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Success For Life
Thursday, July 25 2019

I'm not sure if you noticed yet or not but I've been taking a bit of a breather these days.  I'm actually on what I call my "partial summer hiatus" except that I'm taking more time off than I ever have.  I'm kind of hanging back these days while planning my next move as I come up on two (2) back-to-back seminars I'm hosting in Las Vegas in September...the Investing Secrets Bootcamp Seminar (about stock trading) on September 13th and 14th (with a special workshop for Platinum VIP in the morning of the 15th) and the Flip It Profit Bootcasmp Seminar (about flipping real estate) on September 16th and 17th (with a special workshop for Platinum VIP in the afternoon of the 15th).

I know I've said this before but...

I'll be thoroughly DONE with larger events and seminars once these are done and over with.  I'm ONLY interested in doing very small hands on workshops after September.  (So, if you haven't registered for one or both of these FINAL EVENTS, CLICK HERE for Investing Secrets and CLICK HERE for Flip It Profit!)

So...what am I observing?  What am I contemplating at this moment in my life?

I'm trying to decide if it's worthwhile for me to continue teaching people...or not.  It seems that very few listen to me.  Many attend my events, workshops and mentorship groups but few follow through.  Yes, those who DO follow through become massively successful because what I teach is real, relatively easy to understand and implement, and is life-changing for those who let it.  Some of my students are making millions a year now.  But what bothers me are those who are still sitting on their asses doing nothing.  Why is that?  Why are they sitting there...doing nothing??  I don't get it and I've started to take some of this personally.  Actually, I'm now taking it as a direct personal insult, truth be told.


Did you hear that?  That's the part where I'll be dropping the mic at my next Vegas Event.  (I won't literally be dropping the mic.  That's a metaphor for...I'm done.  But you get the point.)

In the meantime, I have something pretty unique and outrageous that came across my desk only a short time ago.  It seems that quite a few of my investor partners of many years past are starting to retire one by one.  And one of my investors -- a guy I've been working with for 13 years -- is now suddenly retiring because he has more money than he knows what to do with.  And he's tired of the game.  He just wants to golf all day now.  At least that's what he told me when I talked to him this past Monday.

The good news for you (and me) is that he's giving us both something quite extraordinary.

CLICK HERE to find out what it is!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 07 2019

We now have a new office manager.  Yes, I finally found someone kick-ass to replace Rose after all these months with an empty seat, empty's not full with a most awesome chick named Holly.  (Many of you have already talked to her if you've called the office in the past couple of months.)

So, yesterday, I had her "fire" her first Success For Life customer.  Yes, I did.  Or you can say, "No, you didn't!"  LOL!  (Sorry.  I'm in a rambunctious mood today!)

But that's not the real reason I'm connecting with you right now.  I'm reaching out because this weekend I decided to put something on sale that I NEVER put on sale...because I want those of you who are truly serious about becoming successful (in business or investing...or both) to be able to have the financial resources needed to get started.

You see, THIS is ONLY for those of you who are SERIOUS about success.

After all, many of us talk about making changes year after year.  And yet 5 years flies by...10 years, gone in the snap of a finger.  Yet some of us are exactly where we were before.  Dreaming big dreams.  Talking a good game. But getting exactly nowhere.

Let's change that.  Right now.  The changes start with you.  Nobody else can or will do it for you.  And if you don't get off your ass to do something about it, it'll never happen.

So, ask yourself this:  Do you really want the "same-old-same-old" you have now but in 5 years from now?  What about 10 years from now?  Two decades from now?

Or how about this time next year??

Yes, that would suck, wouldn't it?  But it doesn't have to be that way.  Maybe it's time that you fire yourself as the director of your own life and let me take a crack at this event in March.

CLICK HERE to watch a short video which explains everything!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 04 2019

I hope you're enjoying an awesome day off.

Now, you do know what today stands for, right?

It's our day of independence as a country.

But have you ever thought about your own independence?  Regardless of how many freedoms we have (and we do have quite a few), do you really feel free?  Be honest!

Most people I talk to and work with feel far from free.  They feel as if they are slaves to the grind, slaves to their job, slaves to the mortgage and credit card companies, and slaves to a never-ending treadmill with no end in sight.

And while it's nice to honor and have gratitude for the freedoms we have, let's be real.  If you feel that something is "amiss" in your life and that you figured you'd be much further along than you are now...then you're probably right.

You see, there IS a conspiracy of enslavement taking place right here in our "free" country.  A handful of people run the world and they've made it a "thing" to enslave every man, woman, and child on this planet.

But slavery doesn't mean we'll all be breaking rocks in a salt mine.

It's actually WORSE than that.

We're already slaves to THEIR system...the system they created for them to get rich while keeping the common man and woman in an eternal state of poverty and treadmill-running.

That is part of the plan!  Keep everybody so damn busy trying to keep up with bills and surviving that most people never WAKE UP to see the ways in which things can change in YOUR favor.

But what if I told you that there IS a way to turn the tables for you in a way that only the millionaires and billionaires know how to do it...

That is, until now!

There IS a way to get out of the rat race by playing their own game...AND WINNING!

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

In the meantime, enjoy your day to the fullest!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 03 2019
How the System is Set Up for You to FAIL!

Above you'll see a picture of two men taken sometime after the crash of the stock market back in the fall of 1929 when so many people had lost their jobs.  We were still kind of a young country by definition back then.  Still wet behind the ears.  Not "hip" to the financial game yet.

And this is why the Great Depression happened to begin with.

You see, the elite and those who control the entire world realized during this earth-shattering period that you have to keep the game going if you're going to keep reaping the benefits of the pyramid that's been created.

Take the game Monopoly, for example.  In fact, this is very close to how the economy is set up.  Only a few take control over everything while everybody else spins their wheels and pays the piper every time they go around the board.  Eventually the system is set up to wipe everybody out in the end, except for those who control everything.

I remember playing my brother a rather cut-throat game of Monopoly where I bought mostly everything and he went around the board paying more and more rent as I acquired my houses, then hotels.

Before long, he was bankrupt.  OUT of the game entirely.

Then I got bored.  The game was over for him.  But most importantly, it was ALSO over for me too because he couldn't afford to pay me anymore.

This is what happened in 1929 (and thereafter) with the stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression as we stumbled into the 1930s.  The elite realized something pretty significant... "Yes, it's a great idea to rake everybody over the coals as much as we can, bleeding all the turnips dry.  But what happens when there's not another drop of blood to be had?"

Hence, the Great Lesson of the Great Depression.  The elite and all the powers that be realized that EVERYBODY still has to remain in the game...some way, somehow...otherwise THEY cannot get rich anymore either.

This forced them to restructure the game a little differently.

Fast forward to 2008.  Notice how it wasn't an exact replay of the Great Depression?  This is because "they" (the elite) realized that they had to keep the game afloat as to keep the players playing because without the players, EVERYBODY goes bankrupt (including them).

This is where CREDIT played a heavy hand in bailing out the failing financial system at that time.  And if you think the money came from the government in the form of "government bail outs," think again.  The green light on floating this money actually came from the elite and those who control the puppet strings of our entire system INCLUDING our financial and government systems.

Did you know that once you understand HOW the elite and other super wealthy use CREDIT to move and gain wealth, that YOU can ALSO use this very same system to gain wealth yourself?

Yes, not only is it highly possible, it's HIGHLY PROBABLE once you understand HOW the game works and HOW to use it for your personal wealth-building advantage.

CLICK HERE to watch a brief video that will show you exactly what I'm talking about.

The system will NEVER get better for you.  It's not designed for lower-level, low-echelon people to ever get a grasp as success, wealth, and prosperity on a bigger scale.  That's just not how this system is built.

But YOU CAN work the system to your financial benefit -- just like multi-millionaires and billionaires do -- but only IF you understand how to do it.

CLICK HERE to find out how now!

As a side note, October 24, 2019 marks the 90th anniversary of the day the stock market crashed in 1929, setting off the insurmountable tidal waves through the financial system that resulted in a long blistering depression.  The men in the picture both included their addresses on the posters hung around their neck.  While both these men are long gone, the homes in which they resided are still standing in Chicago.  Back then they had no means, education, or ability to be able to capitalize on our credit system like we do now.  And how different both their lives would have been if they had this advantage.  In the very least, they would never have found themselves in the awkward and humble position of standing on a street corner for work. forward to TODAY, my friend.  YOU have the advantage these men didn't have.  You have the ability to capitalize on opportunities by using OPM in ways that NOBODY (except the elite) had back then.

Why squander another moment by being a "victim" of how things are?  Especially when you have a distinct advantage that wasn't available until the last decade or so?

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Our Flip It Profit Boot Camp Seminar in Las Vegas on September 16th & 17th is getting pretty full.  CLICK HERE for more details now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 01 2019


A while back, I decided to do a training for my Viper Wealth group that has some pretty cutting edge business credit strategies in it...including some powerful resources at the very end of the 90-minute training.  CLICK HERE to watch this intense (and long) training on the latest business credit strategies.

For those of you who want to take advantage of getting the Build Business Credit FAST! System at a HUGE DISCOUNT for my July 4th BLOW OUT, CLICK HERE!  Those of you who have been my students for quite some know that I NEVER put this system on sale EVER!  So...take advantage while you can!

This system INCLUDES my latest unsecured credit resources PLUS an opportunity for an Investor Partnership!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't registered for the Flip It Profit Seminar in Las Vegas, CLICK HERE NOW!  This event is filling up FAST!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 15 2019

A long while back I told you about this thing I got off eBay: The Vincent James' $77 Million Manual...and how it helped me create a multi-million dollar health supplement company from scratch.

For the manual itself, it was riddled with endless amounts of mistakes, English misspellings, grammatical errors, and was very difficult to read because he wrote it within days of being hauled off to prison to do a sentence concerning the mishaps with his company.  (Yes, he ended up going to jail for lying in his advertising about "clinical trials" that he never did while putting people on credit card auto-pay, making it next to impossible for them to get off of auto-billing.)  But, I believe you can LEARN from other people's mistakes just as well as their successes.  What was awesome about this book (if you can still find it anywhere) is that it gives you his EXACT blueprint to create a multi-million-dollar direct mail marketing empire INCLUDING what NOT to do to get into legal trouble like he did.  (He does talk at great length about what NOT to do which is critical for EVERY business to know!)

What I didn't quite get (especially with some of my students) is that they complain if one little thing is "off" or "wrong" with a book or manual, particularly with a misspelling or grammatical errors.  My point was that, to me, it didn't matter how many errors there are in a text provided that it's giving me a MAP to become SUPER SUCCESSFUL in whatever I'm reading about.

As the $77 Million Manual did for me.

I DID follow Vincent's advice (with some tweaks and minor changes) and started a company called Brie Labs and then California Glow based on his precise business model.  And within mere months BOTH COMPANIES turned into a CASH COW, bringing in millions of dollars based on his basic business structure as he outlined in his manual.  All because I didn't care about the misspellings and slapped together text of the book.

And to think...if I would have discounted his manual because of the misspelled words, grammatical issues, I would have been running around like the rest of the unsuccessful "perfectionists" who won't dare follow through with ANY book, course, manual or other text that has a single misspelled word or one single grammatical error because, after all, that IS the ONLY reason you're reading a book about business or investing, right?  Because you're trying to play self-appointed editor-and-chief?  (If you're one of these people, STOP getting in your own way!)

What's awesome about what I'm doing now is that I'm teaching my students how to follow MY EXACT blueprint business plan that I've been using for the past several years (since 2011 to be exact) that YOU can now use to build your OWN multi-million-dollar empire using my very unique marketing strategies to help you build a home-based multi-million-dollar business starting from next to nothing!

CLICK HERE to listen to a quick audio seminar and to see my mind-blowing testimonials!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 11 2019

Years ago I started teaching these very unconventional methods for making money from home and one particular person took notice of this.

His name is Jesse J. and if you've been to any Monica Main event since March 2010, you would have seen Jesse there filming my event for me.


Jesse won't be able to film my upcoming Flip It Profit Boot Camp Seminar in Las Vegas (September 16th & 17th) because, well...

He's making TOO MUCH MONEY in a business that he learned FROM ME!

Yes, he's making an absolute KILLING!

So...suddenly he's "too busy" and "too rich" for me.  (Yes, this makes me kind of mad.)

But I want you to check out his video testimonial he provided for me all about this unique business that's making him so much money.  CLICK HERE to watch it!

Amazing testimonial, don't you think?  One of the best I've gotten.  Yes, I get these types of testimonials regularly but this one really touched my heart.  

And it's the testimonials like THESE that keep me in the training and teaching game because it makes it so gratifying for me to get these emails!

With that said, for those of you who have been wondering how you can cash in (making over $30,000 per month in net profits) like Jesse J. does, CLICK HERE!  I have a super deal for you for Father's Day!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 01 2019


Over the years people have asked me to summarize how to become a successful real estate investor and are usually sorely disappointed to find out that I cannot stuff all of these "secret strategies" inside one short paragraph, or on the back of a Chinese fortune for that matter.
But I can give you some overall strategies that will clearly pinpoint how to become a successful cash flowing real estate entrepreneur.  Five to be exact.

Here they are...

#1.  Decide on some type of Passive Income Asset that can keep giving you a positive cash flow month after month, year after year.  This means narrowing down your type of what we call an "asset class" down to something that can give you this type of income.  This also means avoiding those other pesky types of real estate investing opportunities that I put into the Aggressive Income category such as flipping property because this robs you of (a) long-term cash flow, and (b) valuable tax write-off benefits.  I recommend investors new to the Passive Income game to think about and seriously consider residential-commercial acquisitions, namely apartment building investing or mobile home park (MHP) investing since this type of investing can give substantial monthly cash flows while helping you weather through recessions unlike other types of Passive Income Assets such as office space or industrial/warehouse properties.

#2.  Find your ideal "farming area" or area in which you will be building your real estate "empire."  This will be ONE area only and CAN be 1,000+ miles away from where you live.  (I'll explain in a minute why you don't have to be anywhere near your assets.)  Most newbie real estate investors start local to where they live.  This is natural because they want to see the properties and have more of a hands-on approach to their property management.  Plus, since most newbie investors get involved in flipping, they kind of need to be local to the property if they're going to do minor or extensive rehabbing on the property.  Since you're getting involved in Passive Income Assets, you don't need to be in the same city in which you will invest.  This gives you the freedom to literally go anywhere in the country to invest.  I originally discovered this freedom back in 2001 when I realized that investing in my tri-county area (Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) were just not that profitable.  And forget about venturing down to Orange County or up to Ventura County where properties were ultra-expensive, giving no cash flow even if I were to give up 50% cash down to secure the deal.  This is when I started investing on the gulf side of Florida then expanding upwards through the middle portion of the state...until I ended up in Georgia where some of my most profitable deals have come to fruition.  You have to go where the cash flow is.  Plain and simple.  It's smart and definitely a manageable strategy IF you know how to pull it off.

#3.  Getting the money and financing for your deals is quite possibly the most challenging aspect of real estate investing, especially for new investors who don't have any contacts or access to private investors.  This is the secret to breaking into the business: getting the financing, getting the credit, getting the loans, and getting these fiscal resources together.  Many people don't realize that they have access to more resources and contacts than they know.  Others just need some doors opened up for them to get them started.  The ideal way to acquire a cash flowing property deal is to have the 20% cash down and to have decent credit (700+ FICO) to be able to get approval for the mortgage financing.  This is why I have extensively taught my Aggressive Income Strategies throughout this entire year (to this point) because it has allowed my students to raise this cash to get involved in these deals.  But even I don't like using my own money for deals if I can help it.  And that's when the benefits of understanding the art of raising capital becomes extremely valuable.  For my students who think raising capital is hard, think again.  It's much easier than you think once you understand the simple steps behind it that are required.

#4.  Create or find a good management company to manage your out-of-state assets.  This is HOW you're able to invest anywhere.  You have somebody else doing it for you whether it's your own management company that you created or a management service.  Many of my newbie students freak out when I tell them to buy property out of state.  They're first questions are about looking at the properties and managing them.  Okay, so you will have to get on a plane here and there to look at and acquire your properties.  (Most escrow and closings can be done via FedEx.)  You'll want to look at, say, 12 to 15 properties at a time when you fly out until you quickly realize that, since this game is all about the cash flow, looking at properties becomes a complete waste of time.  (You have contractors and property inspectors who are professionals in their field look at these properties since, chances are, you are not an expert in state building codes in the state you will be acquiring properties nor are you an expert on determining if there is structural viability to the properties you are viewing...nor are you an expert in the neighborhoods in which the properties are located.  It takes a few trips to your farming area to realize that you really do have to rely on EXPERTS to do this work for you and that you looking at properties yourself really does nothing valuable in the process at all.)

#5.  Understand the reality on what it takes to get rich in cash flowing investments.  BUY AND HOLD FOREVER.  Yes, that's right.  Buy the property and hang onto it until you're 6 fee under and it doesn't matter to you anymore.  You only need a handful of small apartment buildings to get rich.  Between 5 and 10 properties is all you need to be set for life.  Rents typically will DOUBLE in most areas of the country every 15 to 18 years.  And by flowing more of your profits back into each property by paying down the principle of each mortgage, you'll be able to pay each property off within 10 years.  Imagine your cash flow in 15 years with doubled rents and no mortgage!  Exactly.  THIS is why you never let those properties go.  Not ever!

Now, the real kicker is getting the CASH REQUIRED to get started with #1 listed above.

And I have a way for you to do that.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain it all to you!

Time to start investing now!  After all, if you don't start now then when will you...?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 23 2019
If Not Now...When?

The picture you see is the exact picture that is on the wall in my home office.  It reminds me every day that life goes by REALLY FAST. 

And when you're too busy focused on the day-to-day crap, it's really easy to forget about your goals and dreams while continuing to delude yourself into believing that you'll get around to it...someday.

Except that someday just never comes.

This saying on a very large canvas that hangs above my computer reminds me to STAY ON my most important projects, goals, and dreams and to never again throw them on the back-burner because of "false priorities" or busy work that may seem like it's important when really it isn't in the long run.

What's more important...?

Checking a bunch of emails first thing in the morning?

Or writing for 15 minutes per day first thing in the morning to build toward your thriller novel?  (Or whatever your dream is?!)

The emails may SEEM like a priority right now.  But as the days turn into weeks...turn into months...and turn into years, you soon realize that NOTHING is accomplished toward your dreams, goals, and wishes because you kept busying yourself with nonsense.

Time to stop that crap.  Once and for all!

Listen, I know how difficult it is to try to pursue dreams while trying to work full time, manage a household, take care of kids, and just function on a day-to-day basis.  I get it.  Fully and totally.

So, what if I told you that I have something that you'll want to check out that can finally help you MINIMIZE the time you waste at work and trying to hustle up a paycheck for a living?

There comes a time in your life when you have to start making different choices if you ever want different things to happen for you.  Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result IS the true definition of insanity.

And yet most people do just that!

They hope, wish, and pray for something different and better to happen to/for them yet they're unwilling to roll up their sleeves and step out of their own comfort zones to embark upon something radically different.

Time to change that RIGHT NOW!

Click here to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: AT 10:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 12 2019
My Mommy Breakthrough!

As promised, a couple of days ago I sent you an email letting you know about my own personal breakthrough and transformation at my own Inner Success Retreat last weekend in Monterey, California.

And it has EVERYTHING to do with my mom (who passed in July 2005).  So, it's perfectly fitting for this blessed Mother's Day today.

I'd like to tell you the story so that you understand what a major breakthrough I had last weekend surrounding my mother.

Let's rewind to the year 2005.

On February 28th of that year, my mother had a major seizure.  She was immediately admitted into the hospital where it was discovered that she had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball in her forehead area.  At that moment, I didn't know anything was wrong but I felt that I needed to call my mom.  My brother answered the phone and was very upset, telling me that our mom was in the hospital and that she had a brain tumor.

My thought was this, "It'll be okay.  She's only 52.  They'd just operate and she'll be just fine."

In April, the government hit me with a huge lawsuit that would end up consuming more than 2 years of my life.  Between my mother's fragile health and this lawsuit, I was completely depleted on every level you can imagine.  I was existing solely on the fumes of "fight-or-flight" adrenaline at that time in my life.  As I think back now, I wonder how I didn't have a stroke or heart attack myself.

April was also the month where they operated on my mother.  They removed as much of the brain tumor as they could but discovered that she had too many nerves intertwined with the tumor that only about three-quarters of the tumor could be removed.  A part of me knew that wouldn't be enough.

Miraculously my mother began to quickly recover.  (This is the power of the mind at its best!)  She began walking, talking, and even cleaning the house.  She was getting back to normal until...

Six weeks later when the doctors told her that her brain tumor was now even larger in size than before they cut her open for the removal.

My mom lost all hope.  She instantly began to perish from this point forward.

(I often wonder what would have happened if the doctors LIED to her and told her that the tumor was almost gone.  I wonder what would have happened then.)

By July 2005, I knew I had to go see her.  She lived in St. Louis and I, of course, in California.  When I saw her, she was lying in a hospital bed in her bedroom.  She was already in the hospice program.  She couldn't get out of bed at all.

It broke my heart to see her in this condition.  This was a meaty woman of mostly German stock who was always over 200 lbs. for most of my life...and had wasted away to about half that weight by this time.  She had no hair.  She wore only a dull flowered dress that was across between a moo-moo and a hospital gown.  And communication with her was difficult at best because of the pressure of the tumor on the parts of her brain that allowed her to talk and respond.

I remember she kept doing thing with her hand.  She'd grab the side rail of the hospital bed and she would then ask me to remove her hand because her brain disorder disallowed her from doing so.

And over and over again she'd do this, testing my patience to the enth degree.

The woman I saw -- so fragile and sickly in her hospital bed -- was NOT my mother, I concluded.  She was a mere shell of her former self.  And I decided that my real mom just wasn't there anymore.

I told my brother that I couldn't be there anymore.  I just couldn't.  So, I gave my mother a hug and kiss good-bye, knowing I'd never see her again.

And this is the part that made me break all these years later as I recalled it for the FIRST TIME since 2005...

I was describing this whole story to Aran one late night during the retreat.  I don't know what prompted the story but this is the kind of stuff -- the stuff that is the "sludge" in your heart and soul that is slowing you down in your life -- that begins to surface during these kinds of events.  And it's best to just let it burst to the surface as to be rid of it once and for all.

I just started crying...almost I broke down and remembered my mother CALLING my name -- "Monica, Monica, Monica..." as I left her room for the last time FOREVER.


The tears rolled down my face uncontrollably as I remembered this one single defining event in my that I had long forgotten but was affecting my life on so many levels that it's unbelievable.

This sense of remorse and regret that was buried so deeply in my heart was finally coming to the surface for the first time since that day in July of 2005.  And it was affecting me in ways like making me always feel this sense of depression and somber sadness without any real reason as to why this is.  And now I've finally gotten to that WHY once and for all.

I realized the next morning in my overwhelmingly fragile and shaken state of being that the reason I didn't go back was because of all the sh** that was going on in my life at that time.

But that was no excuse.

All my mom wanted was someone to sit with her.  Someone to hold her hand.  Someone to just BE THERE...and I couldn't even do that!

The day before, I had written a letter of forgiveness and threw it in the fire, which was one of the things we did together as a group to let go of the pain others have brought us in a moment of complete forgiveness.

I forgave my parents...and then suddenly realized that maybe it is ME who THEY need to forgive...and not the other way around.

Even though I felt like dog crap for the following 48 hours after this buried memory came to surface, once it was up and out I started to feel out-of-this-world AMAZING!!  I realized that THIS is the reason I always felt this sense of grief over the loss of mother.  NOT because of her death, necessarily, but because of how callous and cold I was the last day I saw her.

With that, I am finally able to FORGIVE myself.  Because that's all I can do at this stage of my life.

I want to thank Aran for being so supportive during this cataclysmic breakthrough moment for me.  He handled my seemingly erratic and impulsive hysterics in such a sweet and gentle way.  For that, I'll always feel like we have an unbreakable bond.

And that is my Mother's Day story for you.

If you're mother is still here, treat her with kindness.  She needs you just as much as you need her.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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