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Success For Life
Thursday, June 09 2016

Finding good help these days is becoming the impossible Holy Grail feat.

Not but 30 minutes ago I fired someone for -- get this level of stupidity -- for filing for Unemployment Benefits WHILE she was working here.  Yes, you read that correctly.  She filed for unemployment with EDD after she got the job here, trying to double-dip the system or something.

Of course, she didn't know that all employers are INSTANTLY NOTIFIED of such filings since, after all, it has to come out of my banked unemployment funds that I've paid into over the years.  So, as soon as I received the notice, I couldn't believe the freaking audacity of this bitch to do something so brazen.  And yes, it does fall into the category of embezzlement.  She's taking a paycheck from me and, at the same time, taking an unemployment paycheck that ultimately comes from me as well is considered THEFT as far as I'm concerned.

As many associates of mine have asked over the years..."Where do you find these people?"  

My short answer:  Who the f*** knows?!

So, long story short, she's gone now.  This is when I realized something quite interesting that you MUST take note of if you're going to be successful doing anything in life: one small shift in energy, even that of another person entering your life, will start to screw up everything for you. Yes, that's right.  Other people who don't contribute positively to your vision while dragging others in your posse down do to their negative attitudes will start to sink your entire ship.  And it happens pretty fast too.  You have to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to these types of energy, time and money vampires in your life otherwise, before you know it, you wake up and you find yourself in bankruptcy court.

Of course, it didn't get to that point with me because I saw what I was happening and quickly nipped the problem in the bud.  But this is why fairly successful people quickly find themselves in an off-balance situation or circumstances.  We call this a "reversal of fortune" for some.  A "bad apple" comes along -- whether it's in their personal or business life -- and, like an aggressive cancer, destroys all the good around it.

Here's my advice:  DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!

Now, here's the hard part, folks.  The hard part sometimes is identifying this destructive individual.  Sometimes you just don't know who it is or how it's creating this havoc in your life on other levels.  The other difficult part is sometimes you have to let go of someone who seemingly is "stuck" as a permanent part of your life.  Now, if it's family, you can always distance yourself from the cancer.  Same with everyone else.  However, the difficulty comes in when you feel like you need these people (or they need you...or both) and how to untie yourself from them.  That's the ridiculously hard part to conquer.

Let me give you some examples of people I've had to disconnect from because they were throwing the balance of my personal and business life:

1)  My dad:  Every single time I've let him into my company as an employee, he's taken full advantage and began embezzling from me.  With that side, his energy levels are so "needy" that he also starts to affect the overall business with his negative belief systems.  So, each time when letting him go, I was able to "lighten" the energy and all business procedures and profits would resume back to normal, almost instantly.

2)  My brother:  Need I say more?  He's a walking disaster and I'm really glad there's a lot of physical space between us.  The good news is that he's actually realizing that he's been a deadbeat this whole time and he finally got a job.  This would be the first job for... who the hell knows how long it's been?!  It's just say that it's been longer than a decade since I last remember him working somewhere.  He starts this new job on Monday.  (I'm proud of him.  This is where HIS energy will start to change and his life will only get better from here on out.)

3)  My (former) step-son:  This 20-year-old kid moved in with me last December.  Come to think of it, within days of his arrival, everything started going to hell in a hand-basket.   is yet another dependent man (who keeps calling himself a "man" but isn't yet) and part of my lesson in this is to stop being a doormat and to stop "raising" grown men.  His lesson will be that he'll have to learn how to survive as an adult because he's getting kicked out in August of this year.

4)  The college girl from earlier this year:  I had this college chick stay with me (from Michigan) for what was supposed to be 6 weeks.  Right when she moved in (on February 29th), she told me she changed the plans and was going to stay through the summer and into the fall.  For anyone who knows me, you DON'T change MY plans...EVER!!  So, we instantly got off on the wrong foot and I (patiently) waited for her to finish her "Semester in L.A." program (for her B.A. degree) then told her to pack her sh** and get the f*** out.  Her leaving alleviated a lot of the "downer" energy that seemed to swirl around her rather uniquely demonic and weirdo personality.  (She reminded me of a witch in disguise.)

5)  And a SLEW of people who got fired in the past 12 months:  Just like this last firing, there have been many others.  People sometimes show great charm while lying through their teeth about their job qualifications.  Then they turn into a completely different person the second they start.  I simply don't have the energy to deal with it anymore.

And I won't put up with it.

You shouldn't either.

Life is getting more and more challenging.  You don't need any single individual "rocking the boat" of your life.  They can do great damage and rather quickly if you don't throw them overboard as soon as you notice that they're not good for you and that they're causing stress/strain in your life.  Out they go.  Otherwise YOU will sink with the ship you you don't give them the boot.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 30 2016
We Must Keep Going As a Country

The other day I was explaining to my young daughter that things in her generation are vastly different than when I was her age.  I explained that "back in the day" we didn't need TSA at airports.  In fact, there wasn't much for security and you could basically just walk on a plane...with anything.  People didn't ram planes into buildings or blow people up in airports.  Things were...different then.

But she said, "But it's good that we have all this security and protection now, right?"

And I replied, "Well, no.  It isn't.  I'd rather be back in a time when we DIDN'T need these things because back then the world wasn't so violent.  I'd rather do without the protection because we don't need it rather than having the protection because everyone wants to kill us."
I don't think she understood.  Because unfortunately the world she exists in REQUIRES this protection.  It REQUIRES a military.  It REQUIRES going to great lengths for safety.  And she's already used to it yet she's not even 8 years old.
Those of us who got a short (or longer) introduction from birth into a world that was much more innocent...we know what it was like to NOT have to have all of these "layers" needed to protect us.  So, these times are particularly sad for us because we remember what that was like and we can compare it to how things are now.  And it's only getting worse and will continue to do so until our life expires on this planet.
With that said, may today be the day that we honor those who signed up to take on this difficult job of protecting us from those who don't have our best interests at heart, against those who live and die to harm us.  And gave up their lives in the process.  For if it wasn't for these men and women, we wouldn't be able to enjoy our relatively safe, secure, and awesome lives that we have now.
~Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 25 2016

There's always reason that someone would invite me out to lunch.  And by now you'd think I'd know better, right?

So, earlier this week my attorney asked me to lunch to "catch up" and "chat" about this or that.  But, in reality, there was a completely different reason he wanted to "chat" with me.  Sure, it started out with small talk.  It always does.  But very quickly he started picking my brain on Internet marketing and what I thought about an online business opportunity he's been working on for the past 6 months.

You see, a little more than a week ago crowd funding for real estate to allow non-accredited investors to invest just opened up.  (I didn't know this but he informed me that this is what has happened.)  So, this opens up the playing field for those who have website portals to raise money even faster for real estate deals including buy-and-hold, flips, you name it.  Real estate funding and raising capital via these websites has become much easier due to the lightening of SEC regulations because now any "Average Joe" can put up funding for posted real estate deals instead of it being restricted to accredited investors only.

So, my attorney was talking about wanting to compete in this space...having a website portal to be the liaison between money investors and real estate investors, if that makes sense.  After he was explaining the layer upon layer upon layer of legal registration and implementation requirements not to mention the ever-changing laws, I started getting a headache and finally told him, "I wouldn't do it if I were you."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Well, having locked horns with the government several times, let me 'school' you on how working with a closely-linked highly-regulating government agency works.  And if they want to sink their teeth into you, they will.  You'll have no legal recourse except to fight it out in court until you want to jump off a bridge...because their only legal strategy is to wear you down over multiple years in court since many of them really have no legal bearing in which to sue you.  When you get big and if they don't like what you're doing, even if you're doing it legally, they'll find something to get you on.  Any company with a portal of hundreds of millions of dollars going through it is always going to be on the immediate radar of the SEC."

I hated to be the one to suck all of his enthusiasm out of him within one fell swoop but...he needed to hear the reality of the situation.  I continued...

"Making money is too easy selling run-of-the-mill products.  Why legally and financially risk everything when you don't have to?"

He explained that he wanted to build something "big" and create a legacy and yada, yada, yada...all ego-driven nonsense.  Who cares?  He has a young son who just turned 4 and his wife is 2 months pregnant with Baby #2.  At some point you have to hang up risky ego-driven goals and find something more suitable for a more balanced risk/reward ratio calculation in your life, if you know what I mean.  After all, when you're lying on your death bed, nobody ever wishes they made more money or wasted more time at the office hustling up a legacy to get on the cover of Fortune Magazine.  Everyone, undoubtedly, wishes they spent more time watching their kids grow up.

By the time everything was said and done, I had him on track in putting together his own money funnel for lawyers, selling high-priced marketing courses to other attorneys wanting to start a private practice which he seemed really excited about.  (Hey, I'm not just a dream-killer.  I come up with BETTER options instead!)  All within 90 minutes.

Yes, I'm pretty good at what I do otherwise I wouldn't have one of the brightest attorneys I've ever met asking ME for advice on what his next profitable business move should be.

I'm very good at talking with someone who has a solid business idea, breaking it down, analyzing all of the pieces, and then spitting out the best prognosis imaginable, turning a mediocre plan into an exceptionally profitable business empire.

Now it's YOUR turn to get my advice.

I just got the edited videos from my 2 1/2 day event in Vegas where I fleshed out the most profitable blueprints for making tons of money with your own money funnel business.  I even worked on 2 "case studies" live in our "mastermind" seminar group for the first time ever.  And yes, it was just as powerful as you could probably imagine as I took 2 mediocre ideas and fleshed them both out to million-dollar proportions within only mere minutes.  By watching this part of the videos, you will easily be able to gain the skill set needed in doing this for your own brilliant entrepreneurial ideas because it's pretty easy once you understand the mechanics behind doing it.

What's awesome about this event is that I take my students on a ride from the very beginning (pretending as if you're starting with no knowledge at all) and quickly ramping up through my most advanced million-dollar distribution strategies that can help you quickly build up a multi-million-dollar money funnel profit center.

And I did this all in 2 1/2 days.

You'll be able to see everything and get every single ounce of information including all of the seminar materials (delivered on CD-ROM) plus a powerful $397 bonus for the first 21 students who take me up on this offer.  AND you'll even get clones of my hottest money funnels including a BRAND NEW ONE that I just developed a few days ago!  This is all included as my special fast-acting bonus set.

CLICK HERE or go to to get it all now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  You can keep making excuses for why you don't have the financial life you've always talked about...or you can get educated and start implementing a specific step-by-step blueprint to start raking in the money you deserve.  It's your choice.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 24 2016

Yesterday I donated all of my suits to a transitional house for women coming out of battered/abusive relationships.  I donated every suit...except for one.  The last one I wore in Vegas when I did my last seminar event was the lucky keeper.  I decided to keep it...for old time's sake.  Or in case I need it for court.  Or a funeral.  Or just to let it collect dust.  For now anyway.

During my Vegas event, I had a hard time getting through.  I was kind of under the weather and I realized then and there that I don't want to give up any more time with my daughter doing these events out of state.  So, that's it.  I just completed my last seminar event.  And I'm across between freaking out and being thoroughly elated.  The final emotion hasn't landed yet.  I'll keep you posted when it finally does.

But I went out with a bang.  That's for sure.  This Vegas Money Funnel Event was truly amazing.  Much better than the event in March, hands down.  Maybe it's because I perfected it.  Or maybe because I added a whole new element for the "advanced" Money Funnel Strategies, never before revealed to anyone until this event.  In fact, one specific strategy was so exclusive that I actually kept it from someone who had been hounding me for this one ground-breaking strategy on mass market distribution...for TWO MONTHS since I discovered it.  I made him wait until the second day of the event when I revealed it...and he sat there listening intently, jaw agape when I finally revealed it.  Yes, it was THAT powerful.  So powerful that you could hear a pin drop in the room when I was slowly divulging the details of this mind-blowing strategy.

And I just got the videos delivered to my office yesterday afternoon.  They're being duplicated now and will be ready for our first shipments by Thursday of this week.

I warn you though.  This stuff is for serious die-hards who are fully committed to understanding and implementing the Money Funnel Strategies, starting from the most basic elements all the way through large-scale multi-million-dollar secrets that I've never told my students about before this event.  This is NOT for tire-kickers, people who merely talk about success but never get around to doing it (until "someday" comes), or people who don't want to roll up their sleeves to get their new business going.  No, this is definitely not for that crowd.  It's only for those of you who are ready for the utmost powerful strategies that will bowl you over like nothing else will.  Guaranteed.

I want you to check out my short audio seminar and then scroll down to the very bottom where you'll watch some of my testimonials from this amazing event.  CLICK HERE or visit right now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 08 2016

I know for me, the older I get the more I think of death and dying.  I know.  It's not exactly a cheery subject.  But there's a reason it's on my mind, especially today: Mother's Day.  It's because it's been almost 11 years since my mother passed away.  And I realize that it's because of her absence in my life that is the core of my constant "missing-ness" I feel in my heart.

My mom died at 52 of brain cancer.  (This picture was taken 18 months before her death at my wedding reception.)  Just today I was thinking about how I'll feel in 10 years from now when I turn 52...and I'm already wondering if this will be a "hell year" for me (in 2026) because I'll wonder if I'll actually "cross the line" and exceed my mom's lifespan.  Or not.  I know...crazy thinking, isn't it?  Except that I'm pretty sure most everything thinks this way, especially if your parent or loved one died young.  You have to wonder when you get to the age they things will turn out for you. Except I'm different because I plan "in advance" a lot.  In this case, this advance planning is 10 years premature.
For those of you who still have your mother, give her lots of hugs and kisses.  And for those of you who are mothers, just know that you are blessed with the most important role in the world.  You make the world go around.
Happy Mother's Day!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 05 2016

Well, it's official.  It's down to Donald Trump running on the Republican side.  I'm not going to say anything else.  Just thought I'd inform case you didn't know.

Now, to be clear, I love the United States.  I'm an American and, like most Americans, I believe in my country.  I've made a lot of money here.  And I love the opportunity that is afforded to those of us who want to get off our asses to work and to take advantage of these opportunities.

But...I have some "issues" and "grave concerns" about our current and future economy.  Here's why:

1)  Years ago, Obama had thrown out some rhetoric about bringing "manufacturing back into America."  Trump has claimed the same thing in recent months.  While it's a nice theory, it's just not possible, especially with rising minimum wage, health insurance requirements for companies of a certain size (by amount of employees on staff), competing with the ultra-cheap labor in Asia, and the ever-growing amounts of lawsuits against American companies for a variety of reasons including from employees or consumers, making it very difficult (and next to impossible) to grow a large company here in the USA.  If you think this theory of making anything can be a reality, try opening the doors of your manufacturing plant and see what happens.  This is the part NOBODY will tell you which is a cold, hard reality of having a business here, ESPECIALLY if you want to make something in the "manufacturing" space: getting and keeping insurance.  This is not something your Paycheck Charlie knows anything about and it's certainly not any politician will clue you in about because...well, they simply don't know about this "little" manufacturing in the USA obstacle.  You see, recently I went into a new company launch mode where I was sitting on the fence about whether I'd actually manufacture my product or not.  Turns out that when you actually want to make something in this country, especially something that is on the "consumable" level, your insurance goes through the roof...IF you can even find someone to insure you at all!  Yes, this is one of these "hidden secrets" behind trying to kick-start your American manufacturing company.  If you're "lucky," someone will insure you, starting off with a policy that will run you about $2,000 to $3,000 a month for coverage.  As you grow into a mid-sized manufacturing company, you're looking at $20,000+ per month in insurance.  And this is WHEN you can finally find someone who won't laugh you out of their insurance office.  "You want a policy for what?  Making something?  Hahahahahahhahahahahah!!"  (This has actually happened to me several times so, in no way am I exaggerating!)

2)  Things are getting tight in China.  They've been quickly sliding into an economic black hole for the past couple of years and it's only a matter of time before we feel the economic "quake" on our side of the map.  Some economists are calling this the "second bubble."  I don't think it's quite as dooms-worthy as some might guess it'll be but it does help to stay alert and on guard.  For me, I can actually see opportunity in this.  Since I use China for printing and packaging, I'm finding that they are starting to feel the squeeze in their economic crisis so when I make it clear on what I'm willing to pay for a project, I will get my price.  They know how easy it is to go to another vendor since they are a dime a dozen.  And they'll take any job just to keep some type of cash flow coming in.  However, they haven't experienced their all-out crash yet and it's only a matter of time.  Since much of our borrowing and loans was with Asia, namely China, it only makes you wonder where we're going to get loans now since they're not going to be in the market to lend for awhile.  And, as you know, our country relies heavily on credit.

I was just watching Clinton talk about jobs and schools and a bunch of other crap that nobody can realistically promise and follow through with.  All these politicians...they're the exact same, just in different skin and clothes.  They promise things to get elected and don't follow through.  This is why I tell my students over and over and over can't wait for some politician to make your dreams come true, otherwise you'll be getting old and gray (and will die) before someone else (other than yourself) is going to look out for your well-being.  YOU must look out for yourself and your family.  An elected official will never care about you or do anything for your family.

So...the next question needs to be, what have you been doing for yourself and your financial future lately?  Or are you a fool, waiting around for our next president to come in and whip out a magic wand to make your life perfect for the first time ever?

Stop dreaming and start focusing, damn it!  Otherwise nothing in your life is ever going to change.    Hoping and praying without any action on your part will get you exactly this:  NOTHING.  So, let's talk about what you need to be doing if you really want to whip your ass into gear and start getting what you want in life.

If this "second bubble" bursts, banks will tighten back up on personal credit lending, loans, and unsecured credit again.  What they DIDN'T draw back on was commercial and business credit, even during our worst recent economic year (of 2008). In preparation for this, you really need to get your business/corporate credit rolling if you want money to start a business or invest in real estate...or both.  Not only will you be able to gain much more in unsecured credit than if you were applying as an individual but the banks won't stop lending this type of cash to businesses, even if the going gets tough again with our economy.

In order to get the maximum amount of money possible for your unsecured business credit, you need to get that personal credit mid-FICO at or above 720.  If it's not there, getting this unsecured business credit just won't happen the way you want it to.  Yes, you'll be able to get some credit here and there but it won't be hundreds of thousands of dollars.  You'll be able to get about $10,000 here and $25,000 there.  But that'll be it...UNTIL you get that mid-FICO at or above that 720 mark.

For any of you who are NOT at that 720 mid-FICO score, CLICK HERE.  I have the ultimate solution for you.  (This will blow your mind!)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 25 2016

I guess I brought uo a touchy subject about the USPS the other day because I got quite a few emails about who I should appropriately blame for what.  What these well-meaning emailers don't understand is that I, a commercial consumer who spends a lot of money with the USPS, is being treated like dog sh** with severely delayed (or non-arriving mail) no matter who's fault it is (and I got a lot of "it's-the-government's-fault" emails), I drastically suffer as the consumer spending, on average, $10,000 a week and upwards of $50,000 a month with the USPS on mass mailings and Priority shipments.  So, regardless of who's "fault" it is, some of you completely missed the point.  So, sorry that you didn't "get it" and maybe you should re-read that email again.  

It's not about fault-assigning because I don't care if it's the fault of the government, the Chinese, a crew of aliens who invaded us from Mars or the damn man on the moon.  There's only so long ANY organization can screw over BOTH their employees and their customers before it all comes crashing down on them.  Ask Walmart.  They'll tell you about how to screw over their employees and distributors...and how it's making them crack at the seams right now.  The ONLY thing saving them is that they're NOT screwing their customers (by giving them deals, not having anything to do with the customer service "value" of any sort).  That's the ONLY saving face with that company.  Otherwise Walmart would already be long gone.  

Basic economics, folks.  You can't screw all the players in the game of business and continue to get away with it no matter who you are.

But my posting was really about how I arrived on making the decision to utilize alternative, more effective, and cheaper methods of reaching customers using online methods rather than further wasting money on a beyond-broken government-initiated bureaucratic system that is beyond help.

Enough of all that.

What I wanted to tell you in THIS special post:

The other day I let you know that I'd reveal a secret strategy having to do with my upcoming Vegas that didn't hit me until Saturday morning.  And yes, I'll be revealing this strategy at the upcoming event.

This is earth-shattering stuff, folks.  And I'm about to reveal a small whiff of what I'll be revealing to you in Las Vegas.

Now, one thing I've been going on and on about are the Money Funnel Strategies.  This implies selling something to people on the Internet using what I call the Money Funnel, which I believe anyone in ANY kind of business should have.  I've been concentrating so much on the consumer-direct side, meaning selling things to people one-by-one online, that I haven't really been talking about the REAL GEM in this upcoming event...the distribution profit side.

I've only done ONE Distribution Profit Event and that was back in September 2013.  It was a mind-blowing event where I went into the specifics about how to take a very simple product idea, make it your own product (even if you're not manufacturing it), and put it in stores nationwide (and even worldwide) which is probably my most profitable means of Aggressive Income.  This can put you from making a "paltry" $10,000 to $20,000 a month with a simple garage-based Internet business to putting you up there with the Big Boys, making millions of dollars a year, seeing your stores on store shelves nationwide, and eventually selling out to one of those Big Boys for millions and millions of dollars, all within just a few years.

Some of you can't see yourselves doing this well with a business.  Some of you do.  And it's only those of you who do who I want to attend this upcoming Vegas event.  Because for the first time since September 2013, I'm talking about the Distribution Profit System and showing you, for the FIRST TIME EVER, how it works with these simple easy-to-implement Money Funnel Strategies, making distribution easy, cost-effective, and fast to build a huge company from scratch.  Let me remind you that, since the Money Funnel Strategies are fairly new, I wasn't able to show my students back in September 2013 how to create a successful Money Funnel Distribution Profit Business because...well, those strategies didn't quite exist yet.

But they do now.  And let me tell you WHY this suddenly becomes a game-changer for you.

You see, back in the day (September 2013, in case I haven't mentioned it yet), pulling off a distribution business was a little more intense, costly, and difficult to do because of the multiple levels of elements needed to become successful.  I think the most costly element of launching a distribution business isn't so much laying the groundwork but it's gaining market and product exposure to wholesalers and distributors.  With this being said, the best way that I knew of at the time was by going to trade shows (expensive) and by mailing direct mail marketing campaigns (ridiculously expensive).

But now that's changed.  There are 2 elements that were NOT available back then that are now here, ready to make you rich!

The first element is building and creating a Money Funnel for Distribution Profits.  This is, of course, why this event is called a Money Funnel Event...because I'll be covering this at great length, and for the first time ever, how this Money Funnel Strategy can be used for the Distribution Profit Business Model, making it cost-effective and much quicker to set up and start profiting from your business.

But...I got this most inspired thought when I was in the shower this past Saturday.  (For some reason, I get my best ideas in the shower in the morning.)  It's quite possible the most amazing, mind-blowing distribution strategy ever done in history.  (This is what happens when you ask the universe for ideas, by the way.  You actually GET the ideas you ask for.)  And I'll be presenting this incredible game-changing distribution strategy at the Las Vegas Money Funnel Event.  This would be the second element that I'll be presenting...and it's nothing short of amazing.  In fact, just to tell you how incredible it is, I gave Ron Espinoza the same "teaser" just gave you and he's been bugging me to spill the beans on what this new distribution strategy is.  And I won't even tell Ron until the event, so he'll be watching the presentation for the first time alongside of you guys and gals so that he can put his BeanBoy business on full speed ahead with it.  (And for those of you who aren't familiar with Ron's BeanBoy distribution business that has taken off like gangbusters, THANKS to me, of course, you can check out his site at to see what his product is and looks like.)

If you haven't registered for this incredible ONE-TIME-ONLY event and LAST EVER Money Funnel Event, CLICK HERE or visit  The price goes up after today at 5pm Pacific Time so...get on it or forget about it!

If you have questions, call us at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't checked out my video guy -- Jesse J.'s -- money funnel online that he built that's already successful, check it out by CLICKING HERE.  It took him 2 days to set it all up and now he's making money.  It's really that easy, folks.  Set up a site (using one of my clones that I'll be providing to you at the event) and start making some cash.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 23 2016

Normally I don't wish bad on any organization but there is one particular company that DESERVES my spit and venom for right now.

It's the United States Postal Service.  That's right.  The USPS.  F*** them.  They suck...and they're only getting worse as time goes on.

Where is this coming from?  From 20+ years in working directly with them with my direct mail marketing campaigns AND by using them consistently in just about every avenue in my business that requires something to be mailed and shipped.  Yet there's been this subtle shift that's been taking place which seemed to have jolted into a full-blown 8.4 earthquake since the postal rate increase a couple of weeks ago.

Just the other day I walked into the post office.  It was just after 8:30am.  The phone was ringing off the hook.  The only lonely employee standing behind the counter refused to answer it.  I listened to that damned phone while I was filling out a label for a package for a returned product.  By the time I got up to the counter, I was about ready to start beating my head up against the wall to give me a diversion over the loud phone ringing, all the while wondering how the hell ANYONE could just stand there are refuse to answer the phone when it's on its 35th ring.  (I was on the verge of jumping the counter and answering it myself...but the phone stopped ringing.  The caller probably just dropped dead...having died of old age waiting for someone to answer.)

I asked the lady behind the counter for 45 rolls of stamps.  She looked at me sideways like I was crazy.  "I don't have 45 rolls of stamps.  Come back at 10 when Christine is here."  She was rude and disrespectful, which I've come used to when dealing with USPS employees.  It seems that the more money you want to spend with their organization, the more abuse they feel like dishing out.  Oh, but if you're the little old lady buying your one book of stamps a year, you'll get the MOST respect from a USPS employee.  But...a commercial client like me who writes checks to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a month for mailings?  I routinely get treated like dog sh** by the USPS.  And I'm sick of it.

Just the other day, after FINALLY getting my stamps being a bum-like "drifter" wasting time  hopping from one post office to another until I collected my 4,500 stamps, I brought them back for a mailing to the ladies at the office.   They got the majority of my special mailing done but everyone wanted to leave.  It was Friday.  I said, "Go home.  I'll take the mail."  That would be a decision I'd instantly start to regret.

At this point, I knew taking the mail to any USPS counter, I'd AGAIN be treated like a criminal sack of crap for bringing in such a large amount of mail to ANY USPS location because, God forbid, now they actually have to PROCESS the mail and lift those heavy bins off the counter.  (Oh, no!  WORK!)  So, instead of electing to deal with being treated this way, I took the mail to my local distribution center and spent an extra 30 minutes stuffing the mail slots full of mail.  Yes, that's right.  I drove 15 minutes out of my way and spent all this time stuffing mail bins just to purposely AVOID dealing with any USPS employee who I knew would treat me like crap for, again, spending so much money with them and actually expecting them to do a little work for their paycheck.  As I was stuffing the bins, I told myself that my direct mail marketing days were coming to a fast end.  In fact, I decided that after my next set of mailings (slated between now and the first week of May), I'll be done with utilizing this as a method for marketing.  Sad...but true.  Well, actually, NOT sad.  Sad for them, not sad for me.

Just as I was having this personal internal conversation about myself in this part pissed-off, part zenned-out state of stuffing these mail bins, this older guy in a large truck came driving through to mail a single bill in an envelope.  He made a comment about my large mailing and offered me 2 organic oranges from his farm.  Then...strangely enough, started asking me questions about what's going on with the if I worked there or something.  But I knew.  And even more strange, I was able to actually furnish him with answers to all of his questions. He mentioned that he owned an organic farm and that he ships his fruit nationwide.  The problem is that he'll mail his packages to his customers on the bases of the 2-day "guaranteed" Priority mail promise and yet NONE of his fruit has been getting to his customers on time.  It's been going bad in transit and he's losing his ass in his business now because of customer refunds due to this.  I told him to start using FedEx, as that would be his best bet (since UPS blows) and that it's too bad DHL doesn't do nationwide shipping anymore (international only now) because they were the best option.

I also told this gentleman that this all started back in January, when I was told by my mail processing lady at the distribution center that I needed to ADD 2 days on all my pre-sorted first-class mail, making it 5 days now.  And that my standard mailings would be going from 10 to 14 now 21 days to be received by anyone.  What the freak!  The more money I spend, the more I get punished as a commercial mailer.  She shrugged her shoulders, gave me the "can't-do-anything-about-it" speech, and we left it at that.

Now the PROMISED 2-day Priority "guaranteed" mail isn't getting there on time...starting only a few weeks ago for many, but I noticed this shift occurring a few months ago.  It's now worse than ever.  And how the USPS can PROMISE something and NOT deliver (literally) makes me wonder why the FTC isn't finding them a gazillion dollars for false advertising and FRAUD, because essentially that's what that is.  Anyone else in the free marketplace selling a product under false pretenses and promises would be fined and possibly jailed depending on the promise.  Not the USPS, I guess.

And if I wasn't frustrated enough, I had received a phone call from my step-son who is visiting Michigan for his birthday.  I mailed him a birthday card with a gift card inside on MONDAY with the 2-day Priority PROMISE that it would be received by him in 2 days or on Wednesday, which was his birthday.  As I was leaving the post office for my after-hours bin-stuffing romp, he thanked me for the card that he just received...on FRIDAY, 5 freaking days AFTER I mailed it with that 2-day USPS Priority GUARANTEE.

Here's the reality:  The USPS is in trouble.  This is just the tip of the iceberg for the turmoil that's to come with these people.  I don't know if they're pissed off about the rate drop or they're just lazy or what the problem is.  I've been told that there are cut-backs so there are fewer postal employees.  I've been told other excuses as to why things aren't working with them anymore.  All pitiful excuses.  I just don't understand how a system that's over 200 years old can suddenly not work as efficiently anymore...unless the people working WITHIN the organization aren't working anymore.  And I'm sure I'll get a few emails from those of you who work for the USPS with whatever "reason" as to why it is sucking now more than ever, just when I was starting to have some hope that they would pull themselves out of this ditch they dug themselves into.  Now they're going backwards...again.  Possibly for good this time.

But lately I don't care anymore about the USPS, mail, shipping, and all of it that they stand for.  Because nowadays I'm implementing strategies that remove the USPS out of my marketing altogether.  They're much more cost-effective, quicker to profit, and much less labor intensive.  All upsides, no downsides.  Even better, these online campaigns are drastically out-pulling any response I'd ever dream of getting sending out mail to anyone.  And this brings me back to that question of: why use direct mail anymore?  And my answer?  I'm not anymore.

This is all good news for you.  For those of you really interested in NOT using offline marketing strategies for your highly profitable money funnel businesses, you don't have to now.  I've been able to "crack the code" on keeping your business marketing activities 100% online to make huge profits for your online money funnel!  And now it's time for you to get all of these strategies, many of these I've never talked about before because...well, I didn't finally get the overall picture of how all this works in 2016 until VERY RECENTLY.  And I'll be sharing these amazing online profit breakthroughs with you in a few weeks!

As you know, my last ever Money Funnel Event for BOTH consumer-direct and distribution profits is coming up in Vegas on May 13th & 14th (with a special Bonus Day on May 15th for Platinum ONLY).  And I wanted to remind you that the cost to register is going up after the close of business on Monday.  And I don't want you to lose out.

I'm also giving up a special $397 bonus to those of my full-pays who enroll before the Monday at 5pm PDT deadline.

On Monday morning, I'm going to reveal another huge reason as to why you really should register for this event.  This is a life-changer, even for me.  And I've never shared it with anyone at any event, probably because I just found out about it yesterday!

CLICK HERE to watch some amazing testimonial videos as well as discover more information about what you'll be missing out on if you don't attend the Vegas event.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you think the global and national economic shifts have settled and now everything's back to being "normal," think again! The economic sands have slowed but have NOT stopped shifting yet.  This means things are still changing.  Don't get too comfortable.  Don't think that everything is okay.  There are many more surprising and shocking changes on the horizon.  Be prepared and you'll profit.  Settle in to comfort and you'll probably end up losing the most when the next big change happens, which is always right around the corner.

P.P.S.  In an unrelated thought, RIP Prince.  He was a musician of my generation and he will be missed.  As life goes on and we lose parts of those who have contributed to part of our own life "thread" in a way, it's almost as if we lose a little piece of our soul in the process when they are gone.  When Michael Jackson had passed, being a huge fan as I am, I felt what I thought as being a rather substantial loss inside myself during that time.  I feel much the same with Prince's loss.  It's amazing how someone you've never met can contribute something meaningful to your life and how their death can affect us.  But in all reality, I think it's less about their death and more about us being left without them that generates the most sadness when they die.  They get to move on to a much better place.  We're left behind to still And when they leave, it makes it all the more obvious about the reality in where we're left.  I believe that's why we are sad when they go.  Because it's not our time yet to go with them, to experience something better.  But that's just my thought on it.  Maybe yours is different. Regardless, I know Prince is already at peace.  I just wish the rest of us were.


Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 19 2016

The other day I got a phone call from Ron, our money broker.  He was warning me about a student of mine -- Jacob K. -- who screwed him over on his fees.  Ron had gotten him a pre-approval for the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program for a multi-family purchase.  Since Jacob changed his mind and didn't want to go through with the deal, he reversed the charges on his credit card payment to Ron and essentially screwed over the ONLY money guy who can get a 100% LTV Bond Fund on a $1,000,000 America!

Even worse for this Jacob K. clown, when things like this happen, word gets around fast.  Since Ron has a direct connect with the fund who does this 100% LTV Bond Funding Program (for $1 million or more), he basically put out an alert on this Jacob K.  In the event that this guy floats through the system some other way trying to get the same (or any other) type of loan, lending, bond, or whatever...he's be to declined for any funding services whatsoever.

This is NOT the position to be in, especially when being blacklisted for such a powerful program as what the 100% LTV Bond Funding Program is.  Yes, you can get 100% LTV for a commercial property of $1,000,000 or more in purchase price.  And nobody else has this program for properties this low.  Most other brokers and funders require the property be a MINIMUM of $5,000,000 or $10,000,000.  So, my money guy is the ONLY guy who can actually pull this off at such a low dollar amount.

Anyone who can get you funds for deals...don't screw them over.  Okay?  That should go without saying but since it doesn't, DON'T SCREW YOUR MONEY GUY!  Not only will he NEVER get you approved for anything else but it'll be like the fools who bounce checks at their local convenience stores who have a "mug shot" looking photo of them behind the cash register saying something like:  DON'T SELL THIS GUY.  Basically, DON'T TRUST THIS GUY!  And that's what happens as everyone who is relevant in the private commercial financing world as they are warned about your bad behavior.  Never lend to this person...EVER!

This means that your investing business is done, dead in the water.  And you may as well just give it up.  Take that McDonald's job and let your dreams become someone else's reality.

But if you want to know your last handful of opportunities left in how you can acquire passive income cash flowing properties in today's economy -- and without any cash or credit -- CLICK HERE.  I'm offering something that will blow your mind.

What is it?

About 8 weeks ago I did this extremely rare first-time-ever in-office training on real estate.  I only had 5 people that were pre-selected to attended this rare group which is probably why you never knew about it.  (I have quite a few long-time students who are very serious students of real estate investing so I wanted to offer them the opportunity to attend this group first.  Since I had only a small space to work with, that has only recently expanded, I could only take very few students for this event.  Maybe you can catch the next one I do which will be sometime in the fall.)  This event was a powerful life-changing workshop that showed my students exactly how to work the steps, HANDS ON, in getting their real estate deals lined up.  To do things hands on is life changing.  You go from merely an audience member taking notes to "someday" do something with them (and we all know about "someday," don't we?) then we continue on with our lives the very next day.  Then 5 years flies by, we stumble on those notes, and shake our heads wondering why we never took action.

I know why you didn't take action.  You didn't feel like you had enough information to sink your teeth into.  That's what happened.  So, how powerful is it to sit in on a workshop where all of those steps are pounded into your head over and over again until you are FORCED to understand EXACTLY what to do?

Yep, you guessed it.  It's just as life-changing as you'd imagine.

And now you can "sit in" on this workshop as if you were there because my video guy -- Jesse J. -- was there taping every word, every presentation, every hands-on demonstration until the group got it.  This type of workshop is so rare because, in all due honestly, I cannot pull off this type of training in a seminar room full of 100+ people.  It's just not doable.  But I can with a small handful of people, in this case 5 people.  And you can fit in as "one of the group" by popping in the videos and, even better for you, going at your OWN PACE to get through the entire 2 1/2 days on video!  As if you were actually there!

CLICK HERE to find out more about these power-packed life-changing videos on doing no-cash-no-credit passive-income real estate deals!

Right now, for the Tax Season Blow Out, I'm offering a killer deal on these.  It's actually an UNHEARD of deal so I'd jump on it if I were you.

One last thing: If you're a Platinum Viper Wealth, DO NOT PURCHASE THESE VIDEOS.  You'll be getting them next week with your Advanced Course/Workbook, 2016 Apartment Strategies Audio Seminar, and Course Materials CD-ROM.   And yes, if you become Platinum Viper Wealth (at, you can also get these videos with all the stuff I just outlined above without paying anything more than your first month's enrollment fee.  Pretty sweet deal, huh?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  There's still room for my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event in Las Vegas on May 13th & 14th (and the 15th also for Platinum Viper Wealth ONLY).  Yes, this is my LAST EVER Money Funnel Event which is different than my Beverly Hills Event from March of this year. In this Money Funnel Event, I'll be covering BOTH the Simple & Complicated Money Funnels (which I didn't cover in Beverly Hills) PLUS I'll be covering the Distribution Money Funnel, which I've NEVER covered before in any form whatsoever.  Why is this my last Money Funnel Event, you ask?  Because I'm actually DOING the money funnel stuff myself, both for consumer-direct products and distribution/wholesale products.  It's way too time-consuming, stressful, and takes an incredible portion of my energy to provide this type of intense information to my students.  I figure that if you're meant to be there, you'll be at this last event.  If not, so be it.  You weren't meant to be there.  CLICK HERE for details.  Since I'm focusing so much on my own money funnel business activities, Global Success will return to its former glory, offering apartment real estate strategies ONLY (including information on business credit, raising capital, getting government grants for real estate, and anything else to help your real estate business).  Unlike Money Funnel Strategies that seem to change every 6 months to a year, real estate strategies are going back to changing only minutely (as they did over a dozen years ago and back) which takes much less brain power for me to continue on that stream of education for my students.  By doing this, it'll allow me the energy I need to continue building my multi-million-dollar money funnel enterprises with max force between now and the next several years.  So, join me and come to Vegas for this Money Funnel Finale.  CLICK HERE NOW!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 18 2016

For years I've been warning my students of the inevitable.  Time was running out on real estate deals.  The window of opportunity is closing, and fast!

And I started this soapbox tirade back in 2011, laboring in a more fierce tone by late 2012, and told everyone that this was basically it by the summer of 2013.

Some listened, most didn't.  But I did deliver the news, gave the warnings, and trained my students in the best opportunities available with the best cutting-edge strategies in which to acquire these cash flowing properties before the music stopped, before it was too late.

So, where are we now?  Is it too late now?

Largely...yes.  For many of the opportunities I was leading my students to do, many of those strategies are long gone, namely because the inventory for the type of real estate I teach my students to do is gone.

Now, any one of you can look in the online MLS (by using and clearly see that there IS inventory left.  So...what the hell am I talking about?  Why am I telling you that the majority of the inventory is gone and that there are no deals to be had?

Let me be clear: there will ALWAYS be opportunity in EVERY market.  Good times, opportunity.  Bad times, opportunity.  Always opportunity.  But during the bad times, you get MORE opportunity because this is when you get to pick up properties for pennies on the dollar.  Those days are gone, folks.  I mentioned several times over and over again dating back to 2009 even that we were in the midst of the best time in our lifetimes to pick up properties left and right for next to nothing.  And that we would NEVER AGAIN see an economy like this.  In fact, our children and grandchildren won't even see this devastating of a recession in their lifetimes either.

Now, hold up a second.  You're probably thinking, "That's all well and good, Monica.  But reality is, banks weren't lending like they are now.  And unless you had immediate access to lots of cash, it really wasn't doable for the Average Joe to pick up these properties."

You're completely right.  This wasn't a doable plan for most people.  Only the "players" got to play in the game of getting properties for pennies on the dollar for all cash because, during that time, it was very difficult to get bank loans to purchase these properties.

The good thing about a healthy economy is that loans and money is much easier to get from banks and lenders.  Getting private lenders and investor partners are a piece of cake.  Everybody wants in on a good cash flowing deal. Getting money becomes extremely easily, as it is right now!  And THAT, my friend, is YOUR edge in today's economy, inventory or not.

Reality is, there are only 4 methods left for acquiring passive income properties in 2016 and for the next solid 6 to 8 years.  Here they are:

1)  100% LTV lease-option deals.
2)  100% LTV bond funding.
3)  Getting private funding or investor partner cash.
4)  Using business credit for cash to acquire and rehab second-hand foreclosures.

And that's it.  That's all she wrote.

So, what about that ever-elusive inventory that I was talking about?  There is ONE POWERFUL SECRET to not only circumvent that huge problem but to find all the deals you could ever handle (and more) by using this one secret.

I did a very rare, first-time-only real estate training with 5 very lucky students who were of only a small percentage of my student base were were even given the opportunity to come to this training.  I completed this training in mid-February and now, 2 months later, I'm finally releasing the DVDs to this unique and rare event in which I talk about ALL OF THE ABOVE in this 2 1/2-day training.  And yes, I do cover that powerful inventory secret on where you can find endless deals despite any inventory problems in any area of the country!  Guaranteed!!

And you can FINALLY get the videos.  But...the deal for this set ends 5pm PDT to be exact.  Yes, the deal ends today and you can get 1/2 off what I'm charging.  If you want to wait tomorrow, you'll be paying double.  And you WILL want these videos.  They reveal the ONLY investing secrets left for passive income real estate in today's economic environment.

By the way, if you're Platinum Viper Wealth, DO NOT order these videos.  You'll be getting these videos PLUS a 200-page Course/Workbook combination that is ONLY given to Platinum Viper Wealth members.  (And yes, if you want to be Platinum Viper Wealth to get all of this, you can register as Platinum FIRST by going to then calling my office at 661-250-5050 to make sure you can get this powerful Advanced Course).

For the rest of you, to get this amazing deal, again, this is your last chance.  CLICK HERE or go to now!

Questions?  Call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We're filling up fast for the Vegas event on May 13th & 14th (and a special bonus workshop on May 15th for Platinum Viper Wealth ONLY).  CLICK HERE or go to now before the price goes up!  I'm so proud of my video guy - Jesse - for FINALLY doing something with the powerful money-making strategies he's been getting from me all of these years.  Many of you don't know that Jesse is a successful musician, specializing in music scores for television shows and commercials.  He's now teaching others how to be successful musicians themselves by getting passive income royalty checks using his money-making music strategies.  If anything, check out his money funnel website and your jaw will drop to the floor.  It's THAT good.  CLICK HERE to check out Jesse's site!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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