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Success For Life
Tuesday, December 25 2018
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 18 2018

For all you last minute people, I have some really bad news for you.  You have less than 1 week before Christmas.  And if you didn't start (or get close to finishing) shopping, you better get on it.  Like today!

I can't believe next week is Christmas.  Can you freaking believe it?

Normally I'm pretty "bah humbug" around this time of year but this year is oddly different for me.  You see, every year right around Thanksgiving, I breathe out a huge sigh of relief because usually by this time all of my business travel, meeting, and admin obligations are done by this point in the year.  And then I tell myself, "Let's just skate until the first week of January."

And then I never skate.  Instead, I put myself under even more stress and pressure to be as "productive" as possible so I can hit the ground running come January.  And instead, when January does roll around, I'm bitter and pissed off because I got no rest or relaxation as planned.

Then I begin the year at break-neck speed until I can catch my first breath, right around late May or early June.

This is a vicious cycle I'm on and, for the first time ever, I actually CAUGHT myself in the act of repeating this same madness.


Because THIS year I have a book draft deadline that was first for February (around Valentine's day) and now, all of a sudden, the publisher needs a page count by mid-January.  This, to me, indicates that they kind of want to see the first draft by this time.  After all, how the hell can you give ANYONE an exact page count when you haven't finished the freaking book yet??  (Exactly.  Not possible in my world.) 

So now, I feel like I'm under a little MORE pressure than any of your run-of-the-mill Decembers because somebody else is now putting me under pressure.

But, guess what?  I am taking my sweet f****** time with the book draft while leisurely shopping (mostly online) and actually ENJOYING my December for once.  I find myself each morning getting up, making myself a hot cup of tea (traditionally I hate hot beverages because it takes too long to be able to drink them) and I take my journal and myself out on my beautiful upstairs back balcony to sit and write.  Yes, I write 3 journal pages a day.  Never less.  Never more.  And I started this habit the day after Christmas last year.  So far I have to be well over 1,000 pages.

And my life has changed astronomically because of it.  (I recommend you read the book that taught me how to do this.  It's called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and it's really life-changing.)  So many fabulous changes of events have happened because of the self-realizations I've made with this daily journal-writing discipline.

I take my time with my journal.  Some days I can whip through it in 20 minutes or so.  Other days...I languish with my writing, pondering between sentences, staring out into my gorgeous pool, watching the birds, petting my dog, and considering myself lucky if I can do the 3 pages in 1 hour. 

But this is what's been different.  I don't actually "start" my day until sometime around 10 or 11.  And that's very unusual for me.

What are you doing with your December?  Anything different than last year or the year before that?

Or are you just running around RAGGED like a chicken with your head cut off because our heavily commercialized society has manipulated you onto this holiday treadmill, making you feel like a loser for not jumping through all of these gift and party hoops??

STOP.  Take a breath.  (Please!)  And maybe take a few moments to center yourself (ideally in a room by yourself) to tap into what YOU want.  What do YOU want?  What do you want to see unfold for your life in 2019?  What do you want to see change?  Where do you want to be one year from right now?  And what can you do about it to make this vision happen for yourself?

I just realized that I've been training wealth building to my students since about 2002/2003...somewhere in that area.  That's over 15 years now.  And I've been a successful real estate and business entrepreneur since that's 24 years.  Almost a quarter of a century.  Wow.  That's kind of a long time...but not as long as some.  (I have a student who emailed me about how he's going to be training with Ron Legrand over the New Year's holiday and I know Ron by running in the same marketing circles for so many years.  Ron's been in this business A LOT longer than I have...maybe 50 years?  Longer?  I'll have to ask him when I see him in the spring.)

This is what I realized a few things just sitting here typing this email to you:

1)  Nothing changes unless YOU do.  Period.  No exceptions.  If you don't start putting SOMETHING NEW in motion -- whether it's to build a business, start investing in real estate, or WHATEVER it is -- nothing will just "happen" for you just 'cuz.  Nobody will show up to your doorstep to drop off a bag of money, unless it's illegally obtained through a bank robbery or something.  (In which case, you probably don't want the money then unless you want to go to jail for it.)  The likelihood that you'll buy the winning Power Ball ticket to $250 million is probably...ZERO,  And if you're waiting around for some "big idea" to drop in your lap before you start working toward something, ask yourself then, "How's that 'waiting around' plan working out for you?"

2)  In the 24 years I've been in business and the 15 years I've been training people just like you how to become successful, I KNOW the reason why most people fail.  It's because they: (a) don't have a dream of their own but rather want to "adopt" somebody else's vision for business and investing, (b) don't have a viable plan -- or are unwilling to implement a viable plan in its entirety -- to get the kind of financial freedom they crave, and (c) aren't willing to FIRST address their blocks and obstacles when it comes to success and wealth, namely their issues surrounding self-worth and belief in themselves.

3)  Many of my students -- maybe including you too -- are too busy trying to do for everybody else but never (or hardly ever) take the time, effort, and energy to do for themselves.  It's like that boring video they make you watch right before you take off in an airplane.  "Put on and adjust your own mask before helping others."  Yet how many times do we EVER put ourselves first.  We run around, getting gifts for everyone, making sure we please everybody, making sure we "attend" what we're supposed to attend, and doing our daily chores...and then at the end of each day, we've used up all of our time and energy...looking around and thinking, "I wish I had another hour in each day."  Well, you do.  Just stop doing so much shit for everybody else.  That's the solution to THAT problem.  And if you don't start doing the things YOU want to do -- even if it's for 30 minutes a day -- how can you possibly expect to see the results in whatever you are setting out to do without making ANY type of time and space commitment to yourself??

I have a few things I want you to consider as we set you up for your NEW LIFE in 2019.  After all, if you aren't ready or willing to roll up your sleeves and start doing anything, you'll absolutely NEVER get the changes in your life and finances that you want.

So, some things for you to know about what's coming up that can help you get what you want in 2019:

The Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop Videos and System (if you don't have it yet).  This is the IDEAL business for those of you who want to make anything from a few hundred to a few thousand in weekly net profits from a simple online business.  This business is NOT for everyone.  If you don't feel like you are drawn to this type of business, DON'T DO IT.  But if you really want to make money online the RIGHT way (and not the way those wishy-washy online "gurus" tell you how to do it) then this is your opportunity.  CLICK HERE to find out more about it including watching a video from the guy who does all my video for my events:  Jesse J.  (If you've been to ANY of my events, you would have seen Jesse filming the event there.)  But he used my strategies to build a business that gives him $20,000 to $30,000 per month in NET PROFITS and he talks all about it.  CLICK HERE to listen to this video.

The Underground Secret Event in LA on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.  This is a SUPER RARE EVENT.  (All of my Underground Secret Events are.)  This is the FIRST TIME I'll have 3 opportunities for ONLY those who register and show up to the event.  I highly recommend you register if you haven't registered already.  On the first day will be a Wealth Discovery Day where I'll talk all about EVERY POSSIBLE WAY to get money for deals, businesses and projects in a way that I've NEVER covered this material before.  There are 3 key ways that will be revealed in this RARE never-before-done day so this is NOT to be missed.  All Gold and Platinum VIPs will be allowed to attend this first day (March 8th).  And then on Day 2 (March 9th), I'll be talking about my SECRET BUSINESS.  This is a business that I have NEVER revealed before.  (This will BLOW YOUR MIND!)  You can make a TON of money doing this.  And no, this has nothing to do with money funnels or any of the things you can possibly think of.  I've never done an event on this.  I don't have a course about this.  (Not yet, anyway.)  And this is truly a unique and highly profitable way to make a fortune from home.  And finally on Day 3, I'll be talking about real estate, mostly MHP (mobile home park) investing and my latest projects, including the ones with Andrew Shaw, my star student!  And how YOU can be part of these highly profitable deals too!  CLICK HERE to find out more about this powerful life-changing event.

And finally, if you have ANY blocks to wealth, you absolutely MUST attend my Inner Success Retreat on May 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th.  (Yes, this is a 4-day event this time!)  Stuff for ME even changed during and after my 3-day Inner Success Retreat this past September.  I finally moved forward with getting my book writing career going after having it on the back-burner FOREVER (due to one excuse after another).  And I filled out the 30-day Action Plan (as did everyone who was part of the group) and I was able to secure an agent in -- NOT 30 days as planned but in -- 15 days!  When you use the magical forces that we talk about during the retreat including setting your intention and using your FORCE OF WILL to get what you want in life.  If you KNOW you have obstacles to success and wealth because everything you seem to try fails, it's because of something going in WITHIN you.  And until you sort it all out, you'll probably never see the financial gain of wealth that you know you want and deserve.  CLICK HERE to watch the testimonials from our September group to find out how this can change your life too!

I know this was a long email so...relax.  Take a breath.  Take a break.  And start seriously thinking about how you want 2019 to play out.  You may not know it, my friend, but you have MUCH MORE CONTROL over your future than you EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE!  So...start using that control.  Start creating the life you want.

And start right now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  The deal for the Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop Videos ends tomorrow.  CLICK HERE to check it out right now!

Posted by: AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 12 2018

You have more control over your finances than you think.  And if you're one of those people that makes excuses as to why you can do this or go there or afford that...I'm going to tell you the cold, hard truth and that is this: you're holding yourself back and you have been for years.  Some people find comfort in excuses while some LIKE blaming other people and outside circumstances for their financial woes.
Don't like hearing that?  After all, I'm sure you think you have a pretty damn good excuse as to why things aren't working out for yourself financially.
You have a choice though: keep wallowing in pitiful excuses or get off your ass and start doing something about it.  In fact, those are your ONLY two choices!
What's really awesome is that I'm in the process of finishing up my 3-day Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop Event.  And decidedly, this will be the LAST EVER event like this.
Why "last ever" on this highly profitable money-making strategy?
Because it's too energy-consuming for me to train students to do this.  I'd rather just make money DOING the stuff rather than DOING AND TEACHING the stuff, if that makes sense...especially since I make much more money DOING than teaching it.  And reality is, I'm just creating too much competition with my successful students that, after this, these secrets will go into my "vault" of money-making secrets where it will remain forever.
One thing, though, that is making this last ever Money Funnel Workshop Event so freaking unique is that I lay out the EXACT mechanics in how to completely set up your money funnel from scratch (including all the technical elements).  And I gave the entire EXACT tested-and-proven marketing template (including ALL of the "plug in" clone website materials) to this business that has already made me millions in profits.  This was kind of a "what the hell...why not" type of reasoning since I am, after all, NOT doing this type of training anymore.
So, why not go out with a bang, right?  AND, for those who get the videos of the entire 3-day WILL get this exact tested-and-proven "plug-in" business for you to use as you like.  (CLICK HERE to watch the testimonial videos of this powerful, rare, and one-time only event.)
I just caution you on a few things:
1)  You WILL have to watch ALL 3 DAYS of the videos to get ALL of the elements and EXACT instructions on how to download the successful money funnel clones and what to do with the downloaded clones.

2)  There is work involved.  Yes, you can make millions IN PROFITS every single year doing this but this isn't a 4-hour work-week type of deal at all.  If you're looking for a way to drop-ship your way to millions while watching television all day, keep looking because this is NOT the opportunity for you.  However, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work for the type of money I'm talking about (and on the "low" side we're looking at around a quarter of a million dollars PER MONTH) then this is definitely right up your alley!
So, yes, I DO give you a FULLY FLESHED OUT Money Funnel AND it's been tested and proven to have been HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, having made millions of dollars in profits.  Now you can have it to make this same type of money if you're willing to do the work.  CLICK HERE to get it now!
Now, I'm ONLY offering this to those who get these Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop videos.  And this is a ONE TIME DEAL.  This means that once this deal deadline hits, it's over and you won't be able to get this hugely profitable business anymore.
CLICK HERE to check out all the details about what we did in this rare and LAST EVER Money Funnel 3.0 Event.

This is, quite honestly, the VERY FIRST TIME I'm actually giving an entire tested-and-proven money funnel business model to my students...just for getting a set of seminar or workshop videos as a SPECIAL BONUS.  And, guaranteed, this will be the ONLY CHANCE you'll be able to get all of this.
Because I'm not doing these trainings anymore.  And because I can't give out the business model to but a handful of students.
CLICK HERE to get ALL of it right now...before all of these video sets are all gone.  Once we run out, that's it!  We won't be producing ANY MORE...ever!


See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, December 09 2018

Hi {!firstname_fix}

In the December newsletter for Viper Wealth, I had to include Bev's hospital story because it's actually pretty awesome...not because she was in the hospital but because what she discovered AFTER SHE LEFT the hospital!

Here is her amazing story as she wrote in my December Viper Wealth newsletter:

"For those of you who attended the Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop with Monica in October, I’m deeply sorry that I was unable to make the event as promised.  I wasn’t feeling well at all and upon Monica’s insistence, I went to go see my doctor.  I was surprised to find that they admitted me into the hospital right away.  It turned out that I had a ruptured spleen and I needed to go into surgery right away.

I had already had another surgery planned for a week after the workshop to have a benign tumor removed.  Little did I know that I’d have to have 2 surgeries on top of one another and it was not something I was readily prepared for.

But all’s well, ends well.  Or so they say.  I’m out of the hospital now and I’m in the full swing of recovery.  I’ll admit that the first couple of weeks were hard on me.  My body doesn’t snap back into health like it once did.  And while I planned on getting the additional materials to the attending students of the workshop by now, I imagine that it’ll be another week before I’ll get it to you.  (By the time you read this, you’ll probably have the materials.  Monica will send them out to everyone who attended the event.  I’m also in the process of doing a recording to explain some of the tools I want to provide.  And I’ll also be including a bonus clone and some marketing that I didn’t plan on including before.  I’m doing this to hopefully make up for not being at the event like I said I would.)

I wanted to write this for Monica because I remember getting out of the hospital, a little disoriented I’ll admit.  And it took me 2 days to feel up to checking in on my business.  After all, I had been gone for almost 2 weeks.  And because I was in so much pain (and then out of it after surgery because of the drugs I was taking), I had pretty much forgotten all about my business, as strange as that may sound.  And when I remembered, I had this sudden jolt in my heart and said, “My Lord, what if everything fell apart when I was gone?”

I went to my computer and checked my affiliate accounts.  I have a few.  And I grabbed my calculator and added up my totals for the 2 weeks I was out of it.  And I found that I had made $36,338 while I was in the hospital!  Can you believe it?  Nothing had changed and, if anything, I was making more money than I usually do!  I was so grateful and at that moment I started to cry.  My God, if I had never met Monica, who knows what my finances would look like by now!  Especially after 2 surgeries and being completely unable to work for that time!

If you have any desire to have a successful online business, DO THIS BUSINESS.  It has the potential to change your life.  It changed mine, it can change yours too.  I have Monica to thank for everything.  Everything!  Thank you, thank you, Monica!"

Did you catch the part about how much MONEY she made while she was IN THE HOSPITAL?

By the way, I was going to include her hospital picture as I included in the Viper Wealth issue but...she was kind of mad at me for sharing that pic with my Viper Wealth members.  So, I'll respect her and not share that photo.  Instead, I'll share the picture that she originally gave me which is the one she likes.

What I think is incredible is that she's been able to create a powerhouse stream of income for herself because of a few tricks and strategies she uses that I've taught her over the past year.

And these strategies are YOURS if you want them.

Not only can I share with you the strategies that I taught Bev but you can now -- for the first time ever -- get these strategies DIRECTLY FROM HER.

I'm finally releasing the Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop Videos.  You can use this time in December to set up your business so you can hit the ground running come January to start making a ton of money in your own home based business.

Also, if you didn't get the Money Funnel 3.0 System, you now have your LAST OPPORTUNITY to get that before the price goes WAY up for the New Year!

CLICK HERE to check out the videos including all of the glowing testimonials from this incredible once-in-a-lifetime workshop event.

This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER!  CLICK HERE NOW to get yours before this holiday promo is over!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm now accepting Apprenticeship 2019 applications.  CLICK HERE to download now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 07 2018

Many of you know (or know of) Beverly-Anne Thiessen...or Bev as we call her around the office.

She's in her 70s and yet she's managed to be able to build an incredible online business using 100% of my Money Funnel and Affiliate Marketing Strategies to the tune of making $40,000 per month...IN PROFITS!

She agreed to come out to my Money Funnel Workshop to show my students EXACTLY what she does to make the kinds of money she's making!

During this RARE WORKSHOP, Bev revealed her EXACT step-by-step blueprint on EXACTLY how she makes a fortune with her home-based business that I trained her how to set up.  But over time she's developed her own methods and strategies that she revealed for the first time ever.

Bev had a hospitalization incident before the meeting.  She didn't physically make the workshop but she provided a complete presentation, her exact money-making blueprint and other powerful materials that anyone can pick up and use to build their own multi-million-dollar online business.

CLICK HERE to watch the testimonial videos about this incredible event and what you missed!

What I LOVE about Bev is that she's not one of these older folks who makes excuses about how they can't do this or that because they're, well...old.  She does the work, figures out things that she needs to figure out, and gets it all done WITHOUT ANY EXCUSES.

And that's why she's pumping in now $50,000 per month in profits with her little online home-based business!!

Why aren't you making this kind of money yet?

Is it because you're full of excuses?  Is it because you can't make the time to devote to building up your funnels without distractions?  Is it because you've never made this a priority?

Now is your time to get away for 3 full days and to MAKE this a priority.

In this LAST EVER Money Funnel 3.0 Workshop video set, you'll:

  • Get Bev's EXACT step-by-step blueprint on how to set up your business to make the same kind of money she makes.
  • You'll have all of the tools and materials needed to start a highly profitable business of your own within a week or less!
  • You'll be given clones and other marketing tested-and-proven marketing "plug-and-play" templates you can use for your own "instant" business.

Why WOULDN'T you want to get all this??

The only people who won't make the time or effort to get and watch these videos simply don't want this kind of financial freedom.  Or maybe there's a sense of "comfort" in being miserable and making excuses.  I don't know.

This was the LAST event I'm doing of its kind and the ONLY event Bev revealed her EXACT blueprint on EXACTLY what she does (step by step) to make $50,000 in profits per month.

Why would you ever want to skip that?

CLICK HERE to get this powerful video series and "plug-and-play" marketing templates RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 28 2018

We all fall for it.  The well-meaning unsolicited "advice" we get to pretend we're listening to.  Until it gets too ridiculous to entertain, that is.

As it was in my case.

I mentioned recently that my dad kind of moved into my house.  He sort of showed up at my doorstep with a suitcase and I couldn't very well tell him to beat it (even though I wanted to). He's going through some very unique challenges with his wife (who I refuse to call my step-mother).  She's very ill and in recent months, because of the drastic changes in her medications, has become violent.  So he had to leave or risk having an ice pick plummeted into his skull in the middle of the night.  Hence, on my doorstep be ended up.

My dad and I never really had a decent relationship.  He was non-existent through most of my adult life.  I always got the sense (probably starting with my mother telling me from childhood that my dad never wanted kids) that I was more of an inconvenience being around so I made myself scarce.  This is why we barely ever saw one another until recently when he, of course, had no other choice but to find a safe haven from the cataclysmic destruction of his marriage. of the things I have to deal with now is his self-loathing "I don't know what to do" (which sucks) and difference "advice" he wants to throw out there (which also sucks).  And I can't even choose which sucks more.

Especially after he gave me a bit of advice that caused me to completely come unhinged.  It was the first (of several) episodes where I found myself actually yelling at him.

And this piece of well-meaning "advice" he gave me that was the cause of my becoming unhinged?

He told me to never express how I felt about religion or politics in the business world to anyone, especially my customers and clients.  And that if anyone ever said anything about religion or politics, I should just go along in agreement with everything they had to say about it.  Really?

Even worse (yes, it keeps going), he told me that it was his dad who gave him this bit of advice, stemming from when my dad was about 5 years old and a local restaurant owner was telling a patron that he goes to the same church his customer goes to, knowing damn well that it was a lie.  His dad explained that it was "good business" to just go along with everything your customers tell you, even lying about important things like religion, because it's all about just getting their money and nothing else.  Just agree and take their money was the motto of the day.


First of all, neither does my dad have a business (anymore) nor did his dad have a business (ever).  And yet here we have 2 people (one of which is dead) dispensing business advice that (a) is completely negligent of honesty and ethics, (b) isn't part of today's business world here in 2016, and (c) from people who have never had a massively successful business...or any business at all.

I'm NOT here to "say anything" just to "take people's money," as was apparently my grandfather's business advice.  For someone to stand for everything and say anything and do anything just to get on a customer's good to stand for nothing.  To agree with everything means you represent nothing.  You must stand for something, especially in this day and age, otherwise people will lose respect for you.  And you'll also lose respect for yourself as well.

But where did all of this stem from?

It was my emails about certain political subjects around the time of the election that set my dad off.  Apparently I was supposed to "agree" with everyone.  Trump?  Fantastic choice for president.  Clinton?  Fantastic choice as well.  No matter what anyone was to say, I apparently was supposed to go along with it.  Same with religion, I suppose.  Am I Catholic?  Sure. Christian?  Yep, that too.  Buddhist?  Of course!

Come on!

One of my mentors had some pretty heavy things to say about his political choice during some of the stuff happening in our political and economic environment.  And guess what?  I didn't agree with him AT ALL.  In fact, I don't think it's possible for us to be further divided on this topic.  But...being the smart common-sense kind of gal that I am, I realize that his political and economic beliefs have nothing to do with the things I'm learning from him in the capacity of marketing and business success.  Nothing at all.  He can believe with 1000% conviction that the moon is made of cheese.  So freaking what if he does? And if I happen to disagree with this "fact" especially having nothing to do with what I'm learning?  Maybe I do.  Again, that's NOT why I'm learning from him.  And only a flim-flam spineless loser would disconnect from someone they're learning a lot from that has a lot to offer their future because they disagree with where they go to church on Sunday or who they voted for on November 8th.

I had to painstakingly explain this to my dad, further explaining that I have a lot of followers who love my no-holds-barred style because I'm honest and about no bullshit.  And they know I'm not going to lie to them.  For the spineless losers who need to be "agreed with" on their political stances and religious preferences at all times, they can go across the aisle to the waiting snake oil salesman who will agree with everything they have to say provided that they whip out their credit cards so they can be sold every load of unusable crap there is on the market which will make them poorer instead of richer.  For people who want to be coddled, agreed with, and pandered to at all times...they've already lost because they'll be hard-up to ever find the "right" person to agree with everything they believe in unless it's someone willing to lie about their beliefs just to take their money.  For anyone who actually believes everyone should agree with everything they believe in...find another planet to live on because you're in the wrong place.

Part of the beauty in all of us is that we're all different.  We all have different perspectives and opinions.  We all have gone through different things which result in different likes and dislikes.  And that should be excellent because it allows us to have diversity within our societies.  How boring would it be if we were all exactly alike thinking all of the exact same things and formulating all of the exact opinions and beliefs?  It's certainly NOT a place I'd want to live or be part of.

Here's something else I'm not going to bullshit you about.

Business AND real estate investing.  Our 2019/2020 recession coming up.  And how there are several things of economic uncertainty that we are about to face but...if you know how to play your cards right, you'll make out like a bandit.

Truth be told, I made the vast majority of my money in recent real estate years between 2008 and 2010.  Then it began to taper down after about the middle of 2011.  It's been slowing down steadily since to the point of near-nonexistence in the past several years.  You see, opportunities in a good economy aren't that great when it comes to getting deals on real estate.  Foreclosures cease to exist.  Negotiating a lower price becomes impossible.  And everybody (sellers) want top dollar for their properties.

This sucks when you want to make money as a real estate investor.

But right now we're about to enter into a period where you can get some of those 2008 through 2010 deals again and you need to be prepared for it.  No, you're not going to start investing yet.  But what you WILL be doing is understanding how to do it front to back, step by step, from A to Z so that you can hit the ground running in a few months when the market starts to fall apart.

CLICK HERE to check out what I'm talking about right now.  This is going to blow your mind!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm now accepting applications for the 2019 Apprenticeship Group and already I've gotten over 25 applications so far!  CLICK HERE if you want to be part of this highly exclusive group for 2019!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 26 2018


The other day I gave you a short list of 3 of my most powerful success strategies.  Then yesterday I thought about something.  I'm perhaps missing one of the most powerful of them all.


Not tithing exactly, even though that counts.  But I'm referring to giving to others.

Now, the issue I have with tithing to an organized sect or church is that, for many people, it feels like an "obligatory" type of deal.  When anything feels like you're obligated in doing it, immediately it loses all power.  Period.  No exceptions.  Again, I'm not saying tithing is bad.  Not at all.  But do an "inner check" with yourself to make sure that you feel like you're providing a great service to your church and that the act makes you feel great to the pit of your stomach...or not.  The second it doesn't feel anything more than an obligation means that you need to change it up.

There's only one place I've ever felt I've received pure blessings in return for the money I give and that is giving to someone who has nothing but the shirt on his back.  Yes, I'm one of those people who routinely gives to the people who stand on street corners with cardboard signs.  Yes, some of them are scammers, alcoholics, and drug addicts.  So what?  That has nothing to do with MY intentions, only theirs.  My intention is to help another human being who is in need and that is where the universal power comes in.  It matters not in what they do with the money afterward as long as my feelings toward it (to help them out) is there 100%.  (To be clear, I don't help absolutely everyone standing around with a cardboard sign.  I "feel them out" with my gut to see if I want to give to them or not.  I trust my intuition in that way.)

Whenever I give to someone who has nothing to their name, I get the greatest blessings from them starting with the first words from their mouth and their first reaction in getting the money.  Usually they sit there with nobody helping out or, even worse, when people feel the need to insult them for asking for money.  So, when a kind face comes with a hand full of money, it surprises them.  Then, almost always, I get a "God bless you" from them.  And it's genuine from the base of their being.  And I receive that energy, making me feel great.  Then I'm blessed in so many ways because of that energy flow.

This is why I don't like traditional "tithing."  The word itself means a tenth...or a tenth of your income.  So, it almost seems like a forced payment plan in a way when donating precisely 10% of what you make (gross) to a specific church organization.  When things are that structured, the magic begins to dwindle just in the habit part alone.  But when you donate money with your best intent and heart in the gift, you are blessed much, much more than any other format out there.

If you're not sure about what I'm talking about, the next person that you see standing there with a sign and nothing to his name, reach into your pocket and pull out a five or ten...or a twenty dollar bill, if you feel so inclined.  And pay attention to what is happening within yourself when you do it.  Pay attention to the blessing that you feel from the person receiving the money.  And most importantly, revel in the feelings you have when you receive that blessing from the recipient of the money.  They are always most grateful and the feelings within you send you to the mood with happiness and elation.

Here's what happens:

When all of these energies start flying around -- starting from your desire to give the gift to the deep sense of gratitude from the recipient to your feelings of elation from being able to help someone -- the universe responds with gifts to you.  It all works like a big giant vacuum.  Nothing can go "empty" for long in the universe.  So, technically, your giving money to someone in great need causes this sense of "empty" as far as the energy goes in the universe.  You're $20 lighter...or whatever you gave to the recipient.  This allows for the universe to "rush in" to replace it, usually at least 10 fold but many times much, much more depending on the levels of energy flow between you and the recipient.  I've seen returns of 100 fold or higher in some cases.  The good news is that it's pretty immediate.

Here's the slippery slope though.  You can't give with the sole intent to get something without any other intentions otherwise this doesn't work.  You can't say to yourself, "I'm gonna give twenty bucks to that bum over there so I'll win the lottery tonight."  Not gonna happen!  But if you're intent is to truly help that person (and it's not only money that helps, you know), the energy intention behind it is absolutely everything in this universal equation.

Don't believe what I'm saying?  Test it out.  The next person you see holding a sign asking for money, IF you feel inclined to help this person then dig into your pocket and come up with some dough.  Give it to him (or her) and feel the energy that comes from the transaction.  As you walk away, you'll feel lighter and happier.  This, in and of itself, creates more energy and this positive energy pulls to you everything that is in alignment with your soul, your needs, and your life's path.

I'll be talking about THIS and some other things in a RARE Discovery Day that I will have BEFORE my Underground Secret Event begins in March 2019.  This Wealth Discovery Day will be on March 8th and the rest of the seminar will be on March 9th and 10th.

In this Wealth Discovery Day I will begin with the HARD SCIENCE behind my Wealth Secrets. the late morning and afternoon of the Wealth Discovery Day (which is, again, on March 8th and ONLY for Gold and Platinum VIP attendees), I'll be talking about a SECRET that I've never revealed before on getting money for your businesses AND your real estate deals from my most coveted private investors and lenders.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 24 2018

I have some of the most awesome and supportive students (even though I complain about the "bad apples" sometimes).  When I sent out my last couple of emails, I got a lot of supportive emails from students telling me that they love my teaching style, that they've been implementing the things I've been teaching, and sharing some of their rather mind-blowing success stories with me.  These are the emails I live for.  These are the ones that keep me going.

So, what I wanted to do here is share some of my secrets on how success works and why it seemingly eludes you, especially around this holiday season where I know we're "supposed" to feel blessed, grateful, and in the "holiday spirit" even though many of us feel quite the opposite.

Let me share with you my TOP 3 TESTED-AND-PROVEN SUCCESS SECRETS so that you can realize just how easy it is to get everything you want and need in your life, starting NOW.

Here they are:


Success Secret #1:  Stop Chasing and Start Attracting

Success and wealth absolutely HATE desperation.  Just like you would hate talking to or having to do with anyone who is desperately hanging onto you at, say, a cocktail party.  Wealth and success are both the same way.  The more you try chasing it down, the more it escapes you.  It's like running after a chicken at full speed in a backyard the size of an acre.  Catching that little sucker probably won't happen. And if it does, it was at the great expense of wasting a lot of time while tiring your ass completely out in the process, making you think out loud, "Was this really worth the effort?"

Desperation reminds me of an oil drop in a cup of water.  You'll notice that the drop repels the water around it, pushing it away.  Yes, they "sort of" co-exist in the cup but not really.  The water is under the oil, wishing it wasn't there since the oil itself is a burden upon it.  You can't be that burden to success.  You can't try fitting in somewhere that you don't belong.  You have to BECOME wealth and success in order for it to want to infiltrate your life with its gifts.

So...what do you do?  How do you stop chasing?  

I think the answer is within the question.  STOP CHASING.  It's that simple.  Sit down, take a breather, re-evaluate your life and what's important, and create a money-making strategy that you're passionate about where the strong desire overcomes the desperation for the money.  You then focus on the passion, the project, and the business.  The money will come because you've stopped chasing it.  It's that simple. Remember, you can't do things just for the money because that's chasing it down.  Chasing equals success eventually coming to you because you've stopped chasing and started focusing on the passion of the project.  See how that works?

The basis of this is letting go.  When I start getting stressed out about my businesses or something I really can't control, the secret is saying, "F*** it!" and just letting it go.  When you've done all you can do, sometimes you have to let those invisible hands help you with things you can't do on your own.


Success Secret #2:  Being Grateful for What You Have Now...AND a New "Twist" to Gratitude

I'm always sitting on the fence when it comes to trying to decide whether I want to write a metaphysical book...or not.  One moment I think it would be unique because it'll talk a lot about my experiences with Heaven and how things are over there (or rather here but most people don't see through that thin veil)...or if I should just keep those experiences to myself.  One moment I think it would help people but on the other hand, we're such a screwed up world that I think most people are beyond help.  Then I internalize and keep everything to myself.  I'm not sure if that's beneficial or not but for now it works for me.  As messed up and violent our world has become, sometimes internalizing is the best thing to regroup.

One of the bases of success is being grateful for what you have now.  I really am grateful...for absolutely everything.  I'm grateful for my beautiful daughter and every moment I get to spend with her.  I'm grateful for my dog (Sally) and my 3 cats:  Pineapple, Scooby and Bobo.  I'm grateful for my business, my students, my wonderful and supportive staff, and everything else -- good, "bad," or otherwise!

But it's not good enough to throw around the phrase "I'm grateful..." then adding a bunch of things to the end as if you're reciting what you're going to say at the Thanksgiving table this upcoming November.  You have to believe it, know it, and feel that sense of gratitude in the pit of your stomach for it to count.  When you're grateful for what you have, even if it's only a little, the universe wants to give you more or give you ideas (those "Eureka!" moments) on how to get more.  You have to respect God and the universe for what's been provided to you already (even if it's not that much) and you have to PROVE that you have that respect otherwise nothing more will be provided to you.

It floors me at how many students I communicate with who complain endlessly in an email to me.  Never once do they give kudos to what they have or how they got it nor do they give thanks for the things that will be provided to them in the weeks, months, and years to come.  Yes, that's right.  There's a TWIST to this.  You can (and should) be grateful for what you have now and the experiences you've had that has benefited you to this point.  You can (and should) also express gratitude for what the universe is about to provide to you from resources to ideas to money to...all of it!  Then that throws the expectation ball into the universe's court and it works every time in attracting what you've been grateful for if you do it from a state of conviction, honesty, and integrity.  So, do it.  Each night come up with 5 things that happened that you were grateful for that day.  The next day, list 5 things that you're expecting will happen to/for you that you're already grateful for.  Do this for a solid 7 days and see how magically your life changes.


Success Secret #3:  Freaking Go for It Already!

Tire kickers are at the very bottom of my list of people I'd have a conversation with, usually involuntarily at that.  Lazy people suck and I have no patience or use for people like this.  I can't make someone be motivated.  I can't teach someone common sense or how to be smart.  There are a lot of limitations I have as a teacher and trainer without a working magic wand.  But the basis of all success comes down to one single thing:  ACTION.  And you can't take action without deciding to go for it and just f****** do it already!

I love the notion of deciding on something.  To me, it's quite possibly the single-most powerful action you can take without actually lifting a finger.  And it's the prelude to where the magic happens.  But to decide without doing, that's certain death right there.  You can't say you're going to do something then waffle away into flakey-dom while binge-watching the latest season of The Game of Thrones while taking no action for your new idea.  That is disrespectful to yourself and it's certainly disrespectful to the universe who, presumably gave you the idea to move forward with whatever it is you decided on to begin with.  And when the universe passes out ideas that you get all psyched up about then end up doing nothing with, the ideas stop coming to you and are given to the DOERS in the world who will take action.

Fear is the biggest motivator for people to buy things.  It's also the biggest action inhibitor ever known to man.  Fear can physically paralyze someone into a complete stone-like state.  This is why they call it being a deer in the headlights.  Standing still will get you nowhere.

Let me share a little tiny secret to the universe that can make you all the difference in your life right now.  The universe LOVES movement, even if you start on a path that turns out to be the wrong one, it'll quickly put you on the right path by throwing out new ideas, having different people come along with new resources, or whatever is needed to put you in the right direction.  Here's what the universe hates: non-movement, stagnation.  If you're going to stand still, the universe will help someone else who is in motion and in need of the assistance.  It'll come back to you when you get off your ass and start moving in a specific direction.

This is why I don't worry about making mistakes.  If I'm not sure of the direction I want to take but I have an "inkling" of what I want to do, I start the movement and then I'm further guided into what I really should be doing.  It happens every time.  You just have to TRUST the process and KNOW that this universal system will work for you...because it works every time.

I have a powerful business and investing direction to put you into RIGHT NOW that WORKS EVERY TIME.  In fact, it's made quite a few of my students MULTI-MILLIONAIRES and it can work just the same for you if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do it.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main



Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 22 2018
Happy Thanksgiving!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 17 2018

Okay, I cracked.  I decided to do another seminar event but ONLY because of this upcoming recession that I only learned about recently. And you need to be prepared because, with a recession, you get DEALS, foreclosures, and more creative financing options than ever!

What's awesome about this upcoming event is that I'm doing a Wealth Discovery Day FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER the day BEFORE the event starts.  This is for Gold and Platinum VIP ONLY.  This Wealth Discovery Day will take place on the first day or March 8th and I'll go over CUTTING EDGE secrets on getting money from investors and banks with a SIMPLE SECRET that's no more difficult than snapping your fingers.  Guaranteed!!

Then on March 9th & 10th we'll be covering all the nitty-gritty on a BRAND NEW SECRET BUSINESS that I've NEVER revealed before including a partnership opportunity (on March 9th) and some very unique real estate cash flow opportunities INCLUDING 2 additional partnership opportunities (But one that is VERY unorthodox...even for myself!) 

When recession hits, strategies MUST change otherwise you won't be able to make money in this ever-shifting economy.  Don't get LOCKED OUT from being able to survive in our upcoming turbulent economic times!  Get the latest and greatest money-making strategies otherwise you'll risk being left out in the cold!

So, if you are SERIOUS about becoming a successful profitable business owner and real estate investor then you MUST sign up for this event.  You only need $100 to hold your spot AND this is a BOGO offer (which ends on the last day of this month).  This means that when you register yourself, you get to bring ONE GUEST for F*R*E*E!!

Again, this deal is ending soon and Platinum VIP is almost full (as usual since these tickets go the fastest) so I STRONGLY suggest you register now!  CLICK HERE NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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