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Success For Life
Sunday, June 17 2018
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 15 2018

It's been OVER 3 years since I last updated my Bird-Dog Bonanza and Opportunity System.

And I just updated it for 2018.  In fact, I just got them in a couple of days ago!

But that's not even the best part of it.

I have a tight list of investors who are looking for bird-dog deals.  And they're willing to pay big money for them.


Because right now the real estate market is TIGHT...meaning that there isn't much inventory.

The good news is that I give you a tested-and-proven secret strategy that you MUST use in today's real estate market to find deals without trying to scour for them on MLS sites like Loopnet (since trying to find deals online now is pretty much a huge waste of time since, well...there ain't many or any deals left anymore online)!

I have ANOTHER ground-breaking bird-dog strategy that I reveal on my brand new 1-hour video training.

Listen, I have students just like you clearing SIGNIFICANT 6-figure incomes simply by being a bird-dog and doing nothing else since ALL of them have been able to quit their day jobs within about 3 to 6 months of starting off as a bird-dog.

That could ALSO become YOUR story too.

CLICK HERE to find out more about this incredible opportunity!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I have a very special audio seminar I want you to listen to that is pretty amazing.  When you get a few extra minutes, CLICK HERE to listen to what I have to say.  It's pretty life-altering!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 13 2018

I have a few students making anywhere from $180,000 to over $350,000 per year as bird dogs.

And I'm fairly convinced that ANYBODY can make this type of dough doing this since it's so freaking easy.


If you THINK you know how bird-dogging works, think again.  It's CHANGED in the last few years in how to make it this profitable.

CLICK HERE to listen to a short audio seminar that talks about how this incredible opportunity works.

And, oh...

Here's the best part.

I have investors looking for deals right now and I want to connect you DIRECTLY to those investors ASAP.

CLICK HERE right now to find out how to become a part of this.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 27 2018

I have a lot of you asking me about WHICH DEAL to take advantage of.

And the answer is REALLY SIMPLE, folks.  Which do you want RIGHT NOW?  Aggressive income or passive income?

Whichever the answer is determines WHICH DEAL to go for that I have going on right now.

For Aggressive Income, CLICK HERE.

For Passive Income, CLICK HERE.

Realistically you could do both but I don't recommend you do both right now.  You need to pick ONE right now.

Listen, this year is already slipping by.  Many of you haven't really gotten STARTED on anything let alone really rolling in the profits on any of your intended projects.

Time to change all that now.  Like RIGHT NOW.

CLICK HERE for Aggressive Income.

CLICK HERE for Passive Income.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 25 2018

I decided to do something a little unconventional for my Memorial Day Blow Out Deal.

And that is to give you a LIST of my investors.

Yes, you read that correctly.  A LIST!!!  And on this list are investors who you can contact directly (because I give you their DIRECT contact information). 

Now a quick IMPORTANT NOTE about this investor list:

1)  You MUST have a deal to present to them.  This is NOT some deal where you pick up the phone to call them to "shoot the breeze" with them or waste their time in ANY way.

2)  These investors can offer down payment funding (for interest) OR a partnership (where they get an equity and cash flow stake in the property).  But you MUST present only ONE or the OTHER...NOT both in one deal.

3)  Your first line of contact needs to be via letter.  NOT a phone call, NOT email but a letter IN THE MAIL.  This is what they want to see.

The good news is that not only will you get a list of these investors but you'll also get 2 letter templates to use for your deals.  All you have to do is fill in the blanks with your information, print it out, mail it out and you're done!  You'll have these investors contact you DIRECTLY after they receive and review your deal.

To get more details on EXACTLY what I'm talking about, CLICK HERE!

Remember, I'm only offering this exclusive list for a VERY SHORT TIME because I don't want a lot of you to have it.  This is meant for only a few of you who really want to work directly with serious investors who are looking to do partnerships and to offer money (for interest) for your down payments.

Please note that these investors are NOT looking for bird-dog deals.  These guys and gals actually DO NOT invest in property this would be different than a bird-dog investor list.  This is a list of investors who will FUND and PARTNER in on deals.

CLICK HERE to check it out.

This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER and once it goes away, it's over for good.  You'll never be able to get this list ever again after this deal is over.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you want some Aggressive Income on STEROIDS then you need to CLICK HERE and take me up on my Mother's Day Promo which is still going on (until June 1st).  CLICK HERE for that deal now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 22 2018

For any of you who might argue that there really isn't a "recipe" for success, think again.  There IS a recipe.

Even my seminar video guy (who you've definitely seen if you've attended ANY of my seminars and workshops since March 2010) decided to take this exact RECIPE and turn it into a $20,000 per month business.  (He talks about it in this video testimonial he shot for me last year that you can take a look at by CLICKING HERE.)

So, what's the recipe?  And what EXACTLY is this recipe for?

Well, I'd like to call it more of a "blueprint" than a recipe.  After all, I can't cook worth a darn and I'm used to working with blueprints on the many rehab and construction projects I've worked on over the past 2 decades.

Recipe, blueprint...WHATEVER you want to call it, I have it for something that I like to call a KTB which is short for a "kitchen table business."

This is NOTHING to sneeze at.  I've actually made MORE from my KTBs than when I took my business into an office/warehouse, hired a bunch of employees, did everything the way I thought I was "supposed to" (according to the business world) and yet found that the vast majority of my profits would begin to EVAPORATE because of all the overhead and expenses.

And that SUCKS when that happens.

So, I tell my students this secret:  "Work your business from your home for as long as humanly possible, outsourcing everything, and keeping ALL of the profits to yourself."

I even recently heeded my own advice by doing just that.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I closed down my office on February 28th of this year and started outsourcing EVERYTHING.

And keeping all the profits to myself.

Just like I showed my video guy -- Jesse J. -- and everyone who has attended what I like to call my "Aggressive Income Business" workshops and seminars, there IS a step-by-step method in creating a KTB.

Even better, you can CLONE MY EXACT KTB without starting anything up from scratch (which is somewhat difficult to do).

What am I talking about?

CLICK HERE and I'll show you EXACTLY what I'm talking about.  This IS the formula to clear a MINIMUM of $20,000 in NET PROFITS each and every month...LIKE CLOCKWORK!

CLICK HERE and I'll show you how it's done!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 11 2018

It's not anything new if I tell you that you need money to make money.  We all know that by now, right?

But it's not just MONEY that you need.  It's CREDIT.  Money is limited to what you have in your pockets and in your bank account.  But CREDIT is where all the LEVERAGE is at! may only have a few hundred bucks in your checking account but if you have a really good credit score, you can access HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS...

Within 7 to 10 days, to be exact.

And I have the guy who can get you this money...with NO income verification, NO employment verification, NO collateral, NO upfront fees, and NO application fees.

But you have to have good credit to get the MAXIMUM dollar amount he's offering in UNSECURED credit.

So, the GOOD NEWS is this:  If you don't have good credit, you can get it.  AND FAST!

In fact, I have a way of boosting your FICO score by up to 200 points in 90 days or less.

CLICK HERE to find out EXACTLY how it's done...including my SECRET STRATEGY!

By the way, this opportunity ENDS 5pm Pacific Time to be exact.


You cannot afford to wait another moment!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 09 2018

Last weekend I had my 2-day meeting with my Apprenticeship Group where I had my UNSECURED $200,000 Money Guy talk about the requirements to get the unsecured loan for up to $200,000.

That's when I discovered that he has TWO loans, the first is actually up to $250,000 (for really good credit) and is, of course, UNSECURED.  But then he said that anyone can get a SECOND line of credit for up to $150,000.

That makes it $400,000 in UNSECURED CREDIT that someone can qualify for to use for anything, including (and especially) down payment money for real estate investing!

These loans require NO collateral, NO income verification, NO employment verification, NO upfront fees, and NO application fees.

But you have to have a mid-FICO of 680.  They can go as low as 650 (on a case-by-case basis) and if you have a military affiliation...they can go as low as 600.

But, of course, not everyone HAS the base-bottom required mid-FICO.


What if I told you that you can BOOST your FICO score up to 200 POINTS in the next 90 days or less?


If you don't have this awesome VERY hard-to-find resource like my Money Guy then I can give THAT to you too!

CLICK HERE and find out all about it.

This opportunity goes away on Friday.  That's in 2 days.

I'm also throwing in a RARE 2-day Credit Workshop Event on video that cost my students $4,000 a pop...and I'll give that to you as a bonus.  This is a bonus that I've NEVER offered before.

CLICK HERE to find out how to get all this stuff...for a super low price that will BLOW YOUR MIND!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  My Inner Success Retreat in Santa Barbara, California is on September 28th, 29th and 30th.  My early-bird pricing deal is ENDING SOON and I have a STRICT CAP on the amount of people who can show up.  It's only for 35 total students who want to attend.  CLICK HERE for more details on this first-ever Total Breakthrough and Transformation Event that will NOT be video or audio recorded.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 08 2018

Have you had the chance to listen to my newest audio seminar yet?


This is what is going to "set the stage" for your success from now to the end of the year...IF you want to start acquiring cash flowing properties, that is!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 07 2018

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  You've heard that before, right?

You know why, for sure.

It's because the rich have access to OPM or Other People's Money at the snap of a finger.

And the poor, well...they do not.

THAT is the main key difference.

Of course, there are other differences.  How the poor THINK and FEEL about money is one difference.  How the poor MANAGES money is another difference.  HABITS...that's another difference.

Education.  That's a HUGE difference.

And it's EDUCATION IN MONEY that I'm talking about.

One of the biggest factors is how economics works, how credit works, and how money fluctuates and flows through the world at large.

And why only a handful of the "elite" get to hold the vast majority of the wealth while everybody else is graced with nothing but peanuts...just enough to make them think they're "making it" when all the while it's just stringing them along for basic survival.  And nothing more.

If you want MORE and you're tired of living the pauper's life because you simply don't know better, time to make some changes.

Like NOW.

Because nothing will ever change for you by doing the same things over and over again while expecting a different result.  (That's the definition of insanity, they say.)

CLICK HERE to find out the VERY FIRST THING everybody should do when setting out to build massive wealth for themselves.  And if you DON'T do this, you'll NEVER get anywhere.  Not only will you never be wealthy but basic functional living will also be extremely difficult for you.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:28 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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