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Success For Life
Thursday, October 14 2021

You may have never heard of him before.

His name is John Carter.

And he makes a consistent $250,000 per year doing this ONE THING.

He talks about it in this video.  (It's 25 minutes long.)  CLICK HERE to watch the video right now.

In fact, you'll probably get to meet John in person pretty soon.  I know he'd like to meet you too.

CLICK HERE and find out how!

There are very few opportunities out there with this financial magnitude.  Very few.

This is one of those things that can bring you from "Average Joe or Jane" to wealthy beyond your wildest dreams...

But ONLY if you thoroughly learn the skillset needed to do well in this!

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I have a really rare book package that I'd like to send to you ASAP.  If you didn't get it yet, CLICK HERE.  I'm running out.  Once it's gone, that's it for good!  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:29 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 11 2021

Every once in a blue moon I'll get one of these kinds of emails.  And I got one of these last week.  When you read it, you'll be slapping yourself on the head in dismay...

"Please cancel my purchase of  100k in 100 Days and other materials made on 10-2-2021 by me. I believe my checking account has been hacked and these purchases will leave me unable to pay my rent and other monthly obligations. In other words to pay $10.00 plus $10.00 plus $97.00 plus $47.00 will leave me homeless. I don't know how this happened as I took a calculator and thought I had enough to make thes purchases. But a review today let's me know I've made a mistake. Maybe I have dementia? I don,t know. I do know I can,t afford not to pay my rent and other expenses and wind up homeless just to purchase Monic Maine,s Book and treasure map.  I do need to improve my financial status and will try again when things are better. Sorry for the problem."

Yes, I left all of her mistakes in her email to show you just how pitiful of a person she is.

When I read this, it made me realize that she treats herself as a "victim" in life.  And it's pretty ridiculous.

"Oh, poor me.  Here I was innocently sitting on a park bench feeding these poor starving pigeons my moldy bread when along came this Wicked Witch of the West named Monica Main who held a gun to my head, MADE me take out my debit card to buy a $10 book and some other stuff, and now here I am without any rent money.  Boo hoo!  Poor me!  Why is life so hard?  And why is this Monica Main such a powerful magician to get me to pay for something I didn't even want to buy in the first place from so many miles away?"

This is what I wanted to tell her...

Wanna know WHY life is so hard, lady?

#1...You're so f****** pitiful that you don't have $154 to spend to better your financial life in any way.  But I'm pretty sure you probably have the latest iPhone and cable TV.

#2...You're seemingly BLAMING other people (me included) because you are broke...but oddly I don't remember flying to your house, looming over you with a whip, and demanding you buy ANYTHING from me.  I'm pretty sure you did that on your own accord.

#3...How the f*** do you think you'll EVER better your financial future if you don't (a) learn how to build a business and (b) invest in yourself to build that business from start to finish?

What's troubling about this LIAR of a woman is that she immediately tries to BLAME OTHERS for HER purchase.  She first blames someone else (hacking into her checking account).  Then she blames dementia.  Then she blames me...because I'll be the reason she'll be homeless because of the purchase SHE made.


But she FAILS to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for her current state of affairs.  She's broke.  And it's her own damn fault.

If you are broke, it's your own damn fault.

How do I figure?

Because if you're broke in the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY then...there's a problem.  And that problem is...YOU!

It's TOO EASY to make money here in America.  You'd have to purposely be burying your head in a basement corner 24/7 to NOT see the opportunity that's around us ALL THE TIME.

In fact, one such opportunity is a pretty powerful one.

CLICK HERE and I'd like to share it with you right now!

This is the only opportunity I know of that can make you the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time possible...IF you learn how to do it right!

CLICK HERE NOW to watch a short video that talks all about it!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main



Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:18 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 07 2021

I was talking to my friend Dr. Peter Barrington last week and he just "happened" to glaze over something which I thought was pretty spectacular.

All within about 5 seconds.

He said, "You know, what's coming up next month with the market could potentially turn $10K into $100K...maybe all within just a few days."


I didn't quite "get" what he was telling me.

He said, "When the market comes crashing down, if you're shorting your position, you could see some pretty good financial gains in a very short period of time. have to know what you're doing."

I remembered a movie I saw years ago called "The Big Short" and it was all about how a small group of investors were able to make a shorting the market in 2008, all while everybody else was foolish enough to think it was going to keep going up.  Forever, I guess.  (Who knows what people thing?!)

If you've always wanted to learn how to trade the markets, there's something pretty incredible that's coming up next month.

CLICK HERE and watch a video that reveals all the details.

Trading to make a profit requires a skillset.  You can't just haphazardly throw money into the stock market and expect to make money.  If you're going to go against the market (as in shorting it) you really need to know what you're doing.  After all, this will be a time when people will be making millions -- even billions -- by taking short positions as the market crashes.  It's possible for anyone to make this kind of money when the market falls like a lead balloon.  But you really have to know what you're doing.

CLICK HERE and I'll show you exactly how you can profit in the upcoming months of financial despair.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.   If you've never gotten the Seven Figure Trading book kit yet, you can get it by CLICKING HERE NOW!  This is a mini "crash course" on how to do well stock trading.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 10 2021
Why We Should NOT Celebrate 9/11 Anymore

So...I know she hates when I do this but I have an Apprenticeship Group Student and a good friend by the name of Nichele Jackson.  Many of you have met her at various events I've done over the years and she'll also be attending Detroit next month.

The part that she hates is when I tell people that she's a 9/11 survivor.  Now, I'm not going to go into details about exactly what happened to her.  (You can buy her a drink at the bar when you see her in Detroit and she'll tell you all about it.)  But I can tell you that she is one of many who have gone through hell due to the physical, mental, and emotional stresses from that one day that has echoed through the past 20 years in the harshest ways imaginable.

But she's healed a lot over the years even though she does still house a lot of the PTSD in her soul somewhere.  Every day is a new day.  Every day is a moment for a new beginning.

I had a conversation about 9/11 with her a year or so ago.  I told her that I disagreed with the annual hoorah "rehashment" of the tragedy this country had to endure.  To heal means to move forgive and forget...and Nichele agreed with me.

Now, you might argue that we should hold big annual ceremonies to "never forget" the incident that happened 20 years ago.


Before you insist that this is the righteous thing to do, first ask yourself this:

If you were trying to heal from a traumatic rape, for example, would it be helpful if you had to revisit the incident blow-by-blow, remembering every detail, including holding annual ceremonies about the incident on the day it happened every single year?  Would that help your healing?  Would that make you feel better by doing this?

Or...would you just rather move past it?

Now, the other thing you need to ask yourself is...

Are you a survivor of 9/11? 

Because, if you aren't, then you don't have an opinion about forcing an annual commemorative against the wishes of those who have survived...and of those who wish to move on to brighter days ahead, leaving this sordid and unspeakable past behind.

People like Nichele and many, many others.

Nobody can heal if you keep stabbing the wound open over and over again with a sharp knife.

So, those are my thoughts about today and all the annual "hoopla" that surrounds 9/11.  While I honor those who have lost their lives on that fateful day, I can guarantee you that all of those people who have passed on are in a much better place than we are now.

I'd rather honor those who are still alive, those who are still struggling on a daily basis with PTSD -- not to mention the physical damage that has come from two collapsing buildings -- and helping to make their lives easier, better, and brighter.

The survivors.

Those who are still with us.

Why can't we honor them by NOT dredging up the pain of the past for yet another year?

Just my two cents.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:56 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 05 2021
Over and over again, my students have emailed me expressing concerns about is their level of experience and if investor partners will be interested in working with them when attending the Underground Secret Event in Detroit on October 22nd, 23rd, and 24th...the 24th being the day I'll be revealing the Multi-Million-Dollar Partnership Opportunity.
The answer: yes, they want to work with you.  If you are presenting an awesome cash flowing opportunity for them with a basic plan on how you're going to pull it off, they want in.  Period!
The basic "rule" though is that the property (or opportunity) will have to be local to some degree.  You can't realistically dream of capturing the interest of a prospective investor if you say, "Here's my Loopnet deal, I want 50% of it, and we are going to acquire this as partners yet I'll hire a management company since it's 3,000 miles away from where I live."
No, no, no!  This isn't how it works.
Instead, you're essentially saying, "Here's my deal, I want 30% of it for overseeing minor cosmetic rehab and lease-up, we are going to acquire this as partners, and since I'm fairly local to the property, I'll handle every aspect of this deal while you wildly profit!"
The other thing that my students don't seem to understand is that there is this huge wave of interested investor partners coming out of the "mass wealthy" pool.  These people are doctors, dentists, lawyers (yuck!), engineers, and other professionals who have lots of liquid assets but no clue on what to do with this money.
Yet they are all in the same boat.
Time is running out for them.  It's as simple as that.
These people can only continue working 40 to 70 hours per week for so long before they will realistically drop dead from exhaustion (or blowing their brains out to escape the rat race), they're all getting up there in age, and they are desperate for a real plan on maintaining their lavish lifestyle while cutting back (or eliminating) their work schedule!
And YOU are their plan.
I've had more "mass wealthy" invest in my deals just in the past several years than I've ever had in my investing career.
I had no "mass wealthy" invest with me 15 years ago.  I had 1 invest with me about 7 years ago.  Now 95% of the investor partners who invest with me on deals are part of this "mass wealthy" pool.
Interesting how quickly things change.
What's awesome about these people is that you don't need to twist their arm on the opportunity.  You don't need to convince them of having a high level of experience.  Just going through a course on real estate investing makes you much more qualified on the subject than they'll ever be!
This is quite the opposite, by the way, if you're trying to deal with professional investors (which has become very difficult to do these days because they micro-manage everything).
Remember, I've been warning everyone for a couple of years now that the window of opportunity is closing for getting your foot in the door on apartment building investing with little or no money down, owner financing, and by using creative financing methods.
During my Underground Secret Event, I'm offering you an opportunity to have your own Operation Money Magnet blueprint developed and up and running so that you can ring in the New Year of 2022 with a property under your belt!

This is going to be a powerful event.  You'll either be there...or your won't.
You decide whether gaining access to hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in investor partner down payments for your deals is important...or not.
CLICK HERE NOW to get yourself enrolled.

Want to live-stream the event?  Register as Gold VIP and you can watch from the convenience of your living room for all 3 days.  You'll even get replays of the entire event!

See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 01 2021

My daughter asked me a strange question this morning.  She asked, "What are 5 jobs you would never want to do?"

I thought about it for a second then started rattling things off like:

* Being a janitor or maid
* Being the person who sucks all the crap out of those Porta-Potty
* Being a garbage collector or having to do with waste management of any kind
* Working for a sewage company doing...anything
* Being a nurse, doctor, or anything dealing with blood and dying people

Those were my top five.  There were more -- many more -- once I got the ball rolling like being in construction, working in accounting, driving a taxi or Lyft, etc.

What jobs would you never want to do?

What this allowed me to do was give me a deep sense of gratitude that I've been able to write my own checks in life.  I've always been very good at making money through having streamlined "money funnel" businesses and through my investing.

Of course, this has all been by design.  It's no accident that I've been able to carve such an amazing life for myself.

It also made me realize that I'm really not much smarter than most people.  I just have a low tolerance in dealing with the things that I distain.  I won't work jobs or businesses I hate.  I won't deal with employees or offices I can't stand to be in.  I won't deal with pissy customers/clients.  And instead of dealing with things and people I dislike, I hone in on the things and people I do like.  Very simple.

If you have a life you don't like or your in a job/profession that sucks, change it already.  Stop blaming everybody else.  YOU are the one to blame if you're doing things you don't want to do or dealing with people you can't stand.  Yeah, that sucks to hear it.  Hard pill to swallow sometimes but there's good news in it.  It means that since YOU are to blame, YOU can easily turn it around.  You can completely turn your financial life around in a super short period of time just by understanding a business secret and doing a "quick implementation" of it.

So...what IS it?  What is this "business secret" and how can you have a "quick implementation" of it?

I'll be revealing this in my upcoming Underground Secret Event in Detroit on October 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.

Now, to be 100% transparent, the majority of what I'll be talking about in this Underground Secret Event has to do with real estate investing, especially since this fall will mark the beginning of the real estate market "cracking" at the seams because of the expiration of unemployment benefits and foreclosure/eviction moratoriums.

And I'll show you how to profit in a big way while everything is going to hell in a handbasket.

But...on the first day of this event (on Friday, October 22nd), I'll be talking about an Aggressive Income Cash Flow Opportunity Bonanza that will knock your socks off!

This will be so incredible, amazing, and mind-blowing, you'll have to hold your head so your brains don't explode!  (And, no, this is NOT something I've ever revealed before and, YES, it's worth a cool $20,000 MINIMUM per month in net profits.)

This event will be OFF THE HOOK.  But best of all, everything I will be showing you over 3 days will allow YOU to be in control of your financial future.  How awesome is THAT??

CLICK HERE to enroll now!  I have some very special bonuses including my "black envelope."  This includes ALL of my most powerful cash resources, investor partners, loan programs and everything you'll need to operate a highly profitable real estate or other entrepreneurial enterprise.

This deal ends soon.  CLICK HERE NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 05 2021

There are a few things that some of you seem to have some confusion about.  So, let me straighten some things out.

"Have you gone out of business, Monica?"

No.  I have not gone out of business.  I decided to get rid of my overhead, to outsource everything, and to go down to a part time schedule to alleviate my stress and to live my best life.  I cannot live my best life or even have any semblance of "happiness" with a staff, overhead, and the stress a "traditional" business brings.  So, because of this, I have stepped back from this stress by getting rid of it altogether!

"Since you don't have an office anymore, how are things going to change?"

I'm taking some of my courses online.  About 90% of my offerings will disappear forever.  This is why I'm doing the FINAL BLOW get rid of everything as quickly as possible.  CLICK HERE to get some stuff...before it's all gone forever!  You'll also receive ADDITIONAL STUFF in your shipment (that you didn't order) so we can dissipate our remaining inventory.  My loss will be your gain!  CLICK HERE NOW!

"So, you said you're getting rid of 90% of your stuff.  What are you going to be keeping then?"

The only things that will be shipped in the future are resource directories and some of my books.  That's it.  Everything else will be online, likely coupled with a mentorship group or other intensive training to MAKE SURE my students grasp and utilize the knowledge they are given so they can finally become successful in whatever endeavor they choose.

"Are you still doing your seminars this year?"

Yes, I am.  Starting with the Underground Secret Event in Detroit on October 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.  CLICK HERE to register now!  I'll also be hosting an event in Vegas in early November.  (CLICK HERE for more information about it.)  And then I'll be doing my annual Success & Wealth Retreat in March 2022 in Honolulu, Hawaii.  (CLICK HERE for details.)

"Since you're going to a part-time schedule, does this mean you'll be doing fewer events, mentorships, and other launches?"

Yes, that's exactly what it means.  But don't worry.  I'm not ready to disappear quite yet.

"Are you okay, Monica?  Is everything alright with you?  Why are you making these big changes all of a sudden?"

First of all, there's nothing "all of a sudden" about these changes.  If you've read a single word I've written to you in the past several years, you know that this major life overhaul is long overdue for me. 

Yes, I am okay but I got burned out.  I got tired of the way things were on every level of my life.  And I realized it was time for me to change.  When you do things for too long, it's time to change it up!

Years ago I saw an interview with Sherry Lansing, the first female movie executive (Paramount Pictures).  She said that it was good to change careers every 10 years just to change it up, keep life interesting, and have that passion for life and living.  I never forgot that.


That I've been in the same career for more than 20 years now.

And it's time to change it up.

I think something shifted inside of me in a way that Paolo Coehlo described in his book called The Pilgrimage.  At the very end of the book after he took his Pilgrimage over the course of several months, when he returned home, everything was the same.  But he was different inside.  And he decided to make some major shifts, changes, and alterations to his life so he could start living the life he always imaged and wanted for himself.

This same kind of shift happened for me where I felt I could no longer venture down the same path I'd always been going down.

In the book The Pilgrimage, there's a quote that says exactly what I'm talking about:

“We always know which is the best road to follow, but we follow only the road that we have become accustomed to.”

And I realized it was time for me to follow the best road I always knew in my heart that is best for me.

Even better...

I was introduced to a partnership that I couldn't turn down.  In fact, I'm giving my students who participate in my last 100K Max Mastery Mentorship Group for 2021 the opportunity to hop on board with this opportunity too.  CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.  (This group begins on Monday, August 16th.)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 01 2021
Over the past couple of days I've been extremely excited, partly because I'm in the process of letting go of the old and partly because I have just began a new powerful and prosperous stage in my life!
Let me explain what I'm talking about.
A few of you may recall that a couple of months ago I talked about wanting to retire at the age of 50.  I just turned 47 last month so that's still 3 years away. 

The moment I told myself, "I can't do another three years with a full-blown business with employees, overhead, and worst of all: LACK OF TIME FREEDOM!"

So, on my birthday (June 14th) I asked myself, "What if I just closed my office/warehouse in December at the very end of the year?"  And then it turned into, "What if I closed down this summer?  In fact, why not next month?"

At first I thought the idea was simply ridiculous.

But, just for kicks, my daughter and I went to our favorite restaurant for lunch, grabbed a napkin and a pen, and titled the top: OPERATION RELAUNCH.

Together we forged a list of everything that needed to be done to close the business down and to "reinvent" it the way I want which included:

* No employees, no overhead, no stress
* Working only part time
* Digitalizing everything and getting rid of 90% of my physically shipped products
* Only focusing on what I like to do the most (which I'll get into shortly)

As a sometimes ever-changing decision-making Gemini, I decided to "sleep" on the idea.

I "slept" on the idea of closing and following through with my napkin-plan for two solid weeks just to make sure I wasn't making any "rash" decisions.

Then, on Monday, June 28th (exactly two weeks later), I decided to pull the trigger and just go for it!  By the end of that same week, I had put the larger wheels in motion to close down including informing my staff, securing other arrangements for my products to be shipped out (for now, until they're all gone), and beginning my journey towards ultimate business freedom!

By the end of the following week, two of the employees who I was having difficulty with just up and left.  (Yaahhhh!!)  The other three I have left are just part-timers who can work virtually from anywhere.

I couldn't believe how seamlessly everything was falling into if the Universe was conspiring to assist me on this new path.

To, what a powerful thing.  How many times have you found yourself "sitting on the fence" forever and then the very moment you made a decision one way or another, you felt a sense of relief, freedom, and empowerment as if you were floating on Cloud 9?

Anyway, if you haven't seen my video about the process of shutting my office down, CLICK HERE to watch it now.  I'll be taking the video down in a few days so you'll probably want to watch it ASAP...especially since it's kind of raw and vulnerable.

So, many of my students really think I quit for good.  That's not the case.  I'll only be doing the things I really want to do (after finishing my 2021 obligations I already have set in place).

And there are two things I really have an interest in:

#1:  My 100K in 100 Days KTB Business Building Blueprints (CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about).

#2:  A very rare once-in-a-lifetime partnership opportunity (which I'll be talking about in my last 2021 100K Mastery Mentorship Group which begins on August 16th; only those who are part of this group will get the benefit of this new opportunity). 

As I've talked about many, many times over the make the changes you want in life, it starts with choosing an "I quit!" date.  To demonstrate what I was talking about, I had made my "I quit!" date as June 14, 2024 (my 50th birthday).  Then, I decided, "Hell, why not do it much earlier than that?"

I could never fully "retire."  If you know me, you'd know that retirement is boring and I could never do it.

But, I could do what I really want to do and NOT do the things I DON'T want to do.

And so can you!

If you want to take this "ride or die" opportunity with me, CLICK HERE to watch a seminar that talks all about it, including the changes in the economy, how it all affects you, and what you can do about it to prosper in the destitute times ahead!
It's time for you to line yourself up to take advantage of every opportunity that is coming your direction at whiplash speed right now.  If you don't line yourself up correctly even down to getting your "money net" out there to start collecting on this easy cash then you'll find yourself in that miserable rut you've probably been in for awhile of beating your head against a brick wall with an empty wallet and wondering what you're doing wrong.
I'm going to be talking about everything you need to do to make a fortune with the New KTB Business in the Post-Pandemic Era.  
CLICK HERE to check it out now!

The group is 100% online and starts on Monday, August 16th.  I'll only be taking about a dozen students and I already have 9 in the class right now!

See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main

P.S.  As most of you know, I'm getting rid of 90% of my inventory FOREVER.  This means you can get basement-bottom deals and discounts on ALL of it AND you'll be getting EXTRA stuff in your shipment on top of what you order and pay for.  CLICK HERE to get what you can get now.  Most of this inventory will NEVER be brought back again.  CLICK HERE to get what you can get...before it's all gone for good!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 30 2021

I'll be the first to admit, I know nothing about The Purge.

But what I do know is that it is what best describes my life right now at this moment.

Yesterday I was clearing out the upstairs area of my warehouse, I didn't realize I had so much crap up there!

It seems that over the years my employees just threw different random things up there from old computer towers to endless amounts of boxes of all sizes to a mannequin who we named "Gina" years ago.

On top of that, it was over 100 degrees, there is no insulation in the warehouse at all, and my daughter said I was beet-red in color, probably on the verge of passing out, if I wasn't on a mission to get rid of as much stuff as possible.

It felt like a "reverse" shopping spree.  How much stuff could I throw in the trash in the shortest amount of if my life depended on it.

And many, in some ways, my life does depend on it.

You see, when we go through life, we collect and collect and collect...and collect.  Endless amounts of "stuff."  (Moving, by the way, is a perfect opportunity to get rid of stuff that no longer serves you.)

When you collect stuff and it begins to pile up all around you, you begin to block the energy flow or "feng shui" in your life.  And since everything is energy, it's the kiss of death to block this vital lifeforce from freely flowing through your personal space and your life.

If you're finding that something isn't working in your life -- whether it be a job or a relationship...or something else altogether -- something is blocked.  And the easiest and most immediate way to begin unblocking your life is by simply going through closets, drawers, storage places, your garage, and/or any and every place you'd had a bunch of collected "stuff" that you likely don't need or want anymore.

Yeah,'d probably rather watch tv than go through your old stuff, right?

Well, that's your prerogative.  But the longer you put off cleansing your immediate environment, the longer you will feel stifled and held back in your personal and professional life.

So, back to my "purge," I got rid of so much stuff, it made my head spin.  Yet I still came out of it with two 26" trucks packed full of stuff!

I seriously don't think I got rid of enough!

But already I feel the energy in my life lifting and shifting in a most magical and powerful way.

And you will too once you begin cleaning, clearing, and discarding the stuff that no longer serves you.

If you haven't watched my quick video that talks about what I'm doing and why, click here to start watching it right now! It's a little raw and vulnerable but...what the hell?!  Right?

With that said, all of the rest of the stuff must go immediately.  This means I'm giving my students a huge discount on 90% of my stuff that will never be reprinted or put back into stock ever again.  Click here to grab up what you can...while you can still get it.

By the way, everyone who orders on this last ever blow out sale, you'll get extra stuff put into your shipment.  This is so I can get rid of as much as fast as possible.  Click here to get what you can get.  A lot of it is gone already!

And "The Purge" continues...

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you missed the online seminar I did the other day, click here to watch a replay of it now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 27 2021

It was a few weeks ago when I just SNAPPED!

Yes, you read that right.  I snapped like a twig.

I reached my max capacity for dealing with bullsh** on every level you can think of especially when it comes to my business.

If you read my recent email, you'd know that I'm totally done having employees.  I'm done with the soul-sucking overhead and responsibilities of having a "traditional" business.

In the very beginning of my teaching career, I had a handful of students (who are still with me, by the way) who anticipated "great" things for me.  Apparently many of them had this idea in their heads that I was going to become the next Robert Kiyosaki.  You know, the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy?

And I made it very clear from the beginning.  I don't want to stand next to "them" (the gurus) and become one of "them."

What did that mean?

Most of those gurus are full of sh**.  They don't practice what they preach and they certainly don't do what they tell other people to do.  And I absolutely refuse to even stand in the same category as they do simply because people will automatically assume that I'm on the same snake-oil-salesman-level that they are.

But mostly it's because I simply didn't have time to be the full-fledged "guru" that those other guys are.  I actually go out, do real estate, have other businesses (for Aggressive Income), and only have a tiny bit of time for the "guru" thing.

Furthermore, even though I've been offered book deals by major New York publishers and have already been afforded the opportunity to become "one of them," I've turned down these publishers time and time again simply because I don't want to become the female poster child of financial freedom.  Instead, I'd rather focus on teaching the few of you (who are serious about this) what I know, let you become successful, and we both then move on our merry little ways.

But over the past couple of years, my life and teachings have become contradictory.  Since I started teaching my students Aggressive Income Strategies around this time way back in 2012, I've been showing my students how to not have overhead and not have employees and not have the stress of a regular business while enjoying the benefits of stuffing $20,000 or more per month in pure profits right into your pocket.

Yet I have the stress and obligations of overhead.

In the beginning, it was enjoyable.  I had a mission.  I needed to train people to become financially proficient and self-sufficient so the minor frustrations here and there of having a business didn't bother me.  I was built to do it, having so many businesses for so many years. People management comes easy to me.  And the minor frustrations I can bulldoze over, for many people, would be viewed (and felt) as insurmountable obstacles that would give them an instant one-way ticket into the loony bin.

But then something happened a little more than a year ago...

I had a powerful "shift."

At first I thought it was a "mid-life" crisis.  Just a bit early.  I figured since I had a hard life and always figured things out much earlier than most people, maybe I was going through the mid-life crisis thing earlier than most people do.  This would explain the BMW thing and me carving up my body with a mural of tattoos on my back.  (Yes, my entire back is all tattooed up.)

Then recently I figured it out.  I figured out what was happening when I watched a video called The Shift by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  (You can watch the video on by searching for it...and have at least 2 hours available to watch it front to back without distractions.  Highly recommended video!  CLICK HERE to watch it on YouTube now.  It's really life-changing.

I realized that I was going through The Shift and that it was time I did something about it.

Each one of us only has a certain number of days on this planet.  And life is too short doing stuff you can't stand.

That applies to you, too!

And me, too!

It applies to everyone.

Now, many of you know that I've been "fake" retiring since...I don't know how many times.  It's been A LOT of times.  It wasn't really a false alarm but rather me mentally and emotionally preparing myself for the "real deal" that I knew was eminent in my future.  (I just didn't know when it would happen, exactly.)  Just when I was ready to step out of the spotlight, I'd freak out.  I didn't want to let go of my students, my staff, my office, and what had become my "life."

Then the situation with my right hand assistant Lynette happened a couple of weeks ago (when she told me that she refused to "touch" my book The Lost Secret because it talked about "energy" and "vibrations," something she doesn't believe in as a Christian) that made me realize that this whole situation has become like an old snake skin that I should have shed back in September 2019 during the Holly embezzlement debacle...but that I've been too stubborn to want to let go.

Now it's time to let go.

I'd like to clarify what I'm talking about in this quick video I shot the other day.  CLICK HERE to watch it right now.

When there is too much on your plate, you have to eliminate the sh** that is wasting your time so that you can focus on the sh** that is worth it to you.  It's called the 80/20 Principle. This is a true concept outlining that 20% of your "work" yields 80% of your results. 

Everything else you have to ditch before it eats you alive.

And that's what I'm doing.

Life's too short to waste it on nonsense.

I have an important training tomorrow that talks about exactly what I'm doing and how you can hop on board...if you'd like.  CLICK HERE to enroll in the training ASAP.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm getting rid of 90% of my courses, books, and other products.  CLICK HERE to get a deep discount on almost all of them.  Once I run out, I won't be reprinting most of them.  Get what you can while you still can.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:37 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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