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Success For Life
Wednesday, January 11 2023

The other day I let you know that I'd reveal a secret strategy having to do with the changes in the real estate market...and how you can make money as the market falls off a cliff.

This is earth-shattering stuff, folks.  And I'm about to reveal a small whiff of what to expect in 2023 with real estate at my webinar that will be taking place later this week.  (If you didn't register for this webinar yet, CLICK HERE NOW.)

Now, one thing I've been going on and on about over the years is grabbing up as many cash flowing properties as possible.  Except that just wasn't easy to do in the past several years as the market kept getting higher and higher.  And it's always a bad idea to buy real estate at the peak of the market because most people find themselves financially underwater the second they close escrow.

But right now, there's something different happening in the economy (and I'm sure you've noticed).

There are two (2) "perfect storm" elements that we haven't seen since around 2012 or 2013 that are NOW HERE if you want to grab up some cash flowing properties to give you a lifetime of passive income.

Element #1:  Higher interest rates.  It may seem counterintuitive but this is actually a good thing.  This reverts the real estate market back into a buyer's market.  And it's during a buyer's market when you find discounted prices on cash flowing property deals...discounts NOT available during a seller's market.  So, yes, the interest rates are higher but the DISCOUNTS you'll be able to get on the purchase price of these properties will be much lower, offsetting the higher interest rates.

Element #2:  Recession.  Yes, we're in a recession.  And we've actually been in a recession for quite some time.  However, with all the free pandemic money that was flying around, it offered a false "band-aid" that just glossed over the financial troubles that many people -- including small and medium-sized businesses -- were experiencing because of the pandemic.

Because of these two major elements, the sh*t is about to hit the fan.

But...instead of chewing your fingernails or having a heart attack, I have a plan for you to profit and prosper in a major way.


This is powerful stuff!

Even better, I'm giving you "the farm" for only $27...but this deal is ending really soon.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 10 2023

Have you noticed lately how people seem to have their heads up their asses?

I'm noticing people everywhere who are mentally slow.  They're all over the roads, clueless looking, slowly driving along, cutting people off, and seemingly in a stupor.

I thought it was just a handful of the normal "dim-witted" people that you'd see on the road during any typical timeframe just seems like there are way too many people who look...I don't know: confused.

Have you noticed this?

After pondering what the cause of this sudden stupor stupidity that is rampant everywhere I go, I realized that there is one "reason" why this is.

It's the post-holiday "thaw" period.

This is when people are kind of still in a "holiday state of mind" but yet the holidays are over.  So, they need a week or two to completely "thaw" from the last of the holiday season.

And with that, you'll find a lot of deer-in-the-headlights kind of people meandering around, confused, dazed, and not really "with it," if you know what I mean.

What's most alarming about this year is that I don't remember it being this bad in any year prior to this.

I don't know quite what to make of it...yet.  But I have some theories.  Would you like to hear them?

Theory #1:  Post-Pandemic Blues.  For the holiday seasons of 2020 and 2021, millions of people were unable to do their regular holiday "thing" and most people just stayed home to be safe.  Many lost loved ones.  Many lost their normal holiday routine.  So when the 2022 holiday season rolled around, it was the first "normal" one in a long time and people kind of forgot how to get back into the swing of things, especially since many people lost loved ones they used to enjoy the holidays with.

Theory #2:  Financial Stress.  A lot of people are in the deepest debt they've ever experienced in their entire lives.  While trying to enjoy the holidays, in the backs of their minds they're thinking, "How am I going to get out of this hole?"  And that is keeping millions of people distracted as they muscled their way through the holidays, putting on a smiling face while worrying about their future.  Of course, our hyper-inflation, increase in interest rates, and supply shortages certainly didn't help.

Theory #3:  Overall Insecurity About Life.  The pandemic did a number on a lot of people's psyches.  What was once considered a "normal" status quo life is now a sea of insecurity, instability, and chaos.  Things just seem...worse.  This includes with politics, war overseas, drastic economic flux, and changes in how companies do business, needing fewer employees to function.

And, of course, it could be more than just one thing.  Or maybe something I didn't even include.  I don't know.  But I think this is the reason why most people just seem to be...barely existing and without much focus or aspiration.

Hence why so many people are bumbling about with such confusion.

Now let's talk about you: where are you in this equation?

Do you feel confused?

Or do you know exactly what you want...but you just don't know how to get there?

I tell my daughter all the time that because so many people are willing to do so little to get what they want these days, it's fairly easy to get what you want because all you have to do is show up and put in a little effort.  And that's it.  The competition has simply ceased to exist like it used to back when I was in my 20s and 30s.

With that said, there is something you really should consider jumping on board with only because there is a short window of opportunity for you to do this...even if starting from Ground Zero.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

When the economy starts to go to hell in a handbasket, that means opportunity for those of you who know what to look for...and how to capitalize on it.

CLICK HERE to check out this powerful opportunity right now!

Likely this is something you've been waiting for...for many, many years now.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 05 2023

It's been a very long time since I brought you anything having to do with real estate investing.

And there's a reason for that.

It's because there hasn't been much opportunity when we're in a "peak of the market" state of the economy as we had been for the past several years.

And now we're a recession...and at a point where the real estate market is about to fall off a cliff (metaphorically, of course).

Because of this, I decided to reveal some interesting secrets about how to cash in on passive income property deals that you can get for a steep discount and, in some cases, for pennies on the dollar.

CLICK HERE to find out what I have for you.

By the way, when you click on that link, you'll be shocked at what I'm essentially giving away for next to nothing.  You'll be like, "How the heck is Monica offering this at such a dirt cheap price of only $27?  Has she gone mad?"

Maybe I have.

Or maybe it's because I want you to have my latest and most cutting edge real estate investing secrets for a fraction of the cost of what they're really worth because I want to make this affordable for everyone who wants in on this.

Now, there's a catch.  (Of course there's a catch, right?)

You have to snatch this up before one of two things happens:

1)  We run out of books.  I had 500 of these printed.  Once we run out, that's it.  You won't be able to get it anymore, even at a higher price.

2)  There's a deadline.  Once the deadline hits, the price quadruples (or just about) and I'll sell the books at the higher price till I sell all 500.

That's it.

If you miss out, blame yourself.  Because I'm making this so ridiculously cheap that you'd have to have your head examined for missing out on this.

CLICK HERE NOW to snatch this up...while you still can...before it's too late!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm going to be telling you exactly what you need to know about what's going on in the real estate market next week in a special and very rare webinar.  CLICK HERE to register now.  I don't do these very often.  In fact, the last "real estate forecast" webinar that I remember doing was at least 2 years ago...maybe more like 3 years ago.  So, needless to say, I don't do these very often.  During this webinar I'll be talking about what's going on with the different real estate sectors and how the economy will be affecting each one.  I'll also be showing you where the opportunity is in each of these markets and showing you your best plan of action to take full advantage of this recession when it comes to real estate investing.  CLICK HERE to register right now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 06:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 21 2022

I have some of the most awesome and supportive students (even though I complain about the "bad apples" sometimes).  When I sent out my last couple of emails, I got a lot of supportive emails from students telling me that they love my teaching style, that they've been implementing the things I've been teaching, and sharing some of their rather mind-blowing success stories with me.  These are the emails I live for.  These are the ones that keep me going.

So, what I wanted to do here is share some of my secrets on how success works and why it seemingly eludes you, especially around this holiday season where I know we're "supposed" to feel blessed, grateful, and in the "holiday spirit" even though many of us feel quite the opposite.

Let me share with you my TOP 3 TESTED-AND-PROVEN SUCCESS SECRETS so that you can realize just how easy it is to get everything you want and need in your life, starting NOW.

Here they are:


Success Secret #1:  Stop Chasing and Start Attracting

Success and wealth absolutely HATE desperation.  Just like you would hate talking to or having to do with anyone who is desperately hanging onto you at, say, a cocktail party.  Wealth and success are both the same way.  The more you try chasing it down, the more it escapes you.  It's like running after a chicken at full speed in a backyard the size of an acre.  Catching that little sucker probably won't happen. And if it does, it was at the great expense of wasting a lot of time while tiring your ass completely out in the process, making you think out loud, "Was this really worth the effort?"

Desperation reminds me of an oil drop in a cup of water.  You'll notice that the drop repels the water around it, pushing it away.  Yes, they "sort of" co-exist in the cup but not really.  The water is under the oil, wishing it wasn't there since the oil itself is a burden upon it.  You can't be that burden to success.  You can't try fitting in somewhere that you don't belong.  You have to BECOME wealth and success in order for it to want to infiltrate your life with its gifts.

So...what do you do?  How do you stop chasing?  

I think the answer is within the question.  STOP CHASING.  It's that simple.  Sit down, take a breather, re-evaluate your life and what's important, and create a money-making strategy that you're passionate about where the strong desire overcomes the desperation for the money.  You then focus on the passion, the project, and the business.  The money will come because you've stopped chasing it.  It's that simple. Remember, you can't do things just for the money because that's chasing it down.  Chasing equals success eventually coming to you because you've stopped chasing and started focusing on the passion of the project.  See how that works?

The basis of this is letting go.  When I start getting stressed out about my businesses or something I really can't control, the secret is saying, "F*** it!" and just letting it go.  When you've done all you can do, sometimes you have to let those invisible hands help you with things you can't do on your own.


Success Secret #2:  Being Grateful for What You Have Now...AND a New "Twist" to Gratitude

I'm always sitting on the fence when it comes to trying to decide whether I want to write a metaphysical book...or not.  One moment I think it would be unique because it'll talk a lot about my experiences with Heaven and how things are over there (or rather here but most people don't see through that thin veil)...or if I should just keep those experiences to myself.  One moment I think it would help people but on the other hand, we're such a screwed up world that I think most people are beyond help.  Then I internalize and keep everything to myself.  I'm not sure if that's beneficial or not but for now it works for me.  As messed up and violent our world has become, sometimes internalizing is the best thing to regroup.

One of the bases of success is being grateful for what you have now.  I really am grateful...for absolutely everything.  I'm grateful for my beautiful daughter and every moment I get to spend with her.  I'm grateful for my dog (Sally) and my 4 cats:  Pineapple, Rudie, Charlotte and Bobo.  I'm grateful for my business, my students, my wonderful and supportive staff, and everything else -- good, "bad," or otherwise!

But it's not good enough to throw around the phrase "I'm grateful..." then adding a bunch of things to the end as if you're reciting what you're going to say at the Thanksgiving table this upcoming November.  You have to believe it, know it, and feel that sense of gratitude in the pit of your stomach for it to count.  When you're grateful for what you have, even if it's only a little, the universe wants to give you more or give you ideas (those "Eureka!" moments) on how to get more.  You have to respect God and the universe for what's been provided to you already (even if it's not that much) and you have to PROVE that you have that respect otherwise nothing more will be provided to you.

It floors me at how many students I communicate with who complain endlessly in an email to me.  Never once do they give kudos to what they have or how they got it nor do they give thanks for the things that will be provided to them in the weeks, months, and years to come.  Yes, that's right.  There's a TWIST to this.  You can (and should) be grateful for what you have now and the experiences you've had that has benefited you to this point.  You can (and should) also express gratitude for what the universe is about to provide to you from resources to ideas to money to...all of it!  Then that throws the expectation ball into the universe's court and it works every time in attracting what you've been grateful for if you do it from a state of conviction, honesty, and integrity.  So, do it.  Each night come up with 5 things that happened that you were grateful for that day.  The next day, list 5 things that you're expecting will happen to/for you that you're already grateful for.  Do this for a solid 7 days and see how magically your life changes.


Success Secret #3:  Freaking Go for It Already!

Tire kickers are at the very bottom of my list of people I'd have a conversation with, usually involuntarily at that.  Lazy people suck and I have no patience or use for people like this.  I can't make someone be motivated.  I can't teach someone common sense or how to be smart.  There are a lot of limitations I have as a teacher and trainer without a working magic wand.  But the basis of all success comes down to one single thing:  ACTION.  And you can't take action without deciding to go for it and just f****** do it already!

I love the notion of deciding on something.  To me, it's quite possibly the single-most powerful action you can take without actually lifting a finger.  And it's the prelude to where the magic happens.  But to decide without doing, that's certain death right there.  You can't say you're going to do something then waffle away into flakey-dom while binge-watching the latest season of The Game of Thrones while taking no action for your new idea.  That is disrespectful to yourself and it's certainly disrespectful to the universe who, presumably gave you the idea to move forward with whatever it is you decided on to begin with.  And when the universe passes out ideas that you get all psyched up about then end up doing nothing with, the ideas stop coming to you and are given to the DOERS in the world who will take action.

Fear is the biggest motivator for people to buy things.  It's also the biggest action inhibitor ever known to man.  Fear can physically paralyze someone into a complete stone-like state.  This is why they call it being a deer in the headlights.  Standing still will get you nowhere.

Let me share a little tiny secret to the universe that can make you all the difference in your life right now.  The universe LOVES movement, even if you start on a path that turns out to be the wrong one, it'll quickly put you on the right path by throwing out new ideas, having different people come along with new resources, or whatever is needed to put you in the right direction.  Here's what the universe hates: non-movement, stagnation.  If you're going to stand still, the universe will help someone else who is in motion and in need of the assistance.  It'll come back to you when you get off your ass and start moving in a specific direction.

This is why I don't worry about making mistakes.  If I'm not sure of the direction I want to take but I have an "inkling" of what I want to do, I start the movement and then I'm further guided into what I really should be doing.  It happens every time.  You just have to TRUST the process and KNOW that this universal system will work for you...because it works every time.

Happy Holidays!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 28 2022

Earlier this year I mentioned that this was going to be my year of power.  And it has been so far.  It's been a pretty amazing kind of an odd way.  I've experienced a lot of abrupt and unforeseen changes in my life.  Some were completely unexpected.  Others were more like, "Well, I knthat had to change but I just didn't know how to get out of that rut."

Here's another change:

I decided to no longer be a victim as a usable doormat to people anymore.  And I decided to stand up in every situation I felt was wrong or wasn't working for me.  Of course, this makes me a lonely person with very few people in my life but that only means all the loser deadbeats are now gone.  When I'm ready, I'll have to start lining myself up with some awesome people.  Right now I'm on a mission to do bigger and better things business-wise.

I also decided to lose weight.  Which I have.  (And I'm still losing the weight but I'm about halfway there.)

I decided to stop drinking altogether.  I'm not sure if this will be a permanent change.  I'm not discounting the possibility of an odd drink here or there for special occasions.  But for now, I stopped drinking.  I didn't drink at all during Thanksgiving and likely I won't be drinking for Christmas or New Years either.

So...why this latest conquest of change?

This year has given me a couple of "closures" on some lingering issues that are finally over.

A big issue of closure for me was how I was running my business with a specific marketing strategy that I abruptly decided I'm no longer going to be doing anymore effective immediately.

Another issue was the types of products I've been marketing.  Just like with the marketing strategy, seemingly overnight I just abruptly closed the door on that too.

With that said, I have this feeling of great strength now that I finally closed a chapter in my book of life and I'm starting to begin to write a new one this week.  When something comes to completion, it only opens up a new road with new exciting beginnings because the old is flushed away.  Maybe this is what you're experiencing right now.  At least I hope so.  Otherwise maybe you're feeling stuck or perhaps on the wrong road in life.  And that is always a sucky place to be.

So, how to do you start to gain your power back?  How do you take the bull by the horns in your own life and guide your own path?  You just start doing it, that's how.  But you first need a direction otherwise the bull you have by the horns won't know where to go on your life's path.

I'll be the first to tell you the truth and that is life really IS stacked against you.  It only gets worse as we succumb to constant distractions, "fake news," celebrity bullshit, political scandal, the latest iPhone release, game apps, the latest shiny penny...and then we wonder why the hell life is going so fast without us accomplishing much.  If anything we are actually losing a grip, losing control, and losing at life.

Last month my attorney asked my "opinion" when really he was just broaching a conversation.  He asked why I think (at his age) that life is going by so fast?  He said it seemed like only yesterday when we were celebrating the New Year and now it's almost Christmas.  In a blink of an eye.  Just like that.

I told him that I thought it was much like driving on auto-pilot.  We do the same things each day, especially the older we get.  We are chained to a monotonous schedule.  Same thing every day.  Same thing every week.  Like the movie Groundhog Day.  Months roll over.  Then we're back at Christmas and thinking WTF?!  Where did the time go? 

But next year will be different, right?  We'll buckle down on those Resolutions and we'll make something happen in the next New Year.  Right?

That's probably what you said on January 1st of this year, too.  Except today is November 28th and not much has happened with those New Year's Resolutions yet, has it?

In order to get what you want, you have to start pounding the iron with force, tenacity, and great will to succeed.  Get off your ass and start working some kind of actionable business plan already.  

What the hell are you waiting for?  

And if you don't have any kind of business plan in mind, I have a kick-ass idea for you to get out of that rut, out of that life of being broke all the time, and out of that cesspool of frustration and desperation that you've been swirling in.  

CLICK HERE and check it out right now!

Remember, nothing changes by itself.  There is no ship that just comes sailing in for you.  You have to swim out to the damn ship.  

Or better yet, build one from scratch.

CLICK HERE NOW!  This is something AMAZING that you DON'T want to miss out on.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm going to be doing an incredible power-packed training on a brand-new business that you could make a fortune with.  CLICK HERE to enroll in the training now.  You won't have to pay a penny for it and it'll likely completely change your life.  CLICK HERE to jump on board with the training right now!


Earlier this year I mentioned that this was going to be my year of power.  And it has been so far.  It's been a pretty amazing kind of an odd way.  I've experienced a lot of abrupt and unforeseen changes in my life.  Some were completely unexpected.  Others were more like, "Well, I knew that had to change but I just didn't know how to get out of that rut."

Here's another change:

I decided to no longer be a victim as a usable doormat to people anymore.  And I decided to stand up in every situation I felt was wrong or wasn't working for me.  Of course, this makes me a lonely person with very few people in my life but that only means all the loser deadbeats are now gone.  When I'm ready, I'll have to start lining myself up with some awesome people.  Right now I'm on a mission to do bigger and better things business-wise.

I also decided to lose weight.  Which I have.  (And I'm still losing the weight but I'm about halfway there.)

I decided to stop drinking altogether.  I'm not sure if this will be a permanent change.  I'm not discounting the possibility of an odd drink here or there for special occasions.  But for now, I stopped drinking.  I didn't drink at all during Thanksgiving and likely I won't be drinking for Christmas or New Years either.

So...why this latest conquest of change?

This year has given me a couple of "closures" on some lingering issues that are finally over.

A big issue of closure for me was how I was running my business with a specific marketing strategy that I abruptly decided I'm no longer going to be doing anymore effective immediately.

Another issue was the types of products I've been marketing.  Just like with the marketing strategy, seemingly overnight I just abruptly closed the door on that too.

With that said, I have this feeling of great strength now that I finally closed a chapter in my book of life and I'm starting to begin to write a new one this week.  When something comes to completion, it only opens up a new road with new exciting beginnings because the old is flushed away.  Maybe this is what you're experiencing right now.  At least I hope so.  Otherwise maybe you're feeling stuck or perhaps on the wrong road in life.  And that is always a sucky place to be.

So, how to do you start to gain your power back?  How do you take the bull by the horns in your own life and guide your own path?  You just start doing it, that's how.  But you first need a direction otherwise the bull you have by the horns won't know where to go on your life's path.

I'll be the first to tell you the truth and that is life really IS stacked against you.  It only gets worse as we succumb to constant distractions, "fake news," celebrity bullshit, political scandal, the latest iPhone release, game apps, the latest shiny penny...and then we wonder why the hell life is going so fast without us accomplishing much.  If anything we are actually losing a grip, losing control, and losing at life.

Last month my attorney asked my "opinion" when really he was just broaching a conversation.  He asked why I think (at his age) that life is going by so fast?  He said it seemed like only yesterday when we were celebrating the New Year and now it's almost Christmas.  In a blink of an eye.  Just like that.

I told him that I thought it was much like driving on auto-pilot.  We do the same things each day, especially the older we get.  We are chained to a monotonous schedule.  Same thing every day.  Same thing every week.  Like the movie Groundhog Day.  Months roll over.  Then we're back at Christmas and thinking WTF?!  Where did the time go? 

But next year will be different, right?  We'll buckle down on those Resolutions and we'll make something happen in the next New Year.  Right?

That's probably what you said on January 1st of this year, too.  Except today is November 28th and not much has happened with those New Year's Resolutions yet, has it?

In order to get what you want, you have to start pounding the iron with force, tenacity, and great will to succeed.  Get off your ass and start working some kind of actionable business plan already.  

What the hell are you waiting for?  

And if you don't have any kind of business plan in mind, I have a kick-ass idea for you to get out of that rut, out of that life of being broke all the time, and out of that cesspool of frustration and desperation that you've been swirling in.  

CLICK HERE and check it out right now!

Remember, nothing changes by itself.  There is no ship that just comes sailing in for you.  You have to swim out to the damn ship.  

Or better yet, build one from scratch.

CLICK HERE NOW!  This is something AMAZING that you DON'T want to miss out on.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'm going to be doing an incredible power-packed training on a brand-new business that you could make a fortune with.  CLICK HERE to enroll in the training now.  You won't have to pay a penny for it and it'll likely completely change your life.  CLICK HERE to jump on board with the training right now!


Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 26 2022

I've been a wealth trainer for more than 20 years and I've found that there is a COMMON THREAD among every student of mine who never becomes successful.

What is that COMMON THREAD?

Not enough attention to the details and NO FOLLOW-THROUGH.

Many of the students I work with believe that they will read one of my books and suddenly they are "schooled" enough in being able to start a multi-million-dollar business.  They're not even willing to attend a seminar, mentorship group, or study my course materials yet they believe they're rippin' ready to jump into starting their online business. the 11th hour, they back out.  Some will get just inches from the finish line and they drop out of the game, detoured by fear (mostly because they didn't go deep enough in the learning process to understand what to do next), and then they recess into the mediocre life of what's always been.  Never to become successful with anything.

I hope that does NOT include you.  It probably doesn't because most of my students understand the value of learning everything they can before jumping into the big, bad world of real business.

With that said, I have something VERY IMPORTANT to tell you about the rapid changes in our economy.  You absolutely MUST watch a short video that I have prepared for you.  CLICK HERE to watch it now.  In fact, I highly recommend that you STOP all working on or with any type of business until you watch this somewhat shocking new direction that I'd like to see you pursue for maximum cash flow potential.

CLICK HERE to find out what this is all about RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 24 2022

Years ago I started sharing this story with my students around Thanksgiving about why I hate pumpkin pie; how my mom used to make pumpkin pies from scratch and she's make so many of them that she's force-feed the remaining balance (usually upwards of 6 or 7 pies) of what she couldn't give away to friends and family to both me and my brother.

And how, to this day, I absolutely refuse to eat pumpkin pie.  In fact, I really don't like any pie at all.  My brother Jason also feels the same way.

Interestingly enough, my daughter had her first "Thanksgiving feast" at school where she got to eat pumpkin pie.  She told me that it was so disgusting that she spit it out in a trash can.

And I laughed.  I thought it was funny as hell.  Could she have gotten the anti-pumpkin pie gene from me?  (Nice thought, although I believe that would be considered scientifically impossible considering that my experience with pumpkin pie was entirely "environmental," if you know what I mean.)

I went on to say that the problem with the pie she ate was that it was store-bought.  And the baked goods they sell in a store isn't nearly as good as the real thing.  But I couldn't help myself in telling her my experience with real homemade pumpkin pie and why both me and her Uncle Jay refuse to eat any pie at all.  She didn't say much other than to boldly state that she loves apple pie, as it's the greatest pie in the world, according to her.

It's interesting how life works, isn't it?  I've come to understand so much about life in having a child's eyes to see the world through.  And it's made me so grateful for all the good and even the challenges I face on a week-to-week basis.

If you think about it, no matter how hard things get, we really do have it good.  At least that's the way I see it.  So many people are sitting in war-torn countries, some are homeless, and some are even missing limbs.

We are blessed in so many ways and it's pretty easy to forget about all these daily miracles we get to reap.  But maybe today, just once, we can see it for what it is and feel that deep sense of gratitude for everything we have and for everything we are.

If you're one of those people who actually believes you have nothing right now to be grateful for (hey, maybe it was a tough year for you) then at least feel grateful for what can manifest in your life in the months to come.

What a lot of people don't realize about me is that I don't care about any loss that may happen in my life (except for what's not replaceable).  Why?  Because I can create it again and again and again.  I've taken a few major financial hits in my life.  And with each time, I've gotten it all back plus some because I have the tools necessary to do it; these "tools" are nothing more than what I have stored in my brain.

When you're the goose that lays the golden egg and you know that you can create everything you want, it really does make a huge difference.

So, if this was a challenging year for you, be grateful for the amazing things that are coming up for you because you've done a few things that are pivotal in your life:  (1) you've decided that you're not going to settle for less anymore, (2) you're going to get your ass out there and finally do this, and (3) you know that you can make this happen because you now have the tools to do this.

And that's all you need.

Be grateful and the seas will part for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 22 2022

Many of you know that I'm a feng shui believer.  And for those of you who have NO CLUE about feng shui, I'll give you the one-second explanation: it's an Asian technique to "refocus" energy in your house and work space to make significant changes in your life.

I know...sounds a little "hokey pokey."  At least that's what I thought before I became a huge believer by seeing the things feng shui have done for my life.

I've told the story in a couple of my seminar events in years past.  About 15 years ago I had a lawsuit that tore my entire personal and professional life apart...down to losing absolutely everything I had.

Me and my 2nd husband (at the time) ended up moving into a rental house that was (and still is) owned by his mother.  She allowed us to move in without paying her any rent until we got our sh** together.

While we were living in that house, I came across a book called Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter.

And it literally did change my life.

Now I'll admit.  All I focused on was my prosperity corner.  I didn't care about anything else at that time.  I followed the suggestions by first cleaning up the space.  That corner happened to be the master bedroom closet which was a disorganized disaster.  I thoroughly cleaned out and organized the space then added purple (construction paper) in that corner. (Purple is a very powerful prosperity color next to red and gold.)

I went to Michael's and bought a wooden treasure chest that I painted purple then glued a ton of jewels inside; the book suggests putting things in the prosperity corner that represent wealth and a treasure chest came to mind.  (I still have that same treasure chest in my prosperity corner as we speak.  It's now 18 years old...cute little thing.)

Next, I bought something called Abundance Oil by Young Living.  (Available at  I put this on a small Buddha that I put in my corner.

And that was it.

I didn't even put in a desk fountain (which I should have done to magnify the results much quicker) at this point.

During that time, my future was pretty bleak and hopeless.

Fast forward one year from that date...I had a successful multi-million-dollar company and was building a custom home with a pool from the ground up.

It happened so fast but yet "naturally gradual," if that makes sense.  It wasn't like I bought a lotto ticket and was an overnight millionaire but the opportunities came and came and came some more!  Before I knew it, I was back on top!

Now, here's what feng shui WON'T do for you.  It won't make the money for you.  It won't take any action for you.  But it WILL allow opportunities to come through.  It will give you ideas that you never had before.  It'll send magic your way.  It's up to you on how you follow through.  It's up to you to put some type of action plan into place because it'll do nothing for you if you won't unglue your ass from the couch.

So...a couple of weeks ago I was starting to feel stuck with a couple of career/business decisions.  Plus business seemed a little too slow for my liking.  So, I amped up my prosperity corners, starting with torching a smudge stick in my office.  And within mere hours, I started seeing the new vision of about how things will be unfolding from this point forward.

At both my home and office, I have a fountain that runs 24/7 in my prosperity corner.  I put loads of the Abundance Oil in the fountain over the course of a couple days.

In my prosperity corner at home, I have my master bathroom in my prosperity corner (upstairs).  And this sucks. The worst thing you could ever have in your property corner is a toilet.  I don't exactly have a toilet but I have a bathtub.  When I moved into my house, I painted the tub plug red and I keep it plugged all the time when the tub is not in use.  This has helped keep the energy from being sucked down the tubes.  


But I have 2 sinks that are next to the tub and I keep those open.  This apparently was presenting a problem in my prosperity.  Not only was business slow but my expenses were increasing for some reason.

So...I bought these rocks.  That's right.  Medium-sized pebble rocks of 2 colors:  white/clear and purple.  I put these rocks in each sink, sitting on the stopper in each one. And I added a feng shui mirror to sit on the side of the bathtub to push the energy to the ceiling instead of letting it fall to the bottom of the tub.

That's all I did.

Within 2 weeks my business has quadrupled with NO additional effort on my part.

So, when I tell you this stuff means THIS STUFF WORKS even if it sounds "hokey pokey" or weird.

Trust me.  When I first started with this, I felt weird.  I felt stupid putting purple construction paper in my cleaned-out closet.  I felt lame painting a treasure chest purple and gluing jewels all over it.  But I gave it a chance.  And it worked.

I recommend that you at least put a small fountain in your prosperity corner in your home and in your office.  That corner is located to the far back left of where your front door is. So when standing at your front door, imagine where the far back left corner of your house is.  That's your prosperity corner.  And if you have 2 stories, you have 2 prosperity corners to contend with.

When I've recommended that students use this technique, they've been shocked at how magical that it works.

But there's another part to this.  You can't just sit on your ass and do nothing.  You have to implement some type of plan or strategy so that the magic can happen for you.

I have something that will likely blow your mind.  CLICK HERE and watch a quick video that I put together for you about this.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 14 2022
Listen up if you don't have a mid-FICO of AT LEAST 720 or higher.
Credit is more important than ever yet many people let their FICO scores slide right down the tubes in the past couple of years because of one reason or another.  Time to get control of your FICO with this quick and easy secret I have for you called "The Holiday Blitz."

Last year I gave my students a quick "crash course" on how to use the "holiday blitz" to remove some delinquencies off their credit reports in record speed.  The students who used this strategy reported that they increased their personal credit FICOs anywhere from 100 to 200 FICO points last holiday season just by using this little-known simple "holiday blitz" secret.
So, I'm going to up the ante this year because I shot a quick tutorial video for you with complete instructions and downloads.  CLICK HERE to watch that tutorial now.
This project will cost you about $70 to do this because you'll be sending these letters these letters Priority (which costs $9.90 x 3 envelopes) and you'll need a current copy of your credit report (which you can get for $39.95 from  But the upside is that you can increase your FICO score FASTER THAN ANY OTHER TIME IN THE YEAR because of the upcoming holiday season due to the credit bureaus being UNDERSTAFFED this time of year!  So, take advantage of this ONCE-A-YEAR "holiday credit blitz" by doing this little project (which, at most, will take you ONE FULL HOUR) between today and Sunday night.  (The goal is to get your 3 Priority envelopes out in the mail between TOMORROW and NO LATER THAN MONDAY before the post office closes that day.)

Okay, so here are your EXACT instructions:

Step 1:  Go to to get all 3 of your credit reports and FICO scores.  This will cost you about $39.95.  Don't be cheap.  Pay the money.  Your entire credit future hangs on doing this project RIGHT the first time out.

Step 2:  Print out the file (and also save a PDF copy in your computer) and take a highlighter marker for all the "adverse" items you'd like to dispute with the credit bureaus.  (Usually these "adverse" items are listed first in your credit report.)

Step 3:  Download my free letters (by CLICKING HERE) and use them as templates for the 3 credit bureaus.  You will be creating a letter FOR EACH CREDIT BUREAU SEPARATELY.  VERY IMPORTANT:  While it's tempting to dispute online, DO NOT SUBMIT DISPUTES ONLINE.  This will BACKFIRE on you.  Take the time to fill in the letter templates that you downloaded from my website and MAIL OUT THE LETTERS in USPS Priority envelopes.
Step 4:  Input each adverse account on your letter templates for each credit bureau.  Since most of the information will be duplicate from one report to the other, I recommend creating one letter to include each disputed account and then simply change the credit bureau name and address at the top of the page for each subsequent bureau letter.  This will save you loads of time.  Be sure to SAVE YOUR LETTER so you can repeat this process in 30 days if needed.

Step 5:  Print out each letter.  Make 3 copies of your valid driver's license or passport.  Make 3 copies of at least 2 utility bills showing your name and your current address.  If you moved within the past 2 years, be sure to include your prior address at the very bottom of your credit bureau letters.  Each envelope should contain the following: 1 Letter, 1 Driver's License (or Passport) Copy, and 2 RECENT Utility Bill Copies (showing your name and current address).  This will disallow the bureaus from playing games with you to buy time by saying something like, "We don't believe this is a legit dispute." Or, "Prove your identity," and giving them another 30 days to put off the process.  You can't afford to be dickering around like this with them.  And since they're understaffed during this time of year, it's typical that they try to blow people off with whatever lame response they can muster if you don't have all the paperwork I outlined above in your envelope.

Make sure you send the envelopes to the CORRECT and current addresses on file for each bureau which are as follows:

PO Box 4500
Allen, TX  75013

PO Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016

PO Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Get those suckers out in the mail (remember, use USPS Priority with a SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION) either tomorrow (ideally) or Monday (no later than the close of business).
And what happens next?
Most of the credit bureau staff is either gone on vacation starting Monday.  Those who are working aren't mentally "on the job" and are probably going to be pissed off that they're working when they believe they shouldn't be but because they don't have enough seniority to have time off.  These are the staffers who will be grumbling because they have to sit in their soul-sucking cubicle in a barren office.  So, likely they're playing Candy Crush instead of working just to "stick it to the man."  This means that your envelope just rots away on their desk, garnering no attention at all.  (I'll explain in a minute why this is actually a good thing!)
In case you don't know how imperative this 30-day period is (starting tomorrow), let's analyze this period.
If you mail your letters NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, they'll get the letters via USPS Priority (2-day) which means they arrive to the bureaus by Wednesday (the day BEFORE Thanksgiving).  This is when the clock for you starts ticking on the 30-day time frame in which they are legally required to complete your investigations on your claimed disputes.  Thirty days from that day (that your envelope arrives) is going to be right after Christmas.  And nobody is there between Christmas and New Years either.  In fact, during most of this next 30-day period, many of the credit bureau (and creditors including collection agencies, law offices handling collections, etc.) are taking loads of time off too.

Let me walk you through what happens when you file a dispute with the credit bureau. They receive your letter and have 30 days to investigate your dispute.  During this investigation, they will send a letter to the creditors you are disputing and require that they send the appropriate documentation required to substantiate that the account(s) you are disputing is yours.
Except that during the "holiday blitz," many of these employees working for these companies aren't around, they're taking extra time off, and when they actually are working, their minds are elsewhere such as thinking about shopping, cooking, partying, etc.
And this is where your advantage comes in.  If there is no response (or a late response) from any of these creditors or collection agencies, the delinquent account falls off your credit report altogether as if it never existed in the first place.

You see, your envelope that was rotting on somebody's desk will be picked up by a more experienced credit bureau employee when he/she comes back from the Thanksgiving vacation.  They'll be irritated that Lazy Jane didn't do the work (because she was too busy playing Candy Crush, remember), leaving the just-returning-from-vacay responsible staffer with a wheelbarrow full of credit dispute letters that MUST be done before the 30-day deadline...which is now already a full week in.  So, this staffer has to work quick to catch up on the work, doing everything in her power to just get them done...usually deleting and updating a bunch of stuff (in your favor) just to get the work completed.  (IMPORTANT: This is ALSO the time where they'll send out boilerplate "form" letters to people who did not include their driver's license or passport copy with 2 utility bills with the whole... "We're putting your investigations on hold until you prove your identity" shtick.  This is why you MUST include a VALID copy of your driver's license or passport with 2 recent utility bills showing your name and current address so this DOESN'T happen to you!)
Within the past couple of years, because of major hacking breaches of security with the bureaus and among major creditors like Capital One, the credit bureaus were blasted with so many disputes in recent years so they started using slick tactics to "buy time" in order to put off the 30-day time line.  They would do things like sending letters back stating that they didn't believe the letter was a "valid claim" or that they needed "proof" of your identity such as a driver's license and utility bill.  (This is why you are REQUIRED to include these things with your dispute letters.)
So, let me reiterate what you'll be doing, for maximum clarity, because I won't be able to respond back to you in time if you send me an email for clarification (only if you want to take advantage of this "holiday blitz" because you don't have a mid-FICO of AT LEAST 720 or above). You're going to download these letters that are in the Microsoft Word document format. There is one for each of the bureaus including their respective addresses at the top of each letter.  (Double check to make sure the address is the same as what I have above.  What I have above are the MOST RECENT dispute addresses.  Use those addresses.)
Next, get a copy of your credit report.  If you received one recently (within the past 45 days or so) you can use that one.  Otherwise, go to and download a new copy.  Yes, it'll cost you $40.  So what?  You can also try some free services like  You really don't need your FICO.  You just need your delinquent or "negative/adverse" accounts.
Next, fill out each letter.  Include your full name, current residential address, and your prior address if you've moved in the past 2 years.  Include your Social Security Number and your date of birth.
The letters I've given you only has a section for one single disputed account.  Copy the entire dispute section and keep pasting it underneath one right after the other for each account you will dispute.  Put in the name of the creditor, the partial account number as shown on the credit report, and the dollar amount listed.
Here's a hot tip: Collection agency accounts (including those from a law office) will come off easier during this time than those from banks or very large lenders.
Print off your letters, SIGN the letter with a wet signature (use blue ink, if possible) then include a copy of your driver's license AND a utility bill of a major utility like the electric company or water company.  Make sure the service address on the bill MATCHES the address where you currently reside.  This will give them no excuse to kick out your dispute to buy themselves time.
Go to the post office and send via USPS Priority with a signature confirmation.  You'll have tracking information for each one.  And each bureau will receive this package no later than the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  This is when the 30-day clock will start.
Then, REPEAT THE PROCESS AGAIN on December 27th.  You'll want your next set of 3 letters going out ON December 27th (even if you didn't receive a response back yet from the credit bureaus).  You want those next set of disputes hitting their desks RIGHT BEFORE THE NEW YEAR.  This second round won't be as effective but...if, say, 30% of your disputed items were positively updated or completely removed for you during the Thanksgiving Credit Blitz, then a second round can get, say, another 15% positively updated or completely removed, giving you some MAJOR positive progress when it comes to cleaning up your credit and boosting your overall FICO score.
By following these instructions, you will make the greatest impact on boosting your personal FICO during this time over any other time of the year because of these holidays that create "stumbling blocks" for the bureaus and creditors to respond in time.
Finally, I should add one more valuable tidbit of information if you want to dispute "inquiries":  Experian is the only bureau that will allow you to dispute your "hard" inquiries.  So, on your Experian letter, you can mention that you are also disputing the following inquiries then list the name of the company that put the inquiry on your credit and the date of the inquiry.  Doing this alone can boost your score 10 to 20 points alone with Experian.  (The other bureaus won't remove hard inquiries but sometimes I ask them too anyway because you never know when they may change their policies.)
Again, you can CLICK HERE to get my credit templates and I'm not charging you a dime for them.  That's how giving of a person I am.  'Tis the season.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S.  I'm hiring and I'm looking for students who are interested in a new career that can make you $200,000 or more per year.  If that's you, CLICK HERE and watch a quick video that talks all about this opportunity I have for you.  It's RARE and this is a ONE-TIME-ONLY deal.  CLICK HERE NOW to find out what I'm talking about.  This is your last chance!
Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 13 2022

I have TWO (2) VERY UNIQUE mind-blowing secrets for you and...well, they're vastly different from one another. 

But since time is of the essence, I have to show you both of these now. 

And I'll explain why this is.

Mind-Blowing Secret #1:  I have something called the "holiday credit blitz" challenge that you MUST take advantage of IF you don't have a mid-FICO above 720.  I created this video for your last week that explains the full instructions on EXACTLY what you can do to dramatically increase your credit FICO scores by 100 to 200 points during this holiday season if you follow my secret blueprint.  CLICK HERE to watch the video and to get all the complimentary trainings, downloads, and secrets on how to make this work for you since this happens only ONCE each year.


Mind-Blowing Secret #2:  If you want to make $200,000 or more in the next year doing a pretty easy "job" with our company, CLICK HERE and apply for it.  It's easy, highly profitable, but it's NOT for everyone.  (I'm only working with a dozen students on this one and that's a HARD cap.)  CLICK HERE to check it out now.

Listen, things in the economy are getting dicey...and fast!  If you don't line up good credit (under "Mind-Blowing Secret #1") AND a hot opportunity for you to make an easy and steady $200,000+ per year (under "Mind-Blowing Secret #2) then you're going to have a hell of a time treading water in 2023.

Hey, I'm just trying to help you out.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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