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Success For Life
Sunday, March 25 2018

Did you ever wonder how to turn $200,000 into $1,000,000?

Maybe not...

Because maybe you don't even have the $200,000 to start with?  So why ask such questions in the first place.

But what if I told you that the $200,000 isn't your money to begin with?  It comes from somebody else.

And, that you can turn that $200,000 of someone else's money into $1,000,000 or more in 12 months or less.

In fact, when I talked about this very strategy, it turned out that the illustration I showed turned that $200,000 into $1.75 million in about 1 year.

Anybody can use this strategy. 

Absolutely ANYBODY!

Especially those of you who use the "I-don't-have-any-money-to-get-started" excuse over and over again.

What if I took that excuse away from you forever?


What if I gave you the EXACT strategy to turn that $200,000 of OPM into over $1,000,000 in 12 months or less?

CLICK HERE NOW and I'll show you how.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 25 2018

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I completed my 3-day Detroit Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar and hopped on an airplane to head home.

For some reason, it seems like it was 2 months ago and not 2 weeks ago.

I think part of that is because so much as been morphing, changing, and progressing in my life since last November (around Thanksgiving) when something pretty incredible dropped in my lap.

And I'm about to show you what that is...

In fact, CLICK HERE and you'll discover more about it.

Listen, this has been so life-altering for me that THIS is the reason why I'm stepping back from everything else for awhile.  I have something absolutely STUNNING to get out into the world and I need the rest of 2018 to do it.

Last week I was in Cleveland participating in a marketing mastermind group with other highly successful business owners.  The leader of the group told me that I'd get sued over this SECRET PROJECT I'm about to put out into the world.  At first his lewd (and misinformed) comment pissed me off then I thought:  I'll be LUCKY if they sue me!  It'll give me nationwide (and possibly WORLD WIDE) publicity to get this project to heights maybe never seen before!  The publicity alone would be worth MILLIONS in advertising for me!!

CLICK HERE and I'll tell you a little more about this SECRET PROJECT and how it can dramatically improve your life too!

Sometimes you just have to roll the dice and take a risk if you want something massively different in your life, otherwise you're stuck with more of the same thing.  And who wants that?  Unless, of course, your life is perfect as is. 

Which I doubt it is.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 23 2018

I have a sad story for you...

A couple of days ago I was with my daughter when I decided to get some gas.  Every time my gas tank hits the halfway mark, that's way too low for my comfort level so as OCD as I am, I have to fill up with gas before it gets to the line.  (And I always take it to the exact rounded dollar OR the 50-cent mark...I can't tolerate uneven change when the gas pump stops.  Another OCD thing.)

So at EXACTLY $48.00 I stopped topping off the tank, got in the car and left.  As I was driving down the road I saw a small animal flopping around on the side of the road.  As I got closer, I noticed that it was a bunny rabbit that apparently got hit by a car.  I told my daughter about it since she didn't see it and she immediately burst into tears.  "Mom, why do you tell me stuff like that?"  She was so upset.

I asked her, "What do you want me to do?  Go back and get it?"  As soon as that slipped out of my mouth, I thought: What the hell am I thinking?  We can't just go get a half-dead bunny on the side of the road?

"Yeah, let's go get it," she said.  Tears and sadness instantly gone.

So, at the next street light, I did a quick u-turn in front of about 20 racing cars.  (The benefits of owning an expensive BMW is you can beat most of the cars out on the road, making these kinds of driving risks doable.  Sometimes I actually believe I was a race car driver in another lifetime.)

"We'll take the rabbit to the vet, okay?"  I knew the bunny would have to be put down the moment we got there.

Then, I had to make one more u-turn to get this bunny who was still there, helplessly flopping around and nearing closer into traffic.  It was only a matter of time before somebody else hit him.  He looked like he was in A LOT of pain.  (They say rabbits don't ever express sounds when in pain but he had to be hurting because there was severe damage to this little dude.)

I popped open the trunk, took out my UCR blanket, and demanded my daughter close the trunk while I rushed to scoop up the little guy before the next on-rush of traffic came in.  Some idiot in a silver Nissan was staring at me, missing his green light, wondering what the hell I was doing.  He was probably thinking it was a small dog or a cat...not a rabbit.  Who would pick up a half-dead roadkill rabbit, after all?

Me, apparently.

After scooping the bunny up, I wrapped it like it was a newborn baby as gingerly as possible and handed him off to my daughter, instructing her to get into the back seat while opening the door for her.  She put the bunny in the middle, clicked in her seat belt, and sweetly talked to the bunny the whole way down the road while I started to ask Siri to call every vet in Stevenson Ranch: none were open at 6:30 p.m. EXCEPT for one, which was closing in 30 minutes; I only needed 6 minutes to get there.  The bunny was really calm.  I think he knew we were there to help him.

We went into the vet and explained the situation.  I told them that the bunny sustained a severe injury by being hit by a car and that I needed the vet to put him down immediately, to take him out of all the pain.  It took forever it seemed for the actual vet -- a short, mild-mannered blonde woman in her 50s -- to come out and talk to us.  All the while we had the bunny still wrapped in a blanket with his nose sticking out for air...fleas jumping around everywhere.  Never did I see fleas so large and I used to live in Florida where I thought I'd seen the largest fleas and cockroaches in the world.  Not the case.  The fleas this rabbit had on him were the size of large gnats. 

When the vet started talking to us, she was very calming and had a serene way about her; I instantly felt better.  I knew my bunny would be in good hands.

She explained the damages to the rabbit, which I already suspected.  She said there was head trauma and a lot of internal injuries and explained how they would put the bunny down.  Gas mask first and when the little dude was sleeping, a needle to finish him off; he wouldn't feel a thing, I was reassured TWICE (because this was important to me).  Because my daughter was there, the vet said, "And the bunny will go over the rainbow bridge into happy-land."  My daughter looked at the woman like she was crazy; she is, after all, almost 10 and is well beyond that kind of description for dying, death, and making it to the other side.

I asked about the body of the bunny.  What do they do with the body?  I couldn't fathom them throwing this adorable bunny into the trash.  The vet said that a company picks up all animal bodies, cremates them, then they spread the ashes in the ocean.  Somehow this seemed far-fetched but I needed to buy it because that's what I wanted for my bunny. 

They charged me about $100 to put the bunny down including a small donation I contributed for animals that didn't have enough food.  I didn't bat an eyelash, paid the money, and felt awash with gratitude that I had the ability to pay for things like this.  To me, this was necessary.  It was required.  The bunny may be considered a run-of-the-mill wild animal that most people wouldn't think twice about but it was important to me that this damaged little guy wasn't in pain anymore...and that he could die in peace.

I was sad...all night.  Into the wee hours of the morning.  Because I didn't actually know where the bunny went.

After my mom passed away, I was able to visit her and my grandmother on the other side.  So I know all about the other side.  I've even seen my cats and dogs there.

But what about the bunny?  Does the bunny get to go there too?  I'd like to think he would be there, maybe with his mommy now.   But what if he doesn't go there?  If not, then where?

This bothered me...still does.  Deep down I'd like to think I know the truth; he's in a happy place on the other side eating grass in beautiful picturesque meadows by a glittering crystal clear waterfall.  But is that really true?  Is that where he got to go?  The same place the rest of us good people go?

What do you think?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 21 2018

A couple days ago I was telling you the story about Gary -- a student of mine who managed to totally screw up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with investor Andrew Shaw -- because he insisted on not reading a lick of the course materials provided to him nor was he interested in reading the very clearly laid out submission instructions to Andrew Shaw either.

Well the story becomes more interesting.

He called the office on Friday and insisted he now wanted to return his Commercial Cash Flow System.  (You know, the one he refused to read in the first place?)  Evidently the cry-baby didn't like how Andrew Shaw laid it out for him in his response to Gary's list of stupid questions (or "f****** stupid questions" as Andrew referred to it as).

Listen ALL of you: getting involved with REAL PLAYERS in this business is going to REQUIRE you to grow some thick skin and to learn how to take constructive criticism if you are to GROW and SUCCEED as an investor yourself.  And based on what Andrew told me he said to Gary, there wasn't much that I felt was too harsh.  At least not too harsh for any MATURE ADULT to handle.  (Andrew basically told the guy to read the course materials that were provided and to follow the simple instructions.)  Evidently this sent Gary into a boo-hooing tailspin and it was just too much for him to take.  (Succumbing to such easy failure must be his strong suit in life and will continue to be the case until he grows up a little.)

These investors like Andrew want to do deals with you.  But they want to work with smart people who do research, homework, and WORK to make these deals successful.  If you show the smallest indication of weakness, you'll scare of anyone who will want to do business with you including investors, bankers, sellers, brokers, real estate agents, and everybody else in between.  So, maybe this is a painless lesson for you (since you're not Gary).  And that the course materials, follow the directions (especially when submitting deals to investors), be willing to do the research and the work.  It's really THAT simple, folks!  Seriously, it is!!

Meanwhile, I'm working on 2 deals with Andrew as we speak.  One is in the Santa Clarita area and the other is in L.A.  (This is why Andrew came out, to look at both properties.)  Both of these deals can be worth over $10 million EACH within the next 5 years.  So...yes, it DOES PAY to know your stuff, to come off professional (and not like a "stupid f****** bozo" as Andrew would call 'em), and be willing to do what it takes to make a deal work...especially in pulling your weight in the deal.  Even going above and beyond if necessary.

You're lucky.  You didn't lose out on something so valuable as a once-in-a-lifetime million-dollar opportunity to work with somebody like Andrew Shaw.  Because you didn't screw it up like Gary did.  And I hope you NEVER do either!

And you won't as long as you do only 3 things:

1)  LEARN THE BUSINESS OF INVESTING like the back of your hand; READ your course materials and study them as if your life depended on it (because it probably does)
2)  FOLLOW DIRECTIONS that are given to you -- to the LETTER -- if you want your deal to be accepted
3)  BE PROFESSIONAL and not a whiny cry-baby.  Nobody likes a whiny cry-baby, especially if you have a penis between your legs.  (Somehow that's so unbecoming.)

I have another opportunity for you and it involves working with MULTIPLE investors directly.  CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

Sorry to be so REAL but...well, the real world is like that.  It's, you know...REAL.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 19 2018

Most of you know that I had a VERY RARE opportunity recently to work with my star student -- Andrew Shaw -- in doing a very unique, specialized and PROFITABLE commercial real estate partnership.

This was a VERY RARE deal and I figured that I'd have hundreds of students blowing up Andrew's email inbox with new deals just to have the opportunity to work with him.

I know I submitted 2 deals myself which is why Andrew flew out to the L.A. area last week to take a look at them.  Then he drove up to Santa Clarita where we went to a local Italian place for lunch.  One of the first things he said when he sat down with me was this:

"What kind of bozo students are you working with these days?"

Oh, this wasn't good.  This wasn't good at all!

"What do you mean?"  I knew what he meant.  While I had a lot of really good students, there were more than a few who were what I call the "bad apples" or "problem children."  Take your pick on which term you prefer.

But I was shocked at this question coming out of Andrew's mouth because only 2 weeks before he had sent me an email saying that he scored a really good deal with a student of mine in Dallas where it's looking like both Andrew and my student are going to make about $2 million just in the first 36 months!  I thought things were going great!

Of course, I knew the reality of "the good."  There's always the "other side" or the "flip side" where things aren't so good.  There's always somebody who has to come in and ruin the party.

He went on to tell me about this student of mine and how he didn't read anything that was presented in the Commercial Cash Flow System.  To add insult to injury, he didn't even read Andrew's instructions on what to present when contacting him by email.

"You know the deal; I don't 'school' your kids.  That's your job.  I can do deals with them but I don't 'school' them on how it all works!"

Ouch!  That's pretty harsh.  But I'm a big girl and I can handle it.

I asked him what the issue was and he was telling me about the "bozo" he was talking about...somebody by the name of Gary.

"He didn't read anything.  He doesn't know the first thing about real estate investing.  He was asking me a bunch of questions, one that was so f****** stupid that I didn't even know how to answer him."

I assured Andrew that everybody who received his investor-direct information also got the Commercial Cash Flow System that is a very comprehensive system showing anyone who bothers to read it exactly how commercial real estate investing works.

Then Andrew laughed...sarcastically"Yeah, well this f****** idiot was telling me something about how real estate agents or lenders or somebody was telling him that nobody can do second positions...and I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.   I told him to go back and read through the stuff because it's not my job to give him the ABCs of how real estate investing works.  It made no sense.  I told him that we don't need a second position on anything.  We go in, put a cash down payment, we get a first position loan from a lender and that's about it.  That's how 99% of real estate deals are done in this country.  So his whole delusion about second positions was f****** stupid and I think he was trying to make me believe he knew what he was talking about.  It just made him look stupid.  Made no sense at all.  At all!"

Oh, wow.  That's all I could think.  Wow, wow, wow!  You have a handful of students who got a very rare ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to work with a high-level, high-echelon investor DIRECTLY and you have somebody screw it all up by making a first approach be nothing more than a series of stupid questions...just to showcase that he refused to read the materials sent to him.  This is what we call self-sabotage.  On some inner level, this student obviously didn't think he deserved the success so he decided to blow it.

And blow it he did.  Because Andrew said:  "I won't work with anybody that f***** stupid.  Never."

(He swears a lot, if you haven't figured that part out yet.)

Then he went on to tell me about the deal he's doing in Dallas, how he went there the prior week, and how awesome THAT deal will be for him with MY student.  So I didn't feel all that bad anymore about sending him "bad apples" and "problem children."  But I still couldn't stop that nagging let-down feeling in the back of my stomach, realizing that Andrew really took a risk to take deals directly to my students and -- so early in the game -- there are f****** "bozos" ruining the deal for everybody else simply because they're too lazy or stupid to read the materials given to them.  Why would ANYONE ruin this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like that?  I shake my head in dismay because I just don't get it.

I know that stupid people are a reality in this world.  But what I DON'T get are people who decide to completely skip over the educational part AND the instructions that ultimately BLOW IT for them ever getting a deal with a prominent investor partner.  I just DON'T understand this!!  Do you?

While I was in Detroit for my 3-Day Real Estate Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar a couple of weeks ago, I presented quite possibly my last ever investor-partner opportunities.  (This was only for those who attended the event.)  But one thing I AM able to offer to you (if you didn't attend the event) is my lengthy list of 100% fully vetted and accredited investors INCLUDING a powerful letter you can send to them.  Just fill in the blanks on the letter template about your deal and send it off...yes, via "snail mail" if you want the best response.

THAT is the first and ONLY time I've ever offered such an opportunity.  And I shutter at how many will manage to screw THAT up.  No instructions to follow.  Simply fill in a ONE-PAGE letter template and mail the letters off to (ideally) local investors so you can ultimately meet them for coffee or lunch about your deal or opportunity.

CLICK HERE to find out how you can get this highly exclusive list!

Just promise me that you won't screw it up like the f****** "bozo" did (as Andrew refers to him as).  Opportunities like this are VERY rare, once-in-a-lifetime in MANY cases.  Use these investors to get money and partnerships.  And don't screw it up.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 17 2018
You'll find this funny.  I know my daughter thought it was. 
But for me, it wasn't amusing AT ALL.
Today I went to Walmart.  Yes, I shop at Walmart.  I actually like Walmart.
This is because I'm usually very short on time so when I need to hit a place where I know I can get a blow-up pool float for our upcoming Spring Break vacay in Hawaii, hair ties for my daughter, cat litter, milk and glue sticks for a glue gun among other things...Walmart is the ONLY one-stop-shop I can think of for such an eclectic shopping list.
On my way back home with my Walmart goods, I heard a fly in my car.  You know, that buzzing sound hitting the window, right?  I heard it.  And I asked my daughter, who was in the back seat, "Is there a fly back there?"
"I don't see anything." 
She kept telling me that she heard and saw nothing after I insisted several times that I heard something back there.
A short moment later, I felt something hit the back of my neck and drop down the back of my shirt.  Hoping (rather praying) it was a fly, I awkwardly took my right hand and was trying to feel around my back...while driving, mind you.  I couldn't feel anything...
So I sat back.
And felt a major shooting pain the second I did.
I instantly knew that it was a bee.  (Now praying that it was a bee instead of something else like a hornet.)
And it HURT like hell.  But I kept driving, focusing on the road, and told my daughter that I'd have her check my back when I swung by to pick up my suits that I had wore at the Detroit event from the cleaners.
At the cleaners, my daughter saw my back.  It was beat red.  And the bee fell out onto the floor, dead and crumpled up in a small ball.  I actually felt sorry for the little dude (or dudette). 
I'm pretty sure I had heard this same bee 2 days ago while taking my daughter to art class.  It was stuck in my car and wanted out.  No food or water...and it kind of gets hot in there when the car is sitting in the sun.  And now he was dead, lying in a ball on the floor.  I felt sad for his final demise.
My daughter inspected my back closer and realized that the stinger was still in there.  The cleaner lady offered to try pulling it out with a tweezers; that didn't work.
At home, my daughter worked on my back for 20 minutes with a tweezers, trying to get the stinger out.  No such luck there.
The stinger is still in my back.  Maybe it'll be there forever.  Maybe it'll come out on its own.  Who knows?
What's interesting about this whole thing is that I am deathly afraid of bees, wasps, hornets...and anything else that can fly and sting.
When I was about 5 years old, me and my brother were playing in the back yard.  He was always a very destructive personality.  He was this board strewn over these two cinder blocks, something some kids probably set up years before.  My brother decided to rip the board off the cinder blocks.  When he did this, a full swarm of yellow jackets came ripping out of some unidentifiable place by the thousands.
My brother ran, leaving me there by myself.
I was trying to figure out what was going on...all while hundreds of these bees instantly gravitated and landed on me all within seconds.
I sustained hundreds of bee stings within only seconds to the point where it was the ONLY time in my life where I was in so much pain that my body went into shock and I could no longer feel anything.
I still remember pulling one of the bees off the front of my shirt that was ferociously stinging me and started to squeeze the life out of it.  Then I stopped because I didn't want to kill it.  And I let him go.
(This goes to show that the essence of my being couldn't hurt a fly...or in this case a BEE that was stinging the sh** out of me.)
This is the reason why I'll never own a convertible.  I'm afraid bees or wasps will come flying at me while I'm driving or sitting at a stop light.
Yet my worst fear came true.
I got stung by a bee while I was driving and I kept my cool, felt the pain but kept driving responsibility and safely, and remained clear-headed the entire time.
It kind of makes me wonder about all the other things I've been deathly afraid of that I've avoided because of pure fear that I would be hurt, would fail...or whatever the fear really is.
What kinds of things are YOU afraid of that you've been avoiding...making the fear take over and prevent you from doing things or having things?  All because of fear?
I will always freak out from bees and wasps flying around me because it's just a knee-jerk reaction from my childhood; I don't imagine this will ever change.
But I will no longer feel like I'm going to "die" if a bee stings me...because it happens to land on me while I'm driving, for instance.  It's certainly not worth risking my life over -- by over-reacting -- because of this fear.
I deal with so many students who have some pretty stupid fears.  These fears aren't stupid to them, of course.  But they are pretty stupid.
Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of having to do some work...fear of whatever!
Fear of bees!
All fears that will hold you back...and KEEP holding you back, quite possibly forever unless you decide to move past the fears.
Let the bee sting, keep driving...keep moving toward your goals and your dreams NO MATTER WHAT!
Later my daughter said something cute.  I wasn't wearing green today because I just don't own any green clothes.  Green isn't my color at all.  So she said, "Mom, I know why you got stung.  The bee 'pinched' you today."
Cute.  If the sting still didn't hurt.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main

P.S.  The videos from my 3-Day Detroit Real Estate Boot Camp Seminar from last weekend are now READY TO BE SHIPPED!  I'm offering some kick-ass bonuses INCLUDING enrollment into my LAST EVER 8-week 100% online Apartment Riches Mentorship Group (starting early April), a list of accredited investors you can contact directly with your deal, a special letter you can send to these investors that I created just for you, and my special report called $200,000 to $1,000,000 that can literally make you over $1,000,000 in LESS THAN A YEAR!  CLICK HERE to check it out now!

P.P.S.  If you were part of the back-order group of students still waiting on their Build Business Credit FAST! System, rest assured that yours is out in the mail as we speak.  If you haven't received your system yet and you're waiting for it, you'll receive it early next week.  I promise!  Normally we don't have issues with shipments but we had so many orders, it was overwhelming and we had to order a lot more which took awhile.  Thanks so much for your patience!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 26 2018

Last week I gave you info on my secret HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE $200,000 unsecured loan guy who can get you a loan with shaky personal credit that you can use for anything -- starting a business, paying bills, investing in real estate, whatever -- and his loans require NO personal income verification, NO employment verification, NO collateral, NO upfront fees, and NO application fees.  (Minimum loan amount MUST be $20,000.)

In fact, I only offered this exclusive source ONCE as a bonus awhile ago and I'm giving everyone ONE LAST CHANCE to get his information again (if you missed out before).


I have a slew of brand new money sources on top of that including investor partners and angel investors too.

This is all in my brand new 2018 Build Business Credit FAST! System.

CLICK HERE to get it now.

Oh...and here's the good part: if you have ANY prior version of the Build Business Credit FAST! System (even one from way back in 2009 and even a download version), you qualify for the very special UPGRADE price which is pretty freaking fact, the CHEAPEST I've ever offered a course before.  Seriously.

And yes, we do check to see if you're in the system as having purchased a prior Build Business Credit FAST! System (and not any other system, as others do now allow you to qualify for the upgrade price deal).

Once more thing...this deal ends really soon so, get on it!

If you have questions, give us a call during business hours (9am to 5pm PST) at (661) 295-5050.  Please note that due to our phone lines being down late last week, the phones are really hectic and we're playing catch-up.  PLUS we have a new phone system that we're trying to get used to so...please be patient if you're trying to call in.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Last chance to join me in Detroit on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  That's NEXT WEEK already, folks.  I'll be presenting TWO investor opportunities that can result in BIG CASH WINDFALLS for you...and these opportunities are ONLY for those who attend this event.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  CLICK HERE to get one of the last few tickets I have left.

P.P.S.  I have ONE SPOT LEFT for the 2018 Apprenticeship Group.  CLICK HERE to download your application.  Please send it in ASAP for consideration since I don't have but one spot left in the group.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 20 2018

For those of you who missed out on the opportunity to get money from my exclusive source that can get you an unsecured loan for $20,000 to $200,000 with NO upfront fees, NO application fees, NO collateral, NO employment verification and NO income verification...and the money can be used for ANYTHING...I'm offering this highly exclusive source ONE LAST TIME if you missed it!'ll be able to get my brand new just released Build Business Credit FAST! 2018 System which includes EVEN MORE resources that you've never seen anywhere else before!

I FINALLY upgraded my most popular and successful system and, for those of you who have ANY prior version of Build Business Credit FAST! (and this does NOT include other courses without that title, no exceptions) then you'll get an even BETTER deal on the upgrade version of this course.  Simply CLICK HERE and scroll to near the bottom of the screen for the mind-blowing upgrade price of this brand new upgraded system.  (By the way, we do check all upgrade orders to verify prior purchases of earlier versions of the same course before shipping the systems out so if you know you didn't purchase any prior version of Build Business Credit FAST! then you don't qualify for the upgrade; take the introductory offer system instead.  Thank you!)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We have a few more spots left for the Detroit Real Estate Boot Camp Seminar Event on March 8th, 9th, and 10th where I'll be presenting 2 amazing money-making opportunities in real estate with my investors for ONLY THOSE who attend this event.  If you don't attend, you don't get to participate.  No exceptions.  CLICK HERE to get one of the few spots left now.

P.P.S.  I'm taking ONE MORE PERSON in my Apprenticeship Group (which starts next month).  CLICK HERE to download an application and get it to me ASAP if you want in this highly-exclusive group!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 13 2018
Too Many People Are Stupid Beyond Belief...And I Hope You're Not One of Them!
Last month when I ordered a pizza, for the first time ever it came pretty quick.  I made a comment to the pizza guy about how quick it was in comparison to other times I ordered.  He said that January and February were their slowest months.  I made a comment about how people were still on their temporary "diets" because of the new year and he said...
"No, it's because people didn't get their tax money back yet."

Their tax money?  Because the $5.99 special at Dominoes is so freaking expensive for people that they have to wait for their tax money to buy a freaking pizza?
I shook my head and hoped that the dude didn't have any aspirations above being a pizza delivery guy because, for him, he had maxed out at his current career capacity due to having too many missing brain cells to ever be able to do anything beyond that hauling pizza to people's doorsteps.
And if selling pizza exclusively revolves around people having tax money, why are the other 10 months of the year busy at pizza places?  People are able to hang onto their tax money for 10 months out of the year out in January and February?  Please.  People piss their tax money away lickety-split...many times BEFORE April 15th even arrives by taking a loan out against their expected tax refund's pretty doubtful that they're still buying pizza in September on their tax refund money like the idiot suggested.
Makes me wonder WHERE DID THE LOGICAL THINKING go.  Where did people's brain cells wander off to?  What the hell is going on here??
Then a few weeks ago I get this phone call.  I knew who it was.  It was some wind-bag who wanted to date me almost 2 decades ago who tried contacting me on Facebook, received no response after his multiple messages (until I had to block him)...and then months later got my phone number somehow and decided to call me.
CLICK!  I immediately hung up and blocked the ass***** number.  And if he wants to keep pushing, I'll just have to file a restraining order against him and have the piece of sh** locked up.
Anybody who is too stupid to get the message -- that NO response means, NOT INTERESTED -- then, again, all I can recommend is that he somehow find a handful of brain cells because they must've leaked out of his ear and onto the pillow while he was sleeping.  If I was interested, I would have sought him out years and years ago.  But I didn't.  So there.  Freaking loser.
This kind of stuff doesn't leave me bewildered.  No, instead it just pisses me off.  The audacity!
Then I went to the store this evening and found myself having to bag my own groceries because the dopey girl that was doing it for me wasn't doing it correctly at all.  She was putting 2 to 3 small things in each bag and leaving half or three-quarters of each bag empty
And for those of you who don't live in California, you wouldn't know that we have to buy our bags and we carry our canvas bags into the store with us.  Since I didn't happen to bring a wheelbarrow of 50 bags in with me, I quickly lost patience with this stupid dopey girl who just looked at me with this sappy blank look on her face when I kept telling her to fill up the bags with more stuff as I found myself snatching groceries off the counter and doing it myself.  Maybe she didn't speak English...or...anything for that matter.
I told my daughter not to spend so much time on her devices because it's making people stupid.  REALLY stupid.  And it's not just the Millennial bunch who are being dumbed down.'s happening in ALL age groups.  I see Generation Xers and Baby Boomers glued to their phones just like Millennials are.  And it's ruining people.  Seriously, it is.
It's damaging people on so many levels: psychologically, mentally, emotionally...and who knows how else we're being ruined.  This will be one of these deals in 20 years where -- like packs of cigarettes and bottles of alcohol -- there will be class action lawsuits against Apple and others while the government requires there to be warning labels on all these devices, software programs, and apps.
Long after it's too late.
As people who become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, and other drugs, it's usually much too late to quit, even with a useless government-mandated warning label.
This is what we can call the silent epidemic sweeping across the world.  The silent killer.  It's training people not to think for themselves anymore...or to think at all.  And ONLY those who are keeping alert while paying attention to everything happening around them (instead of being glued to a phone or iPad) will not only be able to take advantage of opportunities around them...but they'll ultimately be the handful (by percentage) that actually end up ruling the world.
Are YOU seeing the opportunity around you while everyone else is glued to their phones, walking smack onto traffic while being more interested in the latest video on Facebook instead of whether they get killed by a head-on bus or not?
Or are you the one glued to your phone...too busy to notice ANYTHING of real importance in the real world...while people like me are mopping up all the opportunity?
Just curious.
I absolutely HATE my phone.  And if it wasn't for the convenience of texting (to avoid actually talking to people on the phone), I'd take back my old Motorola flip phone in a heartbeat, just to have in case I need to call for help.  Otherwise the phone sucks and I hardly ever use it otherwise.
Your personal habits with your phone can and will forecast exactly where you will be in the next 5 years of your life.  If you're a phone junkie -- like one of the many people that just walk in front of my vehicle, not paying attention, within only inches from me smacking them with my bumper, and they STILL don't notice that they're about to get creamed by my car -- then I can tell you about your future: you don't have one.
But if you're like me who HATES the phone, avoids using it whenever possible, lets probably way too many calls go to voice mail, and would rather WAIT to get to a desktop or laptop to check emails instead of refreshing emails on your phone every 3 minutes...then you have a bright future ahead.
Not only is it bright'll easily get one over on everybody else because, well...there's no more competition in the world anymore.  Everybody else is too busy hitting the like button on the latest kitty video on Facebook or taking a selfie with their taco salad lunch with the hopes that they get 100 "likes" (otherwise they'll feel depressed if they don't).
You know who else hates the phone...?
My "rock star" student Andrew Shaw who makes over $170,000 in monthly cash flow by doing a special "niche" type of real estate investing.  He hates the phone too.
And right now he's looking for investor partners.  If you haven't had the chance to check out this rare opportunity (that is ending VERY soon) CLICK HERE NOW.
You can either choose to be like the rest who have no prospects, no future, and no hope...
Or you can look up, look around, and start taking advantage of the opportunities that are surrounding you everywhere.
Starting with this Andrew Shaw opportunity that can make you extremely wealthy in a VERY short amount of time.
CLICK HERE and I'll describe exactly the type of investor partner he's looking for and you can decide if this is the right opportunity for you.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  I'm almost full for two (2) things:  My 2018 Apprenticeship Group: CLICK HERE for an applications and details about how this could be a total game-changer for you.  AND...My Detroit Boot Camp Seminar Event is almost full also.  In fact, tomorrow I'm changing the pricing.  CLICK HERE to reserve your spot now and attend this event to take advantage of 2 very unique and potentially profitable investing opportunities that are ONLY for those who attend this event!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 10 2018

Many people who don't have stocks, bonds, options or anything else having to do with the stock market think, "Oh, at least I won't be affected by the recent biggest drop in stock market history."

But think again.

This is EXACTLY what people back in the Great Depression thought during the stock market crash on Black Friday in 1929.

"I don't have any stocks so therefore I'm immune..."

Immune from losing your job?  From not being able to sell things because nobody is buying anymore?  Immune from WHAT exactly?

In fact, back then, if you actually talked to anyone in the soup lines back during the Great Depression of the early 1930s, you'd quickly realize that MOST didn't even own one stock.  (Quite a few who DID own stock ended up jumping off a building and killing themselves after the crash of 1929, saving themselves the humiliation of standing in a soup line at all.)

Now, the way I see it (and as a short disclaimer, I'm not part of the Psychic Friends Network and I don't have a crystal ball) but usually when we're hit very hard with a recession (as we did after the crash of 2008) then the next one is usually -- USUALLY but not always -- an "easier" recession.  However, you usually don't get a full on "crash" to kick of the next few years as being "mild," if you know what I mean.  So this could go either way.

And yes, I've been warning you about this for 18 months.  And yes, I told you so.

So, how does this tie into real estate investing exactly?  Ah!  This is when all the opportunities will start flurrying around.  Foreclosures come back into the picture.  (They have been already for the past quarter or so.)  More inventory comes on the market.  Prices drop because of the overabundance of inventory on the market.

And THIS then becomes YOUR opportunity to get yourself some cash flowing properties if you haven't started already.  And if you have started, keep adding more properties onto your portfolio.

I have a very unique opportunity for you that I think you'll really like!  CLICK HEREand you'll see what it's all about.

In the meantime, instead of being depressed about the recession coming up, be happy.  Recessions are when I make the most money and it can be when you make the most money too!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't signed up for the Detroit Real Estate Boot Camp Seminar yet then you still can.  CLICK HERE to reserve your seat.  After this weekend, I'm raising prices again so claim your seat now while you still can.

Posted by: AT 11:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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