm so proud of Stephen!!

CLICK HERE for a brief 10-minute audio seminar talking about how you can make $5,000 to $20,000 a month MINIMUM with these brand new Aggressive Income Strategies that will knock your socks off!

For those of you who have been procrastinating on starting a cash flowing Aggressive Business, NOW is the time!  Seriously.  Summer is almost over.  You're going to want to take trips and buy new stuff for yourself come fall and within the holiday season.  Time to start generating a quick, consistent and solid income for yourself with the easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective Aggressive Income Business Strategy out there: Money Funnel 2.0

CLICK HERE to find out how you can make $5,000 to $20,000 a month doing this...all from your laptop or desktop at home!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 06 2017

Last year my one-time-only Money Funnel Mentorship Group ended and I got an email within weeks after it ended from one of my students in the group who has just cleared $7,000 within 2 weeks AFTER the group ended, putting him on track to make $14,000 for his first month with his newly completed money funnel business.  So when I say this stuff works...and fast, I'm not kidding!!

I take time to get updates from students by sending them emails here and there, asking about their progress.  My student said he thought he'd be making more money by now.  So when I asked him what he's making now (thinking that he was making much less), he said that he was "only" at $20,000 a month in net profits.  His beef was that it had been a year and he "should" be making more money.  (This irritated me but...what can I do?)  After digging into his business activities, I found that he wasn't adding any websites or any new marketing.  He found contentment in working 9 - 10 hours a week so he didn't want to add more man power (himself) to do extra work for more money.  What the hell??  But I DID remind him that $20,000 a month is still pretty damn good for working about 40 hours a MONTH which is what most people work in a week.

Last year I decided that I will ONLY be doing ONE of these Money Funnel Mentorship Groups.  And it ended last year.  True to my word, I didn't do any more.  They're too intensive and time-consuming for me so if you missed my only group, I'm sorry.  But...

I did decide to do something different called Money Funnel 2.0.  And true to my word (like last time) I'll be doing ONLY ONE of these specialized 8-week 100% online mentorship groups.

Even better, I'm offering this Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group at a kick-ass price with a whole boat load of killer bonuses.  CLICK HERE to watch some testimonial videos and listen to an awesome 10-minute audio seminar!
One more thing:  Viper Wealth Members, you get an even BETTER pricing deal on this offer.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 31 2017

Recently I was telling you about Vincent James' $77 Million Manual that I got off eBay MANY years ago and how it helped me create a multi-million dollar health supplement company from scratch.

For the manual itself, it was riddled with endless amounts of mistakes, English misspellings, grammatical errors, and was very difficult to read because he wrote it within days of being hauled off to prison to do a sentence concerning the mishaps with his company.  (Yes, he ended up going to jail for lying in his advertising about "clinical trials" that he never did while putting people on credit card auto-pay, making it next to impossible for them to get off of auto-billing.)  But, I believe you can LEARN from other people's mistakes just as well as their successes.  What was awesome about this book (if you can still find it anywhere) is that it gives you his EXACT blueprint to create a multi-million-dollar direct mail marketing empire INCLUDING what NOT to do to get into legal trouble like he did.  (He does talk at great length about what NOT to do which is critical for EVERY business to know!)

What I didn't quite get (especially with some of my students) is that they complain if one little thing is "off" or "wrong" with a book or manual, particularly with a misspelling or grammatical errors.  My point was that, to me, it didn't matter how many errors there are in a text provided that it's giving me a MAP to become SUPER SUCCESSFUL in whatever I'm reading about.

As the $77 Million Manual did for me.

I DID follow Vincent's advice (with some tweaks and minor changes) and started a company called Brie Labs based on his business model.  And within mere months the company turned into a CASH COW, bringing in millions of dollars based on his basic business structure as he outlined in his manual.  All because I didn't care about the misspellings and slapped together text of the book.

And to think...if I would have discounted his manual because of the misspelled words, grammatical issues, I would have been running around like the rest of the unsuccessful "perfectionists" who won't dare follow through with ANY book, course, manual or other text that has a single misspelled word or one single grammatical error because, after all, that IS the ONLY reason you're reading a book about business or investing, right?  Because you're trying to play self-appointed editor-and-chief?

This was during my recent rant about how a student sent me an email about how my 100K in 100 Days book was really good but...he noticed some grammatical errors that he wanted to correct for me.  Instead of focusing on the multi-million-dollar MAP that was provided, he decided to complain about a misspelled word and an incorrectly executed sentence.  Unbelievable.  And then it's people like him who wonder why success evades them constantly.  It's because they can't get out of their own way.  Are YOU one of these people...who just can't get out of your own way?

What's awesome about what I'm doing now is that I'm teaching my students how to follow MY EXACT blueprint business plan that I've been using for the past several years (since 2011 to be exact) that YOU can now use to build your OWN multi-million-dollar empire using direct mail marketing as the main strategy to bring in droves of orders (and money)!

And I'm doing this in a BRAND NEW Mentorship Group called Money Funnel 2.0.

CLICK HERE to listen to a 10-minute audio seminar and to see my mind-blowing testimonials from this last event!

Oh...and one more thing:  I'm doing a 3-day Money Funnel 2.0 Workshop in Valencia, California on September 28th - 30th.  I only have 3 spots left.  If you register for this rare LAST EVER event, you'll get the mentorship group AND the Money Funnel 2.0 System PLUS a slew of other bonuses!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 27 2017
Why I Suspect That This
This blog posting may ruffle a few feathers because...well, this "guru" (shown in the picture next to me) really does have a huge following.  And over the years I too have read his books, listened to his audios, etc. just to ALWAYS find myself bewildered, confused, and having no clue how to implement what he was saying...IF I could dissect what he was TRYING to say, that is.  I just thought it was me.  Maybe I was just too stupid to figure out what he was talking about.
Then I met him a couple of weeks ago.  He gave our Titanium group a one-on-one "mini seminar" where, yet again, I found myself completely confused and bewildered about what he was saying.  I even asked my own questions directly to him which was about marketing on an international level (namely doing direct mail) and, as if he was himself speaking a foreign language, I STILL didn't understand what the hell this guy was saying.  He started mumbling something about competition in China and how it wouldn't be wise to sell my products on store shelves.  Huh?  Who said anything about selling products on store shelves in China?
The guru I'm studying under right now is somebody really "old school" in the marketing world...goes back to the Gary Halbert days.  Gary is dead now.  He's been gone for about 10 years I believe.  Gary truly was the best there was in both marketing and copywriting.  Today, there are very few "real gurus" left out there to study with.  Even thought I'm not a fan of "mastermind groups," I decided to study under this one particular marketing guru for a couple of years before he either retires or kicks the bucket because he's the last one that I know of who is part of the original marketing "brat pack" from back in the day.
Back to the "guru" in the picture (who is NOT the same "guru" I'm studying under), I couldn't make heads or tales of what he was saying.  Before meeting him live, I was sent a set of CDs to listen to.  It was this "guru" on the CDs talking about business partnerships.  And it was a PAINFUL 2-hour audio of him stammering and him-hawing around, having trouble finishing a complete sentence or thought.  Again, this made me wonder... "What the HELL do people see in this guy??"  Even my marketing mentor found himself constantly injecting things like, "I think what he means is..." and "What I believe he's trying to say is..."
Not a good sign, for sure.
Then like a bolt of lightning, IT HIT ME!  Anyone can "position" themselves to be an EXPERT on pretty much anything.  You just write a book, march out there and profess yourself to be an expert, and VERY FEW IF ANYONE will question you.
Don't believe me?  Try it.  You'll see!
Because after listening to this so-called business marketing "genius," I was able to quickly assess that this dude doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. What he DOES know is how to position himself as an "expert" and everybody else who knows just a little bit less actually goes along with it.
So...what about those of us who know MORE about marketing (or whatever topic the "expert" claims to know so much about)?  We can see through them like the frauds that they are.
As I did with this guy.  
He's a fraud.  He's a huckster.  He doesn't know jack shit about marketing.  And all of this "theories" are either ripped off from other marketing gurus or just theories that he grabbed from thin air (and clearly NOT from business experience) that he's just throwing out into a book or seminar.
And THAT really sucks!
I tell students all the time that most times it's MUCH WORSE to learn all the wrong stuff on a topic rather than knowing nothing at all and just bumbling through the learning process yourself BY DOING it yourself.
One of the most valuable things I have to bring to the table is that EVERYTHING I teach my students is EVERYTHING I DO!  Period.  No exceptions.  And yes, I do A LOT of stuff!
Even better, I teach you what we call the "nuts and bolts" of EXACTLY how to do it, how to implement the teachings, and how to make money with it.
And that narrows me down to maybe only ONE of thousands of gurus out there running around selling theories, stories, and bullshit because they're fraudulently positioned themselves as an "expert" when really they're not.  Not by a long shot!
Sadly (for you), there is a set of teachings that I will no longer be doing after this fall.  It's my non-real estate Aggressive Income Strategies including my highly profitable Money Funnel Strategies.
And there are three (3) reasons why I'm no longer doing these trainings, mentorship groups, and courses anymore after this fall:
1)  As our real estate market dives into a buyer's market in coming months, I will need all my energy and focus to work on new deals, partnerships, and property acquisitions.  This is going to force me to cut back on the workshops and mentorship groups that take the most time, effort and energy which are those that fall under the non-real estate Aggressive Income category.
2)  I've created too much of my own competition.  It seems that everything I do, all my students want to do from health supplements (and exactly the ones I sold when I had Brie Labs), real estate courses, personal credit systems, and now skincare products (because this is my latest and greatest business strategy). Yes, I think it's great that there are quite a few of my students using my Money Funnel Strategies who are making $20,000 to $50,000 AND MORE per month in net profits.  BUT...since my students insist on selling EXACTLY what I'm selling in my businesses, I'm creating too much competition for myself.
3)  The HARDEST subject for me to teach is non-real estate related Aggressive Income Strategies like Internet marketing, direct mail marketing, etc.  This is because I'm pulling on more than 20 years experience AND showing you the newest and best methods to market in TODAY'S economic marketplace.  It's SO DETAILED and PRECISE that it takes laser focus and A LOT of energy for me to prepare my mentorships and workshops on these business strategies because I truly believe that I'm the ONLY ONE OUT THERE who will give you the REAL "nuts and bolts" on how to do this to build a REAL BUSINESS.  This is because I have the experience and I am a REAL expert (and not just a "properly positioned" blow hard).  Because of this energy and focus requirement, I cannot focus on real estate and, as stated in #1 above, we are coming into "acquisitions season" which requires my 100% focus AFTER this coming fall.
This is why I STRONGLY recommend that you take advantage of this LAST EVER influx of trainings I'm doing for what I call Money Funnel 2.0.  You'll have 3 choices to take part in this:
1)  Just getting the Money Funnel 2.0 System which includes a couple of kick-ass bonuses to ensure your success IF you can follow basic directions.  CLICK HERE to get it.
2)  Registering for my 8-week online Money Funnel 2.0 Mentorship Group (starting September 5th) in which you'll get the above Money Funnel 2.0 System as a throw-in bonus.  This is the RECOMMENDED OPTION because you'll gain access to already-done Money Funnel CLONES that you can use as a ready-made tested-and-proven business.  The majority of the mentorship we'll be focusing on marketing your set up Money Funnel!  CLICK HERE to get it.
3)  Registering for my 3-day Money Funnel 2.0 Workshop in Valencia, California on September 28th - 30th where you'll automatically be part of our mentorship AND you'll get the Money Funnel 2.0 System as well.  (If you're already registered for the workshop, you'll get all these added bonuses so don't worry.) IMPORTANT NOTE:  We ONLY have 3 spots left in this almost-full workshop so if you want to do this, I STRONGLY URGE YOU to register right away by calling (661) 295-5050.  CLICK HERE.  And yes, we can do a payment plan on this for you.
You can also CLICK HERE to hear a really heart-felt and truly awesome testimonial video from my video guy -- Jesse J. (who is always the one filming my seminars so if you've attended one, you've seen him there) -- and his TREMENDOUS SUCCESS with my Money Funnel Strategies via his website  Jesse is doing so well that he just bought a house with his online profits!  (And yes, Jesse WILL be filming our next workshop and he'll PERSONALLY be talking about how and why he's so successful with his online marketing strategies!!)
The bottom line is this:  Not everybody is cut out to make $20,000+ per month in net profits with online marketing.  It's not for everyone.  I realize that.  But if it's something that you know you want to do, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you take advantage of these upcoming LAST EVER trainings I'll be doing, whether you do the mentorship AND the 3-day event or just the mentorship.  But this is it.  It's NOW OR NEVER, baby!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 24 2017

Relatively recently, I got from a student of mine -- Lyle D. -- who was part of my initial Money Funnel and Affiliate Trainings starting 2 years ago and by watching the training of one of my seminar events earlier last year and he was talking about some of the successes he's had with my Money Funnel stuff while telling me not to let some of my "troubled children" students get to me.  Here's the email:

"Hey, Monica. This is Lyle [LAST NAME WITHHELD] and I'm one of your students who got your money funnel stuff in 2015 plus I got the videos from I think it was your Beverly Hills event last year. I'm one of the students who uses your stuff and I want to tell you what I've been doing with my online business.  I have several money funnels as you laid out in your money funnel course and I also sell a lot of affiliate stuff like you talked about in the Beverly Hills seminar that I have on DVD.  Right now I'm up to making $48,000 to $52,000 a month, it varies.  This is gross but my profits are over $35,000 a month, sometimes more, and I advertise mostly on Facebook but sometimes I do postcards. I'm proof that this works because I'm making a lot of money from what you teach. I'm not like that Jeff guy you were talking about in your email who expects to get the results by not doing the work and wanting everything for nothing.  I'm here to tell your students that if you do the work you'll get the results but you have to do the work. If they do the work, they'll make the money you're talking about. Thanks for everything you do. I went from a guy who worked at a ritzy restaurant valeting cars making peanuts to making a lot of money online and I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't open my eyes to this opportunity so keep doing what you're doing and fuck guys like Jeff. They're losers who are not worth your time so don't let them get you down. Have a great day.  -Lyle"

Thanks, Lyle.  Another stand-up guy who is part of the World of Monica Main who gets results by USING THE STUFF I TEACH!

This email was from a few months ago.  This is the latest email I got from him about 2 weeks ago:

"Hey, Monica.  This is Lyle [LAST NAME WITHHELD] again and I wanted to let you know what I'm doing now.  I got the videos of your last workshop.  Amazing shit there!  You're brilliant.  There's no other way to put it.  (I'm sure you hear that all the time.  LOL!)  But I wanted to give you an update on where I'm at with your money funnel stuff.  Last month (June) I hit over 70,000.  My exact gross sales were $71,423.  Can you believe that?  I still can't believe it.  I just wanted to say thanks for everything. You changed my life.  -Lyle"

If you want to start cashing in like Lyle and you're NOT lazy (and you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of work) then CLICK HERE NOW!  You CANNOT let this opportunity pass you by if you're financial freedom is important to you.  Period!

CLICK HERE NOW for a quick 10-minute audio seminar talking about how this, quite possibly, is the MOST POWERFUL Aggressive Income Business that I've EVER done training on.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 05 2017

Yes, you CAN make $500,000 OR MORE flipping property.

But there's a SECRET to this...

To be the most PROFITABLE real estate investor possible, you MUST adhere to a SINGLE strategy that I've had in place for many years now.

It's the "every-other" strategy.

When you FLIP a property for cash, try to use that cash for the NEXT property to buy and hold the asset for long-term cash flow.  Try to flip then hold then flip then hold then flip then get the point.

Some of my students will flip 2 deals and then hold 1 deal.  That's fine too but it'll take you LONGER to get to your monthly net Passive Income Cash Flow GOAL by doing you'll get screwed on capital gains taxes if you're not rolling your flip proceeds into another property through the IRS 1031 Exchange program.

What's awesome about the flip strategy that I have is, well...two (2) things, actually:

1)  It's the most basic, simplistic, and effective strategy for the most "wet-behind-the-ears" person to start off with yet it's a more "advanced" strategy that you'll never hear about in mainstream "flipping" real estate seminars, and (2) I have an investor partner who wants to work with you on getting you the cash down payment money PLUS money for any rehab needed for these deals...

And, actually...there's one more thing too:

(3)  He not only wants to do flip deals but he also wants to do some buy-and-hold deals with you too!  This completely fulfills my precise real estate investing strategy as I've outlined about and this investor wants to help you with the cash you need to do both!

CLICK HERE if you haven't signed up for this amazing opportunity yet!

Now I've been working with this investor for YEARS and he's the one who has done more deals with my students that the rest of my investors COMBINED, especially in the past 11 months.  But he made it clear that this is the last time he'll be offering CASH for deals.  Yes, he'll still be doing investor partnerships (especially in the near future for REO opportunities) but he won't be offering CASH for down payments anymore after this one.  (You'll have until March 2018 to submit for cash for your deals IF you take advantage of this rare opportunity NOW.)

CLICK HERE to get started.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050, especially if you'd like to set up a payment plan for this.  We can only set up payment plans via phone orders.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Please note that this opportunity has been in HIGH DEMAND since it was released a little over a week ago.  We've had to send our Real Estate Cash Flow System to press TWICE since we started this promotion.  By waiting around until the last minute (which is Friday at 5pm Pacific Time), you're guaranteeing that you'll have to wait until we get more of these from our printer so I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you CLICK HERE or call 661-295-5050 to get your system ASAP before we run out again.  And yes, we can do payment plans if you need just have to call the office at 661-295-5050 to set up your payment plan.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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