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Success For Life
Thursday, April 18 2019

Well, the good news is that most of us got past the tax filing deadline which was on Monday.

The bad news is that some of you still didn't file.  I guess that puts me in a better position than you even though I have had such difficulty with the IRS this year.

And here's another BOMBSHELL that they laid on me this year.

After filing my taxes, my tax lady called me a little late at night to let me know that I couldn't eFile because somebody had stole my daughter's Social Security Number and filed taxes so they could get the child tax credit.

Immediately I thought... What the f***??

Here I am, having filed since the tax year of 2008 with my daughter on EVERY FILING, and then I'm told that some random John Con filed taxes using her information!

Even worse...

The BURDEN OF PROOF lied squarely on MY shoulders to prove that this girl belonged to me!


How about THIS, IRS...?

I've been filing with her on my return since the 2008 tax year.

She has my SAME middle name and last name.

I'm on her birth certificate.

I have her passport AND a California state ID with OUR address on it where I've been filing returns for MANY years.

I have her immunization card.  (Yes, they asked for that too!)

Yet...John Con (that isn't his real name but I had to name the fraudster something) can just randomly file using my daughter's information on a random return without proving ANY of these details.  And the stupid IRS gave HIM the money for the tax credit and REFUSED to give it to me!

You'd think that the U.S. Government would be a little smarter.  After all, getting tax money from all of us is the MAIN WAY they raise revenue for their budget.  Yet, they DON'T have top-of-the-line state-of-the-art software in place.  They DON'T protect their income revenues.  And they EXPOSE American citizens to all kinds of fraud and negligence because they refuse to hire a few top software developers to get a robust system in place.

And they are LOSING money left and right because of it!


There is a Silver Lining in all of this.  After I was done with my mini-stroke/panic-attack, I asked my tax lady about how all this works.  She told me that it'll take the government about 6 to 8 months to process my identity theft form (that included all the proof that this girl is, in fact, my daughter) and that, from now on, my daughter will have a PIN to file taxes with.  This means that nobody will ever be able to do this to her again.

I think EVERYBODY should get a PIN to file their taxes.  Except, yet again, the foolish IRS won't allow anyone to have a PIN upon request.  No.  That would be too easy to thwart fraud.  Instead, you MUST be a victim of identity theft through your taxes to get a PIN.  So, my daughter will have a PIN.  Just for the hell of it, I asked if I could have one too.  I'll keep you posted on what they say (although I'm sure I'll be refused this request).  I don't really need one anyway because I told you my story about what I go through with the IRS...and how I NEVER get money back anyway.  So, no fraudster would have any interest in stealing my stuff because they'd never get a refund back.

This is just a RUDE AWAKENING that you must ALWAYS protect yourself AT ALL TIMES.  Keep your information SAFE.  I use LifeLock.  Not sure if it's any good but at least they have a hefty insurance policy in case anything does happen.

On average, every 60 to 90 days one of my credit cards gets compromised.  In years past, this would maybe happen every two to three years.  Maybe.  Now it happens several times a year.  And it's only going to get worse.

I was talking to one of the guys at American Express after my last credit card got compromised, complaining about how this seems to be happening with greater frequency to me.  He sighed and said, "You have no idea how bad it is.  No clue."

I didn't ask what he was talking about but I can only assume that fighting fraud requires them to have state-size tech and legal departments to deal with this constantly growing epidemic.

Too bad the U.S Government doesn't care to have the same tech and legal consideration when it comes to THEIR REVENUE being stolen by common thugs.

I guess every organization has their own priorities.  Unfortunately, it seems that Capital One and American Express has more interest in protecting me than my own government does.  And that's such a shame, don't you think??

After pulling myself out of my dismal despair and anger over the IRS stuff, I realized this:  I just have to KEEP MOVING FORWARD.  Or as Dory (the fish in the Disney movies Finding Nemo and Finding Dory) always says, "Just keep swimming."

That's right.

Just keep swimming.

Just keep moving forward.

And for me, it's about focusing on my real estate and book projects. 

My book The Lost Secret is going to be available in bookstores on November 5th of this year. 

And I have something exciting with real estate that I wanted to share with you.  CLICK HERE to find out what it is.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  My Inner Success Retreat is just around the corner on May 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th in Monterey, California.  CLICK HERE to find out how you can snatch one of the last couple of spots I have left!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 26 2019

The other day I was playing a ball game in the street with my little girl.  She likes playing with me with these "scoop" things and a Wiffle ball.  She drew these 2 circles, one for me and one for her to stand in.  Then she wanted to keep score with chalk on the sidewalk using a "scoring" system that she could understand, heavily weighing in her favor of course.

So, I started adding things to this "scoring" system.  Such as, if you step out of the circle, you lose a point, even if it's my fault that I throw the ball in such a way to force you out of the circle.  Then I added even more.  If it takes more than 3 seconds to get the ball, you lose 2 points.  I added something else that would make her lose 10 points if she offended the rule.  Before the game really started, she was already in "debt" to the scoring system.  It was getting so ridiculous that she slowly started to see that she couldn't ever win in this losing game I was setting up for her.  This caused her to disregard my scoring system altogether. (Smart girl.)

I started to think about it.  This is exactly how the "money system" is set up for the Average Joes of America.  It's set up so that we all lose UNLESS we're rich, powerful, and elite. This game is actually very well articulated for you to lose.  It has been set up this way for about 100 years and probably was in the "planning works" by the powerful and elite long before it was successfully implemented.

Even worse, most people to this day still don't know that the odds of them scratching and clawing their way out of this avalanche of new laws, rules, and regulations to keep people poor is getting harder and more impossible by the day.

Take a step back and look at it.  Analyze what's going on here.  Understanding what the few powerful families of the entire world are setting you up for.

Every one of us was designed and trained to become a slave for the purposes of supporting only a handful of super wealthy families.  No, it's not as obvious as it used to be when our grandparents were working assembly line jobs in a dead-end factory (that's been long put out of business thanks to China).  Instead, we're blinded by what's really going on with distractions such as the latest iPhone release, video games, endless amounts of "stuff" to watch on television (I just learned what "binge watching" means the other day), and any other distraction you can think of.  If only we'd take a few hours to actually sit, ponder, and think about the "bigger picture" on what's really going on.

Of course, there's not much you can do about the momentum of how the ultra-wealthy have gained and sustained control over the mass population over the past century or two but what you CAN do is take control over your own future.

The first thing you can do is...stop watching so much freaking television, especially the news.  This is numbing your brain into a dummy-ville state.  Stop it.  Lay off the iPad and the video games, too.  This is putting you into a non-existent fantasy land that will only disservice your ability to think creatively as time goes on.

The second thing you can do is...start reading some really good financial magazines.  My all-time favorite is Bloomberg Businessweek.  I also like Forbes and The Economist. Reading only these three (or just Bloomberg alone) will keep you ahead of the curve on rapidly developing changes.  Students often ask me how I just "know" things about real estate and different trends/changes.  It's because I read and I don't watch the useless news anymore, that's why.

The third thing you can do is...understand how "financial leverage" works and how you can use it yourself.  The worst thing that most Average Joes fall for is the "scam" get-rich-quick business model that, at the end of the day, yields exactly nothing for them.  This includes MLM schemes, envelope stuffing, chain letters, or anything else that promotes ultimate laziness while they are supposedly going to get super rich overnight (by doing nothing at all, of course).  None of these things work.  They aren't designed to work for you.  What they are designed for is to give you hope, let you fail, and then make you feel "burned" so you don't step out of line or even think about climbing out of those salt mines that the ultra rich want to keep you enslaved in.

The most powerful form of leverage that I learned about is being able to tap into other people's money (OPM) through credit.  Even more powerful, I learned the "credit on steroids" secret by understanding how business credit works.

Do you want to know what's so sinful about people's basic understanding of economics? Here it is: Average Joes are NOT taught the things that can make them successful entrepreneurs and investors.  They are taught about everything else except these things.

A while back my daughter was learning about President Lincoln.  They are even teaching kids as young as 7 years old about how Lincoln was shot in the head by a guy named Booth.  I'm thinking...WTH?  I went a step further and gave my daughter's teacher a picture of my daughter standing in front of the ACTUAL CHAIR where Lincoln was shot.  (It's in the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit.  And yes, there's still blood on the chair!)

But I started to think about it.  Who f****** cares about Lincoln getting assassinated? What about the economic cycles tied to the Civil War during that time?  Or anything that could be remotely useful about why the guy got shot in the head?

I have a unique understanding of what's going on "behind the scenes" when it comes to economic cycles and the economy at large.  (No, I can't predict everything but neither can the highest regarded economic scholars either.)

This, my friend, is ALL that matters if you want to not only survive (financially) but to THRIVE in our current economy.

Part of this has to do with understanding how to leverage OPM.  The only two (2) ways that I know how to do this is by (1) building business credit, and (2) raising funds through investor partnerships.

I've learned both very well.  And so can you.

Ignorance is the first obstacle to overcome, as this information wasn't for the Average Joe like you and me to ever sink our claws into.  This is the obstacle that I am here to help you overcome.

Getting access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in unsecured business credit isn't hard to do but it can be tricky.  First of all, you can't make any mistakes when setting everything up for this endeavor.  Second, you have to follow suit with a specific strict set of action steps. If you screw up any step or decide to screw it off (and not do it) then your business building activities will suffer drastically.  Third, this doesn't happen overnight.  (Sorry, impatient Americans who want everything today do this correctly will take a few months!)

Think of it this way, though.  To have access to, in the very least, tens of thousands of dollars (by doing a half-assed job) and up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in unsecured business credit in only a few months is amazing.  It'll be summer time then.  You'll be a few months older.  But you'll have MORE leverage than you have now.

Click on this link to listen to a powerful audio on how this works:  CLICK HERE!

So, what do you do with all this credit?  You put it into money-making instruments such as passive income real estate (ideally) or to fund a new business or for other types of investments.  This is how the rich get richer, folks.  It's because they get OPM to allow themselves to get wealthy while the Average Joe wonders how he/she can make more money by trading hours for dollars.  And that is NOT to right way get wealthy. Using OPM for passive income assets and investments is how you do it and I'll show you how to do it if you'll just CLICK HERE NOW!

Time for you to stop accepting the "worker bee" programming "they" installed in you from the moment you entered the school system and start using some of these incredible financial secrets so you can enjoy a piece of this wealth pie that you deserve to have!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We still have a couple of seats left for the upcoming Inner Success Retreat in Monterey, California on May 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th.  CLICK HERE to check it out now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:13 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 25 2019

I just got an email from a student of mine who has been working with one of my biggest investment groups and he was VERY GRATEFUL for the experience of being able to work with one of my investors.  And he gave me the good news:

He just closed on his first building...a $2.4 million dollar apartment complex in Texas.

Whoot, whoot!

I'm so proud of him!

You see, he was one of my students that I kind of lost hope on a couple of years ago.  He didn't seem to figure things out very well as he read through my Apartment Riches System.  He needed a lot of hand-holding that I simply didn't have time for. 

So, I told him to take me up on my rare Apartment Riches Mentorship Group, which he did.  It took 9 weeks.  And, again, I didn't have high hopes for the guy because he struggled through the group.  But, I'm not one to discount anyone just never know!

It didn't phase me when he seemed to disappear into thin air.  I didn't hear from him until this past January when he said he was in touch with one of my investors and that they're doing a deal together.

Again...didn't phase me.  I was shocked that he got this far with my investor because it didn't seem like this student would have the right skill set to get a deal through the typical investor maze but he really did have a great deal from what I could see.

Then I got an email from him this morning telling me that he JUST CLOSED on this $2.4 million deal, funded by my investor partner.  The deal is in Texas.  My student is in Texas.  This particular investor is also in Texas.  It was a match made in heaven.

This could be you too!

CLICK HERE to find out how you can be one of my students who gets to jump on the partnership bandwagon.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 22 2019

For years I've been warning my students of the inevitable.  Time was running out on real estate deals.  The window of opportunity is closing, and fast!

And I started this soapbox tirade back in 2013, laboring in a more fierce tone by late 2014, and told everyone that this was basically it by the summer of 2015.

Some listened, most didn't.  But I did deliver the news, gave the warnings, and trained my students in the best opportunities available with the best cutting-edge strategies in which to acquire these cash flowing properties before the music stopped, before it was too late.

So, where are we now?  Is it too late now?

Largely...yes.  For many of the opportunities I was leading my students to do, many of those strategies are long gone, namely because the inventory for the type of real estate I teach my students to do is gone.

Now, any one of you can look in the online MLS (by using and clearly see that there IS inventory left.  So...what the hell am I talking about?  Why am I telling you that the majority of the inventory is gone and that there are no deals to be had?

Let me be clear: there will ALWAYS be opportunity in EVERY market.  Good times, opportunity.  Bad times, opportunity.  There is always opportunity.  But during the bad times, you get MORE opportunity because this is when you get to pick up properties for pennies on the dollar.  Those days are gone, folks.  LONG GONE!  I mentioned several times over and over again dating back to 2009 even that we were in the midst of the best time in our lifetimes to pick up properties left and right for next to nothing.  And that we would NEVER AGAIN see an economy like this.  In fact, our children and grandchildren won't even see this devastating of a recession in their lifetimes either.

Now, hold up a second.  You're probably thinking, "That's all well and good, Monica.  But reality is, banks weren't lending like they are now.  And unless you had immediate access to lots of cash, it really wasn't doable for the Average Joe to pick up these properties."

You're completely right.  This wasn't a doable plan for most people.  Only the "players" got to play in the game of getting properties for pennies on the dollar for all cash because, during that time, it was very difficult to get bank loans to purchase these properties.

The good thing about a healthy economy is that loans and money is much easier to get from banks and lenders.  Getting private lenders and investor partners are a piece of cake.  Everybody wants in on a good cash flowing deal. Getting money becomes extremely easily, as it is right now!  And THAT, my friend, is YOUR edge in today's economy, inventory or not.

Reality is, there are only a few methods left for acquiring passive income properties in 2019!

And I talked all about them at my 3-day Underground Secret Event in LA recently.

But even more tantalizing is that I have ONE POWERFUL SECRET to not only circumvent that huge problem but to find all the deals you could ever handle but by getting endless money for any and all deals you will ever want to do.

This was a RARE first-time-only real estate training only the students who came to this RARE Underground Secret Event where I had been able to offer a "pot" of $100 million in investor partner funds for your deals and business ventures.  CLICK HERE to find out more about this powerful event and how you can get the videos for the entire thing!

Yes, you can FINALLY get the videos.  But...the deal ends pretty soon.  CLICK HERE to get it now!

Questions?  Call my office at 661-295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 17 2019

I hate to break it to you but...

There's only ONE WAY to guarantee a pot of gold at the end of any rainbow.

And that is to have a PLAN in place and a way to immediately leverage OPM (Other People's Money).

I have that plan for you!

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 11 2019

Recently I held a SECRET 3-Day Meeting...

Do you want to know what we talked about during this SECRET MEETING?

CLICK HERE to find out now!  And find out how you can experience EXACTLY what everybody else did who was if you were a fly on the wall!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 26 2019

I have some pretty grim and grizzly details about what the ELITE have in store for the average American...and for the country at large.

If you haven't downloaded my highly exclusive, ground-breaking, and RARE report yet, CLICK HERE to get it now.  The facts about what the ELITE have in store for you and for the entire country in years to come is pretty shocking.  And this is coming from a Secret Society INSIDER who is revealing these unspeakable facts about what is to come.

CLICK HERE to get this report RIGHT NOW!

Yes, it's pretty shocking.  It'll turn you upside down!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 26 2019

Just the other day my daughter was talking about her plans for college.  And, in case you don't know, she's 10 1/2 right now.  Already talking about college.  Can you believe that?  I told her that she's very lucky because college is very expensive.  And that I've been able to put aside a six-figure college fund for her while most of her student cohorts will be leaving school, laden down with heavy debt that many will spend a decade or longer struggling to pay off.

I did, though, have to remind her that college wasn't a guaranteed means to a job or a career.  I personally would love to see her as an investor or entrepreneur.  But she has seen over her short decade on this planet how hard I work.  And she's told me many times with the fiercest conviction:  "I don't want to own a business and I don't want to be an investor."  Fine.  But that doesn't mean I can't set her up financially well while she does what she wants to do.

She wants to be a teacher.  I told her that she'll need at least one college degree to get started and likely she'll have to get a master's degree to progress in her career.  She doesn't seem to mind.  But she was concerned about stuff that shouldn't concern her at this age: things like college loans, interest, and being in debt before one can even start their new life out into the world.  She seemed really concerned about this seeming set-up for failure for the masses.

Welcome to the tip of the iceberg.

The whole system is a set-up for failure.  The entire thing.  Name any random topic and I can tell you how the cards are stacked against you.

Taxes?  Pulleeeezzzzeee.  Totally stacked against you.  (You should know that already.)

College?  Stacked against you in every way imaginable from getting into the right school to being able to pay for it in the first place.

Buying your dream home?  Stacked against you.  Just check out how an amortization calculator works and you'll realize how bad you're getting screwed on your home loan.

Getting a high-level excellent paying job?  Stacked against you.  Remember, it's not what you know it's who you know.  So...whooosh!  What was that sound?  Oh, that was your college degree getting sucked out the window.  Again, it's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know.

And then spending your entire life working for somebody else...just to find that you have to start over at a new company in your 40s, 50s, or 60s?  COMPLETELY STACKED AGAINST YOU!  Even though many companies love being able to get someone seasoned and experienced to do the job, reality is...they'd prefer molding a youngin' to do it just the way they like it, and at a fraction of the salary.

And it's SCARY.  Really freaking scary, folks.

I didn't have Mom and Dad to help me with anything.  That wasn't an option.  So, survival was my motivation.  In a lot of ways, it still is.  So I keep moving forward.  I keep going.  And never once did I ever expect one single person to do a damn thing for me nor did I ever depend on a JOB for my survival.

And even though my daughter claims she wants a job as a teacher, I'm training my daughter to be A LOT different than your average Millennial.  (She's actually Generation Z which gives me SOME hope here.)  I'm teaching her how to go after what she wants no matter what it takes because so few young people want to do that.  I figure that the percentage of lazy-ass, self-entitled, hand-out-expectant percentage in the Baby Boomer generation is probably below 5%.  I think it may be slightly higher in my generation with the Gen Xers.  Maybe it tops out at 15%.  Maybe higher.  But with the Millennials?  I'm think that this lazy self-entitled attitude is somewhere in the 60% to 75% range in the United States.

And these are the kids that will be running our country in only a handful of decades from now.  Can you believe THAT?  Scary.  Now you know why I'm concerned!  I should be.  So should you!!

The good news is that competition in the future will be NON-EXISTENT.  If you're a Millennial, or a Generation Z like my daughter, doing any type of business or investing will be a piece of cake because...well, who will you compete against?  The rest of her generation will still be playing video games while living in their elderly, barely-coherent Gen X parent's house in the 'burbs.  Probably waiting for their demise so they can sell the house and live off the equity until something else comes along.  Like winning the lottery, for instance.

This is why I labor into my students who have kids that are young...even teenagers.  Teach them business.  Teach them investing.  Teach them how to sell.  Teach them about marketing.  If you don't know any of these things yourself, read a book or go to an event then pass the information onto them however you can.

One of the hings I resent about my meager Midwestern upbringing that I realize is still commonplace in those parts of the country is that some people in those areas who have kids think their ONLY job as a parent is to just get their kids "across the line," I call it.  Just keep food on the table, keep them clothed and a roof over their heads.  And that's it.  Nothing else.  Then at 18, tell them to start making plans to get the hell on.

But that is NOT the only job of a parent, especially in today's day and age.  It's irresponsible to think that parenting is all about feeding, clothing and housing your kid.  And that's IT.  If you do think that's all it's about then you'll be paying the price down the road when they're 40 years old still living with you because they've never been taught any useful life skills (other than receiving food, clothing, and shelter FROM YOU) that they can utilize to support themselves.

So, I have a couple of things for you to check out:

1)  I have a BRAND NEW investing strategy that will knock your socks off.  CLICK HERE for more info about it.  This can not only give you the financial freedom you're looking for but it's something you can teach your kids and grand kids so they can ALWAYS be financially self-reliant.

2)  Maybe it's time bring your kids or grand kids to an event so they can learn first-hand how to become a multi-millionaire.  I have my LA Underground Secret Event coming up on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  If you want to bring your kid (age 18 or under) to teach these money-making strategies to, I'll (a) clean up my language and lose all the swear words, and (b) I'll make you an offer you can't refuse (but you'll have to call my office to enroll them) where it'll only cost them $97 to bring them along.  CLICK HERE to check out my upcoming LA event!

You can learn anything you want.  Learning and education is REQUIRED if you're going to pull yourself out of your current circumstances to create a new life for yourself.  I'm here, dedicated in helping you create the financial life you want for yourself.  But it takes two to tango.  You have to be willing to do the work which is LEARNING then APPLYING what you've learned.  

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 22 2019

The other day I sent you a link to listen to a very short audio seminar.

Did you have a chance to listen to it yet?  Pretty mind-blowing, isn't it?

Also, did you have the chance to download the 20-page report that goes along with it?

If not, here's the link again:  CLICK HERE NOW!

This is some pretty powerful stuff here.

If you have any questions about the audio seminar and report AFTER you go through both, give us a call: (661) 295-5050.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  We have a few seats left for the Underground Secret Event in LA on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  If you're not registered yet, CLICK HERE NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 18 2019

Have You Noticed That We're Halfway Through the First Quarter?

What Have YOU Done to Change the Trajectory of Your Life?

It's very easy to let a New Year get away from you, especially if you weren't 100% prepared to begin with.

What do I mean by 100% prepared?

I mean...jumping into a New Year with just one thing:  A LIST.

And this list -- also known as a New Year's Resolution List -- usually never gains much traction as the year progresses on.

If you wanted to lose weight, you've probably started and fell off your diet wagon already.  Daily gym workouts?  Maybe you signed up for the gym, went a few times, and now you're onto other things...while having to pay for another 24 months on that membership.

We all start out the New Year with the BEST of intentions.  But, how do we MAKE SURE we stay on track to fulfill our top goals and dreams?


Over the past few years, not only have I been putting on my own Boot Camp Seminar Events but I've been going to other people's.  No, no.  Not when it comes to investing.  After all, I can blow any other investing "guru" out of the water when it comes to investing knowledge.

But I LOVE to network with my own business "kind" while discovering new things to use in my own business and investment activities.  The types of events I attend are for marketing, leadership, and publishing.  This keeps me moving forward in life in a cutting-edge way.

I don't use ANY excuses to make these events like I probably would have only a few years ago.  For example, right when MY boot camp seminar is done in LA on March 10th, I'll be driving out to Santa Barbara that night to attend a retreat at Jack Canfield's home.  I could have used my event as an excuse not to take up Jack's invitation to help me with my book promotion but...that would be a lame excuse that would hold me back.  So, I'm going so I can EXCEL in what I'm doing.

Another example is that I have an opportunity to personally meet with 200 producers and editors in New York in April.  I COULD have used another trip in which I'd return only 2 days before as an excuse as to not go on this New York trip.  But, instead, I'm going.  Because I KNOW how much this will EXCEL me in the direction of where I want to go.

And if you're not doing the same for yourself, how the hell do you think you'll ever be able to get out of your way long enough to be able to excel in the ways you've dreamed of?

I don't care how many books anybody reads, you're still limited by your own brain's self-imposed limitations if you never get out into the world to meet people and to SEE what's really possible for you.

I have an event that you absolutely MUST attend.  CLICK HERE to find out more about this power-packed event and in how it can truly change your life.

Listen, nothing changes if you don't get out there to make the changes and unless you GO FOR IT.  If you sit on the sidelines, you'll keep getting the results of sitting on the sidelines...which is GETTING NOTHING!

My upcoming event in LA is on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  I have investors who have A LOT of money to offer up for your real estate deals and business endeavors.  So, either getting this funding is important to you.  Or not.  Only you know whether you want your life to change in this way.  Or not.


On Valentine's Day I released SOMETHING BIG that I've been trying to get to you for 7 long years.

And yes, this is VERY DIFFERENT than anything I've ever offered to my students before.

This can be a game-changer for you but, here's a FAIR WARNING:

THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!  In fact, this won't be for most of you.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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