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Success For Life
Monday, May 07 2018

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  You've heard that before, right?

You know why, for sure.

It's because the rich have access to OPM or Other People's Money at the snap of a finger.

And the poor, well...they do not.

THAT is the main key difference.

Of course, there are other differences.  How the poor THINK and FEEL about money is one difference.  How the poor MANAGES money is another difference.  HABITS...that's another difference.

Education.  That's a HUGE difference.

And it's EDUCATION IN MONEY that I'm talking about.

One of the biggest factors is how economics works, how credit works, and how money fluctuates and flows through the world at large.

And why only a handful of the "elite" get to hold the vast majority of the wealth while everybody else is graced with nothing but peanuts...just enough to make them think they're "making it" when all the while it's just stringing them along for basic survival.  And nothing more.

If you want MORE and you're tired of living the pauper's life because you simply don't know better, time to make some changes.

Like NOW.

Because nothing will ever change for you by doing the same things over and over again while expecting a different result.  (That's the definition of insanity, they say.)

CLICK HERE to find out the VERY FIRST THING everybody should do when setting out to build massive wealth for themselves.  And if you DON'T do this, you'll NEVER get anywhere.  Not only will you never be wealthy but basic functional living will also be extremely difficult for you.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:28 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 04 2018

Did you have a chance to listen to my brief audio seminar yet?

If not, CLICK HERE right now.

What I'm about to tell you is how to increase your personal mid-FICO score by boosting it 200 points or more in the next 90 days or less!

I don't need to be the one to tell you that you need good credit to start a business and run a business.  They say that the vast majority of businesses that go under do so because they are UNDER-CAPITALIZED.  I don't want that to be you.

I also don't need to tell you that you need good credit to buy investment real estate, especially if you want the lowest interest-rate fixed loans with the highest LTV a lender can offer to you.

Again, that pesky CREDIT requirement keeps coming up time and time again.

So, if you're mid-FICO isn't well over the 700-mark...why isn't it yet?


Time to break out of that now.

CLICK HERE and I'll show you EXACTLY HOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 04 2018

There IS a reason that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

The reason?


Now, I'm not talking about being able to go to Harvard or making connections by rubbing elbows with the rich.  Yes, that helps...but that's not what I'm talking about here.

Education...meaning they KNOW what to do to "work the system" to make it work for them.  To help them build massive wealth.

The poor...well, they don't know any of this.  In fact, it was Rockefeller who developed the school system, purposely doing it in such a way to make the "commoner" stupid.  The system was developed to ensure that you are "trained" to show up everyday at a certain time, to eat lunch at precisely a certain time for a certain number of (short) minutes, and to do mindless busy work.

Rockefeller was a genius...for the RICH, that is.  Because he developed this school system to keep everyone stupid and compliant so that they can all work in rich people's manufacturing plants, farming fields, and the like -- all this to keep making them RICH while keeping the poor ALWAYS POOR.

And it worked!  In fact, it's STILL working in Rockefeller's favor and he's long dead!  It's working for his wealthy (living) distant relatives who are STILL benefiting from this "rigged" set-up.

Going even further down the rabbit hole, did you notice that the school system NEVER introduces any real-world finances at ANY stage in the school system?  They don't teach you about credit, getting loans, or balancing a checkbook  None of that is taught.  So it's no wonder that kids who graduate high school and go into college, they are drawn to the first credit card booth that is put on the college campus (and banks DO do this, you know), they apply and GET their first credit card...and they don't know what to do with it!  They don't understand payment cycles, compounded interest, NONE of it!

It's no wonder everybody goes into debt so early on in their 20s.  It's because nobody taught them about debt.  (This was intentional, by the way, to keep people stupid, in the dark, and CONTROLLED by the system through massive heavy debt.)

I remember being in high school and the unruly trouble-maker loser kids who couldn't sustain marginal barely-passing grades in Algebra were thrown in the "Business Math" class.  Some of the kids would tell me about what they taught in there.  Believe it or not, they actually taught kids how to balance a checkbook, how to create a personal budget, and how the credit system works!

I was flabbergasted!!  I wanted to be in that class!  But when I asked my school counselor about getting into the Business Math class, I was told that my grades were TOO GOOD to be in the class (because it was designed only for the stupid kids, for some reason...still makes no sense to me why this was).

Thinking back, I'm wondering if the "system" believed that the unruly trouble-makers couldn't be "conformed" to the "system" that the wealthy devised for the commoner so they said, "What the hell?  Give them SOME tools in the real world to make it since they won't work in our factories.  We'll just keep those tools away from the compliant ones because we need them to run our stores, factories, businesses, and the like!"

Reality is, you were NEVER GIVEN any of these real-world business tools when you were growing up.  And it was designed ON PURPOSE this way.  Yes, it was.  And you were RAILROADED!

But it's time to change that.

Starting with your personal credit rating.  Because this is where it ALL begins.  With your personal credit.  This is how you begin to build your cornerstone "base" from with which wealth will be able to grow.  As long as the base is set up correctly, it'll be such a solid foundation for you that it will continue to help you build wealth for decades to come.

But how?

Glad you asked!

Because with this excellent personal credit rating, you'll be able to access OPM or Other People's Money...just like the rich do.  In fact, the vast majority of the time, they use NONE of their own money to acquire assets.  They rely heavily on OPM.  And because they know how to get it, they are graced with wealth beyond their wildest dreams because they UNDERSTAND HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS the way it was designed...since it was designed only for them.

But you can tap into this same power of OPM.  Yes, you can!

A couple of months ago I did an introductory offer on my 2018 Build Business Credit FAST! System and we sold out THREE TIMES...that's how popular that system is.

But for some of you, you realize that in order to unlock the full potential of this unsecured business credit, you MUST start with a decent personal FICO score otherwise you'll find that you'll be spinning your wheels for longer than you need to, getting frustrated in the process and potentially giving up.

And I don't want that to happen.

I have a VIPER FAST WAY to boost up that personal FICO score...up over 700 and ideally up over 720 to be able to unlock the full potential of OPM.

If you haven't started working on fixing and rebuilding your personal credit, you MUST start now.  It only takes a few months and upwards of a year (if your credit is really a mess).

Think about it.  In a year from now, you'll still be a year older.  You can choose to celebrate your next birthday in the SAME credit situation you're in now OR with an excellent credit score as being someone who is tapping into OPM for wealth-building.

The choice is yours!

CLICK HERE and I can show you exactly how to quickly bolster up that personal credit score ASAP so you can start getting rich like the wealthy while forever leaving behind the "rigged system" that was intentionally created for you to be a struggling poor commoner with no access to wealth.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:44 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 01 2018

Recently I had a guy from two decades ago -- a guy who was a "bad apple" ex-business partner -- contact me through Facebook.  This guy was bad news, although I didn't know it at the time.  I was barely 20-something when I met him and he seemed pretty kosher.

Except that he wasn't.  He was a legal battle waiting to happen and, as it turned out, he actually became exactly that!

So, needless to say, after our business partnership went south, I never saw him again.  This was back in the 1990s.  So, yes, it's been a REALLY long time.

I thought it was pretty freaking BALLSY of him to contact me via Facebook in light of everything he and his bad dealings had put me through back then.

But...what the hell?!  Water under the bridge, right?  (That's what they say, don't they?)  Just keep a VERY LONG arm-length's distance, is my methodology in instances like this.  Never see the guy, never talk to the guy...just see what he's up to through Facebook.  Keep it at that.

He immediately began to tell me how his life hasn't changed much since back then and went on to describe his life as being "impoverished."

Impoverished?  Well, I'll be damned.  Karma really does work!

But it wasn't so much "karma" for doing bad misdeeds (to me and many others) back then (although I'm sure it was PART of the equation in his being "impoverished")...

It was his BAD HABITS that he NEVER changed.

You see, he always had a bad credit score, never paid his bills, never paid off past (or current) debts...NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY HE MADE.  Yes, you read that correctly.  He made money -- and lots of it -- back then but he NEVER paid his bills!

I never understood that mentality!  I was always very good about paying everything, and EARLY on top of that!  But to vindictively not pay bills just don't want to pay them?  Who THINKS like that?

Evidently HE does, that's who.  (Hopefully you don't think that way!)

So...all these years later, you can compare both of us.  Me...and him.  And it comes down to one thing:  FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I'm rich.  He's not.  Not by a LONG SHOT.

And there's one MAJOR element as to why.  FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I have GREAT personal credit; he STILL has crappy credit (and he's worked pretty hard to keep it this way for 20 years)!

I'm able to use OPM or Other People's Money to gain wealth.  He's not because...well, he chooses to never pay his bills or debts.

Therefore, I am wealthy; he is impoverished.

All because he has BAD CREDIT (and chooses to keep it that way)!

Yes, it pretty much comes down to that ONE THING that separates me and him.  We know the same sales and marketing skills.  We're both good at sales.  We both know real estate.

But I have money.  He DOESN'T have money.

And it's because of the BAD HABIT of his not fixing and rebuilding his credit.

Think about it:  20 years went by and he could have refurbished his credit profile FROM SCRATCH 2 times over had he filed for bankruptcy twice.  (As far as I know he didn't file for bankruptcy but he could have and STILL been able to have an 800+ FICO score by now!)

So, what does all this mean?  It means that what can separate two people with the same knowledge and set of skills comes down to one reoccurring theme and issue all the time:  CREDIT!

Credit, credit, CREDIT!  That's all it seems to come back to, right?  And there's a reason for that.  It's because our entire economy is run on credit.  So, if you don't have it together, I STRONGLY suggest that you do.  RIGHT NOW, actually!  Because otherwise you'll just keep missing opportunity after opportunity and, maybe eventually, you'll be saying that your own financial conditions are that of "impoverished" if you keep on this road of not cleaning up your credit situation.

If you do not have a mid-FICO in the 700s then you need to do something about your personal credit situation.  NOW!

And I have a way for you to do that.  But you must CLICK HERE NOW and I'll tell you all about it.

Nothing changes -- decades later even -- if you don't make necessary changes NOW.  That's just how the ball bounces.  The change begins with YOU.

And the good news is that I'm making it REALLY easy to make this happen.  CLICK HERE and I'll explain everything to you!

As far as my ex-business partner for 20 years ago, I ended up blocking him permanently from Facebook.  As they say, God sweeps people out of your life for a reason.  Why invite trouble back in, right?

But at least I know he got what he deserved.  ;-)

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 06 2018
All Good Things Must Come to an END!

I've been in Hawaii with my daughter Brie for the past 10 days and now I'm on my way back we speak.
I'm going to miss Hawaii but I'll be back next year.  (I usually go every Spring Break.)  All good things must come to an end but now it's time I roll my sleeves back up and go to work!
I don't know if you noticed but the opportunities are starting to flurry back into the market.  (I'm talking about real estate, in case you don't know what I'm talking about.)  And as you know, it starts as flurries (or mist, if you want the rain analogy) and then the blizzard will come in (or a full-on hurricane, if you'd prefer more of a tropical analogy instead).
I've been warning you folks for coming up on TWO YEARS NOW that this was going to happen.
It started with the "issues" surrounding the subprime credit market.  This time it was different.  Instead of affecting housing (at least in the beginning of this, anyway), it's more about subprime credit like unsecured credit cards, car loans, car leases, etc.  This began in the late summer of 2016...or at least that's when I picked up on it.
Fast forward to a year after that when it was reported that our commercial real estate prices were (and still is in some areas) 20% HIGHER than it was back in 2007...right before the crash in 2008. forward again to just about 2 months ago when we had 2 of the largest stock market DROPS in a single day...IN HISTORY.
It's what we call "inciting incidences" (as referred to in the creative writing world) like these that become the catalysts of further developments, usually not the "good" kind either.
Of course, they're good for me.  Anytime there is a full blown recession, I ALWAYS do much better financially than when the economy is doing well.  It's during these times that there are deals, opportunities, and people running around scared so much to the point where they're willing to give you the keys to the kingdom...for nothing more than a prayer and a song.
Instead of YOU fearing the worst in the months to come -- as it will become evident to everyone that things are going awry -- you need to learn how to EMBRACE IT...even WELCOME it since you're then preparing for OPPORTUNITIES GALORE that are about to come to you (and others best prepared for it).
And I'm about to show you how to do that.
CLICK HERE and I'll show you the very best way to not only prepare for the market devastation to come...but how to WILDLY PROFIT from it!!
Listen, YOU can make the decision in what you want to do, where you want to be, and how you want to handle the upcoming changes in the market. 
You can choose to be a victim or you can choose to profit. 
The decision is all yours.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 04 2018
If You WANT It...You GOTTA Go Out and GET IT!

I took this picture of this bird this morning while eating breakfast.  There was another bird -- much larger in size -- that just hopped on the table and started eating my daughter's breakfast.
I thought it was funny.
It kind of reminds me of how life is.  If you want something, you have to go get it.  As Zig Ziglar would say in the olden days in his sales training events:  "Timid sales people have skinny kids."
Same thing with every type of money-making endeavor out there whether you're investing, starting a business, etc.
Timid investors have skinny kids.
Timid business owners have skinny kids.
Timid ANYBODY has skinny kids.
You cannot be timid in the world of business.  You just have to go out there and grab life by the balls and get what you want.  There's no other way around it.
And if you offend a few?  Who cares?!
If some are put off by your brazen attitude?  Again...who cares?!  Because at the end of the day only YOU care if you're coming home to skinny kids.
And if you're FINALLY ready to get out there and make your mark in the REAL world of business, particularly that of getting a kick-ass monthly cash flow, CLICK HERE NOW!
Remember, life doesn't wait around waiting for you to get off your ass and go out there to get what you want.  Life will easily just give it up to somebody else.
Somebody else who wants it more.  And who wants to jump up there and get it before anybody else does.
CLICK HERE to see what I'm talking about!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 01 2018
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Here is a picture of a cake that my Apprenticeship student Nichele J. sent to me.

I have some of the best students, don't I?

Have a great Easter, my friend!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 31 2018

Last night I took my daughter Brie to her first ever luau in Hawaii.  I've been to these before and they're not my favorite.  They seem to drag on and on.

But I wanted Brie to see the fire throwers.

So we went.  And it was pretty fantastic!

But one thing irritated me while we were there.

As we all entered into the venue, the staff there had us take pictures with a male and female dancer.  This would be for the obvious sales pitch later on where they'd sell the picture to us.  That's fine.  I actually like getting pictures like that.  (I'm not a good photographer so I like having someone take a good picture and to give it to me already printed out and in a frame; I never have time for such activities in my busy life.)

We sat at a table with a lackluster couple from New Jersey with their ill-behaved 6-year-old little boy and a mom and daughter from Chicago.  My hometown.

And there's always an obnoxious guy at the table who found it necessary to be loud, extremely opinionated and bossy.  He was at the other end of the table didn't bother me too much.

The picture sales pitch guy made his rounds.  He hit the New Jersey couple first.  The guy immediately shut the sales pitch down saying, "What a rip off.  I'm not buying that."

Okay, so it was $50 for the entire package of pictures.  It included a framed picture, some refrigerator magnet pictures, a key chain and something else.  It was a pretty beefy package compared to others I've seen.

But what this clown was REALLY saying (at least the way his wife would have interpreted it) was, "For $50, my family isn't worth it for me to get a picture of all of us that will last forever.  They're just not worth it!"

The wife said nothing but I could tell she was mildly disappointed that the cheapskate didn't get the family photo at the luau.  But she kept her lips zipped.

My point: she said NOTHING because she has NO freedom, NO money of her own (obviously) and NO BALLS to stand up to the porker she's married to.  And while she seemed uncomfortable with having lost her freedom, she doesn't feel strong enough to speak out or to say anything.

And that REALLY sucks.

For all of you ladies out there, NEVER lose your freedom!  NEVER!  Especially not for some man.  Please.  Don't make that choice because it's a bad one.

If I was there with a man who would have shut the picture sales guy down, I would have (a) RAISED HELL, (b) IMMEDIATELY REACHED FOR MY CREDIT CARD TO BUY THE PHOTOS, and (c) TOLD THE MOFO I WAS WITH TO NEVER SPEAK ON MY BEHALF OR MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME EVER AGAIN(Needless to say it would be an uncomfortable scene for the man involved if he ever found himself in this position.)

Perhaps that's why I'm single.  Who knows?  (Not many men can handle an independent and strong woman.  And that's really too bad.)

Ron always knew better.  He knew to shut up during sales pitches of ANY kind and he would always let me decide if I wanted it or not.  And he definitely NEVER spoke on my behalf without me getting a say in on whether I wanted it or not.

On the flip side, some men have lost their freedom to their wives.  NOBODY should lose their freedom to a spouse or a significant other.  NO ONE!

And if you're one of those people where you've given up your freedom -- especially because of your spouse holding the purse strings, being the breadwinner, etc. -- then NOW is the time for you to get your freedom back.

Or maybe it'll be the FIRST TIME you have any freedom at all!

It's time for YOU can be the lion that roars when you want something without ANYONE shutting you down otherwise.  After all, it'll be YOUR MONEY and therefore you would have earned YOUR FREEDOM.


I have a way for you to get ALL of your financial freedom...and then some.


This is pretty extraordinary and something that A LOT of you have been asking about and waiting for for several months now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:27 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 29 2018
How YOU Can Have What I Have!

Right now I'm in Hawaii so I thought I'd take a pic of the pineapple drink I'm now consuming.

I have to say.  This trip to Hawaii was a long-time coming.  I had a rough start to 2018 so far.  Lots of work, lots of working overtime, lots of stress.

And this is my first real breather for the year and then it's back to the grind shortly thereafter.

This year was supposed to be the year where I was to take a step back -- a GIANT step back, actually -- but it didn't happen that way.  Instead it seems that I'm working harder than ever.

I think this is because mostly I LIKE what I do.  Do you like what you're doing?

If the answer is NO then you need to change something...and you need to change it fast!

When I was in Detroit earlier this month, I was telling my student in attendance about how AMAZING it is to be able to have so many choices and options in your life simply because of having cash flow coming it.

And yes, that means being able to up and leave -- jetting off to Hawaii for 10 days -- and then coming back rested and relaxed.

Or deciding to take a few days off just to do some gardening work.  It seems the older I get, I actually find relaxation and enjoyment in these activities that I once thought were "lame" when I was younger.

Freedom.  That's what I have.  Do you have freedom?

I have deep gratitude in what I've been able to build and if you haven't started building this yet, I have a way for you to do that...STARTING NOW!

CLICK HERE to see what I'm taking about.

In the meantime, back to my drink.  The ice cubes are melting.  And we can't have that now, can we?

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 25 2018

Did you ever wonder how to turn $200,000 into $1,000,000?

Maybe not...

Because maybe you don't even have the $200,000 to start with?  So why ask such questions in the first place.

But what if I told you that the $200,000 isn't your money to begin with?  It comes from somebody else.

And, that you can turn that $200,000 of someone else's money into $1,000,000 or more in 12 months or less.

In fact, when I talked about this very strategy, it turned out that the illustration I showed turned that $200,000 into $1.75 million in about 1 year.

Anybody can use this strategy. 

Absolutely ANYBODY!

Especially those of you who use the "I-don't-have-any-money-to-get-started" excuse over and over again.

What if I took that excuse away from you forever?


What if I gave you the EXACT strategy to turn that $200,000 of OPM into over $1,000,000 in 12 months or less?

CLICK HERE NOW and I'll show you how.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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