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Success For Life
Saturday, October 28 2023

When my daughter was set to start her new high school here in Florida, we had to have all of her shot records "transferred" to some other format.  Apparently her California shot card wasn't good enough for the new school.

So, we went to this local yocal county services building "in town," as they say in these here parts.  And we sat and waited...and waited.

As we were sitting in the waiting area, I saw this 30-something year old "kid" that was a spitting image of a scrappy kid I had met in the mid-80s at the Bay County Library in Panama City.

Flashback to 1985 when we moved to Panama City for the second time (the first time was in 1983) from Chicago after living with my grandparents for more than a year.

My brother and I were in the Bay County Library in Panama City when I noticed this scrawny-looking kid circling through the book shelves, kind of exuding shy stalking-like behavior, picking up books here and there and pretending as if he was interested in reading.  It was clear what he was doing.  He was following me.

Imagine Tom Petty as a scrawny scrappy middle-schooler except skinnier, with more pronounced buck teeth, dirty, and without the hat.

THAT is what this kid looked like.

He was trying to hold a book with one hand and holding up his too-big britches with the other, pinching at least 6 inches of cloth at the waist and clearly in need of a rope belt or something.

This would be my first introduction of what a true "hillbilly" looked like.  (Is that politically incorrect?  Oh well.  Who cares?!)

Anyway, I felt him clearly following me around so I purposefully dodged him from one bookshelf to the next.

Just when I thought I lost him, this plump shorter girl popped up from nowhere and asked me a question:  "Hal wants to know if you'd go with him."  All said with the thickest southern accent you could imagine.

Who the f*** is Hal?  I assumed it was the creepoid who was following me.

"Go where?" I asked her.

Evidently, in the south, they would say, "Will you go with me?"  Redneck definition: will you go steady with me?  Except the question was missing the most relevant keyword in the sentence.

However, at that time I had no idea what this Frick and Frack wanted because it sounded ridiculous to me.  So, I said, "No."  And then, "I gotta go."  And I quickly left.

When I started the 6th grade shortly thereafter, I saw this lanky skinny kid here and there.  Thankfully all his classes were on the opposite side of the campus so I almost never saw him after that brief exchange in the library.

But strangely, over the years, I often wondered what happened to him.  I'm not sure why him in particular.  Maybe because he was so freaking pitiful, ugly, and poor.  And during my life in California (starting in October 1987), I cultivated a completely different mindset -- a wealth mindset -- which every so often prompted me to think about people on the "other side of the tracks."  And no one could be more of a poster boy of poverty than that kid I saw in the library that day.

So, when I knew I was moving back to the Panama City area, I thought... "I wonder if I'll bump into that guy again.  I wonder what ever became of him."  I imagined that he'd be living in a trailer, probably just as skinny as he ever was (due to not eating much or being a meth addict...or both), smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, and likely on welfare.  I had hoped better for him.  I had hoped that maybe he would have gotten a "wake up call" by a teacher in school perhaps or was dragged to a Tony Robbins seminar.  And maybe he started some kind of highly successful roofing company or something.  But I doubted it somehow.

Fast forward to 2023.  My daughter and I are sitting in this county services building lobby and I'm watching this kid -- a spitting image of the impoverished hillbilly kid from the library -- walk past us.  He was bitching at his mom as he was walking away from her and then exited out the door, pissed off.  Incredibly disrespectful.  This 30-something kid was wearing top-of-the-line designer brand clothes and shoes, holding a top-shelf iPhone model in his hand.  There is no way this kid could NOT be the spawn of the dude stalking me in the library in 1985.  No way.  There's no possible way two people could look exactly the kid.

It was his son, no doubt.

I looked toward what I assumed was...his grandma?  I didn't know at first.  It was an obese woman sitting in a seat sucking off an oxygen mask.  As I looked more closely at her, I realized that this was likely NOT his grandma but probably his mom.

The pudgy girl from the library.

The one who asked if I'd "go" with Hal.

That was her.

She was MY AGE.  And yet she easily looked at least 20 years older than me.  AT LEAST.  And there she was...obese, sucking on oxygen, looking like death-warmed-over, and getting yelled at by her self-entitled Millennial kid who spent all his money on designer brands while standing in an office that also served as the welfare department as well.  They were probably there for food stamps or something.  Yuck.

Then it hit me...

Holy sh**.

What would have happened if I would have said YES to her ridiculous question in the library that day?  Would THAT kid be MY kid?

I shuddered at the thought and wanted to throw up.  (I will tell you this: if he talked to ME that way, I would have punched him into next week.)

Those are the questions you have to ask yourself when you make one small decision at any point in your life.  Many times, without you realizing it, you've dodged the bullet.

And many times, unfortunately, because of one poor decision, you have NOT dodged the bullet.

Have you ever thought about that ONE DECISION you could have made that would have made all the difference, good or bad?

I have one for you right now.  That ONE DECISION that can make a huge difference...or not...and something you'll be kicking yourself later over if you DON'T do this.

CLICK HERE right now to find out what I'm talking about.

Too bad "Hal" didn't read any of those books in that library.  Especially about business-building and investing.  He and his spawn would be much further along in life.

What a difference a generation makes...for ONE DECISION.  One FOOLISH decision.  Don't be like Hal.

CLICK HERE right now to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 27 2023
Warren Buffett Said:

Warren Buffett recently -- and rather factually and nonchalantly -- stated that most people wouldn't make it (financially) to 2025.

He's right.

At first I thought he meant that most people wouldn't make it IN 2025.  Turns out I misunderstood.  Most people won't make it TO 2025.

Meaning that they'll financially "fall off" sometime between now and the end of 2024.

That really sucks.

The market is starting to crumble in certain areas of the country.

As you know, I moved clear across the country from inventory-tight overpriced Southern California to overabundant-inventory price-dropping Panama City Beach, Florida.

It is a MAJOR DIFFERENCE in real estate economies, even despite the sheer and concerning numbers of people still making their mass exit from the state of California.

This means several things:

1)  People stopped "house swapping" meaning that they would sell their house for something bigger, better, or somewhere else due to the high interest rates.

2)  People realized that they CANNOT AFFORD the much higher-priced house and decided to stop feeding into the housing frenzy.

3)  People are feeling the pinch in more ways than one...higher cost of groceries, prescriptions, utilities, gas, services, products...ALL of it.

And when you notice that people are tapering off on purchasing food from the grocery store -- a BASIC necessity in life -- you know that we're on the threshold of a major market collapse.

Happening to a city near you.

So, what do you do about it?  Do you sit around, staring at the news all day, wishing things were different?

Or do you grab the world by the balls and do something about it?

(I'll opt for the latter.)

What if I told you that -- especially since the real estate market is cooling off and prices are dropping -- you can not only get a great deal on some smaller properties, but you can make 10 TIMES the amount of money you'd make on a traditional rental unit?

Would you be interested?

If you haven't watched my video that I shot for you last week, it's time you drop everything you're doing and watch it right now.  It's a super short video but it'll show you everything you need to know to see just how powerful and profitable this New Real Estate Opportunity truly is.
CLICK HERE to watch the video right now.

Your entire financial future rides on you watching this video.  Today.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out about this New Real Estate Investing Opportunity and how powerful it really is.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 26 2023


It's oversaturated.  Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is trying to get into the business now.  And you know what they the time the shoeshine boy knows about it, it's time to get out of the investment.

Many cities and counties are BANNING short-term rentals.

The economy is cracking...and people are scaling back on traveling.  (Traveling and entertainment are the FIRST to go when the economy begins to collapse.  Next on the chopping block: CAR SALES.)

I just did a short YouTube video on it (CLICK HERE to watch it) that describes what you should do with your Airbnb properties if you have any right now.  I suggest you watch it so you can understand how you can pivot OUT of the Airbnb space and into something more profitable and sustainable.

But for the rest of you...those who aren't invested in Airbnb short-term rentals right now, I want you to quietly smile to yourself and think, Damn...thank God I dodged THAT bullet.

And that brings me to "what's next."

Even better...something that MOST investors DON'T know about yet.

Even better than that...something MOST PEOPLE (including serious real estate investors) will NEVER know about.

And even better THAN THAT...a real estate opportunity that will give me 10 TIMES MORE than what you and I can dream of making on a regular traditional rental.

And even BETTER THAN opportunity you can take advantage of even if you DON'T OWN the property.

THAT is what I call the ULTIMATE real estate investing opportunity.

And after investing since 1995, I can tell you without a shred of doubt, that what I am bringing to you next is the BEST of the BEST opportunities in real estate.

THIS is the opportunity that brought my interest in real estate investing "back from the dead."  Yes, I'm THAT excited about it.

I shot a quick video for you to tell you all about what this opportunity in real estate is...and why it's a game changer like none other that I've ever seen, and one that I'll likely NEVER see for the rest of my life.

CLICK HERE to watch the video right now.

I'm offering you an opportunity to get into a rare one-time-only two-day virtual event for the price of a Starbucks coffee.

THAT is how serious I am about helping you become a success in this new real estate opportunity.

CLICK HERE to check it out now!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  It's that time of year to do the Holiday Blitz to increase your FICO credit score.  I've laid out the exact instructions on how to do this in my recent YouTube video upload.  CLICK HERE to watch it now.  You'll also be able to access my credit bureau letter templates without paying a dime for them.  CLICK HERE NOW.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 25 2023

Not much changes in real estate investing.

At least that's what I used to say.

And I think many of you know that I've gotten bored, fed up, and sick of real estate investing over the past several years.  Many of you have been with me during that journey.  And I was set to throw in the towel for good.

Except something happened.

A couple of years ago, the Airbnb properties my partner (Andrew Shaw) and I were investing was going really great.  For about two years.  So, from around 2019 through was like riding greased lightning.  Everything was fantastic.  People were traveling, renting Airbnb units left and right, and things were great.

Until last year...early last year to be exact...I started to notice "cracks" in our Airbnb plan.

Andrew didn't see it.  I don't think he cared, between you and I.  Money was coming in.  There was no alarm bells going off as far as he was concerned.

But for me?  I knew something was "off" because of several things that started coming to the surface:

1)  Certain cities where we were invested started banning short-term rentals.

2)  Vacation dollars weren't as abundance as before when all easy-to-get money began drying up.

3)  Everybody and their mom started investing in Airbnb properties, making the market oversaturated nearly overnight.

I kept telling Andrew, "Hey, we need to pivot.  Like yesterday!"

He didn't believe me.  But then he told me something pretty fantastic after that.  He said, "I have an investing buddy of mine that does this unique kind of real estate investing with single-family homes and small apartment houses.  It's transitional housing.  Very few investors know about this yet."

Of course, I had no freakin' clue what he was talking about but I was definitely interested because he had to do something to change our course, otherwise we'd risk losing all of our properties.  I was even more interested knowing that very few investors knew this new strategy.  (No more competing in the oversaturated "red ocean" of Airbnb properties anymore.)

After sitting me down to explain how it all worked, I had gotten soooo excited about this way of real estate investing, I decided to shift and pivot my entire real estate investing empire in this new direction.

Yes, it's THAT powerful and life-changing!

I shot a short video for you, explaining how this works.  (CLICK HERE.)

But I think what's most important about this real estate investing strategy -- not only can you make 10 times what you'd make with a regular rental -- you'll be helping people at the most desperate times of their lives.

And that's how you make change on a larger scale.  You help people.  Thousands of people.  All the while, making money too that you can then, in turn, use to help more people (if you so choose).

And THIS is why I'm soooo pumped up and excited about this BRAND NEW real estate investing opportunity.  It's because you can make 10 times on every property AND you'll be helping people get their lives together.

It's a win-win in every way possible.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  It's that time of year again to boost your personal credit score by 200 points or more during my famous "Holiday Blitz."  I posted a YouTube video and, in only 15 minutes, I'll show you EXACTLY how to boost your FICO in a handful of easy-to-do steps.  I even outline exactly when to mail your letters to the credit bureaus.  CLICK HERE to watch that YouTube video now.  I'll even give you my credit bureau letter templates.  CLICK HERE NOW.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 24 2023

What if I told you that you could make $26K per month in real estate...

And you didn't even have to own a property?

Would you believe me?

And no, I'm not talking about renting houses to turn them into Airbnb properties.

Hate to tell you...but the Airbnb ship has sailed.  And sunk.  (Sorry.  Too late for that opportunity.)

But there is another opportunity in real estate that I'm guessing you've never heard of before.

CLICK HERE to watch a short video where I tell you all about it.

Listen, the economy is starting to crack.  And we're not talking about hairline cracks either.

We're talking end-of-the-world apocalypse kinds of cracks.

And while the world is going to hell, while we slip into another possible 2008 crash, and while people are scraping together pennies to go grocery shopping...

YOU can be profiting like gangbusters with this unique little-known real estate opportunity.

CLICK HERE and I'll tell you all about it.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  It's that time of year to focus on your credit again.  Yes, it's time for the Holiday Blitz.  For those of you who don't have a mid-FICO credit score of at least 720 or higher then you MUST participate in the Holiday Blitz.  I'm giving you PLENTY of time to prepare.  CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video I just posted which will give you exact instructions on what to do.  CREDIT IS KING.  Start fixing it now so that you can take advantage of all the opportunities in 2024.  (If you have sucky credit, you're screwed.  Start fixing it now by CLICKING HERE.)

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 26 2023

I have a little "secret" and it's about how I was able to get $500K in cold hard cash in only 45 days.

And I'd like to show you exactly how in this short video.

CLICK HERE to start watching it right now!

This is powerful life-changing stuff here...something you DO NOT want to miss out on.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out how I did it.

And how you can do it too!


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, February 19 2023

I notice the little things...things that most people miss because they're too wrapped up in their own lives.

And these are the same things I noticed right before the market crash in late 2008.

Here are the three (3) key "little" things I noticed right before the last crash:

1)  About 10% of the cars I see have expired tags on their license plates.  At least half of those have been expired for more than a year.  But...when it goes more disturbing is when a significant percentage of those expired tags are attached to luxury brand cars such as Mercedes, Lexus, BMW, and Porsche.  Yes, tag renewals for those vehicles are high every year.  (My BMW tag renewal was $1,060 for this year.)  But, likely your car payment is much higher than that.  So, if you can't make your annual tag're in trouble.

2)  Most people are "maxed out" on their credit cards; many of these same people are late on credit card payments, defaulting on loans, and behind on their mortgage or rent payments. How do I know this?  Because just within our own student database, we've had more students call to try making different kinds of payment arrangements on some of our products and groups in droves...more than last year or the year before.

3)  People are becoming more "unhinged" in ways we've never seen before.  More shootings.  More terror.  More violence.  And this is usually a psychological response when people feel insecure, economically unstable, despondent about their situation, and feeling like they have nothing left to lose.  Never in history have we seen so much violence as we do today.  But then again, never before have we had so many issues with mental health that usually goes untreated.  Broke people, after all, usually can't see a health professional to address these mental health issues.  So, expect more violence as the economy continues cracking apart.

For the first time ever I'm finding myself disgusted with how heavy-duty the pressure is.  I make great money and I'm starting to feel the pressure myself.  I think it's because I know what I should be paying for things versus what I actually am paying for things.  And it really sucks.  I hate it.

There is only so much pressure people can handle before society as a whole completely crumbles.  That's just a reality.  And we're now moving into a period of "survival of the fittest."

My prediction is (and has been for quite some time) that the middle class will disappear.  I believe that most of what is left of the middle class will evaporate during this current recession we're in.

So...that leaves the lower class (which will encompass about 85% of the population) and the upper class (which will be about 15% of the population).

The good news...if you act fast on some kind of money-making plan, you'll have the opportunity to beat the inevitable for you...being part of the permanent "lower" 85% of the economic pyramid.

The bad news...if you keep on the track you're on now, you will be part of that permanent lower 85% and you won't have many options to get out of that lower-income black abyss.

I have something unusual and unique for you...something I've never offered to you before.

CLICK HERE to find out what it is.

This is, hands down, the World's Most Perfect Business.

CLICK HERE to find out what it is!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 17 2023

A few years ago during one of my many pre-pandemic business trips, I started watching this movie called Idiocracy (2006) with Luke Wilson.  It's basically about a Pentagon experiment that had gone wrong and left this "average intelligence" guy shoved into the future via a time machine.  There (500 years from now) he discovers that he is, in fact, highly intelligent since the average intelligence of the average American had slipped well below even where most mentally challenged people are now on the IQ scale.  While this was a comedy, I couldn't help but to see the truth in how this future could be our possibility...but in much less than 500 years.  

Try about 50 years.  Or less.  (Maybe 5 years??)

I'm not one to place a myriad of blame on any specific source of why I think people are mentally going down the tubes like this.  I figure there has to be many factors involved including these possibilities:

1)  The EASY button mentality.  Kids these days seem to think that anything and everything is merely a click away.  Any physical exertion beyond the point of a computer mouse, video game controller, or swipe of an iPad means that they simply have no interest in doing it.  Plus...what's the worst that can happen when you "die"?  I think you just hit "respawn" or "restart" and everything starts from scratch.  There are no consequences to any actions with the EASY and RESTART buttons involved.  There is also no need to get off their asses at all since everything is at their fingertips.  I believe that all this iPad/video game/computer activity numbs the brain more than we think.

2)  Skewed media hype coupled with being barraged with internet disinformation/misinformation.  Did you know that almost nobody in Europe even knows who the hell the Kardashians are?  Yet Yahoo! "News" jumps on every little thing those useless people do.  And this whole deal with Meghan Markel and Prince Harry?  What the f***?  (Need I say more??) Isn't there anything ELSE in the news to talk about?  By the way, most of these blog online news stories are churned out as fast as possible by "writers" who barely graduated college, have absolutely no life experience, and base their "research" on the rest of the bogus blogger crap they find online, thus giving out even more misinformation with each "news article" that they write.  Add this to just adding fuel to the fire by purposely omitting essential details to a story and adding a writer's "opinion" and this is where things can get dangerous for malleable minds reading any given article.  Unfortunately, our kids (and many others, believe it or not) who don't have the basic common sense mechanism in their brains needed to sniff out bullshit versus reality will believe anything and everything they read.  Sad really.  It's almost better to know nothing at all than have a load of baseless useless nonsense wasting valuable space within your brain cells.  Even worse, much of the news you think is valid and true likely isn't at all.  It's best to just pull the plug on the TV or computer and read a book instead.

3)  A global attack on our personal health.  This can include all the clouds of gas that the U.S. Airforce is generously spraying in the sky on a daily basis along with the chemicals they put in the water because it's "good" for us (including the use of fluoride which is actually NOT good for us AT ALL). These are known as "chem trails."  Look up in the sky once in awhile and when you see a giant tic-tac-toe grid, that's a chem trail.  (We see them ALL the time in California.)  And if you're a meat eater (including consuming dead cows, pigs, and birds), you're getting it even worse with the vast collection of hormones and pesticides that come in your meat, all complimentary of course.  This is why girls are developing at a much earlier age.  This is why cancer is becoming rampant and uncontrollable, happening in larger numbers than ever before.  Did you ever think that maybe it's from all the crap in the air, all the hormones from our food...and now from GMOs??  All of this, of course, affects our brain function and whether we can think clearly...or at all.  And don't even get me started on the vaccinations of recent years.  Who knows what kind of screwy stuff they were stabbing in our arms.  And if you have ANY of the disadvantages I've outlined in #1 and/or #2 then you're definitely going to see an impact on your thinking process.  In fact, if you are guilty of #1 and #2 then I'm fairly certain that you didn't even read down this far, as I would have lost you in the first sentence of this email.

4)  Being on the cusp of a possible civil war.  I'm not going to get into a political discussion but I'll just say this:  there are A LOT of distrust of the media (rightfully so), politicians (rightfully so), and the government system itself (rightfully so).  As the classes separate further and further apart -- pushing the upper-middle and higher class in higher financial ranks while shoving DOWN the rest of the 85% to lower-middle or low class -- you're automatically going to see a bunch of pissed off people who feel left behind by the powers that be with NOTHING to lose.  Then add the pandemic in the mix where a lot of these people are losing everything and you then have a huge disaster on your hands; a ton of armed pissed off people running around with NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE is a dangerous proposition.  With this perfect storm, we now are faced with the inevitable: a home-grown unofficial civil war.  At first it may be "us" vs. "them" and then later it may turn out to be the "have nots" vs. the "haves."  More to come on this as things unfold.

5)  Social media is "rewiring" your brain.  I watched a powerful documentary a couple of weeks ago called The Social Dilemma.  (This is highly recommended, especially if you are addicted to social media.)  In a nutshell, if you're on Facebook or Twitter or anything else a lot then somebody else is controlling your brain.  YOU are the product of their platform.  YOU are nothing more than a commodity to make their platforms work.  YOU are the sucker in the equation.  So...stop being the f****** sucker then and delete all of your apps.  What I found to be so disturbing about the documentary is that they interviewed a lot of top level programmers who helped START Google, Facebook, and others and the people who helped build these platforms have said over and over again that these platforms ARE DANGEROUS to your brain, your health and well-being, and your life overall!  Social media is manipulating you, changing your biochemistry, and altering how you think.  They have taken you over and you don't even know it yet.  Watch the documentary.  It'll make you sick!

You're not going to be able to do something about everything I've listed above but you can do something for yourself!

First, start with your health.  Cut your meat consumption.  Drastically, if possible.  Add organic vegetable juice each day, mostly with greens.  Clean up your diet as much as you can.  Eat a lot of organic fruits and veggies.  Get on a regular exercise program even if it's only brisk walking for 20 minutes daily.  Clean out your colon with a 3-day cleanse.  Do what YOU can. 

You can't change the world but you can change yourself.

This is NOT an "all or nothing" type of deal.  You can't breathe different air unless you plan on carrying an oxygen tank on your back at all hours of the day and night.  You're not going to avoid every hormone or pesticide in your food.  But you CAN cut some of the damage down by a significant percentage of consuming this junk and this alone will make a big impact.

Then you'll start to THINK CLEARER.  Once you think clearer, you can start rising above the rest of the dummies that grace this planet and realize success like you've never imagined.

I have another theory and that is this: Do only 7% better and you'll be happier, healthier, and wealthier than you've ever dreamed of!

And doing 7% better only means doing better than what you are doing now.  It really has nothing to do with what everybody else is doing out there because, well...who really cares what everyone else is doing?  Right?

This means getting healthier, educating yourself, create meaningful goals for yourself in all areas of your life, generate a doable action plan to achieve those goals and, most importantly, get off your ass and start working the plan.  Don't let the noise and chatter of what everyone else is doing, thinking, and talking about become a distraction because, as we've established, they're mostly dopes anyway.

It also means CONNECTING with power players who can get you to where you want to go.  And I have a way you can do that. 

CLICK HERE to see how you can take advantage of the economic demise of our country in the next several years.

And by the way, stop watching the news.  Stop reading stupid Yahoo! News articles.  They're written by a bunch of uneducated dummies who don't have a job (or don't excel at one they have).  Focus on yourself and what you need to do to reach your goals.  That's all you have to do.  

And, finally, realize that there isn't an EASY button.  Be willing to roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to achieve whatever you want in life.  If you're willing to do that then...the world is your oyster.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 14 2023

I sent out an email a couple of weeks ago that could have been "politically misconstrued" which brought out a few idiot folks (as usual) who decided to email me back multi-page tirades about either hating or loving Trump or Biden.

And I don't care -- either way -- what you think or don't think about Biden, Trump, or anyone else in the political scene...probably because I have figured out something that most people will never come to terms with: politicians (no matter who they are) DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.  They don't care about your wellbeing.  They don't care about your family.  They don't even care whether you live or die.  They don't care about you at all...except when it comes to election year.  Then they care about your vote for a few minutes.  Once you're out of the voting booth, they can care less if you get hit by a bus on the way home.

So, for all of you who keep getting riled up about either side of the political aisle...I feel bad that you're putting in so much mental and emotional energy into people who will never care about you at all on any level whatsoever.  They will never know your name.  They will never know of your struggles.  They will never know what keeps you up at night, what you worry about, what your hopes and dreams are...they will never know because they simply don't care

And they never will.

MY job is, and ALWAYS will be, to help you line up with the BEST POSSIBLE opportunities based on what we can expect to happen with the economy. 

Why do I do this? 

Because I actually care about you.  I know many of you personally.  I know your names.  I know things about you and your families because of conversations we've had over the phone, at seminar events, or via emails.  And I take a deep interest in you doing well now and in the future. 

This means I especially care about you being able to take advantage of the market opportunities ahead because I realize that time is of the essence. 

And I also realize that if you're waiting around for some politician to show you the path for you to have a better life in some way, you'll likely die a very bitter person. This is because the day they will ever improve your life in any way will NEVER come.

But back to some of the rude and disrespectful emails that I received for a minute, I have to say that it takes a very BORED and UNPRODUCTIVE individual to send paragraph upon paragraph of useless opinions about the life and times of current American politics to ANYONE...ESPECIALLY ME.  Consider all that wasted time and anger that goes into something like that.  Again, what a waste of time and energy!  And this is likely someone who doesn't have much money coming in.  After all, people who are productive members of society usually don't have that much time to type out a lengthy anger-filled email about a subject matter that, in all realistic terms, they don't have a handle on.

Finally, I'd like to say for all of the pro-Trumper/pro-Biden supporters...

First of all, NONE of you know what's going on behind the scenes, behind the curtain.  What you think you know about what's happening is just an illusion.  It's an illusion that they meticulously crafted like a house of cards so that you are so distracted with what you "really" think is going on that you have no idea about the sleight of hand happening in the background.  (And none of this sleight of hand is for your good at all.  Spoiler alert: it's heavily stacked in their favor and not in yours.) 

Second, you don't have a crystal ball.  None of you know how bad/good it's going to be based on whomever is running whatever in the political scene.  And if you DO have that crystal ball, spend some time drumming up tonight's Power Ball numbers instead of pretending like you know what the next few years will or won't look like.  And while you're at it, stop sending me emails telling me what you think will happen in the next half decade because you don't know.  You have no freaking clue.  We may have a complete and total nuclear holocaust...taking us all out in the next 3 months.  Who really knows?  Nobody, that's who.

For those of you who are educated and have a strong common sense and logic base for business and investing, you already know where to get your "future predictor" numbers for how our current and future economy will look like.  You, like me, already know that we're sitting on top of a recession.  You already have seen the signs of the economy going into that downward spiral for at least two years now, swirling like water going down a drain since the pandemic started.  And, again, this has NOTHING to do with the political situation but rather it's more so about ECONOMIC TRENDS.  After all, our last recession on the books started in 2008.  More than a dozen years later another one started.  Consider yourselves damn lucky that it took this long to get here since many recessions jump on us every 6 to 8 years on the LONG side...many times within much shorter time frames.  (Technically we squeezed out almost a "double" bull market which, in and of itself, is an anomaly.)

So...again, SMART people focus on the economic trends, facts, hard numbers, and legit information to solely concentrate on how to best situate themselves economically and financially.  

Everybody else loses focus as they get sucked into the emotional trauma of chaos at hand and this is how you get in financial trouble...and fast.  DON'T be like that.  DO NOT be like your average Joe Blow commoner who allows emotions to dictate how he feels and what he then does as a result of his emotional whirlwind that he ultimately becomes a victim of.

Now, here's the part that you may not be ready for...that you MUST get prepared for.  You see, I made the bulk of my money in real estate between years 2008 and 2012.  Yes, you read that correctly.  During the WORST economic period in our recent history is when I made the most money.  

And why did it happen this way?  

Because I was prepared.  

I knew what to do.  

I knew what to look for.  

I knew HOW to acquire boatloads of properties for the lowest possible prices that we'll ever see in our lifetime because I was ready.  

And I had my financial resources lined up ready to go as well.

Most people (and I'm referring to those "commoners" again) will wait until we're in the thick of things -- and usually after all the opportunity is gone -- before deciding to get off their ass to get involved in something that they're seeing is profitable for everyone else.  Except it's almost always too late by the time they get involved in anything.  And even if they happen to get in at the tail-end of the opportunity, they usually have no clue as to what they're doing and they're certainly way under-funded to even try to get involved in any deals.  This is what happens when they remain unprepared.  They end up losing out each and every time.

I want to make sure that YOU don't lose out this time, especially on the windfall of real estate opportunity that is COMING...and coming up FAST!  (Many of these opportunities are ALREADY HERE!)


Remember, YOU decide what happens to YOU in the next couple of years...unless you decide that somebody else should have that power.  

It's your choice either way.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 11 2023

The other day I let you know that I'd reveal a secret strategy having to do with the changes in the real estate market...and how you can make money as the market falls off a cliff.

This is earth-shattering stuff, folks.  And I'm about to reveal a small whiff of what to expect in 2023 with real estate at my webinar that will be taking place later this week.  (If you didn't register for this webinar yet, CLICK HERE NOW.)

Now, one thing I've been going on and on about over the years is grabbing up as many cash flowing properties as possible.  Except that just wasn't easy to do in the past several years as the market kept getting higher and higher.  And it's always a bad idea to buy real estate at the peak of the market because most people find themselves financially underwater the second they close escrow.

But right now, there's something different happening in the economy (and I'm sure you've noticed).

There are two (2) "perfect storm" elements that we haven't seen since around 2012 or 2013 that are NOW HERE if you want to grab up some cash flowing properties to give you a lifetime of passive income.

Element #1:  Higher interest rates.  It may seem counterintuitive but this is actually a good thing.  This reverts the real estate market back into a buyer's market.  And it's during a buyer's market when you find discounted prices on cash flowing property deals...discounts NOT available during a seller's market.  So, yes, the interest rates are higher but the DISCOUNTS you'll be able to get on the purchase price of these properties will be much lower, offsetting the higher interest rates.

Element #2:  Recession.  Yes, we're in a recession.  And we've actually been in a recession for quite some time.  However, with all the free pandemic money that was flying around, it offered a false "band-aid" that just glossed over the financial troubles that many people -- including small and medium-sized businesses -- were experiencing because of the pandemic.

Because of these two major elements, the sh*t is about to hit the fan.

But...instead of chewing your fingernails or having a heart attack, I have a plan for you to profit and prosper in a major way.


This is powerful stuff!

Even better, I'm giving you "the farm" for only $27...but this deal is ending really soon.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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