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Success For Life
Saturday, March 05 2022

A few days ago I landed here in Honolulu, Hawaii.  And I overheard something so ridiculous, I'm still actually quite shocked about it.

As my daughter and I were heading out of the baggage claim area, we were trailing behind this family of four: two parents and a boy...and a girl...?  Not sure.  Both kids were age 6 and maybe 4.

Anyway, I overhead the mother say to the older kid, "I know you're a girl but all your paperwork still says you're a boy so you have to understand that.  Your birth certificate says you're a boy.  And until we can get that changed, when people ask if you're a boy or girl, you still have to say you're a boy until we get that changed."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I asked my daughter in a whisper, "Are you hearing this?"

I know we had just gotten off a plane from LAX so you can expect all kinds of liberal ridiculousness from California.  I live there.  I'm used to it.

But this pushed past most of the stuff I can reasonably bend into any kind of justification in my own head.

In other words...I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Now, listen up.  I'm all for the whole "be-who-you-want-to-be" bit and if you go to bed one night as a woman and decide the next day you want to be a man, more power to you.  Hope it all works out for you.


Should a 6-year-old little kid be able to decide if he/she wants to be a boy/girl that is OPPOSITE of what they were actually born as?

Okay, maybe that's a loaded question.  After all, kids decide to become one thing or another depending on how the wind blows because kids are experimental.  That's normal.  They wear their Superman jammies day in and day out, cape included, because maybe they really believe they're Superman.  Or their ballerina outfit.  Or clown costume.  Or whatever it is.  Boys play with dolls sometimes.  I know my brother liked playing with Barbie's with me once in a blue moon.  (Don't tell him I told you that because he's as macho as they come.)  Girls pay with trucks.  (I liked Tonka trucks in the mud myself.)

But...when does it become...I don't know...ridiculous??

So...if my daughter told me at the age of 5 or 6 that she wanted to be a's what I would NOT be telling her:  "Okay, you have the right to be what you want to be so...let's have your birth certificate changed to reflect your 'new' sex, okay?  After all, you are 6 and I'm fairly confident that you are of the age in which you can make these kinds of adult decisions that will affect you for the rest of your life."


Instead I'd treat it as a "fad" or typical childhood fantasy and let it ride itself out until she's onto the next thing, like wanting to become an astronaut or deciding to go Goth (they call it "Emo" now) by painting her nails and lips black.  I would NOT be playing into ANY such childhood phases with anything permanent by making changes that are hard to reverse back later.

So, it comes down to the parents.  What kind of parent do you have to be to AGREE to make a PERMANENT CHANGE to your kid's birth certificate...changing it from the sex he was born (BOY) and change it to the sex he wants it to say (GIRL) the freaking age of 6???  What the hell is this world turning into...and why am I having such issues dealing with all this right now?

As you know, California is the state where all of this is supposed to be accepted, embraced even.  I've lived in California since 1987 and I am finding it more and more difficult to go along for the ride on certain things...such as gender-neutral bathrooms.  Since when is THAT a good idea?  Having a teenage daughter, the last thing I want in the women's bathroom is some creepy pervert who claims to "identify" as a female for the day just to gain access to the bathroom and commit an egregious crime like rape or molestation.  We all know there are too many of THOSE kinds of weirdos walking the planet everywhere we go.

Yet too many people think this thought process is "normal" because we're all brainwashed to THINK that it's supposed to be normal.  And when we express that we're "creeped out" by certain things (i.e. men using women's bathrooms, parents changing the sex of their kid from boy to girl at the age of 6, etc.), we're outed as being "un-woke" or whatever the hell they call us nowadays.

A few months ago I was on the NextDoor app and a parent of a first-grader took a screenshot of a "quiz" that was being given to his 7-year-old.  He said in his post, "Should I be concerned about this?"  And the screenshot showed a picture of a purple unicorn under a rainbow with a bunch of questions that seemed inappropriate for that grade level.  These questions included, "Do you think it's okay if this person is a boy or girl?" referring to the purple unicorn.  "Do you think this person should like boys or girls?"  "Do you think it's okay for you to be attracted to this 'person'?"  "Do you think it's okay for you to have feelings for this person?"  Some of the questions seemed sexual in nature and I understood this poor father's concern.

Yet the "woke" society quickly jumped on the poor guy saying, "Nope, I don't see anything wrong with any of that."  Or... "Seems perfectly reasonable and normal to me."  And making him feel like a piece of crap for being concerned and wondering if this curriculum was "normal" in schools these days.


Of course, I couldn't hold my tongue for a split second and I blasted everyone who posted a comment for being so "brainwashed" into "woke-ness," so fearful of being criticized by anyone by actually formulating a logical opinion anymore, that they all lost their minds...and their balls...for speaking up about something that CLEARLY WASN'T APPROPRIATE.

Within about 10 minutes after I posted my comment, the entire post was removed from the app.

Nobody likes to have "uncomfortable" yet truthful conversations.  And I'm getting this feeling that apps, society, the government, and big corporations are only allowing us to see, talk about, and react to WHAT THEY WANT US TO.  Anything else must be removed.  Pretty soon...people who don't agree with all this foolishness...they will be removed too.

If you don't know anything about George Orwell and his books...start reading them.  Read all of them.  Then you'll understand what our future holds for ALL of us.

But right now, you have options.  In fact, it ONLY comes down to ONE option if you think about it.  Make a lot of money...then move to a peaceful place (maybe even out of the country) where you can live out your days without being hassled with all this Big Brother nonsense.

CLICK HERE to find out what my biggest unveiling yet looks like...and how it can help you reach financial heights you've never been able to reach before.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The Super System 2-day "crash course" is beginning in just a couple of days.  If you want to live-stream this rare seminar event with us, CLICK HERE to get your ticket now.


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 03 2022

I can't help but to notice that the government form I-9 recently expired.  This is the form that allows (and requires) employers to ask for identification and verification to be able to work in the United States.  Except that I was reading somewhere awhile back that the reason they are "retiring" this form is because it's considered "discriminatory" to enforce certain types of ID.


So...I can't ask someone to verify their residency status here in the United States because I'm "discriminating" but yet if I hire an "illegal alien" then I get fined $10,000 by the government?


This is, yet again, another reason why you should want to own a traditional business with employees, lots of forms to fill out, endless rules and regulations, and the chronic headache you'll be getting from ALL of it...all while it sucks your profit margins dry for the "honor" of dealing with it all.

This is one of the reasons why I absolutely HATE doing business in California in particular.  If you do the research on the top "business friendly" states in the country, you'll find California #33 out of the 50 states.  Not bad.  But certainly not great considering that California is the fifth largest economy in the entire world, larger than most countries.  Even larger than Canada (ranking #9 on the world economy list).

When you're a blue state (I'm not being "political" so just here me out), you'll find that there are A LOT more regulations to deal with...more red tape...more bullsh*t to deal with when trying to start and run a business.  When you're in a blue country...well, there will be many more federal regulations to contend with.

This is why I shuddered when listening to parts of the boring State of the Union Address when Biden was talking about "going after" fraud.  What this usually means (in Layman's terms) is:  "I am releasing the hounds on EVERY small, medium, and large business to find ANY kind of discrepancy -- operational, tax-wise, or other -- that we can use to (1) seize all your assets, (2) pile on frivolous "criminal" charges on your back, and (3) make sure you'll never be able to recover again thereafter."

That's what that REALLY means.

So, you have a couple of choices right now in our "blue economic era":

#1:  Start a really small "micro" business that is 100% above-board that will NEVER attract any government attention but can make you loads of money; this is even better when you're selling somebody else's products for a commission and don't have to take on ANY responsibility for the products they sell because...well, they're NOT YOUR PRODUCTS!!


#2:  Do nothing.  Work 40+ hours a week building somebody else's dream and business.  Fighting freeway traffic every day.  And having the fluorescent lights in your office cubicle suck the life out of you.  For the rest of your life.  Until you retire.  Or until you die.

Those are your only two choices if you think about it.  And I think we both agree that #2 really sucks!

By deciding to start all over again (and secretly...I actually am starting again with a brand new money funnel business I just launched IN my brand new office I just opened), I'm do it without employees and run the operation out of a tiny office where I don't show up but maybe 10 to 15 hours per week.  I have 3 "employee desks" in this new office.  After I had the desks installed, I decided... "Eh...I don't think I want anybody working here after all."  Then I won't have to worry about these new government regulations as it pertains to employees, paying people ridiculous sums of money to sit and watch Netflix on MY computers all day, and other business operation disasters that put me in a "damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don't" situation.

This is what we call "New School" business.  Have a business, operate it on a skeleton crew, and make a lot of money because you're not burdened with "typical" business overhead and problems.

Like what my new mentorship can do for you.

This group starts on Thursday, March 17th.  And as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection, you can AND SHOULD participate in this group.  Over 8 weeks I will show you everything you'll need to do to start a highly profitable online business from scratch using The Super System...which is a fully automated online marketing system that -- once we set it up together -- it can make you money 24/7.  And you can have this sucker fully up and running in 8 weeks provided that you give me your full participation (which is mandatory) in the group.

I have a deal on this group...for a short time only...which includes my upcoming 2-day "crash course" (live streaming) on March 8th & 9th.  (This will also be recorded in the event that you miss all or parts of this event.)

But...this "crash course" bonus isn't going to last forever.  In fact, the clock is ticking down as we speak.

CLICK HERE to jump on this opportunity ASAP and get 2-day "crash course" for The Super System as your bonus!

Questions?  Call my office at 66-295-5050 ext. 2.

This is a life-changing group that I probably won't have time to run again for this year...and if I do, it won't be until August or September.  Why wait that long to start generating a solid Aggressive Income Cash Flow when you don't have to?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Would you prefer to just join us for The Super System live-streaming "crash course" on March 8th and 9th?  CLICK HERE to register for that event ASAP.  You can either come in person (in Honolulu, Hawaii) or via live-streaming.  This event will be recorded and you'll be able to access the replays once the event is over BUT ONLY IF you enroll for this event BEFORE it starts.  CLICK HERE to enroll now!



Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, February 06 2022


I am so f***** sick of this pandemic.  It just needs to...go away already!

So, as I mentioned to you recently, I got the Pfizer booster shot the day after I got back from Atlanta, which was NOT a good idea on my part. 

When I shot the PBS show over there, I was stressed out.  Probably had a lowered immune system because of the show stress and the air travel.

I wasn't back home for 24 hours...and then I get the booster shot.  (This was on December 20th.)

Five days later I was back on a plane heading to the Midwest.  Three days after that I was on a ship cruising through the Caribbean.

My immune system took a severe beating MOSTLY because of getting the booster shot.  So, I guess it wasn't a shock to me when I contracted Omicron in Nassau, Bahamas.  I wasn't even there for an hour, but I guess that's all it took.

When I came back home, the full thrust of the sickness settled in and I finally put two and two together: holy moly cannoli...I have Omicron.  I had every symptom.

This was three weeks ago and I still feel like I'm tired all the time.  I have a runny nose just out of the blue every so often.  And I just don't feel...quite right.  It's hard to describe.

My Hawaii retreat is coming up.  And the stupid f****** state of Hawaii decided to MANDATE the booster shot...otherwise they'll treat you as "unvaccinated" and require a 5-day quarantine upon arrival.  Because of this, I essentially twisted my daughter's arm to get the booster because she'll be attending the retreat with me.  And I didn't want to deal with any kind of quarantine period due to me having to serve my students in attendance for the event.

This was a BIG MISTAKE!

My daughter got so sick from the booster -- sicker than I'd ever seen her before -- because of this f****** shot.  I felt so bad, so guilty as a parent for making her do this.

Here I am, trying to do the "right" thing, and it completely backfired.  All I could do was cry and tell her how sorry I was for making her get that shot.

It made me think about just how ridiculous this whole "shot" thing is.  And how (I believe) we've taken this "pandemic" way too far.  (Isn't two years long enough, Dr. F****** Fauci??)

I got all three shots.  I got all three (so far) variants of Covid.  One was before my vaccine.  (The "original" Covid-19, January 2021.)  One was after my vaccine.  (Delta variant, August/September 2021.)  And the variant that made me sick was the Omicron virus last month.

Because the f****** vaccine does NOTHING for Omicron, folks. 

It's like a bad flu.  And there is no vaccine for the flu.  Or the common cold.  Or any "seasonal" anything.

I'm so sick of all these politicians...and especially that snake oil salesman...that Fauci bastard...for shoving this vaccine down everybody's throat for so long.  Maybe the vaccine helps with Covid.  I don't know if it does or doesn't.  But I will tell you that it doesn't do jack sh*t for Omicron.  And yet they're STILL force-feeding this vaccine to people KNOWING that it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for Omicron...or ANY of the variants to come.

So...what the f*ck?!

It's a total scam...that's what it is!

Now, you know me.  Normally I don't get all political about anything because it's a waste of time...and too many people want to argue with me when I do.  But...don't you think there is something REALLY WRONG with what's going on these days??  Do YOU see it??  I'll bet you do!

My theory -- and I could be wrong -- but eventually this whole charade MUST come to a quick end.  There's only so long everybody is going to keep going on with this sham and then the government is going to have to swiftly re-evaluate keeping everybody imprisoned with this whole "get-the-shot-or-else" bullsh*t.  Or "sit-at-home-and-eventually-go-bankrupt" crap.  Or "you-better-get-vaccinated-or-you'll-never-go-anywhere-again" nonsense.

Biden...the liar.  "I'm only asking you to keep your masks on for first 100 days."

That was more than a year ago...and I know I suck at math but I'm pretty sure we're WELL PAST 100 DAYS.

Yet here in California, we're all about masks here.  People will mad-dog you, pick fights, and yell at you if you're not wearing a know, that thing that does NOTHING to protect you from anything while preventing you from getting enough oxygen to your brain?

When did everybody LOSE THE LOGIC in thinking?

Think about it!

If someone is standing 6 to 8 feet away from you and they are smoking a cigarette, if you're wearing a mask, would you smell the cigarette smoke?

The answer is...HELL YES YOU WOULD!

Virus particles are about the same size as smoke particles.  So....again, when did we lose our COMMON SENSE??

If you can smell cigarette smoke through a mask, those viral particles are ALSO getting through the mask.  HELLO!  Basic LOGIC, folks!

So...why are we still wearing the masks?

Ah, yes!  I'll tell you why.  Because Dr. Fauci...MASTER BRAINWASHER...who, if you recall, at the VERY BEGINNING of all this, actually SAID that MASKS DO NOTHING to prevent the contraction of a virus or bacteria, flip-flopped and decided that we all needed to lose more oxygen to our brains because...well, when you have oxygen to your brain, YOU CAN STILL THINK FOR YOURSELF.  And they don't want that, now, do they?

To be clear, I'm NOT an "anti-vaxxer" or a "pro-vaxxer."  I'm neither.  I don't care what you do or don't do with your own health and body.  It's your body.  It's your health.  Do what you want.  But don't mad-dog me if I don't want to wear a mask anymore.  If you're that threatened about Covid-19 (based on being brainwashed night after night for two years while watching the useless news), instead of expecting thousands of people around you to wear a mask (that does nothing for you) to conform to your false notion that it'll make you safe, STAY HOME INSTEAD!  Stop expecting the world to "bow down" to your false idea of what you need for own personal safety.  It's not the world's job to roll out a red carpet for you everywhere you go.  And you can have your meals delivered to your house for another year or two until you: (1) get sick of being lied to, or (2) jump off a bridge because you're so mentally gone due to having no "normal" existence anymore.

Anyway, that's just the way I see it.

Thankfully, after a full week of being sick, my daughter Brie is starting to feel better.  She's still tired.  She gets worn down quickly during the day like I do.  But she's on the mend, I hope.

I just feel bad because...who the hell knows WHAT is in those shots and what the long-term effects are going to be on people?!  Ever since I got my booster, I have these weird pains in my heart, like "pinching" or something.  A nurse told me that little kids getting these vaccine shots are now showing signs of ENLARGED HEARTS after getting vaccinated.  What is this poison doing to us?? 

It's pretty f****** scary when you think about it, isn't it?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you want to come with us to Hawaii for the Success & Wealth Retreat, it's not too late to register.  CLICK HERE NOW to check it out.  I decided that this one will be my LAST RETREAT.'s now or never!

P.P.S.  If you want to attend the live-streaming for my powerful and highly secretive online business building "crash course" on March 8th and 9th, CLICK HERE to watch a quick video that will tell you all about it.  You will be able to live-stream this event for two days and watch the replays thereafter.  This is, by far, the most profitable and powerful online marketing secret I've ever revealed to any of my students.  If you don't do anything all year, this is the ONE THING you DO NOT want to miss.  CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 05 2022

This is unbelievable.

One of my most used personal credit cards is Capital One.  I used it for all of my personal expenses.

Or at least I did until just a few days ago.

I've been a loyal customer for exactly 15 years.  I always pay off my entire balance each and every month.  And the only reason I used the card was for the rewards.

So, suddenly without notice, they closed my account.

Not only did they close my personal account but they also closed the useless business Capital One Sparks card I had.  You know, the one with the "whopping" $2,500 credit line they gave me for my business?  (Which is laughable considering all my other business credit cards give me a minimum of $20,000.)

So, I called them on the phone for at least some kind of explanation.

Did I mistakenly ever miss a payment?  Nope.  All good there.

Did my credit score drop?  Nope.  It's higher than ever.

Has my overall credit "usage" increased?  Nope.  Everything is paid off.

Did I go over the limit?  Nope.  Not by a long shot.

Did the card go "dormant," meaning I haven't used it in a long time?  Nope.  I used the damned card nearly everyday.


Who the hell knows what happened?

I was curious as to whether this happened to other people.  Turns out it has.

Evidently Capital One thrives on deadbeats who can't pay their credit cards (or who carry a large balances for long periods of time) so they can make money off the interest, fees, attorney fees (for collections), etc.

I don't fall into that category and never have.  So, I was "discarded" for essentially being useless to their business model...because I pay my bills.  (Go figure!) 

Being someone with pristine credit who pays their bills off every month and on time doesn't make them any money.  So, in the trash I go!

I also am feeling that perhaps they are having some financial problems (probably due to the impending credit bubble that is about to blow up in their faces) so they have to trim down their credit lines.  First to go, people who pay their bills and never make them any money in interest and fees.

That's me.

So, off with my head!

At first I was upset.  Then I started thinking about it.  Capital One sucks.  They have always have sucked.  Especially with their cheesy commercials:  "What's in your wallet?" 

Uh...not Capital One! 

And what the hell do I need them for? 

I have so many other better credit cards I should be using.

Somehow I ended up with a BMW Visa card a few years ago that I almost never use.  And since I plan on buying myself a new 8-series for my birthday this year, what better time to start racking up points I can apply to the down payment on my new car?  Right?

When life throws you lemons...go buy a $100,000+ luxury car.

I think that's how the saying goes.  At least in my world it does!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 03 2022

A dear friend and business partner of mine had passed away last week. 

His name was Dr. Peter Barrington.

Many of you know him and knew his legacy as an investor.  If you don't know, this man took a simple trading strategy and turned it into hundreds of millions of dollars.

A trading secret that didn't even have a name...until I decided to name it "The Slice."

Looking back, that name -- The Slice -- is pretty funny.

One day he was showing me how his trading system worked.  And he was trying to describe these "spokes" and how to determine the strike prices when deciding to buy a put or call option.

My visual-learning self blurted out... "So, kind of like the wedge of a lemon or orange."

I remember distinctly because Dr. Barrington paused, chuckled, and said, "Well, I guess so!"  It was almost as if he magically saw what I told him I was seeing, never considering such a thing even a moment before.

It took me MANY YEARS in arm-twisting to get him to allow me to promote his system which I appropriately named The Slice Trading System.  And I felt like I had moved a mountain after about 6 long years of begging when he finally said, "Yes!"

Of course, that victory was immediately dampened when he told me WHY he decided to do it.  "I've been diagnosed with cancer and they're giving me only six months to live."

This was back in 2018. 

And being the tough old bastard I came to know him to be, it didn't surprise me that he beat cancer...then beat it after he went into remission.  This trend happened three times.  Maybe four.  I think I lost count.

Instead of living only 6 more months, he ended up getting more than 3 1/2 years...defying the Grim Reaper in ways I'd never thought possible.

Last spring, he started getting really sick again.  I had a conversation with him about "fighting" and what it meant.

And he told me something surprising.  He said, "We go our whole lives fighting for and against everything.  And for what?  It doesn't make that much sense to do that, does it?"

I had never heard him talk like that before.  But then I realized at that moment.  He must've read the books I mailed to him!

When he was in hospice care the first time, I sent him some books written by Esther Hicks.  I remember the first two titles but the third escapes me.  The first two I remember were:  Ask and It Shall Be Given and The Astonishing Power of Emotions.  The third book might have been The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent...but I'm not 100% certain.  (If you haven't read those books, I highly recommend that you do.  They can change your life!)

When I sensed that he was letting go, I didn't look at it as "giving up."  I looked at it as "surrendering to a higher power" which is something I now try to do everyday with everything.  It's really shifted my vice-grip on feeling like I have to control everything.  He encouraged me to "go with the flow" more.

The last time I talked to Dr. Barrington was in December.  It was right before he was to go back into hospice care.  I remember him telling me that he was holding out until after the holidays so he didn't "ruin Christmas for the family," as he put it.  But we both knew it would be his last Christmas.  In fact, I doubted he'd escape 2021 alive, that's how bad he sounded.

The last thing Dr. Barrington told me was this:  "Don't waste your life doing things you don't want to do for money.  I can see you doing that sometimes.  And life's too short for that."

I knew what he meant.  And I silently began crying like a baby while I was still on the phone with him, not wanting him to hear my sobbing, not hearing much else he said after that.

You see, he knew I didn't want to do anything else in investing training including workshops and seminars for quite some time.  He was proud of me when I concluded my trainings over the fall of 2021, never to do them again.  And he also knew I was struggling with wanting to carry The Slice product line anymore because I was shifting everything about my company.  Because I fought so hard to be able to market The Slice System to everyone, I didn't want to tell him, "Hey, I don't want to do this anymore."  But I found out that he intuitively knew I didn't want the market and sell The Slice System anymore.

So, that's what he meant.  "Don't waste your life doing things you don't want to do..."

And that's why I started crying.

Our agreement has always been that when he passes, I'd get 100% ownership and control over The Slice System.  And while it's made both of us a lot of money over the years, I decided that I won't be promoting that product anymore.

So...if you want ANY of it, it's now or never.  It's yet another thing added to the list that I won't be reprinting ever again.  (For those of you interested in what I have left, CLICK HERE for the book and CLICK HERE for the system.)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The Honolulu retreat is a month away.  Decidedly, this will probably be the last retreat I'm doing of its kind.  I need a long break.  So, if you want to join us in Hawaii on March 4th through (and including) March 9th, CLICK HERE NOW!  We intentionally keep these events small to make sure each person in the group gets maximum benefit with their own personal breakthrough and transformation.

P.P.S.  For SERIOUS ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS ONLY...particularly those who are interested in making $85,000 to $100,000 PER MONTH (or more) like Bev then CLICK HERE.  I have a VERY EXCLUSIVE GROUP starting on February 17th and you might want to be part of it if you're looking to make a million or more per year!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 02 2022

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, January 26th, Dr. Peter Barrington had passed away.

It took me a week to come to terms with his passing and I have been beside myself with grief since I received the news, as I've considered him a close friend of mine for 12 years.

Many of you know that Dr. Barrington had been fighting cancer for the past several years.  He even survived hospice care a couple of years ago and was on the mend, thanks to a "secret" diet and nutritional concoction "prescribed" to him by some doctor from Switzerland.

But old habits die hard.  And Dr. Barrington couldn't live his life without his diet high in sugar, carbs, and fat.

So, after slipping back into his old dietary habitual ways, his health rapidly deteriorated.

After the holidays, he was admitted into hospice again.  Something told me that he wouldn't get out alive...and I was right.

I didn't know how to break this to my students.  So, I waited until the time is right...and today is the day.

For those of you who don't know the body of Dr. Barrington's extraordinary work, he was the one who developed the stock trading strategy that I named "The Slice," since his trading technique remained "nameless" for the decades he used his system.

He made hundreds of millions of dollars with his stock trading secret.  It wasn't until a few years ago when he finally let me allow others to enjoy the benefits of his powerful trading strategy.

In light of his passing, I decided that I no longer have it in me to promote and sell his trading system.  Once we deplete our minimal inventory of all the trading books and The Slice Trading System, I won't be marketing or offering this program anymore.

For those of you with the Hot Tips forecasting newsletter, effective January 1st, it's 100% online.  It's been written by Dr. Barrington's close assistant, Joshua, since around May or June of last year.  Joshua is the only one alive on this planet who knows The Slice Trading Secret as well as Dr. Barrington had and he is doing the trading forecasts through the end of this year and possibly into next year.  (Personally I think Joshua's trading forecasts are much more accurate than Dr. Barrington's...only because Joshua is of sound mind and Dr. Barrington hasn't been for too long.)

If you want one of the last Seven Figure Trading books that I have in stock, CLICK HERE NOW.  Once these are gone, that's it.  They won't be reprinted or offered ever again.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The Success & Wealth Retreat is just a little over a month away.  If you want to join us in Honolulu, Hawaii on March 4th through (and including) March 7th, CLICK HERE NOW.  You can choose to join us for the powerful business-building event on March 8th and 9th too.  Seating is limited.  We keep these groups small to give you the optimal transformational experience.  Decidedly, this will be my last retreat.

P.P.S.  For those of you interested in becoming part of the most extraordinary group I've ever done which is for those of you wanting to make $85,000 or more per month with a powerful business secret, CLICK HERE NOW.  Please note, this is for serious entrepreneurs only...not tire-kickers and time-wasters.  CLICK HERE to watch the replay of a training I did a couple of weeks ago and decide if you'd like to be part of my only live training I'll be doing on this powerful business and wealth-building secret.  The training is starting on February 17th.  CLICK HERE to check it out now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 20 2022

The other day I sent you an email about my progress with fighting the Omicron virus.

And, of course, I always have to get some smart ass with their comments that would be better kept to themselves.

Here's what he had to say based on my email comment about how I believe 95% of you guys and gals WILL get Covid at some point...

"Hello, Dr (would be) Monica, in regard to your last email as the saying goes, the patient knows his/her illness (his/her body) better than any doctor, for the most part. However, when it comes to prediction, 95% of us will get the virus! I don't think so. I have been driving every day during the pandemic, I'm a pro Limo driver, and I have not gotten a single symptom whatsoever... without a single test and no vaccine. Talking about someone trusting his immune system!!!"

So...I didn't appreciate the reference to "Dr. Monica."  I personally thought that was a tad juvenile.  I'm not sure if he was being snarky, an ass****, or that's just how he talks to people.  Who knows?!

But anyway, to be clear, no...I'm not a doctor nor do I pretend to be.  I do know about basic health, the immune system, and the coronavirus which...[GASP] has been around for many years before this pandemic.  Any half-a-brain doctor or nurse...even a medical student...will tell you that the coronavirus has been around for at least a dozen years.  Some state that the Spanish flu is a variant of a coronavirus which was more than 100 years ago...and, coincidentally, never went away which is why we still have seasonal flus to this day.

So, to clarify my comment, yes...most of you will have some variation of Covid, if you haven't already.  And just because you weren't lying in bed fighting for your life or haven't gotten the case of the sniffles over it doesn't mean it hasn't hit you.  Some people's immune systems are better than others.  Some people exhibit symptoms.  Others do not.

Unless you permanently live in a plastic bubble with NASA state-of-the-art air purifying systems, you have already been exposed to some variant of the coronavirus many years BEFORE "Covid-19" was a thing.  And if you think you're going to exist in a world where you're never going to get it, you're living in a fantasyland.  It's like saying you're never ever going to get another flu, cold, or any other illness.  If you plan on dying, say, TODAY then maybe I'd believe you if you said you weren't ever going to get sick again.  However, if you plan on sticking around for more years and decades to come like I do, getting a cold/flu here and there is just a reality.  And just about every cold/flu from this point forward WILL have reminisces of our modern-day coronavirus mixed in.  That's just the truth.

Instead of fearing it, how about taking care of yourself?  How about boosting up your immune system, eating healthier, and stop being so damned afraid of it?  How about making this less about the fear-mongering from the news and social media...and more about what this really is?  A virus that we have to overcome one way or the other?!

And to the snarky student who wrote me the email (and everybody else who is thinking the same thing), I never said I was pro- or anti-vaxx.  I don't care what you do or don't do with your own body.  I chose to get vaccinated because I had an obligation to complete my PBS show last month and getting vaccinated was a requirement.  To serve my students in the way of doing the show was important enough to me to get the vaccine.  I'm not telling you what to do with your body.  But I do have the right to do what I want with my own body without dealing with backlash.  I think the student who wrote the email has some English literacy issues because he clearly misunderstood what I was talking about in my own email when speaking about my experiences with fighting Omicron.

So, to all of you who haven't gotten sick yet, GOOD FOR YOU.  Seriously, I'm happy for you!  But for anyone who thinks they'll never get another cold/flu again...well, I hope it all works out for you.  I really do.

And I still can't get over the comment this student made about how "he patient knows his/her illness (his/her body) better than any doctor..."  Huh?  Okay.  Maybe in some ways and in some circumstances if the person is really "tuned in" to their body.  But, unfortunately, most people who are riddled with disease aren't that tuned in at all, which is why they're full of sickness and disease in the first place.  Had they tuned in that well, they would have listened to what their body needed, laid off the Doritos and burgers, got out to exercise, and wouldn't be sick in the first place.  But...that's a whole other ball of wax I'd rather not get into.

All this typing is making me tired.

I'm going to take a nap.  Even though with each passing day I'm getting better, I think I'm still only at around 50% energy capacity so I have to take it easy on myself.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 19 2022

I had this thought the other day which you may not think is that big of a deal.

But for me, kind of just nailed a point with one pretty clear image, giving me an understanding of something that, perhaps, has been evading me for decades.

Maybe this is something that's been evading you too.

So, here's the "epiphany" I had...

If you're ever going to make a lot of money, you have to "tap into" the source of money.

In my seminar events, I sometimes talk about how there is money everywhere.  In our virtual society, money flows through you in the form of wire transfers, Venmo payments, people buying stuff online, etc.

Then one day I thought to myself, "How do you hang onto that money that's flowing through you?"

I suddenly had this weird image of a giant orange water balloon the size of a small town.  It was so full, it seemed to be on the verge of bursting.

And in my weird twisted vision, I suddenly had this faucet that I jabbed into the side of the balloon and I turned on the "tap."  That's when the water came out, depending on how far I turned the knob.

This is when I realized that making money is the same way.  There are economic rules that are set forth in the world we were born in.  And it's fairly easy to play and win at the game of economics if you know what you're doing.

If you (1) have a tap, (2) jab that tap into the side of a brimming opportunity, and (3) turn the tap on full blast once you secure that sucker.

And that's it.

Once you understand that, the sky's the limit in how much money you can earn.

So, you're probably wondering (other than "Is Monica on drugs??"), what kind of "tap" you can get your hands on and what "opportunity" you can jab that tap into.


I'm so glad you asked.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain the whole thing to you in a simple short video.

The only difference between rich people and poor people is that the wealthy have a vehicle or a vessel from which to derive cash.  Poor people don't.  That's really all there is to it.

CLICK HERE to discover an opportunity that can change everything for you.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 17 2022

Since I got the Omicron virus last week, a lot of you have been asking me what it's all about.

So, let me give you my run-down:

Day 1:  Sore throat and tired.  Start of that "balloon head" feeling.
Day 2:  Back pain, tired, runny nose, dry cough.
Day 3:  WORST DAY OF ALL...I couldn't get out of bed.  Back pain, runny nose, congested, dry cough.
Day 4:  Felt REALLY, "Was I really that sick?" good.
Day 5:  Back to what I felt on Day 2 minus the runny nose.
Day 6:  (Today) Still feeling run-down and a touch congested.  Runny nose is long gone and the cough is intermittent.  Back pain is slight.
Day 7:  That'll be tomorrow so, I'll let you know.  I'm predicting it'll be a replay of today.  Just tired, feeling slightly "confused" and have no focus at all.

I feel like I'm on the mend but I have to take it slow.  I feel the worst is behind me and I actually feel lucky to have gone through this because now I have a kick-ass immunity to it.

Thinking back, I don't think I would have taken my booster shot 1 day after I got back from my PBS show shoot in Atlanta last month.  My immune system was down from the stress of the show and the back-to-back plane flights.  So, if I could go back in time, I would have waited to get the booster after I got back from this last trip (out of the country) after waiting 2 weeks or so.

Oh well...hindsight is always 20/20 as they say, right?

Anyway, I wanted to fill you in on all the details so you know what the timeline is on this illness since the likelihood you'll get it (vaccinated or not) is around 95%.

But, it's not all that bad.  I've been sicker before.  (Remember when I told you I got the "pre" Covid-19 back in June 2016?  Now that was an ass kicking illness there.)  It was a decent cold/flu so, in case you're wondering what it's like, there you go.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because no matter where I went online, nobody seemed to have a "timeline" of all the symptoms of this Omicron thing.  They just had a list of symptoms and that's it.  So, just know that it starts with the sore throat and that kicks off Day 1.  Okay?  That's when you know you'll have to get all of your work/chores done (and order groceries) because you'll be down for the count within about 24-36 hours from that point.

At any rate, some of you are wondering about the training I had to put off.  It was supposed to be this past Thursday (on the 13th of January) but I postponed it by only 1 week.  This means that it's now on Thursday, January 20th at 5:30pm Pacific Time.  If you haven't registered yet, CLICK HERE to register.  If you've already registered from before, you're still in the system and you won't have to register again.

Finally, I have a 6-Day Money Funnel Building Mentorship Group which now starts on Monday, January 24th.  CLICK HERE if you haven't enrolled yet.  I will only be doing ONE of these live events and that's it.  So, it's now or never.  This is the fastest way I can get you set up in a cash flowing Money Funnel Business.  And I can help you do it in only 6 days...something I've never done before.  So, CLICK HERE if you want to hit the ground running in 2022 by kicking off this year with a successful Money Funnel Business!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 13 2022

Despite having been vaccinated and getting the booster shot on December 20th, I still seemed to manage to contract Omicron.

Even worse, when I got the regular run-of-the-mill Covid-19 a year ago this month (even being unvaccinated at that time), I had only mild symptoms.

Getting Covid AGAIN in August (post-vaccination)...barely any symptoms at all.

And now here we are with this Omicron bullsh**...which is no joke.  Because I'm sicker than a dog right now.

So, in case you're wondering what this highly-transmissible strain is all about and what it "looks" like to get it, here's the run-down:

Day 1 (Tuesday):  Major sore throat...felt like I swallowed a dozen porcupines.  Mild headache.  Feeling run down but had enough energy to get some basic stuff done.

Day 2 (Yesterday):  Sore throat completely gone.  This was replaced with a feeling of "balloon head" coupled with a mild "vice grip" headache that worsened through the day and then I got the back pain like I was hit by a bus...I was still able to get some work done but I could feel my "productive" timer ticking down.  By the evening, I felt major shivers and I couldn't get enough heat.  After standing in a super hot shower for 30 minutes, I got dressed and tried to make dinner.  I ordered sandwiches only instead and almost fell asleep waiting for the delivery guy.  After eating only half my food, I couldn't get up out of bed and I crashed at 8pm.

Day 3: (Today):  Sitting here with barely enough energy to type this email to you.  Wishing this was over.  And now cursing the motherf***** who passed this disease to me.

Really, though, I'm to blame.  Because foolish me...having had very few "leisure" trips in the past couple of years, I decided to take my daughter to the Caribbean.  And it was probably there that I contracted this virus...somewhere toward the end.  Maybe in Nassau.  Who knows?

Or maybe from the little kid on the plane coming back who was sicker than a dog, kept going to the bathroom, and was being fed cold and flu medication by her mom through the entire flight.  (It was probably that little sh**.)

Regardless, I have it.  Nothing I can do about it.  And it sucks.

Now, does it feel like I'm on "death's door" or anything like that?  Not really.  It's just a mid-level cold/flu.  But as productive as I like to be at all times (and trying to catch up on a bunch of work that piled up while I was gone), I'm finding myself sitting here thinking... "Who cares?!  I gotta heal or I'll be no good to anybody."

With that said, I am postponing the training I was supposed to do this evening.  It'll be on and crackin' a week from today. (I've already updated this change in the system.)  If you didn't register yet, CLICK HERE.  I decided to change the topic of the training because we're going into the "big time" now.  No more pansy footsie anymore.  I'm going to show you how to make some big cash influxes this first quarter of 2022.

Also, I'll be postponing the 6-Day Money Funnel Building Mentorship that was supposed to start on Monday, January 17th.  It will now start on Monday, January 24th.  This way I'm not giving you half-assed trainings (because I'm sick) and I'm able to give you 110% of what I have.  So, enjoy your MLK day and I'll see you on January 24th.  If you didn't enroll yet, there's still time (obviously).  CLICK HERE to check it out and enroll right now.

In the meantime, I'm going to finish binge-watching Cobra Kai.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Good news!  The office is now re-opened!  Any issues, questions, or concerns can be addressed when calling 661-295-5050 ext. 2 between regular business hours.  Also, we had a huge wave or orders come in over the New Year.  We're expecting to get everything out no later than Friday of this week!  So, if you're waiting on a package, it's ON THE WAY.  No need to clutter the phone lines for tracking information.  (It'll be automatically emailed to you once your package goes out.)  Thanks for your patience.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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