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Success For Life
Wednesday, January 19 2022

I had this thought the other day which you may not think is that big of a deal.

But for me, kind of just nailed a point with one pretty clear image, giving me an understanding of something that, perhaps, has been evading me for decades.

Maybe this is something that's been evading you too.

So, here's the "epiphany" I had...

If you're ever going to make a lot of money, you have to "tap into" the source of money.

In my seminar events, I sometimes talk about how there is money everywhere.  In our virtual society, money flows through you in the form of wire transfers, Venmo payments, people buying stuff online, etc.

Then one day I thought to myself, "How do you hang onto that money that's flowing through you?"

I suddenly had this weird image of a giant orange water balloon the size of a small town.  It was so full, it seemed to be on the verge of bursting.

And in my weird twisted vision, I suddenly had this faucet that I jabbed into the side of the balloon and I turned on the "tap."  That's when the water came out, depending on how far I turned the knob.

This is when I realized that making money is the same way.  There are economic rules that are set forth in the world we were born in.  And it's fairly easy to play and win at the game of economics if you know what you're doing.

If you (1) have a tap, (2) jab that tap into the side of a brimming opportunity, and (3) turn the tap on full blast once you secure that sucker.

And that's it.

Once you understand that, the sky's the limit in how much money you can earn.

So, you're probably wondering (other than "Is Monica on drugs??"), what kind of "tap" you can get your hands on and what "opportunity" you can jab that tap into.


I'm so glad you asked.

CLICK HERE and I'll explain the whole thing to you in a simple short video.

The only difference between rich people and poor people is that the wealthy have a vehicle or a vessel from which to derive cash.  Poor people don't.  That's really all there is to it.

CLICK HERE to discover an opportunity that can change everything for you.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 17 2022

Since I got the Omicron virus last week, a lot of you have been asking me what it's all about.

So, let me give you my run-down:

Day 1:  Sore throat and tired.  Start of that "balloon head" feeling.
Day 2:  Back pain, tired, runny nose, dry cough.
Day 3:  WORST DAY OF ALL...I couldn't get out of bed.  Back pain, runny nose, congested, dry cough.
Day 4:  Felt REALLY, "Was I really that sick?" good.
Day 5:  Back to what I felt on Day 2 minus the runny nose.
Day 6:  (Today) Still feeling run-down and a touch congested.  Runny nose is long gone and the cough is intermittent.  Back pain is slight.
Day 7:  That'll be tomorrow so, I'll let you know.  I'm predicting it'll be a replay of today.  Just tired, feeling slightly "confused" and have no focus at all.

I feel like I'm on the mend but I have to take it slow.  I feel the worst is behind me and I actually feel lucky to have gone through this because now I have a kick-ass immunity to it.

Thinking back, I don't think I would have taken my booster shot 1 day after I got back from my PBS show shoot in Atlanta last month.  My immune system was down from the stress of the show and the back-to-back plane flights.  So, if I could go back in time, I would have waited to get the booster after I got back from this last trip (out of the country) after waiting 2 weeks or so.

Oh well...hindsight is always 20/20 as they say, right?

Anyway, I wanted to fill you in on all the details so you know what the timeline is on this illness since the likelihood you'll get it (vaccinated or not) is around 95%.

But, it's not all that bad.  I've been sicker before.  (Remember when I told you I got the "pre" Covid-19 back in June 2016?  Now that was an ass kicking illness there.)  It was a decent cold/flu so, in case you're wondering what it's like, there you go.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because no matter where I went online, nobody seemed to have a "timeline" of all the symptoms of this Omicron thing.  They just had a list of symptoms and that's it.  So, just know that it starts with the sore throat and that kicks off Day 1.  Okay?  That's when you know you'll have to get all of your work/chores done (and order groceries) because you'll be down for the count within about 24-36 hours from that point.

At any rate, some of you are wondering about the training I had to put off.  It was supposed to be this past Thursday (on the 13th of January) but I postponed it by only 1 week.  This means that it's now on Thursday, January 20th at 5:30pm Pacific Time.  If you haven't registered yet, CLICK HERE to register.  If you've already registered from before, you're still in the system and you won't have to register again.

Finally, I have a 6-Day Money Funnel Building Mentorship Group which now starts on Monday, January 24th.  CLICK HERE if you haven't enrolled yet.  I will only be doing ONE of these live events and that's it.  So, it's now or never.  This is the fastest way I can get you set up in a cash flowing Money Funnel Business.  And I can help you do it in only 6 days...something I've never done before.  So, CLICK HERE if you want to hit the ground running in 2022 by kicking off this year with a successful Money Funnel Business!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 13 2022

Despite having been vaccinated and getting the booster shot on December 20th, I still seemed to manage to contract Omicron.

Even worse, when I got the regular run-of-the-mill Covid-19 a year ago this month (even being unvaccinated at that time), I had only mild symptoms.

Getting Covid AGAIN in August (post-vaccination)...barely any symptoms at all.

And now here we are with this Omicron bullsh**...which is no joke.  Because I'm sicker than a dog right now.

So, in case you're wondering what this highly-transmissible strain is all about and what it "looks" like to get it, here's the run-down:

Day 1 (Tuesday):  Major sore throat...felt like I swallowed a dozen porcupines.  Mild headache.  Feeling run down but had enough energy to get some basic stuff done.

Day 2 (Yesterday):  Sore throat completely gone.  This was replaced with a feeling of "balloon head" coupled with a mild "vice grip" headache that worsened through the day and then I got the back pain like I was hit by a bus...I was still able to get some work done but I could feel my "productive" timer ticking down.  By the evening, I felt major shivers and I couldn't get enough heat.  After standing in a super hot shower for 30 minutes, I got dressed and tried to make dinner.  I ordered sandwiches only instead and almost fell asleep waiting for the delivery guy.  After eating only half my food, I couldn't get up out of bed and I crashed at 8pm.

Day 3: (Today):  Sitting here with barely enough energy to type this email to you.  Wishing this was over.  And now cursing the motherf***** who passed this disease to me.

Really, though, I'm to blame.  Because foolish me...having had very few "leisure" trips in the past couple of years, I decided to take my daughter to the Caribbean.  And it was probably there that I contracted this virus...somewhere toward the end.  Maybe in Nassau.  Who knows?

Or maybe from the little kid on the plane coming back who was sicker than a dog, kept going to the bathroom, and was being fed cold and flu medication by her mom through the entire flight.  (It was probably that little sh**.)

Regardless, I have it.  Nothing I can do about it.  And it sucks.

Now, does it feel like I'm on "death's door" or anything like that?  Not really.  It's just a mid-level cold/flu.  But as productive as I like to be at all times (and trying to catch up on a bunch of work that piled up while I was gone), I'm finding myself sitting here thinking... "Who cares?!  I gotta heal or I'll be no good to anybody."

With that said, I am postponing the training I was supposed to do this evening.  It'll be on and crackin' a week from today. (I've already updated this change in the system.)  If you didn't register yet, CLICK HERE.  I decided to change the topic of the training because we're going into the "big time" now.  No more pansy footsie anymore.  I'm going to show you how to make some big cash influxes this first quarter of 2022.

Also, I'll be postponing the 6-Day Money Funnel Building Mentorship that was supposed to start on Monday, January 17th.  It will now start on Monday, January 24th.  This way I'm not giving you half-assed trainings (because I'm sick) and I'm able to give you 110% of what I have.  So, enjoy your MLK day and I'll see you on January 24th.  If you didn't enroll yet, there's still time (obviously).  CLICK HERE to check it out and enroll right now.

In the meantime, I'm going to finish binge-watching Cobra Kai.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Good news!  The office is now re-opened!  Any issues, questions, or concerns can be addressed when calling 661-295-5050 ext. 2 between regular business hours.  Also, we had a huge wave or orders come in over the New Year.  We're expecting to get everything out no later than Friday of this week!  So, if you're waiting on a package, it's ON THE WAY.  No need to clutter the phone lines for tracking information.  (It'll be automatically emailed to you once your package goes out.)  Thanks for your patience.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 01 2022


Posted by: AT 11:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, December 26 2021

Christmas is officially over, you survived, and we're now in the last week of the year.

Did you bother writing out your New Year's Resolutions yet?

I don't waste my time anymore with those.

Years ago I read a book called One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon.  In a nutshell, he talks about choosing one word every single year that will signify what you will work on, strive for, or focus on.

So, for example, for 2021 my word was "Surrender."

This word represented practicing the art of allowing things to come into my life, to stop fighting life and swimming upstream, and to just let go and surrender.  While I'm still working on surrendering, this has certainly been a transformative year for me because I've let go of so much, literally and figuratively.

As we get ready to enter 2022, I decided that my word of the year will be "Power."  This word signifies how I plan on exercising my power as a mother, entrepreneur, and with my students who will be joining me in my next chapter.  Now that I think about it, my word should be "Focus" and I guess I still have time to change it.

Hell...why does it have to be only one word?  Why can't it be two?  I guess it can be two, right?

Anyway, for those of you who want a "sneak peak" at the amazing stuff I have to come for you in 2022, CLICK HERE.  I'll only be working with a handful of students on this new leg of my journey and maybe you'll be one of them.

Maybe not.

Only you will know if this resonates with you...or not.  It's NOT for everyone, that's for sure.

Also, I'll be doing a deep-dive training on January 13th at 5:30pm Pacific Time.  CLICK HERE to register.  Even if you can't join me, register anyway so that you'll be able to see the replay 24 hours after the live training.  This will kick off a powerful year and I want you to be part of it.

In the very least, pick your one word for 2022.  Who knows?  It may completely transform your life in 2022.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 25 2021

Most of you know that I really am not a huge fan of Christmas.

Never have been.  Never will be.

And this year is no different.

In fact, if anything, this Christmas...I'm even less into Christmas than maybe the past 5 years combined.



A death in the family yesterday morning.

An uncle who had a stroke earlier this week.

An ex-brother-in-law who is paralyzed from the waist down due to getting Covid...only days before Thanksgiving.  And now he's trying to "learn" how to walk again.

So, as I celebrate today with my daughter and my dad, I am really excited about one thing.

Today is Christmas which means...tomorrow won't be Christmas anymore.  ;-)

So, that's something to look forward to, right?

Most of you have been wondering what the heck is going on with me, my company, my PBS thing, and everything in between.

I'll give you the short of it...

The PBS shoot was in Atlanta last weekend.  In fact, it was a week ago today.  It went well.  And now the filming is finally "in the can," as they say.  (Yaaahhhh!)

I have my office partially closed until after the first of the year.  So, while emails will be answered, phone calls won't be returned until the beginning of January.  For those of you who have left messages, hold your horses.  We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

I've been doing a major overhaul of Success For Life (formerly Global Success) in the past couple of months.  For many of you, my company will not be recognizable in the months to come.'s a good thing because I'm getting rid of all the things I don't want to do anymore (including real estate investing training, courses, and seminars) and only hyper-focusing on the things I want to do the most to serve you in the highest and best way possible.

My goal for 2022 is to get you into profits as fast as possible and there is only one way I know how to do that.

If you care to take a sneak peak, CLICK HERE to see what it is.  I'll be talking about it at great length during a special webinar training I have lined up for you on January 13th.  CLICK HERE to register for this powerful mind-blowing event.

The only thing we can control is by focusing on the things that interest us the most, the things we can change, and the things we care about.  The rest of it...eeehhhhhh!  Just throw it out to the dogs.

If you enjoy Christmas, enjoy today. 

If you don't (like me), then CLICK HERE to check out a short video I have for you and in how I plan on lining you up for something really transformative in 2022.  And then CLICK HERE to register for my January 13th webinar.

Enjoy your eggnog, baked ham, and yuletide log fireplace streaming.

And know that I'm probably still watching the Harry Potter Movie Marathon while waiting with baited breath for today to be over with.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 24 2021

I can't believe it...

It's that time of year again.

So, I'll just say it. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

If I didn't think last year felt "Christmas-less," this year was even worse.  As we creep up on Christmas morning (in just a few hours), it just doesn't "feel" like Christmas to me.  Does it feel "Christmas-ey" to you yet?

I'm not sure if it's because of Covid-fatigue or if I'm just fed up about how rude and crappy people seem to be this year...but I'm definitely not feeling the holidays this year.

Or maybe I'm just a little sad.

One of my uncles had a stroke a couple of days ago.  And if I didn't think that was bad enough, I lost another uncle at 2am this morning.  He just...bled out.  It was the weirdest thing.  No, he didn't die of Covid.  He probably died because...well, he was likely just sick of everything.

But, on the bright side (if there is one), here's the good news (at least for me)...

Christmas will be over by the end of the weekend.

Here's the bad news (again, just for me)...

We're about to roll right into another year that seems to be an exact replay of last celebrations, canceled plans including trips, parties, get-togethers...etc.  Probably more death, despair, and political clap-trap.

Here's some good and bad news...

I'm about to take a cruise with my daughter that leaves out of Port Canaveral, Florida at the very beginning of January.  And who knows if that'll be canceled at the last minute.

Aren't you tired of feeling like you have no control over what the hell is going on?

Okay...I'll stop.  It's supposed to be Christmas, after all.

Happy thoughts, gifts, time with family.  Yaaahhhh!  (I'm trying to make myself feel better.)

One thing that does make me feel better is what I do have control over...and it's pretty extraordinary.

I'll give you a "sneak peak" of what's to come in less than a month from now.

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about.

In the merry.  Or at least try to be.

Or not.

Merry Christmas!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  I'll be doing a special training on Thursday, January 13th at 5:30pm Pacific Time that I'd like you to join me for.

Here's what I'll be talking about in this powerful training:

In this power-packed 45-minute training, you'll discover how you can kick off 2022 with a successful online money funnel that you can build in less than a week.  For the first time ever, I'll be revealing the key secrets behind the most powerful and profitable online businesses.  Surprisingly, the most effective online money funnels (websites) are simple "squeeze" pages that aren't all that impressive.  Imagine "cloning" one of these tested-and-proven money funnel websites for your own highly profitable online money funnel that you can build and launch within a week...even if you don't have any of your own products to sell.  In fact, you can make huge profits selling other people's products as an affiliate and making 50% to 75% in commissions on what we call "high ticket" sales!  This brief but powerful training will show you exactly what is working online now to generate huge profits...and what isn't working.  And how you can hop on the online profit bandwagon for 2022!

I'm limited to only having 500 people so slots will fill up fast.  CLICK HERE to register.  Even if you don't think you'll make it, by registering anyway, you'll be able to get the replay thereafter.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 25 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is the perfect day of an incredible gift.

It's the gift of having access to unlimited unsecured credit.

If you don't have my book yet called Credit Millionaire, you can CLICK HERE to get it now.

The book and audio seminar bonus are both free.  Just pay shipping and handling for the package and that's it.


Why is credit so important?

There will be A LOT of shifts and changes in the economy in the months to come. 

And if you don't have your credit squared away, it will be very difficult to survive during these changes.


If you have your personal credit squared away and you begin leveraging the power of business credit, you'll be golden.

Not only will be you able to survive these upcoming economic changes, you'll be able to THRIVE and built wealth in ways you've never imagined before.

CLICK HERE to get my book and all the bonuses now!

This book will not be reprinted ever again.  And I only have a handful of them left!

CLICK HERE to get it now!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you are in the Atlanta, Georgia area, I have the greenlight to (finally) do my PBS show for my book The Lost Secret.  If you're interested in attending this shoot on Saturday, December 18th, call my office at 661-295-5050 ext. 2 (on Monday after 9am PST) and we will give you the details about this upcoming event.  It's free.  You just have to show up on time and with a smile on your face!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 24 2021

The other day I told you how to do what I call the "Holiday Blitz" with your credit reports to boost your personal FICO score.

So, if you don't have a mid-FICO or at least 720 (preferably higher), hopefully you followed the directions I gave you on Monday.  (Click here to read the instructions again.)

This time I have a new gift for you.  It's a video series I did a while back to show you how to build business credit from scratch which will allow you to access unlimited unsecured cash for building wealth.

CLICK HERE to watch this video series right now.

Listen, credit is becoming more important than ever.  And when the economy begins to shift (as it is now), if you don't have your shit together when it comes to credit, you'll find it very difficult to navigate the treacherous waters ahead.


Now is a really good time to line things up for the upcoming New Year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  If you didn't get my complimentary book and audio seminar called Credit Millionaire, CLICK HERE NOW.  I won't be reprinting these as we go into 2022 so this will likely be your last chance to get it (plus all the bonuses). 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 22 2021

It's that time of year -- that once a year opportunity -- to get more adverse things off your personal credit reports than any other time of the year.  (I'll explain in a second why this happens each year at this time.)

Now, you're probably thinking... "But Monica, I'd rather just enjoy this week, take a little time off, eat some know, do all that holiday stuff we all do each and every year at this time?"

Yeah, well...that's all fine and dandy but...if you don't have a mid-FICO score of at least 720 (and I'd like to see it more like at 750) then you must do what I ask of you today (to get your dispute letters in the mail by tomorrow morning).

And if you're not sure why you need a good credit FICO score, things are going to start getting a little "dicey" with our upcoming economic conditions between now and the first quarter of 2022.  So, if you don't have good credit...good f****** luck trying to financially navigate yourself and your family through the rough months ahead.

So, yes, if you want to take advantage of this once-per-year opportunity, you have a little homework tonight if you want to start boosting your FICO score up ASAP.

This is what I call the "holiday blitz" and today (no later than tomorrow), you'll want to follow my instructions below if you want to increase your FICO score by at least 100 points by Christmas.

So, are you ready for this?

Here's what you do:

Step 1:  Go to and shell out the $39.95 to get all 3 of your credit reports (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) all in one fell swoop.  (Do not dispute anything through the online system.  This is how most people screw it up.  You're just using this as a tool to get your credit reports and FICO scores and that's it.  Yes, you can use other systems like Credit Karma to access your credit reports.  Bottom line: you need all 3.  No exceptions.)

Step 2:  Go to my website by clicking here to get my letter templates and use the file called "Credit Bureau Letters."  You'll send a letter to each of the credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) disputing everything that is considered "adverse" or "negative" on your credit reports.  You'll also correct any information such as your address, phone numbers, name(s), etc.  Anything that isn't correct needs to be mentioned in your letters.

Here are the current 2021 addresses to each of the credit bureaus where you will be sending your letters to:


Attn:  Dispute Department

PO Box 4500

Allen, TX  75013-1311


PO Box 740256

Atlanta, GA  30374-0256

TransUnion Consumer Solutions

PO Box 2000

Chester, PA  19016-2000

How will you dispute anything negative, especially if it's really your account in the first place?  Simply say this:  "The information you have about this account is incorrect and needs to be investigated immediately."  Even if it is your account, chances are they have the wrong dollar amount, have tacked on illegal or excessive late fees and/or penalties, and therefore the amount they have listed is incorrect and needs to be investigated.  Do not admit that the debt is yours; do not tell them that the debt is not yours.  Simply state that it's incorrect and needs to be investigated.  That's all you say; nothing more, nothing less.

Print out a letter for each of the credit bureaus with today's date at the top.

Step 3:  Make a copy of your valid (current) driver's license or state ID card (or passport) and a copy of one or two utility bills that show your current address, especially if you have moved in the past 2 years.  This way they won't send you the boilerplate "we need to verify your identity" letter which they tend to do around this time of year to buy time.  Don't let them do  this to you otherwise it'll screw up your 30-day clock.

Step 4:  Mail out each of your letters (including a copy of your ID and utility bills, if available) via trackable mail (ideally USPS Priority) and make sure you get these out tomorrow morning!  Even better, require a signature upon the receipt of the letters.  This tells them that you're not messing around and that you're keeping close tabs on what happens in this entire process.

The holidays always present a ton of delay within the bureaus.  They are understaffed around this time of year.  And by law, they have 30 days to complete your investigation based on what you're telling them to investigate in your letter.  So, when you get the letter to them (ideally by Wednesday or Friday of this week), the clock will start ticking at that time.

So, start working on your letters right now.  Get them out first thing tomorrow morning...tonight (if you live in the Pacific Time Zone) if possible!

By the way, if you're interested in getting my Credit Millionaire book and bonus audio seminar, CLICK HERE.  I still have a few left on hand.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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