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Success For Life
Monday, July 24 2017

Relatively recently, I got from a student of mine -- Lyle D. -- who was part of my initial Money Funnel and Affiliate Trainings starting 2 years ago and by watching the training of one of my seminar events earlier last year and he was talking about some of the successes he's had with my Money Funnel stuff while telling me not to let some of my "troubled children" students get to me.  Here's the email:

"Hey, Monica. This is Lyle [LAST NAME WITHHELD] and I'm one of your students who got your money funnel stuff in 2015 plus I got the videos from I think it was your Beverly Hills event last year. I'm one of the students who uses your stuff and I want to tell you what I've been doing with my online business.  I have several money funnels as you laid out in your money funnel course and I also sell a lot of affiliate stuff like you talked about in the Beverly Hills seminar that I have on DVD.  Right now I'm up to making $48,000 to $52,000 a month, it varies.  This is gross but my profits are over $35,000 a month, sometimes more, and I advertise mostly on Facebook but sometimes I do postcards. I'm proof that this works because I'm making a lot of money from what you teach. I'm not like that Jeff guy you were talking about in your email who expects to get the results by not doing the work and wanting everything for nothing.  I'm here to tell your students that if you do the work you'll get the results but you have to do the work. If they do the work, they'll make the money you're talking about. Thanks for everything you do. I went from a guy who worked at a ritzy restaurant valeting cars making peanuts to making a lot of money online and I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't open my eyes to this opportunity so keep doing what you're doing and fuck guys like Jeff. They're losers who are not worth your time so don't let them get you down. Have a great day.  -Lyle"

Thanks, Lyle.  Another stand-up guy who is part of the World of Monica Main who gets results by USING THE STUFF I TEACH!

This email was from a few months ago.  This is the latest email I got from him about 2 weeks ago:

"Hey, Monica.  This is Lyle [LAST NAME WITHHELD] again and I wanted to let you know what I'm doing now.  I got the videos of your last workshop.  Amazing shit there!  You're brilliant.  There's no other way to put it.  (I'm sure you hear that all the time.  LOL!)  But I wanted to give you an update on where I'm at with your money funnel stuff.  Last month (June) I hit over 70,000.  My exact gross sales were $71,423.  Can you believe that?  I still can't believe it.  I just wanted to say thanks for everything. You changed my life.  -Lyle"

If you want to start cashing in like Lyle and you're NOT lazy (and you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of work) then CLICK HERE NOW!  You CANNOT let this opportunity pass you by if you're financial freedom is important to you.  Period!

CLICK HERE NOW for a quick 10-minute audio seminar talking about how this, quite possibly, is the MOST POWERFUL Aggressive Income Business that I've EVER done training on.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 05 2017

Yes, you CAN make $500,000 OR MORE flipping property.

But there's a SECRET to this...

To be the most PROFITABLE real estate investor possible, you MUST adhere to a SINGLE strategy that I've had in place for many years now.

It's the "every-other" strategy.

When you FLIP a property for cash, try to use that cash for the NEXT property to buy and hold the asset for long-term cash flow.  Try to flip then hold then flip then hold then flip then get the point.

Some of my students will flip 2 deals and then hold 1 deal.  That's fine too but it'll take you LONGER to get to your monthly net Passive Income Cash Flow GOAL by doing you'll get screwed on capital gains taxes if you're not rolling your flip proceeds into another property through the IRS 1031 Exchange program.

What's awesome about the flip strategy that I have is, well...two (2) things, actually:

1)  It's the most basic, simplistic, and effective strategy for the most "wet-behind-the-ears" person to start off with yet it's a more "advanced" strategy that you'll never hear about in mainstream "flipping" real estate seminars, and (2) I have an investor partner who wants to work with you on getting you the cash down payment money PLUS money for any rehab needed for these deals...

And, actually...there's one more thing too:

(3)  He not only wants to do flip deals but he also wants to do some buy-and-hold deals with you too!  This completely fulfills my precise real estate investing strategy as I've outlined about and this investor wants to help you with the cash you need to do both!

CLICK HERE if you haven't signed up for this amazing opportunity yet!

Now I've been working with this investor for YEARS and he's the one who has done more deals with my students that the rest of my investors COMBINED, especially in the past 11 months.  But he made it clear that this is the last time he'll be offering CASH for deals.  Yes, he'll still be doing investor partnerships (especially in the near future for REO opportunities) but he won't be offering CASH for down payments anymore after this one.  (You'll have until March 2018 to submit for cash for your deals IF you take advantage of this rare opportunity NOW.)

CLICK HERE to get started.

If you have any questions, call my office at 661-295-5050, especially if you'd like to set up a payment plan for this.  We can only set up payment plans via phone orders.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Please note that this opportunity has been in HIGH DEMAND since it was released a little over a week ago.  We've had to send our Real Estate Cash Flow System to press TWICE since we started this promotion.  By waiting around until the last minute (which is Friday at 5pm Pacific Time), you're guaranteeing that you'll have to wait until we get more of these from our printer so I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you CLICK HERE or call 661-295-5050 to get your system ASAP before we run out again.  And yes, we can do payment plans if you need just have to call the office at 661-295-5050 to set up your payment plan.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 04 2017

Here we are again.  Up on another Independence Day.  It's the day when our great nation declared independence some 241 years ago now.

Yet most people in this country really don't FEEL free.  Are you one of those who are frustrated, angry, upset, and feeling like you're on a hamster wheel in life?

You can change all that at ANY time.  You can declare your OWN Independence Day...right now.  And this is how you do it:

1)  DECIDE that it's time to be from that job, your boss, your spouse or whatever is holding you back.

2)  CREATE a solid Action Plan for yourself to attain your financial goals in the shortest amount of time.

3)  Then WORK the plan consistently, even if it's only a little bit each day until you hit it big.

It really IS that simple.

Now, it's up to you to figure out what type of vehicle you'll be using to attain your financial freedom.  But...I have something real estate-related for you that may be of interest to you, especially since it can drastically SHORTEN your time to reach success because I'm including a RARE contact to be able to get CASH for your down payments and rehab on your properties provided that these deals are SFRs (single-family residences), duplexes, triplexes, and "quads" (or 4 units).  These can be flips or buy-and-hold (as long as you realize that the investor will take an equity stake in each deal).

Again, this is a RARE opportunity that doesn't come up very often.  CLICK HERE to check it out now.

In the meantime, celebrate the freedom that you're about to experience in the months to come when you create your brand new cash flowing real estate business...because it'll happen for you much faster than you can possibly imagine.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Our office is CLOSED today.  Please call on Wednesday after 9am Pacific Time for any questions or orders to be placed.  Please note that we have a super easy and SEAMLESS online ordering system that you can use by CLICKING HERE!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, July 01 2017

Happy July!

So the other day I had this guy from New York call the office and he started screaming at my staff about how his package didn't go out within a day after he ordered it.  Mind you, he ordered on Saturday and the dim-wit wondered why he didn't have it by Monday. Who even THINKS like that?!

So he calls the office...SCREAMING at the top of his lungs (yes, literally screaming) about how he wants the Real Estate Cash Flow System NOW.

Rose was the one who took the call and she said it hurt her feelings.  I said, "That's okay.  I have to inform my investor of all students who are considered 'difficult' and he's going on that list.  Furthermore, the second he even thinks of speaking to my investor that way, he'll get a prompt hang-up, NO MONEY for his deal, and he'll be permanently BLACKLISTED from doing further deals -- not only with that investor but with his own inner circle of OTHER investors that he works with.  So, essentially he'll be screwing himself by acting like an ass**** because, after all, leopards don't change their spots.  If he'll talk to you that way, he probably talks to everybody that way, including to those who hold the opportunities and the purse-strings in life."

And with that, this loser will be shooting himself in the foot!  It's a guarantee, actually.  Because again, people do NOT change their behavior.  They are who they are.

So, if you're one of THOSE types of people, please DO NOT waste my investors' time because he WILL (a) be notified of your difficult behavior in advance with the list of students we send over for him to review, and (b) won't give you any money for your deals because of it.

It kind of reminds me of women and dating: the guy who is rude to the waitress (especially if she doesn't deserve it) is going to be that same guy who turns into an ass**** toward YOU later well as toward your family, friends, etc.  This type of behavior doesn't change and smart business people KNOW THIS.

For those of you who are taking advantage of this opportunity to use this investor for cash for your deals (for both down payments as well as rehab money) in this VERY RARE opportunity to get this money for both flipping as well as buy-and-hold deals for properties from 1 to 4 units, you need to change your attitude and be gracious when dealing with those who have your future in real estate investing in the palm of their hands...and this INCLUDES the people who answer my phone at my office as well.  Being rude to them will result in your order NOT being processed and you NOT gaining access to this opportunity. nice, for crying out loud.  It's basic human decency and I shouldn't be the one to tell you how to act like a humble adult.  It should be a given.

CLICK HERE to get this investor's contact information.

And by the way, the guy who was screaming at my staff, his order was CANCELED and he isn't able to take advantage of this opportunity anymore.  (Yes, he's been BLACKLISTED.)  So, essentially, he screwed himself.

Don't be like him.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Our office is CLOSED from today through Tuesday.  We'll be back in the office bright and early on Wednesday, July 5th, answering the phones at and after 9am Pacific Time.  Get your order in ONLINE over this long weekend instead of trying to call the office since nobody will be there to take your call.  Thanks!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:27 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 29 2017

I think people have been wondering why I've been on and off the fence on teaching real estate investing strategies for the past couple of years now.  Well, to be honest, there have been quite a few moments of sheer wanting-to-jump-off-a-bridge frustration when trying to teach these strategies because sometimes they're not as simple as 1-2-3.  There's something called a PROCESS that must be utilized and followed with precision to do well as a real estate investor.  While I teach these PRECISE blueprints to my students, many times I feel like I'm dealing with the bottom-of-the-barrel lower-echelon folks who want this to be as easy as SOMEBODY ELSE doing ALL the work while they sit on their ass watching TV to collect huge checks...and that ain't how it works in ANY legitimate business.

For example, more than a few years ago I had somebody buy my Apartment Building Cash Flow System (now called Apartment Riches).  Nine days later he returned it (one of the VERY RARE returns we get) with the complaint that he didn't make millions in that 9-day time-frame so he thought it was a "scam" because of it.

Listen, people.  Anyone who tells you that you CAN make millions in real estate in just 9 days IS running a scam.  (You can't even close on your first apartment building in 9 days...even if you're paying 100% cash after finding your first deal on Day One!)  And if you're dumb enough to believe it then you deserve to be robbed of your hard-earned money.

Real estate investing is an ART just like balancing ANY business is.  And it's also a PROCESS of STEPS that MUST be completed WITH SKILL if you are to become successful doing this.  No exceptions.  Remember, anything worthwhile to YOU and to your bank account ideally will be a process so that you can simply wash, rinse...and repeat as many times as you want to make as much money as you want.

Only YOU know if this is the type of business YOU want to be in.  I cannot personally answer that question for you, which is a question I frequently get via email...going something a little like this:  "What kind of real estate do you think I should get into?" Hmmm...How the hell should I know?  I know what type of real estate I like to invest in but that only applies to ME.  I have no idea what type YOU will like to invest in.  Maybe you should try out different types of investing AND businesses to see what YOU will like.  Maybe real estate isn't your thing at all.  Maybe it's some type of online business.  You won't know until you try some things out for size.

Take a look at one of my long-time students, Ben, and the email he just sent to me:

"Hi Monica,
I have to take this time and pay you much appreciation for opening my eyes and providing me the confidence to reach financial freedom! Your no non-sense advice has really guided and just yesterday, I calmly told my Boss that I will no longer offer my services as the Lead Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Engineer for Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope Program! I can honestly say that I am only coming to work the next few months out of respect for my managers to train my replacement and to satisfy my personal desire to contribute to the science community.

Since attending your Multifamily Apartment Seminar in Detroit in Nov 2014, I really applied your teachings and came back to Washington DC fired up!! The next 12 months I raised private money, flipped 12 homes and kept pushing for more. One day I realized the system I developed that allowed me to flip houses while also maintaining a challenging career with NASA, was the same system I could use to develop multi-million dollar deals. And your training on obtaining aggressive income to do larger real estate deals was key! Direct Marketing wasnt my thing but I did push me to find a sweet niche converting 3-level townhomes into two, 2-level high end luxury condominiums on Capitol Hill. Also from your mentorships on researching markets to purchase apartments, I found myself very attracted to Tampa's economy ... so I jumped on a plane every other weekend and started building duplexes in Tampa in 2016. Concurrently I only focused on small development deals in DC as they grossed over 1.5M each! And each door I built in Tampa was netting over $500 each! 

And now I've surpassed my financial freedom point with passive income and have enough cash and credit to build my own apartments from scratch! More importantly, I have my freedom to enjoy my family and experience life with no boundaries.

As you know I'm not the most vocal person but I had to take this time to appreciate the knowledge and confidence you instilled in me to break this rat race! My next goal is to break the 100M mark so I can double back to help sponsor SpaceX to reach Mars and help humans travel our solar system! 

Many Thanks Monica and See You at the Top!

Another successful student,  

Amazing testimonial, don't you think?  One of the best I've gotten.  Yes, I get these types of testimonials regularly but this one really touched my heart.  Ben has been a student of mine for years.  He's tried out different things, "hit" one something he really likes that he's GOOD at and that he's making a ton of money doing.  But the only way to know what "fits" you is by trying things on for size!

And it's the testimonials like THESE that keep me in the training and teaching game because it makes it so gratifying for me to get these emails!

With that said, for those of you who have been wondering what I'll be doing with Aggressive vs. Passive Income, I kind of mentioned it before in a brief fleeting moment but 2018 is when I'll be focusing almost exclusively on Passive Income Strategies (with some Aggressive real estate stuff thrown in between).  What happened to the Aggressive Income Business Strategies?  I'm doing ONE LAST WORKSHOP for my Money Funnel 2.0 Strategies in late September (CLICK HERE for more information) plus a mentorship that starts in early September (more info to come on that)...and THAT'S IT for awhile non-real estate Aggressive Income Strategies for reasons that I don't want to bore you with now but mostly having to do with the amount of energy it takes for me to teach something so highly profitable with such precision that it's taking away time for me trying to focus on MY Aggressive and Passive Income Businesses.  So...CUTS have to be made with how I spend my time and this is how the cuts are slicing out.

This is why you're seeing new activity on the real estate front from me since this is where my main focus will lie post-September 2017 and through 2018.  (CLICK HERE for the latest and greatest including the VERY RARE opportunity to get money from my investor for your deals).   Why?  Because NOW is when you should get started in this WHILE we're at a market "stand-still" by making your money connections, staking your claim in a specific area of the country, finding out which TYPE of real estate you'd like to become an amazing investor at...START NOW instead of later when everyone will be running around like a chicken with their head cut off because they won't know how to get money, where to start, what to do...all while the deals are flowing around them like snowflakes in a winter storm.  If you don't have it all lined up NOW and get involved NOW then by the time all the "action" starts hitting, you won't be anywhere near prepared to take advantage of these opportunities...kind of like how many of you were ill-prepared during the LAST recession which is why most of you have no properties from a time when we had the LOWEST property prices with the LOWEST interest rates in American history.  BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT PREPARED!

Time to change that NOW.  CLICK HERE.  No more excuses.  You either DO THIS or you don't.  Your choice.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 27 2017

I just got off the phone with my investor partner -- the one that's done OVER 100 DEALS with my students since this past August -- and he wants more deals.  Why?  Because truth be told, INVENTORY IS TIGHT.  And where he's at now, he can't get anymore deals that are local to him.  (He's actually has 2 areas that he invests heavily in: Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth.)

So...he's reaching out to different areas all over the country to make money on deals nationwide.  And the ONLY way he can do this is by reaching out through other people...people like you...who can access these deals from where you're at.

If you want to find out how you can get both down payments and rehab money for deals that can be either flip properties or buy-and-hold assets, CLICK HERE NOW.  This may be the most important thing you get involved in because it could change everything for you.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 23 2017

Most of you have been chomping at the bit for REAL ESTATE INVESTING STUFF.  And trust me, I've been working on something AMAZING for all of you.

CLICK HERE to listen to what I've been able to pull off for you.  It's absolutely SPECTACULAR!

And yes, it involves getting CASH from my investor partner for your deals...something that is REALLY RARE these days!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Thank you for all of you who participated in the Deliberate Manifestation deal where I'll be sending all the proceeds to a grassroots animal rescue organization.  Your book purchase really is helping a lot of animals in need of being medically treated as well as finding new loving homes. Thank you again for caring about these innocent little creatures.  ;-)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 21 2017
What You're Helping Me to Do...TODAY!
With ALL of the proceeds of my newly released book -- Deliberate Manifestation -- I'm donating to the Helen Woodward Animal Center.  
If you recall, last month I talked about a dog named Duane "The Rock" that was in horrible condition when they found him in Tijuana, Mexico.  They took "The Rock" to the Helen Woodward Animal Center and I was really touched by the story.  And while I committed to putting all book proceeds of the sale of 100K in 100 Days to (for entrepreneurs in mainly 3rd-world countries looking for funding for their struggling small businesses), all book orders that came in AFTER the promotion was over were given to the medical treatment of that dog I showcased last month through the center shown above.
THIS time, I decided out of the gates to donate ALL proceeds from my newest book -- Deliberate Manifestation -- to this animal center because of all the good work they do with animals.  So, please help me out.
And this is how you can help me, as it's fairly simple:
I've had a promotional deal on my book including a bunch of bonuses and goodies which is ending TODAY at 5pm Pacific Time, to be exact. This RARE promotion deal includes my new book Deliberate Manifestation, the Law of Attraction Map (that includes THE SECRET to manifesting EVERYTHING YOU WANT...even THE SECRET that The Secret book and movie LEFT OUT is IN THE MAP), and 4 newly recorded videos of my entire wealth attraction regimen that I can guarantee you've never heard about all in one place anywhere else.
All these goodies for only $19.95 plus shipping/ essentially show you EXACTLY how to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT using an attraction strategy that has never been revealed!
But this deal is ending TODAY and we're running out of books.  If you wait any longer, you'll be put on a printing waiting list making you wait up to 3 weeks to get your book when we run out!   So, CLICK HERE NOW to get your book and help me support this wonderful animal center with the proceeds of your book sale!
This is life changing stuff, folks.  I have the key to how you can get everything you want in life.
So...what are you waiting for?
CLICK HERE NOW before it's too late.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, June 19 2017
Get What You Want EVERY TIME -- GUARANTEED -- With This ONE Secret!
I'll bet that you're frustrated about not getting what you want in life, not knowing HOW to get what you want, feeling like you're in a tail-spin ALL the time, and possibly "settling" because you figure, "Hell, I guess this is the way it is so...I'll just accept it!"
DON'T accept it.  Because it's NOT the time to give up on your dreams since I have the SECRET that you've been looking for!
I just released a BRAND NEW BOOK called Deliberate Manifestation.  It shows you THE SECRET that even the book and movie The Secret actually LEFT OUT!! 
What's awesome about this book is that I'm doing a promotion right now where I'm giving you some EXTRA BONUS GOODIES worth OVER $300 that ends pretty soon!  This includes a Law of Attraction MAP that shows you exactly how to use a specific set of techniques to attract ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE at will, at COMMAND!
CLICK HERE NOW to get this book with all the promo goodies since this deal is ending VERY SOON!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 17 2017
The REAL SECRET That Even The Secret Purposely Withheld From You...
I have to be honest where honesty is due...
This will be the LAST deal I'll be doing this year that will include me offering ANYTHING at such a low discount...especially with THESE bonuses:
* Brand NEW Released Book
* Map Including the SECRET (More on THAT in a Minute)
* 4 Hours of Video That I JUST RECORDED
Bonuses and goodies worth WELL OVER $300 and you'll be getting ALL of it for a super low mind-blowing price of $19.95 plus shipping/handling...
I'll be donating ALL the proceeds to the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Santa Fe, California.'re probably wondering.
"Why do I want this new book called Deliberate Manifestation?"
"Why would Monica be offering such a kick-ass book with all these goodies for only $19.95 plus shipping/handling?"
Here's why...
The REAL SECRET to Attracting Everything You've Ever Wanted Has Been PURPOSELY WITHHELD From the Book and Movie Called "The Secret"
Nobody wants to believe that something as "well-known" as the book and movie The Secret would have purposely withheld the ACTUAL SECRET to creating what you want in life.  But the reality is, THEY DID!  Pure and simple!
I don't know if they had a "Part II" of the movie and book in mind that would reveal the REAL secret?  Or...if they didn't actually KNOW the REAL SECRET?  OR...if they believed that people weren't, perhaps, READY for the REAL SECRET.
Regardless of the reasoning as to why they didn't reveal the REAL SECRET...bottom line, they didn't tell you what it was.  And that's too bad that a movie of this momentum was created and so widely watched yet they completely MISSED THE MARK on the truth in how to create everything that you want in life!
But I have that REAL SECRET for you.  In fact, I'm giving you the REAL SECRET in my book called Deliberate Manifestation.
But...even better: I'm not even going to make you wade through a bunch of pages to find it.  I'm giving you a Law of Attraction tri-fold MAP where INSIDE THE MAP I INCLUDE the REAL SECRET!
I'll show you EXACTLY where it is INSIDE the map.  You'll be unfolding the map and looking inside to find my cartoon caricature dead center in the middle.  My cartoon caricature is SAYING SOMETHING in 2 "bubbles."  This is where I reveal the most SIMPLISTIC version of the SECRET that The Secret purposely withheld from everyone.  
Take a look at the pic I posted and this is what you'll be looking for inside the map you'll be receiving with your Deliberate Manifestation book.  The SECRET is INSIDE my 2 speaking bubbles.
Now, I DO have to explain how to use these REAL SECRETS which are covered in the 4 videos you'll be getting and in the Deliberate Manifestation book, especially the part toward the very end of it. 
So, back to why I'm doing this:  Think what you want to think of me but my students are VERY IMPORTANT to me.  Your success is important to me.  And I see so many people buying every type of book, course, system, seminar, workshop, video set, and mentorship that I have yet SOME of them constantly see success evading them because they REFUSE to do the "inner stuff" first.
This is that INNER STUFF that you're missing if success is evading you!
And by YOU doing this Success Stuff that I'm sharing you in this Deliberate Manifestation kit that you'll be getting, you'll quickly and easily see success come pouring into your life which (a) makes MY teaching job MUCH EASIER when you're wanting my strategies on both Aggressive and Passive Income, and (b) because of your success that you'll have in the NEAR FUTURE by using these Deliberate Manifestation Strategies, I'll become your HERO!!  Yes!!  (I love changing people's lives!)
CLICK HERE NOW to get this Deliberate Manifestation with the BONUSES and GOODIES before I run out and before the promotion is over (which will be soon). Right now I have these in stock but I'm already getting low on these.  Once I run out, you'll have to wait 2-3 weeks until I get more and that is just throwing your ability to get what you want in life on the back-burner.  And you DON'T want that, do you?  (Haven't you been struggling in life LONG ENOUGH??)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Deliberate Manifestation book with ALL the bonuses!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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