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Success For Life
Friday, January 01 2021
Happy 2021...What Will the New Year Bring You?

Happy New Year!

Do you feel completely wiped out after finally leaving that smoking train wreck called 2020 in the rearview mirror?

While we still have some battles ahead, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel, I believe.  It'll probably take until late spring or summer for us to begin to see some resemblance of normalcy in our lives but I do believe 2021 will be our year to "break" the horrendous 2020 "curse," if that's what you want to call it.

So, what do YOU plan on doing for 2021?  How will this year be different for you?

Most people have New Year's Resolutions.  Do you have any?  Or did you just throw up your hands and skip it altogether this time around?

I don't really have a list of New Year's Resolutions but I do have quarterly and annual goals.  Does that count?  I guess it does.  I have the same 20 lbs. to lose every year.  And it's not like I don't meet my goals; I do.  I just lose the weight then gain it back later in the year so...I seem to have some of the same Resolutions year after year because of it.

I read an interesting book a few years back called One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon.  And the short book basically describes one thing: choose one word that you'd like to see "unfold" for a solid year and just focus on that one word as your "theme" for the year.  So, in years prior, I'd have different words like "Power," "Focus," "Love," and "Joy."

But, for 2021, I have a completely different word in mind.

My 2021 word?  Surrender.

Yes, that's right.  "Surrender" is my word for 2021 because it means, to me, to LET GO.  Let go...and let God!

This year is my year to stop pushing, forcing, striving, worrying, fretting, stressing, and wondering.  It's my year to SURRENDER.

What will YOUR word be for 2021?  You can choose today.  Right now.  Choose a word that you want to represent your 2021. 

Here are some ideas:  Happiness, peace, love, prosperity, tranquility, serenity, adventure, spirituality, bliss, focus, energy, gratitude, power, truth, purpose, destiny, beauty, health, etc.  Those are some ideas for you.  Just take a moment to choose a word that you want to be the main theme for 2021.  It'll only take a short moment.  Choose one word.  And think of it often each day throughout 2021 to remember what you want this New Year to be for you.

And by focusing on this one word throughout the year, it will definitely enhance 2021 in a way that you may find life-changing for yourself.  You won't know until you try it, right?

I wish you all the peace, prosperity, love, and happiness that your life can hold.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Many of you know my most successful money funnel student Bev Thiessen and how she rakes in over $85,000 per month in net profits with her money funnels.  She has several types of products she sells, first starting off as an affiliate and then eventually selling her first products.  Many of my current money funnel students have been did Bev get started?  How did she start her business and how did she scale it up?  I'd like to show you exactly what she did, step by step, in how she got started.  I'll also explain how you can do the same thing she did to scale her small home-based business when you join me for this rare and power-packed online seminar event.  Register for a very rare online seminar event by CLICKING HERE NOW!

P.P.S.  For those of you interested in joining me for my 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group, CLICK HERE to watch some powerful testimonial videos and to download the 2021 brochure now!

P.P.P.S.  For those of you who want to jump start 2021 in a powerful way and if you haven't read the two lost chapters of Think and Grow Rich, CLICK HERE to get them now!  It'll definitely put you on the right track to allow you to manifest anything and everything you want in your life...and then some!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 28 2020

Last month I gave you step by step instructions on exactly how to chisel adverse and negative marks on your personal credit reports.

If you didn't see that email, you can check out my post by clicking here.  There you'll see the full instructions on what to do and why the "Holiday Blitz" is so powerful when trying to fix your personal credit.

For those of you who listened to my powerful advice, time for round two of your letters.  (And if you're new to this, it's not too late to jump on the bandwagon.  Click here to read the post and follow the directions for your Round 1 of your dispute letters.  It's not too late to get started now!)

So, Round 2 (or Round 1 if you're new to this) of your dispute letters to all three (3) credit bureaus should go out this week, preferably today or tomorrow!

This is what I call the 1-2 punch during the holiday season to the credit bureaus when they are most lax, understaffed, overworked, and not really working at full capacity.  You can use this once-a-year time to knock off as much of the adverse and negative marks off your personal credit as possible!

If you want to know more about how to increase your personal credit FICO score by 200 - 300 points in the next 90 days or so, CLICK HERE for a new book I'm releasing called Credit Millionaire!  It'll be the best $9.97 you'll ever spend!  Yes, it's really that cheap.

Why am I basically giving this book away?

Because I want 2021 to be your best year ever.  After the travesty of 2020 is now (mostly) in the rearview mirror, it's time to start facing reality.  And reality is that the economy is about to crumble like a poorly made coffee cake.

And if you honestly think that if our economy can shut down for 9+ months without major long-lasting repercussions then you're living in an alternative reality.

So, why haven't we felt the full effects of the economy cracking apart like we probably should have by now?

Well, the answer is sort of simple and sort of complicated.  So, let me give you the simple explanation:

The economy as it's kind of like a jet airplane with four engines.  And pretend that a flock of seagulls flew into all four of the engines.  The engines are sparking and shorting out while the pilots are beginning to panic because...they just lost all four engines.

This is that short amount of time (mere minutes in this "air time" analogy) that this jet airplane is "coasting" on the borrowed inertia and momentum of when the jet engines were working at full capacity just a short time ago.

But the pilots on the plane know they're about to crash.  (They're equivalent to the smart economists who have been mapping these kinds of things for decades.)  Intelligent business people know the economy is slipping.

In fact, everybody who has to stare face to face with economics on a daily basis know what's going to happen.

It's all coming apart and for the moment it's being barely glued together with temporary quick fixes (like stimulus packages, unemployment benefits, etc.).  

But, that's like trying to hose the bird guts out of the engine after the engines already blew mid-air...when the entire system is already permanently shut down and destroyed beyond repair.

The people who will suffer the most are the lower 85% of the population.  The top 15% understand how to use Other People's Money in the form of unsecured credit that they can use to buy up foreclosure real estate (for pennies on the dollar), to start or buy a business, and to seize opportunity (which will be everywhere) when they see it.

But you have to have access to cash to be able to jump on cash-based opportunities!  Without cash or unsecured credit, you'll be left out in the cold with the rest of the bottom 85%.

Why not think like wealthy people do by pulling those unsecured credit strings?

I talk all about this in my new book called Credit Millionaire!

CLICK HERE to get your copy right now and start 2021 off with a powerful and positive bang!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Many of you know my most successful money funnel student Bev Thiessen and how she rakes in over $85,000 per month in net profits with her money funnels.  She has several types of products she sells, first starting off as an affiliate and then eventually selling her first products.  Many of my current money funnel students have been did Bev get started?  How did she start her business and how did she scale it up?  I'd like to show you exactly what she did, step by step, in how she got started.  I'll also explain how you can do the same thing she did to scale her small home-based business when you join me for this rare and power-packed online seminar event.  Register for a very rare online seminar event by CLICKING HERE NOW!

P.P.S.  For those of you interested in joining me for my 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group, CLICK HERE to watch some powerful testimonial videos and to download the 2021 brochure now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 17 2020
I don't think many of you realize what I go through and how many hours a day/week I work to assist my students on their pathways to success in real estate investing.
My thousands of testimonials that I've gotten from my students over the years -- and still continue to get on a near-daily basis -- is what keeps me going as a teacher.  It keeps me tirelessly doing trainings, mentorship groups, webinars, seminars, and putting together new home study course materials to educate my students for maximum success.
Many of you deeply appreciate what I do for you because you see what I do, what I go through, and the quality of what I put out there for teachings.  You have been ripped off by other "gurus" out there who have no clue about real world real estate investing so you know quality teachings vs. rip off b.s.
You also understand that the real estate investing climate is changing by the day as our ever-changing economic conditions are become more volatile as time marches on (and it's only going to get worse before it gets better).
Then there are a small handful of you (and this encompasses a very small handful) who, quite honestly, won't ever become a success in anything in life let alone real estate investing.  A couple of you have shot me some nasty emails because of the amount of new courses I'm coming out with in such a short time, accusing me of being just another "guru." can think all you want in that regard.  Anyone who knows me personally also knows I don't give a s*** about what people think of me, especially someone who will never amount to much because he or she thinks the extent of "success" isn't much beyond ungluing themselves off the couch for 30 seconds to answer an email.
In comparison to other "gurus" who don't care about anyone's success, I'll tell you that their courses and seminars are much higher in price than mine will ever be (and are outdated).  I charge the lowest possible cost to barely cover my overhead just to make it affordable for everyone to get a shot at getting into the highly profitable business of passive income cash flow real estate.
And this is because I truly care about people.  I care about training people so they can become successful.
I personally answer my emails.  No "guru" does that.  I also personally run my mentorship groups online.  No other "guru" does that.
I personally teach my training and seminar groups.  Most "gurus" don't do that anymore.  They send some uneducated underling who read one book on real estate investing to teach a 2-day "boot camp" while the "guru" will breeze in for a 10-minute "cameo" appearance.  The underling teaches 20 minutes of outdated real estate investing material then uses the remaining 2 days to sell you on a $10,000 consulting deal or a $35,000 partnership arrangement.
And I do none of those things.  Never will either.
And if you've attended my boot camps in the past, you'd know that it's all usable educational content and maybe a 1-minute sales pitch that pretty much goes like this:  "See my catalog?  Get 50% off any one or more items you want in this catalog as long as you turn your order form into my assistant by the end of this event."
And that's about it for my "sales pitch" at events.
And yes, I personally teach the majority my entire boot camps with the exception of a guest speaker here and there.
The reason I'm releasing so much new material now is because I'm on a "push" for two (2) key reasons:
1)  The opportunities in real estate will be coming in like a tsunami as we enter into 2021 including getting bottom-basement deals on real estate (thanks to the upcoming foreclosure and short sale windfall).
2)  I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally burnt out and I want to give you the best of what I got before I completely run out of energy for good.  After the end of 2020, I will NO LONGER be doing ANY real estate training.  And I may as well share (for the last time) my money and partnership resources with you!
I think we all realize when we've peaked at something.  For the longest time I stayed in this business as the underdog "guru" because I felt the motherly instinct belief (as naive as it may seem) that as long as I'm around, you wouldn't fall for the other guy who is out there with the sole intent to screw you over.
But I think we all get to the point where we have to move on.
And I'm at that point.
For the longest time I was at the crossroads where I told myself:  "Go big or go home."
Going "big" meant becoming one of of the "gurus" that I despise so much.  And that's not an option.  I won't be one of them.  Not now.  Not ever!
So...the second option is to "go home."  I guess that's what I'm planning on doing for the time being.
If I can find a way to help more people without burning myself out, I'll let you know.  If I could get on the Robert Kiyosaki level (because he's probably one of the only ones who's not quite as sleezy as the rest) and still be me, offering only the best and most cutting edge strategies, I will stay in the game.
But as it stands now, it's not looking like that's going to be a possibility.
I told my staff a couple of weeks ago that I'm slowly phasing out my duties as a real estate trainer and going into semi-retirement by my birthday (which is June don't forget to mail me a card).  They understand what I've been going through so it was no surprise.  No one else seemed to like what I was planning except for one of my staffers who appreciates the "cycle of life," the need for change, and all that kind of stuff.
So, I'll be offering you my money and partnership resources which you can get by CLICKING HERE NOW!
Listen, things are changing.  I'm changing.  The world is changing.
Things are starting to shift.  The economy is showing signs of breaking.  Once this happens, the opportunities in the real estate market will flood in like a damn breaking.  Now is the time to start lining up your cash resources and partners so that you'll be ready to swoop up on these deals when they start dropping.  CLICK HERE to snatch up my unsecured cash resources and partner resources while you still can.  This is your LAST CHANCE to get this stuff.
There is definitely a "spiritual" shift going on as well but I won't be going into detail about that.  Those of you who know what I'm talking about and know already what's going on, I don't need to explain anything to you.  Those of you who don't know...don't know (and probably never will), and that's okay too.
Part of my semi-retirement has to do with these spiritual needs that I now have for myself once I realized that working my way into an early grave wasn't doing a damn bit of good for myself or for my young daughter.
Awhile back, my friend Aran Dunlop (who is also my star MHP student), summed it up nicely in a text he sent to me saying exactly this:  "Maybe $10 a day and a hut on a deserted beach isn't irrational at all."
Actually, it's sounding more and more "rational" by the day!
Maybe now is your crossroads.  Maybe you need to figure out what's important to you.  Is it working for someone else for a fraction of what you could be making?  Is it wasting 45 - 50 hours a week making someone else rich when you could be working less than half those hours, making more than triple what you make, and actually being there for your kids?
Why do we have to hit our deathbed to realize what we should have done with our lives?
And do you doubt me when I tell you that you won't be saying you wished you spent more time working for Boss Man Smitty and even less hours watching your kids and grandkids grow up?
I'm hoping you don't realize what's really important in life when it's too late.
I'm 46.  I'm a known workaholic to everyone who knows me.  I'm the last person on earth anyone would have expected would have "slowed down" to smell the roses.
Yet I'm making a conscious effort to focus on things that are most important in my life: my daughter, balance, eating well, exercise, and doing things that make me happy.
I'm finally realizing what's important.  I'm realizing that life is more than working your ass off then working some more...then more and more and more. 
I'm hoping you realize that you can do the things that make you happy too.  And I'm hoping you realize this before it's too late...before you're too sick, too tired, or too old to do anything about it.
CLICK HERE get the last bit of my resources, my partnership connections, and my grant secrets (to get money from the government that you never have to pay back)!
See you at the top...and maybe on that deserted beach one day!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 14 2020

I've been a wealth trainer for more than 20 years and I've found that there is a COMMON THREAD among every student of mine who never becomes successful.

What is that COMMON THREAD?

Not enough attention to the details and NO FOLLOW-THROUGH.

Many of the students I work with believe that they will read one of my books and suddenly they are "schooled" enough in being able to buy a multi-million-dollar real estate asset.  They're not even willing to attend a seminar, mentorship group, or study my course materials yet they believe they're rippin' ready to jump into buying that first property. the 11th hour, they back out.  Some will get just inches from the finish line and they drop out of the game, detoured by fear (mostly because they didn't go deep enough in the learning process to understand what to do next), and then they recess into the mediocre life of what's always been.  Never to become successful with anything.

I hope that does NOT include you.  It probably doesn't because most of my students understand the value of learning everything they can before jumping into the big, bad world of real estate investing.

With that said, I have something VERY IMPORTANT to tell you about the rapid changes in our real estate market.  You absolutely MUST listen to a short video that I have prepared for you.  CLICK HERE to watch it now.  In fact, I highly recommend that you STOP all investing activity including looking for properties until you watch this somewhat shocking new direction that I'd like to see you pursue for maximum cash flow potential.

CLICK HERE to find out what this is all about RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 11 2020

My daughter is in junior high and attends a private school.  And needless to say, I'm not happy with them right now.

In October, they started having the kids attend school one day a week.  Tuesday.  From 8am to noon.  And it would only be one junior high school students on that day.  Other grades would stagger in attendance on different days of the week.  It seemed innocent enough.

Then the school administrators increased it to Mondays all day and Tuesday for a half-day right before Thanksgiving.  It seemed okay.  They'd have elementary and junior high show up (elementary is downstairs, junior high is upstairs).  High school would be there later in the week, separate from the younger kids. know how people get.  They think, "Yeah, this is working out great!  Let's have everybody come into school at once!"

And this is where they screwed up.  Not that I'm psychic or anything but (1) I knew they would push this in-person learning too fast, and (2) I knew what would happen when they did.

First of all, I hate being lied to.  The school kept telling parents, "Everybody is wearing a mask, all students are socially distanced at all times, and none of the grades are released from class at the same time to avoid hallway crowding."


And certainly not what I'd expect from a Christian school.  I expect honesty and truth...not a pile of lies!

When the kids started going to school 5 solid days a week in person, my daughter would complain that she would feel crowded trying to pass the high schoolers who were packed in the hallways.


High schoolers?

The school administrators clearly said that each grade would be "staggered" and never in contact with one another in the hallways.

I asked a teacher straight to her face about this.  She gave me an uncomfortable laugh and said, "That's not how the students are released.  They're staggered, meaning they're released at different times."

She couldn't look me in the eyes.  This meant that she knew she was lying.  I knew she was lying.

Needless to say, I wasn't overly shocked when a faculty member and a student tested positive for Covid-19, about 25% of the school back home on Zoom meetings while "sentenced" to a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine.

Meanwhile, elementary and high schoolers are still attending in person.

Crazy, I know!

How many more people have to be infected with Covid-19 before they decide that it's probably best to shut the entire school down?

I'm all for in-person learning but it has to be safe.  Exposing these young kids all day long every day just to keep tuition-paying parents from getting upset about their kids being on Zoom all day.

At first I thought my daughter had Covid.  She had most of the symptoms except for the fever.  She never had that.  But she had about 90% of the rest of the symptoms.  So, I don't know if she ended up getting Covid due to her in-school exposure...or not.

I believe I am asymptomatic.  I believe I had a strand Covid back in June 2016.  Perhaps this really horrible sickness I had back then was a blessing in disguise...because maybe it bolstered my immune system enough to support me during this newest version of Covid.  I don't know and perhaps I never will.

What's going on now is serious.  And when people -- school administrators or others -- flippantly put people's lives at risk for their own agendas, all I have to say is that you can't rush things. 

You have to let things unfold as they do...organically.  Pushing and shoving to make things happen usually means one thing: an explosion in the most adverse way possible!

How is your life unfolding right now?  Are you finding yourself feeling stuck, like you want to push through to the other side to get matter what those results will be...just to make some kind of progress?

I know we're coming up on the holidays and this year is certainly not like any other time in history.  Maybe it's time for you to take the backseat and chill out until the end of the year.  After all, what's so wrong with that, right?

Or, you could start to line up opportunities for yourself.

I have a way you can do that...a way for you to line yourself up for the opportunities ahead in 2021.

CLICK HERE to watch a short video to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 08 2020

In June 2016 I was almost at the end of earning my MFA.  In the midst of the closing of the school quarter, I was torn because I wanted to see my daughter in a play at school.  I decided to "sneak" away from my program to quickly see my daughter's play, committing to driving right back to school the moment the play was over.  It seemed like a simple enough plan...right?

So, I made it on time to see her play.  It was outside, it was hotter than hell, and I found myself helplessly leaning against this stucco pole to keep from passing out.  That's how hot it was.

Out of nowhere, this Asian guy appears and decides to stand about 2 inches from me.  When I turned to tell him to give me a little space, he sneezed in my face.  I kid you not.

The women I was standing next to all dispersed like roaches.  I was so disgusted that I immediately moved to the opposite side of the courtyard.

And I knew I was going to get sick.  I just knew it.

When the outside play was over, the Asian dude left.  He didn't greet any child that was in the play.  He didn't have any other family members with him.  He just...left.  (As I look back today, I realize just how suspicious all of this really was.)

I was able to spend the night at my house before heading back to school the next day.  On my way back, I started feeling really flu/cold sick.  I stopped at a 7-11 and asked the guy for every cold and flu medicine he had behind the counter because I knew I'd be down for the count.

Low and behold, I was.  I was in Palm Springs and it was 120 degrees.  I felt so cold that I opened the door, letting the dry heat in.  I went into the bathtub, running the hottest water possible.  It was so hot that my skin turned bright red.  I was so lethargic that I couldn't get out of the bathtub for hours.

Thinking back...I believe I had an earlier strand of Covid.  I had mostly the same symptoms including a fever.  I had never been that sick in my entire life, before or since.  (Ask any nurse or doctor who knows their salt and they'll tell you Covid has been around for a long time!)

Anyway, I was describing this story to my students in an email and I had this rude lady tell me that I should "apologize" for writing such an insulting email about the Asian guy who sneezed in my face!

Say what??!!

Apologize for stating the facts about what happened that day?  Apologize because I mentioned that he was Asian and I shouldn't have said that at all?  I should have just said "a guy" instead of "an Asian guy"?

And who am I supposed to apologize to?  You, lady?  About how I "insulted" the rude guy who sneezed in my face by...telling everybody that he sneezed in my face?

What the hell??!!

Why is everybody so freaking OFFENDED by EVERYTHING these days?  Why is everybody constantly DEMANDING APOLOGIES for the most stupidest sh**??!!

Somebody says something on the news you don't like.  Get offended.  Demand an apology.

Somebody is wearing a t-shirt you don't like.  Get offended.  Demand an apology.

Somebody colors their hair a color you don't like.  Get offended.  Demand an apology.

Please!!  Give it a rest already!

For people like that, I have this to say:  GROW A PAIR and stop being a freaking cry baby all the time.

How can ANYONE expect to be successful -- forget about the world of business and investing -- in the REAL doing all this cry-baby "being-offended" all the time??  Isn't it A LOT OF WORK and energy to be offended, mad, and in a state of frenzy until you get empty apologies for stupid stuff that bothers you??

To be offended...that's a choice!  Yes.  You can CHOOSE to be offended!  You can CHOOSE NOT to be offended!  It's really that simple.

Recently I was going through some of my YouTube videos on my channel and somebody made a comment several months ago about how I sound like a 10-year-old boy on the video.  At first I felt that sense of wanting to get pissed off but a few seconds later I just laughed.  I actually thought it was pretty funny.  Maybe it's because I've heard that comment before...from my own daughter!  But she didn't say I sounded like a 10-year old boy.  She's told me a few times that I actually look like a boy in junior high school when I wear my jeans and skater shoes with my short hair and no make-up.  I'd rather look and sound like a young boy than look and sound like an over-the-hill Big Ass Bertha any day of the week!

I realized at that moment:  I CHOSE NOT to be offended.  I CHOSE NOT to get pissed off about something so stupid that it was laughable.  And then I chose to laugh...because it was funny

For those of you who are choosing to be offended about the most nonsensical things, maybe you can start right now by trying my strategy: CHOOSING NOT to be offended.  Try it out once or twice.  You can always go back to being offended by anything and everything in 20 minutes if you'd like.

Life is not all that serious.  Trust me.  There's a lot of things to get your feathers all ruffled up over...but receiving an email from somebody about how somebody sneezed in my face and got me sick shouldn't be on the list of things to make you "offended" or upset.  And since it is, perhaps consider busying yourself with something a little more productive.  Like -- I don't know -- maybe pulling yourself out of debt?  Making some money for yourself?  Building a successful business?  (Those are just ideas.  If you don't like them, you can go back to wasting your time being "offended" all day as your full-time job, if you so choose.)

As for the rest of you, I have something I want you to check out.  It's about something CRITICAL you may want to consider doing if you want to start CASHING IN on our economic demise.

CLICK HERE NOW to check it out now!

A fair warning:  This is NOT for most of you.  It may not be for you either.  But you won't know until you check it out.  CLICK HERE to check it out now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 26 2020

Years ago I started sharing this story with my students around Thanksgiving about why I hate pumpkin pie; how my mom used to make pumpkin pies from scratch and she's make so many of them that she's force-feed the remaining balance (usually upwards of 6 or 7 pies) of what she couldn't give away to friends and family to both me and my brother.

And how, to this day, I absolutely refuse to eat pumpkin pie.  In fact, I really don't like any pie at all.  My brother Jason also feels the same way.  He won't eat any pie of any kind either.

Interestingly enough when my daughter had her first "Thanksgiving feast" at school many years ago when she got to eat her first pumpkin pie, she told me that it was so disgusting that she spit it out in a trash can.

And I laughed.  I thought it was funny as hell.  Could she have gotten the anti-pumpkin pie gene from me?  (Nice thought, although I believe that would be considered scientifically impossible considering that my experience with pumpkin pie was entirely "environmental," if you know what I mean.)

I went on to say that the problem with the pie she ate was that it was store-bought.  And the baked goods they sell in a store isn't nearly as good as the real thing.  

But I couldn't help myself in telling her my experience with real homemade pumpkin pie and why both me and her Uncle Jay refuse to eat any pie at all.  She didn't say much other than to boldly state that she loves apple pie, as it's the greatest pie in the world, according to her.  It's even better with vanilla bean ice cream.

It's interesting how life works, isn't it?  I've come to understand so much about life in having a child's eyes to see the world through.  And it's made me so grateful for all the good and even the challenges I face on a week-to-week basis.

If you think about it, no matter how hard things get, we really do have it good, even if we all had a really hard year this year.  

At least that's the way I see it.  

So many people are sitting in war-torn countries, some are homeless, and some are even missing limbs.

We are blessed in so many ways and it's pretty easy to forget about all these daily miracles we get to reap.  But maybe today, just once, we can see it for what it is and feel that deep sense of gratitude for everything we have and for everything we are.

If you're one of those people who actually believes you have nothing right now to be grateful for (hey, maybe it was an especially tough year for you) then at least feel grateful for what can manifest in your life in the months to come.

What a lot of people don't realize about me is that I don't care about any loss that may happen in my life (except for what's not replaceable).  


Because I can create it again and again and again.  I've taken a few major financial hits in my life.  And with each time, I've gotten it all back plus some because I have the tools necessary to do it; these "tools" are nothing more than what I have stored in my brain.

When you're the goose that lays the golden egg and you know that you can create everything you want, it really does make a huge difference.

So, if this was a challenging year for you, be grateful for the amazing things that are coming up for you because you've done a few things that are pivotal in your life:  (1) you've decided that you're not going to settle for less anymore, (2) you're going to get your ass out there and finally do this, and (3) you know that you can make this happen because you now have the tools to do this.

And that's all you need.

Be grateful and the seas will part for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you haven't checked out my Thanksgiving Blow Out, CLICK HERE NOW.  I'm already running out of stuff.  Many items are sold out but I still have a lot of great stuff.  CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 21 2020
Last year I gave my students a tip on how to use the "holiday blitz" to remove some delinquencies off their credit reports.  The students who used this strategy reported that they increased their personal credit FICOs anywhere from 44 to 96 FICO points just by using this little-known simple secret strategy.
So, I'm going to up the ante this year.  Listen up if you don't have a mid-FICO of AT LEAST 720 or higher.
This project will cost you about $62 to do this because you'll be sending these letters these letters Priority (which costs $7.35 x 3 envelopes) and you'll need a current copy of your credit report (which you can get for $39.95 from  But the upside is that you can increase your FICO score FASTER THAN ANY OTHER TIME IN THE YEAR because of the upcoming holiday season due to the credit bureaus being UNDERSTAFFED this time of year!  So, take advantage of this ONCE-A-YEAR "credit blitz" by doing this little project (which, at most, will take you ONE FULL HOUR) between today and Sunday night.  (The goal is to get your 3 Priority envelopes out in the mail between TOMORROW and NO LATER THAN MONDAY before the post office closes that day.)

Okay, so here are your EXACT instructions:

Step 1:  Go to to get all 3 of your credit reports and FICO scores.  This will cost you about $39.95.  Don't be cheap.  Pay the money.  Your entire credit future hangs on doing this project RIGHT the first time out.

Step 2:  Print out the file (and also save a PDF copy in your computer) and take a highlighter marker for all the "adverse" items you'd like to dispute with the credit bureaus.  (Usually these "adverse" items are listed first in your credit report.)

Step 3:  Download my free letters (by CLICKING HERE) and use them as templates for the 3 credit bureaus.  You will be creating a letter FOR EACH CREDIT BUREAU SEPARATELY.  VERY IMPORTANT:  While it's tempting to dispute online, DO NOT SUBMIT DISPUTES ONLINE.  This will BACKFIRE on you.  Take the time to fill in the letter templates that you downloaded from my website and MAIL OUT THE LETTERS in USPS Priority envelopes (ideally you will want to REQUIRE A SIGNATURE, which will cost an extra $3.05 each envelope or $9.15 total on top off the initial $62 investment so far.)
Step 4:  Input each adverse account on your letter templates for each credit bureau.  Since most of the information will be duplicate from one report to the other, I recommend creating one letter to include each disputed account and then simply change the credit bureau name and address at the top of the page for each subsequent bureau letter.  This will save you loads of time.  Be sure to SAVE YOUR LETTER so you can repeat this process in 30 days if needed.

Step 5:  Print out each letter.  Make 3 copies of your valid driver's license or passport.  Make 3 copies of at least 2 utility bills showing your name and your current address.  If you moved within the past 2 years, be sure to include your prior address at the very bottom of your credit bureau letters.  Each envelope should contain the following: 1 Letter, 1 Driver's License (or Passport) Copy, and 2 RECENT Utility Bill Copies (showing your name and current address).  This will disallow the bureaus from playing games with you to buy time by saying something like, "We don't believe this is a legit dispute." Or, "Prove your identity," and giving them another 30 days to put off the process.  You can't afford to be dickering around like this with them.  And since they're understaffed during this time of year, it's typical that they try to blow people off with whatever lame response they can muster if you don't have all the paperwork I outlined above in your envelope.

Make sure you send the envelopes to the CORRECT and current addresses on file for each bureau which are as follows:

PO Box 4500
Allen, TX  75013

PO Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016

PO Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Get those suckers out in the mail (remember, use USPS Priority with a SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION) today or tomorrow (no later than)!
And what happens next?
Most of the credit bureau staff is either gone on vacation starting yesterday.  Those who are working aren't mentally "on the job" and are probably going to be pissed off that they're working when they believe they shouldn't be but because they don't have enough seniority to have time off.  These are the staffers who will be grumbling because they have to sit in their soul-sucking cubicle in a barren office.  So, likely they're playing Candy Crush instead of working just to "stick it to the man."  This means that your envelope just rots away on their desk, garnering no attention at all.  (I'll explain in a minute why this is actually a good thing!)
In case you don't know how imperative this 30-day period is (starting tomorrow), let's analyze this period.
If you mail your letters NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS on Monday (ideally you'll get them out today), they'll get the letters via USPS Priority (2-day) which means they arrive to the bureaus by Wednesday (the day BEFORE Thanksgiving, ideally) or Friday (the day AFTER Thanksgiving, worst case scenario).  This is when the clock for you starts ticking on the 30-day time frame in which they are legally required to complete your investigations on your claimed disputes.  Thirty days from that day (that your envelope arrives) is going to be right after Christmas.  And nobody is there between Christmas and New Years either.  In fact, during most of this next 30-day period, many of the credit bureau (and creditors including collection agencies, law offices handling collections, etc.) are taking loads of time off too.

Let me walk you through what happens when you file a dispute with the credit bureau. They receive your letter and have 30 days to investigate your dispute.  During this investigation, they will send a letter to the creditors you are disputing and require that they send the appropriate documentation required to substantiate that the account(s) you are disputing is yours.
Except that during the "holiday blitz," many of these employees working for these companies aren't around, they're taking extra time off, and when they actually are working, their minds are elsewhere such as thinking about shopping, cooking, partying, etc.  Also, take into consideration that many people are in quarantine or working from home so these people are definitely NOT on their "A-Game"!
And this is where your advantage comes in.  If there is no response (or a late response) from any of these creditors or collection agencies, the delinquent account falls off your credit report altogether as if it never existed in the first place.

You see, your envelope that was rotting on somebody's desk will be picked up by a more experienced credit bureau employee when he/she comes back from the Thanksgiving vacation.  They'll be irritated that Lazy Jane didn't do the work (because she was too busy playing Candy Crush, remember), leaving the just-returning-from-vacay responsible staffer with a wheelbarrow full of credit dispute letters that MUST be done before the 30-day deadline...which is now already a full week in.  So, this staffer has to work quick to catch up on the work, doing everything in her power to just get them done...usually deleting and updating a bunch of stuff (in your favor) just to get the work completed. 

(IMPORTANT: This is ALSO the time where they'll send out boilerplate "form" letters to people who did not include their driver's license or passport copy with 2 utility bills with the whole... "We're putting your investigations on hold until you prove your identity" shtick.  This is why you MUST include a VALID copy of your driver's license or passport with 2 recent utility bills showing your name and current address so this DOESN'T happen to you!)
Within the past couple of years, because of major hacking breaches of security with the bureaus and among major creditors like Capital One, the credit bureaus were blasted with so many disputes in recent years so they started using slick tactics to "buy time" in order to put off the 30-day time line.  They would do things like sending letters back stating that they didn't believe the letter was a "valid claim" or that they needed "proof" of your identity such as a driver's license and utility bill.  (This is why you are REQUIRED to include these things with your dispute letters.)
So, let me reiterate what you'll be doing, for maximum clarity, because I won't be able to respond back to you in time if you send me an email for clarification (only if you want to take advantage of this "holiday blitz" because you don't have a mid-FICO of AT LEAST 720 or above). You're going to download these letters that are in the Microsoft Word document format. There is one for each of the bureaus including their respective addresses at the top of each letter.  (Double check to make sure the address is the same as what I have above.  What I have above are the MOST RECENT dispute addresses.  Use those addresses.)
Next, get a copy of your credit report.  If you received one recently (within the past 45 days or so) you can use that one.  Otherwise, go to and download a new copy.  Yes, it'll cost you $39.95.  So what?  You can also try some free services like  You really don't need your FICO.  You just need your delinquent or "negative/adverse" accounts.
Next, fill out each letter.  Include your full name, current residential address, and your prior address if you've moved in the past 2 years.  Include your Social Security Number and your date of birth.
The letters I've given you only has a section for one single disputed account.  Copy the entire dispute section and keep pasting it underneath one right after the other for each account you will dispute.  Put in the name of the creditor, the partial account number as shown on the credit report, and the dollar amount listed.
Here's a hot tip: Collection agency accounts (including those from a law office) will come off easier during this time than those from banks or very large lenders.
Print off your letters, SIGN the letter with a wet signature (use blue ink, if possible) then include a copy of your driver's license AND a utility bill of a major utility like the electric company or water company.  Make sure the service address on the bill MATCHES the address where you currently reside.  This will give them no excuse to kick out your dispute to buy themselves time.
Go to the post office and send via USPS Priority with a signature confirmation.  You'll have tracking information for each one.  Ideally each bureau will receive your Priority envelope no later than the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  This is when the 30-day clock will start.
Then, REPEAT THE PROCESS AGAIN on December 26th.  You'll want your next set of 3 letters going out ON December 26th (even if you didn't receive a response back yet from the credit bureaus).  You want those next set of disputes hitting their desks RIGHT BEFORE THE NEW YEAR.  This second round won't be as effective but...if, say, 30% of your disputed items were positively updated or completely removed for you during the Thanksgiving Credit Blitz, then a second round can get, say, another 15% positively updated or completely removed, giving you some MAJOR positive progress when it comes to cleaning up your credit and boosting your overall FICO score.
By following these instructions, you will make the greatest impact on boosting your personal FICO during this time over any other time of the year because of these holidays that create "stumbling blocks" for the bureaus and creditors to respond in time.
Finally, I should add one more valuable tidbit of information if you want to dispute "inquiries":  Experian is the only bureau that will allow you to dispute your "hard" inquiries.  So, on your Experian letter, you can mention that you are also disputing the following inquiries then list the name of the company that put the inquiry on your credit and the date of the inquiry.  Doing this alone can boost your score 10 to 20 points alone with Experian.  (The other bureaus won't remove hard inquiries but sometimes I ask them too anyway because you never know when they may change their policies.)
Again, you can CLICK HERE to get my credit templates and I'm not charging you a dime for them.  That's how giving of a person I am.  'Tis the season.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  If you haven't checked out my Load The Box deal which includes you snatching up a copy of both my newest credit booked called Credit Millionaire plus my system called Build Business Credit FAST! at a super deep discount, CLICK HERE NOW to check it out!  This basement-bottom pricing deal ends soon so snatch up your box ASAP!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 27 2020

Many of you know that I have a highly successful Money Funnel student named Bev.  She's over 70 years old and makes over $85,000 in profits with her internet business.

Bev has been in and out of the hospital for years long as I've known her.  But, I guess I've always expected that this old bird takes a licking and keeps on ticking.  Never did I expect the bad news I got from her grandson recently.

That she's on her way to hospice care.

Yes, that was the conversation I had with her grandson last week.

And just yesterday he finally got back to me and confirmed that Bev is, in fact, now officially in hospice care.

My heart is really sad right now.  Bev and I got to know each other so well in the past few years.  She became a friend.  But not just a friend.  She became more like family to me.

In 2005 my mom was put into hospice care for her brain cancer.  Within about 6 weeks, she was gone.  So, I know what hospice means.  It means that usually one doesn't recover.

But, on the other hand, my business mentor and friend, Dan Kennedy, was in hospice last year and he pulled out right when he was on death's door.  Dan just wrote me a letter a couple of weeks ago.  He said that while his eyesight is shot, he feels pretty good overall.


Maybe there's hope for Bev?

I'll keep you posted in the days and weeks to come.  When I know something, I'll pass it onto you.

What's interesting about this whole thing is that at my last event in Detroit which I completed earlier this month, Bev herself allowed me to give the students in attendance a gift.  And it was a really powerful one.

I asked if I could offer that gift one more time and she told me I could.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

In the meantime, realize one thing: Tomorrow isn't promised to you.  Neither is the rest of today.  So, live your life to the fullest!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm looking for a few more "cool" people to join me for my Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group for 2021.  CLICK HERE to watch some powerful videos about it right now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 27 2020

Many of you know one of my most successful Money Funnel students, Beverly-Anne Thiessen...or Bev, as I've been calling her for years.

But then last Thursday her grandson, Rigby, called me out of the blue.  This is the guy who has been taking over her highly profitable funnel business for the past few months.

And what he told me was...shocking.  It actually made me speechless for a few moments.

He said, "Grandma (Bev) told me to reach out to you.  She's not doing so good.  We're talking about putting her into hospice care."

Hospice care?

I knew Bev has been sick on and off for the past few years but...hospice care?  I just talked to Bev right before my Detroit event.  It was on the 28th of September is when I talked to her on the phone and she seemed fine to me.  Yes, she seemed a little run down and tired but not sickly or on death's door or anything.  And I got an email from her last Monday when I asked about something special that I want to offer to my students (more on that in a second).  Her email was very brief.  Like, "Yes, that's fine."  And that was it.  But, I didn't think anything of it at that time.

To figure out if what Rigby was saying was true, I tried calling Bev several times and couldn't get through.  I sent her emails.  I received no reply.

And that's just not like her!

Now I'm worried.  I went from thinking that Rigby was totally full of crap and blowing her health out of proportion to thinking that Bev could now be in hospice as I write this.

I've tried contacting Rigby again and left a couple of messages. He's not getting back to me.  So, something is definitely up!

I'm thinking the worst right now.  This is so sad for me.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to mention this to you or not but decided to anyway because I like to be as transparent and above-board with my students as possible.

So, I thought I'd pass that sad news onto you.

What's so surreal about this whole thing is this: I was able to offer a special gift from Bev to my students in attendance at my 100K Money Funnel Internet Cash Flow Bootcamp Seminar earlier this month.  Right after I got back from Detroit, I asked permission to offer this bonus gift one last time and she sent me that last email correspondence for me to be able to get this to you.  And this is a powerful bonus gift.

CLICK HERE and I talk all about it in a short video.

This is powerful.  It can change your life as it has for Bev who, let me remind you, still makes well over $85,000 in net profits per month even while she's sick!

CLICK HERE NOW for this VERY RARE opportunity.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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