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Success For Life
Thursday, January 28 2016

Last weekend my daughter and I were leaving a store when we were approached by this older woman wearing faux black leather pants and a black sweater.  She looked awkward, carrying this oversized black quilt-looking faux leather bag.  She told me that my daughter was beautiful and if we had been invited to the "Disney auditions."

I'd heard this scam twice before, once in a Target and once in the mall.  It's clear that these "talent scout" scammers troll parking lots, malls, and stores looking for cute boys and girls to try sucking them into some type of "audition" where it's probably some shim-shammy "talent agent" who will sell us on some service, thousands of dollars in head shots, acting lessons, and other crap that will result in no career for my daughter.  So many parents fall for this because they want something so badly for their kids that they never got for themselves.  And they're willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious scam because of the stars and dollar signs obstructing their view as they float around with gold glitter in their eyeballs.

I blew this lady off instantly.  Stop wasting my time, hag.  I can sniff a bullshitter from 10 miles away and you're one of them.

But I didn't blow this lady off because I knew she was part of a larger sham.  I blew her off because I don't want my daughter to be a child actor.  In fact, my daughter asked me, "Mom, why don't you want me to be in TV shows and stuff?" And I answered honestly, "Because about 90% of the child actors who grow up turn into drug addicts.  They become very off-balanced because of how the movie business is and I don't want you to have to battle those types of issues.  Just be a kid, okay?"

This made me remember this young girl in my daughter's kindergarten class who used to talk about how her mom dragged her from audition to audition after school and on the weekends to get acting and modeling parts.  This is when my daughter started asking about this as being a career.  She was only 5 at the time so she got a somewhat candy-coated answer that didn't involve bringing up drugs back then.  But it was basically the same answer with a small addition: "It's a shame that your friend's mom feels that her daughter has to work doing acting and modeling to support their family but...I don't need to put my 5-year-old to work to pay the bills.  I can pay the bills for the household so you don't have to worry about it right now.   Plus I don't want to put you through the stress of taking you to auditions in all of your free time.  I just want you to be a kid and grow up normal."

So many people in California (and many other areas) push their kids into acting and modeling, probably as some kind of sick and demented means of living their lost dreams through their young children while being able to brag at cocktail parties about how Little Mary had a walk-on roll in some stupid movie or TV show.  Or how Little Sarah got some shitty plastic trophy because she won a cheer-dance competition.  So f****** what?!  At what price is this costing the child in psychological damage?  All this pressure on being the best, the prettiest, the most athletic...their self-esteem suffers drastically.  All to cater to some super shallow issues of the parent(s) that would be best addressed with heavy doses of head meds coupled with endless therapy on a shrink's couch.

What's the point in all this?

Everybody who hits this earth plane is here on their own journey.  Living through somebody else, especially trying to live through your child...NOT GOOD!  Let them select what their path is.  Guide them the best you can, keep them safe, fed, and clothed.  But let them guide their own way.

And for's NEVER too late to do anything.  Never!  There's no reason you would ever need to live through someone else because you can live your own dreams, your own life.  You can have everything you want and more. The problem, of course, is that many times we just talk ourselves out of the dream.  "Too late for me."  Or..."It's not feasible, doable, reasonable...whatever."  Fill in the blank on any excuse you can think of and it's there.  But it doesn't need to be.

I recently (as in the last week) found myself in the same predicament that I teach others how to avoid.  I've had a lifelong goal to pursue a dream that I always just knew in my bones was a part of my spirit and why I'm here.  But I've been throwing it on the back-burner...FOR DECADES.  Why?  Because I somehow convinced myself that it's just not feasible compared to the other business activities I've been doing for many years now.  So why waste my time?  My plate is full.  I don't need to add more stuff to do.

But this nagging dream just keeps whispering into the back of my brain.  "Do it.  It's time."

Then I realized.  All of my life has been preparing me for now.  And because of my business and investing background, I am much more capable to deal with the competition in a world mostly for "artists" because I understand business, being commercial, and what customers want.  I can use this as my very prominent competitive advantage rather than talking myself out of it because...too many years have gone by to dust off the dream.  In fact, never before has there been a more perfect time.

Now is perfect.  Now is the time to start moving forward on the things we've always wanted to do but never did for one reason or another.  Those reasons...they're gone now.  Time for a new life.

I have a very special seminar event coming up on March 3rd and 4th in Beverly Hills, California.  The first day of this event will be groundbreaking.  On this first day I'll be talking about how to finally get to that Total Transformation point to where you will dissolve ALL obstacles/barriers.  This will include all of those fear points which can be the devil on your shoulder that talks you out of going after your dreams.  We're killing the devil on Day One.

Then there's Day Two:  The Money Funnel Event.  I'll be showing you exactly what you can do to create a highly profitable online business so that you can quit that day job and pursue whatever you want because you'll only be working 20 hours a week, making anywhere from $1,000 a day (as a Money Funnel "failure") to upwards of $20,000 a day!

If you want to make those significant life-changing dreams come true, you're not going to miss this event.  In fact, you'll find a way, starting with registering now by CLICKING HERE or calling my office to arrange a special payment plan at (661) 295-5050 right now!  You can't miss this event.  You can't keep putting your dreams on hold anymore.  The time is now.  Because the universe is whispering, "Do it.  It's time."

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 26 2016

We have a new office manager.  Yes, I finally found someone kick-ass to replace Lea after all these months with an empty seat, empty's not full with a most awesome chick named Michelle.  (Many of you have already talked to her if you've called the office in the past couple of weeks.)

So, yesterday, I had her "fire" her first Global Success customer.  Yes, I did.  Or you can say, "No, you didn't!"  LOL!  (Sorry. I'm in a rambunctious mood today!)

Many of you have heard me talking about a student of mine since 2009.  Her name is June V.  She's the foreigner real estate agent with the Madonna-eque "European" accent who lives in northern Cali...and does nothing but COMPLAIN about how awful the United States is.  In fact, she complains about a lot of things.  She's constantly calling my office, complaining to Rose about this or that, usually having to do with me or my courses or mentorships or seminars.  Or something.  May I say, in my defense, that this woman is a compulsive course/mentorship buyer yet she doesn't thoroughly go through the materials nor does she implement anything either.  I guess that's somehow my fault too.  Finally, I decided that I've had enough.  I gave Michelle her first "tough" assignment and told her to call June V. and fire her as a customer.  Yes, she called.  She told her that she's permanently BLACKLISTED and she's no longer allowed to purchase anything from Global Success anymore.

And it took less than 60 seconds to fire this thorn-in-my-side customer.


I have a feeling that this is going to be happening MUCH MORE OFTEN as the months roll on here.  Remember I said that there would be changes in 2016?  Well, it's already started including introducing some kick-ass new stuff (The Money Funnel...and more to come) AND getting rid of the flack.  That includes customers who are idiots, who never want to do anything, who are tire-kickers, and who want to waste my time...taking my valuable resources away from students who are really serious about making some big changes this year.

This is why I introduced Viper Wealth...which is doing VERY WELL.  I have some super sharp people in the group and starting next month, I have some profitable partnership opportunities that we'll be starting up.  If you're interested in Viper Wealth, CLICK HERE.  Get signed up now.

But that's not the real reason I'm connecting with you right now.  I'm reaching out because our Beverly Hills, California seminar event for March 3rd and 4th is getting full AND I'm about to raise the price.  Again!  In fact, this is the last weekend (coming up) where you'll be able to get it at this early-bird price before it goes up.  And you really should think heavily about coming to this event, especially if you're finally ready to make some significant personal and financial changes.

You see, many of us talk about making changes year after year.  And yet 5 years flies by...10 years, gone in the snap of a finger.  Yet some of us are exactly where we were before.  Dreaming big dreams.  Talking a good game. But getting exactly nowhere.

Let's change that.  Right now.  The changes start with you.  Nobody else can or will do it for you.  And if you don't get off your ass to do something about it, it'll never happen.

So, ask yourself this:  Do you really want the "same-old-same-old" you have now but in 5 years from now?  What about 10 years from now?  Two decades from now?

Yes, that would suck, wouldn't it?  But it doesn't have to be that way.  Maybe it's time that you fire yourself as the director of your own life and let me take a crack at this event in March.

If you haven't registered for Beverly Hills yet, time to register now before the price goes up.  You're worth this trip, this event, this seminar...because if you don't do it, the changes just won't happen.  You know it and I know it too.

Here's the link:

Register right now if you haven't already.  It's time.  Time to start living a new life...the one that you've been wanting for so long but never knew how to get.  This event will change everything for you.  I promise!

Also, if you need a special payment plan, call the office.  We're here to work with you.  Call after 9am Pacific Time tomorrow morning:  661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 22 2016

I don't know about you but lately I've been feeling out of sorts.  I don't know if it's this crazy weather or all the things happening in this world.  It's getting crazy, isn't it?  I know.  And I can't help but to realize that all of us are being affected by all the craziness everywhere since, as you know, energy travels and we feel it, baby.

How do you keep yourself balanced during these turbulent times that will only get crazier as time goes on?  Because, let's face it.  Times will never be like they were before.  If you're waiting around for those innocent Norman Rockwell days to come back, keep dreaming.  Because you'll never see those times in reality ever again.

So, what do you do?

Focus on your life, your family, and where you ultimately want to be.  That's all you need to do.  Focus on YOU and forget the rest of what's going on.  If you don't, you'll most certainly go crazy, become depressed, or both.

During a couple of my last seminar presentations I've done, I mentioned a little tid-bit about how you only have to be 7% better than everyone else to be exceptionally successful in anything you want to do.  It doesn't take much, folks.  But it does require that you actually DO something and do it with persistence, focus, and belief in yourself.  Most people don't do much of anything.  They go to work, come home, and throw in the bare minimum in life effort in everything they do.  

And on top of all that, it seems to be getting worse than ever.  People are at the lowest in enthusiasm and motivation than any other time in our recent history.  I think most people are overwhelmed with everything that's going on coupled with having had lost faith in themselves.

But this can't be you.  It won't be you if you know what to do to prevent yourself from sinking into the abyss of The Nothing. That's right.  The Nothing.  Do you remember the movie The NeverEnding Story?  It's one of my favorite movies because it's so mystical.  The Nothing is this "thing" that really isn't anything but it's taking away this entire world piece by piece.  Until there's...nothing.  And I very much believe that's what's happening right now. There is this "nothing" that's starting to take away everything.  But it only affects those who have lost their faith in life and in themselves.

I'll be honest.  I sometimes feel like I'm sitting on the fence between wanting to change the world to not giving a shit about any of it anymore.  As a Gemini, I'm two people:  Monica and Monique.  (Monica is the angel, Monique is the devil...or so I've been told.)  So, every moment of every day is a struggle to figure out where I stand on this issue.  Is it worth the good fight?  Or do I throw in the towel, take a drink, sit on the beach, and just let whatever happen happen because who cares anymore?  Even more interesting, both sides of the coin always seem extremely desirable at all times.  It's ironic how life is, isn't it?

This is why it's required that you come up with some type of goal or dream that's bigger than you are.  Making money isn't a goal.  It's a requirement for survival.  So, how can anyone drum up enough motivation, enthusiasm and drive for something as mundane as earning some cash to buy some bread and milk?  BORING!!  Making money for "financial freedom"?  What the hell does THAT mean??  Time to amp up your dreams otherwise you're never going to make it to anywhere!

Each day I go to work I know I don't have to be there.  I show up because I want to.  That's financial freedom.  Yet that doesn't excite me.  Having tons of money in a bank account knowing that I can buy a lot of bread and milk in the next several years to come...who cares?  Boring.  Do you see where I'm going with all this?

Recently I've had to amp up my own goals because, well...I pretty much did everything I wanted to do and I finally got to that end of the road.  I feel like I got to that end part of the train tracks that says DEAD END.  So, when this happens -- and this has happened a few times in my life already -- it's time to find a different sent of tracks or an alternative method of transportation to get to where you want to go.

Maybe this is what you need too?

I have two (2) critical components in place to get me to where I want to be:

1)  Aggressive Income - The Money Funnel
2)  Passive Income - Apartment Building Investing

These components allow me to have, be, and do what I want.  But here's the key: you have to have SOMETHING ELSE on the other side that this is all for.

Here's an example of what this WAS for...for me (and how it's recently changed): I lined up these money-making vehicles for a greater cause.  My goal was to become a writer but I absolutely refused to be a starving writer.  So, I used these Aggressive and Passive Income Strategies for my bigger plan which was a means of income before I'd "make it" as a writer.  Of course, some of this has changed which is why I feel that I've reached that DEAD END part of the train track.  The part that I had on the "other side" of the goal disappeared so all this became about making money (again, boring!) and nothing more.

So...what is my goal on the other side of just making money?  I haven't fully refined it yet but it has to do with charity.  It's critical to make this new purpose as meaningful as possible so that I don't find myself running up on another DEAD END track anymore.  This is why what's on the other side of making money MUST be purposeful, exciting, and something that drives you through life with maximum enthusiasm.

What is your "larger than life" meaningful goal on the other side of just making money?  If you don't have one, you're going to struggle with making your businesses successful.  And even if you do realize success, you'll quickly feel this sense of emptiness like...what do I do now?

Now, back to what I really wanted to tell you.  One of the greatest components of how and why I can follow through with the goal on the other side of the money is through Passive Income Strategies, namely apartment building investing.  Yes, Aggressive Income Strategies are fantastic but it always requires us entrepreneurs to be at the helm of the ship, running everything, and never getting a break or time to do the stuff on the other side of the money goal.  However, Passive Income Strategies DO allow us both the money AND the time to be able to pursue those more important things.

This is why it's critical that you get into the apartment building investing game as soon as possible before all the inventory is gone.  The brand new Apartment Riches 2016 System has come out and it'll get you on your Passive Income money path right now.  Just make sure that you have something on the other side of that money goal otherwise none of what you make will feel like it's been worth it.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 18 2016
Did Martin Luther King Fail?
Last year I got sucked into watching some ridiculous reality show called Preachers of Detroit.  I think I started watching it because I missed visiting the city and hadn't been there in a little bit.
The show -- Preachers of Detroit -- was about 7 preachers in Detroit and all the drama that surrounded each of their lives.  Many of you may know that reality shows are a put-on.  Most of it isn't real. There are scripts and set-ups that don't reflect real life at all.  Needless to say, I watched the entire season of this stupid show.
The point? 
One of the preachers -- Pastor David Bullock -- had said in an earlier episode about how he thought Martin Luther King had failed in his dream for human rights.  And that comment really bothered me at the time.  In fact, it still does bother me.
For anything to change, awareness needs to take place.  And awareness can't take place until people are directed to their wrongful thinking in the first place.  And that NEVER happens unless somebody puts them on the path of understanding what is wrong with their thinking or why old values are outdated and inappropriate to carry on with.
Martin Luther King's role was to create that awareness or, as we call it now, "start the conversation" about what's wrong with the way things are.  And why things need to change.  In that regard, I believe he was successful.
Of course, what I think Pastor Bullock was suggesting is that, because we still experience prejudices today, maybe that's why he perceived Martin Luther King as having failed.  I'm just guessing.  I don't know.  But some things don't change overnight.  Rome wasn't built in a day.  And we still have a long way to go on a great many issues that we're dealing with in today's day and age.
My thoughts on it:  I have the utmost respect for anyone who takes a stand against the popular masses.  It takes a lot of balls to rage against the machine, especially back then when not many had your back and NOBODY in the "organization" was on your side.  There had to be many times when he wanted to give up or second-guessed what he was doing yet he forged ahead with the hopes that one day everyone would be equal.
In the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan is the Rosa Parks bus.  I sat on the bus in the very seat that Rosa Parks sat in when she started her part of the revolution that would begin to change history.  It was a powerful feeling to sit there in that seat and it was, quite possibly, the most amazing charge I felt go through my body; just to know that this woman made a decision on that bus that would cause so much strife toward change was amazing. She's amazing because I knew she was alone when she made that decision that day.  No one supported her at that moment.  It was just her. Her against the world.
I found myself in just a minuscule version of such a situation by standing up for something I knew to be true -- to be the voice for others who cannot speak -- and dealt with a lot of riff-raff because of it.  And this was nowhere near what the REAL warriors of revolution went through.  So, I can't imagine what it takes to be this type of hero and to know that you could lose it all when everything is said and done.  It's like pushing all your chips on the poker table because you believe so much in your cause that it becomes all or nothing.  You'd rather die than accept status quo. And that's a revolutionary warrior.
Anyone who stands up for what they believe in is someone who will always put me in a state of awe.  Because there are so few of these people anymore.  But what we do have is their accomplishments of yesterday and how they forced the hand of a revolution that would have never happened any other way.
And for that, they did NOT fail.  It's just still a work in progress, just like every other aspect of life.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 05 2016

I've been interviewing people to potentially hire at GSS.  And I absolutely HATE doing interviews.  But I've been putting it off for too long, watching one employee leave while firing everyone else over time, never replacing anyone. Now I'm beyond short-staffed and I'm forced to hire someone like yesterday.  Sometimes procrastination pays but, not in this case.

If you read my job posting, you'd laugh your ass off.  It's probably one of the harshest job postings you've ever seen.  I spell out what I expect from the new person I'm going to hire.  I also clearly outline what I won't tolerate including, but not limited to, frequenting Facebook, texting friends all day -- and even threatening them by stating that I watch people like a hawk and lazy asses squandering company time would be lucky to last a week.  The way I wrote the posting, I'm shocked that anyone applied at all.

Except I got quite a few applications.  Not as many as when we were in a "down and out" economy but a healthy batch for sure.

The problem is, it's pretty clear that most people didn't read what I wrote.  They just fire out applications without reading anything using their "buckshot" application process.

It's required that all applicants write me a short cover letter outlining their best requirements.  About 80% of the applications did not do this.  They were deleted.  The other requirement was that they were somewhat local and I specified cities that I would not interview people from.  This eliminated another 10% who also insisted that they not read the job posting.

Other people that were eliminated: Anyone writing in all lower case or, even worse, part of their name is in upper/lower case and the other part is in all lower case.  I'm a stickler for that.

So...I ended up with about 7 resumes when everything was said and done.

I have a little strategy that I use.  I post my job opening over the holidays or the summer because I figure that people who really want to work will apply.  This has worked well for me over the years.

Out of 7, only 2 called back.  The others apparently didn't need the job.  Or want it.  Good riddance to them.

One lady came in looking as pissed off as she could be and all she kept asking over and over again was, "What about the 'retirement package'?" and "What can I expect for 'retirement'?

How about nothing, lady, except the door hitting your big ass as you ideally exit my office right now?

She didn't ask a single thing about my company, what we do, what her expected job duties would be.  NOTHING.  She just kept talking about what I could give to her, like I owed her something.  "I want to be paid the same that Disney paid me before I was laid off."  And..."I want a retirement PACKAGE and medical and dental and I want sixty-thousand a year...and I want to work somewhere for at least the next 20 years."

Not here, you ain't!  How about you get nothing.  NOTHING from me, lady!

She should have stayed with Disney.  Oh, wait.  That's right.  They let her go.  She must've got too demanding with Mickey and he gave her ass the boot off the Disney Express.

It made me think about this: If only people realized that they can create their own "retirement package" by building their own wealth.  Then they wouldn't be in my office demanding/begging for a job to give them those benefits/retirement packages.  To me, it's much easier NOT to have to depend on someone else's hand to feed me.  As I'd prefer to feed myself and depend on ME for all of my success.

And I'm sure as hell not going to be asking someone else for my retirement package, as I already have my own that I've created and developed over the years.

Maybe you need to start building your own retirement -- or at least a means of financial freedom -- starting right now.

Recently my book agent told me that I should lose the word "retirement" out of any book title I'm considering.  He suggested that people -- mostly Americans -- hate the word "retirement" because it indicates something too many years away and only for old people.

So I stopped using the word "retirement" in most of my marketing and especially my book titles.  People respond better to "financial freedom" and "wealth-building."

Whatever you want to call it, the end result is the same.  You are building wealth for the purposes of replacing your current income so you don't have to work for anyone anymore (hopefully as quickly as possible) and you are building wealth for your long-term financial stability and security.

But you do this on your own for yourself without the aid of some employer assisting you in the process.  And if you're NOT doing this on your own, you need to start right now.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 03 2016
My ONE New Year's Resolution...
Well, Happy New Year!  Happy 2016!  I finally said it, even though I'm a couple of days late.
I get so sick of writing lists and that includes New Year's Resolutions.  Yes, I'm very list oriented by nature but I keep my goals very tight and project-specific.  I no longer see the value in writing a bunch of goals that, I've recently discovered, really don't service me anymore.  In fact, they're not really my goals at all!
What do I mean?
Let's take Oprah, for instance.  I notice that she's doing Weight Watcher's commercials now.
Except Oprah looks fantastic just as she is.  Yet somewhere along the line she's decided that she's not skinny enough, probably by being barraged by media and societal expectations of what the "right weight" should be.
So...she's still "struggling" with the weight, not taking into account that (a) she looks fabulous the way she is, (b) there's a good chance that her genetics won't allow for stuffing herself into a size 4 at any point in her life without taking drastic (and extremely unhealthy measures), and (c) maybe being happy in her own body will finally shake off this incessant need to look like everyone else.
I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago.  She told me that I need to lose exactly 20.5 lbs.  I currently wear size 8 jeans and I feel great.  I've been more than 20 lbs. lighter and, during that time, I felt unhealthy and I could feel the bones in my lower back.  I felt sick, too skinny, and far from "healthy."
I looked at my recent New Year's Resolutions dating back the past 3 years. Like almost everyone else, weight loss has been on that list.  I finally asked myself:  Why?  Why do I "need" to lose weight?  To look like a skinny Cosmopolitan model?  To feel bad about myself because, according to my doctor, I'm considered "overweight"?
I decided that weight loss WOULD NOT be a New Year's Resolution this year.  Nor are any of my other typical goals including making more money, acquiring more stuff, buying more expensive things, and all the rest of the things we believe we need to fit into society.  To look and be "normal" to our peers...whoever the hell they are!
Bottom line in all this "stuff" we all want to have, acquire, attain, gain access to, and get is to BE HAPPY.  Right?  Isn't that what we're all seeking?  Yet somehow we equate happiness with getting all this stuff. Unfortunately, when we get it, it just makes us realize that we didn't become more happy so we up the ante with our goals and requirements for attainment.
We do this because society and the media says what we're supposed to have to be happy.  So, we are acquiring, attaining, and gaining these things because savvy marketing geniuses made us believe in the deepest depths of our psychological being depends on us getting [FILL IN THE BLANK] to be happy/accepted/loved/appreciated/awesome!
And this vicious cycle goes on and on and on...maybe forever.  Unless we put a stop to it.  STOP THE MADNESS!  Right now. TODAY!
So, as time ticked and we were moments off from ringing in the New Year, I scribbled down only ONE New Year's Resolution:
"To be happy to the deepest core of my being."
And that's it.  My only goal.  And I want nothing else.
But with this, I have a feeling that I'll get the rest of what I want "just 'cause" I'm happy and enjoying the journey.  This is usually how the universe works, how the universe responds to what we SEND OUT. Like a boomerang, it comes back.
If happiness is exuding from my being and is being sent out into the universe, I'm pretty sure I'll get happiness back in all of its earthly forms.
Or I'll just be happy.
Either way, I win.
What is YOUR New Year's Resolution for 2016?
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 31 2015

Last week I finally heard from my "star" Internet student, Gregg.  (He kind of disappeared for awhile.)

He sent me an email and was kind of frantic.  Apparently there has been quite a few changes in eBay and Amazon (which I've been aware of) that have drastically affected his income.  He went from making an average of $85,000 a month from both eBay and Amazon to...fluctuating between $15,000 and $18,000 a month.  While that's not bad, here's the ALARMING part:  It's DROPPING like a lead balloon with each passing month.  Pretty soon (and I'm guessing around late spring), he'll be hitting the big fat $0 mark.

So, what happened?  What's going on with eBay and Amazon?

With eBay, it's been difficult to make money on that site for awhile now without selling things for dirt cheap.  Which is what Gregg has been doing.  But competition became too fierce (probably since I introduced too many students to the same money-making strategies in the past couple of years).  In the herbal supplement space, there is just too many sellers selling the same types of products.

With Amazon, things have changed a lot just in the past 6 months.  Certain sellers have taken the reigns as the "big boys" while smothering everyone in the "little guy" category completely out.  Gregg got lazy in his business and decided to "coast" on his success.  Yes, he was a "big boy" on eBay but never really took Amazon on as a big seller.  (Huge mistake!)  When Amazon quickly became about 50% of his business, this is when the economic shift took place at the exact same time.  And it happened pretty quickly, too quick for Gregg to be able to ramp up to get into that top 3% category.  He missed the boat. Probably by a mere weeks at that.

Now that eBay is the "MySpace" of the online selling universe and Amazon is the "Facebook," if you're not on Amazon as an Internet seller and didn't stake your claim as a "big boy"'re screwed.  Start packing your bags now because it's only a matter of time before your income becomes $0 too if you are selling on Amazon.

Back to Gregg, his email was two-fold:  (1) Blaming me for being the one to take away his most awesome opportunity by sharing it with everyone and, (2) what can he do now?  And fast?!

In my defense, remember that I was the one who got Gregg on track to his $85,000 monthly income from nothing.  How soon he forgets that he learned everything he implemented from one of my 2 very rare New Wealth Ninja trainings I had done in the summer of 2012.  So, why he blames me for teaching MORE people past him is just a stupid excuse for him to be able to live with the fact that he got lazy.  At least he bought a few properties with the money he made but certainly not enough in property to give him a retirement cash flow.  (That's probably my fault, too.  Somehow.) what he can do now.  He needs to CHANGE HIS STRATEGY.  Quickly.  With focus.  And speed.  Like RIGHT NOW!!

I told him about my upcoming trainings.  I have an in-office training in January where I had a couple of students transfer to another training session so I have 2 seats for that.  He said, "I'll think about it." Hmmm...securing a new income must not be THAT important to him, I guess.  Then I told him about Beverly Hills.  He said he'd probably come to that.  Fine.  At least we're getting somewhere.  But still.  That seminar is in MARCH.  Gregg claims he wants to do something NOW.

And I can't realistically explain how all my Money Funnels work in an email exchange back and forth with this guy.  I can't explain how it all works that way.

There is only ONE reason you'd ever use Amazon as a money-making device and it's NOT by selling things ON Amazon.  (I recommend you watch my video by CLICKING HERE.)  And I'll be covering this method in Beverly Hills (and at my January in-office training which, I just found out, I have 1 seat left in because a student moved to another training session later in the year; call if you're interested).  Again, this has nothing to do with actually selling on Amazon.  Those days are OVER!

(As a side note, I'll be doing a major course upgrade/update for my Internet Cash Flow System.  I'll be combining New Wealth Ninja and ICF together with a brand new course that will show you exactly what to do in TODAY'S Internet market.  Kiss eBay and Amazon selling good-bye.  This new course will be available sometime around Valentine's Day.)

Back to Gregg again...I was getting a little irritated with his lack of interest in wanting to be trained in doing something new online while wanting all of the answers instantly injected into his brain, possibly while he slept or watched television.  And I simply have NO patience for that.  I think everyone knows that about me by now.  (Seems to be a reality that Gregg got a little lazy!)

Most of you know about the Money Funnel.  If you haven't considered it for an amazing Aggressive Income Business, you still can since there's nothing better out there right now.  But you only have a few hours left before the general admission deal ends.  It ends at NOON Pacific Time today.  Here's the link:

Again, the deal ends in a couple of hours.  DO NOT MISS OUT!

So, what did I tell Gregg to do?  Either show up to Beverly Hills or pound sand.  I don't have time to specially lay things out for him or anyone else by doing back-and-forth emails that cannot possibly get close to illustrating everything that needs to happen to set up a highly lucrative Money Funnel.

Oh, and one more thing...I'm not sure how long I'll be showing my students about this Money Funnel opportunity.  I committed to doing trainings and events through the middle of May on this subject.  And that's it.  That's where the road will end on these specialized trainings.  Don't be kicking yourself in the ass for being left out.

And Happy New Year!!  (See you on the other side of 2016!)  Trust me when I say that this New Year will be MUCH BETTER than the one we're now leaving behind!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, December 27 2015
Sucky Suckfest Holiday #2...DOWN!


Time-wasting, soul-sucking Christmas is OVER!!  Yeah!

Sorry if I seem crass.  This hasn't been a good holiday for me so far.

But hopefully you got everything you wanted for Christmas.  And more.  If not, you can buy it yourself in a few months when you start balling with your new business endeavors in 2016.

I got coal this year again.  I know, I know.  Last year I told everyone to stop (metaphorically) stuffing coal into their own stockings.  But this year I didn't have the energy or interest in buying myself a gift, wrapping it, putting a "From Santa" tag on it, and opening it for the benefit of my daughter.  Too much work.  So instead I told her that I talked to Santa on the phone and he asked me if I'd take coal so that he can give toys and food to unfortunate kids instead of using the resources on me, someone who can have whatever I want.  I said I'd make the coal sacrifice so less fortunate kids could have the things they needed.  My daughter thought that was sweet.  And I made a donation to Feed the Children as well as donating to Toys for Tots in lieu of me receiving a gift.  Somehow that all seemed much better than me getting something.

I just don't understand something.  This Christmas seemed...different.  And not in a good way either.  Something weird seems to be brewing in the universe and I haven't been able to put my finger on it yet.  I think it may be connected with all of the violence going on these days or maybe a lack of feeling secure in our own country where, suddenly, it seems that there could be a terrorist on every street corner.  It's definitely sending a wave of fear through everyone and, even worse, we're starting to build up a tolerance and almost an "immunity" toward reacting to some of the violent things that are happening in our world.  Pretty sad if you think about it.  The innocence of what we once used to be and how we felt...all gone now.

Maybe you've been feeling "off" this Christmas, too.  Like something's not right or it's not the same.  I have a theory as to why there suddenly is so much violence and weird sh** happening all of a sudden.  I think people are angry and frustrated.  Maybe it's because of being mistreated or feeling like they can't get out of the hole they are in.  Information bombards us 24/7 now and it's hard to shut it off.  It's hard to decipher what's real and what's not. And most of our brains have not been created to handle so much "stuff" going on all at once.  I think people are starting to short out.  Add pollution, problems with the environment, bad food with GMOs and other crap in it, not enough nutrients, not enough quiet time, too many distractions, no focus, broken dreams, political strife, sucky government, all these "rays" from our gadgets interfering with the cells in our body, and on and on...and there you have a recipe for disaster, especially with anyone who may be a tiny bit off kilter.

There's good news and bad news in all this.

Bad news:  More troubled people to watch out for.  They may even be living next door to you.  Or down the street.  Or everywhere in your neighborhood let alone your city or county.  They're just everywhere now like ticking time bombs waiting to explode over anything or everything.  Your job will to remain balanced for BOTH yourself and everyone else you cross paths with.  And this takes a lot of energy, focus, and work.

Good news:  Since everyone is so distracted, pissed off, unfocused, insecure, depressed, and unhappy...this makes the "warriors" of the world have to work much less to get what they want.  You only have to work a smidgen harder to do exceptionally well in our current social and economic conditions.  All YOU have to do is focus, stay your course, and don't let people or things waver you away from keeping your eye on the ball and you'll be massively successful in a relatively short period of time.  This means actually having an attention span larger than that of a goldfish which sometimes isn't as easy as it may seem.

Even better news...

For the first time ever, I'm doing a very special, incredibly unique, and extremely rare seminar event coming up before you know it because it's a two-fold event:

The first day is all about becoming that success warrior that you've always wanted to be by stripping away everything that's holding you back and installing the things you need to rapidly propel yourself forward.  This is VERY important, more so than you think.  I've been working with some of my students who know every course I have like the back of their hand, have attended numerous events, can probably teach many of my workshops FOR me because they know the material so well yet DO NOTHING with the knowledge they have.  This is because they have obstacles and barriers to their success that they MUST remove before they'll ever be successful in this lifetime. If these aren't removed, success can never be possible.

For the first time, I'll be sharing IN-DEPTH strategies that you'll be doing right in the event to zap those obstacles.  All of your obstacles and barriers to success WILL be completely gone by the time you leave the event. Guaranteed.  You'll be given a simple exercise to do at least 3 times a week that takes about 10 minutes or less per session to keep up on the brain re-wiring that you've done during the first day of the event.  As long as you keep up on the this success maintenance, you'll find yourself automatically catapulting forward into success without any resistance at all.  And this is what you've been needing all this time if you haven't been successful as an investor or in business so far.

The second day is all about The Money Funnel and how you can use it to make $20,000 a month with a simple-to-do online business.  You'll be shown some of the top products to sell and EXACTLY how to set up your funnel. Most importantly, though, will be getting leads into the funnel and this is what we'll be spending A LOT of time on.  There's nothing worse than having a funnel set up yet no traffic coming in.  I'll go into great detail about how to get as much affordable cost-effective traffic as possible.

I think the most important part of this event will be the funnels that are already pre-set-up for you that you can "bum" off of me.  These will be available to those of you who would prefer the "easy" way to set up funnels rather than the long, drawn-out, "hard" way of setting up funnels.  Everyone coming to this event will get access to these funnels IF they want them.  PLUS you'll be able to tap into an opportunity where you can choose from a handful of the most profitable products that we already have funnels for and you can do a complete "hands-off" campaign where we can drop-ship products for you!  (I've NEVER offered this opportunity before.)  Imagine getting extremely wealthy just by working your funnel and having us do all the inventory and shipping work FOR you!  This option will ONLY be offered to those who show up at the event and will only be offered on a handful of highly profitable products that we handle.  This way you won't have to pay for a minimum order by getting the stock yourself.  (Many minimum orders are 500 or more these days, requiring a lot of out-of-pocket to get your initial inventory.  And that sucks!)

And for those of you coming as a Platinum VIP, you'll get the 3rd day as a training workshop bonus day.  It's from 9am to 1pm (only a half day) but it's set up as a workshop to where we'll be setting up your funnel hands on. You MUST have your laptop if coming to the bonus day.  This will allow you to have your funnels COMPLETELY SET UP by the time you leave the event, ready for you to start sending traffic in the second you get home. You'll also have your entire step-by-step funnel traffic plan (from the second day of the event) so you'll already know everything required to hit the ground running on Monday morning.

For my Holiday Blitz II deal (which is ending this week), I'm opening up an amazing pricing deal for those who want to attend as general admission.  This will include Day 1 and Day 2 of the event for a SPECIAL SUPER LOW PRICE.  CLICK HERE for the deal!  I also offer some incredible payment plans too.  I'm trying to make this as affordable as possible for those of you who REALLY want to do this.

Of course, if you want the bonus day, you have to be a Platinum Viper Wealth member which you can register for by CLICKING HERE.  Otherwise, signing up for general admission is still a powerful way to learn everything and gain access to everything.  The only thing you'll have to do is set up your funnel yourself when you get home OR choose to "borrow" one of my pre-set-up funnels which will be given to you on the second day of the event.

If you have any questions, call my office at (661) 295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 25 2015
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Sorry if I'm not being "politically correct."  (Am I ever?)  Today is a federally recognized holiday called Christmas and I'm hoping that it's "happy" or "merry" for you so...Merry Christmas!  I get so tired of people saying that you can't say "Merry Christmas" anymore because...not everyone celebrates Christmas.  Who cares?  Not everyone celebrates Easter either yet, again, it's a nationally recognized holiday and I tell people "Happy Easter" too.  So, I'm not replacing the word "Christmas" with "holiday" and I'm not calling my freaking Christmas tree a "holiday" tree.  And I'm not calling my daughter's Christmas break a "winter" break.  It's a freaking Christmas break where we celebrate Christmas with a Christmas tree and Christmas gifts.  Christmas, Christmas, CHRISTMAS!

There!  I said it.  Be offended, or not.  

Many of you know that I'm not particularly religious but Christmas really isn't about "religion" but rather it's more about our American culture.  Since when did a national "culture" become offensive?  I get so tired of thinking I'm saying the wrong things or thinking I'll piss somebody off.  It gets old.  Fast!  And if someone is "offended" because I use the word "Christmas," maybe they need to toughen up a bit, grow some balls, and find something to REALLY be offended about.


I think everybody knows by now that I'm not a fan of Christmas.  At all.  I'm not sure there's a holiday I hate more than Christmas.  And it seems to be getting worse for me each year.

I had to think about it yesterday.  Just what IS the problem with Christmas for me?  Why exactly DO I feel this way?

Assessed answer:  I think it's because the holiday has become so highly commercialized, actually starting sometime in the arena of Halloween now (and seems to be "backing up" further and further into the year) that I feel like throwing up at the sight of another ornament, candy cane, or a moving/singing Santa Claus doll by the time Christmas actually happens.  Pretty soon stores will start selling Christmas cards and holiday wares around the 4th of July, really screwing up the holiday for everybody by that point.

And no matter how hard I try to get into the spirit...I fail.  Miserably.  Because I don't get into the spirit.  I just wait it out...waiting for it to end like some awkward doctor's visit for an annual exam.  Just throw on the rubber glove while I bend over and look at the wall, trying to think about something else until it's over.  Which is what I'm doing right now.  Hopefully you're having a better day or season than I am.

I have huge plans this weekend.  You see, tomorrow morning I'll be ripping down every Christmas "thing" that's inside and outside my house.  Yep, it's all coming down.  Nope, I'm not waiting for the New Year.  Screw it.  I've had enough of all this Christmas crap already.  Bah-humbug.

What's weird about this season in particular is that I'm not taking any time off.  I've been doing a lot of writing, mostly for Viper Wealth.  I've also been setting up more money funnels so that I can really offer my students the most kick-ass killer money-making funnels in Beverly Hills.  Yes, attendees are getting my exact funnels to use for their own businesses.  So, I've barely noticed this "inconvenience" we call "the holidays" that seems to get longer and longer each year, starting a solid week BEFORE Thanksgiving and lasting clear through the first solid week of the year.  Because I'm BUSY.  Pretty soon you will be too and if you're been wasting nearly 2 months pissing it away on eating pie and wrapping gifts and nearly committing homicide in the mall parking lot over a parking space're going to be screwed in the next couple of weeks.  Especially when the rest of us will be hitting the ground running on VIPER SPEED!  You'll barely be aroused out of your turkey-induced coma to even know what the date is, let alone making money.

I'm not sure if you've noticed yet (and if you haven't, there's definitely something wrong) but we're out of the recession now.  So, if you're not seeing it, get out more.  Wealth is out there.  It's more abundant than it's been in many, many years.  But you have to get out there and get it by offering some type of product or service to people that they'll want to buy.  Otherwise the alternatives are (a) staying broke or (b) robbing a bank for the cash. Neither is that palatable as far as I'm concerned.  Or recommended.  Because it's simply NOT necessary to be broke or steal when getting money with a simple business is easy to pull off.

But you already know all this.  At least you should.  So...I'll let you get back to this pesky holiday.  I'll let you keep plugging on that stuffing and pie.  But hopefully in the back of your mind, while you're doing all that, you listen to that Monica Main little birdie yapping in the back of your head about how you're wasting valuable time.  And you'll see EXACTLY what I'm talking about in the weeks to come.

Merry Christmas!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:25 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 21 2015
Why Almost Every Self-Help Book is 100% Full of Sh**

It's come to my attention that I've been under a lot of unnecessary stress lately.  I think it may be the holidays or having another kid in my household.  (My teenage step-son just moved in.)  But I seriously feel like I need a massage...for about 6 solid hours straight!  Maybe for 2 or 3 days in a row at that!

I'm sure you're feeling the same way too.

But recently I've been pondering on a lot of things including why I'm the "scary" person people make me out to be.  My friend Aran once described me as being "terrifying."  Truth be told, sometimes I actually scare myself.  When I get over-stressed and overwhelmed, I find myself lashing out a lot, getting way too angry for it to be safe for other people, and finding myself in a semi-permanent state of being cynical, jaded, and generally miserable.

Many of you know that I recently adopted a 4-month-old puppy from a rescue organization.  Her name is Sally and I've had her for a month now. I've learned a couple things from Sally.  She had been abused.  Probably by a man or several men.  She will allow girls and women to pet her but it takes her awhile to get used to men.  She barks and growls a lot around them. Sometimes viciously.  And it can be quite scary at times.

When people are hurt, they lash out.  Same with animals.  The more pain there is buried deep, the more resentment, hatred, anger, and distrust will bubble to the surface.  This is a means of protection.  A method to create a layer of protection around us so that nobody else can hurt us, either physically or emotionally.

And this is applicable to me.  It may describe you as well.  There are only so many times an animal or human being can be kicked, mistreated, taken advantage of or abused before a permanent scowl and sense of distrust takes a predominant role front row and center.  All the time.

This is dangerous.  Very dangerous.  Because we begin to see the world differently.  We focus on the things that support our "truth" of everyone being a jerk-off while ignoring other "truths" such as people being nice, kind, and generous.  I've chosen to ignore the latter, probably for a bit too long.  Maybe you have, too.

So, what do you do about it?  After all, it isn't really good for your health to stay in a perpetual state of anger while spewing piss and vinegar all the time, right?  (This is when "stress" can kill you; medical studies have shown that our body creates a "poison substance" when we are angry, stressed, or upset.  Therefore, by being in this state of mind, we literally begin poisoning ourselves.)

But "changing your mind" from sad to happy or angry to peaceful takes a lot more than reciting positive self-help affirmations, meditating, or chanting.  Yes, some of this helps.  No, it's not all it takes.  Not by a long shot!

I've discovered a couple of tools required to make these mental "shifts" from being unhappy to happy.  Yes, it takes work.  All the time.  And you can't stop doing it.  When I stop, even for a couple of days, my mind and body shifts back to the spit-and-vinegar version of Monica which is the version of myself that I hate.

So, what are these "secrets"?

First of all, I need to mention one thing in why I believe that almost 100% of the self-help books out there -- especially those on the topic of healing -- are completely WRONG!  (This part is important.)  You see, I've been reading books on healing, particularly books on grieving and healing the heart.  Many don't really adequately address the stages of grieving and why each one is so important to thoroughly get through.  They tell you to open your heart and everything will work out.

Please.  Pretty lame if you actually analyze what they're telling you to do.

Let's take a PHYSICAL injury, for instance.  If you break your leg, you go to the hospital where they place a cast on it and tell you that your ability to walk on it will be relatively non-existent for the next several weeks.

Let's break this down: Injury = the encapsulation of the wound...UNTIL IT HEALS!  This means building a hard apparatus around it as a form of protection to ensure no additional damage can be done while it "sets" into place for quicker healing.

This goes for any type of physical injury.

Let's take a psychological/mental injury such as an event that creates PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).  If you're in the midst of a war with bombs going off everywhere, there's no way any healing can even begin to occur until you're completely removed from the environment.  The trauma must stop FIRST.  You must then be removed from the environment and placed in a calm, protective, healing place.  THEN healing can begin sometime thereafter.  Sometimes it can take minutes (unlikely) but in many cases it will take years, decades, or the rest of your life. all these ridiculous books out there on matters of healing the heart, none of them (that I've read) tell the reader that it's OKAY to encapsulate the heart (metaphorically) for healing to take place.  In fact, it's quite the opposite.  They irresponsibly tell their readers to "get over the pain" and "open your heart" right away!

Open your heart?  Just like you'd open your cast on your broken leg 10 seconds after the doctor sets it?  Or run back out onto the battlefield 60 seconds after taking a "water break" after you just saw your best friend get blown to bits by an exploding bomb?  You mean...NO TIME TO HEAL AT ALL??

And THIS is the problem that I have with New Age "healing" books.  There is no respect for the pain, damage, or injury and it's almost treated as being insignificant.  "Suck it up and open your heart to love."  Love?  From who?  From where?

This is when I discovered something CRITICAL when it comes from healing your heart from any heart break or grief you might be dealing with right now.  First, don't let anyone tell you that it's not okay for you to shut down.  Close your heart.  Take a step back.  Become numb if you have to.  Stop "thinking" about how it is probably "wrong" or not the correct response to numb-out, close up, and assess the situation.  Or take a break.  Hit the pause button.  Stop feeling.  Yes, this part is OKAY.  And no, nobody will ever tell you (in those books) that it is okay (for some reason).

Think about it: why is healing heart-break different than healing a broken leg?  If a broken leg has to be encapulated and taken out of service to heal, why can't your heart be treated the same way?  Oh, because it's a singular simple external body part instead of an entire complex internal emotional system?  Okay, fine.  

So, what about healing PTSD then?  That's emotional.  And people experiencing that MUST be removed from the situation, encapulated from further damaging experiences, closed away in a peaceful environment, and are basically "pausing" everything until the situation can be assessed then healed.

I felt pretty balanced all up until about mid-November when I lost a friend of mine to cancer.  Then I got all screwy and out of whack, realizing that (like most people) I have almost no internal capacity in dealing with loss.  It brought up the loss of my mom 10 years ago and the empty space in dealing with my estranged dad and brother who I never see anymore.

Pain and hurt is always the core to anger and hatred.

You know as well as I do that 90% of the battle in anything is becoming AWARE that something is wrong and needs to be adjusted in some way, as I just discovered this past weekend.  I was getting severely off-balance and it was time to start reeling my emotions back in.  And yes, that means closing down for a time to being the healing process.

Remember, when you're "open" you're exuding energy to others.  To heal, you need your energy and strength.  You can't be giving it away like that otherwise healing will be very difficult if not impossible to do.  To heal, you have to encapsulate, pull back, close down, and press pause.  And that's okay!

So, once you do all that, how do you begin to heal?

Here are some tried-and-true suggestions on what to do:

1) Remove yourself from the situation/environment your in and visit nature, even for a few hours.  Going to the beach or a forest by yourself will help you start to rebalance again.

2) Do some yoga or other peaceful meditative exercise.  When using your body while doing slow and methodical movements, this will help you push out any stress in your life to start to heal.

3) Meditate.  Find a quiet corner, sit by yourself, and meditate while doing deep breathing exercises.  This works wonders with helping to rebalance while beginning the healing process within.

4) Do tapping exercises.  This, my friend, has been the critical element between feeling great and feeling crappy...when I don't do the tapping, I feel like sh**.  When I do the tapping, I'm essentially "re-wiring my brain" and this alone allows for some relatively fast and phenomenal changes in every area of your life from healing to wealth attraction to...anything positive you want for yourself.  CLICK HERE for an amazing tapping video.

5) Supplement your diet.  I've been taking a myriad of different dietary supplements to balance the brain chemistry for the different mood disorders I've experienced over the years.  I've had a lot of luck with St. John's Wort, Omega-3, SAMe, B-12, liquid Vitamin D, proteins, and amino acids.  Severe cases of screwed up brain chemistry may require hormonal rebalancing.

6) Sunshine for 30 minutes a day.  This is another blessing.  Sunshine, liquid happiness.  I've noticed a huge difference in my moods by sitting in the sun for 20 to 30 minutes per day.  This is why we get the winter blues, because we're not getting enough sun.  This is called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and it causes real depression in millions of people each year.  There are different energy lights that can help in the winter when you can't get enough sun.  Amazon has some.  I got the Lightphoria (Sphere Gadget Technologies) which helps right away.  I use it at my desk in the morning to get my fake sun rays.

Doing all of the above things is certainly not an instant healing miracle but doing all of them consistently will make a huge difference in the next couple of weeks to come.  After all, nothing matters more than your emotional and mental health because it keeps you balanced and reality in perspective.​In the meantime, don't be afraid to disconnect from people, especially those who are hurting you or who are part of the source of your pain and stress.  Don't be afraid to close down and pull away to heal.  Staying open and giving all of your energy away all the time will definitely become your downfall over time which makes this "healing model" unsustainable, unsuccessful, and nothing short of ridiculous.

And the good news...the holidays are almost over.  (Yaahhhh!!)  So, just hang in there.  It's not just depressing for you.  It's depressing for me as well.  Just know that there's a positive and prosperous New Year right around the corner!  It's just DAYS away!!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:08 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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